Carolyn Elam, Brunswick High School Production Company
Mickey Wendel, Music Teacher, Paul Oppy, Mercer Theatre Director
Marian Zielinski, Mercer Theatre Technical Director
Jim Crisp, Theatre Macon Director Cindy and Wayne Brunelle
Debra Deloach Helen King Cary Howie Leah Yetter
Kitty Sweeney Meredith Field Allyson Blair Noel Page
Donna Blitzen Leslie Edwin Dottie Blount Cindy Grahn Scharyj
Jessica Pruitt Kendra Triesenberg aus10 Wells
Stephen Kempf Rachel Eunice Brandy Howard & Julie Goldman
Carson Meredith & the Renewable Bioproducts Institute team
Karen “Biblio Blitzkrieg“ Glover, Peach State Roller Derby
Emily “THE Primm Reaper “ Primmer, Yellow Jacket Roller Derby
Kat “C.B. DeShill “ Aultman, Atlanta Roller Derby Sasha Felton
Christopher Binder Shawn Bell Hannah Ashton Angie Nielsen
Melissa Foulger, DramaTech Artistic Director The Cast and Crew of CMT
This production of Circle Mirror Transformation is dedicated to honor the memory of Carolyn Elam
CIRCLE MIRROR TRANSFORMATION is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection. (www.dramatists.com)
Playwrights Horizons, Inc., New York City, produced the World Premiere of CIRCLE MIRROR TRANSFORMATION Off-Broadway in 2009. CIRCLE MIRROR TRANSFORMATION was developed, in part, with the assistance of the Sundance Institute Theatre Program, with additional support from the Sundance Institute’s Time Warner Storytelling Fellowship.
Marty ............................................................................................................. LAUREN TURNER
James .................................................................................................................. SHREY PATEL
Director .................................................................................................................. TERRI SAPP
Stage Manager ..................................................................................................... TRIX SUNGA
Assistant Stage Managers ..........................................................................WREN ADKINS ELLIE RADLINSKI
Master Electrician BLAKE SWEEZY
A ssistant Master Electrician EMILY RICHARDSON
Sound Engineer GAVIN BAKER
Projections Engineer ........................................................................ DELANEY SCHULTEN
Assistant Projections Engineer ........................................................... ELLIE RADLINSKI
Master Carpenter ........................................................................................... ANNA EVERLY
Lighting Designer BLAKE SWEEZY
Assistant Lighting Designer BERI TANGKA
Junior Set Designer ................................................................................... HECTOR TORRES
Sound Designer ................................................................................................ GAVIN BAKER
Assistant Sound Designer .............................................................. DELANEY SCHULTEN
Props Designer ........................................................................................ DHRUV KULKARNI
Assistant Props Designer ......................................................... ZAHRA RANGOONWALA
Projections Designer ........................................................................ DELANEY SCHULTEN
Assistant Projections Designer ELLIE RADLINSKI
Costume Designer EL PIMENTEL
Assistant Costume Designers AGNI PALIWAL VIC PAULSON
Graphic Designer ............................................................................... DELANEY SCHULTEN
Assistant Graphic Designer ................................................................... HECTOR TORRES
Social Media Manager HALEY MERRITT
Headshot Designer ................................................................................. DHRUV KULKARNI
Assistant Headshot Designers ...................................................................WREN ADKINS
Program Designer ................................................................................. MATTHEW ARONIN
Assistant Program Designers ............................................................. ANTHONY HEIGES HALEY MERRITT
House Manager ........................................................................................ DHRUV KULKARNI
Spotlight Operator ............................................................................................ EL PIMENTEL
Light Board Operator .....................................................................................WREN ADKINS
Sound Board and Projections Operator ...................................... DELANEY SCHULTEN
Costumes Master........................................................................................... AGNI PALIWAL
Costumes/Props/Set Grip .................................................................... ELLIE RADLINSKI
Run Crew Swings ASEMA CONSOLINI ANNA EVERLY ( 6/21–6/22)
LAUREN TURNER (Marty) is a graduate of UGA with a Master’s in Special Education from Marietta, Georgia. This is Lauren’s third production with DramaTech.
SHREY PATEL (James) is a rising first-year Master’s student in Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech from Jonesboro, Georgia. This is Shrey’s sixth DramaTech production. He has been a member of DramaTech for over two years, and he serves as DramaTech’s Business Manager this year.
I usually write something silly for this section, but I have something serious this time. If you know me, you know I love the Beatles. They have given me new life. One of my favorite songs is “The End” (Abbey Road). The song ends with, “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” I think it encapsulates this story really well.
HECTOR TORRES (Schultz, Junior Set Designer, Assistant Graphic Designer, Assistant Headshot Designer) is a second-year Biomedical Engineering Master’s student at Georgia Tech from Naples, Florida. This is Hector’s 13th DramaTech Production in various positions on cast, crew, and creative. Outside of DramaTech he is a PI at the HIVE Makerspace hosts a podcast called Lab Coat Conversations and a biweekly seminar series called Sunbelt Spatial Omics which he would be really glad if you went and checked it out!
I’m actually speaking Spanish and if something doesn’t sound right its because your universal translator is broken
LANCE MARTIN (Theresa) is a third-year Biochemistry major at Georgia Tech from Fayetteville, Georgia. This is Lance’s seventh DramaTech production. Lance is also heavily involved with Let’s Try This!
LAUREN VICTORIA PAULSON (Lauren, Assistant Costume Designer, T-Shirt Designer) is a second-year Aerospace Engineering PhD student at Georgia Tech from London, England. This is their ninth production with DramaTech and 27th show at DramaTech counting improv, zoom musicals, and 2 person productions of Le Mis. Outside of DramaTech they can be found thousands of feet in the air, scuba diving 100 feet under water or at a normal elevation with Georgia Tech Student ambassadors.
If I wasn’t on stage I was in Switzerland
TERRI SAPP (Director) studied under the Artistic Direction of Paul Oppy & Technical Direction of Marion Zielinski. She earned her degree in Communication and Theatre Arts, with a Concentration in Dramatic Literature, and a minor in English from Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. She has been working at Georgia Tech for the Renewable Bioproducts Institute for almost a year and a half. She was recently elected to serve on the GT Staff Council representing the Research Executive Group. She is loving working in higher education and often wonders why she took so long to make the change from her previous work in the legal field! Terri was born in Brunswick, Georgia, but moved to Atlanta in the late ‘90’s and has lived in Kennesaw for 20 years. Among her favorite directing credits are Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, The Zoo Story, A Marriage Proposal, & Alice in Wonderland. Favorite acting credits include Angel in When Ya Comin Back Red Ryder & her award-winning portrayal of Sister Mary Amnesia in Nunsense! Terri is also a skating referee for the Yellow Jacket Roller Derby!
Terri would like to dedicate her work on Circle Mirror Transformation to honor the memory of her first Theatre/Choir/Artistic Director who recently passed, the highly beloved and very professional, Ms. Carolyn Elam. Ms. Elam meant so much to so many and will never be forgotten.
TRIX SUNGA (Stage Manager) is a rising second-year Computer Science major at Georgia Tech from Washington, Georgia. This is Trix’s fourth DramaTech production.
Life is like a Sour Patch Kids Oreo - people try it, and some say it’s not that bad while others say it’s horrible.
WREN ADKINS (Assistant Stage Manager, Assistant Headshot Designer) is a third-year Materials Science and Engineering major at Georgia Tech from Marietta, Georgia. Wren has been involved in DramaTech since their first day on campus. They enjoy crewing LTT shows. They are also DramaTech’s Green Czar. Wren wants to stay BFF’s with the Materials Innovation Learning Laboratory.
“PUT ME IN, COACH!” I am a Jason Todd apologist. He’s just a little guy and what’s one murder between friends?”
ELLIE RADLINSKI (Assistant Stage Manager, Assistant Projections Engineer, Assistant Projections Designer) is a first-year Materials Science and Engineering major at Georgia Tech from Oxford, Ohio. This is Ellie’s third Dramatech production. Outside of Dramatech, Ellie is an operator for WREK Radio.
Get rotated, idiot
BLAKE SWEEZY (Master Electrician, Lighting Designer) is a two-and-ahalfth-year Computer Science major at Georgia Tech from Greenwood, South Carolina.
Well, for your information, I am the Sharkslayer. That’s what they’re callin’ me.
EMILY RICHARDSON (Assistant Master Electrician) is a second-year Aerospace Engineering major at Georgia Tech from Villa Rica, Georgia.
GAVIN BAKER (Sound Designer, Sound Engingeer) is a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering major at Georgia Tech from Leesburg, Georgia. This is Gavin’s twelfth DramaTech production. Outside of DramaTech, Gavin is an officer of Trailblazers.
Our brilliant sound designer has assured us that any glitches in the audio are just ‘features’ of his masterful design. Also, you better like the music. I tried so hard.
DELANEY SCHULTEN (Projections Engineer, Assistant Sound Designer, Projections Designer, Graphic Designer) is a fifth-year Chemistry major with minors in Spanish and Biology from Tyrone, Georgia. This is Delaney’s 4th year at Dramatech. Outside of DT, she works in a lab and paints! The poster’s done, I promise…
ANNA EVERLY (Master Carpenter) is a fifth-year Computational Media major at Georgia Tech. next time we’re finger painting the set
BERI TANGKA (Assistant Lighting Designer) is a second-year Master’s student studying Industrial Design at Georgia Tech from Dacula, Georgia. This is Beri’s second DramaTech production. He is also a proud member of the Ballroom Dance Club at Georgia Tech.
“Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust.” - Steven Universe
DHRUV KULKARNI (Set Designer, Props Designer, Headshot Designer) is a fourth-year Literature, Media, and Communications major at Georgia Tech from Johns Creek, Georgia. This is Dhruv’s 10th DramaTech production. They’ve also been a miscellany of committees at this theatre, but this is their first time set designing yippeee! They are also sending a formal apology to the summer crew for what strike will be <3 so what happened to bill??? when did he get written out of the show????
ZAHRA RANGOONWALA (Assistant Props Designer) is a second-year Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering major at Georgia Tech from Ellicott City, Maryland. This is Zahra’s fourth DramaTech production. Outside of DramaTech, Zahra is a member of the First Year Activities Board and Omega Phi Alpha.
EL PIMENTEL (Costume Designer) is a rising third-year Industrial Design major at Georgia Tech from Moscow, Idaho. This is El’s sixth DramaTech production. Outside of DramaTech, El is a student leader at Grace House and an undergraduate researcher at Multisense Studio.
i say disco u say party! disco disco!
HALEY MERRITT (Social Media Manager, Assistant Program Designer) is a second-year Psychology major at Georgia Tech from Chester, Virginia. This is Haley’s fourth production at DramaTech. Outside of DramaTech, Haley is a member of SCPC.
justice for C(u)MT
JACQUELINE CUNNINGHAM (Assistant T-Shirt Designer) is a fourth-year Psychology major and Science of Mental Health and Wellbeing minor at Georgia Tech from Atlanta, Georgia. This is Jacqueline’s second DramaTech production. Outside of DramaTech, she is a member of the Georgia Tech Chamber Choir, and Treble Choir. Jacqueline is also president of Georgia Tech’s choral service fraternity Pi Epsilon Phi
I was actually cast as the yoga ball!
MATTHEW ARONIN (Program Designer) is a fourth-year Mathematics student at Georgia Tech from Marietta, Georgia. This is Matthew’s sixth production at DramaTech.
Why do they call in InDesign when you of In the cold Design of Out hot eat the Design?
ANTHONY HEIGES (Assistant Program Designer) is a fourth-year Chemistry major at Georgia Tech from Athens, Georgia. Anthony is also the archivist of DramaTech and a saxophone section leader in the Yellow Jacket Marching Band. He currently works as a lab technician at the University of Georgia. Nothing wakes me up in the morning like working with extremely dangerous chemicals with shaky hands!