Mayhem! Magazine Issue 48

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We’re passionate about you and the stories you have to tell

EDITOR’S letter British summertime has arrived… and before you know it we’ll be in shorts and T’s scoffi ng burgers and cocktails in the sunshine, but don’t put away your coats and gloves just yet; we’ve still got to get through those April (snow) showers fi rst.

There are loads of ways to join the Mayhem! network. Let us know what you’re thinking.

The nights are slowing drawing out but there’s still plenty of time to catch up with your favourite TV box set and we’ve got a run down of the best on page 20. If sitting in front of the TV isn’t your thing and you’d rather enjoy the longer evenings outdoors why not check out page 34 and get involved in National Walking Month. The south coast offers a vast array of trails and countryside walks to explore and enjoy.

Check out our website, Facebook and Twitter pages for more Mayhem! exclusives and freebies!

We chat with TV, movie and music star, Idris Elba, and catch up with funny-man Ricky Gervais. As well as Europes festival offering, World Book Night and local beer, what more could you need in the coming weeks? We’ll be back soon... daniel tidbury | editor-in-chief 08 Here comes the sun 10 Snuff it out! 12 World Book Night 14 Burn calories at work 16 Idris Elba chats

20 Best box sets 24 Fancy a brew? 26 Travel alone 28 Ricky Gervais, one to one 34 National Walking Month

@mayhemmag editor-in-Chief Daniel Tidbury advertising sales Jo Turner design & marketing Tidbury Media distribution Distribution Experts published by Tidbury Media

6 | Summer 2018

Contributing Writers Sara Niven, Hollie Ingram, Jasmine Morrell, Chris Morley, Frank Grice, Robyn O’Mahony, Ellie Reeves, Fiona Stanton, Richard Aldhous, Glenn Barr, Lex Brookman, Graham Brown

36 Combatting hayfever 38 Local beer 40 Festivals 2018


Mayhem! is a free lifestyle magazine dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest culture, trends, fashions and celebs. Our bi-monthly instalments are available to pick up from the countless distribution points scattered across Portsmouth and its surrounding areas.

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Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine

7 | Summer 2018

here coMeS the Sun written by SArA niVen


Protect, enhance and indulge with Mayhem!’s pick of products guaranteed to put a spring in your step.


6 3 5 4

8 | Summer 2018

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1 & 10 We tend to favour showers above baths in warmer weather - add a little luxury and avoid the drying effect of soap with Zoella’s Shower Shake Body Wash, £6 from Superdrug and Feel unique or invigorate with Creamy Citrus Body Wash from Weleda, £7.95, weleda.


2 & 9 Treat white winter legs to an application of Barry M’s In the Glow Body Oil, £7.99 from Superdrug or fake a longer lasting colour with a self-tanning product like Jane Iredale’s Tantasia, £26, 3 & 4 Glow for it – apply bronzer on areas of the face where the sun hits. Superdrug’s Solait range includes one for a bargain £4.99 or treat yourself to the new Limited Edition Bronzing and Blush compact, £31, from Clarins which launches 6th May. Guys can avoid a pasty face by adding a few drops of their ClarinsMen Self Tanning Booster, £20 to a moisturiser or sun protection cream. 5 Most of us are familiar with UVA and UVB rays but how about HEVL? High Energy Visible Light doesn’t lead to burning but is still believed to damage to skin. HEVL Face Crème protects against all three with an SPF of 50, £19.95, Or for touch ups on the go, try Bare Republic’s chemical free Sports SPF50 stick, £12 from

Hopefully by the time you’re reading this we’ll be enjoying some much-needed warmer weather (probably interspersed with showers – this is the UK after all!) That’s great news for getting out and about and chilled weekends in the garden but even spring sunshine means the need to take precautions. We all look a little healthier with some colour and sunlight provides valuable vitamin D into the bargain. However, too many of us only think about sun protection when going abroad or on a beach. Even when temperatures aren’t sweltering, not protecting exposed skin can lead to premature ageing at best and a heightened risk of skin cancer at worse so don’t save the SPF just for high days and holidays!


6 Sunblock from Lush (£8.95) is quite literally that; a solid block containing SPF30 which saves on plastic packaging and is getting great reviews to date.


7 Get rid of rough, dry skin before baring it or applying a tanning treatment. The Salt Parlour is a new range of all-natural salt and sulphur scrubs, £15, 8 Celebrate the warmer months to come with a spritz of Sun cologne from Lush (from £15 for 30ml), a gloriously fresh, citrusy scent with sweet orange, mimosa and sandalwood,

Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine


9 | Summer 2018

listen up!

On the 31st March the World Health Organisation will draw attention to smoking related disease and highlight the number of deaths related to it...

Snuff it out written by hollie ingram

20 minutes

keep going

Why not try going without smoking for one day and feel the benefi ts almost instantly. Within as little as 20 minutes after your last cigarette your heart rate and blood drop resuming to normal. Within 12 hours the toxins found in cigarettes like carbon monoxide, begin to leave your body allowing your immune system to cleanse itself. After just one day the risk of heart attack also starts to decrease.

We’re not going to sugar coat it, it’s going to be incredibly tough to fight the cravings. You may suffer mouth ulcers and chesty coughs soon after quitting, but that’s just your bodies way of repairing itself. It’s hard, and when you fi rst quit you question why you’re doing it – but keep going!

small steps If you can stop smoking for one day, who knows what’s next. If you take it day by day you may fi nd yourself quitting long term. Don’t make unrealistic goals, or have too high expectations, you might struggle to reach them, it’s better to take small steps.

saVing Th ink of all the money you’ll be saving when you quit, you can put aside all the extra money for a holiday, a weekend break, renovation or possibly a car. If having extra in your pocket isn’t enough of a reason to spur you on, you can see your health improve day by day.

10 | Summer 2018

not alone If you can’t go cold turkey your local GP can offer an abundance of help from nicotine patches, gum and group meetings with others who are going through the same thing as you. A helpful method, which many have adopted is e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes resemble a metal pen from which you inhale vapour. The liquid refi lls can be fl avoured or taste like a genuine brand of cigarettes. Some contain varying quantities of nicotine enabling you to ween yourself off gradually. If you’re looking for support head to the NHS website where you they can give you more tips and send daily reminders of why you’re quitting.

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As the long days of summercan take eel and what you believe about yourself hold you may be looking to travel d in what happens to you, how you treat abroad but scared of flying. Perhaps How you feel and what you believe about yourself can local snake population owbeyou are treated, andthehow you or deal with it. reflected in what happens to spider you, how you treat is putting you off. Maybe you are

yourself, are treated, and how you can deal with it. ww you How feelfeel and youhow what feelyou and you what believe you about believe about yourself suffering fromyourself too much stress or can you and what you believe to create eflected be reflected in what happens in what to happens you, how to you, you how treat you treat anxiety enjoybelieve your time Change how youand feel and whattoyou tooff. create th, relationships improve your confiself, yourself, how you how are treated, you are and treated, how and you how deal you with deal it. with it. better health, relationships and improve your confi-

self worth.

Hypnotherapy canwhat help with all these andhow self and worth. ngedence how Change you feel you what feel and you believe you tobelieve create to create To find out how Toor find out er health, betterrelationships health, and improve andhow improve your confiyour confiissues inrelationships one more sessions. e anddence selfAppointments worth. and self worth. available in Havant and Old Portsmouth. Pete Bateman Pete To Bateman find out To how find out how T:023 595226 M:07737 980517 Pete92M:07737 Bateman Pete Bateman T:023 92 595226 980517 T:023 92116 T:023 595226 92M:07737 595226 980517PO9 980517 Hulbert Road, M:07737 Havant 3TG

world book night

written by Jasmine morrell

How often do you get into bed and just stare at your phone for an hour before you sleep? Scrolling through Facebook? Blinding yourself by the bright white light of your phone? What happened to taking a good book to bed at night? World Book Night seeks to change this. Getting people to switch their social media feed for a good read. World Book Night takes place every year; on the 23rd of April. It’s a celebration of the wonders of reading and seeks to encourage those who don’t regularly read to pick up a book and feel inspired. The adult’s version of World Book Day was set up by National charity; The Reading Agency to make reading accessible to all. Its work focuses on donating books to those who don’t have easy access to libraries and book shops. Through the charity; books are

12 | Summer 2018

donated to those in prisons, homeless shelters, care homes and to other individuals who can reap the benefits of a good book. And there are so many benefits from reading. Many of us know how feel good it is to get lost in an imaginary world through reading or feeling accomplished after reaching the end of a book that has educated you in some way. And in a techno world where we are glued to a screen most of the day; reading is the perfect antidote. And it’s easy to get involved with World Book Night this year. Check out and

register to donate your books. The website also allows you to print off posters to create your own world book night event with plenty of tips to spread the joy of books to your community. Or even get involved in the event in a smaller way. Lend a friend a book that changed you or for that book you took from the book shelf at the gym; put two back in its place. And finally read for your own pleasure. Get yourself down to Waterstones; take your time finding a good book. Read the first page; heck read the first three. Just don’t skip to the end.

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Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine

13 | Summer 2018

Sneaky wayS to burn calorieS written by Chris morley

Ok, so your New Year’s weight loss resolution didn’t last long, but it’s never too late to get back on track. A healthy diet combined with regular exercise may be the most effective way to lose weight, but it’s not the only way. Mayhem! is here with a few sneaky tips on how to burn calories without the pressure! 14 | Summer 2018

sleep on it We start with perhaps the most important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. A good night’s sleep of between seven and nine hours per night should leave you feeling refreshed and more motivated for the day. Miss out though and you’re in for a world of problems and most likely a shortcut to failure in the bid to fight the flab. Just remember that if you’re tired you’ll be motivated only by the thought of another trip to the land of nod, which could cause you to skip meals and neglect your original health plan, which simply isn’t an option if you’re serious about feeling good!

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get teChniCal There’s technical help available for most eventualities now, and you can use it to your advantage if you know how. Wearing a pedometer and/or heart-rate monitor could really help you measure the progress you make. Whether it’s recording how many steps you’ve taken in the course of your normal routine or measuring your calorie intake, nothing is beyond the reach of those willing to explore their tech options. It can really help you achieve your goals as well as set new ones to push yourself towards your ideal weight.

your workplace or anything else, however small. Remember, it all adds up so you can’t go far wrong. Healthy body, healthy mind – as the old maxim goes – and with mind and body working in harmony you’ll feel better in yourself which has benefi ts all round.

straighten up Standing up and sitting straight can do wonders for your posture and muscles, both of which will work your core and do favours for your appearance and general well-being – which we’re sure you’ll agree can only work well in all areas of life!

the little things

keeping hydrated

Some might call it fidgeting, but it really can be a great aid to stripping away the fat. There’s a little something you can do in almost every situation! As a bonus it can burn off up to 350 extra calories a day, whether you jiggle in your offi ce chair at work, take regular walks around

A simple drink of water before a meal can go some way to helping you feel full quicker and thus decrease your food intake. Slurping from a bottle throughout the day also increases your metabolic rate, as does spicy food. So next time you go for a curry, take water

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with it and forego your usual beer! After all who said amping up the fi tness meant fun had to go by the wayside?

health kiCk Sick of feeling that pang of desire to raid the fridge or cupboards? Th ere’s an easy way to stave it off. Prepare healthy alternatives and make sure they’re close to hand, plus it’s another great way to help your metabolism. Saving money and working towards better health is a pretty good twosome!

and… relax Of course it’s not all about running yourself into the ground. Even downtime can be put to good use. Meditation is a great example and could help reduce cortisol, your “stress hormone”, which in turn means less chance of calories being stored as fat. Work these into your daily routine and you’ll be feeling great in no time.

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S i r id a b l e interView by frank griCe

16 | Summer 2018

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He’s an acclaimed actor, DJ and director, so naturally, Idris Elba needs to stay in shape to keep up with his relentless schedule. Not one to do things by halves however, the charming 42-year-old reveals why no challenge will ever be big enough.

“I’m someone who has a hard tIme stayIng In one place; I’m always In a restless state” Idris Elba wants his epitaph to read: ‘This guy reminds me of the things that I want to be doing but I’ve not done yet - because he never sat still’. It also happens to be his life motto and explains such a powerful and pressing desire to grab life by the throat. “I’m someone who has a hard time staying in one place; I’m always in a restless state,” Elba says. “People often have dreams and desires but wind up just thinking about them instead of going out and doing them. I need to feel like I’m always moving forward and doing as much as I can instead of just wondering about it.

On top of that, the irrepressible Elba has recently returned to TV with appearances in the new Sky Comedy series In the Long Run, which he created and modelled on his late father’s life in England. And to top it off, there’s season fi ve of Luther, the popular BBC production slated for release late in 2018.

“That’s why I love throwing myself into as many different characters and stories as I can, and living out different adventures. You just need the will to go out and do it!”

Though Idris is certainly ambitious with his onscreen endeavours, when not on film sets the handsome Hackney native loves to stare danger square in the face. For his 2015 Discovery Channel show, Idris Elba: No Limits, we saw him take part in drag racing, break a land record speed and perform a series of aerobic stunts at the Coventry Airbase Airshow. For most, that would be enough peril for one lifetime, but the insatiable star took things even further last year when he stepped into the ring as a professional kickboxer.

The year 2018 has already been huge for the London-based star. In January, Elba’s directorial debut, Yardie, made its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. But it was the UK screening at London’s Rio Cinema that hit headlines when Elba got down on one knee and proposed to Sabrina Dhowre, the 29-year-old Canadian model and former Miss Vancouver whom he has been dating for the past year.

Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine

17 | Summer 2018

“I was over-confIdent In thInKIng that I could eat the way I always dId and stIll traIn lIKe a BoXer”

“Some guys want to be toned or want to jog for miles, “I was over-confident in thinking that I could eat the but my ultimate fi tness goal is to be fight-ready. If I way I always did and still train like a boxer. But that step into the ring, could I go toe-to-toe for fi ve rounds? was impossible. You have to commit the whole way That’s what I strive for. That’s what I consider fi t. I want and it’s improved my health and overall wellbeing to know that if I’m being wrestled to the ground, I’ve got much more than I could have imagined.” the strength to fight a man off,” he explains fervently. Another surprising benefit that Elba witnessed was When it came to the actual fighting – as chronicled in how the intense training process improved his mental Idris Elba: Fighter – Elba ended up getting pummelled fitness, which acts a further proof that there is a real by younger, smaller, and much more skilled fighters. It correlation between regular exercise and internal joy. was an experience he described as ‘soul destroying’! For Elba, there is no doubt: “When I’m fit, I’m more But even as he came to accept that his lofty focused. I have greater patience and my temper is more ambitions were perhaps not so easy to manifest in stable, so I’m better in almost all my relationships. I’m real life, the upbeat actor has no regrets about more vigilant about the crap I put up with. I see clearer. enduring the gruelling 12-month kickboxing and When I’m out of shape, I’m emotionally lazy.” mixed martial arts training which raised his fi tness Lazy is certainly not a word one would ever level to beyond what he thought was possible. associate with Big Driis, and to clarify, Elba confi rms The experience came with other valuable lessons, that we can expect plenty more of his wild adventures as the 6’2” TV titan soon realised that were his body in the future. “I’m always looking for new challenges. to survive six hours of training a day he would have I’m very ambitious by nature and there’s something in to change his eating habits considerably, which me and that makes me want to take advantage of all previously consisted of pasta, rice and beer. “I feel the opportunities I have,” he says, adding assuredly: that I have much more energy now, eating mainly “I always feel that there’s something more I fish and chicken, and lots of fresh vegetables, can accomplish.” plus salads and things like that,” he says.

18 | Summer 2018

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beSt tV box SetS written by roByn o’mahony

With the increase in movie quality TV series’, we’ve put together a list of unmissable shows – both old and new – that are guaranteed to keep you entertained until summer.

Peaky Blinders, BBC/ netflix If you love period drama and a gangster or two, this one is for you. Starring Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy, Peaky Blinders just celebrated a successful fourth series which laid new ground for the popular post-war flick. Taking a very British look at gangster culture in the early 1920’s, Steven Knight’s Shelby family continue to enthral viewers with sultry storylines and edge-of-your-seat plot twists.

Jessica Jones, netflix Series one of Marvel’s Jessica Jones came soaring onto Netflix in late 2015 with 13 episodes of New York-set action starring Breaking Bad’s Krysten Ritter as the titular anti-hero. Season two arrived in March and is another binge-worthy TV experience as Jones recovers from her fight against David Tennant’s superbly terrifying Kilgrave.

20 | Summer 2018

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Big little lies, hBo / noW tV Based on Liane Moriarty’s critically-acclaimed book, Big Little Lies is flawless TV drama at it’s honest best. With an all-star cast made up of Nicole Kidman, Zoe Kravitz and Reese Witherspoon, the series follows the seemingly perfect lives of the young wives and mothers who live in the picturesque Californian town Monterey. Featuring a great soundtrack and ending on a shocking twist that will leave you wanting more, HBO have answered our pleads and just announced series two, set to premiere in 2019.

outlander, starz/amazon Launched in 2014, Outlander – based on the best-selling series of books by Diana Gabaldon – begins post World War Two and travels back in time to the Battle of Culloden in Scotland, 1743. In its three seasons so far the show has visited the 1940’s, 1960’s

and present day, but is predominantly set in the 18th century; the time-travelling nature perhaps its best trait. The central romance between Claire and Jamie has had viewers hooked from day one, fusing fantasy elements with themes of war to create an all-rounder that appeals to both men and women.

Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine

21 | Summer 2018

stranger tHings, netflix it goes without saying that netfl ix’s most binge-worthy tV asset is Stranger Things. now two seasons in, the 80-set show brims with nostalgia, buddy-comedy moments and genuine scares. ruled by a talented young cast of new stars (plus winona ryder in her exceptional comeback) the series is entirely re-watchable and suitably wintery. Hunker down and take a trip back in time.

Friday nigHt ligHts, netflix The brilliant thing about Netfl ix is the opportunity to discover old, never-beforeseen TV shows that are just as good as anything being released today. Friday Night Lights is one of those gems. Focusing in on one small Texan town’s star football team and

22 | Summer 2018

its players and parents, it’s essentially a teen drama but for all ages. Described as ‘poetic’ when it was first released in 2006, the show ran for fi ve seasons and stars the Emmy award-winning Kyle Chandler. The whole series is available to watch online now.

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fancy a brew?

Britain is home to the world’s biggest tea drinking population. Over 160 million cups of tea are consumed a day, and that’s just in the UK alone.

written by ellie reeVes & fiona stanton

24 | Summer 2018

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Put the kettle on for National Tea Day - 21st April tantalising truths aBout tea • Did you know that us • Tea has half the caffeine Brits consume over of coffee, so you’re less 165,000,000 cups of tea likely to have that every day!? caffeine crash • 16-24 year olds are tea’s biggest consumer • Tea-breaks were created 5000 years ago • It takes around 2,000 tiny leaves to make an average cuppa tea

• Tea contains natural fl uoride which helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay • Green tea contains antioxidants which can prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer

From reducing stress to boosting your immune system, there is a herbal infusion out there to soothe every ailment. We’ve selected five refreshing herbal blends that are not only incredibly tasty; they’re also great for your mind and body. green tea Often hailed as the king of herbal teas and referred to as a ‘superfood’, the benefi ts that come with sipping this drink are endless. Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves that haven’t undergone the same oxidation as Oolong and black tea has. Loaded with antioxidants, the benefi ts of drinking include, improving brain function, lowering risk of cancer, increasing fat burning and reducing risk of cardiovascular disease.

Chamomile Before you get into bed, pop the kettle on and make yourself a steamy mug of Chamomile tea. The drink has been used to cure insomnia for centuries. It also reduces stress and calms your muscles, resulting in a blissful bedtime. The tea also promotes healthy skin; you can drink it or incorporate it into a facial scrub that will help get rid of impurities and leave you with smooth, moisturised skin.

peppermint Th is herbal brew is best consumed in the afternoon when your energy levels have dropped and you’re feeling a little peckish. Peppermint helps to combat food cravings, aid digestion and speed up weight loss. It can also relieve stomach problems such as IBS, stomach aches, diarrhea and constipation. Also, it’s incredibly tasty, refreshing and fights bad breath.

nettle tea The curing, analgesic effect of nettle tea helps to relieve pain. Drinking this grassy beverage will leave you feeling energized and healthy. Nettle tea is full to the brim with minerals that help fight infections, heal stomach lining, decrease infl ammation and lower blood sugars. Nettles might long be associated with the stinging variety, but they can actually reduce pain rather than cause it.

lemon and ginger Ginger is renowned for being a digestive herb that tackles nausea and supports healthy digestion. Lemon is high in vitamin C, citric acid and calcium; it helps to balance PH levels and makes the immune system stronger. For a fresh start to the day, sip this tea to release toxins, freshen breath and clear the skin.

Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine

25 | Summer 2018

traVelling alone

to find the inner you With a one-way ticket to Thailand costing the same as a pay day night out in the city; it’s no wonder so many of us are hopping on a plane and getting away from it all. The lure of travelling has always been trendy and in 2018 it’s even easier than ever to now do it alone.

written by Jasmine morrell

Why do We traVel?

hoW to do it…

Often it’s because we want to achieve something. To tick a few things off our bucket list and to ‘find ourselves’. We travel every day. Whether it’s on the bus to work or walking to the local shops; we travel with a purpose. Ok, so your morning ride to work probably won’t be life changing. It’s still a chance to be alone with your own thoughts and listen to your inner you; even if it’s just for ten minutes.

Google ‘travelling alone’ and you’ll find an array of tours for individuals who want to explore on their own. Or plan it all yourself. The flights, the hotel, the hostel; or even an Orang-utan orphanage to volunteer in. The adventure is all at your fingertips and the only limit is your imagination.

The chance to travel on your own and further afield is one some truly jump at. And the benefits of doing it alone outweigh the scary stuff. You will probably find it terrifying at times especially as it’s all new; like scary new foods that could mess you up for a few days! The high likelihood of getting lost and the vulnerability of being alone is all part of the traveller initiation test. But once you let go and embrace getting lost you might just find yourself.

26 | Summer 2018

It can be as big or small as you choose it to be. And it can even start at home. Get a return train ticket to London. Watch the fields of green rush past you from the window ,on your way to Waterloo. Grab some street food; eat it on the steps outside the museum. Go to the Tate Modern and absorb the paintings. Allow yourself time to explore each piece. Which do you like? Which do you dislike? And why? Doing this allows you to find the inner you.

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ricky gerVaiS interView by riChard aldhous

28 | Summer 2018

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Ricky Gervais is never one to stray away from a gag, but today he’s in irrepressibly philosophical mood as he discusses the ageing process, controversy, and dogs’ digestive systems.

“I haven’t got tIme to pussyfoot around people’s emotIons!” He’s one of the longest-serving comedians on the circuit, yet Ricky Gervais’s brazen confidence and endless pursuit of controversy hasn’t ever lessened the impact he has made on audiences, both here and Stateside. He’s a man who makes people laugh, true; but in other ways Gervais is something of a social commentator – in speaking his mind, in uncovering truths about his favourite subject, science, and in endlessly seeking to defy the tiresome, soul-deadening caveats of political correctness. Having recently wound up his stand-up tour - his first in seven years – the 56-year-old has no compunction about his willingness to shock. “The fact is, I was a latecomer to all this,” he begins. “I didn’t get into this game until I was 36, and didn’t come up with The Office until I was 39, so straight away I’m playing catch-up.” “I’m of that age now where I care less what people think anyway, but there’s the other factor that I’m seriously running out of time,” he laughs. “I need to cut through all the crap and just get this stuff out of my head and into the public domain… I haven’t got time to pussyfoot around people’s emotions!” Gervais admits he does wish fame had come sooner, but when it arrived, it hit him like a train. “I remember saying to my girlfriend when I won my first BAFTA, ‘why didn’t I do this in my twenties…

I could have been enjoying this a lot sooner.’ And she said, ‘there’s no point thinking like that, it wouldn’t have worked. You wouldn’t have been any good. You needed those 39 years of experience’. She probably has a point, there.” Interestingly, the former Golden Globes host, who skirted the edge of propriety by taking aim at big stars like Tom Cruise and others - normally considered untouchable - has little hope that he would ever be considered as a candidate to host the Oscars: “I would only do it under one condition, and it’s same condition I do the Golden Globes – basically, only if I can say what I want and that will never happen with the Oscars.” Of course, despite countless incarnations, Gervais will always be best known for his portrayal of David Brent. And some 15 years after The Office shut its doors for the last time, the Reading-born performer still hasn’t fully let go. “There’s a lot of me in Brent’s mind, and vice versa - we’re intertwined in many ways. I worked in a real office for 10 years - I became middle manager, and I was always an idiot who wanted to make people laugh.”

Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine

29 | Summer 2018

“no matter what you do In lIfe, everyone deserves clarIty and sanIty.”

“We both seek approval, we both need validation from our peers, we both possess egos that make us giant idiots sometimes, but who doesn’t relate to that? Isn’t that most of us?” he laughs.

Gervais is certainly happy to keep pushing his talents, and his luck. His latest tour may have taken on a similar format to so many others, but the clamour for tickets and desire to retain the very highest levels of sarcastic genius means he’s always there to potentially be shot down.

“But yes, I know him so well - I could do David Brent in my sleep. I think as long as he keeps confusing and misinterpreting his place in the world, he’ll always be “But that’s the whole point,” he chimes back. “The funny, and I’ll always have the option of going back to whole show was a little bit about offence! The last him. He’s so admirable in his determination, he’s not seven years have been the age of offence… how giving up on his dream. And you have to commend that.” people think they can just say, ‘I’m offended, so I don’t want to hear that ever again’.” Gervais’s own dream appears to have been fulfilled some time ago, although the Hampstead-based star “I think, ultimately, it was the right time to do admits he does have a tetchy relationship with fame. something of that magnitude because I’m much more honest than ever. I’ve dropped the persona a little bit. “It’s a difficult one, but like most people, it’s about It’s much more about me. These days I talk more retaining a sense of normality. No matter what you do about myself and my family and things that annoy me in life, everyone deserves clarity and sanity.” in the world and it just all clicks. And who is going to “That’s why I do selfies in the bath,” he sniggers. “You really come back and tell me I’m wrong to complain?” will never see me worse than how I look in the bath – He’s right - as an atheist, Gervais’s trip to the pearly I hope – so that’s probably my weird way of dealing gates should be a breeze. with fame and my fear of it. Doing that is taking the control and overcoming the fear.” “Perhaps I’m wrong and he does exist. But if so, I’ll say to him, ‘since you do exist, you are responsible for all Fear is probably a strong word, because the reality is this shit.’ I’d ask him why he made chocolate kill dogs, Gervais is afraid of very little. As regards age, he why he didn’t kill Satan, why he let earthquakes and admits: “I don’t care - I’ve never really thought like famine destroy lives randomly.” that. The only time I ever thought hard about it was when my grandparents died, because I was faced with “And once he’s given me the explanation, only then death and ageing and the finality and inevitability of it will I apologise for my crap jokes.” all. But now, I don’t worry about getting older. That’s so futile. I look forward to death. Have a nice rest.”

30 | Summer 2018

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iS that galaxy far, far away becoMing too cloSe for coMfort? The Star Wars galaxy is expanding at an alarming rate ever since creator George Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney, but is this a good thing? Moviegoers will be treated to a new adventure every year for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, quantity will not diminish the quality of those wonderful fairy tales. written by glenn Barr a long time ago...

a long, long time ago...

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was a phenomenal hit when it was released in December 2015, yet it divided fans the world over due to heavily nostalgic content mirroring Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, released back in 1977. However, December 2016 saw the arrival of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, arguably the fi rst (standalone) movie to focus upon the harsh reality of war rather than a hopeful story concerning the Skywalker family. Furthermore, the gritty Rogue One theme answered a long-standing fan question: what happened to the brave souls that stole the Death Star plans referred to in the opening crawl of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope? *

Lucas protected the original trilogy (released 1977–1983) to such an extent that he did not contemplate attempting the prequel trilogy (released 1999–2005) until 1994. Unfortunately, fans of the sprawling space saga were less than impressed with Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) because the story relied too heavily on the destiny of a nine year-old Anakin Skywalker. Episodes II and III partially recaptured the magic of the original trilogy, but they ultimately represented padding for a back-story that did not need to be told.

32 | Summer 2018

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not so solo...

a forCe of nature...

Solo: A Star Wars (standalone) Story crash-lands in cinemas on 25th May this year and will focus upon a young Han Solo, the infamous space cowboy and cocky pilot of the Millennium Falcon. It seems that Disney took an awful risk recasting the role in favour of Alden Ehrenreich, originally played with aplomb by Harrison Ford. Fortunately, the trailer was well received despite claims that the project is largely unnecessary, due to the fate of Han Solo at the climax of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

Perhaps the quality of Star Wars is irrelevant due to an inescapable fact that movie franchises are designed to be exploited for financial gain. Therefore, is Star Wars becoming too close for comfort? Perhaps now it always will be, as writers and directors battle to recreate the virtual perfection that is the original Star Wars trilogy. *SPOiLer: rogue two seems unlikely!

national walking Month written by fiona stanton

Many of us struggle to exercise on a daily basis, but just a 30 minute walk can help with weight loss, improve your metabolism, build muscle and it’s free! Take a longer walk to your local shop when you buy a pint of milk, use the stairs at work or take a break from your desk at lunch time. National Walking Month is part of campaign from Living Streets’ to encourage us to feel fitter, brighter and connected to our local community. Living Streets explains that walking isn’t just for us to be more active and feel better, but it will help free our roads from congestion and pollution, helps prevent illnesses and improves our environment so that we can enjoy it more. To find out more about Living Streets’ campaign and to track your steps, go to

British Heart Foundation also celebrate this month to raise money to beat heart disease. BHF are part of a ‘Just Walk’ campaign to raise awareness of the health benefits of walking and to encourage others to join in.

hoW you Can get inVolVed Arrange a walk at work with your colleagues as part of the ‘Just Walk’ campaign to raise money for British Heart Foundation. Over 7,000 people in the UK are suffering with heart disease and money raised will go towards funding research to beat heart disease. To find out more go to

34 | Summer 2018

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This spring, ‘Visit Isle of Wight’ is hosting the annual Isle of Wight Walking Festival, an event dedicated to ramblers, dawdlers, experienced hikers and budding walkers! The festival is sponsored by Warner Leisure Hotels and is set to take place from 28th April–13th May, featuring a wide variety of over 90 walks across the Island’s picturesque landscape. The walks are guided by local and other expert walk leaders and allow visitors to explore the very best of the Island’s countryside, from sand dunes and pebbly coves to thatched villages and bustling sailing towns. Music fans can also celebrate the Isle of Wight Festival’s 50th anniversary with the Jimi Hendrix Afton Experience walk on 4th May and the Bob Dylan and

to fi nd out more, visit:

Wootton’s Musical Landmarks walk on 5th May. Mark Rowe, Contributing Editor of BBC Countryfi le Magazine, will also be leading a ‘River and Coastal Circular Walk’ across the Island’s marshes, rivers, woodlands, beaches and cliffs. Abi Fox, Marketing Manager at Visit Isle of Wight, said: “Th is year marks our 175th anniversary of family adventures on the Island and we’re really excited to offer the Isle of Wight Walking Festival.

Whether you want a gentle, moderate or brisk paced walk, easy, moderate or strenuous grade walk, or one hour or three-day walk, there are options for all levels of walkers. There is a huge variety of walks on offer, from wildlife, history, health and woodland walks, to around the Island challenges and dinosaur adventures. For those wanting to explore the beauty that the Isle of Wight has to offer on foot, it’s certainly not one to be missed this spring.


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written by lex Brookman

coMbatting hay feVer There’s nothing worse than having your long-awaited summer break become allergy season. Having hay fever sucks, there’s no way to dance around it – however, there are ways to prevent the symptoms and lessen their effects. Follow our simple tips and tricks to make the most of your summer! 36 | Summer 2018

Be aWare! Sufferers of allergies to pollen, grass and the like will know that rather than enjoying a picnic in the park with your friends, being sat in the shade sniffling into a tissue with weepy eyes is not the best feeling in the world. However, it’s quite easy to stay on top of the pollen count nowadays; during high season, the pollen count is usually mentioned at the end of your local weather report, but if not a quick Google search will clue you in about when it’s time to put these hacks into action!

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take an antihistamine

haVe a look at home

The most popular type of allergy pill/antihistamine are the oral medications you can pick up in most convenience stores or pharmacist. Buzzwords to look for are Cetirizine Hydrochloride and/or Loratadine; these are the most popular antihistamines on the market – brands like Zirtec or Piriteze! Check out for super cheap medications.

During high allergy season, it might be wise to have a look at a couple of home-hacks to make your life a little easier.

Normally you’ll have a choice of drowsy or non-drowsy; if you prefer to take your medication at night pick the drowsy option, otherwise go for non-drowsy. It’s also worth noting that you should check the packages of anything you take as some may suggest steering clear of operating any heavy machinery. Some hay fever sufferers say that decongestants like Sudafed have helped relieve some discomfort during the tougher periods – especially if you fi nd your allergies tend to fl are up in your sinuses. As with all medication, it’s important to check in with a pharmacist if you’re unsure about anything.

Natural remedies

Rather than cracking open your windows to let some fresh pollen-ridden air in, invest in an AC unit. Be cool, but not crippled with runny noses, coughs and splutters. If you’ve got long hair, try not to brush your hair before you wash it. It sounds strange, but if you’ve been outside you’ll have various pollen related allergens nestled in your hair – cue sneezing fi t! Change your sheets more regularly – pollen, dust and other particles can settle onto your sheets and your pillowcases but keeping them fresh will help keep you fresh. It’s worth keeping a close eye on your bouts of hay fever; when they occur, what symptoms they present and how long they last. If it gets unmanageable and is putting too much strain on your summer, mention it to a doctor – they can prescribe you something a little more kick-ass than something you could pick up in your corner store.

BroCColi High in vitamin C, broccoli can sometimes relieve allergy symptoms and clear blocked sinuses. However if you don’t like broccoli you could try cabbage or cauliflower, which are part of the same family.

onion and garliC With antihistamine properties, thanks to the high level of quercetin, onion and garlic are sometimes effective in fighting allergies and physical discomfort. They can also help to reduce the inflammation or swelling associated with an allergic reaction.

nuts and seeds Peanuts, cashews, walnuts and almonds are a high source of antioxidant vitamin E and magnesium, that can help ease wheezing and improve lung functions.

Carrots and pumpkins

oily fish

These vegetables are rich in carotenoids, the organic pigment that gives them their characteristic colours. Another great source of vitamin C as well as vitamin A and antioxidants. These not only help fight allergies, but can improve your eye health and help prevent heart disease.

Just like nuts and seeds, oily fish such as salmon, sardines, trout, and mackerel contain a high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, making them a useful food in the fight against hay fever-related symptoms.

herBal teas Nettle, chamomile and lemon grass tea are packed with benefi ts when facing hay fever. By including these in your daily diet, you can help fight congestion and infl ammation while taking advantage of their natural antihistamine and antioxidant properties.

Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine

honey Considered by many people as the best food to fight hay fever, honey acts as an allergy desensitiser. Far from triggering allergy reactions, the tiny particles of pollen that honey contains helps immunise the human system against hay fever. Sourcing honey locally to you will ensure it contains pollen from the plants you’re affected by.

37 | Summer 2018

local beer The rise in popularity of local breweries over the last few years has brought ale lovers much greater choices in beers, and this is clearly evident in Portsmouth where local independents fuse passion with hops to give punters extraordinary fl avours! time to get the round in then!

written by graham BroWn

staggeringly good

irVing & Co. BreWery

Billed affectionately as the “beer for people who love to ride dinosaurs”, this lively local brewery, shop and bar located close to Fratton Park football ground is Portsmouth’s best kept secret. Initially created for a friend’s stag party, and later their own business, this brand is all about keeping it fun, local, and working alongside a unique community of creatives. Exciting collaborations have included creating original artwork, pies, and in 2017 hosting their very first ‘WarriorFest’ on HMS Warrior, complete with bands, bars, and fancy dress. Punters can check out the brewery first hand with regular new beer/keg launches, and open mike nights on the last Thursday of every month.

Long running brewery established for over 10 years, and a regular sight on many bar pumps in local pubs. Th is nautical inspired favourite is a nod to the city and Royal Navy and has a stellar offering of beers and seasonal specials. Their brewery situated on the edge of Cosham, offers tours on request, and you can purchase beers on site. For those who fancy getting creative making their own beers, you can enter the Strong Island Home Brew competition now in its 8th year, hosted this year at the Merchant House on 14th June 18. Winning beers will be produced by Irving & Co. Brewery, and sold across the city.

FlagsHiP Beer: ‘Staggersaurus’ the original hoppy pale 4.0% beer, with strong aromas of summer fruits. WortH a try: ‘Ekuanodon’ a seasonal citrus New England 7.4% double IPA, or sample ‘Bishop Slayer’ a unique 5.6% Oyster Stout in association with Emsworth’s Blue Bell Inn.

FlagsHiP Beer: ‘IRVING Invincible’, a 4.6% premium bitter with sweet malty fl avour. WortH a try: ‘IRVING QE’, a limited edition 4.5% golden cask ale launch to mark HMS Queen Elizabeth’s arrival last year. Unit G1 railway triangle, walton rd PO6 1tQ 02392 389988 /

Unit 3, St George’s industrial estate PO4 8SS 02392 297033 /

38 | Summer 2018

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27th & 28th July 2018











urBan island BreWing Co. Founded in 2014 and fusing passions for beer and kitesurfing, this Hilsea brewery is a labour of love that celebrates an active outdoor lifestyle on the south coast. Inspired after a visit to a Canadian micropub, the tap room is currently open on Friday and Saturdays between the hours of 12.30–5.00pm, which will be extended during summer months. Worth a special mention is original ‘DSB’ (Dolly’s Special Ale) which was made to honour the owners Nan’s 100th birthday, and remains the only 4.6% fruity English ale. All are welcome to pop in and sample the ales on draft, and can also purchase two pint takeouts, bottles and mini kegs. Alternatively Urban Island beers can be found in numerous Portsmouth pubs like Wave Maiden, Hole in the Wall, and The Phoneix. FlagsHiP Beer: Award winning ‘URBAN PALE’ took silver at last year’s Gosport Winter Fest and is a hoppy 3.8% smooth pale that remains popular. WortH a try: ‘WHITE LABEL SERIES’ like the record labels are one off creation brews, which always surprise, the most popular are added to the range. Unit 28 Limberline industrial estate PO3 5DZ 02392 668726 /

the southsea BreWing Company King Henry VIII would no doubt have approved of one of the newest small breweries situated in Southsea Castle, and may have even been tempted to stop for a tipple. The company started as a home brewery, and has been open for just under two years. Located within the keeps of an old ammunition storage room, the small scale venture seeks to produce outstanding “modern style” American hop craft beers. Previous collaborations take advantage of the location and have included big screen Rugby matches, and weddings. However it’s the beer that takes centre stage, with names such as ‘Six Wives’ and ‘Low Tide’ it’s a celebration of history and heritage in a single bottle! FlagsHiP Beer: ‘Casemate IPA’, a 5.4% fruity ale, packed full of layers of hops and fruity fl avours. WortH a try: ‘Heavy Artillery’ is a potent 7.2% double IPA fi red full of hops if you can handle it! Southsea Castle / 07939 063970 /

Bar and Shop Spring opening TimeS: EvEry Friday and Saturday 12.30pm – 5.00pm @urbanislandbrew




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feStiValS worth flying for enJoy the poolside parties at sea star festiVal in Croatia

From dancing poolside or on a beach, partying in a fortress or experiencing the surreal midnight sun, wallet friendly European hotspots and amazing city festivals to combine with long weekends of culture, gastronomic delights and sightseeing, there’s something for everyone. Get ready for a festival holiday of a lifetime in 2018! There’s a festival something for every festival adventurer, are you ready?

42 | Summer 2018

Sea Star festival is set to return to beautiful Stella Maris laguna in Umag on May 24th and 27th. Put together by the team behind EXIT Festival, the first Sea Star festival closed with rapturous applause, firmly proving that it is worthy of the nomination for 'Best European New Festival' at the prestigious European Festival Awards. Stunning location, 6+ stages, more than 70 world renowned artists and outstanding productions make this festival a must see. Umag is a beautiful Istrian town, rich in Mediterranean spirit, historical baroque and renaissance buildings and narrow streets that lead to numerous authentic restaurants making it the perfect place to chill out after dancing all night. lineup: Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Hurts, Robin Schulz, Paul Van Dyk, Disciples, Ofenbach, Tram 11, and more Sea Star takes place from 24–27 May 2018. More info available at

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experienCe the surreal midnight sun at seCret solstiCe festiVal in iCeland Celebrating their fifth anniversary, 2018 promises to be Secret Solstice’s biggest yet! Taking place in Reykjavik from 21st-24th June during the surreal summer solstice (meaning the sun never sets), the festival has firmly established itself on the bucket list for every true festival-geek wanting to be a part of this truly unique experience. Secret Solstice is Iceland’s premiere music festival, each year welcoming an eclectic lineup to the naturally breathtaking country for main stage sets, glacier raves, midnight sun boat parties and secret lagoon blowouts. By combining a high caliber of music talent alongside side events that showcase the incredible Icelandic landscape, Secret Solstice have created a not-to-miss festival experience in one of the most breathtaking corners of the world. line up: Slayer, Gucci Mane, Stormzy, Bonnie Tyler, Death From Above, Steve Aoki, Jet Black Joe, 6lack, Goldlink, J Hus, IAMDDB, Charlotte de Witte, Skream, Masego, A-Trak, Högni and more. Secret Solstice takes place from 21st-24th June 2018. More info available at

party in a fortress oVerlooking the riVer danuBe at exit festiVal in serBia Just a short ride away from the Serbian capital Belgrade, the magical Petrovaradin Fortress set high on the banks of the river Danube in Novi Sad provides the perfect setting for the EXIT Festival. Started as a student protest in 2000 fighting for political change and freedom, EXIT continues to spread positive vibes, promoting change and positive education, supporting many community and humanitarian missions, while throwing a damn good party. The award winning festival has something for music lovers of all genres with a diverse mix of artists performing on numerous stages connected by cobbled streets, ramparts and tunnels. Also renowned for it’s amazing atmosphere and energy the Dance Arena champions the who’s who in the electronic music world set in the awe inspiring moat of the fortress, it’s that special moment when the sun’s rays shine over the fortress walls and your favourite tune is belting through the soundsystem and into your soul! EXIT. Where hedonism meets activism. line up: Migos, David Guetta, Fever Ray, LP, Ziggy Marley, Adam Beyer b2b Ida Engberg, Alice Merton, Maceo Plex, Nina Kraviz, Richie Hawtin, Solomun, Tale of Us, Amelie Lens, Asphyx, Ben Klock, Bombers, Brujeria, Burak Yeter, Dog Eat Dog, Grave Digger, Idles, Jax Jones, Lions's Law, Madball, Mahmut Orhan, Ofenbach, Sevdaliza, Slapshot, Slaves and more. exit takes place from 12th-15th July 2018. More info available at

Mayhemmag Themayhemmagazine

43 | Summer 2018

enJoy the piCturesQue Woodland setting of positiVus festiVal in latVia Taking place in the picturesque coastal town of Salacgriva in Latvia, Positivus is the largest music and arts festival in the Baltic States, transporting chart-topping headliners, underground emerging talent and exciting art and dance stages to their unspoiled atmospheric coastal setting amid stunning woodland. Festival goers can dip their toes in the baltic sea or take in the atmosphere in a hammock beneath the trees while enjoying a rich diversity of international chart toppers and underground emerging talent in this idyllic holiday location. Positivus also offers art and dance stages giving festival goers a variety of activities and stalls selling locally made designer clothing and accessories, giving festival goers plenty to see and do during the 3 day event. Positivus was also recognised in the 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017 European Festival Awards being a finalist in the ‘Best Medium Sized Festival’ category and also for ‘Best Festival Line Up’ in 2013. line up: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and more to be announced Positivus takes place from 20th-22nd July 2018. More info available at

disCoVer the Best alternatiVe musiC at off festiVal in katoWiCe A truly unique boutique music festival, OFF Festival takes place in ‘Three Lake Valley’, Katowice – a beautiful green oasis in the heart of industrial Silesia. OFF is a way of life, one that flies in the face of current trends and stays true to itself, and the ethos of organiser Artur Rojek is firmly aimed at supporting art and music with the festival bringing many acts to Poland for the first time. OFF Festival’s reputation is growing year on year driven by the festivals forward–thinking, eclectic music policy and it’s bold and eclectic lineups. From the greatest alternative music stars from around the world to the increasingly strong Polish scene, OFF festival has inspiring music in abundance and the organisers and crowd have one serious finger on the pulse when it comes to music. As well as discovering new music festival goers can

44 | Summer 2018

also discover the city of Katowice with plenty of art and culture to soak up and a huge choice of bars and restaurants to delve into. line up: Grizzly Bear, Ariel Pink, Jon Hopkins Live, AURORA, ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail, Of Dead play "Source Tags & Codes", The Brian Jonestown Massacre, John Maus, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah play "Some Loud Thunder", Marlon Williams, Turbonegro, Wednesday Campanella, Big Freedia, Egyptian Lover, OXBOW, Bishop Nehru, Jacques Greene, Moses, The Como Mamas, Housewives , Yellow Days, Yasuaki Shimizu, Hańba!, Nanook of the North, Furia, Coals, Legendarny Afrojax, Sorja Morja, Bass Astral x Igo and more. OFF Festival takes place from 3rd-5th August 2018. More info available at

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party With the dutCh at loWlands festiVal in the netherlands Taking place next to the Walib Fairgrounds, Biddinghuizen Lowlands features some of the biggest headliners, impressive installations including the new iconic armadillo food and drink area, plus unique covers for every stage so you can enjoy all the music rain or shine. Just over an hours drive from Amsterdam you can easily mix your festival trip with a few days city break in Amsterdam. As well as all the amazing artists, Lowlands has so many others things to do from enjoying a soak in the hot tubs, to taking part in science experiments! The festival has also been shortlisted for several awards in the European Festival Awards including ‘Best Major Festival’ and

‘Best Line Up’, Tickets include festival entry, camping + shuttle bus from/to railway station or Dronten Lelystad. Save the date now! line up: Gorillaz, Kendrick Lamar, The War On Drugs, Dua Lipa, Bonobo, Dropkick Murphys, Fatima Yamaha, Gavin James, Grizzly Bear, Rag‘n’Bone Man, Spinvis, Stormzy, Bicep (live), BROCKHAMPTON, David August, Floating Points (solo live), Ho99o9, Joost, Jordan Rakei, Lauv, Little Simz, Protomartyr, Rhye, $uicideboy$, Zeal & Ardor and more Lowlands takes place from 17th-19th August 2018. More info available at

immerse yourself in eleCtroniC musiC Culture at ade Amsterdam’s thriving club and nightlife scene is well documented and for five days a year the city becomes the centre of the electronic music world as over 395,000 visitors flock to the city for the Amsterdam Dance Event. The ultimate music festival for fans of electronic music features more than 2,500 international artists performing in more than 100 of Amsterdam’s most celebrated venues including Melkweg, Gashouder, Claire, Shelter, Paradiso, the NDSM Docklands and De School. In addition to the

46 | Summer 2018

extensive line-up of the ADE Festival, the ADE Conference also offers music enthusiasts and artists a large and varied day program featuring a wealth of dance music-related seminars, artist Q&A’s exhibitions, films, documentaries, DJ showcases and gear master classes, taking place across Amsterdam’s five main districts, utilising historical and unique venues across the city. ADe takes place from 17th-21st October 2018. More info available at

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danCe on the BeaCh at sea danCe festiVal in montenegro Award winning Sea Dance festival gathers party people from all over the world to dance together on the beautiful beach in budva, Montenegro. Voted best european medium-sized festival, Sea Dance has proven much within just three short years. with a stunning beach location and impressive line up of more than 100 hottest international music stars. Sea Dance is one of europe’s hottest summer

destinations. recently listed by Skyscanner as the number one cheapest holiday destination this country is well worth checking out. Montenegro has towering mountains perfect for hiking and mountain biking as well as some of the world’s best unspoiled beaches on the Adriatic Sea. And if that wasn’t enough Montenegro featured in the James bond Film Casino royale and if it’s good enough for bond, it’s good enough for us! sea dance dates will be announced soon. more info available at

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29th–31st May, 3rd–7th Jun

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73 St. MargaretS Lane, titchfieLd PO14 4Bg. www.titchfieLdfeStivaLtheatre.cOM 01329 556156

nO PerfOrMance 14th aPriL

Academy Events presents


Sun 1st Apr

Fri 13th Apr

Thu 10th May • Seated Event

Jessie Ware

The Wonder Stuff

The Dire Straits Experience

+ Kiah Victoria + Kamille

Ned’s Atomic Dustbin

Ft Chris White Thu 5th Apr

The Vaccines + Dream Wife

Thu 26th Apr

Tokio Myers Thu 10th May 10pm - 3am 18+

Fri 6th Apr

Public Service Broadcasting + Jane Weaver

The Carnival Of Light

Wed 23rd May • Seated Event

Mo Gilligan aka Mo The Comedian Coupla Cans Tour Sat 11th Aug

UK Guns ‘N Roses + Voodoo Vegas





TAN 2 Parkway Shopping Centre, Newbury RG1 1AY

08000 88 60 90

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