Module Code
Module Title
FINAL MAJOR PROJECT STATEMENT OF INTENT Name: Maya Srivastava Blog Address: m-srivastava0912fmp.blogspot.com
Rationale A concept-driven investigation of branding and identity with a focus on design for print. • • • • •
I want to investigate the creation of brand identity and how this is applied across a range of products. The focus of my work in mainly on design for print, but also showing a consideration as to how this could work on screen. I intend to look into the relationship between branding and promotion and how together this can create and overall brand experience for my selected briefs. My work is mainly concept-driven as it is neither solely typographic or image based, but more focused around finding the most appropriate solution to the problem set in the brief. As well as having selected briefs to do with branding, I also intend to brand myself as a designer in order to better promote myself and establish my own practice as a professional. I want to make the most of any opportunities available to me in terms of live briefs. This will help me to gain more experience of working with a client. I prefer having someone setting a problem for me to solve as this better suits my approach my practice. I also want to do more collaborative briefs in the module. I want to collaborate both within this course as part of a design team, as well as collaborating with students from other courses. By collaborating, I will be able to work as part of a team with different responsibilities. Collaborating with students from other courses also helps to source some of the content for my work. My main aim for the work that I produce for this module is to create a strong portfolio that reflects my interests in branding and identity, focusing on print based resolutions.
Subjects / Themes • • • •
Retail – fashion, cosmetics, luxury products, services Food & drink – restaurants, cafes, shops/point of sale Travel sector – different cultures, destinations, airlines, hotels Culture sector – theatre, retail, entertainments events, leisure activities
Design Disciplines / Creative Development • • • •
Branding & identity Type & layout Packaging design Promotion
I’m interested in print based design, but with a consideration for web/screen where appropriate for a brief. I am not interested in motion, web coding or character design
Practical Skills / Workshops – what, why and when? •
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Digital print – for the production of my work. As my practice is mainly print-based, it is important to see how it works off the screen and how you can interact with it. This also gives me chance to experiment with different stocks. Photography – to document my work throughout. I will also require a good level of studio photography in order to photograph my products appropriately for the presentation boards. Laser cutter – I want to use to laser cutter in order to experiment with some different finishes as well as perhaps working with some other materials. This includes having laser cut elements, as well as embossing/debossing, etc. Theoretical understanding of branding & identity – This will help to give my work more credibility as there will be more of an understanding behind the decisions I make when creating brand identities. Working for a client – I want to take as many opportunities as possible to work on live briefs. This will give me more experience of working with a client. I also prefer having a problem given to me to solve. Print specifications for commercial print – This is something important as it is crucial as to whether the final product turns out as intended. I intend to develop this through research as well as practically applying it in my selected briefs. Improve Photoshop skills – This will allows me to mock up my work in context better so that the contextual images are more realistic and credible. Make faster decisions – This will help me to push my work further as it will allow me more time to investigate other possible solutions. Stricter time management (set deadlines and stick to them) – This will help me to keep working at a reasonable pace to ensure that I make the most of the time available. Packaging design – Where appropriate, I want to investigate packaging design further so that I can find more interesting formats that I can use where appropriate. Type & layout (grids & detail) – I want to improve my type and layout skills in order to ensure that this supports my work rather than letting it down or seeming as though I have not paid attention to the detail. More awareness of how my work can translate to web/screen where necessary
Brief 1: DFGA Yearbook
This fits within my rationale, as it is a collaborative brief where I will be working as part of a design team. This brief allows me to improve my type and layout skills, as it will require working to a strict grid to produce a well thought out publication, which will have a strong concept behind it. As this yearbook is for the DFGA course, it also allows me to investigate how this print publication can translate into other screen-based resolutions. This will perhaps help me when it comes to my other briefs, as it will give me more of an insight into the possibilities for screen-based proposals.
Brief 2: D&AD – 21st Century Scotch Whisky
This brief calls for a strong concept behind it, so should mean for a fair amount of research to go into it. It also fits into my rationale well as it is focused on creating a brand identity for a new, 21st century whisky, which will then be applied across a range of print-based deliverables. The content of this brief is also relevant, as I am interested in designing for the food and drinks industry.
Brief 3: Fashion Branding
This brief is a collaboration with a fashion student. She will provide the content for the brief. It is appropriate to my rationale as it involved creating a brand identity and applying it across a range of print based resolutions. Creating a lookbook for her will also allow me to work on my type and layout skills. It will also call for a photography student to be brought into the collaboration in order to appropriate photograph her work, which I will then be able to use.
Brief 4: St Martin’s Medical Practice Branding
This is a live brief, which I will be working on in collaboration with Gemma Byrne. This fits within my rationale as it is focused on creating a brand identity, which will then applied across a range of deliverables. This collaboration will be of benefit as Gemma is a more screen based designer, so together we should be able to provide a well-rounded set of resolutions.
Brief 5: D&AD – Make Your Mark
This is another competition brief. It is appropriate to my rationale as it is to do with branding, applying it across a range of deliverables, and promotional material
Other possible briefs: • Design context publication • Quick turnaround 1-day briefs
Contextual references / Designers / Studios / Companies (specific)
RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Deadline Collaboration I want to collaborate both within the course and with people on other courses. Collaborating with other Graphic Design students will help with working together as part of a design team. Collaborating with people from other courses will call for sourcing the content from which they provide. This will provide a different aspect to collaboration to what I have previously done. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Deadline Contact paper suppliers Contact a paper supplier to find out more about the stocks and materials available. Try and get some samples. This will make my decisions when it comes to stock more informed, as I will be more aware of the various options available. If I am able to get some samples then this will allow me to test the way in which the outcomes vary on the different stocks. RESEARCH ACTIVITY Contact a printers
BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Referenced) ‘What is branding?’ ‘Designing Brand Experiences’ ‘Packaging the Brand’ ‘No Logo’ ‘Brand Handbook’ ‘On Brand’
MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details) Brandweek Adbusters
ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) Lovely Package The Die line
OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences)
ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? 1