Healthy Life Style

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Index Index...................................................................................................................................................2 “To the Reader”..................................................................................................................................3 Smoking ban in Costa Rica..................................................................................................................4 By Dayana Ceciliano.......................................................................................................................4 In vitro fecundation............................................................................................................................5 By Dayana Ceciliano.......................................................................................................................5 Five “S” and Time management.........................................................................................................6 By: Dayana Ceciliano .....................................................................................................................6 TANGO: music, poetry and dance ......................................................................................................8 By Dayana Ceciliano ......................................................................................................................8 London 2012 Olympic Games...........................................................................................................10 By: Jose Andrés Calvo Soto...........................................................................................................10 University retirement.......................................................................................................................12 By: Jose Andrés Calvo Soto...........................................................................................................12 The Euro Cup ...................................................................................................................................14 By: Jose Andrés Calvo Soto...........................................................................................................14 How can IT help your Business?.......................................................................................................15 By: Jose Andrés Calvo Soto...........................................................................................................15


“To the Reader” Dear Reader: “Healthy lifestyle and sports” is a new magazine inspired by the importance that our team wants to provide to the health of our readers. We firmly believe that having a healthy life is a goal that people achieve not only by practicing some sports but paying attention to so me good habits that can be implemented in our daily life. In the first part you will find some articles about health but from a legal perspective. These are two of the most popular are controversial topics in the legislative current nowadays: “Smoking ban in Costa Rica” and “In vitro Fecundation”. Also in this section you will read a brief note about “Time management and five “S” witch are some skills that can teach you about organizing your time and work environment. For the second part, we have research about sports, traditions and an interesting article about the Information technologies and how they can help you in your business. We selected these articles since we believe that, as a part of the health, all people need to have rest and improve the playful area without disregarding their job area. We really hope you enjoy reading “Healthy lifestyle and sports”, all your comments and suggestions are well come. Best Regards, The Editor. 3

Smoking ban in Costa Rica By Dayana Ceciliano In march 26th, 2012 was published in the official newspaper of the Republic of Costa Rica the “General Law of Control of Tobacco and its harmful effects in health� 1. The main objectives of this law, according with its second article are: to reduce the consumption of products made from the tobacco; minimize human exposure to harmful smoke products, to reduce the damage to health, social life and environment caused by smoking, fighting the illicit trade of these products, among others. This law entered in the legislature current in 2009 and it is part of the commitments of our country that is signatory of the Framework Convention on World Health Organization (WHO) 2. However, in Costa Rica our members of the National Assembly, signed the acceptance of this framework in July of 2008. This framework is to rule the production, sale, distribution, advertisement and taxation of tobacco. Since the effective date of this Law in Costa Rica, one of the changes that the citizens have experienced in the social area is the reduction of people smoking inside the bars, colleges, public buildings. The economic field has experienced changes as well, for example, the price of the cigarettes has increase in order to charge more taxes for the consumption of all this products and the advertisement are almost totally banned in the television, the billboards and inside the cigarettes the boxes, the producers have the responsibility of informing about the bad effects for health of smoking. 1

General Law of Control of Tobacco and its harmful effects in health, taken from: 2 Information retrieved from, on August 11th, 2012


Nevertheless, is important to highlight that there are two different opinions in the country regarding to the law that ban smoking. On one behalf, for some of the smokers, this law is against their rights and they consider that if they smoke is not because it is a trend but an addiction and addictions are illness; so, they consider that their rights are violated. And, on the other behalf, people that do not smoke: the passive smokers think that they have the right of being in a smoke free environment and this is part of their right to health. In my opinion, these kinds of laws are important to prevent some illness that have a high price to all the Costa Ricans and for me it is important to support these initiatives that help the country to become a best place to live. With this law we are helping the smokers to overcome their addiction, even when they are not aware about it and, more important to that, we are taking some measures to avoid cancer and, as a consequence, we are preserving the life. Picture achieved from:

In vitro fecundation By Dayana Ceciliano

According to the National Cancer Institute In vitro fertilization is a procedure in which “eggs are removed from a woman’s ovary and combined with sperm outside the body to form embryos. The embryos are grown in the laboratory for several days and then either


placed in a woman’s uterus or cryopreserved (frozen) for future use.” 3 This topic has become really popular in the last years because Costa Rica, has been developing a discussion about the legality of this method in the public and private practice. Most of the discussion has to do with the issue of defining life, not only as a medical but legal term and whether IVF procedure violate the human right of “life” or not. Is important high light that in the Costa Rican Political Constitution the right to life is enshrined in the article number 21 and also our State has signed and ratified many international agreements in order to protect this right such as the American Convention on Human Rights (Pacto San José)4, among others. But what is life? For lawyers is difficult to define it, nevertheless this was the reason why in 2001 the Costa Rican Constitutional Tribunal annulled a Presidential Decree that allowed that practice and determined that In Vitro Fertilization was against the constitution, because it violates the right to life of the unborn child or children 5. Since that moment, it was started a battle of 10 pairs that find this judgment harmful of other the human rights as equality, dignity, pursuit of family. For this reason these couples brought this petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and after almost 10 years in 2011 the Commission sent the petition to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights 6. Now, even when exists a project of Law in the Legislative Assembly that will rule this practice, we have to expect for the trial against Costa Rica get started, the IAHR decide the future of the IVF in our country and of course to see the results of the judgment. Picture achieved from:

Five “S” and Time management By: Dayana Ceciliano Having a good budget of one’s time and organizing the workplace are tools that will definitely define the success of people, not only in the professional area or in business but


Retrieved from, on July 03, 2012


Américan Convention on Human Right, “Article 4. Right to Life: 1. Every person has the right to have his life respected. This right shall be protected by law and, in general, from the moment of conception. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life (…) 5 Constitutional Tribunal of Costa Rica, Sentence 2000-02306 6 OEA-IACHR, file 12361.


in life in general. “Five S” and the “time management” are two methods currently used to maximize efficiency of people all around the world. On the one hand, it is important to say that according to experts time management is a method similar to managing one’s life: “too much time loss can be equated too many great things and opportunities missed”7. Time management should not only be used in work tasks but in daily activities, such an in school or college, home chores, planning free time and so on. On the other hand, “five S” is a Japanese method, an structured program to implement workplace organization and standardization. This method implements some skills like safety, work efficiency, productivity, ownership and, as a consequence, people motivation on their jobs. These techniques are really important in a corporate world since that when one person use them properly, he or she will assure successes because it will improve the efficiency, proactively, motivation, productiveness and will develop the activities or task a better way, avoiding the “last-minute” stress. However, for the operation of these methods it is necessary to take into account some tips. In the case of time management, people should use planners or make lists about the pending tasks, use the time wisely and prizing yourself for every accomplished goal.

For five s, it is

important to understand the meaning of every “s” word: sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain and then evaluate the application of the program. We chose these topics because we consider them necessary to learn how to organize the time and workplace in a way that allows us, as future professionals, to attend all our commitments but also enjoy free time with family and friends. As well, we 7

Harris, J. (2008) Time management: 100 success secrets, retrieved on July 14 th, 2012 from id=4LC0vQRoSqEC&printsec=frontcover&dq=time+management+tips&source=bl&ots=YEd_wROUZy&sig=eAxvOs7v6Me2F7dv1gVl8QZSBfY&hl=es&sa=X&ei=cKgB UPaWD5Gk8ATDlK2qCA&ved=0CD0Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=time%20management%20tips&f=false


believe that part of the success of outstanding people has to do with the manner in which they divide their time and activities: they can enjoy their jobs but also they can spend quality time when they are not working. Pictures achieve from:

TANGO: music, poetry and dance By Dayana Ceciliano Some experts say the tango dance is part of the Argentine tradition and folklore; however it has been found to be the Uruguayan culture as well. Tango music comes before the dance as part of the black and immigrant roots and it started to be known in the late XIX century. Tango became


national and popular symbol with Carlos Gardel, in 1917, when he recorded the song “mi noche triste”. Additionally, tango is defined by Royal Academy: “Argentine dance with bonded couples, binary musical form and rhythm of two by four, internationally spread” This Argentine tradition emerged in the Rio de La Plata region, in the middle of popular social classes, when merged European immigrants, African slaves and native people or creoles habitants. It´s was born a particular cultural identity as a product of the mixture of beliefs, rites and customs of this people. Around the 80’s, tango started to spread in theaters and academies. In the beginning, this dance was practiced by men and later women were incorporated as dance partners. 8

Since October 2009 tango musical gender is considered as Intangible Cultural Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO. Tango has succeeded in spreading its true spirit worldwide, but at the same time it has adopted new ages which includes a wide range of musicians, professional dancers and others. Some characteristics that identify tango are: dance, music and poetry, since these elements are part of the culture. Tango dance consists of three basic steps: the embrace, the slow walking style and improvisation. However, the important thing is that with tango, through the body language along the dance, the couple emotions have to be transmitted. In the tango dance it is important the strong embrace of the couple, both have to see the same side: woman to the right and man to the left and then both walk like if they were supported in the front part of feet. During this dance, the couple must do shapes, pauses, to create different movements for each of them without dropping each other, these steps are



creeks and doodles". Nowadays, dance




transmit some kind of interpersonal communication; it is danced







hobby in some cases. Experts say that tango reflects some sadness in dancers and for other people also it is related to sexual desires. Picture achieve from: 9

London 2012 Olympic Games By: Jose AndrĂŠs Calvo Soto The XXX Olympic Games was a sporting event that took place from 27 July to 12 August 2012 in the city of London, UK. Around 10,500 athletes from 204 countries participating in the Olympic Games in London. London is the first city to host the Olympics




previously played host in 1908 and 1948. Twenty-six covering

were 39




disciplines. With respect to the previous edition, two sports were less with the removal of baseball and softball from the Olympic program. However, there was some news: for the first time took place in the women's boxing, also in cycling track the number of competitions for each gender was 5, unlike Beijing where he had 5 for men and 3 for women and in added tennis mixed doubles competition. There were 204 national federations affiliated to the International Olympic Committee. It was the same number of representations regarding the Beijing Olympics, but was disbanded in 2011 the Olympic Committee of the Netherlands Antilles, and his place was taken by Brunei, who had been excluded from participation in previous games. However, the athletes of the Netherlands Antilles, as well as an athlete in Southern Sudan (country without a National Olympic Committee), competed as Independent Olympic Participants.


The number of athletes at the Games totaled 10,919, of whom 6,078 were men and 4,841 were women.2 fact, for the first time in the history of the Olympics, women competed in all the delegations, as Olympic Committees Saudi Arabia, Tasting and Brunei, which traditionally




included, decided his inscripci贸n.60 Another




of South



Oscar Pistorius, who became the first double amputee athlete to participate in the Games. This is an issue that has been the talk in recent months by the crisis in England these days, however we must not forget the effort of all those participating in this event, from athletes to organizers, lived large emotions. Also like to mention the opening and closing events of the Olympics, are among the most emotional moments during these sports competitions. Now we wait with excitement as the Olympics in 2016 Brazil World Cup Soccer also in that same country in 2014.

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University retirement By: Jose AndrÊs Calvo Soto As a co-curricular activity for our English fourth level class, we had a tour to Centro Recreativo Amanecer in San Ramon, Alajuela. We had group activities and we talked about topics of our interest. the subject of additions was one of them, and we had the opportunity to listen to our colleagues’ opinion concerning what addictions mean to them. I conclude that an addiction is an uncontrollable need that a person develops by consuming something that gives pleasure. Among the most common addictions of modern times, we have: internet and social networks, video games, drugs, sex, sports, work and cell phones, exercises and plastic surgery. People become addicts for many reasons, such as stress caused by work pressure; because he feels pleasure to use and to feel accepted by friends. 12

In case of drugs, they are often taken because of group pressure or because people feel the need to "feel better or superior". When a person is addicted to something they have no control over it and just want to do the things that give them pleasure. Some people may stop eating, or Talking with other people just to feel because of an addiction. Stress is very common these times, so it is almost impossible to live without it. For me, stress comes as an annoyance that happens on the chest when we have many tasks or backlog, and there is no time to finish them; stress is not allowed to think or work in a comfortable and relaxed environment. People usually need to have time to breathe deeply, sort ideas, and feel calm and peaceful, in order to release stress and make things right. One way to release stress is through exercises or sports; they are good for both; the body and the mind. Living in harmony is important in order to have a balance in life, and to have control over stress and enjoy life. This equilibrium status will occur produces a better environment, relax and focus. There is only one way to overcome an addiction, that is: “Take the decision to leave it and abandon don’t come back to it forever never again� that would be a true and mature decision to end the addition. The time we had in San Ramon was a great help because we had a very nice and relaxed moment. We also practiced English a lot and learned many things about addictions, stress, how to avoid them and how balance can help us in our personal life, work and family.


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The Euro Cup By: Jose AndrĂŠs Calvo Soto The Euro Cup is one of the most important tournaments of national selection level in which are evolved teams from the Union of European Football Associations known as UEFA.

The fact that Spain had won 2 times the Euro Cup and the World Cup is very interesting because is something that had never happened before. UEFA indicated ten players from the Spain team were selected like the best players of the tournament, like Andre Iniesta as the best player and Fernando Torres with the golden boot trophy for being the top scorer of the tournament. This is due to the great generation of players that Spain has and the great work done by the teams of the football league in Spain such as Barcelona Football Club which has provided seven players and five of them are holders


Seeing the success of these athletes to achieve these unique achievements will generate a great joy to all the Spanish and will give a great example of overcoming all young idols of this great football team.

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How can IT help your Business? By: Jose AndrÊs Calvo Soto In today’s economy every single company in the world is trying to stay ahead of his competition. Technology on the other hand helps companies to efficiently develop their abilities in the best possible way with the best available resources


IT Information




this means basically all the available technology applied to Information. . IT brings to the table those tools to make it




businesses all around the world the necessary tools to take the best out of available technologies. There are numerous successful cases in which IT has been applied to businesses in our country; for example, which are known as handheld devices. Throughout they have experienced changes in the structure and function. Now, they are more resistant to hard work, moisture and cold. They are more resistant to falling from 2 meters. They also have the option of storage, networking through: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G, GSM, which allows the updating of databases immediate or query data at the right time. Furthermore, the use of these devices eliminates the high consumption of paper and snapshot management information. In our country they have been used in the pineapple exportation market helping workers keep track of what’s being exported. Another ally who is here to stay are the systems of sales and online orders. These let you manage many customers at once, without requiring a high number of employees in a call center or office serving the public. These provide customers the ability to check stock and prices of products without having to move to the company by reducing the expenditure of time and money. By seeing all these happening right now you may wonder what’s to come, well, the next huge jump in the IT field is cloud computers. We will not need any hardware or licensed software in the future because we will have all we need in the “cloud”. Instead of installing a suite of software for each computer, you'd only have to load one application. That application would allow workers to log into a Web-based service which hosts all the programs the user would need for his or her job. Remote machines owned by another 16

company would run everything from e-mail to word processing to complex data analysis programs. It's called cloud computing. In a cloud computing system, there's a significant workload shift. Local computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead. Hardware and software demands on the user's side decrease. The only thing the user's computer needs to be able to run is the cloud computing system's interface software, which can be as simple as a Web browser, and the cloud's network takes care of the rest. By using cloud computing we can also host meeting, have access to a remote desktop





happens within our business no matter where we are. After all the wonders that IT offer us you may want to join this, well all it takes its action. The first thing that you need before getting into this its assigning a budget to spend on technology, in order to do this you might first want to hire an IT specialist that will tell you how to spend that money wisely. Once you have all the Technology that you need you might need to have a team within your company that takes care of it. The results will amaze you. As we can see the world of IT it’s pretty big and there is a huge amount of technology to choose from. The results are pretty amazing and the best of it all it will put us in the international market as a real competitor. As a country as well we need to invest into having the best technology available at our hands to be important in this globalized world. Pictures achieve from:


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