7 minute read
matters partnership
On the day I got married, my father said nine words that changed my life. Dad was a simple man from Elmore in Victoria. He didn’t say much, but would often expose absolute gems of wisdom. “Your success will reflect the relationship with your partner.” I’ve contemplated that concept for many years now and while there’s clearly room for objectiveness around the definition of ‘success’, I’ve found truth in his words. I’ve also found myself investigating to great lengths the nature of ‘relationship’. And now I ask: is there a better way to do relationships in business? Is there an opportunity to be innovative in your relationships? Absolutely! I believe there is and I believe the answer was found approximately 2500 years ago. Around 550BC, Pythagoras showed through sacred geometry that when a second circle is mirrored, three shapes are created (see below).
Then Aristotle around 350BC expressed, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. Looking at the image, you see that 1 + 1 can indeed create 3. The third is the yellow shape in the middle. This shape is known as the ‘Vesica Piscis’ and throughout the world it can be found in the symbolism of all religions, as it carries with it the representation of manifestation. The third has a power and an energy that many people in sport, business and life have experienced. Intangible, yet impossible to ignore. When two or more people, groups or companies come together and pool their talents and abilities toward a common purpose, this power is created and therefore can be harnessed. So here’s the room for innovation. Here’s how you can do your partnerships better. Purposefully give your relationships equal attention to marketing, administration, sales, business and financial planning. Start by constantly asking these questions in relation to your communication with your partners: 1. How does what I just said (or didn’t say) affect the third? 2. How does what I just did (or didn’t do) affect the third? 3. What can we do to keep improving and building the third? If you are in a partnership of any description, be responsible for both your game and improving the third. The concept of 1+1= 3 has been around for a long time. However, there’s more than enough evidence out there to suggest that harnessing this concept in our business partnerships has not made it into the forefront of our minds. Most partnerships don’t last and many due to the fact that the third was not nurtured and strengthened as the business grew. It’s in the relationships where the magic happens and the ‘baby’ is manifested. It’s in the relationships where the success of the partnership will be established and maintained. So if you need to find a better, innovative way of doing things in your partnerships, begin by looking at the third.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR In sport, Chico is an Olympic Beach Volleyball coach (Natalie Cook & Tamsin Hinchley). In business he consults, coaches and trains new and established business partnerships. Why? “Because in partnership – we can create.”
Communication Understanding Strategies
Partners Insync offers consulting, coaching and training for startup
and established business partner relationships.
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AUG 25
Rick Stein - Wine and Cheese Evening, Nambour Civic Centre, Nambour, Ph: 5475 7777
26 Business Matters Magazine New Issue Launch, Mooloolaba Yacht Club, Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba Bookings at www. businessmattersmagazine.com.au
Think Money, Property Wealth Workshop, 2/19 George St, Maroochydore, For info www.thinkmoney.com.au
Content Marketing Tips, Maroochydore Library, Maroochydore, Ph: 1300 542 727
Think Money, Property Wealth Workshop, 2/19 George St, Maroochydore, For Info www.thinkmoney.com.au
9Mortgage Choice, Debt Reduction & Building Wealth Through Property, RSVP please Ph: Kaia 5646 3023 or email kaia. hunter@mortgagechoice.com.au
SCBWN Breakfast, The Mooloolaba Surf Club, Bookings @ www.scbwn.org.au/events
Wills, Enduring Power of Attorney and Advanced Health Directive, Kawana Library, Buddina, Ph: 1300 542 727
Think Money, TIR Property Showcase, 2/19 George St, Maroochydore, For Info www.thinkmoney.com.au
Up and Running, Coolum Beach Library, Coolum, Ph: 1300 542 727
Think Money, TIR Property Showcase, 2/19 Geogre St, Maroochydore, For Info www.thinkmoney.com.au
Australian Mixed Medial Roadshow, Twin Waters Resort, Twin Waters, Ph: 0408 670 207
Digging Up the Past, Nambour Library, Nambour, Ph: 1300 542 727
Peregian Beach Food and Fashion Fiesta, Peregian Beach Village, Peregian Beach
Enduring Power of Attorney and Advanced Health Directives, Cooroy Library, Cooroy, Ph: 5329 6555
Depression and Anxiety, Beerwah Library, Beerwah, Ph: 1300 542 727
Content Marketing Tips, Kawana Library, Kawana, Ph: 1300 542 727
Australian Mixed Medial Roadshow, Twin Waters Resort, Twin Waters, Ph: 0408 670 207
Optus Gympie Music Muster 2014, Amamoor State Forest, Gympie, Ph: 5482 2099
29 Australian Mixed Medial Roadshow, Twin Waters Resort, Twin Waters, Ph: 0408 670 207
Queen It’s A Kinda Magic, The Events Centre, Caloundra, Ph: 5491 4240
Up and Running, Caloundra Library, Caloundra, Ph: 1300 542 727
Children’s Therapy Centre 24 hour Jetts Challenge, Jetts Maroochydore & Jetts Gympie, Sunshine Coast Wide, Ph: 5441 7199
SCBWN, Awards Gala, The Events Centre, Caloundra, Bookings @ www.scbwn.org.au/events
Think Money, Specialist Workshop, 2/19 Geogre St, Maroochydore, For Info www.thinkmoney.com.au
Market Chef 2014, Eumundi Markets, Eumundi, Ph: 5442 7106
Up and Running, Nambour Library, Nambour, Ph: 1300 542 727
2014 X-Blades National Youth Touch Football Championships, Sunshine Coast Stadium, Bokarina, Ph: 5437 7666
17 Think Money, Budget Bootcamp (Clients Only), 2/19 Geogre St, Maroochydore, For Info www.thinkmoney.com.au
Sunny Coast Kids Family Expo, Lake Kawana Community Centre, Bokarina, Ph: 5413 1400
Market Chef 2014, Eumundi Markets, Eumundi, Ph: 5442 7106
Sydney Comedy Festival Showcase, The J Noosa, Noosa Junction, Ph: 5329 6560
Mooloolaba Wharf Twilight Community Markets, Every Friday, 4pm - 8.30pm
Noosa Jazz Festival 2014, Noosa Lions Park, Noosa Heads, Ph: 5449 0711
18 Content Marketing Tips, Caloundra Library, Caloundra, Ph: 1300 542 727
2014 X-Blades National Youth Touch Football Championships, Sunshine Coast Stadium, Bokarina, Ph: 5437 7666
The Creative Collective, Wonders of Wordpress, Info @ www@ thecreativecollecive.com.au
Sydney Comedy Festival, Nambour Civic Centre, Nambour, Ph: 5475 7777
Mooloolaba Wharf Twilight Community Markets, Every Friday, 4pm - 8.30pm
2014 Noosa Country Show, Pomona Showgrounds, Pomona, Ph: 5485 2331
Up and Running, Maroochydore Library, Cotton Tree, Ph: 1300 542 727
Mooloolaba Wharf Twilight Community Markets, Every Friday, 4pm - 8.30pm
Mitchell Creek Rock n Blues Festival, Noosa Hinterland, Kandanga, Ph: 0434 998 567
Mooloolaba Wharf Twilight Community Markets, Every Friday, 4pm - 8.30pm
Vintage Diamond, The Events Centre, Caloundra, Ph: 5491 4240
Australian Mixed Medial Roadshow, Twin Waters Resort, Twin Waters, Ph: 0408 670 207
Grandparents and Family Law, Maroochydore Library, Cotton Tree, Ph: 1300 542 727
Children’s Therapy Centre 24 hour Jetts Challenge, Jetts Maroochydore & Jetts Gympie, Sunshine Coast Wide, Ph: 5441 7199
Taylor Henderson, Lake Kawana Community Centre, Bokarina, Ph: 5413 1400
RACQ Australia Zoom, Australia Zoo, Beerwah, Ph: 13 19 05
Noosa Jazz Festival 2014, Noosa Lions Park, Noosa Heads, Ph: 5449 0711
Think Money, Wealth Retreat (Midas Touch Clients Only), 2/19 Geogre St, Maroochydore, For Info www.thinkmoney.com.au
Real Food Festival, Maleny Showgrounds, Maleny
Originals Music Festival, AFL Ground, Noosaville, Purchase tickets at originalsmusicfestival.com
Queensland State Archives Seminar, Genealogy Sunshine Coast Inc, Nambour, Ph: 07 3131 7777
Sweet Poison, Beerwah Library, Beerwah, Ph: 1300 542 727
Sweet Poison, Kawana Library, Buddina, Ph: 1300 542 727
Australian Mixed Medial Roadshow, Twin Waters Resort, Twin Waters, Ph: 0408 670 207 SC Fire vs SWQ Thunder, Stockland Park, Bokarina, Ph: 5437 7666 Optus Gympie Music Muster 2014, Amamoor State Forest, Gympie, Ph: 5482 2099
RACQ Australia Zoom, Australia Zoo, Beerwah, Ph: 13 19 05
Noosa Jazz Festival 2014, Noosa Lions Park, Noosa Heads, Ph: 5449 0711
Caloundra Street Fair, Bulcock Street, Caloundra
Real Food Festival, Maleny Showgrounds, Maleny
Caloundra Street Fair, Bulcock St, Caloundra
Trans Tasman Gubbi Gubbi Championships 2014, Sunshine Coast Stadium, Bokarina, Ph: 5437 7666
Think Money, Goal Mapping For Wealth FULL DAY Workshop, 2/19 Geogre St, Maroochydore, For Info www.thinkmoney.com.au
Jerry’s Girls, Noosa Arts Theatre, Noosaville, Ph: 5449 9343
Mitchell Creek Rock n Blues Festival, Noosa Hinterland, Kandanga, Ph: 0434 998 567
Trans Tasman Gubbi Gubbi Championships 2014, Sunshine Coast Stadium, Bokarina, Ph: 5437 7666