Here is a proven method that is helping kids learn to read sooner! [Discover Truth]

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Here is a proven method that is helping kids learn to read sooner! [Discover Truth] Your baby/Your child can read from as young as one, given the right stimulation and the opportunity to learn! I know it is hard to believe but it is true. Here is a real story of Sue and her daughter which will make you believe that a child of age just one can also read!

My Personal Experience Hello all, my name is Sue, and I was in the same boat as you! Sure, I had watched videos of babies reading before the age of one, but at that time, I didn’t give it a second thought. I dismissed the idea that my own baby (now a kindergartener) could do what those babies were doing. Hey, weren’t they the exceptional few? And anyway, my little one was just a baby, I should let her enjoy her childhood, right? How very wrong I was! When my daughter was about to turn two, I discovered to my horror how I had ‘wasted’ those initial crucial years of her life, by not giving her the proper stimulation to nurture a love for reading. Being quite hands-off, I just showed her some educational DVDs occasionally and read her some books, without any emphasis to teach her to read.

What Changed My Perspective The turning point came when my daughter was about to turn two. About that time, I picked up a book by Glenn Doman called “How to Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge“, given by a dear niece. After reading the book, my whole perspective on early childhood education completely changed. A few of Glenn’s discoveries stuck to my mind: • Children absorb information without any effort. As they get older, they have to put in more effort to learn new things. • It is easier for a 1-year old child to learn, than a 2-year old, and easier for a 2-year old to learn than a 3-year old. • Children enjoy learning! In Glenn’s words, “Kids would rather learn than eat; kids would rather learn than play. In fact, kids think learning is play”. I was riddled with guilt after reading Glenn’s book. I should have started to teach my daughter to read when she was only a few months old, as not only would she enjoy it, it would require lesser effort on her part when she is younger!

Our Reading Journey But hey, no point crying over spilt milk, correct? I decided then that I would make a concerted effort to teach my daughter to read, to give her a strong foundation and a reading headstart which would set her for life! However, it is one thing to want to do something, and quite another to figure out

how/where to start! To help me get started, I decided to seek out the help of my best friend Maria whose daughter Lilly of the same age as my daughter can easily read. She sure helped a lot, she suggested me for the proven reading headstart program. I ordered that “ Reading Headstart Program” for my little daughter on the same day because I also wanted to see my daughter reading perfectly and correctly like Lilly. I started spending 15–20 minutes daily with my daughter with that program. I was regular with this routine with my daughter to provide her with a rigid foundation for a whole life. And it worked! The ​reading headstart program was so promising as mentioned in the video. My daughter started to read just after 2 weeks after she turned 2! I still remember how I was completely taken by surprise when she started to read words like “cow”, “dog”, “cat”, etc when I flashed them to her. It was truly the happiest and proudest moment of my life! I remember thinking to myself, if only I had started her when she was even younger, her reading journey would have even started much earlier. But hey, it’s never too late! In fact, I am extremely thrilled and immensely satisfied with her amazing progress in reading to date.

And that was just the beginning……

How Has the Reading Headstart Program Benefited My Daughter? My daughter has gained so much in terms of her intellectual, psychological and emotional developments since she started to read. Just to share a few of the benefits I observed in my daughter to date:

(1) Gained knowledge in many areas Once she learned to read, ​my daughter became an amazing reader (particularly of science magazines!). Her interests at 3+ years old ranged from the digestive system to life-cycles, to cavities, to metamorphosis, to the solar system and many more new topics which she otherwise would not be exposed to at her young age.

(2) Enhanced enjoyment of music Since young, I had introduced my daughter to lots of music through children DVDs and audio CDs. She has a keen ear for music, and surprised me when she started to hum 2 tunes from a music class which she had attended only once! Being able to read helps her to be able to sing-along to songs by Engelbert Humperdinck, Neil Sedaka, Frank Sinatra, the Beatles, Whitney Houston and most importantly, her Disney Princess songs!

(3) Higher awareness of her surroundings My daughter is a keen observer and learner, and since she started to read, she has been noticing the signboards and notices around her. Once she asked me, “Mummy, why mustn’t we drink and drive (when she saw a sign board that read ‘Do not drink and drive’)? “Can we drink water and drive?” Oh, the innocent questions that she asks! And “Why aren’t pets allowed in the park?” (when she read a notice that said “No pets in the park”). And “Why must we pick up our pet’s poo?” And so on, and so forth…….. Oh, and when we go to the restaurant, we can’t fool her that they don’t serve ice-cream, as our little madam will just go through the menu, and catch our little lie……. Yes! I also want my child to become an amazing reader.

(4) Strong vocabulary My daughter can easily spend between one to three hours reading her books and magazines quietly. Because of​ ​her love for reading​, she has picked up words and phrases which sometimes surprises me. Once, when I wrongly said “The snake is crawling”, she corrected me that a snake “slithers”. Another time, as we were watching a video about a snake, I commented, “Did you see the snake spit out the poison from its mouth?”. She turned to me and said, “I call that ‘venom’!” Recently, when I was trying to trick her about something, my daughter turned and asked me, “Are you trying to pull a fast (one) on me?” Looks like I had better pull up my socks before my little madam gets the better of me!

(5) A higher level of independence Where once I had to sit through activity books and reading computer games with her, my daughter has become more independent ​since she picked up reading. As she can read the instructions on the activity book/computer by herself, she can now work through most of her activity books and play reading computer games on her own. Yes! I also want my child to become an amazing reader.

(6) Application of Knowledge to Daily Life The other day, as I was giving my daughter a bath, there were a few mosquitoes buzzing around. My daughter then suggested that I “Keep a spider as a pet, so the spider will eat all the mosquitoes!”. She had read about spiders and what they eat in some book or magazine and was using the knowledge gained to ‘think out of the box’. Hmm….keeping a spider as a pet? That’s a new one for me! Another time, my daughter was in the kitchen with me, when I was peeling onions and some tears started coming from my eyes. Again my daughter came to the rescue, “Mummy, peel the onions in water so you don’t cry!” Just to please her, I did exactly that, and it worked! Needless to say, my little girl was mighty pleased and told me she had read that from her science magazine.

(7) Moral Developments As my daughter loves to read, I figured why not throw in some good books on moral and character development for good measure. It worked like a charm! Okay, I can’t say that she is an angel 100% of the time (which child is!), but she is so much more receptive when I explain to her why she should behave a certain way, especially when I mention the character in her book. Yes! I also want my child to become an amazing reader.

(8) A higher level of confidence Having exposure to many subjects at a young age, and being more aware of things happening around her, coupled with my praises when she does something well (even for simple things like making a good observation or asking a good question) has built up ​my daughter's confidence level to a considerable degree​. She is a very well-adjusted and sociable child and makes friends easily, be it with younger children, older children or even adults.

These are just some of the benefits which my daughter gained after she picked up ​reading headstart program​. I hope that by sharing them with you, you would come to realize the importance of early reading for kids, and cast away the notion that “They are just kids, let them enjoy their childhood!” Yes! I also want my child to become an amazing reader.

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