Sacred Signs Of The Universe 1111

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CONTENT Introduction .............................................................................................................. 5 Chapter 1 Dealing with Doubt, Strong Belief Systems, and False Notions ........................................................................................................................ 6 What are False Notions about 11:11? .............................................................. 7 Chapter 2 Understanding the Secret of the 11:11 Phenomenon ............... 9 What is the 11:11 phenomenon? .................................................................... 10 11:11 and Numerology ........................................................................................11 The Link between Two Worlds (The Physical and Spiritual World) 12 11:11 is a Reminder to Polish and Define Your Thoughts ..................... 12 Chapter 3 Become Conscious of the Truth about Reality ......................... 15 Experiencing Synchronicities ........................................................................ 16 Chapter 4 Achieving Success after Seeing 1111 ............................................ 18 Manifesting the Success you Desire ............................................................ 20 Final Thoughts ........................................................................................................22


Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth. – St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354 – 430) Have you ever wondered why you always see the clock precisely at 11:11 on several occasions? For some people, especially people that are on the path of spiritual awakening, this is a frequent occurrence. Although there are people who are familiar with this number and have a fair understanding of what it stands for, most people have no idea what it truly means. Others are of the view that seeing repeated numbers such as 11:11 is simply a coincidence. Despite the belief by some people that; seeing the numbers repeatedly on a daily basis is a coincidence, the frequency of such occurrence tends to suggest that it is not just a coincidence. As humans, we have always considered numbers to mean certain things. If you always see the number 11:11 almost on a daily basis, then this is the right book for you. How can seeing the number help you in manifesting the success you have always desired? That is what this book is about. You will learn how to achieve success by taking advantage of this powerful moment. You will understand the numerological significance of the number which will be backed up by scientific and mathematical examples. Also, you will understand how to be conscious of the truth and experience increased synchronicities. When you become more conscious of the number and walk through the gateway, you will be able to achieve success by following some of the tips in this book. Get ready to drop some old beliefs and embrace change.

Chapter 1 Dealing with Doubt, Strong Belief Systems, and False Notions Most skeptics would usually think that seeing 11:11 is mere coincidence and because of self-suggestion. It is easy to think that you often see more 11s because you harbor the belief in your mind so your reticular activating systems will begin to search for anything that has the number 11 and draw your attention to it. Sometimes, you may subconsciously pre-select the correct numbers to check and even create some 11s unknowingly. You can also assume that subconsciously, you are identifying more 11s since you are expecting to see them. Well, you have to understand that in reality, whatever experience you have will be projected within your belief system. However, when you block anything from your reality, the universe cannot present it to you. An objective belief system is capable of blocking several phenomena, and this implies that if you have an objective belief system, you may never be able to experience or perceive these phenomena because your belief system will block them. If for instance, you're color blind, you won't be able to tell the color of an orange. You may try to give reasons why you keep seeing the number everywhere you go and lock up those experiences with your logic, however, the moment you encounter the number; it will only be for a moment before you start demolishing your old belief systems. You might block it for some weeks, months and even few years, but you will get to the point where you can't ignore it any longer. You don't have to continue to tell yourself that there are logical explanations why the events occur because it will continue to get stronger when you keep ignoring it.

Once you get to your breaking point, you will face it and desire to know why you always see it. If you're at this point, then you're reading the right book and if you just started noticing 11:11 more often, then you don't have to wait for years to understand what it truly means, just read with an open mind to know more about why you always see it. When trying to find an explanation for seeing 11:11 frequently, you may be faced with two options: You may come to the conclusion that you have been infected by the 11:11 bug and it will always hunt you everywhere you go peculiarly. The second option is that you may conclude that reality is a bit different from what you previously thought and possibly, the 11:11 numbers you see is for a purpose that you are yet to understand. For most people, they go with the first option and live with the fact that they will always see the numbers on a daily basis. However, few people will consider going further to discover why they keep seeing 11s in various forms and places. When you take the second option, you will soon discover that the recurrence of the numbers serves as a wake-up call to constantly remind you that you may be missing something even when you have thought that you have figured out what you want in life.

What are False Notions about 11:11? Several notions about 11:11 are false notions, and you need to be mindful of them. For instance, ideas based on wishful thinking, superstition, and prophecy. You have to be careful because the internet has several articles that associate 11:11 with outcomes that cannot even be substantiated. Things like: 

All your work is done because the number serves as the culmination of your mission on earth

All those on the path of light will ascend on 11:11

You will leave your unprepared loved ones behind when you ascend

On 11:11, you will be united with your twin flame

Be prepared to question the things you hear and read. It is not possible for everyone on earth (including people that are yet to know how to love themselves) to automatically unite with a twin flame on 11:11. Every one of us has our spiritual path, and you are responsible for the rate at which you develop yourself spiritually. You might think that you no longer understand what reality truly means and this could be frustrating. The truth is; you are not really losing your understanding of what reality is, but releasing all the false assumptions you have lived with your entire life. The positive effect of this trend is that you will start opening your mind to experience new possibilities. Initially, you may feel disconnected and confused, but you don't have to worry, just relax and flow with it. It is a process that may last for several years, and several forces such as your previous social conditioning will continue to draw you back and make you believe that you can still salvage your old model of thinking and beliefs. Although the number 11:11 serves as a specific frequency for awakening, other numbers also exist such as 444, 111, 1234 and many others. Although there are also non-numerical events, you must understand that they all have the same underlying pattern. You see these events because they are trying to awaken you and move you into a higher level of awareness. So, initially, you may respond to the situation with laughter, surprise or even a silent recognition while they happen, but you will later start observing these events with gratitude.

Chapter 2 Understanding the Secret of the 11:11 Phenomenon Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason. – Pythagoras

Seen 11:11 before? Are you wondering what it means to see 11:11 and other signs and what it can do for you? Well, you’re reading the right book. Just seeing it occasionally is even a powerful experience regardless of your zodiac sign or your life path number, it is a moment that you should take seriously. Presently, more people are encountering this awareness especially in this “Age of Awareness” which is more powerful in November. It is called the 11:11 phenomenon since it is still unclear why this even occurs. We will be looking at the number 11:11 from different levels, starting with the physically observable level which is the most basic level and proceed to higher levels. First, the number 11 is a number while 11:11 represents a time seen on a clock. Few people will start noticing the number 11 as well as 11:11 more often indicating that it is no more a coincidence. In fact, if you have been seeing it, you may start wondering if there is a conspiracy against you somewhere. This occurrence does not only happen on the digital clock, though it is the most common and easy way for you to connect with the universe here on earth. You can

find the number on a receipt you received when you went grocery shopping, a bank statement, the address of a street you often drive through each day or a phone number. Regardless of your zodiac sign, where you usually see the number, when you see it, and the time of the day you see it, it is a powerful moment. One question that you should ask yourself right now is: can you wisely make use of this moment effectively? If your answer is no or if you are unsure, then that is what this book is all about.

What is the 11:11 phenomenon? It is an experience you have where you notice the number 11:11 most times. Remember, the semicolon is not compulsory for the universe to connect with you through 11:11, for instance, as earlier mentioned, the number could just be the last four digits of phone number, a mileage number and any other thing that has to do with numbers. So, is the number spiritual or scientific? The answer to that question is both. Spiritually, the number 11:11 signifies the moment for the human soul to identify the time for the opening of the portal between immortals and mortals. This explains why they ask you to make a wish since the theory explains that as soon as the moment in time takes place, there is a higher chance for your wish being heard and granted via the portal that is open. However, in this age of awareness, most people believe that it is more than just making a wish and receiving what you want and that is true. The second aspect of the number 11:11 is the scientific principle behind it. The string theory is the scientific principle connecting us as a people at this precise moment in time as well as space dimension. What is string theory? “According to string theory, what appears to be empty space is actually a tumultuous ocean of strings vibrating at the precise frequencies that create the four dimensions that you and I call height, width, depth, and time.�


Roy H Williams

Actually, 1111 is the binary digit pattern which is the numerical sequence for string theory. It covers the four dimensions of time, depth, height, and width. Also, the four elements of the earth which include, fire, air, earth, and water is not a coincidence. So, to answer the question about the scientific meaning of the number 11:11, it validates the basis of string theory that explains the four dimensions of time as well as space, and anytime you identify it, then you need to know that the four dimensions are simultaneously occurring in parallel Universe's. It is interesting to know that in string theory, there are 11 parallel universes. The string theory is of the view that parallel universes exist and Christians would refer to this as Earth, Heaven and Hell which means that the Christians believe that there are just three parallel universes in existence. However, the string theory explains that more portals are opening and also aligning on dimensions in the human's soul experience precisely at the same moment in time between all the universes.

11:11 and Numerology According to the renowned Greek philosopher Pythagoras, “all numbers possess diverse vibrational properties,� and ever since he popularized the idea, modern science has been able to confirm that our world really conforms to specific geometric mathematical principles which rule everything we see, the habits of humanity, gravity as well as the movements of animals. Also, the ancient system of numerology was established based on Pythagoras' discoveries. Some scholars are of the view that numerology even pre-dates Pythagoras and it originated from the old mystical Hebrew Kabbalah which has existed for thousands of years. What is Numerology? It is known as a kind of divination that assigns unique meanings to diverse numbers on the basis of mathematical principles. In

numerology, it is possible to calculate everything like names, date of birth, and various locations to uncover hidden deeper truths. For instance, you can add the numbers of your cell phone number to get 11, or you can add your ZIP code to arrive at 11. It is interesting to note that the 11:11 number runs “forwards” and “backwards” through people's life. So, when you finally begin to notice the number, you will also discover that it has occurred at several points in your past and is still appearing in your future. The number 1111 in numerology is a call for initiation or a wake-up call. Also, in numerology, the number 11 is believed to be the most intuitive of all other numbers which has to do with psychic ability, awakening, keeping in faith and initiation. The number 11 when it is paired together (1111), means that the universe is sending you a clear message to be aware and conscious. Seeing the number 1111 is a sign of the opening of an energetic doorway that will lead you to spiritual growth. It signifies that you are moving on the right path and the actions you are taking align with the purpose of your soul.

The Link between Two Worlds (The Physical and Spiritual World) Have you ever take note of the visual representation of 11? If you haven't, then take a closer look at it, and you will discover that the number 11 looks like a door. So, the two doors represent an intersection between the spiritual and physical world. Seeing this number is an indication that you are moving forward with your greatest purpose in life. It's like the perfect cheerleader that reminds you to pay good attention to the thoughts you have because we create our world with our thoughts.

11:11 is a Reminder to Polish and Define Your Thoughts Take a look around you and find some people that always complain, they could be your friends or family members. You will find out that those who you have always identified to complain usually have something to complain about on a daily basis.

Complainers often experience several challenges on a daily basis which causes them to maintain the vicious circle of complaining. This is because we always attract who we are rather than what we just think or wish. What we truly are is what makes our lives better, and the number 11:11 is a reminder that you need to thoroughly clean up your thoughts to get excellent results. Before you can act on the desires of your heart materially and practically, you must define your thoughts. For instance, you may desire to learn a new skill that will help you earn a higher salary, however, you couldn’t take action because of finance, time or other reasons. Then suddenly, you notice the number 11:11 appear to you and even seeing it once or twice each day. At this point, what you should do is to stop for a moment and consider the thought you had which is the new skill you want to acquire. In this instance, you're being told to GO FOR IT! You already have the support of the universe, so go ahead and act with conviction. So, the number 11:11 serves as a Cosmic Cheerleader you have with the main goal of giving you the support and conviction to proceed with your plans because you're right on the correct path. Instead of wasting time and contemplating on what to do, let it serve as a conviction you need to take action because you will achieve the success you desire. Make sure you focus your thoughts on what you desire and don't forget to think big because opportunities will show up for you. Heal the Past and Create the Future Seeing the number 11:11 is an indication that everything has been lined up for you. It implies that Matter and Spirit are in tune with each other; so, you had the chance to experience a connection to the past, present, and future all at the same time. The number 11:11 is revealing to us that we can heal our past and visualize what our future will be like. It is an indication that you can influence your past, your present, and also the future simultaneously. Bring healing to yourself right now by letting go of some of

the emotional charge that you acquired from past events. Illuminate your future and transform the energy of your future by radiating love for yourself and others in the present.

Chapter 3 Become Conscious of the Truth about Reality

Now that you have an understanding of why the number 11:11 keeps coming to you, you are ready to seek the truth about reality. You have to be conscious about it; ask for clarity to enable you to see reality the way it is so that your beliefs will correctly reflect the true nature of reality. You must have the desire to know the truth, or there will be no change. Reality is very different from what is taught out there in the society. Some of your old beliefs will have to be destroyed even when you initially know they are not correct. Some people will hold on to their old beliefs that they are familiar with instead of seeing a transformation in their lives by having a shift in their beliefs. This is a journey that you must embark on alone, a decision that you must make by yourself and of your own free will. Although 11:11 may open up the door for you, you must decide to walk through that door. You don't have to ask for a proof of the things you will encounter when you pass through the doorway; proof-seeking is simply a sign of an objective system. Remember, your choice will be influenced when you see proof, so you must freely make the choice. Seeking for proof will lead to inconclusive answers all the time, but you will never be given any complete proof as long as you continue to hang around the doorway. Providing you with proof will certainly violate your freedom to choose your personal beliefs, and that is against the cosmic law. One of the cosmic laws states that “human reality must be congruent with their beliefs.�

So, when you choose to hold on to your old beliefs, then you will not be provided with anything that will violate your beliefs. But the moment you drop your old beliefs and accept new ones, then all the proofs you have been looking for will start manifesting. Once you consciously request to see reality accurately, you will start experiencing amazing things which will be gentle at first and start increasing subsequently.

Experiencing Synchronicities The moment you have dropped your old beliefs and walk through the 11:11 doorway, you will start noticing an increase in synchronicities in your life. You will experience it more than ever before. You will begin to encounter highly unlikely coincidences in your life with increased frequency. It is a soft way to assist you in shedding some of your old beliefs. It will gradually help you shed the old beliefs rather than destroying them suddenly. You will start noticing increasingly improbable (though not objectively impossible) events as well as circumstances in your life. Most of the synchronicities will also link up with 11:11 or 11, especially at the early stage and the best thing to do is to consider the 11s as a signpost indicating the direction to follow. So, when you notice the number 11:11 on the clock, simply consider your thought at the precise moment you saw the time. The number signifies that your thoughts align perfectly with the truth. When you see 11:10, it is an indication that you are moving ahead of yourself. So, the thought you have is a great one, however, you haven't got the right timing so implementing the plan or idea would be premature at this time. Also, seeing the number 11:12 indicates that you are lagging behind; your idea or thought is great, but your timing is a bit late. So, you will have to move faster to avoid missing out. The synchronicities will begin to work for you as a great guidance system which is a two-way communication channel connecting you and the universe.

You are not restricted to making use of the three signs (11:11, 11:10, and 11:12), ask for other structures you are comfortable with provided such structures align with your present belief systems. When you have belief systems that are still objective, seeing a specific time will serve as a great signal because it fits your belief structure well. You can make use of it repeatedly. But, when you request to see a lion flying high through the air as your confirmation, it won't work simply because the signal does not align with your beliefs, so it will be blocked. When opening a two-way communication channel with the universal intelligence, consider using synchronicities that are simple such as the times on the clock; it will serve as a good baby step. As you progress, you will begin to have better communication, but remember that you may remain at this level for some years before you can comfortably move higher. Your synchronicities will initially be unpredictable and random, however, you will learn to create them intentionally

Chapter 4 Achieving Success after Seeing 1111 The more conscious you become of the number, the more you realize that it had occurred on several occasions in your past and you will also start seeing the numbers more often. This is regarded as "synchronicity" since you are in the divine flow of life. But what do you do now that you see the number more often and how can you take advantage of it to achieve the success and manifestation you desire? You need to engage in certain practices to be able to unravel what 11:11 means for you. By doing this, you will take advantage of this energetic doorway that is available. 1. Record Your experiences First, you should write down how you were feeling, the things you were doing and also your thoughts whenever you see the number. You need to understand that the universe is attempting to call your attention to something and you can get insight into what you have to focus on by examining your thoughts. You can easily gain clarity and connect all that the universe is bringing your way by journaling your spiritual experiences and specific thoughts. 2. Practice Meditation One of the best places to dream and go through the portal to the other side is the place of meditation. When you see the number 11:11 in your day, you can close your eyes and meditate to get answers about the things you need to do about the sign. Even if you don't get the answers now, you will discover it soon. Whenever the

number 11:11 shows, there is always a message and the best way to open your own channels to receive the message is through meditation. The best exercises for different kinds of communication while receiving or sending messages to the divine include third eye chakra and crown chakra meditations. You can also meditate on the meaning of the numbers you see because meditation helps declutter your mind and enables you to have new ways of thinking. 3. Learn to Pray Although people are often advised to make a wish whenever they see 11:11, showing the universe appreciation, asking for clarification and further guidance is a better option. It will assist you to have a deeper and better understanding of the things you sincerely desire to manifest in your life as well as what you have really been called to achieve on earth. 4. Connect with Your Spirit Guides You have the option of connecting with your spirit guides to get the much-needed advice. In case you haven't met your spirit guides, then this is the perfect time to connect because they are inviting you to connect to divine guidance. 5. Watch out for Opportunities Every time you notice or see the number 11:11, it implies that you are invited to open up to new opportunities that come your way. So, you need to be receptive and open to new ideas, and in case there is something that has been coming your way which you have ignored for so long, then consider investigating it to know more. At this point, you should be open-minded because humans tend to ignore insights that are valuable since they appear irrational, however, you will lose nothing by searching further to know more. 6. Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Generally, life will respond to gratitude positively, and by giving thanks for receiving guidance and for the things you have, you will be able to lift up your spirit instantly. When you show gratitude, you will open your heart and the moment your heart is open; it will readily expand. Some cultures have established offerings to the earth to show gratitude and such offerings are known as "gratitude offerings." 7. Seek Help and Guidance Regardless of who we are or our level in life, we need help. So, you can reach out to anyone you trust such as a family member, your soul, a friend or a spiritual guide whenever you need advice. From experience, one of the best ways you can get guidance is by saying a prayer. You can channel your prayer to whatever or whoever you believe in; Goddess, Life, God, Allah, Spirit or Krishna.

Manifesting the Success you Desire Now that you are seeing the number 11:11, you need to take advantage of it and manifest the desires as well as needs and success you want in life. Consider the following steps to help you manifest the success you need: 

Write out Your Desires- When writing down the things you desire, you will use the "I am" form as if your desire is happening now. You don't need the desires to wait till the future. If you desire the results to happen now in your life, then use the "I am" form. You are acting like you have received the things you desire.

Loudly Read it out- When you have written down the desires of your heart on a paper, you can increase the number of senses involved by hearing when you say your desires. Connect with the feelings of the desires as you read them out loudly.

Engage Visualization- For instance, are you dreaming of driving a specific car model, then visualize yourself in the car and also take note of how driving the car makes you feel. You will be drawing the feeling and not the real thing. Manifesting is like attracting an emotion or experience and

not a physical object. To be able to increase the effects, you can add smells, sound and taste as well as the bodily sensations and emotions you will be feeling if you had met your goals. According to research results, scenes as well as images that are actually accompanied by an intense emotion will be fixed in the memory forever. So, the more excitement, passion and energy that you are able to generate during visualization the stronger and better the results will be. 

Learn to Love- Endeavor to make love the foundation of all your interactions and actions because what you give out to the universe will certainly come back to you. When you give out negative and selfish energy, you will also receive it. This is perhaps the main secret of manifesting the kind of life you desire. When you give out loving energy, you will also get it in return.


Maintain a High Vibrational Energy- As much as possible, learn to keep your spirits high regardless of the kind of situation you are going through in life. Although we all experience difficult times sometimes, you can overcome such negative feelings by searching for the humor in every challenge you are facing. There is always something good in everything, so look for it and always say YES to opportunities, take chances. Drop all the bad and negative feelings that vibrate low such as hatred, jealousy, resentment, fear, and anger because they will make you feel bad. Embrace love because it will attract good things to you. When you feel good, you will also attract good, so make a habit of feeling good.

Final Thoughts

The number 11:11 serves as a great doorway that will lead you to a new and higher level of existence. It will introduce you to a new phase of greater understanding of what reality truly is. Rather than walk through life as a victim, it will teach you how you can start creating your reality. As you move on this new path, there will be numerous lessons you will learn which cannot be fully explained in this book, however, it will be a fantastic step in life that will take you to new heights. So, if you begin to notice 11:11 everywhere you go, then know that you are about to begin a journey in life, so get ready and enjoy the ride.

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