Report for TGV Cinema (Wangsa Walk Branch)

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Report I

Recommendations to Improve the Value Chain of Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema

Recommender: Lee Chia Chun (Max)

Date: 11th July 2011 (Mon) Shift: 10am – 7pm


Introduction The author is offered by Tanjong group to serve Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema until 29th July 2011. He is assigned the task to identify the technical problems found in the cinema and also to give suggestions in coping with the problems.

Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema is strategically situated in 3rd floor of the mall where all forms of entertainment parks can be found here. TGV Cinema is wellfurnished and is clean at all times. Like other cinemas, TGV has ticket box office, concession, projection rooms, clean toilets, satellite which is situated at strategic spot and sufficient numbers (a total of nine mine cinema) of cinema rooms. The staffs are generally pleasant and responsible in carrying out their tasks. TGV Cinema is probably famous for its comfortable seating and scrumptious golden pop corns.

However, owing to the reason of being a new mall, there were several blackouts happening in the past two weeks, which has affect both the parties Wangwa Walk Mall Management and TGV Cinema’s incomes and reputation. The current reality is that people has dubbed Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema as blackout cinema, which is not a desirable tag for the cinema.

In the following report, the author would attempt to identify the problems and give several suggestions based on his knowledge or opinion in the effort of solving the problems faced by the cinema as a whole, and thus bringing improvements to the cinema. The recommendations given are merely for reference purposes and any failure or ineffectiveness rising from the application is not bound to the authors’ responsibility.


Recommendations/Suggestions/Observations (in point forms)

1. Ice Cube Box Observation: The ice cubes need to be refilled every time the ice cube box is running out of ice cubes. The ice cube box is taking much of the space in the current limited space of the counter. Recommendation: Install a hanger type of ice cube box so that the space can be spared for other things or act as store place. It is highly recommended that the ice cube box has a channel linked to the main refrigerator so that ice cubes can be transferred effortlessly and also to reduce the mobility of the staffs in the limited space.

2. Insufficient Sofa Observation: During peak hour, many people have no place to sit. Recommendation: Rearrange the formation of the sofa and place more multiplesitting sofa.

3. Separator Observation: The cinema has nine mini cinemas which has number starting from one to nine. Some audiences have friends who would come late a bit, so the ticket needs to be put outside the ticket checkpoint. Recommendation: To ease the job of tracking the number of audiences in a mini cinema room, make a separator (by using cardboard will do) with nine holes and place the ticket accordingly inside the cardboard. Prepare a special box to hold the latecomers’ tickets as well.


4. Pop Corn Box illustrations Observation: People (even the staff themselves) often confused with the size of the pop corn box, especially for Small and Regular size. This is because the small and regular sized pop corn boxes are so similar in both the colours and design. People also often asked which is regular and which is small because they do not know how the boxes exactly look like. Recommendation: Put the Small, Regular & Large Pop corn boxer, each size one, on top of the wall so that people could easily spot them while making choices in front of the counter. The colour and designs on the pop corn boxes (for small and regular) should be differentiated by a more contrasting colour or varied designs.

5. Toilet Sign Goes Unseen Observation: Audiences coming out from cinema 6, 7 & 9 often couldn’t find the location of toilet. Some of them even thought that the toilet is situated at the opposite end of the building. Recommendation: Put a toilet sign with arrow on the meeting point of cinema 6, 7 & 9.

6. Rubbish should be classified Observation: The cleaners throw the all types of rubbish into a common rubbish bag. Recommendation: In the effort of promoting go-green practice, the cleaners should have different rubbish bag picking up the rubbish. Recycled bin can be placed inside the cinema as well to show TGV’s interest in protecting the environment. Prepared by, Max 4

Report II

Recommendations to Improve the Value Chain of Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema

Recommender: Lee Chia Chun (Max)

Date: 18th July 2011 (Mon) Shift: 10am – 7pm


Introduction The author is offered by Tanjong group to serve Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema until 29th July 2011. He is assigned the task to identify the technical problems found in the cinema and also to give suggestions in coping with the problems.

Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema is strategically situated in 3rd floor of the mall where all forms of entertainment parks can be found here. TGV Cinema is wellfurnished and is clean at all times. Like other cinemas, TGV has ticket box office, concession, projection rooms, clean toilets, satellite which is situated at strategic spot and sufficient numbers (a total of nine mine cinema) of cinema rooms. The staffs are generally pleasant and responsible in carrying out their tasks. TGV Cinema is probably famous for its comfortable seating and scrumptious golden pop corns.

However, owing to the reason of being a new mall, there were several blackouts happening in the past two weeks, which has affect both the parties Wangwa Walk Mall Management and TGV Cinema’s incomes and reputation. The current reality is that people has dubbed Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema as blackout cinema, which is not a desirable tag for the cinema.

In the following report, the author would attempt to identify the problems and give several suggestions based on his knowledge or opinion in the effort of solving the problems faced by the cinema as a whole, and thus bringing improvements to the cinema. The recommendations given are merely for reference purposes and any failure or ineffectiveness rising from the application is not bound to the authors’ responsibility.


Recommendations/Suggestions/Observations (in point forms)

1. Place a Digital Clock in the front wall Observation: Last week, I accidentally knocked a plastic clock that is hung on the wall beside the ticket checkpoint as I yawned and stretched. Besides, the clock is placed behind the “Rules & Regulations” board which has blocked customers’ view. The time is important to everyone (customers want to know when is the movie showing according to our time whereas staff working at the floor need to unload and reload the cinema punctually.) and thus must be placed at an obvious spot. Recommendation: 1. Place a Digital clock on a wall that is lined with “Cinema 4” board. It is recommended to use Digital clock to ensure good accuracy & clearer time indication. The suggested position has the most human traffic and it is an obvious spot. 2. The staff should synchronize the watch respectively. (Optional)

2. Facilities Failure Report Facility Doors of Cinema 5

Description Produced noises when moving. Produced noises upon closing. rd 3 Tap water in Gent Toilet Cannot turn off House lights & small light Cinema 7 Did not light on. Air Cond in each and every cinemas Too Cold (customers’ comments) Besides, thunder can be heard inside every cinema during thunder storm. The problems are addressed and is hoped to get attention or solution soon from TGV Management.


3. Coping with Stealing Case Observation: On the past Sunday (17th July), there was a stranger with awkward looking managed to pass through the ticket checkpoint despite having no ticket with him. Fortunately, he was caught for that. However, this person is recognized by one of the staff and the staff claimed that this person is infamous for stealing handbags in KLCC TGV branch. It seems like this thief has targeted Wangsa Walk TGV branch this time. So, we better watch out him. Recommendation: To ease the job of the staff (Floor unit) in checking for any valuable belongings accidentally left by customers in the cinema, as well as to cope with the increasingly alarming theft problem, I would like to recommend to place lockers. Customers who like to use the lockers need to insert coin/token. This can be another source of income for TGV Wangsa Walk branch.

4. When does “Satellite� operate? Observation: Customers like to ask whether the satellite is operating. Recommendation: Place an indicator below the digital clock to show whether Satellite is open or close.

5. Pick the Right Trolley Observation: Currently, we are using supermarket-type trolley which is not so suitable because: 1. Small space capacity 2. Too high (things fallen down can be spoilt). Recommendation: Use the right trolley to move goods easily. Apply grease on moving parts of the trolley if necessary.


6. Tickets should be differentiated by colours Observation: To ease the checking of ticket, the ticket should be differentiated with colour. Recommendation: Colours should be used as the background of the tickets. Tickets may have different colous. The colour of the ticket changes every new day, for example, Monday = Blue, Tues = Orange etc. This will help in tracking number of ticket sold each day as well.

Prepared by, Max


Report III

Recommendations to Improve the Value Chain of Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema

Recommender: Lee Chia Chun (Max)

Date: 25th July 2011 (Mon) Shift: 10am – 7pm


Introduction The author is offered by Tanjong group to serve Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema until 29th July 2011. He is assigned the task to identify the technical problems found in the cinema and also to give suggestions in coping with the problems.

Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema is strategically situated in 3rd floor of the mall where all forms of entertainment parks can be found here. TGV Cinema is wellfurnished and is clean at all times. Like other cinemas, TGV has ticket box office, concession, projection rooms, clean toilets, satellite which is situated at strategic spot and sufficient numbers (a total of nine mine cinema) of cinema rooms. The staffs are generally pleasant and responsible in carrying out their tasks. TGV Cinema is probably famous for its comfortable seating and scrumptious golden pop corns.

However, owing to the reason of being a new mall, there were several blackouts happening in the past two weeks, which has affect both the parties Wangwa Walk Mall Management and TGV Cinema’s incomes and reputation. The current reality is that people has dubbed Wangsa Walk TGV Cinema as blackout cinema, which is not a desirable tag for the cinema.

In the following report, the author would attempt to identify the problems and give several suggestions based on his knowledge or opinion in the effort of solving the problems faced by the cinema as a whole, and thus bringing improvements to the cinema. The recommendations given are merely for reference purposes and any failure or ineffectiveness rising from the application is not bound to the authors’ responsibility.


Recommendations/Suggestions/Observations (in point forms)

1. Thumbo Observation: Thumbo has two compartments: one contains pop corn (upper part) and another one is to hold drink. Thumbo is made of plastics and is needed to be pressed in order to combine the two compartments together into big cup. Owing to the fact that it’s made up of plastics, quite a number of the Thumbos are seen broken at the edges, it’s also non environmental-friendly. It requires some hitting and punching on the cover just to lock the two compartments together. Recommendation: Few modifications can be done on the ThumboTM: 1. Replace the material with aluminium 2. Has axes in the inner sides of the containers (refer Figure 1).

Figure 1 axis along the inner sides of the container

2. Reward customers who re-use the plastic cup we provide Observation: The paper cups, be it small, regular or large, all were thrown away inside the cinemas after the movie ended. This goes the same to the pop-corn paper holder. Recommendation: Introduce (Sell) a rigid plastic cup (that has TGV logo so that people do not imitate it) to our customers. (this can be an initiative to do our promotion and also increase TGV brand awareness in the public; you may want to think of having partnership with TupperwareTM). So every time when customers visit TGV cinemas, they will only need to give us the cup and we fill it with the beverage selected. To encourage more people to buy this cup, we can reward the customers who used the cup up to 10 times will be rewarded with a complimentary ticket. Of course this is merely a suggestion of mine, you be more


creative than me in rewarding the customers. The benefits of implementing this suggestion are below:  Environmental friendly (Reuse plastic) Tagline: Save the Earth while having fun XD  Reduce rubbish produced  May need less cleaners, thus cut cost in employing them  Increase brand awareness through the selling of cup

Figure 2 an example of a plastic cup (illustration does not reflect the actual final product)

3. What does customer needs when the cinema is so frigid inside? Observation: The instant response from customers every time they stepped out from the cinema was “it’s so cold”. Recommendation: As a caring cinema, we can sell hot coffees inside our cinema. You can go to the extent of having delivery boy bringing the hot beverages into the cinema hall and serve them. Similarly, they should keep the cup for next visit to the cinema in order to enjoy some better offers from us, TGV. Or simply make the hot beverages available in the Satellite Candy Bar. But I am pretty sure the staff would end up drinking them more often.


4. eTicket System Observation: What if tickets are no longer the practice of any cinema? The question lies on why we need ticket in the first place. The ticket is a proof of purchase; it contains the particulars as well like the price, date, time and cinema hall. So, once the movie has ended, where does the ticket go? The other part of the ticket is with us, but what did we do with it? Obviously the answer is into the trash bin. Here comes the environmental issues and wastage in terms of printing the ticket and buying the thick manila card to produce a ticket. Recommendation: Today, many things have been digitalized/ computerized. I personally incline to the concept. Nothing can be more convenient than scanning your card at the counter. I wonder if we could use handphone to buy movie credit just like how we top up credits. Can we go beyond what we have been doing all this while?

5. Soft Music accompanied before the ads Observation: Audiences may enter the cinema hall slightly earlier than before the commercial ads are played on the screen. Recommendation: Play soft music to eliminate the boredom.

6. Socket required charging electric torchlight Observation: A lot of chargeable electric torch lights are spoilt in the past 2 weeks. I found out that the staff forced the 2 pin torchlight into a 3-pin plug. You may resort to a more gentle approach: push the tip of the pen into the upper pin hole and the 3-pin plug instantly becomes a 2-pin plug. Recommendation: Use a socket. It is cheap and prolongs the lifespan of the torch light.


7. Fluorescent number on the seat Observation: Customers could not find exactly where their seats are. As we know, each cinema hall has two doors, so they are already confused at the beginning. It doesn’t matter you if you came in earlier, but what about those who rushed into the hall and couldn’t their seats. Recommendation: Coat the number of the seat with fluorescent coating. Alternatively, erect a board that shows the seat formation. Or, place the range of the number on each side of the door to enable the customers to find their seats conveniently and confidently.

Prepared by, Max


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