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Thrive Financial
Are you treading water? Gasping for air? Or sometimes do you feel like you are actually drowning?
Some of you reading this will be absolutely thriving, some will be just surviving, getting through by the skin of your teeth. Others may be drowning in debt and despair and unsure of your next move.
We are all different. We all have different goals and different backgrounds, and we are all in a different place with our finances and in our business right now. Sometimes it’s due to circumstances completely beyond our control.
Regardless of your circumstances, Rachael Yurko can help you feel like the boss of your finances and by extension, your life.
The reality is that we all get overwhelmed, and sometimes it’s as simple as having someone show you the first steps for the way forward that makes all the difference.
Rachael knows her purpose. She is a cheerleader through and through. She truly believes that she was put on earth to uplift, inspire and motivate. She’s also really good at breaking down the big picture into manageable chunks. She is one of those people that has a knack for connecting people and the truth is that sometimes all you need is to have the right team on your side and cheering you along.
Eleven and a half years ago, Rachael joined her father’s business. In the beginning, she anticipated that she would find a desk job totally boring. Turns out though, Insurance and Financial Advice makes Rachael feel like a detective. She loves digging deep to collate all the information, working out how it all fits. She takes all the bits that might not quite make sense to most of us and she helps to piece them together so that we end up with a roadmap that gets us to where we want to go. So, for Rachel it has definitely ended up anything but boring.
Rachael feels like she was born and bred on the Sunshine Coast, though technically that isn’t quite the case. Her family moved here when she was just nine years old and she stayed until she was 19, moving away but returning at the age of 31, just before her first baby was born.
She is such a family gal, albeit her family are nothing like she imagined they would be. They are wild, crazy, determined, each their own person from the get-go. They are the reason she gets up in the morning (there’s often one of them poking her in the eyeball with a finger to the point that it’s just no longer comfortable staying in bed).
Rachael says her children are a constant reminder that life does not always go to plan, so it’s best to be prepared for the unexpected.
She feels blessed to have both her parents and most of her siblings close by and to genuinely enjoy their company, as often as she can. Working alongside her dad means she sees him at least five days a week, and that’s all good because Rachael sees her dad, in fact both her parents, as her mentors and friends.
Rachael is proud that she has found her purpose. She has great energy and drive, although she admits that she may not always know exactly where she’s going.
But she never stops trying to be better and do more.She is always aiming to improve.
Personally, Rachael is a selfconfessed adrenaline junky, having parasailed, bungee jumped, skydived, been white waterrafting, Zorbed, been in a sky sling – and really enjoy trips to
Dreamworld, with or without the children. Anything that gets the heart racing is her jam. Anything other than catching a mouse.
Her favourite thing is working with energetic people who love being alive.
The ones who are up early and who laugh a lot. She often works with people who take life by the horns and run with it. Ones who say, “Yes, I’ll be there, with bells on.” They’re her people.
They know a little about money, enough to know they could probably be doing better and they are ready to go there. They are mums and dads (together and separately) that are in the wealth accumulation phase.
They often say, “I should know more,” or, “I should have paid more attention to my finances/investments/ super.”
When it comes to finances, most people
don’t feel like they’re nailing it. That is why Rachael loves helping her clients find clarity to achieve their financial goals in a way that makes sense to them and fits with their current lifestyle.
She has found that most people think that other people are doing better than them, but the reality is that everyone is on their own path, running their own race. Everyone is capable. Today could easily be the day that you become the boss of your money.
Rachael was 34 before she really understood that she was in the driver’s seat; that she could design and create the life she wants for herself and she truly believes that you can too. That you are capable, that you’ve got this. Yes, you!
If you would like a free THRIVE Guide, which includes Five steps to Financial Freedom, to really get you started on your wealth creation journey, no matter where you are now, flick Rachael an email to grab a copy rachael@thrivefinancial.com.au a