Favorite Things

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Fav o r i t e t h i n g s

Maya Jahja


“Food, animals, and JT are some of my favorite things.” —@mayayahya on instagram Favorite things. Things that someone enjoys the most. In my case, like I said above, my favorite things are food, animals, JT (Jesse Tan, my boyfriend, not Justin Timberlake), and exploring. A not her t hing I love to do t he most is to ta ke photographs. It’s fascinating for me that I could look back at these pictures and remembering how I was feeling when these moments were captured. With the help of my handy iPhone 5 and some editing in VSCOcam, I have captured some of my favorite things and compiled everything in this book. Enjoy!

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San Francisco Need I say more?

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Golden Gate Bridge

Some people might feel taking picture of the Golden Gate Bridge is overdone. Well, I feel the same way too sometimes. But, this one is different. I remember me and my friend was driving through this bridge, because we had to go to San Rafael. I was glad I got to sit in the passenger seat, because I’m usually the one driving. It was a very typical San Francisco weather, sunny but breezy with the sight of Karl the Fog. This picture says San Francisco to me; beautiful, mysterious, and always leaves me breathless. San Francisco is a city that I got to call home.

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SF Giants Fishing Pier

One of my favorite route to jog or walk around is from AT&T Park to Pier 1. This route starts with one of my favorite things, the AT&T park, home of the Giants, and ends with my other favorite things, the Ferry Building, home of the beautiful and delicious food. And to add to that, the view! Rows and rows of boats that creates a pattern with a beautiful backdrop of the Bay Bridge, the old Bay Bridge. The best Bay Bridge.

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AT&T Park

This park. I was never a fan of baseball, or sports in general. My boyfriend introduced me to baseball and tried to explain it while the game is on TV. I didn’t understand that much, or get why he loves it so much. Until we went to my first game at the park. The game was at 7 p.m. but we went two hours early so he could give me a quick tour. I got excitement building up. Honestly, I got excited because it was one of the dream date, to go to a sport game with your boyfriend. I know I know it’s pretty cheesy, but whatever. When you get to the park, you get this different kind of excitement. I believe it’s coming from the 40,000 people that came to the park, all rooting for one thing, the Giants of course. It’s amazing how sports could bring a huge amount of people together. It makes you feel like you are part of something. Once we entered the park, we have to go on this ramp to get to the main area. The ramps feel like a build up, you know like when you ride a roller coaster, and its going up. Yeah, that part. And then the drop would be once I reached the main area. God this park is so beautiful! The smell of garlic fries, the view of the ocean side, when the sun sets, the game itself (I finally understand how the game works!), the crowd, every single thing about it. It’s pretty magical.

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Sutro Baths

It was one of the spontaneous touristy day in San Francisco. Me and my friends went to Outerlands, one my favorite restaurant in the city, which is located near the Ocean Beach. So hey, let’s drive along the beach! Of course the beach is too cold to go to, so instead we stopped by the Sutro Baths. I have never been here before and did not know anything about this place. Good thing they have the little museum/store on the premises. Little that I know that Sutro Baths was actually a bath house. Amazing! I didn’t even know they have such things in the old days. They had old pictures of the bath house, it’s very beautiful. I wonder how it would be like if it was still here. I bet it would be very majestic. But then I looked at the ruins, they left great history, beauty marks and a serene feeling. That’s kind of how I see life. We could keep wondering the what ifs, or just really look at the reality, accept it, see the positive side of it, and it will only leave you peace.

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Food “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” —some random internet saying

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Nasi Tempong Ibu Indra

Why do I love food? Well first obvious reason is beacuse IT IS SO GOOOOOD! (pardon my capitalized letters). It makes you feel happy. There’s nothing that a good meal could not fix. Other than that, it’s the person that you’re sharing the experience with. It’s one way to get to know a person, to be closer to that person eating with you. In this picture in particular, I was eating Nasi Tempong, a rice meal that comes with fried chicken, fried tofu, fried tempe, with a side of ass-kicking sambal. It was not just the food that was good, but it’s also my companion, my cousin. My cousin is one of my favorite person in the whole world. I live in the United States while he’s back home in Indonesia. So to get the chance to go to Bali with him was something I truly treasured. This restaurant has become our routine. Whenever I go to Bali with him, it is a must to visit Nasi Tempong Ibu Indra.

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Animals “If only I had good grades in science and biology, I would have became a vet.” —me whenever someone asked what would you be if not doing graphic design.

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Lemos Farm

I’ve always wanted to go to a feeding or petting zoo. So I asked my boyfriend to go to Lemos Farm with me. I was so excited to see the animals and to touch them and feed them. I felt like I was the only adult that got excited feeding the goats. Another thing I leved about going to this place was that we went with my boyfriend’s little brother. I love seeing the two together.

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Places “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!” —Dr. Seuss

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Hong Kong

I was traveling home from San Francisco to Indonesia. I had a 9-hour transit in Hong Kong. What to do with all this time? I braved myself and went outside the airport. And look what I found. I took a quick ferry ride to Tsim Sha Tsui and walked around the promenade. It was early in the morning so not a lot of people were there. I find it very refreshing to walk along the pier. It reminds me of San Francisco’s piers a little bit. From Tsim Sha Tsui, I could see the city of Hong Kong. Hong Kong looks like the New York of Asia. What’s beautiful about it is the contrast between the mountain in the background and the building. Unlike most cities with tall buildings, you don’t get to see a mountain backdrop very often.

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Green Bowl Beach, Bali

Bali. The Island of God. I will never get tired of Bali. I don’t think anyone would be. It’s the feeling you get when you are in Bali. You feel free, peaceful, and happy. Every problem you have is not relevant anymore. Of course it won’t when you could enjoy the white sand, blue water, and soaking up the sun while there’s only a few people around.

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