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Millennium Education with Jean Sheehan




Last year I offered my bike for f.r.e.e. on my FB page. It was time for me to let it go and pass it forward. PIF as I call it. I have always loved to give and celebrate people as that heals the body, according to Medical Intuition.

The young gentleman who took the bike had a heart attack three months prior and had just been diagnosed with a lime-size brain tumour. Now this is where people will ask me, why do I give so much? What has it got to do with Medical Intuition? And how can it heal the body? How is it a milestone? So glad you asked. The word medical means to make ‘whole and complete’. The word intuition means ‘spontaneous insight’. Together it means that our bodies will heal when we feel whole and complete and ‘see the bigger picture’, which is absolute love. Now what if by me gifting a bike, there was major healing happening... • My body feels good, so it releases hormones and chemicals for me. • The gentleman feels good, so releases hormones and chemicals to heal his body. • Being open to receive empowers the heart, prostate, uterus and hands. • Being able give to empowers the hands, heart and second chakra. • Gifting empowers each person’s own purpose. • Letting go empowers the bladder and bowel. • Making a decision empowers the gall bladder and ankle. • Detaching from the outcome empowers the brain and eye chakras (areas of expectation). • Caring for others empowers the heart chakra. • Serving others empowers the crown chakra. One simple act of giving and receiving makes us healthy in mind and body. That is why I love what I do. This week, I ask you where can you PIF? ca www.millenniumeducation.com


Jean is an entrepreneur and keynote speaker of Medical Intuition and a best selling author known as the Queen of Hearts and of Manifesting. Using Quantum reality and Law of Attraction, Jean travels globally teaching her accredited Millenium Modality® .

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