Women's Health

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health ❃ Healing Catalyst offers unique therapy

❃ Healthy habits begin in the kitchen

❃ Strength training important to women’s overall health ❃ Kamaha‘o, a Marilyn Monroe Spa, boosts well-being

❃ Sleep apnea often missed in women

A Supplement of THE MAUI NEWS – Friday, August 10 – Page T1

women’s health ❂ august 2018

Upcountry healing practice offers unique healing experience enise LaBarre, goes “beyond bodywork” with her unique blend of massage therapy, psychotherapy and traditional healing methods — all rolled into one Upcountry Maui practice, Healing Catalyst. LaBarre, who is a university-trained linguist with a background in psychology and a licensed massage therapist, ran a translation agency in San Francisco before moving to Maui 25 years ago. She says that in her healing work, she uses her hands, her intuition and decades of skill and


mind. Her business name, Healing Catalyst, points to her unique approach as a healer. “I don’t do the healing,” she clarifies. “That’s up to your body and the divine. But I help you make connections on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels that catalyze deep and lasting healing.” Clients come with issues ranging from stress, joint problems and back pain to Denise LaBarre of Heal- fibromyalgia, anxiety and ing Catalyst. depression. As LaBarre puts it, “Our bodies naturally use experience to translate the sensation and symptoms to body’s messages for the communicate with us. But

early on, we are taught to ignore our body’s messages and suppress unwanted emotions. At some point, the body begins to signal a backlog of suppressed or stuck emotional energy with physical problems. I help people reconnect internally to hear what their bodies have been trying to communicate through pain, illness and disease. This reconnection kick starts the healing process on multiple levels, and the results are often fast and dramatic. I’ve seen people resolve 10 years of knee pain or a long-held shoulder issue in a session or two.”


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LaBarre’s book, “Issues in Your Tissues: Heal Body and Emotion from the Inside Out,” came out in 2010 and has been a consistent bestseller in several Maui locations. The book is also available from www.amazon .com and has stories, cartoons and exercises that get readers back in their bodies to breathe better and make healing connections for themselves. “Your healing answers are just waiting for you to breathe in to them.” says LaBarre. Ninety-minute private sessions are available in her Makawao office. A session starts out looking like a traditional spa massage and then evolves into a customized treatment, depending on the needs of her client. LaBarre specializes in women’s issues, and the majority of her clients are “sensitives.” She is known as the “healer’s healer.” While no two sessions look or feel the same, play and emotional re-

lease factor in. LaBarre prides herself on her ability to “hold safe space” and get her client’s inner child to come out and play. Her office is full of toys, and it is not unusual for LaBarre to go outside with a client to jump on her 16-foot trampoline or chop out years-old rage. As Ted Faught, a client, put it: “I read the book — loved it! — and then went to Maui to have a session. What Denise does in person is light years ahead of even what she describes in her book. Maybe because it was exactly what I needed. I don’t have words to describe what happened, but it feels like a light went on, and I hadn’t even realized my bulb was out. I am blown away and forever grateful.” To see LaBarre in action, go towww.youtube.com /watch?v=nxJ6d6Ibjcs&t=1 0s. For more information, visit www.healingcata lyst.com. To make an appointment, call 575-2244.

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A Supplement of THE MAUI NEWS – Friday, August 10 – Page T2

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women’s health ❂ august 2018 Detoxify and boost well-being at Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa an you feel it already? A deeply relaxing, healing treatment that detoxifies the body to boost well-being. Created with mineral-rich organic clay and Hawaiian coffee fruit extract, the Ali‘i Indulgence treatment deeply cleanses and detoxifies while the natural elements nourish the skin and soothe away tension. This treatment is one of many that can be found on the Exclusive Hawaiian Treatments menu at Kamaha‘o, a Marilyn Monroe Spa, at the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa in Kaanapali. Kamaha‘o means wonderful, astonishing and remarkable in Hawaiian, and it describes the pleasures you’ll discover at the spa. You may experience indulgent massages, signature body treatments, like the aforementioned Ali‘i Indulgence, and fabulous facials. If you so choose, you can have your treatment in a beach cabana where you can experience the sounds of the ocean gently lapping at the shore and feel the gentle ocean breezes. At Kamaha‘o, you will


discover a full-service hair salon with a decidedly vibrant, playful and social atmosphere. Whether you need a quick hair trim, full bridal or prom styling or even full color and highlights, Kamaha‘o’s hair professionals strive to maintain the uniqueness of each guest that walks through the door. And the services are not just for women — there are a number of treatments tailored for gentlemen. Other maintenance services include Marilyn’s signature manicures and pedicures and waxing for those pesky hairs that boldly crop up out of nowhere. If you are looking for more pampering, enjoy one of Kamaha‘o’s massage services, which are sure to leave you feeling relaxed from your head to your toes. Offering massages that are anything but ordinary, you can choose from Marilyn’s signature massage, relaxation massage, hot stone massage, reflexology, a maternity massage, sports massage and even classic lomi lomi, couples and oceanside massage. If you’ve been out in the sun too long, treat your skin

Top photo: The Relaxation Room at Kamaha‘o, a Marilyn Monroe Spa at the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa in Kaanapali. Inset photo: The Couple’s Room for shared treatments. to a refreshing and rejuvenating facial. Kamaha‘o is proud to offer the Juvaura LED Anti-aging device which delivers cutting-edge technology that uses red and infrared light to significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve the texture and color of skin in as little as eight weeks. After your facial, sit back

a while longer and allow Kamaha‘o’s expert staff to provide you with signature makeup looks ranging from Blushing Baby Doll to the Norma Jean Natural to the Marilyn Monroe Classic Eye look. In addition, Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa continues its special Pink Ocean Hale package as part of its “Cabanas for a Cure”

program, available now through Oct. 31. Two oceanside cabanas have been redesigned with tropical pink elements with each featuring two cushioned chaise lounges under a thatch roof, two lounge chairs for sunbathing, an ice water dispenser and breathtaking ocean views. This package includes two complimentary cocktails (choice

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Reiki Natural Healing By Maui Reiki Master, Author Shalandra Abbey Practicing Reiki full-time in Hawaii since 1990

of strawberry daiquiri or house mai tai). A portion of the proceeds generated through the “Cabanas for a Cure” program will benefit Susan G. Komen Hawaii. This package is $285 (plus tax) and may be booked by calling 661-1234. All this pink is leading up to this year’s Maui Paddle for a Cure event, which takes place Oct. 13 on Kaanapali Beach, in front of the Hyatt Regency Maui. Resort guests and members of the Maui community, who are 18 years and older, are invited to an open paddle using stand-up paddleboard, kayak or canoe. Anuhea Jenkins will headline the after party at Sunset Terrace at the Hyatt. Follow the Paddle for a Cure on social media with the hashtag #HyattPinkPaddle. To join the cause and register or donate, visit the website www.crowdrise .com/MauiPaddle18. For more information about the resort or to make reservations in the Pink Ocean Hales, call 661-1234 or visit www.maui.regency .hyatt.com. Kamaha‘o, a Marilyn Monroe Spa, is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Call 667-4500 for spa reservations or visit www.marilyn monroespas.com.

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A Supplement of THE MAUI NEWS –Friday, August 10 – Page T3

women’s health � august 2018

Obstructive sleep apnea underdiagnosed in adult women bstructive sleep apnea syndrome, which encompasses a spectrum of disorders, is characterized by a snoring history and repetitive collapse of the upper airway leading to sleep fragmentation and excessive daytime sleepiness. This common disorder remains underdiagnosed in adult females. One-in-four women in the


U.S. is at high risk for the presence of OSAS. The common symptoms of this disorder are habitual snoring (61percent), observed apneas (7 percent) and daytime sleepiness (24 percent). Other frequently reported symptoms include sleep onset insomnia (32 percent), maintenance insomnia symptoms (19 percent) and restless legs syndrome (33 percent) or body

movements (60 percent). The risk for OSAS in women increases with advanced age, the presence of obesity, irregularity of the menstrual cycle and menopause. Pregnant women had as similar risk for OSAS as nonpregnant women. More importantly, in those pregnant women with high risk for OSAS, the reporting of pregnancy complications was very

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high. The presence of chronic medical disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular disorders are also more frequent among women at high risk. An evaluation often involves overnight monitoring, called polysomnography, at a sleep center of your breathing and other body functions during sleep. Home sleep testing also might be an option. The three specialists you may choose to visit if you believe you have a sleep and breathing disorder are: â?ƒ A sleep physician to confirm the diagnosis and severity of OSAS. If you have moderate to severe sleep apnea, you might benefit from using a machine that delivers air pressure through a mask while you sleep. Continuous positive airway pressure, better known as CPAP, may be a common method of treating sleep apnea, however, some people find it cumbersome or uncomfortable â?ƒ An ear, nose and throat

doctor who can rule out blockage in the nose and throat. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids can often reduce the size of the airway, and their removal may be beneficial for OSAS. â?ƒ An airway-focused orthodontist to help correct abnormal jaw structure and tongue posture that may affect the airway. A sleep-certified and airway-focused orthodontist has the ability to modify the volume of the nasal and oral airway by increasing the width of the jaws, so the tongue has more space in the mouth, instead of pressing against the airway. They can also modify a defective bite to allow the lower jaw and tongue to be positioned forward instead of pressing against the airway. This foundational correction of the oral cavity, its supporting jaw structures and tongue posture can greatly reduce OSAS and need for other remedial measures. The orthodontist can also construct a custom oral sleep

device that is designed to keep the airway open and can oftentimes relieve snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. An oral device might be easier to use than a CPAP. The custom-designed device can open the airway by either increasing the vertical opening of the lower jaw; by bringing the lower jaw and tongue forward; or a combination of the two. Special measuring equipment and 3D X-rays can help a sleep-certified orthodontist get the exact dimensions of the oral sleep device in order to maximize the opening of the airway and prevent its collapse during sleep. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a life shortening disorder and all measures must be taken to combat and prevent it. If you or a loved one may have OSAS, contact Sujata Bhatia, D.D.S, M.S. to schedule a consultation. For more information, call 6383078 or visit www.bhatia orthodontics.com

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A Supplement of THE MAUI NEWS – Friday, August 10 – Page T4

women’s health ❂ august 2018

Heart-healthy lifestyles begin in the kitchen eight-loss initiatives and dieting often go hand-inhand, but healthy diets can do more than help women shed pounds. Heart disease is the primary killer of females, but embracing hearthealthy diets can help women reduce their risk of develop cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association reports that heart disease causes one in three female deaths each year in the United States. The AHA also notes that 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease. Heart valve problems, congestive heart failure, abnormal rhythm of the heart and plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries can contribute to heart disease. Fortunately, healthy choices, including the right diet, can help reduce women’s risk for heart disease risk. Here are a few easy ways to modify eating habits to be more hearthealthy. ❃ Avoid consuming too


many calories. The Mayo Clinic says to control portion sizes so that you are not overloading on extra calories. Eat larger portions of nutrient-rich foods and go sparingly on high-calorie, high-sodium and/or refined foods. Being overweight can contribute to heart problems. ❃ Increase produce consumption. A variety of lowcalorie fruits and vegetables can provide ample nutrition and plenty of healthy antioxidants. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables so that

you get as many vitamins and minerals as possible. Make fruits and vegetables your largest portions when eating. ❃ Reduce sodium intake. Harvard Health points out that too much sodium consumption can increase blood pressure and cause the body to hold onto fluid. Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular problems. See HEART-HEALTHY on Page T8

Healthy choices in the kitchen help with more than weight loss.

Dr. Brian A. Stolley (left) welcomes Patsy Colvin, P.A.C., the new physician’s assistant at MediSpa Maui. Photo courtesy MediSpa Maui

MediSpa Maui announces new member to team atsy Colvin, P.A.C., has joined the team at MediSpa Maui as a physician’s assistant certified and has known Dr. Brian A. Stolley for many years —they even took some of their earliest training classes together. Colvin has experience in all areas of the MediSpa treatments including lights, lasers and injectables, CO2 laser skin resurfacing and Cellfina treatments. She has completed a formal injector training course with the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and is a certified ad-


vanced injector. Colvin shares Stolley’s interest in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. She completed a fellowship with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, passed her board exams and is certified in this area of medicine. Colvin hopes to work closely with Terisa Jackson, N.A. by identifying patients who would benefit from a naturopathic approach to wellness. Colvin’s best demographic are peri- and postmenopausal women who are noticing unwanted changes in their bodies. She

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A Supplement of THE MAUI NEWS – Friday, August 10 – Page T5

will help them maintain their natural beauty — at any age. Colvin is also interested in vaginal rejuvenation with ThermiVa treatments. ThermiVa uses radio-frequency energy to gently heat tissue, without discomfort or downtime, to “restore” their vagina to pre-baby condition. Colvin, who used to live here, is excited to be back on Maui and to be part of the MediSpa Maui team. For more information about MediSpa Maui, call 879-4909 or visit www.medispamaui.com.

women’s health ❂ august 2018

Reiki natural healing By SHALANDRA ABBEY o you ever feel you have the answers to everything hidden deep inside of you? Even as a child I had this knowing. Life seemed simple then because things appeared to be clearly planned out and expected.


You went to school to learn what was needed to survive in the world, and attended church each Sunday to keep on track with the process. You knew one day you would marry and have children. If you were a male, you would work to financially

care for the family; the female’s job was to birth a family and maintain it and the home. Yet, my inner knowing kept saying this isn’t the complete package. The day came when a See REIKI on Page T8

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Serena Williams shares postpartum struggles

Serena Williams admits she struggles with postpartum emotions. AP photo

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS erena Williams says she’s been struggling with postpartum emotions and wants other new moms to know they are “totally normal.” The 23-time Grand Slam champion suffered the most lopsided defeat of her career, a 6-1, 6-0 loss to Johanna Konta in San Jose, California. She then withdrew from the Rogers Cup in Montreal, citing personal reasons. “Last week was not easy for me. Not only was I accepting some tough personal stuff, but I just was in a


funk. Mostly, I felt like I was not a good mom,” Williams said in an Instagram post on Monday. “I read several articles that said postpartum emotions can last up to 3 years if not dealt with. I like communication best. Talking things through with my mom, my sisters, my friends let me know that my feelings are totally normal.” The 36-year-old Williams was the runner-up at Wimbledon last month. That was just her fourth tournament

since returning to the tour after having a baby in September and dealing with a health scare related to blood clots. “It’s totally normal to feel like I’m not doing enough for my baby,” she added. “Although I have been with her every day of her life, I’m not around as much as I would like to be. Most of you moms deal with the same thing. Whether stay-athome or working, finding that balance with kids is a true art. You are the true heroes.”

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women’s health ❂ august 2018

Strength training important to women’s health omen’s bodies are built different from men’s to accommodate the changes of pregnancy and childbirth. Although women may store fat differently and have less muscle mass than men, it’s still important that women include weight resistance training in their exercise routines. Lifting weights is an important part of staying fit. Yet many women do not pick up weights out of fear of bulking up and gaining weight. In a 2011 opinion poll conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 20 percent of women said they accomplished the CDC’s recommended 2.5 hours of


aerobic exercise and two periods of strength training each week. Contrary to popular belief, women who weight train will not turn into the bulking behemoths of competitive weight lifting. The Women’s Heart Foundation says that high levels of estrogen make it quite difficult for women to become overly muscular. When they strength train, rather, women’s muscles will improve in tone, endurance and strength instead of size. Resistance training provides an efficient way to build strength and burn calories. A study from researchers at the University of New Mexico found that the body will take between 15 minutes and 48 hours

It’s important that women include weight resistance training in their exercise routines.

after exercise to return to a resting state. That means that a person continues to burn calories after exercising, a phenomenon known

as “after-burn” or “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.” The more intense the workout, the longer the after-burn

may last. Studies performed at the Quincy, Mass., South Shore YMCA found that the average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle, but lose 3.5 pounds of fat. With that lean muscle addition, resting metabolism increases and more calories can be burned each day. The following are some additional benefits of strength training: ❃ Reduces risk of heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol. ❃ Builds stronger muscles and connective tissues that can increase joint stability. ❃ Improves the way the

body processes sugar, which can help reduce the risk of diabetes. ❃ Reduces rates of depression. A Harvard University study found that 10 weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression symptoms more successfully than standard counseling. Women who strength train commonly report feeling more confident and capable. Women with no strength training experience can consult with a personal trainer who can teach them proper strength training form. This ensures that the exercises are being done efficiently while reducing the women’s risk of injury. Qualified trainers also can keep people moving toward fitness goals.

Bringing on the Best! Dr. Brian Stolley is proud to introduce PA Patsy Colvin to our friends and patients on the island of Maui and beyond! After eight years in Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills and 5 years in Medical, Surgical and Cosmetic Dermatology in Kona, Patsy has returned home to Maui to practice with Dr. Stolley at The Stolley Center / MediSpa Maui.

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A Supplement of THE MAUI NEWS – Friday, August 10 – Page T7

women’s health ❂ august 2018 Heart-healthy Continued from Page T5 ❃ Add more whole grains to your diet. Dietary fiber from whole grains may improve blood cholesterol levels, thereby lowering your risk for heart disease. Dietary fiber also can lower risk of stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. ❃ Choose healthy fats. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, olive oil and flax seed reduce a person’s risk of developing arrhythmia and atherosclerosis. The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish at least twice a week as

a way to boost omega-3 fatty acid levels. ❃ Load up on berries. When choosing fruits, go heavy on berries. Health magazine reports that according to a 2013 study by the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States and the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, women between the ages of 25 and 42 who ate more than three servings of blueberries and strawberries a week had a 32 percent lower risk of heart attack compared with those who ate less. The authors of the study attributed the benefit to compounds known as anthocyanins and

flavonoids,which are antioxidants, that may decrease blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. ❃ Indulge in smart ways. When eating sweets, choose dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids called polyphenols, which may help lower blood pressure and reduce clotting and inflammation. Select varieties that contain at least 60 to 70 percent cocoa. In addition to a cardiacfriendly diet, women concerned about heart health should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. Also, pay attention to food labels to make smarter choices.

Reiki Continued from Page T6 legendary book fell off the shelf and into my hand. Validation of my knowing had arrived! How do I transition my life to living these truths? In 1988, I was shown a way. I was introduced to a great gift called reiki natural healing. It wasn’t just handed to me on a silver platter — I had to work for it. In fact to this day I continue to uncover deeper and deeper levels of its unlimited healing

potential. At first I was confused by its simplicity. After training, my reiki master said, “Do these hand positions, and let reiki teach you.” My mind wanted more and yet my desire in learning reiki was to stop giving the mind control of my life. Finally, I allowed myself to be led and excitedly trusted the sensations, thoughts and feeling that were introducing me to my true self while I was assisting others to do the same. It feels good to be part of a process that connects us directly to our source and doesn’t require our

total understanding. Willingness to be faithful to the form of an oral tradition guides the way to a never ending journey filled with good health, love and exciting adventures for clients, students and me. ❃ Shalandra Abbey is a full-time reiki master in Hawaii and around the globe. She is the author of “Living a Life of Reiki” and a member of The Reiki Alliance, an international, professional organization of reiki masters. For more information, visit www.reiki hawaii.com or call 280-7704.


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A Supplement of THE MAUI NEWS – Friday, August 10 – Page T8

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