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February 2013 - Published by the Maverick Region June 2007 -Porsche Published byof the Maverick Region Club America Porsche Club of America
To us, a checkered flag doesn’t mean stop. After each race, the question is always: where do we go next to compete? Sebring? Watkins Glen? Mid-Ohio? Texas World Speedway? Eagles? When the race is set, we are always ready to go. Lap records are usually set in class. Wins come with hard work and everyone contributing. Even when a win doesn’t come or if we go metal to metal during the race, when the track goes cold, we are still a family. That is what it is all about.
Proven performance in the workshop or at the track, at Boardwalk Porsche, it is our passion.
Volume 51, Issue 2, February 2013
Go Online for Latest Updates on Events Departments Zone 5 Presidents .........................................1 Drifting (President’s Column) ......................2 Maverick of the Month.................................2 List of Officers/Board Chairs .......................4 Carey On (Editor’s Column) ........................5 Maverick Minutes ........................................6 December Trivia ...........................................7 Destination Restoration..............................12 Advertiser of the Month .............................18 Cliff’s Ramblings .......................................20 Member Spotlight.......................................30 New Wheels and Anniversaries..................31 Unclassifieds ..............................................32 Advertiser Index.........................................32
Upcoming Events Calendar of Events .......................................1 Getaway #1: Fredericksburg.......................10 Your First DE, Part 1 ..................................12 Autocross 1, Dallas Raceway......................17 Maverick Lunch Series ..............................22 Feb Happy Hour: Uncle Julio’s, Dallas ......25 Feb Board Meeting.....................................29
Past Event Recaps Pucker Up: DE at Daytona International ...16 Hope Shelter Christmas Party. ...................22 Dec Happy Hour: Ruggeri’s, Dallas ...........24 Time Trial 7/ Autocross 7 Results ..............28
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Day 6 12 15-18 21 24 28
February Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Getaway to Fredericksburg Happy Hour, Uncle Julio’s Autocross 1, DR (new venue!) Richardson/Southlake Lunches
Day 6 9-10 12 21 24 28
March Board Meeting Drivers’ Ed 1, ECR Lewisville Lunch; Porsche Parade Registration opens Happy Hour, TBD Autocross Academy, DR Richardson/Southlake Lunches
Day 3 9 14 18 20-21 25 27-28
April Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Autocross 2, DR Happy Hour, TBD Drivers’ Ed 2, MSR 3.1 Richardson/Southlake Lunches Time Trial 1/Autocross 3, MW
Day 1 14 16 23
May Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour, TBD Richardson/Southlake Lunches
Driving Event Venues COTA - Circuit of the Americas, Austin DR - Dallas Raceway, Crandall ECR - Eagles Canyon Raceway, Slidell MW - Mineral Wells Airport, Mineral Wells MSR - MotorSport Ranch, Cresson TMS - Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 155 Jellico Southlake, TX 76092. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX. Postmaster: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, Slipstream, 155 Jellico, Southlake, TX 76092.
On the Cover: A real Texas Road Hog. The hindquarters of Brendan Eagan’s 911 just as he passes an unexpected pork in the road. Photo by Abbey Maurice
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/ artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
2013 PCA Zone 5 Presidents and Zone Representative ARK-LA-TEX Kirk Bristol
COASTAL BEND Jose Carreras
LONE STAR Greg Platt
MARDI GRAS Rick Payton
OZARK John Bullen
WHISKEY BAY Henry Carter
CIMARRON Bill Jacobi
HILL COUNTRY Courtney Gross
LONGHORN Jack Merrell
MAVERICK John Hamlton
WAR BONNET Grady Buckhalter
WHITE RIVER Leonard Zechiedrich
ZONE 5 REP Lynn Friedman
February 1
Drifting: New Faces! By John Hamilton, Region President
e’re fortunate to have several members step up and take over from members who have served their term in one of our volunteer positions. So on page 4, you’ll see some new faces (or, in some cases, same faces in different roles). Here they are: • Gareth Maurice succeeds Tom Minnella as Vice President • Renee Farinella succeeds Madhu Rao as Secretary • Travis Howard succeeds Al Silva as Autocross Chair • Susan and Tom Froehlich succeed Lisa Steele as Membership Co-Chairs • Tracy Robertson succeeds Christy Payne as Social Chair • Rose Gohlke succeeds Lisa Steele as Hospitality Chair • STILL NEEDED: Rally Chair and Slipstream Assistant Editor contact to find out more about either position I’d ask you to thank our retiring chairpersons for their service over the previous year(s), and to welcome and congratulate our incoming chairpersons for “stepping up!” Speaking of retiring, I’d like to pass along a BIG THANK YOU to James Shoffit, who for the past four years has been the Zone 5 representative to the national organization. His responsibility was to represent (read: herding cats) the TWELVE regions of Zone 5 in portions of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, to PCA. And he did a fantastic job, as the growth in mem-
bership will attest. Thank you, James! Speaking of PCA National, your Maverick Region continues to fill a lot of roles for the national organization: • Wendy Shoffit National Newsletter Chair • Ed Mayo Technical Committee, 914 and 1965-1973 911/912 • Bryan Henderson National Club Race Chair
ALEXIS A. V. CAMPBELL, Proprietor 1235 William D. Tate Ave Grapevine, TX 76051
• Michael Wingfield National Club Race Chief of Timing and Scoring, AND Editor of Club Racing News • Teri Davis Parade Hospitality and Internet Cafe Co-Chair • Bob Knight National Finance Chair • James Shoffit Porsche Parade Multimedia Presentations
And newly appointed for 2013: • Joel Nannis Club Racing Scrutineer • Lisa Steele National Membership Chair So thanks to all of you who give or have given on a local or national level!
Mav of the Month One of our unsung heroes is the volunteer who works full-time hours to put this publication, our Slipstream newsletter, together every month. Carey Spreen took over as
Managing Editor beginning with the February 2012 issue, and we haven’t missed a beat! In fact, Carey has kept the quality developed by his predecessors, and has improved the timeliness of when Slipstream is completed, delivered to Ussery Printing, and then delivered to you! So THANK YOU, Carey, for taking our award-winning magazine one step higher for our readers. And enjoy your Silver Fox Steakhouse Gift Certificate as a token of our often unspoken appreciation for all the work you do!
Like a Personal Trainer for your Porsche! • Expert maintenance and repair services • Track Day Preparation • Performance and appearance upgrades from GMG, Manthey, FVD and More • Superior customer service and free loaner cars • PCA Discounts • Show quality detailing services • We build Spec Boxsters
We also Buy and Sell Quality Pre-owned Porsches
Come See Our New Facilities! Thanks to you, we’ve outgrown our old facility, and have moved to our new, 36,000 square foot service and sales facility. Come visit us at the corner of Midway Road and Skylane Drive, right across the street from Addison Airport. 3236 Skylane Drive, Dallas, Texas 75006 214-269-1570 • © 2011 RAC Performance, Glenn Zanotti Art Director/Photographer.
February 3
President John Hamilton C-817-907-7823
Vice President Gareth Maurice
John enjoys DEs, Happy Hours, the Porsche Parade, and other social events. He and wife Chris have owned Porsches since 1996 and joined the Club in 2002. John’s Grandfather in New Jersey owned a 1960 356B Coupe and later a 1965 356SC Cab which is how it got into his blood.
Gareth still remembers the cover of the car magazine that drew him into a lifetime of loving cars. He spent many afternoons riding his bike as a young kid to the local newsstand to buy and read everything he could. He now owns a Midnight Blue 911S and enjoys driving it in wonderful Texas!
AX Chair TT Chair AX/TT Registrar AX/TT Rules AX/TT Safety AX/TT Schools AX/TT Tech Insp AX/TT Workers Charity Chair Club Race Co-Chair Club Race Co-Chair Club Race Ads/PR Club Race Registrar Concours
Travis Howard Travis Howard Robyn Howard Charlie Davis
Robyn Howard Jeff Herrmann Robyn Howard Chris Hamilton Joel Nannis Pat Heptig Jim Buckley Wendy Shoffit Jack Griffin, Frank Briggs DE Chair Lori Mauthe DE Chief Drvng Instr. John Sandusky DE Equip. Mgr. Luke Edson DE Registrar Joel Nannis DE Safety Bob Benson Email List Moderator Bob Benson Goodie Store Pat Friend Happy Hours Mike Farrar Histographer, Tenured Charlie Davis Mentors Monda Hanna Membership Susan and Tom Froehlich Past President Mike Brodigan Public Relations Linda Bambina Slipstream Advertising Pat Friend Editor Carey Spreen Event Ad Design Christy Payne Mailing & Tech. Andy Mears Printing Fran Ussery Staff Linda Bambina Wendy Shoffit Social Chair Tracy Robertson Sponsorship Keith Olcha Sunday Drives John Harvey, Brendan Eagan Swap Meets Robyn Howard Tech Sessions Ed Mullenix Trivia Chair Jerry DeFeo Website Denny Payne
Secretary Renee Farinella C-972-571-4412 Renee works in healthcare, and enjoys fundraising for the military’s Her passion for cars manifests in how to integrate the highperformance driving experience into relationship building. She says, “Can a Porsche BE too loud on a Sunday drive? The hills are aliiive with the sound of music!” Renee owns a 2008 Boxster.
Treasurer Jim Falgout W-972-669-2370 C-972-345-3009 Jim joined Maverick Region in August, 2008. He drives a 1992 968 cabriolet, which is the second Porsche he has owned. Jim enjoys attending Maverick Region social and driving events.
Linda Bambina 214-616-1936
Monda Hanna 972-450-4341
Joel Nannis
Bob Benson 817-457-8833
John Harvey 214-808-1414
Lisa Steele 214-709-6418
Frank Briggs
Jeff Herrmann 254-338-1758
Keith Olcha
Mike Brodigan 817-233-0068
Robyn Howard 214-991-0873
W-817-706-7678 H-817-251-6865
Denny Payne
Jim Buckley
Travis Howard 214-616-6152
Tracy Robertson 817-300-3340
Charlie Davis
Pat Heptig
Jerry DeFeo 972-240-5800
Susan & Tom Froehlich
Mike Farrar
Lori Mauthe
Pat Friend 214-616-2477
Chuck McCoy 972-436-3164
Jack Griffin 214-739-2600
Andy Mears 214-394-5857
Chris Hamilton
Ed Mullenix 972-231-5356
Please help us to keep growing!
John Sandusky 817-777-0421 Wendy Shoffit H- 972-506-7449 C- 972-977-9821 James Shoffit 972-786-6246 Carey Spreen 817-422-3480 Fran Ussery W-972-438-8344 H-817-481-8342 Your Name Here!
Carey On...
By Carey Spreen, Managing Editor
s I write this in mid-January, it has already snowed twice in the DFW area, so it’s not easy to wrap my brain around the fact that our first Getaway Weekend (to Fredericksburg) and our first Autocross of the season are both only a little over a month away. And by the time you read this, only a couple of weeks away! The Getaway Weekend concept is the brainchild of our Public Relations Chair, Linda Bambina. Her idea is to have a fun, but totally non-competitive, weekend drive to somewhere a bit further away than the Sunday Drives typically take us, and to give us a chance to get to know each other a bit bet-
ter over meals and during other activities, in this case a visit to the National Museum of Pacific War, and seats at the Rockbox Theater for an evening celebrating the “golden age” of rock and roll. The idea is sort of like the annual PCA Escape weekend, but a bit shorter (two nights with a third optional) and with a lot fewer people. See the ad on page 10 for more information, and if you are interested, please contact Linda soon, because the event will be limited to 15 cars, and the deadline to register is February 5. As for the other “first” event this month, we have a new Autocross venue: the parking lot at Dallas Raceway, in Crandall, about 25 miles southeast of downtown Dallas. The facility itself is a drag strip, but we won’t be doing any
For hassle free information on any property in the DFW area, call 972.365.7370
“hole shots” there. The track management began renting out the parking lot for Autocross events last year, and several clubs have already used it, with good reviews. So for those of you on the east side of the Metroplex who have been putting off attending an Autocross because there were all too far away, this month is your chance to try it out. Plus we will be hosting our annual “Get a Grip” Autocross Academy at Dallas Raceway in March, if you’d like to learn more about what Porsches were made for. I would like to welcome two new advertisers to Slipstream: Michael Picolo/Ebby Halliday Realtors, and Roofing Solutions by Darren Houk. Thank you both for your support of the Maverick Region, and Mavericks, please consider supporting them!
When all HAIL breaks loose...
Roofing Solutions
By Darren Houk Impact Resistant Roofing Options Including: Metal, Tile, and even COMPOSITION shingles. SAVE up to 28% on insurance premiums
Michael Picolo
Showroom by Appointment 5500 Meandering Road Fort Worth 76114
February 5
Maverick Minutes: January Board Meeting By Renee Farinella, Region Secretary
reetings to you from me, as your 2013 Maverick Parliamentarian. Thank you to everyone for your support, and I look very much forward to serving as the club’s Secretary and bringing you a summary of the minutes from the board meetings each month. The first meeting of the year started promptly at 7pm with a welcome from our board President John Hamilton. He began by introducing two visiting guests, Marlee and Craig Shaw. We were glad to have them there, and hope their interest in participating continues to grow! Any Porsche owner is always welcome, and we encourage everyone to consider bringing and sharing your experience and insights on how to increasingly value our efforts on behalf of all members and aficionados! John then announced that he sent an email to PCA National to support and recognize a recent promotion of our Region Membership Chair, Lisa Steele, to National Membership Chair. Talented folks continue to move forward from the Mavericks! Kudos! Your contributions and smile will be missed! Good luck; we are very proud, and know you will do a great job. Another of our volunteers has gotten grabbed up and will serve as a Club Race Scrutineer at the National level: Joel Nannis. Great work by, and great opportunity for, each of you. We are grateful for your service! Membership Chair Lisa Steele said we are now at 2,215 total members. PCA is still growing nationally, with 1,800 new members annually nationwide. Maverick Region was 6
a significant part of that growth, with an increase of 144 members last year in our region alone. Drivers’ Ed Chair Lori Mauthe asked again about where we are at with promoting our club through the relationships we have with the area Porsche dealership. The application process appears to be a sticking point, but Lori is working on developing a smooth process, so that awareness is increased, more Porsche owners know about the club, and have the opportunity to join! Gareth Maurice is our new VP. Welcome, Gareth! We are glad you are with us, and excited about your fun and insightful contributions. He began his report by thanking DE Chair Lori Mauthe and Autocross/Time Trial Chair Travis Howard for providing the dates for this upcoming year’s events. This takes a lot of work to coordinate and nail down! Please look for updates on the Maverick website for this information. We also talked about the best places to get this information out to members, and to promote the events. Lori created business cards containing the DE dates to distribute at other Maverick as well as non-Maverick events. Treasurer Jim Falgout reminded everyone that forms need to be submitted for expense reimbursement. Brendan Eagan is helping out with on-line calendar. Travis Howard, now the Autocross chair in addition to Time Trial Chair, began his report by addressing complaints regarding issues the Mineral Wells venue has, like gravel. We had previously been using a 10-year-old sweeper. Richard Diller went out on his own and bought a replacement, which was previously owned by the Navy! So, this ad-
January 2, 2013 ditional equipment added to Ray Kelly’s rolling blower, means the gravel issue has been successfully addressed! Mineral Wells is considered to have an “aggressive” surface but good size, and its location (45 miles west of downtown Ft. Worth) is more convenient for members living on the west side of DFW. However, the new Autocross venue, Dallas Raceway in Crandall (25 miles southeast of downtown Dallas) is more convenient to those on the east side of DFW. The venue became available in late 2012, is bigger than the Pennington Field lot, and has a great concrete surface. Travis proposed the need for new timing equipment, since ours is now 11 years old. AX-Ware is the most popular software, used by Equipe Rapide and other clubs. We are taking a look at the cost of refurbishing our current system, which requires a person to manually log times. The Maverick website needs updating. Lori Mauthe is working on getting the Drivers’ Education information online updated as well. The rules need updating, too. Travis said the rental check will go to Mineral Wells this month. At this point in the meeting, Gareth Maurice mentioned that he was driving by DFW airport and saw a parking lot near Amon Carter Blvd, which he thought could be a possible viable AX/ TT site option. Lisa Steele replied that we had issues with the city when that was tried years ago. Someone else asked about the Texas Stadium lot as well. We imagine that, as enterprising as the Cowboys are, that option might be pretty expensive, but the question is being looked into further.
Robyn Howard, AX/TT School Chair and Registrar, is working on getting Mayo Performance to sponsor the Autocross series again. Public Relations Chair Linda Bambina thanked all the Slipstream content contributors and said that she very much appreciates timely delivery. Also, she is thrilled about her idea for the Mavericks to host a Driving Friendships “Getaway Weekend.” Brendan Eagan helped with the route. This fun weekend is targeted to drive from West, Texas (a Czech community north of Waco) to Fredericksburg, then back to DFW, with the dates set as Feb. 15-18. John Hamilton added that he appreciates the “inclusion” element. This adds a dynamic option value offering to the club. John Harvey mentioned the giantwild-pig-walking-in-the-middleof-the-road on a route checkout (only in Texas, right?! Love it!) story, the photo of which he plans
to submit to Panorama. I mentioned at this point that I thought this was a great idea, because it is so regionally and culturally relevant. We are always seekin’ to represent with excellence! Christy Payne and Lisa Steele are meeting with a candidate to take over Christy’s soon-to-be-vacated Social chair position. John Hamilton requested that we keep Myra Sutton in our prayers as she endures a second round of chemotherapy. Lori Mauthe said that the 2012 DE season ended on a high note. Joel Nannis will still help us with Drivers’ Education, even though he is now on the National Club Race staff. DE will have a committee meeting on January 7 to develop the 2013 plan. There will probably be two more meetings this year. Rose Gohlke will be handling the hospitality for Drivers’ Education. Lisa Steele also passed her
DE instructor certification! Lori asked that I help create and develop ideas to promote the DE events. The April DE will coincide with a Sunday Drive, continuing the tradition of the Sunday Drives introducing other aspects of the club to the tourers. We will continue to promote Big Brothers Big Sisters. They will be with us for two DE events. Jim Buckley’s team’s requested improvements (A/V) were well received. Lori requested $3,000 for these to transpire. John asked for more details from her in email form. We were $16,000 in the black for DE. This will be addressed further at the Feb meeting, pending a P&L report. John Harvey has the Intro to DE Sunday Drive scheduled for April 21, did a pre-drive, and said it
continued on page 11
DECEMBER TRIVIA It’s Easy to Play: Play here for fun and education and find the answers below OR Play for prizes on the web at, with the answers and winners to be posted here after each month’s contest has closed. Thanks to Jerry DeFeo for putting this and the Web Trivia together. Congratulations to our November Web Winner, Gerald Zinn, who got all 5 correct. Honorable Mention goes to Bob Bowland, who also got all 5 correct. The winner was chosen by random drawing. Gerald will receive a $25 gift certificate to
Thieves have recently been stealing Porsche Xenon Bulb headlights so much so that a judge has approved a class-action lawsuit against Porsche for the design. In what US City did this take place? a. New York City b. Miami c. Los Angeles d. San Francisco Source:
Which Porsches have been primarily hit by the headlight thieves? (Be sure to keep your car locked in the garage, or sleep in it, armed!) a. 911s & Caymans b. 911s & Boxsters c. Panameras & Cayennes d. 911s & Panameras Source:
Why are they stealing these headlights? a. Sell the exotic metal for scrap b. Retro-fit to older 911s c. Light up poppy fields for night harvesting d. Growing Marijuana Source:
What Porsche models are most Porsche magazines and experts now recommending as the “Best Porsche Bargain”? a. 1974-77 911s b. 1973-76 914s c. 1977-82 924s d. 1983-85 944s Source: 2012 Excellence Porsche Buyer’s Guide
Porsche Zuffenhausen has used many different numerical series for their cars, but only ONE Porsche was ever in the 800 Series. What was it? a. 801 Spyder b. 802 2.5L Formula 2 c. 803 Diesel Tractor d. 804 Formula 1 Source: Porsche - A Tradition of Greatness by Richard Langworth, p 167
Answers: 1) b 2) c 3) d 4) d 5) d
February 7
Destination Restoration: Diagnosis and Observation By Ash Seidl-Staley
was only nine years old when my Grandfather passed away and left me his 1972 911 Targa. Since then I have had to endure 15 brutal years filled with dreaming, planning, and speculating about how amazing it will be when I get to drive it. Unfortunately, life is never that easy. When finally I towed the car home from its 20-year resting place in Northern Oklahoma, the car was in no condition to drive. The engine was bone dry, the tires were flat, the brakes had seized, and the transmission was stuck in first. Needless to say, getting the car up onto a trailer was extremely difficult, but that is another story.
Rust spot on the passenger side front window cowl I have made it a life goal of mine to get this car up and running so I can make my grandfather proud. This brings us to Step One of a segment I like to call Destination Restoration: Diagnosis and Observation. This article is going to focus on every car’s number one enemy . . . Rust! There are many places on a car where rust can occur, and if left unattended, can really damage the car’s structural integrity. It is getting harder and harder to find 8
old Porsches that are truly “rust free.” So whether you inherited an early Porsche or are planning on buying a used one, here are some places you must check for this metal-deteriorating disease.
Driver’s side longitudinal wheelhouse panel and rocker panel To start simply, as you walk around the car, soaking in the Porsche beauty, look for small bubbles in the paint. Pay special attention to the cowl and rear windshield areas. Weather stripping works well, but has a shelf life just like anything else. If the car happens to be a Targa, look closely at where the Targa bar meets the body just behind the doors. If everything is clear, you are doing well so far, but there are plenty of hiding places for rust to sneak out of. Some of these spots will require you to get a little dirty, so I would advise not to wear your Sunday best. Next, crouch down by the rear wheel wells. Feel for any chips or flaking, while also noting the condition of the longitudinal wheel house repair panel. This is the part of the frame that curves down to join with the torsion tube and the back of the heel plate. If rust here is too severe it can potentially be a “Car Killer.” While down here look up to the underbelly of the floor pan, and note the condition of the back of the rear seats. Next, open the driver’s side door and
look along the door lock panel and all around the window seals. Continue your search to the front of the car; open the hood, and if carpeted, check underneath. Pay special attention to the front suspension pan, all around the fuel tank, and battery boxes, as moisture seems to collect in these areas. If all is clear, head to my favorite part of a Porsche, the engine and the engine bay. Luckily, thanks to German Engineering, not many things can rust out on a well-maintained engine. But still take a look at the heat exchangers, muffler, engine mounts, and shock tubes. If it is also visible, look up at the bottom of the parcel shelf; water is notorious for leaking through the back window.
Driver’s side floor pan At this point if you have not found many issues then I would say that you have a well-maintained Porsche within your grasp. If not, don’t get too discouraged - we live in an era thriving with early 911 restorations. There are shops and websites that will mold and ship the original quality sheet metal right to your door. If you are like me and are determined to own a piece of Porsche history, buckle down, take some welding classes, and help eradicate metal cancer!
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February 9
continued from page 7 looks promising. Brendan is working on the Sygic routing app. Treasurer Jim Falgout told us that the Eagles Canyon and MotorSport Ranch deposits are covered. We are awaiting Founders’ Day sponsorship dollars (about $5000 in receivables from some advertisers). We will discuss budgets at the next meeting, by reporting categories. Jim will get the forms out to the chair and committee heads for budgets to be turned in by March meeting. Linda recognized and thanked Jim Falgout for five years of service as Club Treasurer! (Applause all around.) Member Bruce McQuaid thanked the board for making the club so much fun! He belongs to three car clubs and says that we are the best! Marlee and Craig Shaw suggested that that we have an event with the theme “A Night With George Follmer,” as they are acquaintances
of the famous racer. John pointed to the fact that we had former Porsche CEO Peter Schutz speak at a DE a couple of years ago, and it generated a great turn-out! Lori suggested the possibility of holding it during the September DE. Slipstream Editor Carey Spreen bumped up the number of monthly copies to 1550 to keep pace with our growing membership numbers, but the magazine remains at 32 pages. Andy Mears, who handles newsletter mailing and distribution, is working with Ad Manager Pat Friend to make sure that the mailing lists are up to date, including copies to advertisers. Mike Farrar is the Happy Hour Chair, and we need a location for February! (Editor’s note: It was later decided to hold it at Uncle Julio’s in Dallas.) Tech Chair Ed Mullenix was present but had no news for us about upcoming Tech Sessions.
John Hamilton will send a formal thank you to Mark Shevitz for emceeing the Founder’s Day gala on December 1. Regarding the All Member Party, scheduled for January 26, I suggested that all board members bring their PCA business cards, be intentional about driving traffic to the website, and that perhaps we do a drawing. John asked Linda to create an agenda for the party, as well as ideas for a drawing, and email to him. The All Member Party is our way of introducing new members to our upcoming events, an informal Q&A session for those who would like to learn more about what we do and why we do it! Mav of the Month – for his efforts throughout last year: Slipstream editor Carey Spreen!
February 11
Your First Drivers’ Education Event: Part 1 - Preparation by Joel Nannis, National Club Race Scrutineer, and Lori Mauthe, Drivers’ Education Chair
o you’ve made the decision to have a date with your Porsche, and learn about how to REALLY drive your dream car. Now what is next? This article, including Part 2 next month, will provide the step-by-step guidelines for what to do and what to expect.
Event Registration To register to attend a Maverick Region PCA Drivers’ Education (DE) event, you first log into the website.
You will have to create an account and credentials, and then you can search for the event. You can find our events by clicking on the “Search for Events” menu, then “Find Events.” Complete the form with the “By Category” option and make the selections shown in the graphic to the right.
will have the ability to pre-register for lunch, which is catered at the track, and some events also have an optional dinner. You will be asked to provide a car number, or one will be assigned for you. If you are sharing a Porsche (or other car) for the event with another driver, please also provide this information so we can place you on the same team. After you register, you will receive a confirmation email stating that you have been accepted. The
Select the event, then complete the questionnaire form. You
continued on page 14
High-performance aluminum rims & race tires
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450hp naturally aspirated flat 6-cylinder boxer
Ready to bring your Porsche performance to the track? First, bring it to Park Place Motorsports. We’ll identify the specific upgrades you need and customize them to fit your vehicle perfectly. Whether it’s wheels, brakes, drivetrain, exhaust or Park Place Motorsports proprietary shock packages and suspension components, our experts know just what it takes to help you achieve all your performance goals. Call to set up your appointment, and get started customizing your Porsche. Don’t forget, we also offer a full range of high-performance services. From race prep to at-track support and full-service car management, our Porsche-Certified technicians have the expertise and equipment to get your vehicle race-ready. So whether you’re a racing enthusiast, or just looking to bring the excitement of the track to your daily drive, race in to Park Place Motorsports today. PPM Pro Race Team | Race Prep | Performance Upgrades | At-Track Support | Full-Service Car Management
6219 Peeler Street | Dallas, Texas 75235 877.606.4123 |
February 13
continued from page 12 acceptance will indicate you are in the green group and you are assigned a unique car number. This number will be yours so long as you attend at least one event a year. You can make the numbers for your car using painter’s tape of a contrasting color to the color of your car. For example, blue on black is not acceptable. The numbers need to be at least 8” tall and must be placed on both doors and optionally on the front hood.
Readiness Activities – Two Weeks Prior to the Event There are several important email attachments that require action prior to the event. Technical Inspection Form. The Tech Inspection Form is certification that your vehicle has passed the safety inspection criteria required for track activity. An
authorized dealer or Club-approved mechanic must fill out the form and sign it, indicating that your car is ready for the event. You also must initial and sign the form. The Tech Form must be turned in during registration on the day of the event. When on track, you are required to wear a safety helmet with Snell 2005 or 2010 approval sticker. Not all helmets meet this requirement, so be sure to check the sticker inside the helmet or on the back of the helmet. Note that a Snell 2005 helmet will only be legal for PCA events until 2015, so if you are going to purchase a helmet, a Snell 2010 would be a better choice. A limited number of approved helmets are available to rent from the track facility for a fee, so if you plan to do so, be sure to reserve this option early with the track directly. Emergency Contact Form. This form is required if you have not already entered this information
during pre-registration on the website. DE Handbook. A detailed document containing the rules and regulations for a drivers’ education event, for review before the event, and for reference if there is a question during an event. You do not need to bring a printed copy with you.
The Night Before the Event Prepare your car for the track by ensuring that the gas tank is full and that you have your helmet and forms. A clean car is a safe car, so be sure especially to clean the windows. Hydrate yourself with water and/or sports drink the few days prior to the event. The night before the event, please have a good nutritious dinner and get a good night sleep. Watch this column next month for Part 2 – At the Track.
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February 15
Pucker Up: On Track at Daytona International Speedway By Bob Kuykendall
Photos by Colour Tech South Motorsports Photography except where noted
Editor’s Note: Maverick Region member Bob Kuykendall attended Florida Citrus Region’s OctoberFast Club Race/Drivers’ Ed event last October. He was kind enough to share his experiences with us in this article.
riving Daytona International Speedway is no big deal, provided that you don’t mind the 31-degree banked turns, the long straightaway, the Horseshoe, the Kink, the Bus Stop chicane, and the hair-raising speed. Oh yes, and getting passed by Porsche Cup and SuperCup racing machines. Other than that, hey, it’s just another DE weekend surrounded by Porsche enthusiasts. Right? I chose Daytona as this year’s quest to drive world-class tracks away from home. Although finding something a little closer than 1100 miles away might have been smarter, this track was definitely on my bucket list, especially after watching races there at Rennsport Reunion and the annual 24 Hours. The event was the Florida Citrus Region’s annual PCA Club Race/ DE, and advanced solo drivers are allowed to play, if you sign up fast, as online registration is full in about three hours. First up, logistics. How do I get me, my car, and four new R-compounds to Florida without a truck and trailer? Easy, I just used the Carey Spreen method. Carey once told me at the Colorado Parade how he had thrown all four tires into his ‘82 SC. I almost didn’t believe him, but he was right, and I managed to get all four additional race tires into my 997, with ample leg and shift room 16
left over. The front trunk swallowed up my race jack, gear, and travel bag. Now, I could drive all the way to Florida on street tires. There were no other Mavericks attending, as most were at Hallett, but I enjoyed getting to know John Cochran from Baltimore, who used to be a Maverick Region member, Photo by Bob Kuykendall
definitely has a “pucker” factor. Now I was starting to get nervous. The best part of the weekend for me was getting high-quality instruction on Thursday night when I arrived. The one-hour Chalk Talk was put on by pro driver Cory Friedman, with corner-by-corner insights and in-car video. Then, a two-hour track walk with the 50 or so DE drivers, by our host Ron Zitza with Zotz Racing. These are the guys that drive the 24-Hour every year, so they shared insight on such things as turn-in markers, like the chipped curb just before the Kink, since there are no cones. Great stuff! Someone said this is the highest speed sports car track in North America. I believe them, and my heart was pounding as I took the track for the first time. My 997 3.6 crossed start/finish at slightly over 150 mph. These are Autobahn velocities, which gave my little car a chance to stretch its legs. Porsches are made for this. Simply amazing!
A decidedly economical tire transportation method
But, as I have discovered on other high speed tracks, it’s not just max velocity that makes it fun. Handling the “Kink” at 85 mph without lifting was always a test on the infield track. Or, finding the fastest entry speed into the Bus Stop chicane. And not dying is good too!
and he remembers fondly the Shoffits, Bob Knight, Joe McGlohen, Keith Olcha, and other legacy Mavericks. And then I ran into Bryan Henderson, the National Club Race Chair, so at that point I didn’t feel so far from home. Bryan warned me that this track Dealing with infield traffic
I spent all weekend going from worst to first, at least with the other street cars in my group. But horsepower
The license plate beginning to show signs of loosening is king on this track, so the Turbos, GT2s, and Cup Cars reel you in and spit fireballs at you as they pass on the high-speed banking. The key is to stay low to let others pass high and to the right. And to use your turn signals for passing instead of hand signals - you might lose a left arm at 150 mph! Finally, some general observations about driving Daytona:
I squeezed the wheel so tightly, my leather gloves wore out thru the thumbs (they really did!) I used profanity while screaming on the banking that I have never used before (Sorry, Mom!)
Be sure and use the restroom before staging on grid.
Watch the fuel level. I used one-third of a tank per 30-minute run session.
The high speeds sucked out my third brake light lens and my back license plate flew off.
The black flag guy is a lot meaner than our local black flagman, Joel Nannis. (Ask me how I know!)
When you carry all four tires inside the cabin, it stinks like rubber.
Radar detectors are a necessity through Alabama.
In Florida, it rains every afternoon - Saturday’s Club Race had nine incidents.
Take your iPod - it’s a long drive home.
All in all, an incredible, yet safe, weekend. Let’s see, for next year - Road Atlanta? VIR? Watkins Glen? Tough choices . . . .
Crossing start/finish on the legendary Daytona front stretch
February 17
Advertiser of the Month: deBoulle Diamonds and Jewelry By Slipstream staff
enis and Karen Boulle established deBoulle Diamond and Jewelry in 1983 with a vision of providing their customers with a premier collection of fine jewelry and luxury timepieces, impeccable service, and a beautiful, friendly environment. Then and now, these elements make up “The deBoulle Experience™.” deBoulle’s collection of diamonds, fine jewelry, and timepieces is unsurpassed for elegance, quality, and long-term value. Denis and Karen believe that purchasing fine jewelry and luxury timepieces should be informative, fun and very rewarding, and they strive every day to make that happen. Denis Boulle was born on the island of Mauritius in the southwestern Indian Ocean and spent his early years there and in Cape Town, South Africa. He was educated in England. Denis and his wife Karen, a native of England, launched their first retail venture, a jewelry salon in a small space in University
Park’s famous Snider Plaza, in 1983. Denis introduced Dallas to several luxury watch brands along with fine jewelry collections from Italy. Since then, deBoulle has served thousands of discriminating customers worldwide and built a reputation as one of the pre-eminent independently-owned jewelers in the United States. Denis has assembled a team of highly-trained professionals, including GIA (Gemological Institute of America) Graduate Gemologists. Many on the staff have been with the company for 15-plus years. Their experience in jewelry, diamonds, and watches provides customers with an uncommonly high level of knowledge and friendly, personal service. In 2001, deBoulle moved to its current location – a beautiful, sophisticated 13,600-square foot salon with a historical flair in the style of a two-story French villa. The deBoulle salon is located in Dallas at 6821 Preston Road.
deBoulle Diamonds and Jewelry is an authorized dealer for a vast selection of the world’s premier brands of luxury timepieces like Patek Philippe, Rolex, Brequet and F.P. Journe. deBoulle was handpicked by each brand for its uncompromising professionalism and for having the necessary skills to maintain all of the qualities of the brand. deBoulle has also been appointed as an authorized dealer for an extensive collection of elegant luxury jewelry brands. Over the years, Denis and Karen Boulle, along with the fine designers and craftsmen at deBoulle, have also created the exquisite deBoulle Collection™. deBoulle is a member of Jewelers of America, Texas Jewelers Association, Diamond Council of America and supports the Gemological Institute of America, GIA. Denis Boulle is a founding member of the American Watch Guild and serves on its advisory board. Denis is also an advisory board member of Speedway Children’s Charities Texas Chapter.
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February 19
Cliff ’s Ramblings: Modern Automotive Safety Equipment By Cliff Blackshear The other night I was making my way home on my usual 60-mile commute. It was raining hard. Water on the road was deep. My new Michelins were working well. I was running what I felt was about 9/10 of what the conditions allowed. Crossed over a patch of road where, a year or so ago, I found myself rendering aid to someone in the same conditions. Then wrote an article about it the same night. It made me think about safety requirements and how they save lives of drivers that are not enthusiasts. You know what I mean? People that own a car just because they need one to get around. So I wanted to repost what happened, as I feel we all need to remember just how the average driver is
not dialed in to their minute-by-minute situation. Situational awareness is not exactly the average driver’s “mantra.” So the car protects them from harm when they make stupid mistakes. I suppose natural selection is somewhat interrupted but “HEY, WHATEVER!”
have been wanting to write something here about air bags/supplemental restraint systems for quite some time. Over the weekend I started looking for information about air bag deployment speeds, how they are deployed, and what makes the systems do what they do. I know that when the systems were introduced to us Porsche techs in mid 80s we were told a driver’s air bag goes from no deployment to full deployment to full deflation in around 280 milliseconds. The entire safety aspect of seat belts and things like thorax
air bags and side curtain airbags are something we Porsche techs deal with daily. I have always found these systems to be very interesting. Then tonight I’m on my way home in a driving rainstorm. It was raining so hard at times that traffic on I-35 slowed to 15-20 mph; folks were driving with their 4-way flashers on. Something like driving thru a car wash. I exited I-35 and got on I-20. The rain slowed but the water was deep in places on the road. Just past the Hulen exit I’m in the far left lane and a car about 100 yards in front of me suddenly changes lanes to the middle lane. About 200 yards further ahead is a car crashed into the left lane divider. The vehicle was sitting perpendicular (I mean 90 degrees), to the flow of traffic, with the left
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shoulder and most of the left lane blocked. I hit the 4-way flashers and the brakes at the same time, while considering changing lanes. Ahead, as I slowed, I saw a person sitting on the ground with drivers’ door open, lying against the door sill. The driver was a young girl wearing shorts, no shoes, and a tee shirt, sitting in the rain with her head down between her knees. I jumped out and asked if she was ok. “I don’t know” she replied. She was crying, hysterical, and just sitting on the pavement up against the car between the door and the door sill. I grabbed for my cell and dialed 911 while looking upstream to see if we were gonna get run over. I saw two more people had stopped behind me and had their flashers on plus exiting their cars to render aid. I explained to 911 operator the location, direction of travel, lane blockage and current driver situ-
ation. Driver was moving in such a way as to indicate to me that she had no broken bones. Good head movement, legs, arms, etc. No bleeding that I could see. I found myself looking at the car and saw both air bags deployed. Front end heavily damaged. Next I turned my full attention to her. She was absolutely hysterical, crying, and had no idea what happened. I thought of my girls for some reason while all this was transpiring. I found myself stroking her hair and telling her she was ok, that her car was not that badly damaged. Trying to calm her while we waited for EMT. One of the other drivers that had stopped put a coat over her to help keep her warm. It was raining pretty hard. Police and EMT arrived within minutes of my call. Their actions were so well rehearsed and dead on to the situation. An EMT driver made the comment to one
of the officers that he thought she had lost control in a deep puddle about 150 yards upstream of us. I feel certain he was right. I was told that since I did not actually see the accident that I was no longer required to stay around. By then I was totally soaked with the rain and getting cold. I wanted to touch her and tell her she would be ok, but she was totally surrounded by some pretty awesome caring emergency people looking after her immediate needs, so I left and went home. When she lost control and hit that wall, g-forces were measured, speed and angle of impact were considered, distance from steering wheel was well calculated, and seat belt pretensioners activated. Her head rotated forward and was stopped by an inflated device that most likely prevented a very bad neck injury.
continued on page 29
Experience Your Porsche in a New Way! By driving on a real North Texas racetrack
Eagles Canyon Raceway is the beautiful culmination of years worth of research, planning & design into the rolling hills of North Texas near DFW. Eagles Canyon Raceway features 2.55 miles, 4 straights over 1,300 feet long, 11 turns, and 340 feet of overall elevation change. Eagles Canyon is a true driver's track, and is planned to host all classes of events from the top level racing series to club racing and private HPDE days. We are proud to receive PCA events including Club Racing and look forward to each and every event! With an EC Membership you can enjoy driving on a track that is quickly becoming history in the making. We offer all that you need including a challenging track, high octane fuel & a grill for lunch. Join us by signing up at or call for information at 940-466-9775.
February 21
Huffaker-Hughes Hope House: Christmas Party By Chris Hamilton, Charity Chair
emember, it’s the giving that is OUR gift. - Helaina Floyd, 12 years old THANK YOU everyone for your generous donations for the Huffaker-Hughes Hope Shelter Party. YOU give ALL year with your generous hearts: the gift cards, Holiday Party Silent Auction, and the D.E. ride-alongs. The Keesecker Family and Friends performed a fun “Chicken Dance” and many other exciting German folk dances. Rich’s daughter, Annika, raised money by doing chores and she AGAIN gave generous gift cards for the women to go shopping. She also helped the children
A visit from everyone’s favorite elf participate by directing them in a song while they played the bells. She is one very special young lady. Thank you, Jean Frick and Rich Keesecker, for getting the crowd in the spirit with some favorite Christmas carols. Thank you, Bob and Clara Lewis, Dave Frick, and Bill Middleton, for helping share the spirit of the season with our guests.
Lisa Huffaker leading the Chicken Dance
The Chicken Dance - a perennial favorite at the Hope Christmas Party The students from Chisholm Trail Intermediate School, part of the Keller Independent School District in Fort Worth, gave generous gifts of toothpaste, toothbrushes, toys, and more. One Chisholm Trail student council member made a sign to encourage other students to participate. The sign read, “Remember it’s the giving that is OUR gift.” The things we can continue to learn from children.
Jean Frick and Rich Keesecker provided the Christmas carol accompaniment
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February 23
December Happy Hour: Ruggeri’s Italian Kitchen By Don Siebert
was five nights before Christmas And all thru Ruggeri’s All the Mavericks were stirring . . . Their drinks! Even the guests.
Photos by Linda Bambina visiting with old and new friends while enjoying food & drink? Happy Hour Chair Mike Farrar, former Ruggeri’s owner, greeted us with a big smile and introduced us to the new owners, Farid and Rebecca Sabounchi. We wish them well and hopefully we’ll soon
The food in the kitchen Was cooking with care In the hopes that St. Maverick Soon would be there.
return for another happy hour.
OK, so I’m not a poet. The wonderful thing about holidays is that most everyone is out for fun, and the December Happy Hour was no exception. Along with our members were many new guests to partake. What is more enjoyable than
Paul Ramos, Rick Robinson, and Mark Hanna
Angela and Galen Caraveau
There were quite a few new members and guests to help celebrate. We pretty well dominated the restaurant. Conversations ran from holiday planning to what’s in store for the Maverick Region in 2013. As always, there will be something for everyone. You can pick specific events to your liking or you can jump in with both feet and do as
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many as time allows. The great thing about this region is that there is always something happening. With the end of 2012 approaching, you can’t help but reflect on all the wonderful events the Maverick Region puts on, whether it be social events, DEs, Autocrosses, Sunday drives, lunches, etc., including this year’s 50th Anniversary events. The amount of friends you make along the way is what makes our club so outstanding. Happy Hour is one of the most relaxing events that we can attend
Nancy Manar and Clara Lewis
- a chance to visit with all in attendance. Mike Farrar and all the other people who contributed to the successful year-long Bobbie Briggs and Happy Hour Dee Luxbacher series are to be commended; it takes more than listing the dates in Slipstream. Also, what would we do without Linda Bambina and her camera, to record the happy faces at our many events?
ated, and the pay is unbelievable: many warm and wonderful friends. By the time you read this, we will be into a new year. Everyone’s hope is for a happy and healthy year. And be sure to join us for the next Happy Hour at Uncle Julio’s in Dallas on February 21!
Your input is always welcome, whether you’re a new or old member, and if you decide that 2013 is the year to volunteer for any of the coming attractions or want to be an officer or board member, don’t be shy. You would be greatly appreciFebruary 25
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February 27
Time Trial 7 / Autocross 7: 2012 Finale at the MineralRing Results compiled by Dean! Yamada Time Trial 7 Official Results Class 3 3 Class 4 4 4 4 Class 5 5 Class 6 6 Class 7 7 Class 8 Class 10 Class 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X Class 2R Class 2X 2X Class 2R 2R Class 3X 3X 3X
Name John Stahl Travis Howard Name Sigrid Schnoerr Mark Schnoerr Wesley Lincoln Oleg Perelet Name Robyn Howard Barry Bartee Name Scott Wolthuis Casey Wolthuis Name Ray Nannis Brandon Bartee Name Jeff Herrmann Name Richard Diller Name David Whitener Gabby Garner Mitch Williams Robert Payne Andy Sanchez Name Maggie O'brien Name Alejandro Moreno Sebastian Sanchez Name Chris Craig Jake Wile Name Jeff Rackley John Higgs Josh Hahne
Driving 1988 Porsche 944 (Black) 1974 Porsche 914 (Yellow) Driving 1974 Porsche 914 (Lime Green) 1974 Porsche 914/2.0 (LIME GREEN) 1994 Porsche 911 (Green) 1990 Porsche C2 (red) Driving 2003 Porsche Boxster (Blue) 1995 Porsche 993 (Black) Driving 1975 Porsche 911S (Blue) 1975 Porsche 911 (Blue) Driving 2004 Porsche 996 (Red) 1972 Porsche 911 (White) Driving 1987 Porsche 951 (Blue) Driving 1972 Porsche 911S (Red) Driving 1988 Honda CRX (Blue) 1995 Mazda Miata (Merlot Mica) 1995 Mazda Miata (Red) 1992 Mazda Miata (Red / Black) 2006 Honda Civic SI (Silver) Driving 1996 BMW M3 (Silver / Orange) Driving 2005 Toyota X-‐Runner (Black) 2005 BMW 330i (Black) Driving 2007 Subaru WRX STi (WR Blue Pearl) 1996 BMW M3 (Silver / Orange ) Driving 2006 Lotus Elise (Silver) 2011 Chevrolet Corvette (White) 2005 Pontiac GTO (Red)
Car# 46 95 Car# 914 14 644 26 Car# 65 971 Car# 56 156 Car# 722 592 Car# 81 Car# 550 Car# 199 74 186 417 408 Car# 194 Car# 2 311 Car# 69 94 Car# 72 21 22
Autocross 7 Official Results Fastest 76.638 77.813 Fastest 71.772 73.503 77.005 78.479 Fastest 78.620 80.813 Fastest 72.791 75.331 Fastest 70.396 79.472 Fastest 71.561 Fastest 74.058 Fastest 70.915 74.001 75.256 77.329 83.951 Fastest 77.062 Fastest 76.322 79.684 Fastest 70.636 72.564 Fastest 70.722 72.432 74.292
Class 3 3 Class 4 Class 5 5 5 5 5 Class 7 7 Class 8 8 8 Class 10 10 10 Class 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X Class 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X Class 3R
Name Travis Howard Ed Mayo Name Thomas Spitzer Name Dan Ali Barry Bartee Robyn Howard Darren Houk Lisa Bartee Name Ray Nannis Brandon Bartee Name Jeff Herrmann Al Silva Yutaka Yamato Name John Leto Gary Leto Richard Diller Name David Whitener Brad Henderson Jerrett Jan Kim Whitener Kenny Baker Jim Harris Leilanie Jan Jason ? Name David Kleinhans Aqib Kazi Sam Graff Dru Dickerson Ryan Boys Kevin Aeneh Anil Khimani Sharjeel Saeed Ali Kassan Name Dean Yamada
Driving 1974 Porsche 914 (Yellow) Porsche 911S (Silver) Driving 1988 Porsche 944 (Blue) Driving 2012 Porsche Panamara 4S (Black) 1995 Porsche 993 (Black) 2003 Porsche Boxster (Blue) 1992 Porsche 968 (Guards Red) 1995 Porsche 993 (Black) Driving 2004 Porsche GT3 (Red) 1973 Porsche 911 (White) Driving 1987 Porsche 951 (Blue) 2012 Porsche Cayman R (Peridot green) 2012 Porsche Cayman R (Peridot Green) Driving 1972 Porsche 914 (Green) Porsche 914 (Green) 1972 Porsche 911S (Red) Driving 1988 Honda CRX (Blue) 2000 Mazda Miata (Silver) 1993 Mazda Miata (Skid White) 1988 Honda CRX (Blue) 2006 Mazda Miata (Red) 2013 Scion FR-‐S (Silver) 1993 Mazda Miata (White) ? Driving 2002 Honda S2000 (Silver) 2002 Honda S2000 (Sebring Silver) 2010 Subaru WRX (Black) 2002 Honda S2000 (Silver) 2002 BMW M3 (Silver) 2001 BMW M3 (Carbon Black) 1995 Saab 9-‐5 (Silver) 2009 Acura TL (Black) 1995 Saab 9-‐5 (Silver) Driving 2002 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (Red)
Car# 95 5 Car# 21 Car# 34 97 65 160 971 Car# 722 592 Car# 81 713 813 Car# 151 15 550 Car# 199 71 72 99 22 62 172 2 Car# 7 17 14 23 334 333 11 12 10 Car# 18
Fastest 90.703 95.570 Fastest 90.635 Fastest 93.374 97.148 97.406 102.681 108.979 Fastest 86.671 98.816 Fastest 88.081 88.994 96.962 Fastest 90.971 94.385 101.383 Fastest 83.626 83.707 85.219 85.368 86.870 88.889 94.168 111.486 Fastest 87.248 88.409 88.448 90.876 92.747 94.976 97.696 106.469 112.818 Fastest 83.242
continued from page 21 She probably has burn marks on her arms and chest from the impact with the airbag. The seat belts will have burn marks where they wrap around the buckle. This is normal for impact situations above 25 mph. The front of the car has controlled deformation zones that absorbed energy as the car hit the wall. There was no damage inside the car from impact as the forward structure absorbed all the energy. A g-force sensor sent a signal to a control unit (microprocessor). That unit compared that signal to a program map and then sent a signal to deploy both the air bags and to tighten the seat belt to a pre-determined tension. All in a few thousandths of a second. Signals were sent via gold plated contacts at every connection point. Wiring completely dedicated to these circuits. (A system we test for
readiness every four years on all cars.) Plus, doors were unlocked and the fuel pump was shut off. That is how the safety systems work. There are a ton of drivers out there who have no interest in their car or what it does. It is just an item they need to have, like a refrigerator or stove. They comply with whatever is needed to allow them to operate this item in their lives. Then, when driving home one night in the rain, this item keeps them alive and well in an ugly situation. These drivers simply are carbon units in a machine to me. Until something like this happens. I wish I could contact her and make sure she is ok. Yet I know she is ok. The little Dodge econobox she was driving did what it was mandated to do by the DOT. What a weird thing for me to deal with, right when I have been thinking about safety mandates.
February 29
Member Spotlight: Rick and Becky Robinson By Lisa Steele, National Membership Chair
his month’s member spotlight is on Rick and Becky Robinson. This wonderful couple is not new to our Maverick family as they have become quite active over the past two years. Rick and Becky own a 2008 Speed Yellow Carrera 4S and a 2007 Cayman respectively. This couple has definitely owned their fair share of sports cars over the years, having a few BMWs, Becky’s love of convertibles, and a ‘96 300ZX TT that was number 246 of the last run of 300. Once you get to know Rick, you will quickly learn that he also LOVES his Prius. It is his daily commuter and his third one in four years. Hopefully, it has great gas mileage because Rick works in Plano and lives out in the country on six acres outside Trenton, 45 miles NE of Dallas.
Rick and Becky have been together for 12 years, and have four children and two grandchildren. They have been empty nesters now for about four years and they are absolutely LOVING IT, according to Rick. Becky works in accounting for an international company, and Rick has been a self- employed commercial general contractor for about 30 years. You won’t catch these two at home much these days because they are also avid motorcycle riders. They recently traveled to New Orleans, along the coast into Florida, up into the mid-section and across Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and back to Texas. Wow! What a ride! It is wonderful to see Rick and Becky becoming so involved with our Maverick family. You will always see this pair helping out at any event they attend. Rick shared a few kind words of thanks to the volunteers:
“You’ve heard it from us before, but we would both really love to have it said that we are in awe, and humbled by the level of dedication, energy, and effort that is put into the club by all those who volunteer their time, just so we can have such a great time doing all of these wonderful things. A huge thank you to all of those who work so hard making it all possible. A special thank you to all those who make our newest passion, Drivers’ Education, possible. Thank you to corner workers, support staff, instructors and all those give up their valuable time to make it safe, educational and an absolute blast of an event.” If you would like to be considered for our monthly “SPOTLIGHT” feature, please contact me at
New Wheels
If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Lisa Steele 214-709-6418.
By Lisa Steele, National Membership Chair Bibawi, Sam Plano, TX 2013 Carrera 4
Johnson, Nick Dallas, TX 1966 912
Sisneros, Mike Carrollton, TX 2004 911 C4S
Boltinghouse, Bennett (Jessica) Dallas, TX 2002 Carrera 2
Masterson, Jim (Dee) Highland Village, TX 1993 911
Terrell, Megan (Jesse) Benbrook, TX 1983 944
McClelland, Scott Dallas, TX 2004 GT3
Venanzi, Pietro (Inger Dalen) Dallas, TX 1997 911
Covington, Scott Dallas, TX 2005 911
Oppermann, Todd Granbury, TX 2005 GT3 cup
Crimmins, Phil (Diane) Frisco, TX 2013 911
Riseman, Ryan (William) Dallas, TX 2013 911
Harrison, Brian Garland, TX 1974 911
Sircely, Joe Flower Mound, TX 2006 Cayman
Johnson, Lily (John) Arlington, TX 2006 911 C4
Maverick Membership Totals Members ~ 1,335 Affiliate Members ~ 880 Total Membership ~ 2,215
Save the flash!
Flashing your high beams at fellow Porsche drivers is a time-honored tradition . . . keep the flash alive!
Vodek, Jason Mc Kinney, TX 2007 Carrera 4S Wondoloski, Rob (Christine) Richardson, TX 2013 911
Anniversaries 30 Years
Berdis, Joseph (Heidi)
20 Years Hensley, Steven
10 Years
Clarke, Darrell W. Kosdrosky, Rick A. (Cheryl) Petri, Brian R. (Doreen)
Aledo Granbury N Richland Hills
5 Years
15 Years
Reif, Cyril G. (Marion) Williams, Glenn D.
McKinney Plano
Cerny, Don R. Chevier, Steve (Jackie Morneau) Gaines, Hank (Angie)
Stephenville Keller Dallas
February 31
Unclassifieds Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region members and are $5 to all others (contact editor for payment details). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues, then removed unless you request that it be run for an additional 3 issues. E-mail your ad to by the 10th to have your ad run in the following month’s Slipstream. Be sure to include car year, make and model, its mileage and asking price, as well as a contact name, phone number and /or e-mail address. All parts will be advertised on our website. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Due to space constraints, photos may or may not be included.
For Sale: 2008 Boxster S, 36K miles. Black with Black interior and Black soft top. 6-spd manual, Sport Chrono package, Bi-xenon headlights, power and heated seats, power windows and locks, cruise control, Bose premium sound, 6-disc CD changer, self-dimming mirrors, garage door opener, wheel spacers, wired with Valentine detector. Transferable Porsche Certified Pre-owned warranty with coverage through March 2015 or 100k miles. Asking $35,000. Contact John at 469-544-8228 or jwardeward@ (02)
For Sale: 1976 912E, White/Red, 109k miles. Rebuilt from ground up. Looks and runs like a new
all-original car. Won Best in Class and earned overall Best in Show honors in a recent car show, $24.5k. Greg Metzger, 817-879-1144 or (01)
For Sale: 1987 928S4, Very clean, 41,500 miles. Auto trans, sunroof, heated seats, A/C, Bilstein shocks, alarm. Original (X wheels). $19,500. Contact Ed at 469-576-6090 or (01) For Sale: 2011 Panamera 4S, 4800 PCA Member miles, Basalt Black Metallic/Black Leather. V8, All Wheel Drive, All 4S Equipment plus PDK/Servtronic,
Slipstream Advertiser Index
Sport Chrono Package, Adaptive Air Suspension, Front Seat Ventilation, ParkAssist F/R, Rear Camera, XM Satellite Radio, 6-CD Changer, Bose Surround Sound System, Moonroof. Also has $6k 20-Inch Panamera Black Sport Wheels and Tires. Was tuned by RAC, including upgrading to a $6k German Exhaust and Chrome Tips and K&N Air. This head turner is perfect, no smoke, $95,000. Call 214-4507298 or email at (12)
Wanted: 1967-1973 911T, E, or S. Long time PCA member looking for a great car. Contact Frank at 970-708-0383 or (12)
For advertising rates and information contact Pat Friend at
These advertisers support Maverick Region -- Tell them you saw their ad in Slipstream!
3 Locate LLC Ascot Diamonds Autobahn Motorcar Group Boardwalk Porsche Buckley Racing Dallas Karting Complex deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry Eagles Canyon Raceway Falgout & Associates, P. C. Fifth Gear Motorsports Istook’s MotorSport Services Jack Junkies Laurie Wirth Realtor Louden Motorcar Services Maverick Region Goodie Store Mayo Performance Merrill Lynch Wealth Mgmt 32
(817) 886-6861 (972) 991-0001 (800) 433-5602 (214) 576-1911 (817) 239-7969 (903) 527-5278 (800) 454-4367 (940) 466-9775 (972) 669-2370 (972) 317-4005 (817) 332-6547 (972) 881-5DIY (214) 223-7488 (972) 241-6326 (817) 540-4939 (972) 980-8618
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Michael Picolo/Ebby Halliday Mullenix Motorsport Mustard Racing Nine-Eleven Enterprises Park Place Porsche The Phoenix Insurance Pro-Tect Mobile RAC Performance RetroAir Roofing Solutions by Darren Houk Silver Fox Soundwerk State Farm Insurance UPS Store Ussery Printing Zims Autotechnik
(972) 365-7370 (972) 231-5356 (817) 366-1678 (972) 241-2002 (800) 553-3196 (214) 253-0570 (903) 241-4132 (214) 269-1571 (972) 960-6899 (817) 692-8496 (817) 329-6995 (817) 281-9381 (214) 387-0003 (972) 420-1250 (972) 438-8344 (817) 267-4451
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Hiram Saunders, Slipstream 155 Jellico Southlake, TX 76092
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