The Skill of Money Magnetism

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6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


Hi, my name is Dr. Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist, celebrity success coach, and self-made multimillionaire. I have written over 22 books, traveled the world, and gone from being $80,000 in debt and without a place to live, to having more than I could have ever imagined for myself. And today I want to help you to transform your own financial future. So let me ask you‌ Do you want the luxury of taking vacations every year and travelling to the most beautiful places in the world? Do you want to be able to quit your job, and spend your time doing things you are really passionate about? Then you’re in luck, because this e-book is your first step towards financial freedom. In fact, this book will reveal to you the first six steps to training your brain to think like a millionaire. Because like all ultrasuccessful people know to be


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true, you can’t become a millionaire without first learning to think like one. Once you master these six steps, not only will you become open to new opportunities for wealth and success, you will also enjoy a new sense of control over your financial destiny. Be prepared for any fears about your current financial situation to fade away, as you realize that you ARE worthy of wealth and you CAN have an abundant future. Some of the skills you’re about to learn may sound simple, but they truly make up the foundation of any multimillionaire’s success. So, let’s get started. Prepare to transform your relationship with money forever!

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


Money Magnetism Skill #1: Visualize Yourself into a Millionaire I’m going to reveal the single most important thing I want you to take away from this eBook… …it’s your thoughts about becoming a millionaire that will dictate whether or not you actually become one. You can’t make money if you don’t believe you can. Throughout my career I have helped thousands of people worldwide to break through their limiting beliefs in order to make the money, achieve the goals, and live the lifestyles they want to have. And even though I had many setbacks along the way, I always knew that this was my calling and it was only a matter of time before I would achieve success. The bottom line is, to become a millionaire, reach your professional goals and live out all of your biggest life wishes, you first need to believe with all of your might that you already own this reality. It’s like former US President Theodore Roosevelt said; “Believe you


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can and you’re halfway there”. So, how exactly do you do that? Simple. By putting your imagination to work and visualizing the incredible future you are going to carve out for yourself. It doesn’t matter if you currently make $35,000 a year, or you’re unemployed. Becoming a millionaire is about focusing on what you want, and bombarding each negative thought (“I’m going to be broke forever,” or “I’ll never get ahead”) into thoughts of believing and accepting that what you want is already coming true. Millionaires like myself never, ever come from an attitude of lack. I’m never thinking from the perspective of, “I wish I could get to that level, but I don’t think I have it in me.” If I felt that way, I’d never be able to go after the things I really want. I would have never been able to go from being $80,000 in debt, to charging $25,000 for a two hour session and being sought out by the elite of Hollywood! That’s because my thoughts dictated every single action I took to make more money, and to live a life of true abundance. Do you have a limiting or an abundant mindset? Take this quick quiz to find out 

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


To get a millionaire mindset, you first have to transform your thought processes from the negative to the positive. If and when your mind wanders towards any of the following statements, this is a sign you’re coming from a place of lack rather than prosperity: • “Maybe he/she can become a millionaire, but I just don’t think it’s in the cards for me.” • “I grew up poor. I don’t know how I can possibly make that leap into being a money making machine.” • “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” • Wealth is for those who were born into wealth. They have all the luck.” • “A lot of money scares me. I’m afraid I would just blow it and end up where I started.” • “I’m not smart enough, capable enough, and don’t know the right people who can help me become rich.” I’ll repeat what I said earlier because this is so important: In order to become rich, you first need to truly believe that you are deserving of money.


The Skill of Money Magnetism

Everyone deals with negative thoughts from time to time. It’s natural. You’re human. When I was thousands of dollars in debt and struggling to find a way to leverage my skills as a hypnotherapist, I dealt with all sorts of negative thoughts about what I didn’t or couldn’t have. But then I started taking control over my thoughts of limitation. How? By using turnaround statements. This is one of the quickest and simplest ways to start training your mind to believe that you can—in fact—become wealthy and financially free. Every time a negative thought came into my mind, I forced that thought away by replacing it with a positive one. I had a mental list of those positive affirmations in my mind, and it looked something like this: • “I am deserving of wealth, and it surrounds me in this moment.” • “I am successful, confident, bright, and high in demand.” • “Doors open up for me all the time, and I walk through them, knowing that I deserve each and every opportunity that comes my way.” • “Possibilities are everywhere.”

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


• “I surround myself with people who are wealthy and successful, and offer me the opportunity to further my success.” • “I am deserving of happiness, wealth and prosperity.” Turnaround statements transform your attitude of lack into one of wealth. It is the first step towards skyrocketing your bank account balance. Whether you want to make six figures, seven figures, or simply free yourself from debt so you can enjoy a financially free lifestyle, this WATCH NOW short video will get you started  http://www.totalmoneymagnetism. com/video As you begin to transform your limiting thoughts about money, you also need to start putting your imagination into action by visualizing exactly what you want. The trick to making visualizations work for you is by being specific. You can’t attract the right opportunities, people and circumstances if you don’t really know what you want.


The Skill of Money Magnetism

You can start by asking yourself the following things: • What does the perfect vacation, home, or car look like for me? • What does my ideal lifestyle feel like? • How do I want to spend my money? • How do I want others to see me? • What do I LOVE doing, that I can further my success in or turn into an opportunity to make money? As you think about your answers to these questions, close your eyes and picture those realities already coming true. Try to imagine how it will feel to have all this in your life. You don’t need to worry about the ‘how’ right now, just focus on visualizing all of those amazing things happening for you. Practice these turnaround statements and visualizations every day, even if it’s just 5 minutes when you wake up or before you go to sleep. Before you go to sleep is a particularly powerful time to do this as it triggers your brain to work on making your goals become reality as you sleep. It sounds simple, but the more you practice this, the more your mind will start to accept these powerful statements as being true for you - and the more you will become open to new wealth 6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


opportunities that will allow you to realize your dreams. Ready for more tips that will completely transform your money potential? Click on the link to my video, where I’ll show you how to make it all happen: ďƒ WATCH NOW


The Skill of Money Magnetism

Money Magnetism Skill #2: Maximize the Value of Your Time Once you start applying this second millionaire mindset skill to your daily life, opportunities to make more money and eliminate debt will appear from seemingly nowhere. This skill may sound simple, but what all millionaires know to be true is that every day is a new opportunity to grow your wealth, and to make the most of this opportunity, you need to maximize the value of your time. See, the secret to becoming rich is to learn how to make MORE money in LESS time. How do you do this? Well, the ultimate way to achieve this is to create a stream of passive income, where you continue to make money beyond your hours of working - even when you sleep. I don’t have the scope to cover that in this e-book, but you can WATCH NOW learn more about making that happen in your life here ďƒ http:// But when it comes to maximizing the value of your time, the first

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


steps are learning to use leverage, delegation, and prioritizing in your day-to-day life. Having a millionaire mindset means you are constantly thinking about the big picture (your goal to quadruple your income, live a financially-free lifestyle, or become hugely successful in your field). Keeping your eye on the big prize helps to do two things: 1) Motivates you to keep taking small regular action steps towards achieving your goal, and 2) Limits the amount of time you spend on things that don’t further your success. You need to spend your energy where it really counts—reading, forming connections, taking practical steps towards building your wealth, and taking advantage of opportunities for making multiple streams of income. How can you do all of that, while still maintaining your job, family life, and daily responsibilities? You need to free time from your schedule to put towards achieving your money making goals. Millionaires don’t doddle. They take action, by always having a todo list ready to go, with tasks listed in order of importance. They identify the less important tasks which give little value for your time, and look at how they can reduce those tasks to free up


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more time for the things that really count. A lot of people who have hit a roadblock in their careers come to me and tell me that they “never have enough time in a day”, and that “there is never enough time to get things done”. So the first thing I do when I hear this is sit down with that person and ask them to take me through what a typical day for them looks like. We go through the day hour-by-hour, and I ask them to record as much detail as possible, including things like housework, social media, and checking emails. Then we list things in order of importance, in terms of which of those daily tasks get them closer to their goals. Finally, we look at the things that are at the bottom of the list and see how time spent on those activates could be reduced or delegated – and how time spent on the most important things could be maximized. This is a powerful, eye-opening process that is important to do for your own life as you may be amazed as how much ‘fluff’ takes up time in your day. One of the things most self-made millionaires have mastered is delegating work to people they trust. Most millionaires would agree that they don’t have enough energy or time in their day to do every single thing it takes to make and attain their wealth alone. So, they look at how they can delegate

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tasks to others. Even if you could do some of these tasks yourself, that’s not the point. A millionaire doesn’t look at the cost of a cleaner and think ‘Why would I waste money paying someone to do something I could do myself?’ Instead they think, ‘My time is incredibly valuable and if I can use that time that I would have spent cleaning to work on projects and opportunities that will earn me money, then hiring a cleaner is a great investment’. Maybe you aren’t in a position just yet to be hiring your own cleaner, but you can still look at other ways you could be better leveraging your time. Leverage is not just about freeing your time so that you can attend to more pressing matters. It’s also about seeking the help of others who excel in areas that you don’t. Say you have a business that makes $4,000 a month and you want to double that amount (or triple it!), paying someone else to manage your daily operational tasks could be huge in helping you achieve your goal. I have a friend who makes millions that hires someone for just a few hours a week to do all of his calendar booking. He’s an extremely smart guy, but he has a difficult time remembering where he has to be and when. So, he did the smartest thing of all! He hired someone to help out with the little details in his life.


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Since he spends so much of his time on the ‘big picture’ (ideas for his next project, who he wants to partner up with, investments he wants to pursue), he hires someone else to focus on the small, everyday details. So, have a think about what you aren’t strongest with. Is it managing your finances? Is it your typing speed? Are you strong at planning and organizing, but don’t have the creativity that lures customers? Do you dream of starting an online business, but don’t have the experience necessary to set one up? Hiring someone to fill in the gaps—those tasks that you don’t have for as you begin to increase your wealth—is one of the keys to building ‘money momentum.’ So regardless of your financial situation right now, think about what you could hire someone else for. List five things (from cleaning your house, to managing your business) that paying someone else to do, right now or in the future, could pay off big time for you! 1) _________________________________________________

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2) _________________________________________________ 3) _________________________________________________ 4) _________________________________________________ 5) _________________________________________________ Your most important lesson to take away from this? Understand that you can’t become a millionaire by doing what you’ve always done. Habits need to change in order for your lifestyle to change. But, when you begin to leverage your time (thanks to the skills and talents of others), you’ll reach millionaire success faster than you can imagine. You have what it takes to make more money today! This 60 second personalized quiz will help you realize that:

Do YOU Have A Millionaire’s Brain?

Take the quiz now


The Skill of Money Magnetism

Money Magnetism Skill #3: Seek Out Advice From People Who Are Where You Want to Be One of the many things I learned from millionaires before I became one was that I wasn’t going to ever be able to get out of debt (at my lowest point I was $80,000 in the hole) if I kept talking to those who were in a similar situation in their life. It’s like they say, “Never take relationship advice from a single person.” If you want to become a millionaire, you need to think like a millionaire. And in order to think like a millionaire, you need to learn and take advice from the pros… the millionaires themselves. Repeat the following: Every successful person you meet and every interaction you have with them is an opportunity to increase your wealth. As I’ve mentioned before, one of the biggest differences in how millionaires think is that they never, EVER think it terms of lack.

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


Nothing is impossible. Rather, everything is a possibility. And for you to start thinking this way, this may mean challenging some deep-rooted beliefs. Change your mindset, and change your income. Find out how to do WATCH NOW that here  My good friend and internet marketing guru Mark Ling has always said, “We’re taught in school to be at the bottom of the food chain, we’re not really being set up for success.” Mark knows what he’s talking about. Mark made his fortune at a very early age (in his early 30’s) and he knows that being a millionaire requires dismissing what others (society, teachers, etc.) tell him is possible. He made his own ‘possible’ possible, as all super-successful people before him have done. So it’s important to note that getting ahead often starts by creating some of your own rules, as opposed to following the pack. If you’re surrounded by people who are making the same you are, what advice could they really give you about wealth strategy? If their own advice is so good, why aren’t they applying it themselves? The hard truth is that following the financial advice of someone who is struggling or just doing “okay” is never going to get you rich.


The Skill of Money Magnetism

Make this your mission instead: Seek out the advice of millionaires, and listen very carefully to what they have to say. If you know of someone succeeding in a way YOU want to succeed, contact them and ask if you can pick their brain. You never know of the opportunities this could lead to. Don’t know a lot of millionaires? That’s okay. The best place to start is by researching and reading books by successful people who are doing amazing things and living the kind of lives that appeal to you. Do you know what that does? It fuels your appetite to learn more, and gives you new thoughts, attitudes and perspectives about increasing wealth—which is a huge step towards making it happen in your own life! And someone who isn’t very successful wants to give you their financial advice (your father, best friend, that old college buddy that seems to know a lot without having much to show for it), kindly thank them for their willingness to help, and then excuse yourself. Instead, pick up a book or watch a video about wealth—by none other than the wealthy. Here’s where the Law of Attraction comes into play, and why I love to mentor others on this millionaire skill. The Law of Attraction is about the idea that your thoughts become

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


your reality. Whatever you think about, dwell on, and believe, really does come into your life—for good or bad. So the more that you research the pathway to wealth, read other people’s success stories, and believe in your own bright, successful future, the more you will transform your reality. If you truly believe that you’re going to become a best-selling author, investor, owner of a successful business, or rise to the top of your company, you will. On the other hand, if you focus your attention on ‘lack’ – how little money is in your bank account, your fear of never landing that promotion, or being jealous of others, you’re only repelling money and opportunities from your life. That’s not what millionaires do. And it’s not how they think.

With Dr. Joe Vitale, star of The Secret

Instead, millionaires focus on what they can do to CHANGE their situation. How? By constantly reading, watching, and learning – to keep up with the game and upskill themselves. Are you ready to become a millionaire? Then take this quiz and begin the process 


The Skill of Money Magnetism

One thing that really sets millionaires apart from those who are merely working to pay the bills (and not feeling much satisfaction as a result) is their attitude about learning. Life is their classroom, and the learning process never ends – no matter how successful they become. Especially in today’s ever-changing technological world, if you get complacent for too long, you can soon get left behind. Millionaires are always learning from other successful people and reflecting on their successes and failures. For example, if someone they look up to started a new business that flopped, they may think to themselves, “Ok. So, A, B and G didn’t work for them, but C, D, E and F did. Good to know.” They might take that information—what that person did well which succeeded and what they did that flopped—and implement it for their own gain. They are open to learning from everything they hear, witness, and observe, in order to propel their success. Whether they are striving towards doubling their income, expanding their business, getting promoted, or founding a new technological empire, millionaires read A LOT. They understand that whatever goal they have in place, there is a solution. The trick is finding it, implementing it, and searching out others who will support it.

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


So make it a goal of yours to read one book or success story every week. Some great authors (and millionaires, of course) include: Jack Canfield, Suze Orman, Richard Templar, Tony Robbins, and Wayne Dyer. Pick someone that interests you, and learn as much as you can about them and their journey to success. Where did they start in life? What was the turning point(s) for them? How did they change their mindset about money? What steps did they take to make more? If reading isn’t your thing, then try watching YouTube videos, following blogs, listening to audiobooks, or attending the webinars of self-made millionaires. As you will soon discover, every millionaire has their own approach to work, to their lifestyle, and to how they increase their wealth. But beneath all the obvious differences, the driving force of their success is the same. Learn from other self-made millionaires, and see your success grow. Their lessons will become an invaluable asset, allowing you to go from the income you’ve always had, to the income you’ve always wanted! Find out more about my done-for-you program which combines neurological mindset upgrades with practical millionaire wealthWATCH NOW building strategies here  video


The Skill of Money Magnetism

Money Magnetism Skill #4: Work Smarter, Not Harder I always like to tell my clients that the best way to keep the ‘money momentum’ going is to work smarter, not harder. And by this I mean, getting more done and making more money by putting in the same amount of effort. But most people never accept this mindset. It’s not that we don’t want to (who doesn’t want to work less in order to make more?) but many people are held back by the limiting belief that money and success equates to ‘hard work and sacrifice’. As the hypnotherapist to the stars, I can tell you that everyone has limiting beliefs to work on. Whether you’re looking to change your day job or you’re already a Hollywood superstar, it’s all the same. Everyone struggles with limiting thoughts that hinder opportunities for a happier, passionate and more prosperous life. It’s normal. You’re human. But if you want to change your income, attract more opportunities to increase wealth, and enhance your quality of life, your approach to work has to change. Did you grow up learning (and observing by watching your dad or mom) that in order to be successful in your career and to make big money, you have to work like a dog?

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


Well, in reality… ‘Working like a dog’ is usually one foolproof method to get stuck in a rut and continue to struggle with money. While you do have to commit to your goal and put in effort towards making it happen (as all millionaires have done), you don’t have to struggle to get there. (Learn more about identifying your own limitations with money by taking my free personalized quiz: http://www. Millionaires know that you don’t have to work harder to make more money. You just have to work smarter. One of the best ways to do this? Getting in the ‘zone’ during your peak performance time/s of the day. Or in other words, getting into your “flow”. It works like this: Everyone has a time of the day or night when they are most productive, energized, and creative. For example, all some people need is a good cup of coffee first thing in the morning to put them at full speed ahead for a productive morning of work. Others take a while to fully wake up, and find their after-lunch


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schedule is best for completing projects and deadlines. It’s when their mind is focused, and their productivity is at an all-time high. Whereas other people (myself included) might find they are actually the most focused at night. To figure out what your peak performance time is, ask yourself the following questions: 1) What time of the day or night do I seem most focused and energized? Is it during the morning, in the afternoon, or at nighttime? 2) What time of the day do I have the least amount of distractions (meetings, phone calls, family commitments, etc.)? 3) What time of the day do I have an uninterrupted block of time to concentrate on projects that allow me to be ‘in the zone’? Once you become aware of your peak performance time, the key is to plan the rest of your schedule around it so you can maximize that time and get more achieved than you ever used to – without having to put in more effort. You can utilize it to implement that winning idea, work on creating that new stream of income, or excel at your job so you can get that promotion you’ve been striving for. Find ways to continue working for as long as possible when you are in your ‘zone.’ Millionaires know that when they are acutely

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focused and their concentration is at an all-time high, they should continue on. The phone call can wait. The skype session with your best friend can be put on hold for an extra 30 minutes. Working smarter, not harder is a golden rule for wealth creation.


The Skill of Money Magnetism

Money Magnetism Skill #5: Make Procrastination a Thing of the Past Another rule of the rich is eliminating procrastination. This may be one of the more challenging habits to break, but once you do, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can get achieved and how many more opportunities become open to you. The thing is, I know so many people with huge skill and talent that waste their time on things that never help them to get ahead. They fixate on why they aren’t making more money and why they aren’t further ahead in their goals, but the answer lies right under their nose. They are wasting time on mindless tasks and distractions that inhibit their wealth potential. For example, you can’t ever attain financial freedom if you’re spending all of your free time checking emails, or being distracted by the latest celebrity or sports news on your newsfeed. That’s all time wasted. Have you ever known a truly rich and successful person who seemed to be so cluttered in thought that they never got around to finishing things? They don’t really exist. Millionaires that continue to expand and increase

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their wealth do so by eliminating the cluttered mind. They do this with a clear focused train of thought—and they do THIS by eliminating procrastination and taking advantage of their peak performance times of the day. Procrastination often comes into play when you have so many tasks to eliminate from your growing to-do list, that you become overwhelmed. As a result of having so much to do, you end up do nothing at all. Let me set up for you how easy procrastination can be a player in your life. Imagine it’s a Tuesday morning and you’re at work, with a lot to accomplish by the end of the day. You have multiple programs open on your computer: a word doc, emails, YouTube video, and growing list of tasks from your boss. You feel stressed with all you have to do, which takes your focus away from the most important task that really needs to get done. You might get part-way into it, but then hit a roadblock and convince yourself a cup of coffee will clear your mind.


The Skill of Money Magnetism

You get into a conversation with a co-worker and soon half the morning is gone, and you’re no closer to hitting your deadlines. Does this sound familiar? If procrastination is a problem for you, and you’re not great at time management and staying on top of your workload, here are some simple but effective tips successful people live by: • Create a to-do list, where tasks are listed in order of importance. The simple act of creating a to-do list gets you motivated for having a productive day and sets your brain into motion. Make sure you list tasks in order of highest priority. Then take a look at your to-list list, and set an appropriate timeframe to get each thing done. Do you have some tasks that aren’t urgent but you don’t want to forget about, either? Place them in an ideas folder, and set them aside for a later time, such as a Friday afternoon when you have accomplished all of your major tasks for the week and can afford to slow down. • Accomplish your hardest task first. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s an awful feeling to know that no matter how many other little things you get done, you still have

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that big looming task waiting for you in the background. So even if you have a million things to accomplish by the end of the day, commit to completing the hardest, most time-intensive task first. • Break big tasks into smaller, more achievable action steps. Breaking tasks up into smaller steps can reduce those feelings of being overwhelmed and make it easier to get started. • Visualize yourself accomplishing each task. To further set yourself up for success, take a moment to play out in your mind how you want each task to go. Visualize yourself doing the task, and how great it will feel to have accomplished it at the end. • Minimize distractions. When you get to work, turn off your email alerts. Put some head phones on to eliminate outside noise, and set yourself up for 90 minutes of uninterrupted power-working. Once the 90 minutes is up, you can give yourself a short break. But reduce the chance you are going to get interrupted during your power-working time as much as possible. • Celebrate your success.


The Skill of Money Magnetism

Take a moment whenever you tick something of your list to celebrate that achievement, whether that means giving yourself a virtual high five, taking a coffee break, or throwing a party. Recognizing and celebrating your success is a huge part of building momentum and getting closer to achieving your dream goals. Are you ready to become a Money Magnet? Discover the steps DISCOVER NOW here ďƒ

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


Money Magnetism Skill #6: Commit to Spreading Your Wealth and Success

The last millionaire mindset skill that I want to share with you today means something extra special to me. If it wasn’t for someone else sharing their knowledge with me (when I was $80,000 in debt and struggling in every single way you could imagine), then perhaps I would have never become a millionaire, and richer than my wildest dreams could have imagined. But the fact is, someone did come through for me. In fact, it was a simple gesture – awakening my mind to the tools I needed to GROW WEALTH, rather than simply helping me out


The Skill of Money Magnetism

of debt – that led me to change my thinking, which changed my actions, which led me to everything I have achieved today. And that’s why now, I’m passionate about sharing my success and helping YOU to become a millionaire. Let me make one thing clear: It IS all possible for you—the rich, happy, successful future you dream of. And just like me, you don’t have to get there on your own. Because all millionaires know that it wasn’t totally, 100 percent their own actions and drive that got them there. It was also the support of others. It brought them opportunities to create multiple streams of income. It enabled them to leverage their skills to a whole new level. In some cases, it sparked an idea that changed everything. But no matter what, it was partly the talent, advice, and kindness of others that helped them to get there. And the most successful millionaires don’t let themselves forget this. Instead, they use their gratitude to fuel their desire to help others. The most successful people believe that spreading the wealth is the key to continuing to build their own wealth. I’m a big believer in giving back and helping out when I can. In fact, when I started to really build wealth, I began to think more

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about the many ways that others had helped me on my journey to success, and how I could do the same for others. Staying true to the Law of Attraction, part of attracting more wealth into your life is being committed to sharing that wealth or using it to help others. What I wish more people would know is that the ‘greedy, filthy rich’ stereotype only applies to a small percentage of the wealthy who are ultimately unhappy and self-serving. Most people who have achieved financial freedom believe that a key part of continuing the ‘money momentum’ is about sharing their wealth, opportunities, and life experiences with others. Here’s why. As we talked about earlier, according to the Law of Attraction, everything and everyone is made up of energy. It’s your feelings and thoughts (jealousy, sadness, joy, excitement, passion, altruism, fear, anger, envy) that place you on a high energetic vibration or a low one. When you’re feeling happy, excited, grateful, and satisfied with who you are and what you have in your life, you’re operating on a high energetic frequency. Because of this, you naturally attract more money and


The Skill of Money Magnetism

opportunities, which are drawn to your positive energy. On the other hand, if you’re feeling sad, helpless, angry, and jealous of what others have, it’s almost impossible to attract good things into your life. Instead, you only continue to attract more of the same. With this in mind, millionaires who are proud of what they do and what they have achieved WANT to help others and give back. They know that there is plenty of money and success to go around, and by helping others, the money will continue to flow. They don’t grip onto their money like hoarders but instead think from the mindset that money is abundant and there will continue to be opportunities to make money throughout the days, weeks, and years to come. In other words, the more you give to others – financially, mentally, and emotionally - the more you’ll receive in return. Successful, forward-thinking people believe that the more they help others along the way, the more others will be willing to help them. And this is how many successful business partnerships begin. Celebrating the success of others means that there will also be more people around to celebrate YOUR success. So as you focus on your own financial goals, think about the big picture. How can you help someone increase their success while also increasing your own?

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


Committing to spreading your success and mentoring others when they need it automatically resets your mindset into one of abundance. Even starting with small gestures such as buying a friend a cup of coffee will reinforce to your brain that you are financially abundant, and are no longer stuck on the dead-end street of scarcity. Do you have the mindset of a millionaire? Find out how you can unlock your rich, abundant future in>>this 60-second DISCOVER NOWquiz ďƒ http://


The Skill of Money Magnetism

The End of this Report is Just the Beginning…

You’ve just read about the six millionaire mindset skills that you can start implementing in your life today in order to transform your mindset to one of abundance. Congratulations – this is the first key to realizing your wealth potential. But, it is just the start…

The secret to effortlessly magnetizing wealth is not only to adopt an abundant mindset, but to replace any mental barriers to wealth with new “rich brain” programming. Allow me to explain. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, multimillionaire and success

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


coach, I’m educated in how the brain works and the role that our subconscious plays in directing our behavior and our lives. I’ve made a career out of helping thousands of people to remove blocks from their subconscious minds, in order to attract more money, happiness, and success. And today, I want to help you do the same. Click on the link below, where I’ve created a short, personalized quiz that will identify how close YOUR brain is to a millionaire’s brain (and what you can do to “upgrade” your mental programming to start effortlessly attracting wealth):

Do YOU Have A Millionaire’s Brain?

Take the quiz now After you take the quiz, you’ll get access to my FREE video presentation, where I explain the neurological millionaire-mind secret that allowed me to go from being $80,000 in debt to owning my own company, writing over two dozen books, and becoming a multimillionaire. You’ll discover all of the tools you need to transform your brain, so that you can say goodbye to debt forever and start making every one of your dreams become reality.


The Skill of Money Magnetism

Seize the opportunity to learn from a self-made millionaire, who knows what it takes to achieve true abundance. Wealth is waiting. Let it in ïƒ DISCOVER INSIDE THE VIDEO video

To your incredible success,

Dr. Steve G. Jones

6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Like a MILLIONAIRE!


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