2 minute read
Training Matters
TERRI CARR Ballinger Training & Consultancy
I can RPL that qualification… I’ve been doing the job for years!!
RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning and it is an assessment-only pathway to a nationally recognised qualification.
There are two main pathways that you can take towards gaining your qualification.
1. Training and Assessment Pathway • Gain new kno wledge, or build on your existing knowledge by participating in both the learning, and the assessment phase of the training process OR
Att end classes, and complete assessment tasks set by your trainer OR
Wor k at your own pace, by studying online, and completing set assessment tasks OR
Wor k individually as a trainee or apprentice, learning on the job and in set classes, and completing assessments both at work and at college.
RPL is an option definitely worth looking into.
2. RPL Pathway • Candidates already possess the skills and knowledge required by the unit or qualification, and want these to be formally recognised.
The learning part of the training has already occurred o ver time, the assessment part involves collecting evidence to prove this.
Each piece of evidence needs t o be assessed by a qualified trainer and assessor as being valid, current, sufficient and authentic.
RPL is not a practical pathway for everyone as it requires that you can produce the evidence that specifically matches the units of competency you choose.
You may not be able to RPL an entire qualification. However, you may be able to provide evidence for five units out of nine, for example. The remaining units could be achieved via the Training and Assessment pathway.
Vocational Training is definitely not a ‘one size fits all’ process. It is in your best interest to understand the many options available to you and your staff... so that you can find the best fit for you! RPL is an option definitely worth looking into.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Terri Carr started her business, Ballinger Training and Consultancy, in July 2005. This year, she will celebrate 10 years of owning and running the Registered Training Organisation. Terri spent 15 years previous to starting her business as a Primary School Teacher, in Victoria and Qld. Ballinger Training specialises in business, management, and training and assessment courses, all developed in house, and delivered as both face to face, and as online, self-paced programs.