Upcoming Events • Swap Meet • Tech Session • Founders' Day
Past Events • Boxstoberfest • DE at Motorsport Ranch • Time Trial #5 & Autocross #5
November 2005 - Published by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America
Volume 62, November 2005, Issue 11
Go Online For Latest Updates on Events
Zone 5 Presidents ..........................................................1 List of Officers/Board Chairs .......................................4 The Inside Track (President’s Column)......................5 Maverick Minutes..........................................................8 From the Driver’s Seat (Editor’s Column)...............10 Financial Report (2nd Quarter)................................20 New Wheels..................................................................27 Anniversaries................................................................27 Unclassifieds.................................................................28 Advertiser Index...........................................................28
Upcoming Events Calendar of Events..........................................................1 Tech Session at Dallas Euro Cars..................................2 Happy Hour at Razzoo’s................................................2 Maverick Lunches...........................................................2 Board Meeting ................................................................2 Founders Day..................................................................3 Swap Meet at Zims.........................................................5 East Texas Autumn Foliage Tour ..................................5 Holiday Party ................................................................18
Past Event Recaps Happy Hour at Monica’s ..............................................9 Boxstoberfest................................................................14 DE at MotorSport Ranch...........................................23 Time Trial #5 & Autocross #5 ....................................24
Day 1 5 12 13 15 17 18-20 19 29
November - Events Board Meeting Swap Meet Founder’s Day East Texas Tour Plano & Bedford Lunches Happy Hour Porschepalooza (Ozark Region) Tech Session Addison Lunch
Day 6 10 11 15 20 27
December - Events Board Meeting Holiday Party Hope Shelter Gift Delivery Happy Hour Bedford & Plano Lunches Addison Lunch
Day 14? 14-15
January 2006 - Events New Member Party LSR DE (TWS)
Day 22 17? 19? 31?
January 2006 - Events (cont.) Rally School Bedford & Plano Lunches Happy Hour Addison Lunch
Day 11-12 19? 18 19 ? 16? 21? 25-26 28?
February 2006 - Events LSR DE (TWS) Rally LadiesAutocross School (Penn) Autocross 101 School (Penn) Wine Tasting Happy Hour Bedford & Plano Lunches DE at MSR Addison Lunch
Day 4 5 17-19
March 2006 - Events Time Trial School (MW) Autocross 102 School (MW) LSR/HCR Club Race (TWS)
Miscellaneous 2006 Officers Ballot........................................................5 Trivia Contest................................................................10 Scrapbook Coordinator Needed ................................18 Club Radio Sale ............................................................18 Hope Shelter in Need...................................................19 Carrera Cruises - Porsche in Ferrari Land................22
Photography Kevin Hardison, Dennis Chamberlain, Bob Bianconi, Alan Lage, and Charlie Davis. Cover Photo by Kevin Hardison A pair of pristine Porsche 914s come out to observe the September DE at MSR.
- Drivers’ Education event - Hill Country Region (Austin-centered) - Lone Star Region (Houston-centered) - Mineral Wells Airport, Mineral Wells, Texas - Motor Sport Ranch, Cresson, Texas - Texas World Speedway, College Station, Texas - Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth, Texas - Pennington Field Stadium, Bedford, Texas
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America, 9047 Oakpath Ln, Dallas, TX 75243. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Dallas, Texas. Postmaster: Send address changes to Bob Knight, Slipstream, 9047 Oakpath Ln, Dallas, TX 75243.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
2005 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Kenneth A. Chandler 318-865-8210
COASTAL BEND Tinker Floyd 361-993-5757
LONE STAR Stan Wenger 713-467-0453
MARDI GRAS Brad Bradford 504-546-0964
OZARK Ron Mott 501-954-9162
CIMARRON Dick Dobson 918-251-3310
HILL COUNTRY Weston Dillard 512-423-8327
LONGHORN Ruth Parks 830-537-4242
MAVERICK Rocky Johnson
WAR BONNET Mike Lindsey 405-773-4568
C: 972-816-1769
WHISKEY BAY Ray Quick 225-767-7666 ZONE 5 REP Brooke Van Horn
2005 Maverick Region - Board, Officers & Chairs President Rocky Johnson
Vice-President Mark Gluck
Secretary Michael Wingfield
Treasurer Jeff Atkins
H: 972-462-8227 C: 972-816-1769 334 Hearthstone Ln Coppell, TX 75019
W: 972-239-2473 x12 C: 817-706-9061
W: 972-478-3278 H: 972-491-2766
W: 972-419-5417 H: 972-939-0893 1904 Diamond Ridge Ct Carrollton, TX 75010
Rocky is active in Club Racing, Drivers Education, Autocross, and Time Trial. He also instructs at Drivers Education and Autocross, and Time Trial events. His daily driver is a Boxster S and his track car is an F class 968.
Mark drivers a Boxster S and has been a Maverick member since 1999. He is active with Drivers Education, Tours, and Social events, as well as with many Hope Shelter charity projects.
Michael has been a PCA member since 1982 He has been President, VP, editor, and membership chair in two other regions. He is on the DE staff and a member of the PCA National Club Racing staff. He owns a race prepared ‘86 944 Turbo.
Jeff has been a Maverick member since 2003. He is active in Drivers Education events as well as Autocross and Time Trial. He drives a 1988 911 Targa and is a CPA.
Managing Editor Wendy Shoffit
DE Chair Bill Dawson
AX Chair, TT Chief Instructor Chuck Machala
H - (972) 291-8817 (<9 PM)
W - (940) 381-9070 C - (940) 206-4338
DE Co-Chief Instructor John Sandusky
TT Chair, AX Chief Instructor Bill Miller
W - (817) 777-0421
DE Co-Chief Instructor Keith Olcha
Tech Inspection Rick Randall
Tech Sessions Eric Erz
Content Editor Wendy Shoffit
W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865
W - (972) 425-1432 C - (817) 797-3259
H - (972) 396-2900
H - (214) 488-7310 C - (972) 977-9821
DE Registrar Michael Wingfield
Web Site Steve Boyd
Event Ad Design Dennis Chamberlain
H - (972) 491-2766 W - (972) 478-3278
Timing & Scoring Darron Shaffer H - (972) 390-9709 C - (972) 898-3002
W - (972) 788-0871
Safety, DE Tech Insp Joe McGlohen
Workers Mike Lockas
Email List Moderator Bob Benson
Club Photographer Kevin Hardison
W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792
W - (817) 264-8357 H - (817) 457-8833
H - (972) 401-3955 W - (972) 438-8344
Club Race Chair, Charity Lanean Hughes
Workers Shelly Burbank
Email List Moderator Matt Platts
Printing Fran Ussery
H - (817) 978-4899
C - (817) 919-1253 W - (817) 440-2090
W - (972) 438-8344 H - (817) 481-8342
Tour Chair Andy Miller
Driving Schools Tom Snodgrass
Advertising Mike Brodigan
H - (972) 939-7967 C - (972) 754-2064
Email List Moderator Brian Scudder
Swap Meets David Mock
Driving Schools Kevin Hardison
Mentor Program Dennis Chamberlain
Mailing & Technology Andy Mears
H - (972) 401-3955 W - (972) 438-8344 ext. 154
W - (972) 788-0871
H - (940) 321-8683 W - (214) 360-9221
H - (972) 484-3040 W - (972) 934-3416
H - (817) 795-4149
Joel Nannis H - (972) 722-2735
Goodie Store
Ed & Tracey Gross (H) - (972) 491-2104
Past President Keith Olcha
Zone 5 Representative Brooke Van Horn
W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865
H - (214) 488-7310 C - (972) 977-9821 Photo & Layout Editor Matt Platts
C - (817) 919-1253 W - (817) 440-2090
H - (817) 488-8520 C - (817) 233-0068
Please help us to keep growing! 4
The Inside Track by Rocky Johnson, the Maverick Region President
t the June Board meeting it was decided that the Executive Council should review the Bylaws and make recommendations for updating as deemed appropriate. A number of changes are being recommended, with many falling into the category of "dotting I's and crossing T's. However, there are also some more significant changes being proposed. We are recommending that: The definition of a quorum be broadened to ensure adequate representation be in attendance when club business is being conducted. Financial reporting requirements be amended. Standing Committees list be updated to more accurately reflect current club activities, with each Chairperson being required to submit an annual budget. Once approved the Chairperson will be able to conduct their business without the need for further board approvals. Realizing it is improbable to anticipate all potential expenditures, we are asking that the President be authorized to approve up to $500.00 for expenses outside of normally budgeted and approved expenses, without Board approval. We anticipate this would be the rare exception, not the norm. All the proposed changes are posted on our website and can be reviewed along with the existing Bylaws. Assuming proper notification, we hope to vote on these at Founders Day. We realize that other changes may be required from time to time. In fact, we plan to appoint a special committee to evaluate the issues regarding online special board meetings and voting. If you are interested in serving on this committee please contact me.
East Texas Autumn Foliage Tour Sunday, Nov. 13, 2005 Time / Meeting Place: Meet @ 7:30 am @ Wal-Mart parking lot SW corner of Hwy 80 & Belt Line 1 mile east of 635. Drivers’ meeting @8:00 am. Return to Dallas ~ 5:00 p.m. Venue: Winnsboro Autumn Auto Trail Lunch: TBD Bring: FRS radio (2-way “walkie talkie”), extra key “just in case”, gas tank full RSVP: Andy or Cindy Miller 817 545-2584 or
2006 Maverick Region Officers Ballot I am a ______ Member
_______ Associate Member
President ________ Rocky Johnson ________ ______________________
Treasurer ________ Jeff Atkins ________ ______________________
Vice President ________ Mark Gluck ________ ______________________
Secretary ________ Michael Wingfield ________ ______________________
Print Name ____________________________
Signature _______________________________
Mail your ballot to: Secretary Michael Wingfield 3805 Clearwater Court, Plano TX, 75025 E-mails cannot be accepted. Mailed ballots must be signed and received prior to the Founder’s Day Banquet on November 12th. Winners will be announced during the banquet.
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Maverick Minutes by Michael Wingfield
he October 2005 Maverick Region Board meeting was held at Hackberry Creek Country Club on October 4, 2005. The meeting had the following 19 members in attendance: Executive Council –Rocky Johnson, Mark Gluck, Jeff Atkins, Michael Wingfield; Board Members – Mike Brodigan, Lanean Hughes, Chuck Machala, Bill Miller, Charlie Davis,Teri Davis, Ed Gross, Tracey Gross, Wendy Shoffit, Joel Nannis, Dennis Chamberlain, Joe McGlohen; Other Members –Marie Wingfield, Albert Sansores, Clint Blackman. Rocky called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, and began the ‘round table discussion. RJ: Would like a broader range of awards presented at Founder’s Day and is open to suggestions. For example, a 500 Mile/5 Podium Club Race award for local racers participating in Races within 500 miles of the metroplex, and obtaining 5 or more podium finishes. Would like help naming the Club Racing awards. AX/TT will present the same awards as years past. Would like Rally awards, and TD says she will have two 2005 Rally Season awards. RJ says Andy Miller will have a Tour award called the “Wing Man Award” for a loyal tour participant. The DE program will present a Free DE entry to a 2005 DE season participant by drawing a name a hat. Each participant will get an entry into the drawing for each paid entry accepted into a DE event. DE Instructors will also have a name drawn from a hat for a gift certificate. Instructors will get an entry into the drawing for each DE event worked. Winners of the DE drawings need not be present at Founder’s Day to receive their award. JN says Membership will have certificates of recognition for 20-year members. MG: Oct. events are insured and Nov. events will get insurance soon. JA: We have money. MB: 15 advertisers renewed ads in Slipstream and 9 remain outstanding. 5 opted for links on the Maverick web page. MW: September DE event was oversubscribed in the Green and Blue groups, but had a few spots open in the Yellow and White groups. With 98 entrants, the event did not quite sell out, even though we had to turn away some Green group entrants. The September ’05 DE was the first DE to not sell out since the DE program began in 1999. The October DE still has openings in all groups, with 90 entrants to date. Executive Council continues to work on the Bylaws revision and will have something to present to the membership in November. LH: 23 Mavericks participated in the Club Race at Hallett, including two Rookie Candidates – John Gladwill & Gerry Krupp. Mavericks Mike & Marie Stafford were selected as one of the 3 candidates to win a 2006 Porsche 911 Club Coupe in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of PCA. They attended the ALMS race at Road Atlanta where the drawing was held. Unfortunately, they did not win the limited edition car (only 50 produced), but watch Slipstream for their article on their experience. At the ’06 Parade, Region of the Year nominees no longer need to provide a regional scrapbook. Maverick has been lax in maintaining a regional scrapbook, which has not been updated in two years. We need to maintain a scrapbook to preserve the region history. See the ad asking for volunteers to take over the region scrapbook. Founder’s Day will have scrapbooks on display. New Hope Shelter has walls, floors, windows, and the roof will be completed this week. In 4-6 weeks, painting and clean-up crews will be needed, as well as volunteers. No ETA on a move-in date. Pier-1 Imports will donate some furniture to the new shelter. CM: Charity AX will be this weekend (10/9) at TMS, to benefit Hope Shelter. Autobahn Motorcars will sponsor the Charity AX. WS interjects that the Charity AX currently has 20 entrants. Final AX of the season will be at Mineral Wells 10/16. Bought two Icom radios with extended warranties for $450 and used for testing at the Sept. DE. The radios worked well and will order eight more radios, as well as a 6-way charger. Total cost of radios, chargers, and extended warranty is $2,700, which is $300 below the $3,000 allocated in June. 8
BM: Needs a propane tank for the street sweeper used at Mineral Wells. Makes a motion for $2,000 to buy AX/TT trophies. JM seconds. Motion carries. Next AX school will be Feb. 2006. CD: Will rebuild the carburetors during the winter. Exhaust manifold not repaired this year, but truck passed inspection for the year. TD: Rally school will be scheduled for Jan. 21 or 22, 2006 depending on calendar. A rally will occur Feb. 18 or 19, 2006. Plans to hold 3 or 4 rally events in ’06. JM has a rally school curriculum that he will share. EG: Steve Boyd is still working on the on-line Goodie Store. Bob & Clara Lewis are working on plans for the Holiday Party (12/10). Planning a Wine Tasking social at Tony’s Wine Warehouse for Feb. 2006. RSVP will be required for the wine tasting, with a max. of 40 participants allowed. New Member Party tentatively scheduled for 1/14 at TMS Club House. TG: Goodie Store now has helmet bags, which are good sellers. Goodie Store has sold ~$550 in merchandise. Surplus shirts destined for hurricane relief victims via the Salvation Army last month will go to the Hope Shelter this month. Salvation Army did not want the shirts. WS: Oct. Slipstream is at the mail house. Printing held up waiting for the Post Office notice. Has new upgrade of software, which should help the process and is current with Ussery Printing. Looking for September DE article. Zims Autotechnik will hold a Swap Meet 11/5. Presented invitation kits to Founder’s Day, that will be delivered to sponsors. RJ makes the motion that the kits include two tickets to Founder’s Day rather than one. TG seconds. Motion carries. Founder’s Day photographs will be upgraded over the Polaroid photos of years past. Proposes that the Editor be given free entry into all region events during the year to encourage Editor participation. Topic was tabled until the next meeting to allow other committees to discuss. JN: Currently receiving membership list via email. This will allow him to once again contact the 40-50 persons per month that do not renew their PCA membership. DC: Happy Hour (HH) at Monica’s was a big success with ~40 in attendance. October HH is 10/20 at Joe T. Garcias in Ft. Worth – bring cash since Joe T’s does not accept credit. November (11/17) HH at Razzoo’s Cajun Café in Irving. AS: Asks if Hackberry will be the permanent location for Board Meetings. RJ replies that it will be the location for the remaining ’05 meetings. AS asks why the Sept. DE did not sell out. Possible reasons include the economy, gas prices, competition, and loss of “novelty.” Events have been oversubscribed by novice & beginner groups, but many of those persons entered out of curiosity. Not all novice & beginner entrants decide to stay involved with this type of driving activity. CB: Presented some sample beverage containers the Goodie Store might consider stocking.Assured by RJ that Andy Miller (Tours) will help CB develop the “Sunday Drive” event. The “Sunday Drive” event will be short drives beginning on a Sunday afternoon, and end by dinner. Presented an “Ugly Sticker”petition to have the current Texas registration sticker redesigned. JM: The Mini (Cooper) Club is looking for rally support. JM will help institute the Mini Club rally program and Maverick members are invited to participate. RJ: The “Individual Support Policy” became divisive and emotional. Proposes that the policy die without further board action – Board agrees. Asks how can we, the Board, better serve the membership? For example, how should we treat surplus funds? Proposes that in lieu of a published agenda, we publish any exceptional expense proposals a month prior to discussion at a board meeting to allow the membership to better voice concerns. Hackberry Creek Country Club will host the remaining 2005 Board Meetings. Attendees must RSVP for the meetings in order for the region to obtain the proper size room for the meeting. The next meeting will be Tuesday, 11/1. The meeting adjourned at 9:14 PM.
Happy Hour at Monica’s by Dennis Chamberlain
For our November 17 happy hour we’ll be trying out a new place – Razzoo’s Cajun restaurant in Irving. It’s on the north side of LBJ (635) just west of MacArthur. Think of it as a celebration for New Orleans getting back on its feet. Hope to see you there.
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
Monica’s was a good place for us because it was spacious and (especially) inexpensive. It turns out that Thursday night is their night for special prices on enchiladas, and they always have happy hour prices for margaritas. How about an enchilada dinner and two margaritas for under ten dollars? Needless to say, we’ll be going back there.
Dean & Leigh Ann Harden
Bernadette and Gilbert Delgado
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
Attendees that were either recent members or members that we haven’t seen in a while included Bernadette and Gilbert Delgado, Dean Harden and his daughter Leigh Ann, Jay Walker and Ed Repnicki, and Doug Molny with his new bride Melinda.
Tim & Sherie Machala
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
Happy Hour Crew: Dennis Chamberlain, Monda Degan and Mike Lockas
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
his was our first happy hour at Monica’s in Addison, although in previous years we have ventured to the Oak Lawn area for Monica’s upscale (and more expensive) Ciudad Restaurant. We had about forty for the happy hour, and about thirty-five stayed for dinner.
Melinda & Doug Molny 9
From The Driver’s Seat by Wendy Shoffit, Slipstream Managing Editor
here do you go for advice on how to repair the battery problem you’re having on your 1984 911 Targa? Who do you ask when you’re looking for a trustworthy body shop to do a good job fixing your hail dent or minor dings? Where do you look to find out who you should buy your new Cayman from? Who can you ask about what an AX, TT, or a DE is and when the next one will be coming?
and click “Join.” Yes, it can be that easy. If this is your first experience with Yahoo Groups, there are several different modes that you can join with. Selecting the right mode will control how many messages and how quickly you will get them. • Normal mode - You will get each email message as a separate message as promptly as it can be delivered by all the email systems involved.
If you’re like many Maverick Region members and friends, you can turn to the mrpca yahoo groups for answers and advice. The MRPCA mailing list facilitates communication between its members. Nearly 400 members have already joined the group!
• Digest mode - A bunch of messages are collected and sent to you as a single message.
If you haven’t joined, you should consider doing so. It’s really not very hard to sign up. True, it’s not quite as easy as tying your shoe, but it’s close. There are several ways you can sign up:
• No-Mail means that you get no email messages, but must read the archives online to see what was said. This is also a handy setting if you're going on vacation and don't want a flooded inbox upon return.
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Trivia Contest October It’s Easy To Play: Enter online at or email answers to: Rules: 1 Point per each correct answer. 1 entry per member. Drawing to tie break. Deadline 11/31/05.
Congratulations to our September winner, Jheri Zinn! Honorable mention goes to Mark Hanna, Cyril Reif, and Joe McGlohen. September Answers: 1) E 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) D
This month’s prize: $25 gift certificate to:
Zim’s Autotechnik 10
• Onelist sends a digest when it gets to about 1000 lines or so, when it has 25 messages queued up, or once a day.
There are some other standard rules of posting and engagement to follow, but that will come to you in an email from the moderator. Read them, follow them, and your posting life will be great. Don’t hesitate to jump right in. Read the old archives. Ask questions. Need help? Send an email to the moderators at Avoid being a passenger in life . . . . . . Enjoy the view from the driver’s seat!
1) The Pictured ad covered what year and displacement of the 914? A) ’76 2.0 B) ‘74 1.8 C) ’73 2.0 D) ‘73 1.7 E ) ‘75 2.0 2) At the 50th Parade, who took home the PCA “Enthusiast of the Year Award”? A) Wendy Shoffit B) Leonard Turner C) Jerry Seinfeld D) Gary Princel 3) What car was developed under code name 987 C7S ? A) Cayenne B) Cayman C) Boxter D) Panamerica 4) In 2000, this celebrity wrecked a porch and a Porsche- A green 911 A) Matthew Perry B) Francis Ford Copolla C) Robert Downey Jr. D) Courtney Love E) Kate Moss.
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Featuring GIACʼs Hammer Program. Flash-loaded Performance software installed through the OBD port directly into the carʼs ECU. The FlashloaderTM Software Switcher allows switching between as many as five GIAC-Tuned programs. No more sending out your ECU and waiting for it to return to have some fun, no more messy chip soldering or ECU swaps. Itʼs simple plug and play with programs including 91octane performance or 100-octane performance, as well as Valet and Anti-Theft and back to Stock settings. “European Car” magazine (March issue) tested a GT2 with GIACʼs 91-octane software, stock engine, free flowing air filter, free flowing exhaust and a diverter valve which obtained a Whopping 600 bhp and a Thundering 630 bhp on the 100-octane performance software. 0 to 60 in 3.3 seconds and high 10ʼs in the 1/4 mile. Many of the worldʼs fastest Porsches use GIACʼs software. Letʼs flash your Porsche. Software available for : 911, 911 Turbo, 959, Boxster, Cayenne and Cayenne turbo.
For 23 years, Autoscope has been dedicated to catering European Car owners of the Dallas and Plano area with two locations. Dallas- 9796 Ferguson Road. 214-320-8280 Plano- 601 Coit Road, 972-867-7467 Autoscope understands the meticulous care and pampering you give your Porsche, from the routine maintenance services to perfomance add-ons, we have the latest in diagnostic tools by Porsche and Bosch to troubleshoot and maintain it’s integrity. No other independent facility in Plano can match our combined expertise and training. G.I.A.C, BREMBO, JRZ, B&B, GHL, B&M, KINESIS, UUC, EIBACH, REDLINE, MOTUL, ROYAL PURPLE, SCHROTH, GROUND CONTROL, BMC and more.
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Boxstoberfest 2005 By Bob Bianconi
Photo by Bob Bianconi
t was the biggest; it was the best Boxster gathering in the Southwest… ever! And it was right here in Texas. Boxstoberfest 2005 was held the weekend of September 9-11 in Fredericksburg at the eastern edge of Hill Country. Supported by Maverick, Lonestar and Hill Country Regions, this year’s Boxstoberfest (the 8th annual) hosted 62 Boxsters, a couple of 968’s, four 911’s, two 356’s and a Cayenne. Not to mention the P40… ah, more on that later. D/FW won the honor of having the most Boxsters attending, closely followed by Austin and Houston. Many folks came from other Texas cities/towns such as San Angelo, Pittsburgh (Bob and Jan Jones), Longview, and Corpus Christi.
Ground level view of the Boxster lineup.
Photo by Bob Bianconi
Perhaps the most exciting part of the car show was provided by George Szokoly. George flew his private plane from Savannah Georgia to be at Boxstoberfest. He also volunteered to take one of the participant’s kids up in the plane to take pictures of the car line-up. There were several flybys with everyone standing beside their car. Not to be outdone, the owner of the airport got in his helicopter to take pictures of his own. Best of all, right in the middle of all the Boxster hubbub was a fully restored P40 fighter aircraft. With the festivities at the airport just about over, Boxstoberfest participants lined up in 2 groups for a drive through the Hill Country. With such a large crowd, one group took a clockwise route while the second group took a counter-clockwise route. Both groups met in Leakey, Texas at the Frio Canyon Lodge for lunch. After lunch a third group assembled for a spirited drive back towards Fredericksburg driving the famous (infamous?) ‘330’ routes (Rt’s 335, 336, 337). These are just about some of the best roads in Hill Country with lots of curves and elevation. One of the participants called the trip back a roller coaster; that about says it all. The remaining 2 groups continued at a nice leisurely pace back to the Officer’s Club at the Fredericksburg Airport where cold drinks and snacks were waiting.
Hill Country roads can’t be beat. Boxstoberfest weekend started off with a huge German bier bash on Friday night at the Auslander restaurant in downtown Fredericksburg. The Auslander is located on Fredericksburg’s Main Street; but for this weekend, “Main Street” was not to be. Instead, by Mayoral decree, “Main Street” was re-named “Boxster Boulevard” in our honor! This has got to be the only street in the country, maybe the world, named after the Boxster (Stuttgart take note…)! Saturday was the big day. The morning started off with a Boxster car show at the Fredericksburg Airport. With private aircraft as the backdrop, 62 Boxsters lined up on the flight line. And I have to say it was a pretty impressive sight. All the Boxsters were judged for overall cleanliness including scoring attributes such as…
Saturday evening wrapped up the day with a buffet dinner at the Fredericksburg Brewing Company. Folks who took digital pictures during the weekend downloaded their shots onto a computer and
• The amount of ‘garbage’ in the seat folds (5 points no garbage, 1 point lots of garbage); • Whether the wheel crests pointed to the valve cap (old factory tradition)
There were lots of very clean ’05 Boxsters and an ’06 or two, but the cleanest car was owned by D/FW folks, Richard and Robyn Bradley, with their really sweet ’00 Guards Red Boxster. Congrats, guys! Another highlight of the car show was the supercharged Boxster brought by Imagine Auto, a Kansas City Porsche tuner. This car was pretty awesome, to say the least. Many folks were eyeing-up the trick install. IA also brought Boxstoberfest T-shirts for each car. Great deal!
Photo by Chris Sorbera
• And best of all: each car got 1 point for having a front license plate, but got 2 points if they didn’t!
Aerial views like this happen once in a lifetime. 14
everyone got to see themselves driving, eating and generally acting silly. There were two photo tributes, one to Gottfried Hogh a Boxstoberfest participant from Michigan who passed away this past year. The second was to Boxstoberfest organizer, Mike Renter from HCR, who is currently serving in Iraq. There were lots of door prizes; in fact there were enough to go around twice. D/FW area sponsors included Autobahn, Boardwalk, and Zims. Texas Driver Magazine was on hand to cover the event and hand out copies of their great magazine and new on-line magazine, Rainy Day Magazine, offered free subscriptions to participants.
ard Must Racing Ra
What was the best part of Boxstoberfest? Well, aside from meals, room and gas, Boxstoberfest was free. Then there was the great assembly of Boxsters and all the free stuff. But as always, it’s all those fun folks who just happen to own a car like me. Y’all gotta try it next year. It’s a great big smile.
German and British Car Service and Maintenance by appointment. Specializing in:
Photo by Chris Sorbera
• All Porsche 914’s • Early 911’s through 1989 model year • Race Track Support • Competition Car Maintenance • Race Ergonomics & Instrumentation 2620 West Pioneer (Hwy 303) Suite B Arlington, Texas 817-366-1678 Another aerial view...
Photo Name Badges
Bryan Bell
A great idea for all Maverick Region events!
These are the same size and shape as the 2004 Parade badges and feature the same magnetic attachments. Now you can wear a name badge with your favorite Porsche shirt without having to poke holes it! Our photography or yours . . . just $7.50 each.
Driver’s Education Car Numbers as low as $8 each! These are heavy duty individual 10” tall magnetic numbers and are available in white, black, red, yellow, orange, blue or green. Custom work is also available in any color . . . including metallics!
Coming soon! Hats • Shirts • Banners • Posters Calendars • Track Photography Car Numbers • Digital Photo Editing
Kevin Hardison Irving, Texas • (972) 849-8512
972-438-8344 FAX 972-721-1847
ISTOOKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Motorsport Services PORSCHE + AUDI PERFORMANCE and RACING SERVICES TRACK SUPPORT CHASSIS FABRICATION CUSTOM EXHAUSTS Authorized installer/tuner for REVO Performance Software, FIKSE Wheels, and STOPTECH Performance Brake Systems Watch for the ISTOOK/AINES Motorsports AUDI S4 Twin Turbos on Speed Channel 2733 West 7th Street (repair shop) 3333 Suffolk Drive #104 (race shop) Fort Worth, Texas 76107 (817) 332-6547 (repair shop) (817) 924-2100 (race shop)
Owner Rick Jordan: 28 Years Experience Porsche Trained 17
Financial Report thru June by Jeff Atkins Revenue NATIONAL SUBSIDY Membership Parade '04 Total National AUTOCROSS Registrations Track rental & expenses Total Autocross
7,476.44 10,784.00 18,260.44 13,365.24 (9,146.00) 4,219.24
CLUB RACE Registrations&sponsorships 48,547.29 Track rental and expenses (41,193.47) Total Club Race
DRIVER EDUCATION COURSES Registrations&sponsorships 24,720.00 Track rental and expenses (20,724.15) Total Driver Education Courses
SOCIAL Dinner meeting registrations 2,030.00 Cost of food and supplies Total Meetings CHARITABLE DONATIONS Donations (Parade 2004 proceeds) Total Charitable Donations GOODIE STORE Sales Inventory Purchases Total Goodie Store SLIPSTREAM Advertising income Printing and postage Total Slipstream ADMINISTRATIVE Bank charges C.D. interest Administrative Board meetings Total Administrative EQUIPMENT PURCHASES Truck Radios AX timer Display Flags CHANGE IN NET ASSETS PLUS BEGINNING OF YEAR B of A Checking account JPMC Checking account JPMC Money Market EQUALS END OF YEAR B of A Checking account JPMC Checking account JPMC Money Market Outstanding Checks
(2,631.45) (601.45) (10,000.00) (10,000.00)
609.00 609.00 3,190.67 (15,754.88) (12,564.21) (6.00) 254.34 (1,113.68) (329.26) (1,194.60) (550.00) -
(550.00) $9,528.09 6,200.56 34,771.80 35,213.69 50,446.11 35,468.03 (200.00) $85,714.14
German Engineering With Southern Hospitality. Personal Service. At Nine-Eleven, we’ve built a reputation for understanding our customers’ needs — quality service, convenient location, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and personalized service that is unmatched in the Metroplex. When you trust your car to us, you will have the peace of mind that it will be serviced correctly the first time. Every time.
Access. We strongly believe in access to those who will actually work on your car. Our technicians are available in person, by phone, and even by pager if you have questions or need timely information about your car.
Facility. Our clean shop, well-stocked parts department, and comfortable waiting room ensure that you and your car will get the kind of service you deserve. Maintained tools and equipment. Clean cars. We are meticulous about details.
Parts. Our parts department is also second to none. Our knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding that necessary part or after-market option you require. We are an authorized dealer for high-performance Recaro seating, Yokohama Tires, Bilstein Shocks, Bosch, and many others. This ensures that whether you are a casual driver or an enthusiast who needs race prep assistance, Nine-Eleven has the experience and knowledge to keep your car running at peak performance.
Royal Lane Joe Field Rd.
Crown Rd. Cindy Lane
Nine-Eleven Enterprises, Inc. Service, Accessories & Parts for BMW, Mercedes & Porsche 2120 Cindy Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229 972-241-2002
Convenience. We are conveniently located near the intersection of Stemmons and LBJ Freeways in Dallas. We offer emergency towing service 24 hours a day and have arranged for special rental car rates with area rental agencies. Come by for a visit between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or call for a service appointment.
Carrera Cruises - Porsche in Ferrari Land by Alan Lage After securing a hotel room we took a quick blast up a back Maranello road which looked like the neighbourhood where the Ferrari owners lived, the road had plenty of extra curves which appeared to be put there only for the pleasure of the residents. The restaurant “Il Cavallino” (Enzo’s favourite) was hursday of Memorial Day weekend our choice for an authentic Italian Ferrari Verena and I loaded up the 911 and dining experience. While drinking red wine left Mainz for a long weekend of fast and waiting on our dinner the wait staff and cars, shoes, relaxing in the sun, great food cooks all headed outside to take a look at the and wine. Yes, we were heading to Italy. Speed Yellow Carrera setting in the parking lot. After a late after-work start we decided to When they returned we asked our waiter why spend the night in the south German town the excitement over the Porsche in the midst of of Freiburg near Switzerland. With occaFerrari land? The waiter said: “we grew up next sional bursts of 250+ kph on some stretches to the Ferrari factory and see them every day. (on the no speed limit autobahn), this trip But a Carrera, now, that is exciting…” only took us one and a half hours. Cross Pollonation - Ferrari Garb in a Carrera Obviously also for the cook, who in his state of The next day we were up early and off to Maranello, Ferrari Porsche fervour simply forgot to prepare half of Verena’s dinner! land. The drive took us through Switzerland, where the strictly Saturday we moved onto the Sirmione peninsula on Lake enforced 120 kph speed limit mimics the Swiss people well known Garda, where the medieval cobblestone-streets are so narrow that the throughout Europe as slow movers. In contrast: once we crossed Carrera’s wide rear hips almost brushed the walls of the houses right the Italian border, even though the speed limit only increased to and left. Fortunately they were mostly one-way-roads; still I had to 130 kph, the traffic on the autostrada began to move much faster be careful not to run over an elderly Italian lady chitchatting with her and chaotically just like the Italian people move through life in neighbour across the street or a smiling old man enjoying the sun on what appears to be a constant chaos that somehow works. a chair in front of his house. Our hotel was situated on the East shore My favourite Italian driving method is to speed down the middle of the two lanes, if a car is coming up quickly behind, you move to the right lane. If you start to catch traffic in front, you move to the left lane while your left blinker quickly moves slow traffic to the right, making your pass quick and safe. As the speed differential between a Fiat Topolino and my Carrera can easily approach 200 kph, this Italian style of lane discipline works perfectly for everyone on the road no matter how much horsepower you are packing. Now if we could only get some lane discipline in the good ole USA. Once off the autostrada, the back roads to Maranello are ruled by Ferraris, Porsches - mainly black Cayennes which would be my choice as a North Italian mafia leader - and the ever present Vespas and Piaggios whizzing around us like bees protecting their hives. Mix this with the notorious Fiat Bravo (are they all silver?), three wheel Apes (bee in Italian) and you have some serious back road chaos that somehow works. Maranello would be a sleepy small Italian town if not for the ever present howl of the V8 and V12 Ferrari engine. After an afternoon spent browsing the Ferrari store, drooling at the Ferrari museum, a truly awesome display of street and racing Ferraris and engines, and trying to gain access to the Fiorano test track (but only getting glimpses of its action by peaking through the fence on the side of a back road), we drove by the factory. Just at this moment a factory fresh F430 howled through the back gate and a shift of factory workers all sporting red cavallino work outfits ended their day. Still later in the evening as we went to dinner we spotted the “men in red” having an aperitivo at the local café and a Campari at the pub. These factory workers must be so proud to be part of Ferrari land that their work outfits do not even come off during their evening social time. 22
Photo Provided by Alan Lage
Photo Provided by Alan Lage
Alan is a 12 year Maverick member. A job transfer currently has him living and working in Mainz, Germany. He drives a black 968 while in Dallas that Mike Lockas and Clarence Wyatt are baby sitting. In Germany he drives a speed yellow 996 C4S.
T-Shirts are Cheaper Than an Enzo! of the peninsula next to the ancient Sirmione castle. It was simple with a great balcony view and the sound of the waves crashing against the lake shore. We explored the shops and beaches ending the day with an excellent seafood and pasta meal washed down with great wine and grappa. Sunday we explored the west coast of Lake Garda with a main stop in Gargnano, where Verena once spent a summer studying Italian in the beautiful Palazzo Feltrinelli, the Milan’s University summer school situated directly on the lake. A few hot afternoon hours were spent under the olive trees on the beach reading and napping. The weekend ended on Monday with a final stop at Brescia for window shopping and a spectacular late lunch, before we had to slow-move back through Switzerland. We hit the German border early Monday evening; very light traffic allowed the music of the flat six at full song fill our ears until we arrived home in Mainz.
Driversâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Education at Motorsport Ranch
, s k n a h T
Photos by Kevin Hardison
for for your your sponsorship sponsorship and and another another great great event! event!
Time Trial #5 - My First Ever by Christy Dominick s a first time attendee at the Time Trials, I was not sure what to expect. However, I was excited at the thought of getting a chance to drive the way I really want to.
this was a potentially bad thing. The first group ran for 2 hours and I started to feel the burn. The time went by quickly with Shelly giving me plenty of insight and instruction on the course and procedures. This was fun, but now it was my turn behind the wheel.
Denny (my honey) and I left Flower Mound at the crack of dawn to get to Mineral Wells by 7:30 am. Of course, we were well prepared with plenty of water, snacks, and sunscreen. We were welcomed by Wendy, who checked us in and gave us the low-down.
First order of business – sunscreen. I quickly covered my shoulders and arms and watched as Denny took off on his first run. Did I mention I was excited? In all this excitement, I did not cover my face, chest, neck, legs….you get the idea. I was pumped and had great fun, but I was horribly burnt for two weeks, everywhere but my arms and shoulders.
Now my turn! What an incredible rush! I was still driving like I was in my SUV, but by the end of my first session, I was ready to get down and dirty. Turn #1 was tighter than I expected…I’d be ready next time. Photo by Charlie Davis
Turn #2 I could visualize and had the feeling of how to handle it. Turn #3 was freaking me out! After the first session, I had to psyche myself up for it and push it further than I thought I could. In the second session I certainly pushed it….I almost spun out, fishtailed instead, and pulled it out, without touching a pylon! Christy demonstrating her excitement.
Apparently it was a smaller group than usual, but we had enough people to cover all the corners. I was on the tarmac at turn #4 for the first group’s session. I would recommend this for anyone who is on a course for the first time. Seeing the challenges the drivers were having gave me a distinct advantage on turn #4. I knew what to expect. Turn #3 was a different story, though. We’ll get back to that later….. I was so excited, but had no idea what I needed to do out on the course. Fortunately, I had Shelly with me for that, too. After the drivers’ meeting it was time to go. I grabbed some water and off we went, with Bill Miller dropping the attendants at their designated turns. However, in my excitement, I forgot to put on the sunscreen we brought with us. Being a fair-skinned redhead,
Photo by Charlie Davis
Being the first time for both Denny and I, we were paired up with Rick Randall and Shelly Burbank for a tour of the course, and some valuable instruction. Denny and I did well thanks to their help. They did a fabulous job getting us up to speed (pun intended). Much thanks to them both!
Rick Randall ready to roll with Brian Petri looking on. Turn #4 was my baby. I had watched every driver in the first group take those turns and I knew what I wanted to do and how to do it. However, I learned another valuable lesson from Bryan Bell. I went for a ride with Bryan on a fun run and he took turn 4 very differently than I did…and much better. Turn #5 was comfortable. I guess that’s why I got a little too cocky on my second to last hot lap and ran over the only cone I hit that day. If I had just held on, I would have beaten Denny’s best time. In the end, Denny only beat me by 0.2 seconds!
Photo by Charlie Davis
Turn #6 was frustrating at first, but I was ready to take it on in my second session, too.
Perpetual photographer, Kevin Hardison, getting caught on camera. 24
Ultimately, I had an incredible time, learned a bunch and made some new friends. Everyone in the group was very helpful, friendly, professional and accommodating. I am looking forward to the next Time Trial and have been running the course in my head over and over. All I have to say is, “Look out Denny, I’ll get you on the next one.” Oh, and after some driving schools, look out ladies. :o)
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Charlie Davis cornering hard through the tight gates.
Photo by Charlie Davis
Time Trial # 5 - Saturday, Sept. 10, 2005- Mineral Wells, TX Class Num Name Car Time Place Points Class 1 61 Hensley, Steven Green 914 111.919 1 9 Class 2 95 Howard, Travis Yellow 914 94.327 1 9 Class 3 31 Lockas, Mike White 944 87.438 1 9 44 McCoy, Chuck White 944 92.979 2 7 Class S3 76 Miller, Bill White 944 87.652 1 9 Class S3L 65 Howard, Robyn Red 944 97.568 1 9 Class 5 57 Nannis, Joel Yellow 911S 90.517 1 9 Class 5L 11 Shoffit, Wendy Black 911 SC 84.455 1 9 Class 6 205 Steele, Mark Red 944S2 81.801 1 9 1 Machala, Chuck Silver Boxster 82.556 2 7 83 Atkins, Jeff Red 911 85.850 3 5 501 Snodgrass, Tom Yellow Boxster 86.097 4 4 151 Christensen, Steven Plum 911 99.852 5 3 Class S6 234 Gross, Ed Carm. Red Boxster 88.855 1 9 Class 6L 206 Steele, Lisa Red 944S2 86.367 1 9 15 Burbank, Shelly Plum 911 86.367 2 7 Class S6L 284 Gross, Tracey Carm. Red Boxster 92.205 1 9 Class 7 242 Shaffer, Darron W-Green Boxster S 86.868 1 9 Class 9 204 Bell, Bryan Silver 996 83.686 1 9 Class 10 111 Hardison, Kevin Blue 914 87.608 1 9 549 Petri, Brian White 914 89.262 2 7 Class 11 30 Leavitt, Tom Tan 944 93.824 1 9 Class 13 911 Kuykendall, Bob Black 911 86.392 1 9 Class 16 550 Diller, Richard Red 911S 79.802 1 9 161 Randall, Rick Black 911 Carerra 85.572 2 7 Top Time Of Day Men : Diller, Richard Class 16 Time 79.802 Top Time Of Day Ladies : Shoffit, Wendy Class 5L Time 84.455
Chuck Machala chasing down Joel Nannis. Autocross # 5 - Sunday, Sept. 11, 2005- Mineral Wells, TX Car Time Place Points Class Num Name Class 2 5 Mayo, Ed Silver 914 105.883 1 9 37 Davis, Charlie Green 914 109.348 2 7 137 Davis, Kevan Green 914 111.074 3 5 95 Howard, Travis Yellow 914 116.412 4 4 Class 3 31 Lockas, Mike White 944 107.413 1 9 44 McCoy, Chuck White 944 117.349 2 7 Class S3L 65 Howard, Robyn Red 944 120.302 1 9 Class 5 64 Shoffit, James Black 911 SC 104.080 1 9 76 Miller, Bill Yellow 911S 106.579 2 7 40 Fleming, Jerry Silver 911 SC 109.367 3 5 57 Nannis, Joel Yellow 911S 109.658 4 4 Class 5L 11 Shoffit, Wendy Black 911 SC 105.905 1 9 Class 6 205 Steele, Mark Red 944S2 101.494 1 9 1 Machala, Chuck Silver Boxster 102.408 2 7 83 Atkins, Jeff Red 911 105.782 3 5 501 Snodgrass, Tom Yellow Boxster 107.227 4 4 151 Christensen, Steven Plum 911 130.866 5 3 Class S6 234 Gross, Ed Carm. Red Boxster 110.541 1 9 9 Thaler, Marc Black 944 S2 Cab 115.038 2 7 6 Mongol, Michael Black 944 S2 Cab 120.838 3 5 Class 6L 206 Steele, Lisa Red 944S2 106.044 1 9 15 Burbank, Shelly Plum 911 110.846 2 7 Class S6L 284 Gross, Tracey Carm. Red Boxster 115.106 1 9 Class 7 242 Shaffer, Darron W-Green Boxster S 110.599 1 9 Class 7L 720 Kavanaugh, SusannaBlack Boxster S 112.955 1 9 Class 9 204 Bell, Bryan Silver 996 107.762 1 9 Class 10 111 Hardison, Kevin Blue 914 106.048 1 9 Class 12 619 Johnson, Rocky White 968 107.684 1 9 Class 13 911 Kuykendall, Bob Black 911 109.625 1 9 Class 16 161 Randall, Rick Black 911 Carerra 105.121 1 9 550 Diller, Richard Red 911S 106.657 2 7 21 Gonzales, Rick Yellow 914-6 108.479 3 5 211 Jennings, Marvin Yellow 914-6 116.584 4 4 Top Time Of Day Men : Steele, Mark Class 6 Time 101.249 Top Time Of Day Ladies : Shoffit, Wendy Class 5L Time 105.905 25
New Wheels
If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at 817-329-1600
by Joel Nannis Aycock, Russell 3444 Westminster Dallas, TX 75205 1984 911
Himebauch, Gregory (Robin) 7777 Glen America Dr. #330 Dallas, TX 75225 1999 986 Boxster
Jurgens, Christopher 5439 Bonita Avenue Dallas, TX 75206 2002 996
Neubauer, Glen 5225 Stephanie Drive Haltom City, TX 76117 2001 996
Chu, Robert (Robert, Sr.) 3716 Silverio Trail Bedford, TX 76021 2005 996
Jalbert, Michael 4624 Byron Circle Irving, TX 75038 2004 996 S
Lobato, Ken (Blanca) P.O. Box 93865 Southlake, TX 76092 2005 996
Perser, John (Judy) 1830 Wind Hill Road Rockwall, TX 75087 2005 986 Boxster
England, Jason 5308 Carabay #223 Irving, TX 75038
Jandrucko, Robert (Sarah) 2605 Cloud Court Arlington, TX 76017 2005 Cayenne
Mc Watters, Mark (Denise) 4300 Hanover Street Dallas, TX 75225 2004 Cayenne S
Pyatt, James 1341 Grass Valley Drive Rockwall, TX 75087
Jones, Mark 4619 North Versailles Avenue Dallas, TX 75209 1993 911
Morgan, Steven (Robert Jagolinzer) 2882 Turtle Creek #701 Dallas, TX 75219 2004 986 Boxster S
Fletcher, Neal (Rebecca) 1302 Daisy Lane Irving, TX 76061 2005 986 Boxster
Welcome, New Members! You have just joined one of the best and most active PCA Regions in the country! Some clubs focus solely on social events, while othersfocus on just show and shine concours events. Maverick Region is a club that focuses on providing our members with the tools necessary to have the ultimate in driving experiences. You will noice that our region has many Time Trials, Autocrosses, and Drivers’ Education (DE) events (in addition to a yearly Club Race). This has been the spirit of the region for quite some time. We have some of he finest instructors in the country. Make sure you take full advantage of the driving experiences we have to offer. Racing is not ALL we focus on, though. If racing doesn’t suit you, we have monthly happy hours, three monthly lunch gatherings, regular dinner socials, frequent driving tours on some fabulous roads in and around Texas, driving rallies (fun for the whole family), and regular opportunities to support our perpetual charity, the Hope Shelter. If we don’t have what you’re looking for, just ask us... we might just add something extra to the calendar. Please also feel free to share article ideas (and submissions) to We’d love to hear from you!
Anniversaries 10 Years Dellert, Richard McMahon, Thomas J.(Eileen) Kosmak, George (Lynn) Williamson, Jim (John) Raffa, David F. (David) Gissendaner, Calvin Santo, Dennis A. (Dianne C.) Nelson, Gregory (Lisa) Atchue, Michael Slade, John (Carol)
Irving Coppell Bedford Hurst Granbury Addison Tyler Dallas Granbury Argyle
25 Years Ussery, Carl (Fran)
Happy Anniversary!
Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others (contact Matt Platts for payment details). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues, then removed unless you request that it be run for an additional 3 issues. Email your ad to by the 10th to have your ad run in the following month’s Slipstream. Be sure to include a contact name and phone number. If you are selling a car, include mileage and price. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Due to space constraints, photos can not be included.
1990 Porsche 911 C4 Cabriolet, White with black top, tan interior. All wheel drive convertible. New clutch, major service, new cab top 140k of mostly highway miles.Asking $17,000. James Shoffit 682-465-6657 (1) 944 Parts 1985-86. Sunroof lifting motor assembly with microswitches $70. Ignition relay $20. Outer rubber trim for OEM windshield (new) $30. Call Taylor (817) 688-7161 or (1) Wanted: Looking for a good "period" AM/FM pushbutton radio (prefer Blaupunkt) for 1974 911. Richard Cross 817-472-4260 or KKP1742@DCCCD.EDU (1) 2002 Porsche 911 C4S. Silver, black leather interior, tiptronic, spoiler., sports exhaust. Clean and in excellent condition with 13,000 miles. Priced at $67,500. Tom 214-721-1301 or cell 727-424-5008. (1) 1996 Porsche 993 Factory Twin Turbo, Professionally built for Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez by Fred Baker Porsche True Black Exterior with Full Black Leather Interior with Light Grey Inserts: Dash, Door Panels, Seats Full Carbon Fiber Package: Dash, Door Insets, Shifter and Brake Lever, Aluminum Instrument Face Panels Dual Multidirectional Power Heated Seats, Litronic Head Lights with Washers, Automatic Climate Control, Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors and Sunroof, Nokia Digital Sound with 6 disk CD Changer and Cassette, Brushed Aluminum Door Sill Plates, Tinted windows. Over $157,000 Invested Please call or email for complete list of upgrades and photos. 22,205 Original Miles. $79,750 obo Kevin Mixon 972-679-9244. (1) 1974 911 Sportomatic, aka "Herbert". 82K miles, Dallas car (you know it, you've seen it, you'll love it). Screaming yellow, just completed full inspection/necessary work (including Carrera oil cooler). Window sticker, etc., only things left: charge AC, $900 of paint work. Remember: never have more pedals than headlights !!! $8175 Richard 817-472-4260 or KKP1742@DCCCD.EDU (1) Perfect Porsche Tow Vehicle - 2000 GMC Extended Cab Three Door Very Clean, original owner, all records, leather seats, AM/FM/CD/Cass, SERIOUS grill guard, cruise, 28 oil changes, 97,000 mi., 5.3 L V8 (327 cu. in.), overdrive automatic, power windows, mirrors, class 3 trailer hitch, very well maintained, aluminum wheels, $9,500 Alan Bambina, 972-241-7556 (1) 1996 Carrera Cabriolet Red, camel interior, black top. Low (41k) miles. $37,900. Always garaged, except nice week-ends. Top down weather is here. Gary Thompson 972-234-2923 (1) 2001 Ford Sport Trac Silver, Charcoal Cloth interior w/ Berber mats, 51K miles, extended warranty, new Michelin tires, tonneau top, bed extender, running boards, always garaged and cared for like I care for my Porsche, $12,500, email or 214-435-8981 (2)
1976 911 Turbo Carrera (930) Can you believe that the original Porsche 930 Turbo is almost 30 years old? Here is a great opportunity to own a piece of automotive history. This 930 is in fantastic condition with only 54K original miles. Grand Prix white with black leather interior and H4 headlights. Recent work includes: rebuilt brake calipers, new rotors, stainless steel lines and pads, new AC lines, with new dryer, new clutch, pressure plate and throwout bearing, rebuilt transmission with new 1st and 2nd syncros with slider, valve adjustment, recent turbo tie rods, and increased capacity C4 Turbo oil cooler. The list goes on and on... There are many photos available, just email me Asking price: $31,000.00. (1) 2001 Turbo Carrera White w/ full leather lobster interior. Tiptronic, 12,800 miles, nav system, new tires, loaded, all records, excellent condition, beautiful car. Bill @ 972.742.6006 (2) 1988 944 Turbo S coupe, Maraschino red/tan, very nice condition throughout, mech. Excellent, all services records from 3 PCA owners, good original paint/interior, orig. window sticker, maint. By Porsche specialists, new Avon Tech M 500s, no winter, non-smoker, garaged, stage 1 chip, $16,000 C.C. Ling, 1890 Deborah Drive, #8, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. 941-639-6394, (2) Parade T shirts & parade worker shirts, Porsche apparel. Clean, well cared for: wear, give for gifts, use for artistic projects. Saved by long time PCA members. Send a SASE for complete list and prices to M.J. Ling. 1890 Deborah Drive, #8, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. (2) Michelin Pilot Sport 235 40ZR18 (x2) and 265 40ZR18 (x2). These original equipment tires came of a set of factory "take-off" Carrera lightweight 5 Spoke wheels and are essentially unused. One of the 265s had a nail in the tread which was removed and repaired at Park Place Porsche. I will accept any reasonable offer as I cannot use these tires on my lowered 993. Brent Spinks, 903.581.5678 or (2) 1987 Targa Champagne color, Excellent condition, Garage kept and covered with 68,500 well maintained miles. $23,000 obo. Please call. Cell # 214 534 7995 (3) Porsche GT 3 Seats One pair. black leather, Porsche crest in the seat back. Good condition--driver's side has some minor wear on the top of left bolster from sliding in and out of the car (which you would not really notice without specifically looking for it). Passenger side is nearly unused. Seats include factory sliders that are a direct fit for all 996 and Boxsters without any modification. Great for DE's and comfortable enough for the street. Have the submarine strap bar installed, a Porsche factory part you normally have to buy separately, at a cost of more than $40 per seat. $2200 for the pair. I live in Carrollton & would like to sell locally. Call Paul Seiler, 214.457.1217; (3)
Slipstream Advertiser Index
For advertising rates and information contact Mike Brodigan at (817) 488-8520
These advertisers support the Maverick Region . . . the Mavericks support these advertisers! 44 and More Parts Autobahn Motorcar Group Autoscope Boardwalk Porsche Bobby Archer’s Motorsports Buckley’s Precision Racing Dallas Auto Sports Dallas Euro Cars Fifth Gear Motorsports Glen Gatlin, Jr. Gray Cat Graphics Istook’s Motorsport Svcs Jerry DeFeo Designs 28
(817) 907-5413 (800) 433-5602 (972) 867-7467 (214) 576-1911 (817) 877-1772 (817) 239-7969 (214) 320-2228 (972) 243-4911 (972) 317-4005 (214) 647-3507 (972) 849-8512 (817) 332-6547 (972) 240-5800
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Louden Motorcar Services has been servicing fine European motorcars in Dallas since 1977. From the moment you drive in, it is apparent that quality is our number one priority. From the comfortable waiting room to the well-kept workshop, Louden Motorcars exhibits professionalism. We’ve been winning awards for the quality of our service for years. Louden has been rated “Best in Dallas” twice by D Magazine, “Best in Texas,” “Top Ten in the U.S.” and “Best in the West” by the Robert Bosch Corporation (worldwide leader in fuel injection and electronics). And we’d like the opportunity to show you why.
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Glen Gatlin First Vice President – Investments Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. (214) 647-3507 • (866) 388-6627 Dallas, Texas Mutual fund investing involves market risk, including possible loss of principal. You should consider the fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. For a prospectus, which contains this and other information on any Legg Mason or Royce fund, call your Legg Mason Financial Advisor, call 1-800-577-8589, or visit Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. • Member NYSE, Inc. • Member SIPC •
Bob Knight, Slipstream 9047 Oakpath Ln Dallas, TX 75243-6353
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