Design Concept Temporary Structures … Surf Events … mobile technologies … touching the earth lightly …. Flags, poles, signs, markers - iconography Immersive user experience, wholistic, complete – all dimensions surrounding the user. Touch, sound, smell, feel, visual. Water, wind, waves, weather. 4-Dimensional – changing over time. Colour, light intensity, mood. Sunrise, sunset, summer, winter. Lightweight, removeable, rebuildable. A travelling exhibit with a local base. Local / global. Expandable, adaptable, refer example link: Over and under – the experience of floating on the surface, and of being below & under, in the water. Above: the sky, wind, weather, spray, Below: currents, surges, creatures, the bottom (rocks, or reef, or sand). Curatorial concept The Beach as a key transformative element in contemporary Australian culture – the bridge from old world Europe to new world Australia Surf Culture = what is Unique about Aussie Culture Nexus of Surfing and Ecology. The mind of a Surfer, seeking harmony & expression Living ‘in’ nature, no other dimension Relocatable – opportunity to feature display in other parts of the world
TTemporary Event S Structures FFlags, Signs, Visiblee Framing, Weatherproof, Sails, Flat Suurfaces
P Permanent Component TThe ‘Pier’ – iconic foor surfers. Columns,, boardwalk, above,, below.
B Backlighting TTranslucent Surfacees (eg. Barrisol), baccklit by coilour and iintensity adjustable LED light. Colour can c change to suit mood m of ‘projection’. Sunrise, sunset, warm, w cold. A All surfaces to sky and water chamberss. Surfaces to Sky C Chamber are structuural so are simple cuurves (2D curves), Surfaces S to Water Chamber C are suspended so can be ccomplex curves (3D curves). Densities of LED lights can be adjusted to achievve more detail in the backlit image if reequired – clouds, waaves & water surfacce, currents, seaweeed ccould all be part of thhe backlit scope (wiith digital projections overlaying). E Example of colour vaariety for backlit trannslucent material (eeg. Barrisol):: h E Example of backlit LLED Detail and proggrammability: h B Built Example: Brisbbane City Hall Main Auditorium Ceiling (Matt Williams desiggn)
D Detailed 3D Digital Projection D Digital projection hass advanced significaantly the last few yeears, as is evidenceed by detailed projecctions onto heritagee facades as part of Sydney’s Vivid Fesstival, particularly att C Customs House. D Digital Projections are infinitely customisable, and can add any kind of detail too an architectural surface. h MACKYmtQk TThe above video shoows the way in whicch the 3D projectionn can coordinate witth various architectuural surfaces and elements.
S Sketch Ideas Inn order to be immerrsive, the animated surface must be evverywhere, all arounnd, above, below, beeside. If we can havve spray & wind, theen the surface needds to be waterproof. TThis matches the ideea of temporary struuctures associated w with surfing carnivaals – weatherproof, durable. d
TThe above sketch shhows an indicative section s through the animated ‘box’. Thee ceiling over is the ‘sky’, the floating, undulating u surface is the ‘water’, and thhe flat floor area bbelow is ‘underwaterr’. This provides twoo distinct and immersive display areas..
Inndicative Section
Inndicative Perspecttive Sketch – ‘Sky’’ Chamber
‘Sky’ Backlit and Prrojection Surfaces – Weather, Clouds, Storms, S Sun, Wind
‘‘Water’ Backlit and Projection Surfacess – W Waves, Foam, Spraay, Currents