Show and demonstrate how the temperature in the soda affects the solubility of gas when salt is added.
What components does soda has that may react when adding salt? First of all, soda is carbonated water. This is a type of water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved, and this process cause the water to become effervescent. When carbon dioxide is dissolved it creates carbonic acid which causes the water to have a slightly sour taste, an alkaline salt, such as sodium bicarbonate, may be added to soda water to reduce its acidity. Also soda contains phosphoric acid, which is a mineral acid that may have a reaction with salt.
What is salt? Salt is a crystalline mineral that is composed primarily of sodium chloride, a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of ionic salts. So mixing carbon dioxide, phosphoric acid and sodium chloride may cause a reaction.
Will the temperature of soda affect the solubility of gas when salt is added to it?
if salt is added into a glass of soda, then the gas of the soda will go out depending on its temperature because salt mixed with carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid will make a reaction in which the gas of the soda will go out.
Controlled: environment soda only Dependent: the reaction that will have each soda according to the different types of temperature Independent: the temperature of soda Constant: amount of salt added. And volume of salt that I start with.
Salt = 1 teaspoon per glass soda = 250ml glass bowl
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Pour hot soda in a glass. Pour environment temperature soda in a glass. Pour cold soda in a glass. Add 1teaspoon of salt into each glass Measure the amount of gas that each glass of soda create Record data and evidence Record data in a table and graph Make a report
Amount of soda spilled when exposed to salt. Temperature Spilled soda (ml)
Environment (15 ยบC)
Hot (30ยบC)
110 ml
120 ml
135 ml
Amount of soda spilled when exposed to salt
volumen of soda spilled (ml)
120 100 80 60
soda spilled
40 20 0 Environment (15 ยบC)
Hot (30ยบC)
temperature of soda ( ยบC)
During these past weeks, in science class, each member of the class was assigned to make an independent experiment. Since I like soda and I have heard of the reactions of soda with mentos, I was interested in the reaction of soda but with other components. I chose to use salt as another component to see what are going to be the reaction of soda but with three different temperatures, environment, hot and cold. As a hypothesis I had that if salt is added into a glass of soda, then the gas of the soda will go out depending on its temperature because salt mixed with carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid will make a reaction in which the gas of the soda will go out. My results supported the hypothesis completely. As results, the cold soda was the one that spilled the most gas when exposed to salt. The hot soda spilled some soda and the environment temperature spilled less than the others. It was very interesting to see the reactions of salt in soda and how does the components of soda mixed with the components of salt created that reaction. In this lab/experiment I have included some pictures were I show the process of my experiment and all the steps I did. It is very important to know that during all the process I used the same glass with the same starting volume of soda (250ml) and use the same spoon with the same amount of salt. I have no recommendation for other labs, but I do have some recommendations for the people who like to drink soda with out gas. People who like to drink soda without gas or with not too much gas, they can use little amounts of salt and the gas will go out, but be careful, do not use too much salt because then it will be a disaster and the soda will spill.
Other observations were that in environment temperature the gas went down slow, in hot temperature it went down fast and cold the gas went down extremely slow.
Work cited for background information: "Carbonated Water." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. <>. "Salt." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. <>. "Physical Properties." Physical Properties of Salt & Sodium Chloride. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. <>. "Phosphoric Acid." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. <>. Chang, Raymond, Herranz Rosa Zugazagoitia, and García José Clemente Reza. Química. México D. F. [etc.: MacGraw-Hill, 2007. Print.