Richard Rogers 'Cities for a Small Planet'

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FirSI putJli sI>eU It, Gleal B"I&IO '0 1997 b)' faber aM F_r limlled 3 Queeo Sq~are London WC IN JAU

Proo:OSCl b)' © d •• lgn P~nled in ErcIBJ'Id by BUller and Tanner LId, Frome C RIChard Rogers. 1997

RIChard Rogers IS hereby ""'nldied 8$ author ot thIS work III acx:ordance will'l Secllon 77 ot tile COWlihi. OeSr&rlS aod Pelents ~ 1986 J\ C1P record lor this tIOOI<

is awllable hom lhe BritIsh Lobrary ISBN 0-571-17993-2


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