DFGA Yearbook Brief

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Module Code



Module Title

Final Major Project

Doc. Code



Brief Title DFGA Yearbook 2012 Brief Create the 2012 Graduate Year book that communicates the diverse, creative and professional quality of the work produced on the BA (Hons.) Digital Film, Games and Animation course. This will need to be supported by screenbased content too.

Background / Considerations


The yearbook is an annual publication designed to showcase the graduating 3 year. The book is distributed to Industry Contacts, potential applicants and visitors to the end of year show. We also use the yearbook as a marketing tool to raise the profile of the course with feeder colleges and the creative industries. In the light of this the Yearbook is a high concept, highly visual and professional publication that needs to communicate the practical and conceptual standards of the Graphic Design programme. You have been given a standard square format and the budget is approximately £ 2 500 (tbc) What production processes, stock decisions and colour options will best support the communication of your concept. What additional formats could you use (both print & digital). What other deliverables can you propose?

Mandatory Requirements •

The Course, Institutionʼs Name and year of graduation must be clearly presented on the cover and spine of the publication rd Each 3 year is allocated an equal amount of space containing samples of work, a personal statement and photograph. The yearbook should be produced to a standard square format of 210mm x 210mm Additional mandatory content will be discussed with course leader.

Deliverables • Square 210mm x 210mm publication • Digital version of publication • Promotional material

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline

April/May 2012


This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

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