Development Concept #1
Priors Pocket
15/08/14 Issue 1
MWA 122/53 Vernon Terrace Teneriffe QLD 4005 0410232939
A place to live and wonder, to reflect, to engage, to pass the time and to relax . . . .
Priors Pocket Residential
A place of possibility, of nature, and of tranquility . . . A place to be content.
Site Opportunity The site represents a unique opportunity for residential lifestyles, and its unique position close to but far enough away from the City of Brisbane, makes it an interesting proposition for a range of uses. I ts zoning as an ecologically important site represents a unique opportunity to emrace a more sustainable lifestyle, and enjoy a lifestyle and an urbane environment that ‘touches the earth lightly’. The site is filled with many significant eucalypt, giving a clear sense of what is beautiful about then Australian bush; there is an abundance of wildlife and it is possible, without too much effort, to realize a quiet separation from things of the everyday. the site, being very large, can establish a reasonable density for an active and integrated urban environment and unique community, utilizing sensitive design strategies, community title and managed landscape, and provide both for the preservation and ongoing upkeep of this unique natural environment. The site is filled with strong sense of nature and ecology, and provides a positive place to make a home.
Development Proposition Development Concept #1 across the entire 13.6 hectare site provides an equivalent level of density as an LMR scheme covering the whole of the site, but concentrates this density to an urban core that provides a space for community and public interaction. Houses are positioned in such a way as to both preserve all existing (surveyed) significant vegetation, and through ways for ecological corridors. Houses are built from lighteweight frame, and site above the ground, ensuring that root spread under existing trees is no disinhibitied by the building footprints. The urban core is located in a zone of the site relatively clear of existring significant vegetation, in anty case the apartment blocks are articulated to integrate to both the contour of the site and to existing stands of significant vegetation. Houses are of two main types, the first being a 3bed + study over two levels, the second being 2beds + study over two levels, with car parking located within the main house footprint. Houses are accessed by single lane concrete roadways, with no kerbs. Visitor parking and vehicle passing and turning is accommodated by strengthened gravel verges. Analysis of appropriate apartment types can be developed in line with the project brief, however a range of 1 bed, 1 bed plus study, 2 bed, 2 bed plus study and 3 bed apartment types can be considered. Apartment blocks are three to 4 storeys high and are concentrated to the centre of the site to avoid impacting existing significant vegetation. Car parking is provided in partially submerged basements, located below apartment blocks. Storage is provided as part of basement structures. All landscape areas are held in common title allowing for use for various purposes by the resident, but responsibility for general upkeep and tidiness of the landscaping falls to the body corporate. This removes the requirement for fences and dedicated yard space that would otherwise impact negatively on the existing site ecology. Houses are clustered to discreet groups, and privacy is afforded by existing vegetation.
Project Yield – Development Concept #1 The site is made up of three parcels of land and totals 130,550sqm, of which 65,925sqm is contained within an Environmental Protection Zone, leaving a total available site area of 64,625sqm. Precinct West Precinct East Precinct West
Site 40,250sqm (EPZ 27,600sqm) 13 Large Houses @ 220sqm GFA 11 Standard Houses @ 180sqm GFA
2860sqm GFA 1980sqm GFA
Car parks are provided at a ratio of 2 spaces / House and are included to the above GFA calculation. Precinct Central Site 40,160sqm (EPZ 7225sqm) Large Apartment Block 6 Blocks @ 510sqm GFA/Level over 4 Levels Per Floor 1x 3 Bed, 3x 2 Bed, 2x 1 Bed 24 Apartments / Block, 24 Car Spaces Small Apartment Block 3 Blocks @ 360sqm GFA/Level over 4 Levels Per Floor 2x 3 Bed, 2x 2 Bed 12 Apartments per Block, 24 Car Spaces Precinct East Precinct East Precinct West
Site 50,140sqm (EPZ 31,100sqm) 21 Large Houses @ 220sqm GFA 17 Standard Houses @ 180sqm GFA
12,240sqm GFA 144 Apartments 4,320sqm GFA 36 Apartments
4620sqm GFA 3060sqm GFA
Car parks are provided at a ratio of 2 spaces / House and are included to the above GFA calculation. In total there are 180 apartments and 62 Houses. This total can be released progressively by staging sale and construction across the site. The GFA totals 28,080 sqm and represents a development yield or plot of approximately 0.21 of total site area, and 0.31 of the non-EPZ land on the site. The main street entering Precinct Central fro Priors Pocket Road, could form a residential ‘high street’, with activated sidewalks providing a range of retail offerings, such as small supermarket or medical centre, gym, hairdresser or café.
Street Character
Walking Paths
Healthy Lifestyles
From the road, the site falls away gently, providing relatively level ground for site works, and then falls off more dramatically down to a creek located along the northern side of the site. There are no flood issues associated with the likely building footprint for the site. Environmental protection zones concentrate along the northern boundary aligned with the creek system.
Representation Site – Existing Topography
Representation Site – Existing Topography
Representation Site – Significant Vegetation & Topography
There are a number of significant trees located on the Site. As well, the site is flagged as a part of a connected ecological corridor running through the local area. The design response is to avoid large extents of fencing, to allow for free passage of local wildlife, and to orient and locate buildings within and between existing stands of trees. Houses are of lightweight construction, meaning these can be built from bored piers which have no long term impact to root structures of existing trees. Given the sloped nature of the site, bored piers might also be an appropriate construction technique for the apartment blocks. In any case, there are some larger spaces between trees available on the site and apartments have been positioned in these locations.
Site Plan Concept
Site Plan Concept – Coloured
Site Plan Concept – CAD Preliminary
Axonometric From North East
Axonometric From North East
Perspective From North
Perspective From North
Site View Precinct 1 - Housing
Site View Precinct 2 – Medium Density
Site View Precinct 3 - Housing
Site View Buildings along Road Frontage
Landscaping Community Focus
There is a unique level are forming part of the existing topography. This unique feature is unique in that it would be difficult to construct a similarly cleared area on site, due to position of existing significant vegetation. As such, it is a unique and possibly special part of the site, in terms of community use. It could be a grassed area, or partly grassed with pool & gym, or the site for a large and unique pool. Such a large pool would be a definitive selling point and a unique experience for residents and visitors alike.
Landscaping Community Focus
House Example Large – Type 1 Lower Level Entry
House Example Standard - Type 1 Upper Level Entry
House Example Type 2 Mid Level Entry