The logo that you had chosen for me to experiment more with is the one in the top left corner. These are some of the variations that I came up with. The main issue with some of them is that the DR stands out too much so that it looks as though it stands for doctor, which associates the logo with something we don’t want. Let me know if you like the look of any of them.
These examples are with colours from the fabrics that you are using in your collection.
Same as previous page, but with all of the letters as solid shapes rather than with an opacity. This makes the colours look bolder and brighter, but you can no longer see through the shapes. While I think that some of these work well, it makes others become harder to read all of the letters - it just depends which logo you like best really!
All of the logos are the same as on the previous pages, but this time they are in the monochrome colours from your collection.
Same as previous page, but with all of the letters as solid blocks of colour, rather than having a lowered opacity.
These are some other ideas that I had for the logo, but they might be starting to get away from the one that you had chosen last time. Let me know what you think.
You said in the meeting last time that you quite liked the shapes, so I have been experimenting with this a bit. This page shows variations of 3 shapes - one key shape taken from each letter. They are quite abstract, but could still be used as a logo if they had some supporting text saying ‘Danielle Robinson’, or whatever you want it to say really.
Carrying on from the previous page, this page shows variations of layout of all of the shapes used up to make up the DLR. The top 2 are very abstract, while the bottom 2 you can still see the letters if you look at it for a bit.. Even in the most abstract ones, the parts for each letter are in the same colour.
These are just some examples of what it could look like if you had your full name as the logo rather than your initials. This would still work well as the typeface is unique and different enough that it would be recognisably yours. The colours that I have used are some of those that you sent me from your collection.
You had mentioned that you wanted me to experiment with making the L out of smaller rectangles to hint at stitching. I don’t think that this works too well, and I think that it would be a bit too much to have that with all of the other letters made up of shapes too. Let me know what you think about this though.