3 minute read
Ron Hill Automatics
Nowhere in my Audi A3 1.8L Sportsback logbook or manual is there any indication that my automatic transmission should be regularly serviced. So how could one possibly be enticed to add an additional $400-600 biannual expenditure to their routine automotive maintenance budget? And who performs that service anyway, if not your trusted local mechanic? It was a chance meeting at a ladies luncheon that provided me with an opportunity to get the answers to just those questions. With a delightful and engaging demeanor, Sandra Olah, one of the partners in the family owned and operated Ron Hill Automatics, invited me to be a “secret shopper” at her multi-award winning 45-year establishment located in the heart of Maroochydore. Her goal? To educate car owners about transmission servicing and obtain an honest, unbiased evaluation of the proficiency and customer service provided by her team, unbeknownst to them. How could I resist? I mean, who wouldn’t want a complimentary service (they didn’t know they needed) on their vehicle? I accepted. When I called to schedule my transmission service, a voice greeted me with a congenial, upbeat, “Good afternoon. Ron Hill Automatics. Jo speaking. How may I help you?” Within minutes, she obtained the necessary information of contact details, vehicle make and model, and rego, and I was efficiently and painlessly booked in for the following Tuesday. Subsequently, Jo provided the address and concluded the conversation with a cheerful, “Have a good day!” The day prior to my booking, I received a friendly, personalised SMS reminder with a “thank you :)” and a contact number to call should I need to reschedule. With no difficulty finding the bright orange, white and green highly visible logo, I pulled into the driveway of Ron Hill Automatics at 44 Kayleigh Drive. Upon entering the reception area, Rachel, the Customer Service Manager (who I later came to realise was the daughter of the owners), welcomed me in, casually and neighbourly, as if I was just another member of the family. As she pulled up my details, I asked, “So, what exactly does my transmission service entail?” Without hesitation, she proceeded to explain, in terms I could understand, what was included and why it was necessary. It went something like this: “Well, the transmission fluid in your vehicle is what provides the hydraulic power and lubrication for the intricate parts of the transmission to operate efficiently. Like you, people will often complain about hesitancy when gears are shifting, odd noises or vibrations while driving. That’s because, over time, this fluid gets dirty and contaminated, and breaks down through heat and therefore needs to be replaced.” “How often would I need to have this done?”
“Generally, we recommend every 40,000 kms if there are no other issues with the vehicle.” With that, she informed me my car should be ready in a couple of hours and she would send me an SMS when the service was completed. I said I’d just be roaming around on foot, and she recommended a nearby café for a cuppa. Two hours later, almost on the dot, my car was ready, parked in front, with a special little treat bag of goodies hanging from the rear view mirror. All was well, and a standard follow-up was recommended. We chatted about my upcoming wedding as she processed my payment, prepared the tax invoice, and with a laugh, a smile and a wave, sent me on my merry way. By the time I finished my morning errands and arrived home, there was another personalised SMS from “Rach” thanking me for coming to Ron Hill Autos and asking for a Google Review and a “LIKE” on Facebook if I was happy with their workmanship and service. And a “big, huge CONGRATULATIONS :)” for my upcoming wedding!