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“ Jason Bednarz - Champion Nabba Bodybuilder

MAX’S SuperWhey


This awesome MAX’S formula is ideal for beginner, intermediate and advanced level trainers who are striving to pack on lean, defined muscle mass. SuperWhey combines the highest quality Hydrolysed WPI for fastest protein absorption, Whey Protein Isolate for maximum bio-availability and the sustained muscle building benefits of Whey Protein Concentrate for maximum gains. SuperWhey can be taken at any time during the day to help build more muscle, and is also ideal to take immediately after hard training or sport to maximise whole body recovery. SuperWhey is ideal for serious and recreational bodybuilders and strength athletes, as well as hard training athletes who need to build and maintain muscle and strength for sports including rugby, AFL, basketball, soccer, martial arts, track & field.

• Growth Fractions • Whey Protein Concentrate • High Energy Carbs • No Added Sugar • Low Fat



Fast Weight and Mass Gain To build size fast you must train with gut busting intensity, eat heaps of protein, get heaps of quality kilojoules and get enough rest to let your body grow massive. MAX’S SuperSize is the surefire way to pack maximum protein and kilojoules into your diet to help you grow big time! The gut busting training and the rest – well you’ll have to do that yourself. One serve of MAX’S SuperSize packs 54 grams of protein plus 3000kj of mass building energy. Add 3 serves of SuperSize per day to your mass building diet and watch your weight and size go ballistic! SuperSize is ideally suited for younger, thinner trainers who want to pack on weight or any athlete who needs extra protein and energy to build and maintain SuperSize!


Block Carbs, Strip Fat, Get Ripped and Build Lean Striated Muscle This awesome formula combines 7 nutritional systems with one common aim, to help you build an amazing ripped and muscular body. SuperShred adds cutting edge carb blocking nutrients and the very latest fat burning technology to pure Whey Protein Isolate for the best fat fighting protein you can get. SuperShred is ultra low in fat and carbs and will help you attain that lean chiselled look of a competitive bodybuilder. It is suitable for competitive bodybuilders who are on a pre-contest diet and is also ideal for male or female trainers who are following a reduced carb diet to strip body fat.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Carb Blocking Complex Thermogenic Fat Incinerator Complex Appetite Modulation Complex Lean Muscle Growth Signalling Complex Muscle Sparing Recovery Complex Cortisol Regulating Complex Bioengineered Protein Complex

Mark Hogan - Champion INBA Bodybuilder

Hey Everyone, Welcome to our 3rd Edition of MAX’S Muscle News, A publication dedicated to helping you build the ultimate physique! Since our last edition there’s been plenty of action in the world of Muscle. Our 2012 MAX’S Muscle-Up Challenge has been run and won. We had over 2,500 entrants and many mind blowing transformations. In this edition we give you a quick peek at some of the results but we will cover the 2012 MAX’S Challenge in detail in our next edition. If you’re looking to lean up for summer then we’ve got a great 12 week lean up plan for you to follow. We’ve also got some great training routines from INBA Australian Champions Mark Hogan and Janet Kane. For you all you trainers out there, who think they are getting a little older, take a look at the amazing story of Kim Tanska. At 50 years of age Kim is an inspiration! And speaking of legends we feature World NABBA President and one of Australia’s greatest bodybuilders Graeme “Porky” Lancefield. We’ve also got some great muscle building recipes from Xtreme Chef Peter Wright plus we examine the economics of protein supplements. All this plus lots of other good stuff.

MAX’S 17 TRADE PLACE, VERMONT, VIC, 3133 P.O BOX 295, VERMONT, VIC, 3133 TEL: 1800 071 320 FAX: (03) 9873 3422



ADVERTISING MANAGER JOHN HANNA email: tel: (03) 9873 4222 TO ADVERTISE TEL: (03) 9873 4222 P.O BOX 295, VERMONT, VIC, 3133 TEL: 1800 071 320 FAX: (03) 9873 3422

So sit back, grab your favourite MAX’S Protein Shake, Bar or Cookie and enjoy the read.

Until next time remember Life’s too short to be small!

DISCLAMER Reproduction of any material without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Before starting any exercise or nutrition program it is recommended to consult your physician for advice

contents | 2012 SUMMER


100% Hydrolysed

Whey Protein Isolate The Dilemma - How to get maximum amino acids into your muscle immediately after workouts? The Solution – Take MAX’S Reload in the change room straight after training! MAX’S Reload is 100% Hydrolysed Whey Protein Isolate – the fastest absorbing and highest quality protein you can get. Because it is pre-digested, it will immediately target your trained muscles for maximum gains. It is ideal protein for building lean muscle in serious bodybuilders, strength athletes and elite level sports people. MAX’S Reload should be used after every workout or training session and can be used throughout the day to build freaky lean ripped muscle! 90% PROTEIN



• Pure Hydrolysed WPI • Glutamine Peptides & Taurine • Arginine Alphaketoglutarate • Ultra Low Fat, Ultra Low Carbs



Andy McGree, VIC

Angus Wardlaw, SA

Laura McEwan, VIC

Jake Lowe, VIC

Peter Venz, QLD



Giuallame Gebert, NSW

Ashley Marshall, NSW

Wendy Jenner, NSW

Carlos Brito, NSW

Cory Celantano, WA

Monday & Thursday Muscle Group

Exercise Flat Bench Press


Sets and Repetitions 4 x 10 repetitions. Rest 2 minutes between sets

Incline Dumbbell Press

4 x 10 repetitions.


Rest 2 minutes between sets

Alternate with

Chest Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes



Rest 2 minutes between sets

Lat Pull Downs

4 x 10 repetitions.


Rest 2 minutes between sets

Alternate with

Wide Grip Chin Ups


4 x 10 repetitions.

4 x 10 repetitions.


Rest 2 minutes between sets

Seated Cable Rows

4 x 8 repetitions. Rest 2 minutes between sets


Barbell Squats

4 x 10 repetitions


Rest 2 - 3 minutes between sets

Alternate With

4 x 10 repetitions

Seated Leg Press

Rest 3 - 4 minutes between sets

(Thursday) Lying Leg Curl

4 x 8 repetitions.


Rest 2 minutes between sets

Legs Alternate with Leg Extensions


4 x 8 repetitions.


Rest 2 minutes between sets

Standing Calf Raises

4 x 20 repetitions Rest 2 - 3 minutes between sets

Notes Warm up with a light weight then perform your 4 sets. You can perform this exercise with free weights or a pin loaded machine. Your final set should feel quite heavy and last few reps should be difficult or performed as forced reps Start with relatively light dumbbells and increase the weight on each set. Your final set should feel quite heavy and your 7th and 8th reps should be difficult or performed as forced reps.

Use moderate weight dumbbells, lie on a bench and perform Dumbbell flyes using a wide arc. When the dumbbells are at their highest point and touching, contract and squeeze your chest muscles for added intensity. A Pec Dec machine can also be used for this exercise Use a wide grip and pull down to the top of your chest with a slight arch in your back. Stretch your back muscles when your arms are extended. Increase the weight in each set but keep the movement smooth and controlled. Use a wide grip, start in a hanging position and pull up until your chin just touches the bar, then lower in a controlled movement. If you can do more than 10 reps use a weight belt and hook and add extra weight. Focus on contracting your back muscles to pull the weight towards you and stretching your back as your arms extend away from you. You will need a squat rack to perform this exercise properly. Your feet should be shoulder width apart and the bar should sit comfortably across your shoulders. When squatting, keep your head up and your back straight. Squat down until your thighs go a little further than parallel to the floor. Use a shoulder width foot spacing and start with a few lighter warm up sets and then work up to 2 heavy sets

This exercise works the hamstring and is important for balanced leg development. Start with a lighter weight and work up to a final heavy set. Hold your leg in the contracted position for a count of 2 for added intensity. Start with a lighter weight and increase each set until the final set is difficult and produces a strong muscle burn. Use a controlled movement taking care not to throw the weight up and extend your leg past horizontal. Start with a relatively light weight and do a warm up set, then increase the weight on each set. Aim for a full stretch at the bottom and full contraction of you calves on each rep.

Tuesday & Saturday Muscle Group

Exercise Seated Dumbbell Press


4 x 8 repetitions Rest 2 minutes between sets


Standing Biceps Curl

4 x 8 - 10 repetitions Rest 2 minutes between sets


Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curls

4 x 8 - 10 repetitions

Lying Triceps Extension

4 x 8 - 10 repetitions

Rest 2 minutes between sets

Rest 2 minutes between sets


Triceps Pushdown


4 x 8 – 10 repetitions Rest 2 minutes between sets



4 x 8 repetitions Rest 2 minutes between sets

Dumbbell Side Raises


Sets and Repetitions

2 x 20 repetitions Rest 2 minutes between sets

Notes Start with a light weight and warm up your shoulders well then perform your 4 working sets. Start with the dumbbells lightly touching your shoulders then press up powerfully and lower slowly. Increase the weight with each set but make sure you maintain good form. Don’t arch your back excessively. Start with a relatively light weight that allows you to perform this exercise correctly. Your arms should be hanging by your sides with a moderate elbow bend. Lift your arms in an arc to the side, concentrating on keeping your elbows high and holding your hands in a position that emulates pouring water out a jug. This should produce a strong burning sensation in your side deltoid muscle when performed correctly. Don’t raise your hand higher than your ears.


Grip a barbell at about shoulder width start with your arms hanging straight. Curl the weight up in a controlled and steady arc until your biceps are fully contracted, then lower again in a controlled arc. For added intensity squeeze your biceps for a count of one in the contracted position. Increase the weight with each set. If you have to heave up the weight or arch your back, it’s too heavy. Your arms will be warm from the barbell curls so you can launch straight into this exercise with a good weight. Focus on good form and squeeze each biceps muscle at the top of the movement before lowering. Try to keep your upper body still and let your biceps do all the work. You can use a straight or EZ bar for this exercise. Lying on as bench, start with grip a bit less than shoulder width and the weight extended overhead. Keeping your upper arms still, lower the weight by bending at the elbow until the bar or your hands just touches the top of your head. Push the bar back to the straight arm position in a smooth and controlled arc. Increase the weight on each set. On your last set you should find the last few reps very difficult. To keep tension on your triceps don’t lock your arms at the bottom of the movement, just keep your arms moving in a controlled steady motion. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands on your thighs, then contract or crunch your abs muscles to lift your shoulders and head off the ground. Slide your hands up your thighs until they go over your knees, then lower your upper body down again to the starting position.

*high in protein *low carbs *tastes awesome


EATING TIPS FOR A LEAN RIPPED PHYSIQUE Below is your 7 day nutrition plan to build muscle and start shedding body fat:











4 – 6 egg white/1 yolk & omelette 2 pieces wholemeal toast Small Tub Low Fat Yogurt

MAX’S SuperWhey Protein mixed with 60 – 80gm oats and water Small Tub Low Fat Yogurt

1 Apple

Mid Morning MAX’S SuperWhey Protein

Tea or coffee

Tea or coffee

Mid Morning •

MAX’S SuperWhey Protein

1 Apple


4 – 6 egg white/1 yolk & omelette

2 pieces wholemeal toast Small Tub Low Fat Yogurt

Tea or coffee

Mid Morning

MAX’S SuperWhey Protein mixed with 60 – 80gm oats and water

Small Tub Low Fat Yogurt

Tea or coffee

Mid Morning

MAX’S SuperWhey Protein

MAX’S SuperWhey Protein

1 Apple

1 Apple



4 – 6 egg white/1 yolk & omelette 2 pieces wholemeal toast Small Tub Low Fat Yogurt

Mid Morning





• MAX’S SuperWhey Protein mixed with 60 – 80gm oats and water

• Eliminate junk food, fried food and fatty food.

Small Tub Low Fat Yogurt

• Eliminate starchy and refined carbohydrate foods such as white bread, cakes and sugary foods. Only eat the carb

Lunch •

Meat & vegetable stir fry

40g Almonds

Steamed vegetables

Steamed vegetables

Garden salad

1 cup steamed brown rice

150gm sweet potato

150gm sweet potato

Lunch •

Grilled chicken breast

Garden salad

Small baked potato

Lunch •

Tuna & salad

40g Almonds

Pre Workout

Pre Workout

Mid Afternoon

Pre Workout

Mid Afternoon

Pre Workout

Mid Afternoon

• MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

• MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

• MAX’S SuperWhey

• MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

• MAX’S SuperWhey

• MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

• MAX’S SuperWhey

After Workout

After Workout

After Workout

• MAX’S Cell Repair


• MAX’S Cell Repair

• MAX’S Cell Repair




300g lean steak

Grilled chicken breast

300g grilled fish

Large salad or steamed vegetables

Large salad or steamed vegetables

Large salad

1 cup steamed brown rice

Evening •

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

1 cup cooked pasta

Evening •

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

Dinner •

1 baked potato

Evening •

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

After Workout NO TRAINING

Meat & vegetable stir fry 1 cup steamed brown rice

Grilled chicken breast

Large salad

Evening •

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

• MAX’S Cell Repair

Dinner •

200gm baked sweet potato

Evening •

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

foods listed in this diet plan.

• Drink at least 2 – 3 litres of water each day

• 1 Apple

Grilled chicken breast

• Minimise sugary foods including soft drinks and sweets.

Mid Morning

• 1 Apple

half serve of SuperWhey.

Mid Morning

1 Apple

Grilled chicken breast

• If you find yourself getting hungry between meals eat 30 grams of almonds and drink 500ml of water or have a

• Reduce or eliminate alcohol from your diet

• Eat minimal amounts of processed foods – choose foods in their raw unprocessed forms wherever possible.

• Tea or coffee

• MAX’S SuperWhey Protein

Lean steak

• Prepare your meals in advance for each day.

2 pieces wholemeal toast

• MAX’S SuperWhey Protein

• You must be disciplined about your eating plan – schedule your meals and stick to your schedule.

MAX’S SuperWhey Protein


tain the maximum nutrients and satisfy your appetite more fully.

4 – 6 egg white/1 yolk & omelette

• Small Tub Low Fat Yogurt • Tea or coffee

• Eat your meals slowly and chew your food well. This will help to digest your food more fully allowing you to ob-

Tuna & salad

1 cup steamed brown rice

size slightly

Tea or coffee

• Each meal portion should satisfy your hunger but you should not feel really full. If you are, reduce your serving


Dinner •

Chicken & vegetable stir fry 1 cup steamed brown rice

Dinner •

300g lean steak

Large salad or steamed vegetables

1 cup steamed brown rice



• MAX’S Nitetime Protein

• MAX’S Nitetime Protein

• Mix your protein shakes in water

YOUR WEEKLY SHOPPING LIST FOR A FAT STRIPPING DIET, WEEKS 1 - 6 Based on the suggested fat stripping diet, below is a shopping list of foods you will need: Item



Oats Eggs Low Fat Milk Wholegrain Bread Yogurt

500gm 2 dozen 1 litre

Rolled or quick cook oats are OK Free range preferably For tea and coffee only Store in freezer Low fat fruit, low sugar or buy 1 or 2 x 500gm large containers


1 per day (total 7)

Tinned Tuna Brown Rice

2 x 180gm tins 500g

Fish Natural Almonds

300gm 200gm

Skinless Chicken Breast Pasta

6 500 gm Packet

Approx 200 - 300gm each uncooked weight

Lean Steaks Sweet Potato

5 500gm

Approx 250 – 300gm uncooked weight each



Mixed lettuce Tomatoes - fresh Avocados Capsicum Broccoli and other fibrous vegetables Olive oil – extra virgin MAX’S SuperWhey MAX’S Cell Repair MAX’S Nitetime MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

300 - 500gm 500gm 3–4 2–3 2kg

For salads For salads For salads For salads and stir fry For salads and stir fry

500ml 3kg Box 4kg Box 3kg Bucket 750gm

For salads and cooking This will last for about 3 – 4 weeks This will last for about 6 weeks This will last for about 6 – 8 weeks This will last for about 10 – 12 weeks

7 small tubs

You can also buy a few 95gm tins for backup Buy in bulk for better value. Also buy pre cooked sachets for convenience. Fresh fillets

WEEKS 7 – 12 After your first 6 weeks of training you should have made some good muscle gains and also reduced your body fat levels. Over the next 6 weeks you will change your focus to fat burning. Both your training and your diet will be geared more towards stripping fat while maintaining the muscle mass you have already built. Reps have increased so you will need to reduce the weights a little, and your rest between sets is reduced to provide greater intensity to your training to help burn more fat.

WEEKS 7 – 12 TRAINING PROGRAM The following program is a 6 day per week split routine designed to work each of your muscle groups twice per week: • Monday – Chest & Triceps • Tuesday – Back & Biceps • Wednesday – Shoulders & Legs • Thursday – Rest • Friday – Chest & Triceps • Saturday – Back & Biceps • Sunday – Shoulders & Legs


Exercise Flat Bench Press


Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets Incline Dumbbell Press

Chest Chest

4 x 12 repetitions. Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes or Pec Dec Flyes.

4 x 12 repetitions.


4 x 12 repetitions.


Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets Lying Triceps Extension

4 x 12 repetitions Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Triceps Triceps Rope Pushdowns


Sets and Repetitions 4 x 12 repetitions.

4 x 12 repetitions Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Notes Warm up with a light weight then perform your 4 sets. You can perform this exercise with free weights or a pin loaded machine. Your final set should feel quite heavy and your 7th and 8th reps should be difficult or performed as forced reps Start with relatively light dumbbells and increase the weight on each set. Your final set should feel quite heavy and your 7th and 8th reps should be difficult or performed as forced reps. You don’t need heavy weights on this exercise. Focus on getting a full stretch in your chest and contract and squeeze your chest in the contracted position. This is a great transition exercise between chest and triceps as it stimulates both muscle groups strongly. If you find you can do more than 8 – 10 reps, Use a weight belt and hang some extra weight on it. You can use a straight or EZ bar for this exercise. Lying on as bench, start with grip a bit less than shoulder width and the weight extended overhead. Keeping your upper arms still, lower the weight bending at the elbow until the bar or your hands just touches the top of your head. Push the bar back to the straight arm position in a smooth and controlled arc. This movement gives a different feel to normal triceps pushdowns and is a great pumping exercise. To keep tension on your triceps don’t lock your arms at the bottom of the movement, just keep your arms moving in a controlled steady motion.

Wednesday & Sunday: Shoulders & Legs



Sets and Repetitions

Wide Grip Chin Ups 4 x 12 repetitions.

Back Back Back

Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets Seated Cable Rows

Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets Close Grip Lat Pull Downs

Standing Barbell Biceps Curl


Biceps Biceps Biceps

4 x 12 repetitions.

Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curls

Seated EZ Bar Preacher Curls (Tuesday Only) Concentration Curls (Saturday Only)

4 x 12 repetitions. Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets 4 x 12 repetitions Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

4 x 12 repetitions Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

4 x 12 repetitions Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets 4 x 12 repetitions Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Notes Use a wide grip and chin up until your chin is level to the bar and lower in a controlled fashion, stretching your lats as you hang at the bottom of each rep. If you can do more than 12 reps, hang some extra weight from a weight belt. Focus on contracting your back muscles to pull the weight towards you and stretching your back as your arms extend away from you.

Seated Dumbbell Press


Grip a barbell at about shoulder width start with your arms hanging straight. Curl the weight up in a controlled and steady arc until your biceps are fully contracted, then lower again in a controlled arc. For added intensity squeeze your biceps for a count of one in the contracted position. Increase the weight with each set. If you have to heave up the weight or arch your back, it’s too heavy. Your arms will be warm from the barbell curls so you can launch straight into this exercise with a good weight. Focus on good form and squeeze each biceps muscle at the top of the movement before lowering. Try to keep your upper body still and let your biceps do all the work. This exercise really isolates your biceps. Focus on good form and squeeze your biceps muscles at the top of the movement before lowering. Try to keep your upper body still and let your biceps do all the work. This exercise doesn’t require a heavy weight, it’s more about really pumping and contracting your biceps hard. Sitting on the edge of a bench, lean forward and place your elbow on the inside of your leg. Using one arm at a time, contract your biceps hard and really squeeze at the top of each rep.

Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Dumbbell Side Raises


Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises

4 x 12 repetitions

Dumbbell Shrugs

4 x 12 repetitions



(Monday Only)

Seated Leg Press

4 x 12 repetitions

Start with a moderate weight and increase each set. Hold the dumbbells at your side then shrug your shoulders up. Imagine you are trying to touch your ears with your shoulders! Briefly pause in the contracted position then lower under control.

Use a shoulder width foot spacing and start with a few lighter warm up sets and then work up to 2 – 3 heavy sets

4 x 12 repetitions. Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets 4 x 12 repetitions. Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Standing Calf Raises

You don’t need a lot of weight for this movement. Bending forward at the waist start with the dumbbells hanging in front of you. Raise them in an arc with a slight bend at your elbows. Focus on getting your elbows high and keeping them forward. Keep the movement smooth and controlled.

4 x 12 repetitions

Lying Leg Curl


Start with a relatively light weight that allows you to perform this exercise correctly. Your arms should be hanging by your sides with a moderate elbow bend. Lift your arms in an arc to the side, concentrating on keeping your elbows high and holding your hands in a position that emulates pouring water out a jug. This should produce a strong burning sensation in your side deltoid muscle when performed correctly. Don’t raise your hand higher than your ears.

Rest 2 - 3 minutes between sets

Rest 2 - 3 minutes between sets

Seated Leg Extension

Start with a light weight and warm up your shoulders well then perform your 4 working sets. Start with the dumbbells lightly touching your shoulders then press up powerfully and lower slowly. Increase the weight with each set but make sure you maintain good form. Don’t arch your back excessively.

You will need a squat rack to perform this exercise properly. Your feet should be shoulder width apart and the bar should sit comfortably across your shoulders. When squatting, keep your head up and your back straight. Squat down until your thighs go a little further than parallel to the floor.

(Thursday Only)



Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

Barbell Squats


4 x 12 repetitions Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets


Use a close grip handle and pull down to the top of your chest with a slight arch in your back. Stretch your back muscles when your arms are extended. Increase the weight in each set but keep the movement smooth and controlled.

4 x 12 repetitions

4 x 20 repetitions Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets

This exercise works the hamstring and is important for balanced leg development. Start with a lighter weight and work up to a final heavy set. Hold your leg in the contracted position for a count of 2 for added intensity. This is a great inner thigh developer. Start with a lighter warm up set and then do 3 working sets, increasing the weight each set. Keep the movement controlled and don’t throw the weight up so your leg over straightens. Start with a relatively light weight and do a warm up set, then increase the weight on each set. Aim for a full stretch at the bottom and full contraction of you calves on each rep.

Cardio During weeks 7 - 12 is the time to step up your cardio to help burn extra fat and really start to show some muscle definition. Start with 4 - 5 sessions per week of 30 – 45 minutes and build up to 5 – 6 session of 45 - 60 minutes by weeks 10 - 12. This will help to burn off fat to help you look your best and it will also build your fitness level even higher to allow you to train harder and achieve better results by the end of your 12 weeks. If you weight train in the evening it’s a good idea to get your cardio done in the mornings.

Weeks 7 – 12 Nutrition Program


During this next 6 weeks you will be focussing on keeping your diet on track while trying to ensure you are burning body fat and having enough energy to train. This is where the program starts getting tougher but this is also where you will start to see some great results. You will continue to keep you body in that fat burning zone by manipulating your protein, carbs and fat intake to encourage your metabolism to keep burning body fat.

Based on the suggested fat stripping diet, below is a shopping list of foods you will need:

Below is your recommended 7 day nutrition plan to for weeks 7 - 12. The quantities are designed for a trainer around the 80kg mark plus or minus 5 – 10kg. If you are bigger than this you can increase your portion sizes a little (10 – 20%) and if you are smaller reduce your portion sizes.











4 – 6 egg white/1 yolk & omelette

MAX’S SuperShred Protein mixed with 60 - 80gm oats and water

1 piece wholemeal toast

Tea or coffee

Mid Morning •

1 Apple

Lunch •

Tuna & salad

MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

1 piece wholemeal toast

MAX’S SuperShred Protein

40g Almonds

MAX’S SuperShred Protein 1 Apple

Lean steak

Grilled chicken breast

Steamed vegetables

Steamed vegetables

Pre Workout MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

• •

MAX’S SuperShred Protein 1 Apple

Tuna & salad

After Workout

• MAX’S SuperShred

• MAX’S SuperShred

MAX’S SuperShred




300g lean steak

Grilled chicken breast

300g grilled fish

Large salad or steamed vegetables

Large salad or steamed vegetables

Large salad

Evening •

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

Evening •

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

1 piece wholemeal toast Tea or coffee

MAX’S SuperShred Protein 40g Almonds

Meat & vegetable stir fry

Pre Workout •

MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

Meat & vegetable stir fry

MAX’S SuperShred

MAX’S Nitetime Protein

Rolled or quick cook oats are OK


2 dozen

Free range preferably

Low Fat Milk

1 litre

For tea and coffee only Store in freezer



Tinned Tuna

2 x 180gm tins

You can also buy a few 95gm tins for backup



Fresh fillets

Natural Almonds


Skinless Chicken Breast


Approx 200 - 300gm each uncooked weight

Lean Steaks


Approx 250 – 300gm uncooked weight each


• MAX’S SuperShred Protein mixed with 60 – 80gm oats and water

• 4 – 6 egg white/1 yolk & omelette • 1 piece wholemeal toast

Mixed lettuce

300 - 500gm

For salads

Tomatoes - fresh


For salads

• Tea or coffee

• Tea or coffee



For salads



For salads and stir fry

Broccoli and other fibrous vegetables


For salads and stir fry

Mid Morning

Mid Morning

• MAX’S SuperShred Protein

• MAX’S SuperShred Protein

Olive oil – extra virgin


For salads and cooking

MAX’S SuperShred

3kg Box

This will last for about 3 – 4 weeks

• 1 Apple

• 1 Apple

MAX’S Nitetime

3kg Bucket

This will last for about 6 – 8 weeks

MAX’S Cre8 Carnage


This will last for about 10 – 12 weeks

Lunch •

Grilled chicken breast

Garden salad

Lunch •

Grilled chicken breast

Steamed vegetables

Pre Workout •

MAX’S Cre8 Carnage

After Workout

Pre Workout •

MAX’S SuperShred After Workout

• MAX’S SuperShred

MAX’S SuperShred

Grilled chicken breast

300g lean steak

Large salad

Large salad or steamed vegetables

MAX’S Nitetime Protein









Wholegrain Bread






After Workout

Evening •

Pre Workout • MAX’S SuperShred

4 – 6 egg white/1 yolk & omelette

Mid Morning


After Workout


Tea or coffee

After Workout


Mid Morning

Pre Workout •

MAX’S SuperShred Protein mixed with 60 – 80gm oats and water


Tea or coffee Mid Morning


Pre Workout •

MAX’S SuperShred Protein

4 – 6 egg white/1 yolk & cheese omelette

Tea or coffee

Mid Morning •


Chicken & vegetable stir fry



• MAX’S Nitetime Protein

• MAX’S Nitetime Protein

There you have it, a training and nutrition program to help trainers get in great shape over 12 weeks. Give it a try and good luck!

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8 Creatine Hybrids for Awesome Results

If you’ve tried Creatine and got good results – well you’ll get awesome results with MAX’S Cre8 Carnage. If you haven’t tried Creatine – why not?? It’s one of the fastest and surest ways to pack on slabs of new muscle – and it’s actually legal! MAX’S Cre8 Carnage combines 8 different Creatines into one cutting edge formula. You get a fast then sustained release of Creatine to help keep you pushing hard in every rep, of every set, of every workout. With added Beta Alanine to buffer acid build up, and AAKG for a super pump, Cre8 Carnage will force your muscles into the growth zone like never before. Cre8 Carnage can be used by any serious trainer who wants to take their training and gains to the next level.

• Concentrated Formula • 8 Creatine Hybrids • AAKG for intense Pumps • Beta Alanine to buffer Lactic Acid • No sugars, carbs or fillers



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Pure Whey Protein Isolate Our most popular lean muscle gain formula! MAX’S Bioengineered Whey Protein Isolate is pure, 100% WPI. It contains a blend of two forms of WPI which has been shown in studies to significantly increase muscle strength and accelerate muscle recovery. MAX’S Bioengineered WPI is suitable for trainers at all levels who want a high quality protein to build lean muscle including competitive and recreational bodybuilders; strength athletes; football, rugby, soccer and basketball players; track and field athletes; etc. It is also ideal for experienced trainers who want to build and maintain muscle size and strength without adding fat.



! W E N D N A BR

For any questions you may have when it comes to training, nutrition , your supps or whatever else you'd like to know !

So check it out and feel free to register and ask a question, make a comment- whatever you like, but most of all - be part of it !!







* 31 grams Protein * 34 grams Carbs * Ideal for after training * Tastes Awesome





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My Journey to 2x Ms Olympia

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My Journey to 2x Ms Olympia

My Journey to 2x Ms Olympia

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Snapper fillet en papillote

Xtreme Chef Peter Wright

Fish is one of the most versatile high protein food that fits into every healthy diet. Its firm enough to grill, can be steamed, served hot or cold, mashed into patties and is readily available fresh or tinned. All fish are high in protein varying as high as 20% in tuna, 17% in salmon and 16% in most white fish, the most variance is in fats with tuna at 2.5%, salmon at 4.5% and fish like mackerel and sardines tipping from 10% to 11% fat. The benefits of eating fish as your source of protein is that it is a clean food with almost no connective tissue making it easy to prepare, cook, eat and digest. The fats in fish are unsaturated with high density lipoprotein (HDL), which provides a healthy flow on effect to the circulatory system, combined with omega-3 makes fish an all round super food. The main variety that body builders focus on is tuna, simply because of its convenience and availability, small cans that can be stored and carried anywhere, always ready to eat and no real cooking involved. As a chef I find cooking with fish very simple and in a time poor society quick and easy. My recipes include cooking with tinned tuna, fresh salmon and snapper and provide simple methods for you to prepare great body building meals. It is essential to select ingredients with care as fresh fish deteriorates very quickly when stored incorrectly. Try to buy your fresh fish from the same source, market or fish monger, your fish should always be stored on ice, firm to touch and have no unpleasant odour. Incorporate a variety of plant based ingredients into your recipes like aromatic soft green herbs, ginger, garlic, citrus fruits, tomatoes and avocados, provides food that look , taste and smell great and will make eating far more enjoyable. Supplement your fish meals with low Gi carbs like brown rice, wholemeal pasta, or sweet potato and always combine some fibrous green vegetables like broccoli, brocolini, spinach, asparagus, pak choy or bok choy, also easy to prepare and cook. When cooking meals in advance always chill your cooked food as quickly as possible, portion into sealable container and when transporting always store in an esky or portable chiller.



Tuna and brown rice salad Brown rice is far better than white rice as it is a lower GI food source with a higher fibre content. Avocado is a full flavour moist food which contains omega 3 and is high in monounsaturated fat (good for lowering cholesterol). Avocado adds a creaminess similar to mayonnaise. This recipe can be made in advance and is great for snacks and lunches on the go. Fresh green herbs are recommended as they add sensory values to this great salad, without adding calories, creating a great tasting and natural meal. Ingredients • Tuna – canned drained 90g • Spinach – baby, washed 50g • Tomato – medium size, chopped • Rice – Brown, cooked 180g • Pepper – cracked black 2g • Onion – red, thinly sliced 30g • Herbs – fresh leaf (basil, parsley, mint, chive) 5 g • Avocado - optional Each 1/2 • Lemon – Juice/Squeeze (optional) 5 Mls

Method En Papillote literally means in a parcel and this method is a great way to quickly cook fish by using a little moisture and aromatic flavours to steam the fish. Sounds complicated but is a really easy way to create a great healthy meal. Great for a dinner party as the preparation can be done ahead of time and the cooking time is only 7 minutes. Place a sheet of foil on the bench large enough to wrap around the fish fillet. Place a sheet of baking paper slightly smaller that the foil on the foil sheet Place the sliced onion and herbs on the centre of the paper, now put the fillet of snapper on the onion and herbs, sprinkle with grated ginger, pepper and a splash of soy. Drizzle the lemon juice and white wine over the fish, now lift the edges of the foil up to the centre and fold down to resemble a parcel or envelope, crumple the edges to seal Place the envelope on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven 200°C for 7 minutes, the moisture in the parcel will create steam and cook the fish so it is important that the parcel is sealed. To Serve Serve immediately by opening the parcel and placing on serving plate, remove foil and paper tipping juice, herbs and onion over fish. For a dramatic presentation or to show off cut the parcel at the table in front of your guests. Serve with salads, corn on the cob, brown rice, avocado. Note Fresh snapper should be firm to touch, place fish skin down to cook. This recipe can be used for any white boneless fillet of fish, like gummy shark, flathead, orange roughy, John Dory. Cooking fish this way uses steam and therefore reduces the use of fat. Can be cooked and chilled in the parcel and taken for a working lunch or a tasty snack. The juice in the parcel may turn to a gel when chilled this is normal and great to eat.

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Ingredients • Snapper – fillet 180 g • Oil – vegetable/olive 2 ml • Lemon – juice 5 ml • Wine - white 10 ml • Pepper – black cracked 2 g • Herbs – fresh green (chives, mint, coriander, dill, parsley) 5 g • Onion – red, finely sliced 40 g • Ginger - Grated 5 g • Soy - Kikkoman Each Splash • Foil and baking paper

Method Cook Brown Rice according to instructions on packet until tender, allow to drain, cool under cold running water and drain. Drain Tuna and add to rice, rough rule 1 measure of tuna to 2 measures of rice Wash vegetables and herbs, slice and dice mix with tuna rice (except avocado) Squeeze over lemon juice and add cracked peppe pepper, mix well Serve immediately or place in salad container, covered in fridge To Serve Dice or slice avocado and place on top

Grilled Tasmanian Salmon, with Corn and Rocket Salad Ingredients • Salmon – fillet, skin off 200+ g • Oil – vegetable/olive 5 ml • Pepper – cracked black 2 g • Salt – sea, flakes (optional) 2 g • Herbs – fresh leaf ( parsley, mint, chive) 5 g • Tomato – cherry, halved Each 10 • Corn – cob (cut into 3 or 4 barrels) Each 1 • Rocket lettuce 50 g • Mustard Dijon (optional) 20 g • Tabasco 2 ml Method Cut corn cob into barrels and place corn in a pot of boiling water, simmer until corn is tender, approx 15 minutes, remove from hot water and run under cold water until cool. Place cooked corn in a bowl and splash with tobasco sauce and rub in mustard, add rocket lettuce and cut tomato, sprinkle with fresh cut herbs. In a bowl add salmon fillet, oil , salt and pepper, Place a sauté pan on the stove (Teflon coated) to heat up, BBQ or George Foreman grill is also suitable. When hot place salmon best side down into the pan or on the grill (pan should sizzle). Allow to cook for 2 or 3 minutes, when moisture rises to the surface turn the fillet and cook through.

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To Serve To serve place salad on plate and place salmon over To eat later allow salmon to cool in the fridge and then break into pieces, the fillet will flake easily to touch and place over salad A great meal to take to work or for a snack on the run keep refrigerated and covered until ready to consume Fresh green herbs are recommended as they add sensory values to this great salad, without adding calories, creating a great tasting and natural meal. Note Fresh salmon can be served cooked medium, its up to you how you like your fish cooked. Raw salmon flesh should be firm to touch and have no unpleasant odour. Salmon is low in saturated fat and is a good source of omega 3. For a quicker version substitute raw salmon with smoked salmon, the difference will be a higher salt content of the smoked salmon. Tomatoes can be any tomatoes of your choice, including yellow varieties or romas.

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In this edition of past Aussie Stars we featur e one of the true legend Australian Bodybuildin s of g Graeme Lancefield. Graeme’s many achiev include the prestigious ements IFBB Mr. Universe and NABBA Masters Mr U as well as multiple Mr niverse Titles Australia title winner an d many national power championships. As th lifting e owner of the very su ccessful Athletique Hea Melbourne, Graeme ha lth Club in s devoted his last 12 ye ars as the NABBA Pres Join Graeme as he sh ident. ares his inspiring jour ney.

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Beauty & The Beast

MAX’S Jeremy McLay at Filex MAX’S Stand 2012.

You can see why Phil Heath is the current Mr. O.

Wedding Bells for Max’s Lochie Harkin

Tony Doherty Welcomes the Australian Muscle Boys, Kim & Carlos

Al White added some serious size with Supersize

Rab and Ronnie, Both looking massive !

Miss Natural O, Janet Kane loves Maxine’s Burn. Nick presents INBA Overall Trophy to MAX’S Mark Hogan

MAX’S Champs Ellena & Fred show us what training & great nutrition can do

Keith Ellis presents Guiliamme Gebert Prize Andrew Clark takes home the Adelaide INBA Masters

Big Al and his two admirers

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