C-35 M-100 Y-53 K-27
MAYA SRIVASTAVA Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 1 - The Pudding Club
C-0 M-0 Y-0 K-0
C-0 M-8 Y-18 K-11
C-16.07 M-21.56 Y-30.58 K-0
LOGO, COLOUR PALETTE AND VISUALS The Pudding Club is a hypothetical cake shop and cafe that would be situated in Dubai. The logo is based on the utensils used when baking. The utensils that are used as part of the brand identity, to support the logo, are the most recognisable utensils, and the ones most associated with baking. The colour choices are to reflect the wooden nature of the utensils, and the burgundy colour is used to compliment it and give a more edible and appetizing feel to it.
MAYA SRIVASTAVA Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 1 - The Pudding Club
MENU To continue the theme of the utensils, the menu is wrapped around a rolling pin. This makes the menu more interactive as you need to unravel it. The back of the menu has a pattern of the utensils on it. The layout has been designed for clarity and ease of reading. The stock used is fairly robust and laminated to ensure that it is functional, as it will be handled a lot. The menu is held round the rolling pin using a bellyband that labels it as the ‘menu’. The rolling pin menu would be given to people when they enter The Pudding Club.
MAYA SRIVASTAVA Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 1 - The Pudding Club
RECEIPT AND RECEIPT HOLDER The receipt and receipt holder have taken a conventional format for functionality and practicality. The receipt holder has been designed using the brand colours, with the utensil pattern on the inside. The inside pocket provides a place for the receipt to go securely inside. The hand-written ‘thank you’ on the receipt holder and receipt give a more personal feel to the service. The receipt is in black and white, as it would be printed from a till. The back of the receipt has the utensil pattern on for brand consistency.
MAYA SRIVASTAVA Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 1 - The Pudding Club
UTENSIL PATTERN AND APPLICATION The utensil pattern used throughout the brand identity could also be applied to products within The Pudding Club. The Cake box has been designed with a handle so that it can be carried with ease, without requiring a bag. The utensil pattern makes the box more visually appealing. The staff within The Pudding Club would all be wearing the aprons with utensil pattern. This gives them the appearance of bakers. The plates would also have the utensil pattern on them as this ties them to the brand, without the need of the logo.
MAYA SRIVASTAVA Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 1 - The Pudding Club
SIGNAGE AND WALLPAPER The signage for The Pudding Club is based around the logo. This is important as it is recognisable and if changed, it would alter the look of what would appear to be the logo. This reinforces the brand identity. The utensil pattern could also work at a much larger scale, and be used as wallpaper on feature walls within The Pudding Club.
MAYA SRIVASTAVA Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 1 - The Pudding Club
STATIONARY As with any professional business, branded stationary is essential. This also helps to show that The Pudding Club brand identity can operate outside the cake shop, and in a professional business environment. The utensil pattern plays an important role throughout the identity. The business card is designed to look like a typical menu to reference the idea of the cake shop cafe.