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November 2012 - Published by the Maverick Region June 2007 -Porsche Published byof the Maverick Region Club America Porsche Club of America
We had a lot of fun at Hallett. The “Hallett Inaugural Boxster Challenge� was our latest focus. Congratulations to all our Maverick friends that participated. We would like to also give special recognition to those who had their cars in our shop for setup, inspections, alignments, corner balancing, tuning, transmission repairs, cooler installations, accusump installations, engine repairs/replacements and more. Your patronage means a lot to us. A special congratulations to: Thomas Jones (The Emperor) 1st , Our very own John Gladwill 2nd , Billy Stevens 3rd , Glen Smith 4th, Edwin Bomer 5th, Keith Olcha 7th, Rocky Johnson 10th, Bernard Nussbaumer 13th, Kevin Hansel 16th, Todd Butaud 17th, Rachelle Butaud 19th and Ashley Griggs 20th.
Proven performance in the workshop or at the track, at Boardwalk Porsche, it is our passion.
Volume 50, Issue 11, November 2012
Go Online for Latest Updates on Events Departments Zone 5 Presidents ......................................1 Drifting (President’s Column)....................2 Maverick of the Month ..............................2 List of Officers/Board Chairs ....................4 Carey On (Editor’s Column) ......................5 Maverick Minutes ......................................6 September Trivia........................................7 Driving Friendships (50th Anniversary) ..10 Advertiser of the Month ..........................18 Cliff ’s Ramblings.....................................20 New Wheels and Anniversaries ...............31 Unclassifieds............................................32 Advertiser Index ......................................32
Upcoming Events Calendar of Events ....................................1 Board Meeting ...........................................7 Founders’ Day Preview ..............................8 2013 Board Election Ballot .......................9 November DE at ECR..............................12 Sunday Drive: Tryptophan Trail...............14 Nov Happy Hr: JR’s Grill, Colleyville .....25 Charity Autocross at TMS .......................28 Maverick Lunch Series ............................29
Past Event Recaps
November Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Sat 1
Day 4 7 10-11 13 15 25
November Holiday Party Board Meeting Drivers’ Ed, ECR Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour: JR’s Grill, Colleyville Sunday Drive: Tryptophan Trail
Day 1 2 5 8-9 11 16 20 27
December Founders’ Day Gala, TMS Charity AX, TMS Board Meeting Time Trial 7/Autocross 7, MW Lewisville Lunch Sunday Dr: Christmas Lights Happy Hour: Ruggeri’s, Plano Richardson/Southlake Lunches
Day 2 8 17 24 26
January 2013 Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour, TBD Richardson/Southlake Lunches All Member Party
Day 6 12 21 28
February 2013 Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour, TBD Richardson/Southlake Lunches
September DE at MSR ............................16 Sunday Drive: Grapes to Wine Tour/Rally ..22 September Happy Hour: Cristina’s ..........24 TT5/AX6 Results.....................................28
On the Cover: ECR - Eagles Canyon Raceway, Slidell MW - Mineral Wells Airport, Mineral Wells MSR - Motor Sport Ranch, Cresson TMS - Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth TRS - Texas Rangers Stadium, Arlington Penn - Pennington Field Stadium, Bedford
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 155 Jellico Southlake, TX 76092. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX. Postmaster: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, Slipstream, 155 Jellico, Southlake, TX 76092.
Boardwalk Boxsters at Motorsport Ranch. John Gladwill in the foreground, with (l to r) Melissa Loder, Rick Robinson, Rebecca Robinson, and Ian Beirnes. Photo by David Loder
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/ artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
2012 PCA Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Kenneth A. Chandler 318-222-4400
COASTAL BEND Russell Adams 956-592-3468
LONE STAR Greg Platt
MARDI GRAS Richard Martin 504-861-4175
OZARK Chuck Weeks 501-580-4347
WHISKEY BAY Henry Carter
CIMARRON Dan Arthrell
HILL COUNTRY Courtney Gross courtney.e.gross@
LONGHORN Jack Merrell 830-303-3640
MAVERICK John Hamlton C-817-907-7823
WAR BONNET Louis Lackey louis.lackey@
ZONE 5 REP James Shoffit C - 972-786-6246
November 1
Drifting: Your Club Needs You! By John Hamilton, Region President
es, your local Porsche Club needs a few more women and men to be involved and to fill in some of the volunteer positions that will become open at the end of the year: Autocross Chair: Responsible for scheduling and coordinating our Autocross events. Social Chair: Responsible for scheduling and coordinating our social events. Hospitality: Responsible for managing beverages and food at our Drivers’ Education, New Member/ All Member party and other events. Rally Chair: Responsible for scheduling, organizing, and executing Rally events, which are held on public roads at legal speeds. Like the other positions, it requires attention to detail. Also, familiarity with “Rally Lawyer”style thinking is a plus! And there will be more opportunities for you to “give back” and support your club. Fortunately, all three of our retiring leads (plus the fourth who retired last year) are not going anywhere and are able to support our new volunteers as they transition
into their new roles. But it’s time to “step-up” and offer to fill those roles so we can continue to drive so many successful events for all our members. Is it time for you? Please contact me at for more details.
Mav of the Month Speaking of volunteers: sometimes people volunteer on the spur of the moment, not expecting any special recognition, but just jumping in because it’s the right thing to do. Such is the case this month, as occurred on a recent Sunday Drive. As always in these events, there is a lead car and a “sweep”
(a driver who is last in line in the group in case someone gets lost or breaks down). On this occasion, our sweep discovered that one car had been left behind after the break and was separated from the group. The sweep stayed with that car (through a couple of wrong turns), made some phone calls, then guided the lost Porsche (and passengers) to the final destination only a few minutes late. Our hero? Don Sebert, who demonstrated his caring and concern about a fellow member. Don exemplified our motto: “It’s not just the cars; it’s the people!” Thank you Don, for coming when needed. Enjoy your gift card to the Silver Fox Steakhouse.
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November 3
President John Hamilton C-817-907-7823
Vice President Tom Minnella
W-972-867-3100 C-972-965-2631
John enjoys DEs, Happy Hours, the Porsche Parade, and other social events. He and wife Chris have owned Porsches since 1996 and joined the Club in 2002. John’s Grandfather in New Jersey owned a 1960 356B Coupe and later a 1965 356SC Cab which is how it got into his blood. POSITION Milton, James
Tom has been a PCA member for over 30 years. He and his wife Barbara have owned a 914, fully restored a ‘71 911T Targa, and currently drive a Speed Yellow 996TT with license plate “NOOWAY.” Tom looks forward to participating in many Maverick Region track events in the years ahead.
AX Chair Al Silva Lewisville Milton, James TT Chair Travis Howard Lewisville AX/TT Registrar Robyn Howard AX/TT Rules Charlie Davis AX/TT Safety Chuck McCoy AX/TT Schools Robyn Howard AX/TT Tech Insp Jeff Herrmann AX/TT Workers Mike Lockas Charity Chair Chris Hamilton Club Race Co-Chair Joel Nannis Club Race Co-Chair Pat Heptig Club Race Ads/PR Jim Buckley Club Race Registrar Wendy Shoffit Concours Jack Griffin Frank Briggs DE Chair Lori Mauthe DE Chf Drvng Instr. John Sandusky DE Equip. Mgr. Luke Edson DE Registrar Joel Nannis DE Safety Bob Benson Email List Moderator Bob Benson Goodie Store Pat Friend Happy Hours Mike Farrar Histographer, Tenured Charlie Davis Mentors Monda Hanna Membership Lisa Steele Past President Mike Brodigan Public Relations Linda Bambina Slipstream Advertising Pat Friend Editor Carey Spreen Event Ad Design Christy Payne Mailing & Tech. Andy Mears Printing Fran Ussery Staff Linda Bambina Wendy Shoffit Socials Christy Payne Sponsorship Keith Olcha Sunday Drives John Harvey Swap Meets Robyn Howard Tech Sessions Ed Mullenix Trivia Chair Jerry DeFeo Web Site Denny Payne Zone 5 Rep. James Shoffit
Secretary Madhu Rao C-214-282-5360 Madhu has been a member of the Maverick Region since 2009. He and his wife, Roshni, really enjoy meeting members of the club at various social and driving events. “It’s not just the cars, it’s the people” that make this club great. He is currently driving a red 2008 Carrera S and loves it!
Jim joined Maverick Region in August, 2008. Jim drives a 1992 968 cabriolet, which is the second Porsche he has owned. Jim enjoys attending Maverick Region social and driving events.
Linda Bambina 214-6161936
Monda Hanna 972-450-4341
Joel Nannis
Bob Benson 817-457-8833
John Harvey 214-808-1414
Lisa Steele 214-709-6418
Frank Briggs
Jeff Herrmann 254-338-1758
Keith Olcha
Mike Brodigan 817-233-0068
Robyn Howard 214-991-0873
Jim Buckley
Travis Howard 214-616-6152
W-817-706-7678 H-817-251-6865
Christy Payne 817-909-0966 Denny Payne
Charlie Davis
Pat Heptig
Jerry DeFeo 972-240-5800
Mike Lockas 972-540-0245
Wendy Shoffit H- 972-506-7449 C- 972-977-9821
Mike Farrar
Lori Mauthe
James Shoffit 972-786-6246
Pat Friend 214-616-2477
Chuck McCoy 972-956-0776
John Sandusky 817-777-0421
Al Silva
Jack Griffin 214-739-2600
Andy Mears 214-394-5857
Chris Hamilton
Ed Mullenix 972-231-5356
Please help us to keep growing! 4
Treasurer Jim Falgout W-972-669-2370 C-972-345-3009
Carey Spreen 817-422-3480 Fran Ussery W-972-438-8344 H-817-481-8342
Carey On...
By Carey Spreen, Managing Editor
ovember is typically the month in which Maverick Region celebrates our anniversary with the Founders’ Day banquet, even though the official date that the Region came into being was December 24, 1962, according to the PCA charter. However, this year we are changing things up a bit. November turned out to be a bit too early for Founders’ Day this year, partly because our Keynote Speaker, David Hobbs, was not available for most of the month due to the Formula One season not finishing up until November 25. So Founders’ Day got pushed back to Saturday, December 1. See the preview on page 8.
Not mentioned in that preview is our Charity Autocross, which will be held the next day, December 2, at Texas Motor Speeedway. The proceeds from this event go to the Huffaker-Hughes Hope House, a shelter for battered women and children. Often at this event, our members bring out their “other” cars to see what they’ll do on the autocross course, and they can be amusing. Sedans, station wagons, trucks (some pulling trailers), and other unlikely vehicles have been known to compete, so if you have always wondered how that Ford Model T sitting in your garage would do in an autocross, December 2 is the day to find out. And since David Hobbs will still be in town, who knows - maybe you can talk him into being your instructor!
On a more national note, you may not have heard that Porsche Panorama, the PCA magazine, will have a new editor as of January 1. Pete Stout, the Editor-in-Chief of Excellence magazine since 1998, will be taking over the reins from Betty Jo Turner, who held the position of Editor-in-Chief of Pano for over 42 years. Mr. Stout will also be the Director of Integrated Marketing for PCA. And finally I would like to introduce Slipstream’s newest advertiser, Jack Junkies, a do-it-yourself garage. They provide the workspace (18 bays available), lift, and tools, and you do the work yourself. Or if you want, you can enlist the assistance one of their technicians. If you do your own automotive work, this sounds like a great idea. Read on!
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November 5
Maverick Minutes By Madhu Rao, Region Secretary
ur October meeting started at 7:05pm. Region President John Hamilton welcomed the group, which was a bit smaller than normal. It could have been the Presidential debates, or the Rangers game, or the feelings associated with either, as the reason for the smaller number of attendees. John shared the following updates. First up, 2013 Board nominations. Nominating Committee Chair Lori Mauthe reports that a full slate of candidates has been identified for the 2013 Executive Council roles. That is excellent. I’d like to thank Lori and the committee for doing this so quickly. You’ll see the ballot in this issue. Please vote in person at Founders’ Day or mail the ballot to the address therein. Since Lori is also the Drivers’ Education Chair, John shared Lori’s update that the September 15-16 Drivers’ Education (DE) weekend was well-attended and ran smoothly. The event featured activities in conjunction with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization, and all had a good time. Holding a track walk was also reported to be helpful. Entrants for the Maverick Region Club Race are 36 confirmed with six pending. The 2013 DE schedule is being finalized now. Membership numbers are extremely encouraging with current membership at 2193. The renewal rate continues to increase and I know that the membership committee continues to work hard to attract new members and increase our membership renewals. Total membership 6
October 3, 2012 has grown every month since April 2011. Congratulations! John also mentioned the following Board-level openings. They include Autocross Chair, Social Chair, and Rally Chair. For more information please contact John at president@ for more information. Sunday Drives were represented by Gareth Maurice, who noted that there were 16 cars and 37 people attending the latest Driving Tour out to Bartonville. The rain notwithstanding, everyone had a good time. Gareth also mentioned the special help of Lisa Steele and Christy Payne to organize the food for the event. Gareth reminded us about the upcoming Glen Rose Ramble Sunday Drive on October 21, featuring a stop at the Wiseman Chocolate Studio, which will be open just for Maverick drivers on that day. Newsletter Editor Carey Spreen presented several updates. He suggested a preview article about our Founders’ Day in the next Slipstream. He also mentioned some of the items that the 50th Anniversary Committee are working on for the upcoming in Holiday Party (Sunday, November 4) and Founders’ Day (Saturday, December 1) events. Please make plans to attend these and see for yourself! Carey also recommended an upcoming date, Saturday January 26th, for the annual All Member Party. Typically held on a Sunday, this popular event moves to Saturday, since the Heritage Clubhouse is closed on Sundays now. Carey also described the recent Hare & Hound Rally, which was attended by three brave driver/navigator teams during the recent rainstorms on September 29, in conjunction with the Grapes to Wine tour.
Treasurer Jim Falgout reported that our financial position continues to improve with the success and focus on the profitability of our regional events. An opportunity exists to collect advertising fees to help bolster our account balances. Tech Session Chair Ed Mullenix noted that a Tech Session will be held on October 20, on the basics of automotive electrical systems. Stay tuned for other Tech Sessions to be held next year. That is, assuming we are all here after 12/21/2012… Time Trial Chair Travis Howard described not one but two pairs of events in September. The first was the TT/AX weekend event on September 8-9 with 30 attendees. Apparently the Autocross winner drove a 914 which finished ahead of a super nice Corvette. There is proof that life is not linear! He also described the September 29-30 TT and AX events, which attracted 18 diehards willing to brave the rain. Autocross Chair Al Silva arrived super early and set up the Autocross course. That’s dedication, on all fronts. Travis also noted that registrations for the Time Trial on October 14 at Motorsport Ranch have been very strong. Lastly, Travis mentioned that he is participating in the 914 Special Interest Group (SIG) Mid-US Ramble in Oklahoma on October 4-7. We look forward to your article about this! Club Race Registrar Wendy Shoffit noted that registrations for the race at Hallett from our region have been strong. PR chair and 50th Anniversary Committe member Linda Bambina noted that she has recently sold $550 of raffle tickets, and interest in the raffle continues to be high. Great job to all who
have worked hard to raise funds through ticket sales for the Maverick Region. Thank You! Linda also mentioned that as part of her public relations duties, October’s featured advertiser is Boardwalk Porsche. The dealership provided her a lot of resources and information. She mentioned that she will be turning over the writing of the Driving Friendships article to someone else soon. She is seeking a special person to help her out with this. Lastly, she mentioned she is working on coordinating a “Round-Up-like” event for next year. If you have any interest in either of these please contact her at Autocross Chair Al Silva followed and amplified the positive response to the Autocross events. He felt that an optimum experience can be achieved with about 20 competitors. I added a comment about the benefits of linking an Introduction to Autocross and Time Trial event with the Sunday Driving Tours. There’s a lot of hard work that goes into holding these events so why not leverage these together with our membership? Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
SEPTEMBER TRIVIA It’s Easy to Play: Play here for fun and education and find the answers below OR Play for prizes on the web at, with the answers and winners to be posted here after each month’s contest has closed. Thanks to Jerry DeFeo for putting this and the Web Trivia together. Congratulations to our September Web Winner, Bob Bowland, who got 4 out of 5 correct. Bob will receive a $25 gift certificate to
If you are an individual PCA Member and you want to place a classified ad in Porsche Panorama, how many words are you allowed, not including your Name, Address, and one Phone Number? a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60 Source: Any Porsche Panorama Mart Instructions
If you wish to include an Email Address in a Porsche Panorama ad, how many words would it add to your total word count? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 Source: Any Porsche Panorama Mart Instructions
The 918 Prototypes are starting to show up, and Porsche has confirmed the price of a 918 Hybrid to be ___________!!! a. $485,000 b. $595,000 c. $685,000 d. $845,000 Source:
The 918 Hybrid will run a 3.1 second 0-60 with a top speed of 199 mph. What is the top speed with Electric Power only? a. 68 b. 76 c. 85 d. 94 Source:
What is the correct Power Combo of the 918 Hybrid? a. 4.0 L V-8 & 4 Electric Motors b. 4.0 L V-8 & 1 Electric Motor c. 4.0 L V-8 & 2 Electric Motors d. 4.8 L V-8 & 2 Electric Motors e. 4.8 L V-8 & 4 Electric Motors f. 4.8 L V-8 & 1 Electric Motor Source:
Answers: 1) c 2) d 3) d 4) d 5) c
November 7
Preview: 2012 Founders’ Day Gala Contributions by Fran Ussery, Jan Michel, Lisa Steele, and Linda Bambina
f you have been paying any attention at all to Slipstream, the Maverick Website, and just about any social event we have put on this year, you already know how excited we are about the upcoming Grand Finale of our 50th Anniversary celebration, traditionally known as Founders’ Day, this year sponsored by Autobahn Porsche. To make this year’s event extra memorable, we are pulling out the stops with two very special guests: Master of Ceremonies Mark Shevitz and Keynote Speaker David Hobbs.
walked the long causeway from the East to the West hotel for an ice cream celebration. Mark joined us on that midnight walk, and we learned that that day was also his birthday. A very beautiful and very TALL waitress sang Happy Birthday to Mark, making him blush, which is not an easy thing to do. Mark is quick, entertaining and unflappable. Well almost unflappable; ask him how he feels about BUGS. Really . . . you must ask him about the bugs.
500 and the 24 Hours of Daytona. He made twenty starts in the 24 Hours of Le Mans race, finishing in 8th place at the first attempt in 1962, following with a pole position and a best finish of third (in 1969 and 1984) to his credit. In 1971 Hobbs won the US Formula 5000 L&M Continental Series championship driving for Carl Hogan out of St. Louis, Missouri, in a McLaren M10B-Chevrolet. He won five of the eight rounds that year at Laguna Seca, Seattle, Road America, Edmonton, and Lime Rock. Twelve years later, he claimed the 1983 Trans-Am Series championship as well. He also made two NASCAR Winston Cup starts in 1976, including leading two laps at the 1976 Daytona 500, and drove a race in the 1979 International Race of Champions. David Hobbs is one of the most popular figures in racing on both sides of the Atlantic. In addition to the driving skills that propelled him to success in an astonishing array of machinery, out of the car David is upbeat, personable and often hilarious.
Mark Shevitz We are so lucky to have Mark Shevitz as Emcee for Founders’ Day 2012. Those of you who have attended even one Porsche Parade know that Mark has been the Emcee for umpty-ump years. But we first really met Mark in 1987 when he was one of three Emcees for the DFW Parade. You may recall that, back then, the Hyatt DFW, our Parade headquarters at DFW Airport, was really two hotels - East and West. On the last night of the Parade, not wanting the fun to end, many of us 8
David Hobbs Our Keynote Speaker, David Hobbs, is a British former racing driver who now works as a commentator for Speed Channel. In 1969 Hobbs was included in the F.I.A. list of graded drivers, an elite group of 27 drivers who, by their achievements, were rated the best in the world. He was also inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America in 2009. David Hobbs’ 30-year history in motor sports includes sports cars, touring cars, Indy cars, IMSA, Can-Am and Formula One. He has participated in the Indianapolis
And if these two gentlemen are not enough of a draw for you, the evening will also consist of our annual awards presentations including the Selcer Award, two special video showings, a White Hot Photo Lounge (Google it!), the raffle drawing for the winner of the Week for Two in Germany, and of course a world-class dinner. Please don’t forget to bring a Walmart gift card as a donation to our charity, the Huffaker-Hughes Hope House - every one counts. So make plans to be with us for our 50th - you will not want to miss this one!
2013 Maverick Region Executive Council Ballot Your PCA status
Primary Member Associate Member
John Hamilton
Vice President:
Gareth Maurice
Renee Farinella
Jim Falgout
Print your name: _______________________________ Your signature: ________________________________ Please send early voting and absentee ballots to: Madhu Rao N 7750 MacArthur Blvd #120, Suite 230 Irving, TX 75063
November 9
By Linda Bambina, PR Chair and MRPCA 50th Anniversary Committee
ince 1962, Mavericks have been a movin’ and a groovin,’ a goin’ and a blowin,’ because we ARE movers and shakers! We are the envy of many other regions, I assure you.
Alan and I have attended/worked more than 25 Parades. Each and every time we go, I am asked about the unusually high energy level of our club. They ask, “How do you maintain the variety? The interest? The dedication from the volunteers? The loyalty of the region’s membership? Our club hardly does anything anymore except ____,” usually naming just one type of event.
The original photo, taken at Founders’ Day 1982, celebrating 20 years of Maverick Region. Present in this photo but missing from the 2012 version below is Leon Cowan, third from left
While there is no simple, uncomplicated answer to those questions, I can say after participating in hundreds of events over thirty years, it’s all intertwined with a variety of connections that people have with people, and that people have with these amazing cars. Sometimes
there are strong, years-long friendships involved, and sometimes it just centers around individual commitments to specific projects, events, a favorite race track, or even a Porsche mechanic! At the April 50th Anniversary “Family Portrait” event, all but five of 27 Past Presidents (since 1972) were there. Interestingly enough, more than half of these ladies and gents had served at least two terms. James Shoffit served four times, and John Hamilton will shortly be installed in his third term. But as important as this Top Job is to our Region, in reality, there are several Executive Board volunteer jobs that are much more demanding than the presidency. Currently, there are at least six Exec-Chairs who are “a bit fried” if not already “completely burnt” around the edges! It would be foolish of me to cite specifics or list needs here, but suffice it to say: the 30-someodd folks (and some of them are odd!) on page 4 of this “newsletter” would welcome help from the other 2,000+ members.
Maverick Presidents since 1972, l to r: Don Spaulding, Barry Gibbs, Charlie Davis, Joan Gibbs, John Halla, Milton Barley, Steve Kent, Bob Blakewell, Alan Bambina, Jerry Sutton, Bob Knight 10
You are needed! We need your energy, your ideas for our goin’ GROWIN’ group! As I move off of the 50th Anniversary Committee, I am looking for ideas in regards to inventing some Getaway Weekends no more than three hours from DFW! Wanna he’p? Join in. Make that connection.
Photography by Linda Bambina - Photoshop by Charlie Davis
Maverick Presidents since 1972 continued, l to r: Ed Mayo, Fran Ussery, Joel Nannis, Fred Seipp, Gordon Smith, Brian Scudder, Charlie Davis (again!), James Shoffit, Rocky Johnson, Mike Brodigan, John Hamilton November 11
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November 15
Drivers’ Ed: The Fall Season Kicks Off With a Winner By Lori Mauthe, DE Chair
Photos by Lori Mauthe except where noted
Photo by David Loder
eptember 15-16 found Maverick PCA members at Motorsport Ranch in Cresson for our Drivers’ Education event to begin our fall season. Thanks to our sponsor, Boardwalk Porsche, for the support all weekend.
Boardwalk Porsche’s sponsorship of the weekend was appreciated by all Rain washed the track on Friday, and it was still damp on Saturday morning. However, despite overcast skies, we were rain-free all day. No worries about sun glasses or sun screen, just drive, drive, drive . . . oh, and go to class, and check tire pressures, and clean windshields, and HAVE FUN. Our day began with coffee and donuts splendidly presented by Lisa Steele, our Hospitality Goddess. Thanks also to our Wake-Up sponsor, Falgout and Associates, who paid for that coffee and donuts. The student drivers’ meeting upstairs was presented by DE Chair Lori Mauthe and Registrar/Black Flagman Joel Nannis. The flags were explained, corner worker stations and passing zones identified on the track map, and the schedule for the day reviewed. Everyone was very eager to get going, for we 16
Peter Mauthe presented the drivers’ meeting, explaining the basics of on-the-track driving. A special guest joined him - Jack Farr, owner of Motorsport Ranch. Jack shared the story of his dream come true in building a motorsport park, as well as his track records. Jack was very proud to tell them that he holds the fastest time around the track in a Winnebago - a record that won’t ever be broken because he no longer allows them on the track!
Joel Nannis and Lori Mauthe conducting the Student Drivers’ meeting Saturday morning
Down below in the paddock, Peter enjoyed sharing details about his Porsche Cayman S and how important a good helmet is for safety. The Bigs and Littles gathered around Peter to hear every word!
had a lot of special events planned The group walked up to the tower during our fun day. Downstairs, the area and watched the final session instructors had their meeting, led before lunch, the Green group, by Chief Driving Instructor John Sandusky and the team leads for each of the four teams of instructors. Special thanks to them as well as those who presented our classroom Bigs and Littles cheering on the Green group sessions.
before the lunch break and Parade Laps
Lunchtime was especially fun. Our special guests arrived at 11:00 am. We welcomed twenty matches from the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization.
Peter Mauthe demonstrating the basics of helmet safety
from the grandstand. They all waved and cheered “PORSCHE.” Once the track was cleared, our participants from the DE volunteered to take our special guests for the Parade Laps. As they pulled up to grid, we first made sure all the Littles had a ride, and then all of the Bigs found a passenger seat. The DE participants talked about their cars, their safety equipment and happily answered so many questions. And their pride showed through.
At the end of the day Saturday, John Sandusky and a few members Smiles as wide as the windshields of the instructor team conducted appeared as Parade Lap time neared a track walk. Participation was incredible. Over half of our drivers Thank you to our pace car drivers stayed to see the and all the partrack up close ticipants who gave and personal our guests a very in those very educational ride difficult techniaround the track. cal corners. This addition to our Afterwards, the event was a huge group joined us Buckled in and ready success, and will for lunch in the to take to the track be most likely be pavilion. We all repeated during good weather events in the future. Our sponsor, Boardwalk Porsche, hosted a trackside cookout for all
Photo by David Loder
their skills and tracking results in the log books. We saw many check rides and promotions throughout the weekend. Our Green and Blue groups were full, and our highest numbers in White and Yellow made for a fun-filled weekend every session.
Boardwalk Porsche Parts Manager Larry Irby manned the grill makes and colors from Boardwalk were lined up in front of the pavilion – what a sight! Sunday morning was a bit rainy and we had to contend with a wet track. However, everyone was careful and there were no incidents. We ran right on schedule all weekend, and ended with a sunny Sunday afternoon. Thanks again to our sponsor Boardwalk Porsche, to Motorsport Ranch, and our fabulous instructor team for a fantastic event.
Parade Laps here we come! appreciated the yummy food from our caterer Del Norte. Thanks again to Lisa Steele for arranging everything for us, from food to the tables and chairs, and lots of water to keep everyone hydrated.
Lunch for everyone was catered by Del Norte After lunch we were back to the business of drivers’ education. Instructors gathered at the Team 3 station to review the finer points of guiding students to improve
Saturday afternoon instructors’ meeting of the participants. Starting about 5:30, burgers were ready with all the fixins and sides. A steady stream of drivers and corner workers enjoyed the camaraderie at the end of the day. Larry Irby, Parts Manager, flipped burgers, and other Boardwalk team members joined in the fun.
The thank-you note signed by the Bigs and Littles
A great display of Porsches of various November 17
Advertiser of the Month: DeFeo & Co Enterprises By Linda Bambina, PR Chair, and Jerry DeFeo, Maverick Region TriviaMeister
erry DeFeo, past owner of a ‘61 Normal, ‘63 Super, ‘73 914, ‘78 930, and currently a 1967 911S Targa, understands both Cars and Construction. These two major interests, plus his Mechanical Engineering degree, and his need to make them pay the bills, has Jerry doing and enjoying his jobs far more than most of the working folks out there. DeFeo & Co Enterprises is really a foursome of interrelated businesses, one of which is Jerry DeFeo Designs, where he has some 40 years of Custom Home Design and Building experience. Then there is Remodeling Consultants, where he both designs and acts as the Construction Manager for Residential and Commercial Remodels for
some 25 years. Additionaly there is Automotive Construction Management, which he started about 15 years ago, where he designs, consults, builds, and remodels Automotive Dealerships, Repair Facilities, and Collision Centers. Finally, there is Import-Export Automotive, where he both imports and exports Car Parts (and other items) for business and personal use. His newest endeavor, which he started about five years ago, and in which he says Silver Hair is a real plus, is City Intervention. Dealing with cities which have confusing ordinances that are often in opposition to State or Federal Laws can be a nightmare to many business owners. Here’s the pitch: Let Jerry go down and fight the Bureaucrats while you stay and do what you do best - run your business!
When asked how he can be an expert in all those fields, he simply says that he started each new business a decade apart, and developed each to be efficient while maintaining the other businesses, since they are basically all interconnected. “It is kind of like asking Mario Andretti how can he be so successful in driving so many different types of cars, or asking a Pilot how he or she is proficient in so many types of single-engined, multi-engined, or jet-powered aircraft. The key: never forget what you have learned when you take on something new.” Check out his excellent work at the Shoffits’ home, or Dallas Karting Complex, or Town East Ford, or the new Collision Central in Greenville. Give him a call; he is very friendly, and literally gives his all for his clients!
©2012 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times.
You don’t have to pay a premium for premium Porsche service. Give us a chance to meet or beat your service estimate, and get a Master-Certified Porsche experience.
At Park Place Porsche, you’ll find high-performance service at competitive prices. Our Master-Certified technicians and advisors work exclusively on Porsche vehicles, giving them a focus and passion that can’t be matched. We also have the only on-site Porsche body shop in the area, giving you comprehensive service, all in one place. Best of all, we’ll try to meet or beat any service estimate from another shop. So you can enjoy all of the exceptional Park Place service and amenities—like complimentary Porsche loaner cars and hand car washes—and spend less than you’d think.
Park Place Porsche 6113 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, TX 75209 214.525.5400
November 19
Cliff ’s Ramblings: NASA and Club Race and DE - Oh My! By Cliff Blackshear
Photo by Cliff Blackshear
eessee what a busy time of year. Went to Mid Ohio for a NASA (National Auto Sport Association) race after some testing for technician certification in Atlanta (“SWEET”, I’m still a Gold Meister), with good results at Mid Ohio; then off to a DE that my workshop sponsors at Motorsport Ranch. Cooked burgers and dogs Saturday night. Had a lot of fun. Then off to Hallett for a Club Race. It was amazing. Our efforts were well rewarded with great results. It is not easy to get those kinds of results. I was so proud of everyone and how hard they have all worked. Now I have to go to Atlanta for more training on the new generation Boxster and new generation top systems for the 991. A week from when I write this, the Maverick Region Club Race at MSR occurs. Bryan Henderson and Jim Buckley are talking with me about being a scrutineer for PCA. They seem to think I have the skill sets for such a position. I dunno. Plus it would mean being at races where possibly cars from my shop are racing. It would be difficult to not be in
Wait - this is fun?? the paddock with them. I’m already disjointed from my homies at the Maverick event every year working tech inspection. Nonetheless I have agreed to work as “scrut’s assistant” at this event to see how it all goes.
German Engineering With Southern Hospitality Personal Service.
At Nine-Eleven, we’ve built a reputation for understanding our customers’ needs — quality service, convenient location, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and personalized service that is unmatched in the Metroplex. When you trust your car to us, you will have the peace of mind that it will be serviced correctly the first time. Every time.
We strongly believe in access to those who will actually work on your car. Our technicians are available in person, by phone, and even by pager if you have questions or need timely information about your car.
Our clean shop, well-stocked parts department, and comfortable waiting room ensure that you and your car will get the kind of service you deserve. Maintained tools and equipment. Clean cars. We are meticulous about details.
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Our parts department is also second to none. Our knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding that necessary part or after-market option you require. We are an authorized dealer for high-performance Recaro seating, Yokohama Tires, Bilstein Shocks, Bosch, and many others. This ensures that whether you are a casual driver or an enthusiast who needs race prep assistance, Nine-Eleven has the experience and knowledge to keep your car running at peak performance. Nine-Eleven Enterprises, Inc. Service, Accessories & Parts for BMW, Mercedes & Porsche 2120 Cindy Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229 972-241-2002
We are conveniently located near the intersection of Stemmons and LBJ Freeways in Dallas. We offer emergency towing service 24 hours a day and have arranged for special rental car rates with area rental agencies. Come by for a visit between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or call for a service appointment.
Reflecting on all that, I feel so grateful to be doing what I do. I am not changing the world, yet I gain a lot of satisfaction from my interactions with so many people. Life can be fun even when working. Been chasing software issues with new PIWIS Tester 2 system lately. Had a 2012 987 Twin Turbo Cabriolet in the shop today. It had been crashed hard and was sent over from Stuart’s shop to investigate an air bag light issue after all parts were replaced. The POSIP (Porsche airbag system) was logging faults for AWS (automatic weight sensing system). The AWS system had no faults in on board memory, yet POSIP system said it did. Weird… We ran a complete fault interrogation on all micro processors and suddenly AWS had a “Needs Calibration” fault. Calibrated system and POSIP no longer had a hard fault to check AWS system. Humm. Reported to Engineering. I’m working like a dog yet having fun. What are you doing today? Cheers
Experience Your Porsche in a New Way! By driving on a real North Texas racetrack
Eagles Canyon Raceway is the beautiful culmination of years worth of research, planning & design into the rolling hills of North Texas near DFW. Eagles Canyon Raceway features 2.55 miles, 4 straights over 1,300 feet long, 11 turns, and 340 feet of overall elevation change. Eagles Canyon is a true driver's track, and is planned to host all classes of events from the top level racing series to club racing and private HPDE days. We are proud to receive PCA events including Club Racing and look forward to each and every event! With an EC Membership you can enjoy driving on a track that is quickly becoming history in the making. We offer all that you need including a challenging track, high octane fuel & a grill for lunch. Join us by signing up at or call for information at 940-466-9775.
November 21
“Sunday” Drive: Grapes to Wine Tour/Rally By Brendan Eagan and Gareth Maurice
he Maverick PCA Sunday drives start out as a thought - a glimmer - with a destination in mind. John Harvey, the Maverick Region’s Tourmeister, back in May had already zeroed in on Grapes to Wine, a boutique wine store in Bartonville, for the September drive destination. “Where’s Bartonville?” I asked. Our laptops opened up. We picked a start point in Allen and then zoomed in/out of the maps looking for interesting roads, twists and turns, probable rest stops – and getting the Porsches OUT of the cities. For the last several drives we have had three groups, with each lead car having a GPS with the route downloaded. With a known route and a GPS to point the way, our goal has been to keep each group on track, reduce the chances of getting lost, and remove any anxiety or stress of ending up lost!
Photos by Brendan Eagan
Next: the roads have to be driven. Tested. Scoped out. For this single Sunday drive (which was actually on Saturday, September 29) we test drove it four different times. John Harvey, Gareth Maurice and I all drove the route in May – thumbs up. In the three weeks prior to Sept 29 we re-drove the route three times. We left at dawn from Allen The Tour and Rally Group after the and were treated to wine tasting and lasagna dinner a beautiful orange cal wires and boxes protruding sunrise on Hwy 380. from the ceiling. Trashed. Gareth Gareth was double-checking the took a picture and got it off to printed directions, circling minor our Social Chair, Christy Payne, to errors and watching the GPS track. double check that it was going to Shortly thereafter we came around be finished for our club event! a country corner to find a large barAs the days crept closer to the rier across the road: “Road Closed.” 29th, I watched the weather foreWe got out and looked around cast which showed the chance of – the bridge was completely gone rain at 10% a week out. It climbed about a half mile ahead. We tried 10% every day. Saturday ended up to figure roughly where we were being forecast with a 70% chance and what road to take to get back of rain. Not fun. And, sure enough on course. We drove this way and at our appointed gathering time that way and furiously tried to get the GPSs to reroute us, but they just at Saxby’s Coffee in Allen – steady didn’t want to cooperate. Finally our chosen Farm Road reappears, but with another “Road Closed” sign. This time we just laughed. Driving on, we came to a road where about 50 yards of it were gone – all gravel and dust. We crept at 20 mph wondering aloud how many Porsche drivers would curse us.
Another successful Drive organized by John and BJ Harvey 22
We ended up at Grapes to Wine, our proposed destination. We drove around back to the meeting room we’d be using. “This can’t be the place!” It was gutted! Bare metal posts. Debris everywhere. Electri-
Mike Doherty, Maverick Region member and Grapes to Wine member, helped coordinate the event
from the rest stop. A few miles later, Don called again. Whoops! I’d left someone behind. He was with them and trying to get them on the route. It was raining with obscured visibility and he was trying to guide someone towards our destination. Everyone made it to Grapes to Wine in Bartonville, Don Sebert included, albeit a bit delayed.
rain. We had 16 cars for the drive and Carey had three cars for the Hare & Hound Rally he’d planned, leaving from the same spot and arriving at Grapes to Wine, but by a totally different route. In spite of the damp and cramped quarters, everyone was excited. John Harvey gave us a brief prebrief. I told my group (the first 10 cars) that we’d have a rest stop about 45 minutes into the 106-mile drive. Gareth’s group (the second set of cars heading out) got a great laugh when he informed them that he’d NOT make a rest stop and everyone would be issued a baggie.
Our host, Grapes to Wine owner Dan Adams quick phone calls back and forth and we stopped to re-collect the group. Perfect. So off we went.
We headed out and into the rain. I immediately lost my sweep, Don Sebert. Don and I made some
Place 1 2 3
Don and I exchanged a couple of quick “hellos” and I headed out
Mike Doherty, a fellow PCAer, was our host at Dan Adams’ shop. What a wonderful time! We tasted six different wines and had a lasagna dinner and salad provided by Carraba’s. Dan even offered a discount on wines to all PCA members. Perfectisimo! Join us next time!
Hare & Hound Rally Results
Driver Dave Frick Peter Hatton Tracy Locke
Navigator Jean Frick Jane Hatton Aimee Locke
Difference from Official Mileage 3.1 miles 8.0 miles 16.0 miles
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1992 968 Cabriolet
November 23
September Happy Hour: Cristina’s By Frank Briggs
Photos by Frank Briggs
ith weather that reminded us of mid August and roads that resembled an autocross layout, Mavericks navigated multiple construction zones to Christina’s in Southlake to enjoy margaritas, beer, wine, great food and lively conversations with fellow Porschephiles. There were 35 attendees, consisting of “us regulars,” as well as new members recently moving here from Mexico. A warm welcome to Marino, Laura, and Isabella Gonzalez-Luhrs, as well as to Kyriacos, Gillian, and Niko Panaydes, all attending their first Maverick event. Isabella looked very official
John and Chris Hamilton We graced the parking lot with a nice array of Stuttgart’s best, ranging from early air-cooled 911s to more recent GT3s with some of everything in between.
l to r: Kiriacos and Gillian Panaydes, with Marino, Isabella, and Laura Gonzalez-Luhrs wearing her Porsche-crest-adorned headdress, which she made herself. She is going to make some lucky guy a great mate someday.
Veronica Ramos and Stephanie Ho
l to r: Leigh Rayl, Maria Stafford, Mike Brodigan, Judy Brodigan, Bobbie Briggs I have ordered great November weather for our next Happy Hour at JR’s Grill in Colleyville, so we should have no problem filling the parking lot. Dust off your favorite ride and join us on November 15 at JR’s Grill.
Randy Wright and Ursula Maples
Since 1971
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610 S. Sherman Street, Richardson, Texas 75081 (972) 231-5356 • FAX (972) 231-3393
November 25
TOWARD OWNERSHIP. A Merrill Lynch Financial Advisor can talk to you about the Loan Management Account® (LMA® account), a flexible line of credit from Bank of America, N.A., available through Merrill Lynch. It can offer you the liquidity you may need for your purchase while you keep your investment strategy on track. J.D. Sandfort, CFA®, CFP® Neil Rubinstein, CIMA® Wealth Management Advisors (972) 980-8618 Merrill Lynch 13355 Noel Road, Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75240
The Loan Management Account® (LMA® account) is provided by Bank of America, N.A., member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender. The LMA account requires a brokerage account at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (MLPF&S) and sufficient eligible collateral to support a minimum credit facility size of $100,000. All securities are subject to credit approval and Bank of America, N.A., may change its collateral maintenance requirements at any time. Securities-based financing involves special risks and is not for everyone. When considering a securities-based loan, consideration should be given to individual requirements, portfolio composition and risk tolerance, as well as capital gains, portfolio performance expectations and investment time horizon. The securities or other assets in any collateral account may be sold to meet a collateral call without notice to the client, the client is not entitled to an extension of time on the collateral call, and the client is not entitled to choose which securities or other assets will be sold. The client can lose more funds than deposited in such collateral account. A complete description of the loan terms can be found within the LMA agreement. Clients should consult their own independent tax and legal advisors. Some restrictions may apply to purpose loans, and not all managed accounts are eligible as collateral. All applications for LMA accounts are subject to approval by Bank of America, N.A. For fixed-rate and term advances, principal payments made prior to the due date will be subject to a breakage fee. The Bull Symbol, LMA, Loan Management Account, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management and The Power of the Right Advisor are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. CFA® is a registered trademark of the CFA Institute. CFP® is a certification mark owned by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc., and is awarded to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. CIMA® is a registered certification mark of Investment Management Consultants Association, Inc. Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation (“BAC”). Banking products are provided by Bank of America, N.A., and affiliated banks, members FDIC and wholly owned subsidiaries of BAC. Investment products:
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November 27
Time Trial 5 / Autocross 6: The MineralRing Results compiled by Dean! Yamada Time Trial 5 Results September 29, 2012 Class 3 Class 4 4 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 10 Class 1X 1X Class 2X 2X Class 3X Class 3R
Name Travis Howard Name Andrew Barrilleaux Wesley Lincoln Tom Leavitt Name Robyn Howard Name Gary Kelley Name Brandon Quigley Name Jeff Herrmann Name Richard Diller Name Eric Johnson Mitch Williams Name Mark Schnoerr Nich Zuhoski Name John Higgs Name Tye Jackson
Driving 1974 Porsche 914 (Yellow) Driving 1994 Porsche 911 (Green) 1994 Porsche 911 (Green) 1983 Porsche 944 (Tan) Driving 2003 Porsche Boxster (Blue) Driving 1985 Porsche Carrera (Red) Driving 2002 Porsche 911 C4S (Black) Driving 1987 Porsche 951 (Blue) Driving 1972 Porsche 911S (Red) Driving 1999 Mazda Miata (Green) 1995 Mazda Miata (Red) Driving 1996 BMW M3 (SILVER) 2013 Volvo C30 (Metallic Grey) Driving 2011 Chevrolet Corvette (White) Driving 2001 Chevy Camaro Z28 (Champagne)
Autocross 6 Results September 30, 2012 Car# 95 Car# 10 644 23 Car# 65 Car# 1 Car# 27 Car# 81 Car# 550 Car# 94 186 Car# 149 360 Car# 21 Car# 194
Fastest 111.208 Fastest 100.980 101.155 109.451 Fastest 103.748 Fastest 90.419 Fastest 91.877 Fastest 96.209 Fastest 117.379 Fastest 98.912 104.696 Fastest 94.774 100.405 Fastest 94.622 Fastest 103.625
Class 3 Class 5 Class 6 Class 8 8 8 Class 10 10 10 Class 1X Class 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X Class 3X Class 3R 3R
Name Travis Howard Name Robyn Howard Name Gary Kelley Name Al Silva Jeff Herrmann Pat Silva Name John Leto Gary Leto Richard Diller Name Kenny Baker Name Chris Park Chris Fithian Scott Steider Sam Graff Eric Broussard Name John Higgs Name James Hollinsworth Tye Jackson
Driving 1974 Porsche 914 (Yellow) Driving 2003 Porsche Boxster (Blue) Driving 1985 Porsche Carrera (Red) Driving 2012 Porsche Cayman R (Peridot green) 1987 Porsche 951 (Blue) 2009 Porsche Carrera S (Metallic Green) Driving Porsche 914 (Green) Porsche 914 (Green) 1972 Porsche 911S (Red) Driving Mazda Miata (Red) Driving 2003 Nissan 350Z (Blue) 2004 Nissan 350Z (Super Black) 2003 Nissan 350z (Daytona Blue) 2010 Subaru WRX (Black) 2005 Nissan 350Z (Pearl White) Driving 2011 Chevrolet Corvette (White) Driving 2012 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (Silver) 2001 Chevy Camaro Z28 (Champagne)
Car# 95 Car# 65 Car# 1 Car# 713 81 613 Car# 151 15 550 Car# 2 Car# 213 88 117 14 22 Car# 21 Car# 71 194
Fastest 75.474 Fastest 73.532 Fastest 66.052 Fastest 68.862 69.803 71.220 Fastest 71.725 72.478 73.610 Fastest 68.721 Fastest 67.165 68.065 68.149 69.245 70.709 Fastest 69.241 Fastest 66.469 66.785
November 29
From the moment you turn in from Denton Drive, you’ll start to notice the special details that makes AUTOSCOPE a car-friendly heaven.
It’s quite simply, the most incredible independent repair facility in the world It even has its own Race-Track Simulator and Side-By-Side, AllWheel Dynos! Dallas-Park Cities 214-350-3050 . Plano 972-867-7467 . Dallas N/E 214-320-8280 30
New Wheels
If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Lisa Steele 214-709-6418.
Lisa Steele, Membership Chair Anderson, Chuck (Cindy) Feldkamp, Kevin (Jodi) Plano, TX Wylie, TX 2004 911 Turbo 2003 Boxster
Pfaff, John Fort Worth, TX 2006 Carrera S
Atendido, Sean Keller, TX 1989 911
Higgs, John Dallas, TX 2009 Cayman
Campbell-Moore, Chris Dallas, TX 2006 911
MacKenzie, Kevin (Shelby Sill) Dallas, TX 2003 911
Pickert, Steve (Rennae) Dallas, TX 2012 911 Black Edition
Clark, Jeff Rowlett, TX 1995 911 D’Apice, Peter Dallas, TX 2002 911 Davidson, Joe Haslet, TX 2008 Carrera 4S Evans, Regina (Shay Sanders) Allen, TX 2000 Boxster S
Sendejas, Jim (Laura Taylor) Rockwall, TX 2003 Boxster
Mentesana, Steve (Sharon) Carrollton, TX Solomon, Richard 2012 Carrera S Tyler, TX 2009 Carrera Pair, Randy (Chaz) Fort Worth, TX Whitman, Alex 1987 911 Dallas, TX 2011 C4S Patterson, Elizabeth (Michael) Zeigler, Ziggy (Jon) Fort Worth, TX Allen, TX 2012 911 Carrera 2013 Boxster
Maverick Membership Totals Members ~ 1,319 Affiliate Members ~ 874 Total Membership ~ 2,193
Save the flash! Flashing your high beams at fellow Porsche drivers is a time-honored tradition . . . keep the flash alive!
Anniversaries Morgan, Lee A. (Tamaca Hopkins) Shoffit, James C. (Wendy) Gross, William S. (Barbara) Higgins, Seth J. (Susan) Thompson, Gary (Liz)
15 Years Fort Worth Irving 10 Years Dallas Lewisville
5 Years Lester, Richard A. (Lori) Flower Mound Redding, Eric F. (Skylar) Fort Worth Sims, James M. (Beverly) Fort Worth Stonehouse, David J. McKinney Walker, Jay E. (Stephanie O’Donnell) Argyle
Richardson November 31
Unclassifieds Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region members and are $5 to all others (contact editor for payment details). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues, then removed unless you request that it be run for an additional 3 issues. E-mail your ad to by the 10th to have your ad run in the following month’s Slipstream. Be sure to include car year, make and model, its mileage and asking price, as well as a contact name, phone number and /or e-mail address. All parts will be advertised on our website. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Due to space constraints, photos may or may not be included.
For Sale: 1983 911SC, white w/white wheels, brown interior. One owner since 1985. 115k miles on car; less than 10k mi on a meticulously rebuilt engine by one of the industry’s finest 911 mechanics. Very tight. It has always been garaged, never raced or wrecked. Original white paint, tinted windows, and gorgeous cocoa brown leather. All records. Beautiful driver. Lovingly maintained. $21,500 OBO. Contact Pat at 214-630-5881 or (11)
For Sale: 1986 944, red, 90k miles. Has not run for 12 years. Needs work but a good project for the right person. Body in great condition – Always garaged. Price $1500. Contact Pete Pennesi, Peter.pennesi@ (11)) For Sale: 2004 996 Carrera, Seal gray with full black leather, 54,500 miles, 6 speed manual, Bose, xenon, PSM. New LNE IMS bearing, clutch, water pump, rear tires, front rotors, all pads. Clear bra on front clip and headlamps, black wheels, red calipers, body color center console, quad tips. See http:// for pics and docs. Priced to sell quickly. $26,900 OBO. Leif Peterson, 817-681-3038 or (09)
For Sale: 1986 944 Turbo race car, red, Club Race Class E, current PCA log book. Less than 5 hours on the following: Rod Bearings; Clutch; Flywheel; Torque Tube (rebuilt); Trans w/LSD (rebuilt); Moton Club Sports (refreshed by AST); Guards Red Paint (exterior). Weltmeister sway bars, Lindsay exhaust and cross-member, brand new fire system and much more. Wired for radio. Purchased from a local DE instructor in 2008, with all receipts since I purchased the car. Just put numbers on it and go right to grid. All work done by the shop foreman at Ruf Auto Centre since 2008. Approximately $18k spent on the car in the last 6 months. $17,000 or make an offer. or call/txt 972740-0486. (09) For Sale: 1999 996, 59K miles. Absolutely hammered flat beyond belief in hail storm. Mechanicals, wheels, tires good, might need the “jaws of life” to see the interior. Color moot because front and rear glass gone, most body panels are done, some assorted exterior pieces might be salvaged. Photos available from <>. Suitable for some sort of conversion to club racer or demo derby vehicle. Asking $10,500 but willing
Slipstream Advertiser Index
to negotiate, but no poultry. 214-546-4359, ask for Mark. Bill Stafford, mobile 214-677-8612 (09)
For Sale: 2009 997.2 C2S Cabriolet, White/ Red interior (full leather), black top, 16K miles. PDK, Sports chrono, Sharkwerks bypass pipe, full power vented seats, Bose audio, I-Pod connection, all weather mats, tint, CPO warranty until 2015. In excellent condition. $78,000. Contact Mike Lee at (09) For Sale: 2000 Boxster S, Arctic Silver/ Nephrite Green Special Leather, 6 speed, sport chassis, Litronic. Original owner, 121k miles, new warranty engine at 32k, new battery, rear window, windshield. Porsche dealership maintenance, good condition inside and out, no modifications, no accidents, needs 120k service. $12,000. Contact
For Sale: 2002 996 Carrera Coupe, Silver, 6-speed with factory spoiler, 43,500 miles, new tires in 2011. $30,000. Contact Bob at 214-732-8304, or email (09)
For advertising rates and information contact Pat Friend at
These advertisers support Maverick Region -- Tell them you saw their ad in Slipstream!
3 Locate LLC Ascot Diamonds Autobahn Motorcar Group Autoscope Boardwalk Porsche Boss Garage Buckley Racing Dallas Karting Complex Eagles Canyon Raceway Falgout & Associates, P. C. Fifth Gear Motorsports Istook’s MotorSport Services Jack Junkies Laurie Wirth Realtor Louden Motorcar Services Maverick Region Goodie Store Mayo Performance 32
(817) 886-6861 (972) 991-0001 (800) 433-5602 (972) 867-7467 (214) 576-1911 (214) 735-9025 (817) 239-7969 (903) 527-5278 (940) 466-9775 (972) 669-2370 (972) 317-4005 (817) 332-6547 (972) 881-5DIY (214) 223-7488 (972) 241-6326 (817) 540-4939
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Merrill Lynch Wealth Mgmt Mullenix Motorsport Mustard Racing Nine-Eleven Enterprises Park Place Porsche The Phoenix Insurance Pro-Tect Mobile RAC Performance RetroAir Silver Fox Soundwerk State Farm Insurance UPS Store Ussery Printing Wells Fargo Zims Autotechnik
(972) 980-8618 (972) 231-5356 (817) 366-1678 (972) 241-2002 (800) 553-3196 (214) 253-0570 (903) 241-4132 (214) 269-1571 (972) 960-6899 (817) 329-6995 (817) 281-9381 (214) 387-0003 (972) 420-1250 (972) 438-8344 (800) 727-1819 (817) 267-4451
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Hiram Saunders, Slipstream 155 Jellico Southlake, TX 76092
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