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Creativity and Parkinson’s History The Creativity and Parkinson’s Project, led by the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF), seeks to explore, support and encourage the therapeutic value of creativity in people living with Parkinson’s. Evidence suggests that creative activities — from painting to dancing, sculpting, singing and even exercise — may reduce, or even temporarily relieve symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. This can be truly liberating for people living daily with the physical limitations brought on by this debilitating disease. Launched at the first World Parkinson Congress (WPC) in 2006, the Creativity and Parkinson’s Project included a hugely popular exhibition that featured the artwork of 186 people with Parkinson’s disease from 13 different countries. This exhibition included art in a variety of media, including among others, painting, poetry, sculpting, dancing, jewelry making and photography.
To ensure that the value of creativity continued to be explored by the Parkinson’s community, PDF launched in 2006 an online gallery featuring the works of the artists included at the first WPC. Today, the gallery has grown to include the artwork of nearly 300 artists living with Parkinson’s. Their inspirational works can be found at www.pdf.org/en/creativity. As an extension of this initiative, PDF launched in 2009 the Parkinson’s Quilt Project. The Quilt Project gave people all over the world the chance to express their support of people living with Parkinson’s, and to honor their loved ones who are no longer living, by creating a personalized quilt panel.
My quilt panel ... was meant to be a symbol of hope for the futures of people with Parkinson's. Joanna Steichen
This book is dedicated as a memorial to Joanna Steichen, who passed away on July 25, 2010. She was a passionate supporter of the Parkinson’s Quilt Project and believer in the therapeutic value of creativity for people living with Parkinson’s.
Quilt Planning Committee Jean Burns | Sun Lakes, AZ Kay Mixson Jenkins | Springfield, GA Charlene “Pokie” Pryor | Vandalia, IL
Joanna Steichen | New York, NY Linda Webb | Williams, AZ Peggy Willocks | Johnson City, TN
PDF Staff Matthew DePace Elizabeth Pollard Ivy Rook
Volunteer Beth Murphy
Advisors Ann Loeb Sharon Stone
September 2010 Dear Friends: It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you to the first Parkinson’s Quilt, a project developed by the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) to help focus world attention on the nearly one million people in the US — and seven to 10 million people worldwide — living with Parkinson's disease (PD). In particular, I would like to recognize the more than 600 individuals — people living with PD, care partners, family members, friends and others — who created the panels that comprise the quilt. These individuals illustrate the truly global nature of the quilt, and of Parkinson’s disease; they hail from 14 countries, including 46 of the 50 US states, and four of Canada’s 13 provinces. Each quilt panel has a story to tell, whether it was created by a person with Parkinson’s about his or her experience, or by a care partner, family member or friend, in honor of their loved one living with PD. As you browse through each panel, we hope you are as inspired and touched by these stories as we are. We at PDF must also express our gratitude to those whose generosity and dedication helped to make the quilt a reality. Among these are our planning committee members, volunteers, sponsors and donors.
We are pleased to let you know that the Parkinson’s Quilt, after its first display at the 2nd World Parkinson Congress in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, will become available to you and others around the globe to display in your own communities. With this in mind, lastly, we thank you, our quilt viewers, for your interest in the quilt and its many contributors. May the quilt strengthen your commitment to find a cure for Parkinson’s. After all, the quilt aims to raise awareness of the impact that Parkinson’s has on people living with and affected by it, and to illustrate our continued urgency to find a cure. We hope that by sharing the quilt — not only today in Scotland, but also in coming days with you, so that you may share it with your friends, family and neighbors around the globe — that, together, we will succeed in that mission. Sincerely yours,
Robin Anthony Elliott Executive Director
How to Use This Book This book features 39 quilt blocks that make up the Parkinson’s Quilt Project. Each block is made up of 16 panels. The names of the individuals and groups /organizations that created each panel are listed in alphabetical order in the index at the end of this book. To find an individual or group/organization’s quilt, search by the first letter of the last name of
the individual, or the first letter of the group/organization. On each quilt block page, the names of the quilters are listed next to each block. The names are listed in groups of four, corresponding to the four rows of panels in each block, with the first name of each group corresponding to the far left panel.
Park N Sons martini bar & lounge (always shaken, never stirred) Anyone who knows this disease is well aware of the fact that during its relentless progression, you’ve got to find a way to take a little something back to try to help yourself keep things in perspective. Symptomatic since I was 27, I have to look forward to living most of my life with this unwelcomed visitor, unless there is a cure found soon.
I am an artist and I paint in my Virginia studio almost every day. I do very detailed work. Among my initial fears was that I'd lose control of my steady hand. I often joke with friends that if that happens, I'll just become an abstract expressionist.
My panel represents one of the lighthearted approaches I’ve taken towards dealing with PD’s obstacles. This thinking, combined with tons of love and support from my family and friends, helps me to get through it all. Within the faux stained glass in my panel, I’ve listed people, places, and things that have touched my life at some point.
The cure will come; probably too late for me, but we must work toward that goal by raising funds and consciousness. The Parkinson's Quilt Project is a great way to do that and I am happy that I am able to contribute.
Larry Schneider Jr. Block 1
Although I have had Parkinson’s disease for over eight years now, I am still able to spend time in and enjoy my small garden. With this in mind, my panel depicts a simple garden theme. A secondary theme of the quilt panel is “every cloud has a silver lining.” The “cloud” of Parkinson’s disease has introduced me to my “silver lining.” This came about when I read in our local newspaper about a group of people with Parkinson’s who got together once a week for an art session under the guidance of Anne Atkin, herself a person with Parkinson’s. This session has become my “silver lining” and I spend many hours every week painting and drawing. I really enjoy creating colorful images with pastels, pencils, acrylic paints, etc., and it replaces negative thoughts with pleasant ones.
Heather Eager Block 1
I am 73 years old and was diagnosed with PD 18 months ago. My first reaction was despair, but after a few months I realized I was controlling it with medication, although it is progressing in small ways.
Block 2
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s almost six years ago at the age of 44. As a single, independent career woman, the news was devastating to me. It took a while, but I eventually learned that this is a life sentence, not a death sentence. I still live a full life. I work full-time as a designer in the apparel industry and I have a full social life, even more so now that I have met a whole new group of friends through my support group and volunteer work. My real passion is painting, and I have begun showing my work professionally in the last two years. This panel comes from lessons experienced in my journey with this disease. These lessons are gifts, and I chose a bouquet of tulips as the symbol to represent them. Living with PD has opened me up to receiving spiritual gifts, something I would have avoided or overlooked before. This disease has shown me patience, but not merely in dealing with a slower-paced life. I have been given the gift of patience with others, something I could never have learned without first experiencing my own physical and mental struggles. The other gift is charity. Forgiveness and understanding now occupy a once empty corner of my heart, and have given me a much greater capacity and desire to help others in any way I can. For these gifts I am grateful. Beverly Lavender
Alan Rubin
Block 3
Personal Statements
Block 1
Linda Feinberg Wilmette, IL, USA
Susan Murray Voorhees, NJ, USA
Judi Jecmen Jefferson City, MO, USA
Duk Kyung Cho Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
Jin Kyoung Choae Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
Barbara Feinberg Wilmette, IL, USA
Sharon Standish Marysville, WA, USA
Lisa Foley Edmond, OK, USA
Ans Muller & Jane Gray Vancouver, BC, CANADA
Sharon Standish Marysville, WA, USA
Lois Schneider Wilmette, IL, USA
Heather Eager Berwick, VIC, AUSTRALIA
Larry Schneider Jr. Gibbsboro, NJ, USA
Judi Jecmen Jefferson City, MO, USA
Mary Huizinga San Francisco, CA, USA
Lenore Laverty Morden, MB, CANADA
Block 2
Kim Vitcenda Cade Viroqua, WI, USA
Patricia Bissell Parrish, FL, USA
Greg Gatesy Gaylord, MI, USA
Alan Rubin Delaplane, VA, USA
Parkinson’s UK-Newcastle Branch Newcastle, UNITED KINGDOM
Wanda Milton South Pasadena, CA, USA
Alison Paolini Paradise, CA, USA
Bismarck Parkinson's Support Group Bismarck, ND, USA
Cheryl Majeske Quinton, VA, USA
Alison Paolini Paradise, CA, USA
Wanda Milton South Pasadena, CA, USA
Annelies Massey Duncan, BC, CANADA
Lynette Jacobs Prescott, AZ, USA
Eric Smith Glen Arm, MD, USA
Team Parkinson Kingston, NJ, USA
Edith Schwartz Corona, NY, USA
Block 3
Anne Atkin Hallam, VIC, AUSTRALIA
Parkinson's Disease Foundation New York, NY, USA
Diana Smyser Surprise, AZ, USA
Beverly Lavender Toronto, ON, CANADA
Patricia Sherrick Delphos, OH, USA
Beverly Lavender Toronto, ON, CANADA
Patricia Sherrick Delphos, OH, USA
Parkinson's Disease Foundation New York, NY, USA
Patricia Yarnold Rochester Hills, MI, USA
Patricia Sherrick Delphos, OH, USA
Beverly Lavender Toronto, ON, CANADA
Joanna Steichen New York, NY, USA
Pamela Moulton Port St. Lucie, FL, USA
Beverly Lavender Toronto, ON, CANADA
Charlene Snyder Glen Mills, PA, USA
Patricia Sherrick Delphos, OH, USA
Diagnosed in 2007 at age 47, I decided that while some things might be more challenging now, I would try to spend more time enjoying creative pursuits. I find it brings peace when I am feeling anxious and tremendous satisfaction! When I heard about the giant Quilt Project, I felt that this would be a wonderful way to honor our Support Group: to say thank you to our families and for the close friendships we have made within our group. Vancouver Broadway Support Group may not be able to go to Glasgow, but we would like to be there in spirit through our collage! We hope Panel 2083 will be bound to the giant quilt, just as we are bound here by friendship. Going to Glasgow this fall? Look for our panel. It was made with love.
Block 6
My panel began as a general design for the Parkinson’s Quilt. It was meant to be a symbol of hope for the futures of people with Parkinson's. And it still is that. But as it grew, the theme of music took over. Acrobats became dancers; a piano and sheets of music appeared. I have always loved and needed music: piano, opera, folk, liturgical, Bach, Beethoven, the list never ends. But in the last ten years of coping with late onset Parkinson's, I've discovered how important music can be for our daily functioning. Strong rhythms improve balance and movement, singing for breath and voice, melody for joy or sorrow, and chords or harmony for the power of companionship. The panel then became part of a quilt block (block 4) dedicated to the power of music for PD. Music for PD! PD for music!
Block 4
When I first told my darling family that I had Parkinson's, the news was met with hugs, lots of love, and questions. As time went by, I began to realize that many of the questions were actually musings by each child and grandchild about not only the quality of my life, but about their lives also. When the Quilt Project was offered as a way to spread the message about Parkinson's and a way to express ideas about this disease, I immediately thought about my family's questions. Based on Mother Theresa's own thoughts about life, I asked members of my family to choose one of the sentiments that most closely reflected what life meant to them. This panel represents their answers, and I feel it reflects the joy and hope that ultimately colors all of our days.
Susan Allan
Joanna Steichen
Helen Gerry Block 6
My husband, Vernon McMurtry, suffers from Parkinson’s disease. The kaleidoscopes in this panel represent the uncertainty, anxiety, and fear that this diagnosis engenders. As the disease progresses, there are additional problems to cope with and new challenges to be met by both patient and caregiver. The restful blues and greens incorporated in the panel represent the eventual acceptance of the disease as part of our lives. They also represent our determination to enjoy every day to the fullest and to remain ever hopeful that a cure will be found very, very soon. Creativity helps us remain positive and happy people.
Kathleen McMurtry Block 6
Personal Statements
Block 4
Springfield, GA, USA
Peggy Willocks Johnson City, TN, USA
Sharon Stone Morristown, NJ, USA
Linda Webb Williams, AZ, USA
Larry Schneider Jr. Gibbsboro, NJ, USA
Joanna Steichen New York, NY, USA
Davanna Saari Lanesville, IN, USA
Cynthia Craven
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation’s Music Quilt
Kay Mixson Jenkins
Asheboro, NC, USA
Aiko Kawabe Flagstaff, AZ, USA
Audrey Gray Sanner Decatur, IL, USA
Miriam Pizarro Miami, FL, USA
Nancy Wood South Deerfield, MA, USA
Parkies Jammin Smithland, KY, USA
Elena Tuero Freehold, NJ, USA
Club CREATE- Struthers PD Center Golden Valley, MN, USA
Kim Vitcenda Cade Viroqua, WI, USA
Block 5
Eleanore Hull Port Jefferson, NY, USA
Louise Colalillo Duluth, MN, USA
Lois Cole Des Moines, IA, USA
Janice Catton Chatham, ON, CANADA
Carol Bersan Manchaca, TX, USA
Eleanore Hull Port Jefferson, NY, USA
Sandra Zander King Island, TAS, AUSTRALIA
Katherine for PCC Neurowriters Philadelphia, PA, USA
Katherine for PCC Neurowriters Philadelphia, PA, USA
Lisa Longacher Castle Rock, CO, USA
Eleanore Hull Port Jefferson, NY, USA
Carol Cassidy Centennial, CO, USA
Cynthia Ho Dudley, West Midlands, UNITED KINGDOM
Patricia Cole Elmira, NY, USA
Patricia Sherrick Delphos, OH, USA
Eleanore Hull Port Jefferson, NY, USA
Block 6
Sharon Stark Wellston (Hoxeyville), MI, USA
Esther Bass Bedford, MA, USA
Patricia Morris Irvington, VA, USA
Nancy Rodriquenz Westminster, MA, USA
Linda Spencer Salisbury, NC, USA
Kathleen McMurtry Betty's Bay, Western Cape, SOUTH AFRICA
Mary E. Booth Urbandale, IA, USA
Caralyn Turner Loveland, CO, USA
Mona Ampudia La Habra, CA, USA
Helen Gerry Polson, MT, USA
Gail Poynter Ramona, CA, USA
Audrey Gray Sanner Decatur, IL, USA
Susan Allan Maple Ridge, BC, CANADA
Sheryl Allen San Jose, CA, USA
Judie Renfrow Tucson, AZ, USA
Pamela Smith Murfreesboro, TN, USA
I have a dream that in my lifetime there will be a cure for Parkinson's. I had a dream about my quilt panel. It was all puzzle pieces. The pieces are jumbled at the top of the panel and at the bottom, some puzzle pieces are fitting together, while some are still trying to find their place. All it will take is one puzzle piece to fit just right and we will have a breakthrough for a cure.
Over the course of his treatment,Tom has been blessed with many caring people whose names are embroidered on the edges of the square. And, of course, there's me, his #1 supporter. Because of this group, Tom has been given the opportunity to undergo deep brain stimulation surgery this coming May. This is just the beginning of finding a cure for this disease. It will take the courage of many, but together we will solve this puzzle.
I am an artist and a quilter. I have Parkinson’s. I also have creativity and that keeps me active and alive in mind, body, and spirit. A cure for Parkinson’s is my dream. I pray every day for that one piece of the puzzle that will make the difference.
Lynne Stefanetti
• Measure twice, cut once. • Take care of your family and your home. • Feed the birds. • Be modest. (Few people know that dad worked with Travelers Insurance Company, Friedan Computers, and Western Union to create the beginnings of what we now know as the Internet.) • Ice cream is better from the ice cream truck. • Save everything — you never know when you'll need it. (Not a single piece of fabric was purchased for this project!) • Never walk if you can drive a tractor. • Any day fishing or boating is a good day. • Wash the windshield before you get on the highway, and always wave good-bye.
Block 7
Parkinson's had a profound effect on my father, George Lukens. The center of the panel is Dad sailing his restored dinghy on Cape Cod. The panel remembers dad and all his lessons:
Pat Lukens Block 7
My panel is dedicated to my husband, Tom. Since the onset of his disease six years ago, we have been faced with many different challenges. This is best illustrated by my choice of the game of Scrabble. You have to figure things out to the best of your ability with what you are given. Sometimes that's an easy task and sometimes not.
Kathleen Diez Block 9
Three months before retiring at the age of 60, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I knew almost nothing about PD. After researching, reading, listening, and interacting with others with PD, I am still “puzzled” by the many ways PD changes the lives of millions, and we still do not have all the pieces of the puzzle that will lead to a cure. Determined to participate in this project, I had a design idea, a pattern, a fabric selected, a 221 Featherweight sewing machine (a quilters dream, I’m told) and NO QUILTING SKILLS! However, I knew someone who could instruct me!! With the help of my talented sister-in-law, Betty Connolly, the “Parkinson’s Puzzle” is my contribution to the PD Quilt Project. Black pieces represent the “unknown” while colored/design pieces represent the progress made as research continues to put the pieces together to find a cure.
Gayla Doughty Block 8
Personal Statements
Block 7
Rebecca Breedlove Kingston Springs, TN, USA
Michelle Jacobowitz Canton, GA, USA
Mindy Kirsten Andersen Ellensburg, WA, USA
Sheryl Wilson Antioch, CA, USA
Lynne Stefanetti Paradise, CA, USA
Karen Sampsell Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Pat Lukens Marlborough, MA, USA
June D'Anieri Westerville, OH, USA
Christine Rhea Sevierville, TN, USA
Patricia Huffman Boone, NC, USA
Katherine Arehart Bunker Hill, WV, USA
Cheryl Rykken Fremont, WI, USA
Linda Macke Camano Island, WA, USA
Yvonne Blake Katoomba, NSW, AUSTRALIA
Paris Harrison Greenville, SC, USA
Ila Patlogan Flossmoor, IL, USA
Block 8
Barbara Backus Johnson, VT, USA
Patricia Healy Cedar Rapids, IA, USA
Mary Hjalmarson Cardiff By the Sea, CA, USA
Rachel Brumer Seattle, WA, USA
Elizabeth Anne Traverse Pearland, TX, USA
Gayla Doughty Hurricane, WV, USA
Irene Novichihin Mount Angel, OR, USA
Suzanne Goldman Sebring, FL, USA
Bethany Convent St. Paul, MN, USA
Linda Habenstreit Springfield, VA, USA
Carole and Jen Hatke Itasca, IL, USA
Kathleen Broaddus Moweaqua, IL, USA
Georgia Rancourt Fairfield, ME, USA
Barbara Dill Tacoma, WA, USA
Judi Sechter Merrick, NY, USA
Maralyn Claycomb Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Block 9
Laura Sanger Houston, TX, USA
Linda Armstrong Aurora, IN, USA
Cindy Edison Sturgis, SD, USA
Elena Tuero Freehold, NJ, USA
Jean Hamilton Bellingham, WA, USA
Eleanor Flowers' Children Independence, MO, USA
Rebecca Peyton Manassas Park, VA, USA
Gracia Clark Bloomington, IN, USA
Miriam Pizarro Miami, FL, USA
Karen DeGraaf Elizabeth, IN, USA
Lynda Robson Richmond, BC, CANADA
Valley Golden Living Center Saint Marys, OH, USA
Janice Wiseman Kareela, AUSTRALIA
Melanie Votaw Brooklyn, NY, USA
Maria L. De Leon, M.D. Nacogdoches, TX, USA
Kathleen Diez Aurora, CO, USA
My husband Augie D'Alonzo was diagnosed with Parkinson's over thirteen years ago. He is 68 years old, and we have been married for the last 46 years. Calling him the "Mighty Oak" is a perfect description. He has never let this disease take over him physically and mentally, and has fought to live a normal life. With the support of me, our five sons, their wives, our seven grand-children, and our faith, we are helping him live a full and active life. He is an inspiration to us all, especially our daughter-in-law, Patti, who had breast cancer. He showed her how to face adversity and fight it with a confident attitude. The branches of Augie's oak tree might bend, but they won't break. I designed this quilt panel with these thoughts in mind, and I hope the viewer sees that with a positive mind and support of family that you can fight Parkinson's.
The Quilt program is a reflection in terms of folk art, of the kaleidoscope of experiences that came with Parkinson’s disease. There is the immediate shock of one’s physical shortcomings, followed by adaptation to a new form of life, necessitated by the change. Prominent in my mind is the re-learning of tying a knot, or wearing a tie, doing up one’s shoelaces, buttoning one’s clothes, eating with only a spoon, and above all a new exercise regime. It can be done!
Sleem Majidulla Block 12
Rita D'Alonzo Block 10
This panel is a tribute to my dad. Accepting that Parkinson’s was now a permanent part of his life, our Abu (Dad) Haroon decided to befriend his disease rather than view it as an enemy. Fondly naming it “Pinky D,” he founded the Pakistan Parkinson’s Society — a small group to raise awareness and provide support for Parkinson’s patients in Pakistan. He has made his pink shirt a signature statement for seminars, workshops, and corporate events. The pink shirt represents confidence and dedication to his cause with the hope and inspiration he wants to see in all patients, families, and friends.
Shahzadi Shoaib Block 12
This photograph is of one of my oil paintings and a written reflection that shows how art helps me to express and to cope with the emotional isolation caused by PD. My family and friends have no idea what I face on a daily basis. I hide my struggles as much as possible, in order to enjoy being a friend — just a friend — and not “a friend with PD.” As a result, I am happier when with people, but lonelier when alone. I took the advice of a wise friend who told me to learn to be happy with my own company. I grew less dependent on TV and movies to drown out my loneliness, and started painting again, adjusting my style to accommodate lost fine motor skills. The result is a body of work far more compelling than my pre-PD paintings.
Marie Louise Hagen
Block 10
Personal Statements
Block 10
Margaret Magic Bellingham, WA, USA
Judith Hendelman Forest Hills, NY, USA
Karen Dell Elmhurst, IL, USA
Mildred Cushman Houston, TX, USA
Sheila Bopp Maineville, OH, USA
Niska Montreal, QC, CANADA
Niska Montreal, QC, CANADA
Carolyn Weimer Cleveland, OH, USA
Shirley Cline Christiansburg, VA, USA
Niska Montreal, QC, CANADA
Niska Montreal, QC, CANADA
Marie Louise Hagen Washington, DC, USA
Heather Urquhart San Diego, CA, USA
Susan Page Graceville, AUSTRALIA
Linda Wittig Ambridge, PA, USA
Rita D'Alonzo Port Washington, NY, USA
Block 11
Houston, TX, USA
Charlene Victor Houston, TX, USA
Aubrey Calvin Houston, TX, USA
Anna Petrites Houston, TX, USA
Robert Curtis Houston, TX, USA
Meg Lauck Houston, TX, USA
Clarita Brown Houston, TX, USA
Carol Fry Houston, TX, USA
Michael Driscoll Houston, TX, USA
Mike Churchman Galveston, TX, USA
Myrna Rodman Houston, TX, USA
Ellis Freitag Houston, TX, USA
Paquita DeLeon Houston, TX, USA
Warren Franz Houston, TX, USA
Brenda Lary Houston, TX, USA
Mary Weyand Houston, TX, USA
Houston Area Parkinson’s Society (HAPS) Quilt #1
Dorothy Wong
Block 12
Shahzadi Shoaib Karachi, PAKISTAN
Rayyan Basheer Karachi, PAKISTAN
Raniyah Basheer Karachi, PAKISTAN
Talat Hashmi Karachi, PAKISTAN
Pakistan Parkinson’s Society Quilt
GlaxoSmithKline Staff
GlaxoSmithKline Staff Karachi, PAKISTAN
Samina Qureshi Karachi, PAKISTAN
Shahla Shareef Karachi, PAKISTAN
Tashi Shaikh Karachi, PAKISTAN
Shahzadi Shoaib Karachi, PAKISTAN
GlaxoSmithKline Staff Karachi, PAKISTAN
Salika Anwer Karachi, PAKISTAN
Nilofar-Nighat Zeba Karachi, PAKISTAN
Ayesha Samad Karachi, PAKISTAN
Sleem Majidulla Karachi, PAKISTAN
GlaxoSmithKline Staff Karachi, PAKISTAN
I created this block to symbolize things that have been important in my life. Some of them changed with my diagnosis of Parkinson’s as my physical abilities did. Some, like family and friends, are central to my life regardless. Now I find release and comfort in creating — whether with quilts, music, art or poetry. I feel that as long as I can find beauty in the world and a way to share it then I have lived well; life may change because of Parkinson’s but it goes on and we keep going, too, just at a different pace! One day there will be a cure.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” The PD Tulip initiative was grassroots and look where we are today! One person CAN make a difference.
Linda Webb Block 14
Besides being a work of art, a quilt is a jigsaw puzzle of memories. A flannel square from a baby's blanket, a piece of corduroy from a grandson's outgrown jacket, and a ribbon of taffeta from a granddaughter's prom dress all blend together into a rainbow of color. Each special event brings smiles to our faces and warmth to our hearts. For those with Parkinson's disease, ordinary events become precious. We remember friends and family around the world who have made our lives special, in spite of the challenges we face. The mountains in my panel represent these challenges, and the leaping stag symbolizes the spirit and determination found in our hearts. My contribution to this quilt was made possible by the creativity and cooperation of others. Many thanks to Joanne Forkey whose quilting talent saved the day!
Lois Ballard Block 13
This square represents me and my dreams. I believe in the grassroots movement where great things can be accomplished by taking small steps. The Margaret Mead quote is one that I live by:
Jean Burns Block 14
The Things I Have Loved and Lost to Parkinson’s Disease I have always loved high heeled shoes. I think that they “finish” an outfit, any outfit. In fact, you could be wearing a burlap bag tied in the middle with a piece of jute string, but if you wore the right pair of high heeled boots — say leopard-skinned over the knee Stuart Weitzmans … well, honey, you looked high-maintenance! Well, Parkinson’s disease took all that away from me. I always had trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time — but now forget it. Balance is out the window. But, oh, those shoes! They gave me such joy! And you know, they still do. The lips at the lower right are me kissing them goodbye for my feet but thanking them for their contribution to me. They are my muse in the art of living with PD — with flair.
Christina LaGana Block 15
Personal Statements
Block 13
Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Janet Booth Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Mary Lou Beauharnois Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Patricia Wood Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Helga Petropoulos Cadyville, NY, USA
Judy Russell Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Lora Barshow Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Ladies of the Lake Quilters Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Plattsburgh, New York Parkinson’s Awareness Quilt
Barbara Lichtig
Kate Delsignore Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Carol Solari-Ruscoe Peru, NY, USA
Niki Gemmill Chazy, NY, USA
Carol Crowningshield Port Kent, NY, USA
Barbara Wagner Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Mary Gagnier Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Lois Ballard Peru, NY, USA
John Russell Plattsburgh, NY, USA
Block 14
Williams, AZ, USA
Marcia Wiener Green Valley, AZ, USA
Quilt Project Committee New York, NY, USA
Linda Webb Williams, AZ, USA
Martha Ober Bath, NY, USA
Jean Burns Sun Lakes, AZ, USA
Jean Burns Sun Lakes, AZ, USA
LSVT Global Tucson, AZ, USA
Linda Webb Williams, AZ, USA
PDPlan4Life Sun Lakes, AZ, USA
Jean Burns Sun Lakes, AZ, USA
Shirley & Becky Farley Tucson, AZ, USA
Sharon Kha Tucson, AZ, USA
Linda Webb Williams, AZ, USA
Wendy Glass Austin, TX, USA
Linda Webb Williams, AZ, USA
Arizona Parkinson’s Awareness Quilt
Flagstaff Support Group
Block 15
Christine LaGana Columbia, MD, USA
Meryl Lees Cowra, NSW, AUSTRALIA
Danish PD Association Copenhagen K, DENMARK
Danish PD Association Copenhagen K, DENMARK
Danish PD Association Copenhagen K, DENMARK
Penny Teem Williford, AR, USA
Karen Lees Cowra, NSW, AUSTRALIA
Danish PD Association Copenhagen K, DENMARK
Marion Dolan Buffalo, NY, USA
Michele Lee Baker Ranburne, AL, USA
Diane M. Campion Whitefish Bay, WI, USA
Lorna White Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
Michele Lee Baker Ranburne, AL, USA
Diane M. Campion Whitefish Bay, WI, USA
Jacqueline Michal Barzely Kibbutz Revivim, ISRAEL
Christine LaGana Columbia, MD, USA
My quilt panel is in memory of my Dad, Howard L. Reiter. We found out Dad had Parkinson's in 1993. He and Mom did pretty well while taking care of one another, but then we found out Mom had bladder cancer. Mom died 17 months later. I took care of Dad for seven years. It is the hardest job I have ever had but I would do it again in a heartbeat.
I spent much time thinking through various ideas, with many changes of mind. In the end, I chose a very peaceful background evoking “nature,” “serenity,” and “tranquility.” To complete the theme, an appliqué of three quilted leaves was added symbolizing springtime, hope and rebirth. Elly Herman
Catherine Reiter
Block 16
Our quilt panel was made in honor of patients, caregivers, doctors, nurses, chemists and pharmacists around the world who are living proof that there is hope in combating this disease called Parkinson's. With our panel design we want people to know that the state of Texas, our town of Nacogdoches, and our support group are 100 percent behind all the organizations who are working diligently to find new medications and new treatments to provide a better life for Parkinson’s patients. The tulip is not only a beautiful flower — it is strong, it withstands the elements, and though lying dormant for a season, it always returns more beautiful and stronger than ever. We dedicate our panel to Parkinson’s "tulips" everywhere. Texas is called The Lone Star State. We show this on the panel, but also state the opposite for anyone coping with Parkinson's disease.
Nacogdoches PD Support Group Block 17
In spite of many changes that PD has brought into my life, quilting still has the ability to bring me to a quiet place of creative tranquility. It is that feeling of hope I wish to share with others. It is important to define myself as to what I can do, rather than spend time being troubled over what I have lost. Quilting helps to supply that need, and keeps me feeling alive and useful in the face of the disease.
The three segments represent the things I think of when I think of Dad. He was a chef for 60+ years. After he “retired,” he started sharing his cooking talents with his students at the local college. Family meant a great deal to Dad. He treasured the babysitting time after school with his grandson, who is now 30. We often wondered who was taking care of whom. Dad's military career was something he was very proud of, serving five years in Asia during WWII.
Submitting this quilt panel as one of many, makes me realize how glad I am to be sharing in the PD Quilt project.
Block 18
Here is my quilt square, made with love and care for all those afflicted with this hideous disease. Perhaps our expressions on fabric will allow others to see, to heal, and to understand what PD is. My quilt square is not perfect, but neither is life! If the edges of the yellow fabric are not straight, or if the black fabric is not equal, it’s no big deal. I am not a professional quilter but I did my best; this is my work. In this quilt are pieces of my skin suit of my inline team as well as photos of the race I put on every year for PDF. Why a quilt square? Simple! With words, through threads and fabric we can express to the world our thoughts and feelings of how Parkinson's disease affects us all. I'm an inline skater. Skating, racing is my passion in life, expressed by putting on a skate race with net proceeds donated to PDF. My brother was diagnosed eight years ago and his life has changed in many ways since then. Putting on the skate race is how I'm helping to find a cure. My name is Audrey Winthrop of racebrake.com. I'm the team captain, inline skater racer of the Beach Bladers Inline Skate Team, Sunset Beach, CA, as well as the race director of the Parkinson's Open Inline skate race at El Dorado Park in Long Beach, CA.
Audrey Winthrop
Block 17
Personal Statements
Block 16
Sue Mangiapane Encinitas, CA, USA
Donna Cahalane Anchorage, AK, USA
Arlene Brodsky Montauk, NY, USA
Oxford PD Support Group Oxford, OH, USA
Michelle Jacobowitz Canton, GA, USA
Kathleen Hyland Fritz Honey Brook, PA, USA
Leanne Holveck Newark, DE, USA
Julia Huestis Lowell, MA, USA
Lydia Shaternik Montauk, NY, USA
Marilyn Moll Hudson, FL, USA
Chyleen Pauesick Kansas City, KS, USA
Jen, Lauren & Dottie Keene Mechanicsburg, PA, USA
Lynn Bennett Palm Bay, FL, USA
Catherine Reiter Altoona, WI, USA
Michael & Cathy Collins Halfmoon Bay, BC, CANADA
Laurence Greenfield Northfield, IL, USA
Block 17
Karen Smith Ridgecrest, CA, USA
Jeanne Armstrong & Jeannine Shade State College, PA, USA
Gail Pfeiffer Sparks, NV, USA
Judith Jackson Frostproof, FL, USA
Marilyn Van Lenten West Chester, PA, USA
Diane Durkee Naples, FL, USA
Arthur & Patricia Bierle Valley Center, CA, USA
Nacogdoches PD Support Group Nacogdoches, TX, USA
Davis Phinney Foundation Boulder, CO, USA
M.F. Kane Tucson, AZ, USA
Joan Engel Westbury, NY, USA
Marlene Lish Westerville, OH, USA
Laurie Brown Menlo Park, CA, USA
William Holman Jeffersonville, IN, USA
Audrey Winthrop Sunset Beach, CA, USA
Columbia PD Support Group Columbia, SC, USA
Block 18
Marian Licko Elgin, IL, USA
Barbara Ford Stevensville, MI, USA
Elly Herman Sharon, MA, USA
Berrien County Support Group Stevensville, MI, USA
Colleen Brady Charles Town, WV, USA
Stacey Mellus-Whiting Woodside, NY, USA
Nicky Blakeney Taylorsville, MS, USA
Linda Kammann Shelby Township, MI, USA
Sandy Laipply Bucyrus, OH, USA
Megan Layman Martinsburg, WV, USA
Sheryl Boyd Elyria, OH, USA
Joyce Fisher Harpers Ferry, WV, USA
Yvonne Kozlowski Valparaiso, IN, USA
Carol Halpern La Grange, IL, USA
NJ Chapter APDA New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Mary Lou Palmer Waverly, NY, USA
Paisley prints Denim Flannel Many different types of fabrics and prints joined together, as are many hearts in a fervent wish to find a cure for Parkinson’s. Through the Parkinson’s Quilt Project, hands across the world weave their magic to commemorate loved ones suffering from this disease.
Vince was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2002. In designing my panel, I wanted to convey our hopes that with Parkinson's disease research we will win the fight against this insidious disease. The dictionary refers to HOPE as "to desire with expectation of fulfillment." A RAINBOW is referred to as an "illusion." We believe that with Parkinson's disease research our RAINBOW will not be an illusion but rather a reality. Many thanks go to my sister Jean and niece Laura for their support in creating my panel.
Beth Murphy
Pray for those afflicted
Block 19
Donate your time and talent Find a cure
Jean Graffius Block 19
My quilt panel is in honor my husband and soul mate,Ted, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1999. He has never given up and works very hard to maintain his health and positive outlook. We have been through endless doctor visits, physical therapy, medicine changes and disappointments. We have discovered that endless is not the same as hopeless. Keeping a positive outlook is essential. Ted has a "never give up" attitude which has carried him through the day-to-day challenges of living with Parkinson's disease. He is my rock. Our family is very supportive and accepts that we live day-by-day. We are very blessed. We have good friends, a wonderful, understanding family, and the spiritual foundation that we draw on in times of disappointment and pain. What else could you ask for? A CURE FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE.
Evelyn King Block 20
Our brother, Bert, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2005. In typical Bert fashion, he’s chosen to ignore the disease as much as possible. Being a scientist, he has volunteered for research projects, feeling that if he can help doctors develop treatments or find a cure, he will. I remember him telling us that he had volunteered for a study of depression in Parkinson’s patients. He was turned down; he just didn’t meet the criteria for the study. He had Parkinson’s, but he wasn’t depressed! Bert attended public school In Rhode Island, graduated from Dennison University and received his doctorate in geology from Johns Hopkins University. Our square shows Bert engaged in the profession that he loves so much, and which has taken him all over the world. He is surrounded and supported by his wife and children and some of the places and activities that he enjoys so much. It was embroidered by his siblings: Kathy, Becca, Ann and Woody.
Bert Swan’s Siblings Block 21
Personal Statements
Block 19
Christine Marte Cypress, TX, USA
Rosemary Runyan Elgin, IL, USA
Marguerite Pycha Chicago, IL, USA
Melinda Rutledge Hoover, AL, USA
Club CREATE- Struthers PD Center Golden Valley, MN, USA
The Stewart Family Mount Airy, MD, USA
Carol Moore Fairbanks, AK, USA
Gary Crutchfield South Boston, VA, USA
Jo Ann Van Kessel Columbia, MD, USA
Beth Murphy New York, NY, USA
Barbara Alvey Cloudcroft, NM, USA
Issy Moskowitz Atlanta, GA, USA
PD Fdn. of the Heartland Leawood, KS, USA
Louise Kuklis New Rochelle, NY, USA
Debbie Murphy Woodbury, MN, USA
Jean Graffius San Jose, CA, USA
Block 20
Christie Kern Racine, WI, USA
Donna Hamill Underhill, VT, USA
Mary Bridges East Boothbay, ME, USA
Kay Sieck Omaha, NE, USA
Lea Ahmed Jussilainen Stockholm, SWEDEN
Linda Pigg Concord, NC, USA
Evelyn King Sellersburg, IN, USA
Linda Jones Chandler, AZ, USA
Mary Ann Sharrer & Patricia Snyder Colchester, CT, USA
Jennifer Wells Fort Collins, CO, USA
Sharon Demint Riverside, CA, USA
Jamey Hadden & Pat Baker Astoria/Victor, NY, USA
Nirmala Krishnan Copley, OH, USA
Madeleine O'Mara Merrimack, NH, USA
Diana Garmus & Nancy Greenlee Sacramento, CA, USA
Denise Brigode Perrysburg, OH, USA
Block 21
Wilma Lazaridis Rowville, VIC, AUSTRALIA
The Esplanade Senior Center White Plains, NY, USA
Bert Swan's Siblings Carmel, NY, USA
The Esplanade Senior Center White Plains, NY, USA
The Esplanade Senior Center White Plains, NY, USA
Pat Banks Devine, TX, USA
The Esplanade Senior Center White Plains, NY, USA
Loretta Ramos Sacramento, CA, USA
Bernadette Stephens New Boston, NH, USA
The Esplanade Senior Center White Plains, NY, USA
Susan Simpson Bend, OR, USA
Donna Ellis Sun Valley, CA, USA
Brenda Broussard Gueydan, LA, USA
Dina Harris Wellfleet, MA, USA
The Esplanade Senior Center White Plains, NY, USA
Joyce Hartley Richmond, VA, USA
My husband, Dr. Gary Racusin, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in December 2002. Struggling to right ourselves, we decided to continue to live as we always had. Parkinson’s would be the background, not the center of our lives. This quilt panel honors that decision. The panel represents some of Gary’s lifelong interests — his beloved San Francisco Giants Baseball Team, music, Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, and Sherlock Holmes. With the inevitable course of Parkinson’s, our original decision has had to be modified somewhat. Nevertheless, Gary still follows the Giants, offers new tidbits he’s learned about Lincoln, welcomes us home with rock star accompaniments to his blasting stereo, and delights in tales of Mr. Holmes. While Parkinson’s is no longer in the background, Gary’s courage and determination are at the true center of our lives. This quilt panel honors his strength as he holds onto his passions.
I created this panel with all the things I love: old wedding dresses, lace and pearls. I have this romantic love of old wedding dresses. They always make me smile because I think of the young bride waiting at the back of the church, awaiting her big entrance and her new life. Living with Parkinson’s is kind of like a new marriage. It's a combination of fear, determination and hard work to make your life as happy as you can. I was 44 when I was diagnosed – three years and six months ago. I guess you could say I had to divorce myself from my old life and got remarried to my new one. A cure sure would make a nice wedding gift!
Cindy Craine Block 24
Nancy Moss-Racusin, Ph.D. Block 22
My granddaughter's second grade class at Shady Hill School in Cambridge, MA invited me to talk with the class about Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month and the PD Quilt project. They decided to support PDF by making three panels, 27 squares, as part of their study of early American crafts. The fish theme relates to their study of the Charles River and all the various links to the community. I have been a quilter for many years. For the past seven years since I was diagnosed with PD, hand-work, especially quilting and knitting, has helped me by keeping my mind and hands busy while still being productive.
Dianne Monahan Shady Hill School Grade 2E Block 23
Crafted by creative and talented people with Parkinson’s, whanau (family) and supporters throughout New Zealand, this quilt has at its center the words “Love,” “Care” and “Share”: principles that embody the spirit of caring. Each square is crafted using fabrics and motifs that are typically New Zealand — from the paua shell and endangered takahe bird to the kiwifruit — all iconic images. Quilters from the farming heartland province Taranaki display their mountain with a farming scene. Striking another note, a square embroidered with “Music Heals” features the importance of music in the lives of people with Parkinson’s. New Zealanders come from varied origins. Home spun wool crocheted and applied to the quilt harks back to the Scottish and Irish crofters and squares embody Maori motifs through the Te Wai Wai influence from the Pacific Islands. Diversity and creativity are celebrated in the coming together of this panel.
Parkinson’s New Zealand
Block 23
Personal Statements
Block 22
Andrea Bursaw Newbury, MA, USA
Ambika Rajan Reading, Berkshire, UNITED KINGDOM
Deborah Hickerson Esparto, CA, USA
Harry Hershfield Bohemia, NY, USA
Joyce Hampton Ranson, WV, USA
Shari Price Kersey Fairview, NC, USA
Marilyn Mahan & Holly Mahan-Rowe Monroe, LA, USA
Angela Winters Essexville, MI, USA
Nancy Moss-Racusin, Ph.D. North Haven, CT, USA
Paula Stocks Vilonia, AR, USA
Rachel Smith Tallahassee, FL, USA
HeartSprings/Denise Morris Fargo, ND, USA
Michael Tomich & Ward Tomich Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Cheryl Frair Dayton, NV, USA
Rock Steady Boxing Indianapolis, IN, USA
Carol Blann New York, NY, USA
Block 23
Shady Hill School Grade 2E Cambridge, MA, USA
Carolyn Weaver Freeland, MI, USA
Sarah Jensen International Falls, MN, USA
Janice Smith Philadelphia, PA, USA
Louise Lau Dodge City, KS, USA
Shady Hill School Grade 2E Cambridge, MA, USA
Carol Swisk Piedmont, OH, USA
Parkinson's New Zealand AOTEAROA, NEW ZEALAND
Parkinson's New Zealand AOTEAROA, NEW ZEALAND
Carol Swisk Piedmont, OH, USA
Shady Hill School Grade 2E Cambridge, MA, USA
Carol Meenen Gurley, AL, USA
Wisconsin Chapter APDA Madison, WI, USA
Rebecca Surmeier Emporia, KS, USA
Carol Swisk Piedmont, OH, USA
Wisconsin APDA Caregivers Madison, WI, USA
Block 24
Sharron Hilbrecht Louisville, KY, USA
The Cure Parkinson's Trust London, UNITED KINGDOM
Mary Kidd Sissonville, WV, USA
Pigtails, Pirate Ships & Parkinson's Lodi, CA, USA
Marlene Urbina de Breen Wheaton, MD, USA
Betty Connolly Sissonville, WV, USA
The Cure Parkinson's Trust London, UNITED KINGDOM
Diane McGraw North Liberty, IA, USA
Pamela Woodard Whitefish Bay, WI, USA
Tammy Walker Hagerstown, MD, USA
Pamela Woodard Whitefish Bay, WI, USA
Jennifer Marquet Media, PA, USA
Canterbury Parkinson's Support Group Cedar Grove, NJ, USA
Yvonne Raes Slater, IA, USA
Cindy Craine Fort Worth, TX, USA
Movers & Shakers (Inc.) Naples, FL, USA
In 1967, my great-grandmother, Big Mama, introduced me to quilting. Inspired by the Double-Wedding-Ring quilt Big Mama made for my wedding in 1975, I created this original pieced-appliqué design. It blends an old traditional pattern, bits of old fabric scraps, machine quilting, and a bit of machine embroidery. This small quilt is much like our lives — the past with the present, old with new. Loved ones we’ve lost are still with us, sometimes in things we can actually touch as well as those intangible, yet very real, ways — memories, feelings and lessons.
Big Mama’s Legacy Block 25
It began with a tremor in my left hand, an almost imperceptible flutter that could have been attributed to weariness, but that persisted. So I chose to depict hands in my quilt panel, hands that are necessary for everyday functioning, hands that reach to be comforted, that comfort my caregiver, that reach for an end to this lurking evil. All the while, hope flutters like a butterfly, lightly, teasingly, beautifully hovering hope. The butterflies on this panel represent hope. This is not a very professionally quilted panel. I preferred to leave it in a primitive form, as I have learned through coping with Parkinson’s disease that sometimes perfection is not the goal. Accepting what I can do and presenting it as my best is the most I can offer. All of the materials in this panel are remnants of previous projects. We take what we have and make the most of it.
Peggy Titt Block 25
My first memory associated with Parkinson’s disease was as a young child visiting my grandmother in the nursing home. Due to a heavy tremor, she struggled to even bring a mug of coffee to her lips. In the past, my grandmother was a talented quilter, but always insisted that her quilts were made to be used, not hung for display. Therefore my brother and I always had lovely quilts on our beds growing up, but few have remained intact over the years. I now work at a Movement Disorders Clinic and help organize a support group for individuals and caregivers dealing with Parkinson’s disease. My quilt piece is dedicated to the wonderful people I’ve met in our group and to my grandmother, Marcella Martin. She was a fabulous wife, mother and grandmother.
Erika Gergerich Block 27
When my husband was diagnosed with PD five years ago, it really knocked us for a loop. I have to force myself sometimes to get quilting again. I enjoy making quilts, machine embroidery and all things related. Due to stress or fatigue, I have trouble making a decision on what to make or getting the energy to do whatever it is I want to do. I find that quilting helps me to just “go somewhere else” and forget the hassles of PD for a while. As a caregiver, PD has slowed down my productivity, my energy, and my creativity, but like my husband, I’ll be darned if it’s going to stop me from creating gifts for the family or anyone who sees my work. We decided when he was diagnosed that we would not let PD control our lives and we have worked to stay a step ahead whenever we can.
Sharon Patnoe Block 27
Personal Statements
Block 25
Peggy Willocks Johnson City, TN, USA
Sherry Winter Yonkers, NY, USA
Lisa Scudera New York, NY, USA
Sandra Costi Olympia, WA, USA
Virginia Koroly Huntersville, NC, USA
Susan Sawyer Albany, NY, USA
Pamela Warford Fort Worth, TX, USA
Big Mama's Legacy Lubbock, TX, USA
Sandi Dick Great Falls, MT, USA
Paige Harper St. Petersburg, FL, USA
Dorothy Rhoden Evans, GA, USA
Mary Hjalmarson Cardiff By the Sea, CA, USA
Susan W. Smith New Orleans, LA, USA
Peggy Titt Victoria, TX, USA
Erin Tyler Clearwater, FL, USA
Deborah Reid Jacksonville, FL, USA
Block 26
Houston, TX, USA
Lis Crawford Friendswood, TX, USA
Susan Freitag Houston, TX, USA
Emilia Heredia Houston, TX, USA
Martha Stein The Woodland, TX, USA
HAPS Houston, TX, USA
Alejandro Alvarez Katy, TX, USA
Max Elden Houston, TX, USA
HAPS Houston, TX, USA
Stan Rodman Houston, TX, USA
HAPS Houston, TX, USA
Anne Pribyl Houston, TX, USA
Georgene Brandon Houston, TX, USA
Roscoe Jones Pearland, TX, USA
Robert Stein The Woodlands, TX, USA
HAPS Houston, TX, USA
Houston Area Parkinson’s Society (HAPS) Quilt #2
Block 27
Fayetteville, AR, USA
Erika Gergerich Fayetteville, AR, USA
Gillian Woods Fayetteville, AR, USA
Ann Roberts Fayetteville, AR, USA
Judy Marino Fayetteville, AR, USA
Sharon Patnoe Fayetteville, AR, USA
Ann Roberts Fayetteville, AR, USA
Sandy Woods Fayetteville, AR, USA
Sandy Woods Fayetteville, AR, USA
Fayetteville, Arkansas Senior Health PD Support Group Quilt
Sandy Woods
Ann Roberts Fayetteville, AR, USA
Jerry Patnoe Fayetteville, AR, USA
Judy Marino Fayetteville, AR, USA
Judy Marino Fayetteville, AR, USA
Sandy Woods Fayetteville, AR, USA
Sandy Woods Fayetteville, AR, USA
Sandy Woods Fayetteville, AR, USA
My panel is a tribute to my faith, family and friends who have accompanied me through my life’s journey of joy and sorrow, grief and anger, and now Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s is slowly stealing my strength, thoughts, and words. However, my faith, family, and friends will accompany me on this journey too as they always have and always will: turning despair into hope, anger into acceptance, and grief into a quiet joy. I am truly blessed.
Each piece of a quilt has its own color, pattern, texture and design with unique beauty and charm. But when the individual pieces of a quilt are sewn together, they become one magnificent work of art. Just as the pieces of a quilt have unique beauty, the people in my life have unique personalities, talents and skills. Their presence blesses me in countless ways. Who are the people in the patchwork of my life? They are those I am close to, as well as those I meet in passing. I give thanks for all of you who touch my life in some way. I enfold you in prayer and hold you in a special place in my heart. You are an important part of the fabric of my life — a tapestry of love.
Judy Murphy Block 29
Joan Szczepanksi
I decided to do this quilt panel as a person diagnosed with PD 13 years ago, because it is the right thing to do. I am not qualified to do research, but I can take part in Parkinson’s studies and I can make a quilt panel with the help of my husband, family and friends, and especially with hands-on help from my sister, June Metts. I dedicate this panel to the Lanier Village Estates PD support group, both past and present. I chose the autumn leaves pattern because it reminded me that PD is a disease that comes to you in the autumn years of your life. It is no respecter of persons. We come from all walks of life with different and varied symptoms. We are each like a leaf on an autumn tree; each using his or her own talent, working together as a whole, to one day soon find a cure.
Ruth Pearce Block 30
Block 30
My quilt square represents the things that PD has given me, rather than what is has taken away. The ukulele on the left side is my bell-weather. My neurologist always asks me if I’m still able to play and sing, and if so, he knows I’m doing okay! The buttons, the drawing, the crochet and decorations represent my crafting hobbies that have become so much more important to me since being diagnosed. Suddenly, I have this incredible urge to create, to express myself. So, I bead, carve, draw, crochet, write poetry and play music. I've done these things before, but never with so much joy. Finally, the two tulips in the middle represent the wonderful friends I’ve found through PD, whom I probably never would have met otherwise. Their support and that of my family and coworkers has been an absolute revelation to me; an inspiring and humbling experience.
Marian Bumala Block 29
Personal Statements
Block 28
Portuguese Parkinson’s Disease Association Quilt
Portuguese PD Association
Block 29
Vandalia, IL, USA
Rodeo Mom Vandalia, IL, USA
Charlene Pryor Vandalia, IL, USA
Patty Garcia-Grandon Concepcion, CHILE
Judy Murphy Vine Grove, KY, USA
Susan Hamlin Los Gatos, CA, USA
Cathleen Palmini Stevens Point, WI, USA
Patty Meehan Richmond TWP, MI, USA
Marian Bumala La Honda, CA, USA
Victor Lopez Conroe, TX, USA
Elaine Sulzberger Palo Alto, CA, USA
Charlene Pryor Vandalia, IL, USA
Charlene Pryor Vandalia, IL, USA
Peter Monday Lule Nairobi, KENYA
Donna Avolio Houston, TX, USA
Charlene Pryor Vandalia, IL, USA
PatientsLikeMe Quilt
Virginia McNeil
Block 30
Joan Szczepanski Bay City, MI, USA
Roslyn Helfen Westfield, NJ, USA
Wendi Levine Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
Margaret Wheeler Lansdale, PA, USA
Mary Goebel Cincinnati, OH, USA
Pamela Christner Newbury Park, CA, USA
Susan Dietrich Acton, CA, USA
Ruth Pearce Gainsville, GA, USA
Ellen Hogue Saratoga, CA, USA
Patsy Brown El Dorado Hills, CA, USA
Kristi LeFevre Round Lake Beach, IL, USA
Patricia Berkeley Keysville, VA, USA
Kathleen Reardon-Noblet Jamestown, RI, USA
Debra Steinmann Atlanta, GA, USA
Pauline Dehn Oakley, CA, USA
Terrie Prescott Orlando, FL, USA
For her amazing and selfless heart. For the way she takes care of everyone around her. For the example and inspiration she is. For the many days she fell in love. For her joyful, playful spirit. How motherhood made her shine and being a grandma makes her glow. For her insistence that homemade and handmade is always best. For her ability to cook for 100 and make it look like a walk in the park. Because she distinguishes between white, off white and “whipping cream” white. Because she believes ice cream is a frozen glass of milk. For her faith and her ability to see good in everyone. For her endless determination.
In honor of my mother, whose battle with Parkinson’s began 20 years ago. She is the bravest woman I know.
Marlene McNew Block 33
Jill Seward Block 33
Parkinson's disease came tiptoeing into our lives and our awareness a couple of years ago, although it had probably taken up residence somewhat earlier. My husband had always struggled with stiffness, so when that condition worsened, we simply attributed it to natural progression or (is it remotely possible?) that age was taking its toll. We now know that PD is the culprit, and that we need to adjust and adapt to new demands. I only became aware of the PDF Quilt Project within a month of the final acceptance date, so I chose to adapt some of my UFOs (in quilter terms that's UnFinished Objects) in order to complete a panel in time for submission. It seems to me that "adapting" to new or challenging situations may be the best solution for all of us whether we deal with PD in our lives or not.
I am very passionate about skiing. Because it gives me such a tremendous sense of freedom, skiing is one of my best means of dealing with PD. I also write poetry, a strange unexpected gift. I woke up one morning after a nightmare in which I was drowning (a PD dream) and a voice started dictating words and phrases. I had no background in poetry, but decided to follow the voice. Since July 2009, I’ve written more than 600 poems. Very recently, I started art classes in drawing and oil painting. Again, I am surprised at the results so far and am very much enjoying them. PD seems to have spurred my creative side and, for me, this feels like a gift.
Sharon Copeland Block 32
This panel is in honor of my husband Alan and depicts our happy memories of past vacations spent hiking in France. Alan and I were never very athletic — about the only form of exercise we were both good at was walking. We loved to hike the open-space trails near our home in California. Then we learned about the Chemin de St. Jacques, the 1,000-mile medieval pilgrimage trail through France and Spain to Santiago de Compostela. When Alan was 60, we set off to walk the trail from Le Puy-en-Velay. In two-week segments over three summers, we covered 350 miles of the trail. Then Alan began to have pain in his legs and had to give up hiking, and at age 70 he was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Five years later, some days he can still go out for a walk, but other days he struggles to walk at all. PD has made the memories of these wonderful vacations all the more precious to us.
Amy Van Voorhis Block 31
Personal Statements
Block 31
Allison Blakley Northbrook, IL, USA
Sally Webb Aberdeen, SD, USA
Beth DeLuco Plantsville, CT, USA
Susan Wing Carol Stream, IL, USA
Mary Hall Boulder, CO, USA
Barb Bense Long Prairie, MN, USA
Ruth Nielsen Coupeville, WA, USA
Beverlee A. Lanning Roswell, NM, USA
Harriett Potenza Western Springs, IL, USA
Susan Chase Bowdoinham, ME, USA
Kim Pope Pipersville, PA, USA
Sandra Martinez Fiol Miami, FL, USA
Amy Van Voorhis Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Nan Little Seattle, WA, USA
Diane Tunis Rockville, MD, USA
Linda Preston Delanco, NJ, USA
Block 32
Sharon Copeland Albuquerque, NM, USA
Brian Grant Foundation Portland, OR, USA
Central IL PD Support Group East Peoria, IL, USA
Catherine Rodriguez San Diego, CA, USA
Mary Green Mishicot, WI, USA
Sharon Gaffor & Diane Johansen Elgin, IL, USA
Ellington, CT PD Group Ellington, CT, USA
Nancy Preston West Valley, NY, USA
Annette Corrado Port St. Lucie, FL, USA
Lynn Clement Royal Oak, MI, USA
Margaret Jones Mechanicsville, MD, USA
Marjorie E. Anderson Seattle, WA, USA
Karen Northrop New York, NY, USA
Ann Lew Kirschner Wellington, FL, USA
Barbara Allen Clifton Park, NY, USA
Patricia Young Deland, FL, USA
Block 33
Susan Frangello New Port Richey, FL, USA
Joanne Abrahams White Plains, NY, USA
Dorothy Tanner Camden, TN, USA
Paula Eisele West Chester, OH, USA
Broomfield Support Group Broomfield, CO, USA
D. Sharon Creegan Morrisville, PA, USA
Tammy McPherson Kittanning, PA, USA
Caroline Tanner Berkeley, CA, USA
Terry Guerra San Jose, CA, USA
Nancy Cichy Elmhurst, IL, USA
Rhoda E. Pillsbury Rockford, IL, USA
Linda Rusk Folsom, CA, USA
Lillian Lockhart Jubiak West Palm Beach, FL, USA
Northamptonshire Support Group Northampton, UNITED KINGDOM
Jill Seward Oakdale, MN, USA
Marlene McNew San Jose, CA, USA
This photograph of one of my oil paintings and the words adapted from "Walden" remind me that life has much to offer, despite living with PD.
My mother died when I was 19; she was only 47. Although she was proud of my accomplishments at Cornell, she was concerned that I was working too hard. She suggested that I move to San Francisco and sell my paintings on the street. She wanted me to be happy; she wanted me to be free.
Since I didn’t have a clue on what to do, I ended up making my Grandpa more of a quilt sandwich. The quilt was made from one piece of fabric on the top, a piece of flannel for the back, and just simply sewn together. The top fabric had these old fashion bathing beauties on it, which was perfect for my Grandpa. My Grandpa was tucked in with “his ladies” for every nap for the next two years. My Grandpa loved “his ladies.”
I didn't take her advice, but I got her point. I continue to feel her love and support 33 years later. PD has been a curse, but also a gift. It forced me to slow down, and reminds me to make the most of every day — so that when I come to die, I do not "discover that I had not lived."
Marie Louise Hagen
There will always be a close connection between Parkinson’s and quilting for me. I made one of my first quilts for my Grandpa, who was just moving in to a nursing home due to advanced Parkinson’s. I wanted to make something for him that would make him feel more comfortable and know that he was loved and special. I thought a quilt would be just the thing.
Block 35
Block 34
This square is dedicated to people with Parkinson’s, as well as the scientists who search for the cure. For many people living with Parkinson’s, engaging in creative activity helps to suspend PD symptoms. Although the symptomatic relief is temporary (usually lasting only during the creative activity), I believe that researchers will someday be able to replicate that unknown power to perhaps suspend the symptoms indefinitely. Through diligent and creative research, I believe there will be an end to PD. The subtle message in this quilt square is found in the lettering of the message: “Be creative: Stop the symptoms, find a cure.” There are three letters in red which are outline-stitched in black thread… Y O U. The key to creativity is “YOU”; whether you are a patient or a scientist/researcher, be actively engaged in the creative process — both to help relieve the symptoms and ultimately to find a cure.
Sharon Stone Block 35
Our journey with PD started 10 years ago, though my John wasn't diagnosed until just last year — and then all the questions and symptoms fell into place and we had something to call it: Parkinson’s disease. We knew several people who had PD, but had very little knowledge about the disease. Now we know more, but as we talk with friends about how PD is actually affecting John's lifestyle, we want to communicate more clearly and widely what this disease does to a body. When this opportunity came to me, I thought "Why not?" I've been secretary to my local quilt guild for five years, but in spite of everyone's attempt to get me to be a “quilter,” I continue to be mostly a “quilt appreciator." I have never designed or made a quilt project, but in honor of my John, and our desire to increase education and research for combating this disease, here is my quilt square. I thought of our 37 married years, and our life here on the Central Coast of California when I designed my square. Mountains, and Yosemite in particular is a place for personal renewal and peace for my John, as the ocean is for me, so both had to be included in this block. The sandy beaches, the fruitful central valley, and the historic foothills are in between.
Linda Hanafee
Harriet Clark Block 36
Personal Statements
Block 34
Sandee Nisenfeld Churchville, PA, USA
Jared Bo Natick, MA, USA
Claire McCann Bradley, OK, USA
Carol Goodwin Missouri City, TX, USA
Patricia D. Murray Trumbull, CT, USA
Bonnie Miller Swain, NY, USA
Diane Crandell Garfield, AR, USA
Genevieve Yuen New York, NY, USA
Marie Louise Hagen Washington, DC, USA
Joann Keyes Maple City, MI, USA
Hendricks County Senior Services Clayton, IN, USA
Lonnie Memmer Fremont, OH, USA
Betty Percy Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
Richard H. Collins Westfield, WI, USA
Joan Emerson Biddeford, ME, USA
Helen Alison Swarbrick Toowoomba, Queensland, AUSTRALIA
Block 35
Linda Mason McMinnville, OR, USA
Mary Lou Palmer Waverly, NY, USA
Sharon Stone Morristown, NJ, USA
Brenda Thomas Crofton, MD, USA
Kathryn Paige Allendale, NJ, USA
Virginia Schwinge West Caldwell, NJ, USA
Donna Peacock Mount Vernon, IL, USA
Sandra Hartnett Woodstock, IL, USA
Lynda Conklin Vallejo, CA, USA
Carol Blue Spring Hill, FL, USA
Colleen Ryan Vanceburg, KY, USA
Jeannette Puckett Hudson, FL, USA
Janice Ramsey Taylor, MI, USA
Jean Neapolitan Hatboro, PA, USA
Janice Ramsey Taylor, MI, USA
Linda Hanafee Berkeley, CA, USA
Block 36
Jean Barfoot Fultondale, AL ,USA
Marguerite Pycha Chicago, IL ,USA
Cindy Fox West Chester, PA ,USA
Jill Nau Charles Town, WV ,USA
Amy Scott Brooklyn, NY ,USA
Michigan Parkinson Foundation Scottville, MI ,USA
Ann Marie Konopka Kendall Park, NJ, USA
Harriet Clark San Juan Bautista, CA, USA
Trudy Schneider Aurora, CO ,USA
Margit Pinter Metuchen, NJ, USA
Melinda Tilley Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Evie Ruiter Pipestone, MN, USA
Debra Lou Young New Albany, IN, USA
Barbara Pisching Suisun City, CA, USA
Ellen Dewsbury St. Augustine, FL, USA
MaryLou Wales Abington, MA, USA
As a person with Parkinson’s (PWP), I felt a strong desire to participate in the quilt project but had no idea as to what design I could make. Fortunately, my friend, who is also a PWP, listened to me and said to start off the design with “penguins” because we sometimes walk like them! I liked this and immediately envisioned two penguins standing on ice and snow in the Arctic and looking skyward at the Northern Lights and seeing “Hope.” These last few months, I have had difficulty with my PD meds and have tremors most of the time, making it quite difficult to sew. My sister stepped in and did most of the sewing and we had a great time.
I have now started to make my own beads with clay. I find this, along with the beaded jewelry and crocheted items, to be very therapeutic.
Sherry Slutz
Block 37
Parkinson’s slowly and painstakingly crept in and stole my father, our family’s golden patriarch. Technically my father died from complications of a stroke. I can’t help thinking that a blood clot had developed from all the bruising and black and blues he had sustained from his countless falls from his unpredictable and undependable body. My Dad was a vibrant, hard working, loving family man. He was the “American Dream”! One of eight children of Italian immigrants, a first generation American, a World War II veteran, P.O.W., a man who didn’t have a high school degree. But he managed to move his family out of the city to the suburbs, to a house with a backyard and pool. He built on weekends while others were resting for the next week. He worked hard to support his family, most of his life working two jobs. It was heartbreaking to see this strong man develop a shuffling, stooped walk, see his hands tremble and shake as he ate, lose his booming rich voice and see the onset of dementia and confusion. This quilt is dedicated to this amazing man. It was sponsored by his wife, children, and their spouses, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was designed, stitched and sewn together with love, respect and adoration. Enjoy our father’s story and the retelling of his life’s journey.
Charles Lucania Memorial Quilt Block 38
I have always enjoyed crafting of all sorts, but I now find that keeping busy by making these items helps with my symptoms of PD. I also find that I have a sense of calm when creating. This also gives me a sense of individuality. I still am Sherry, and not “Sherry that has PD.”
Cheryl Byrne
My quilt panel displays my beaded jewelry pieces and some crocheted items that I have made over the course of the past year.
Block 39
My husband was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s about 10 years ago when he was 55. Major life changes were in order. His way of looking at life did not change, however. While he is no longer able to play his beloved guitar, instead he has become an enthusiastic fan and collector of music. Though he is no longer able to enjoy the dynamic of playing basketball with our two sons, they now gather in our living room and enthusiastically cheer our local team — the Golden State Warriors. Yes, Parkinson’s can devastate and bring sadness to a family. My husband chose to transfer his passion to other aspects of his life. His chief creative outlet is photography. In particular, California’s rugged coastline keeps beckoning him back. Then there is a photo of me in a mini skirt — but that’s another quilt, and another story for another time.
Linda Siquig Block 37
Personal Statements
Block 37
Catherine Reiter Altoona, WI, USA
Patricia Alcaro Rumson, NJ, USA
Betty Houston Austin, AR, USA
Margaret Durazo Yuma, AZ, USA
Susan Kaness Flourtown, PA, USA
Lois Gwinn Butternut, WI, USA
Janet Shinkle Liberty, MO, USA
Julia Huestis Lowell, MA, USA
Ana Caneira Newark, NJ, USA
Linda Siquig San Jose, CA, USA
Jackie Kreutzer Columbus, OH, USA
Rachael Schneider East Brunswick, NJ, USA
Cynthia Craven Asheboro, NC, USA
Cheryl Byrne Auburn, CA, USA
Audrey Winthrop Sunset Beach, CA, USA
Virginia Schwinge West Caldwell, NJ, USA
Block 38
Apex, NC, USA
Lina Lucania Melville, NY, USA
Tragakis Family Fort Gordon, GA, USA
Linda Vietri Delray Beach, FL, USA
Vietri Family London, UNITED KINGDOM
Clinton Family Apex, NC, USA
Tragakis Family Fort Gordon, GA, USA
Jackie & Joe Blanton Alexandria, VA, USA
Lina Lucania Melville, NY, USA
Phelan Family Alto Loma, CA, USA
Vietri Family London, UNITED KINGDOM
Jackie & Joe Blanton Alexandria, VA, USA
Laura & Ron DePace Newburgh, NY, USA
Mark & Lisa DePace Newburgh, NY, USA
Linda Vietri Delray Beach, FL, USA
Phelan Family Alto Loma, CA, USA
Charles Lucania Memorial Quilt
Clinton Family
Block 39
Peggy Willocks Johnson City, TN, USA
Cislyn Smith Madison, WI, USA
Betty Higgins Presque Isle, ME, USA
Sue Mangiapane Encinitas, CA, USA
Jack and Carol Pally Staten Island, NY, USA
Marlene Gatesy Gaylord, MI, USA
Kim Vitcenda Cade Viroqua, WI, USA
Karen Vaughan Brooklyn, NY, USA
Andree Jannette West Chester, PA, USA
Sue Mangiapane Encinitas, CA, USA
Charlie and Jean Condon Grundy, VA, USA
Heidi Bissell Madison, WI, USA
Sherry Slutz Philadelphia, PA, USA
Vicki Loar Glendale, AZ, USA
Michael Mostransky Wantagh, NY, USA
Elizabeth Fogarty Erie, PA, USA
Block 40
Kathryn Vaandrager & Debra Vanthul Sheldon, IA, USA
Congrex UK Ltd Glasgow, Scotland, UNITED KINGDOM
Peggy Willocks Johnson City, TN, USA
Norman Dean Inskeep Grand Junction, CO, USA
Kim Vitcenda Cade Viroqua, WI, USA
Linda Bell Supply, NC, USA
Terri Vanden Bosch & Karen Vis Rock Valley, IA, USA
Larry Schneider, Jr. Gibbsboro, NJ, USA
Kim Vitcenda Cade Viroqua, WI, USA
Paul J. Schroder Denver, CO, USA
Joyce Levine Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Lorna Woor Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Alison Patricia Browning Llandudno Junction, UNITED KINGDOM
Barbara Cissne Garland, TX, USA
April Curfman Gresham, OR, USA
Katherine Castle Gainesville, FL, USA
Block 41
Kim Vitcenda Cade Viroqua, WI, USA
Lynne Stefanetti Paradise, CA, USA
Stephanie Cassell Hartlepool, UNITED KINGDOM
Nan Little Seattle, WA, USA
Ancret Shipton Nar Nar Goon, VIC, AUSTRALIA
Elaine Sulzberger Palo Alto, CA, USA
William Rice Limerick, IRELAND
Rita Thomson Innerleithen, SCOTLAND
Hayley Carpenter for PAN Washington, DC, USA
Thelma Balbes Carlsbad, CA, USA
Elaine Sulzberger Palo Alto, CA, USA
Jackie Hunt-Christensen Minneapolis, MN, USA
Jane Asher for Parkinson’s UK London, UNITED KINGDOM
Gert McMullin Atlanta, GA, USA
George Hanks Westerlo, BELGIUM
Kathleen Blose Hartford, UNITED KINGDOM
People Behind the Parkinson’s Quilt
Canterbury Parkinson’s Support Group
Ruth Pearce | Block 30
Block 24
HeartSprings Denise Morris Block 22
Curt Van Tassell with the panel of Jo Ann Van Kessel
Betty Houston | Block 37
Block 19
Gary Crutchfield | Block 19
Elena Tuero | Block 9
Diane McGraw | Block 24
Lois Cole | Block 5
Jean Graffius & Laura Kamian with the panel of Beth Murphy Block 19
The true power of the Parkinson’s Quilt Project comes from the more than 600 individuals who have created the pieces. When the quilt is displayed, it will radiate the contributions of those around the world touched by Parkinson’s. It will also remind the world that we need increased awareness and funds to find a cure.
Robin Elliott Executive Director, Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
Michael Mostransky
Jean Graffius | Block 19
Rita D'Alonzo | Block 10
Cathleen Palmini | Block 29
Block 39
Brenda Lockhart Colombo and Lillian Lockhart Jubiak Block 33
The Stewart Family Block 19
Ellington, CT PD Group
Helen Alison Swarbrick
Block 32
Block 34
Niska | Block 10
Tashi Shaikh, Asima Haroon, and Haroon Basheer Block 12
A Abrahams, Joanne, 45 Ahmed Jussilainen, Lea, 28 Alcaro, Patricia, 51 Allan, Susan, 6, 9 Allen, Barbara, 44 Allen, Sheryl, 9 Alvarez, Alejandro, 36 Alvey, Barbara, 27 Ampudia, Mona, 9 Andersen, Mindy Kirsten, 11 Anderson, Marjorie E., 44 Anwer, Salika, 17 Arehart, Katherine, 11 Armstrong, Jeanne, 24 Armstrong, Linda, 13 Asher, Jane, 55 Atkin, Anne, 5 Avolio, Donna, 40
B Backus, Barbara, 12 Baker, Michele Lee, 21 Baker, Pat, 28 Balbes, Thelma, 55 Ballard, Lois, 18, 19 Banks, Pat, 29 Barfoot, Jean, 49 Barshow, Lora, 19 Barzely, Jacqueline Michal, 21 Basheer, Haroon, 55 Basheer, Raniyah, 17 Basheer, Rayyan, 17 Bass, Esther, 9 Beauharnois, Mary Lou, 19 Bell, Linda, 54 Bennett, Lynn, 23 Bense, Barb, 43 Berkeley, Patricia, 41 Berrien County Support Group, 25 Bersan, Carol, 8
Bert Swan's Siblings, 26, 29 Bethany Convent, 12 Bierle, Arthur, 24 Bierle, Patricia, 24 Big Mama's Legacy, 34, 35 Bismarck Parkinson's Support Group, 4 Bissell, Heidi, 53 Bissell, Patricia, 4 Blake, Yvonne, 11 Blakeney, Nicky, 25 Blakley, Allison, 43 Blann, Carol, 31 Blanton, Jackie, 52 Blanton, Joe, 52 Blose, Kathleen, 55 Blue, Carol, 48 Bo, Jared, 47 Booth, Janet, 19 Booth, Mary, 9 Bopp, Sheila, 15 Boyd, Sheryl, 25 Brady, Colleen, 25 Brandon, Georgene, 36 Breedlove, Rebecca, 11 Brian Grant Foundation, 44 Bridges, Mary, 28 Brigode, Denise, 28 Broaddus, Kathleen, 12 Brodsky, Arlene, 23 Broomfield Support Group, 45 Broussard, Brenda, 29 Brown, Clarita, 16 Brown, Laurie, 24 Brown, Patsy, 41 Browning, Alison Patricia, 54 Brumer, Rachel, 12 Bumala, Marian, 38, 40 Burns, Jean, 18, 20 Bursaw, Andrea, 31 Byrne, Cheryl, 50, 51
C Cahalane, Donna, 23 Calvin, Aubrey, 16 Campion, Diane M., 21 Caneira, Ana, 51 Canterbury Parkinson's Support Group, 33, 56 Carpenter, Hayley, 55 Cassell, Stephanie, 55 Cassidy, Carol, 8 Castle, Katherine, 54 Catton, Janice, 8 Central IL PD Support Group, 44 Charles Lucania Memorial Quilt, 50, 52 Chase, Susan, 43 Cho, Duk Kyung, 3 Choae, Jin Kyoung, 3 Christner, Pamela, 41 Churchman, Mike, 16 Cichy, Nancy, 45 Cissne, Barbara, 54 Clark, Gracia, 13 Clark, Harriet, 46, 49 Claycomb, Maralyn, 12 Clement, Lynn, 44 Cline, Shirley, 15 Clinton Family, 52 Club CREATE- Struthers PD Center, 7, 27 Colalillo, Louise, 8 Cole, Lois, 8, 56 Cole, Patricia, 8 Collins, Cathy, 23 Collins, Michael, 23 Collins, Richard H., 47 Colombo, Brenda Lockhart, 57 Columbia PD Support Group, 24 Condon, Charlie, 53 Condon, Jean, 53 Congrex UK Ltd, 54
Conklin, Lynda, 48 Connolly, Betty, 33 Copeland, Sharon, 42, 44 Corrado, Annette, 44 Costi, Sandra, 35 Craine, Cindy, 30, 33 Crandell, Diane, 47 Craven, Cynthia, 7, 51 Crawford, Lis, 36 Creegan, D. Sharon, 45 Crowningshield, Carol, 19 Crutchfield, Gary, 27, 56 Cure Parkinson's Trust, The, 33 Curfman, April, 54 Curtis, Robert, 16 Cushman, Mildred, 15
D D'Alonzo, Rita, 14, 15, 57 D'Anieri, June, 11 Danish PD Association, 21 Davis Phinney Foundation, 24 De Leon, Maria L., M.D., 13 DeGraaf, Karen, 13 Dehn, Pauline, 41 DeLeon, Paquita, 16 Dell, Karen, 15 Delsignore, Kate, 19 DeLuco, Beth, 43 Demint, Sharon, 28 DePace, Mark, 52 DePace, Laura, 52 DePace, Lisa, 52 DePace, Ron, 52 Dewsbury, Ellen, 49 Dick, Sandi, 35 Dietrich, Susan, 41 Diez, Kathleen, 10, 13 Dill, Barbara, 12 Dolan, Marion, 21 Doughty, Gayla, 10, 12
Driscoll, Michael, 16 Durazo, Margaret, 51 Durkee, Diane, 24
E Eager, Heather, 2, 3 Edison, Cindy, 13 Eisele, Paula, 45 Elden, Max, 36 Eleanor Flowers' Children, 13 Ellington, CT PD Group, 44, 57 Ellis, Donna, 29 Emerson, Joan, 47 Engel, Joan, 24 Esplanade Senior Center, The, 29
F Farley, Becky, 20 Farley, Shirley, 20 Feinberg, Barbara, 3 Feinberg, Linda, 3 Fiol, Sandra Martinez, 43 Fisher, Joyce, 25 Flagstaff Support Group, 20 Fogarty, Elizabeth, 53 Foley, Lisa, 3 Ford, Barbara, 25 Fox, Cindy, 49 Frair, Cheryl, 31 Frangello, Susan, 45 Franz, Warren, 16 Freitag, Ellis, 16 Freitag, Susan, 36 Fritz, Kathleen Hyland, 23 Fry, Carol, 16
G Gaffor, Sharon, 44 Gagnier, Mary, 19 Garcia-Grandon, Patty, 40 Garmus, Diana, 28
Gatesy, Greg, 4 Gatesy, Marlene, 53 Gemmill, Niki, 19 Gergerich, Erika, 34, 37 Gerry, Helen, 6, 9 Glass, Wendy, 20 GlaxoSmithKline Staff, 17 Goebel, Mary, 41 Goldman, Suzanne, 12 Goodwin, Carol, 47 Graffius, Jean, 26, 27, 56, 57 Gray, Jane, 3 Green, Mary, 44 Greenfield, Laurence, 23 Greenlee, Nancy, 28 Guerra, Terry, 45 Gwinn, Lois, 51
H Habenstreit, Linda, 12 Hadden, Jamey, 28 Hagen, Marie Louise, 14, 15, 46, 47 Hall, Mary, 43 Halpern, Carol, 25 Hamill, Donna, 28 Hamilton, Jean, 13 Hamlin, Susan, 40 Hampton, Joyce, 31 Hanafee, Linda, 46, 48 Hanks, George, 55 Haroon, Asima, 57 Harper, Paige, 35 Harris, Dina, 29 Harrison, Paris, 11 Hartley, Joyce, 29 Hartnett, Sandra, 48 Hashmi, Talat, 17 Hatke, Carole, 12 Hatke, Jen, 12 Healy, Patricia, 12 HeartSprings, 31, 56
Helfen, Roslyn, 41 Hendelman, Judith, 15 Hendricks County Senior Services, 47 Heredia, Emilia, 36 Herman, Elly, 22, 25 Hershfield, Harry, 31 Hickerson, Deborah, 31 Higgins, Betty, 53 Hilbrecht, Sharron, 33 Hjalmarson, Mary, 12, 35 Ho, Cynthia, 8 Hogue, Ellen, 41 Holman, William, 24 Holveck, Leanne, 23 Houston Area Parkinson's Society (HAPS), 36 Houston, Betty, 51, 56 Huestis, Julia, 23, 51 Huffman, Patricia, 11 Huseman, Katherine, 8 Huizinga, Mary, 3 Hull, Eleanore, 8 Hunt-Christensen, Jackie, 55
I Inskeep, Norman Dean, 54
J Jackson, Judith, 24 Jacobowitz, Michelle, 11, 23 Jacobs, Lynette, 4 Jannette, Andree, 53 Jecmen, Judi, 3 Jenkins, Kay Mixson, 7 Jensen, Sarah, 32 Johansen, Diane, 44 Jones, Linda, 28 Jones, Margaret, 44 Jones, Roscoe, 36 Jubiak, Lillian Lockhart, 45, 57
K Kamian, Laura, 56 Kammann, Linda, 25 Kane, M.F., 24 Kaness, Susan, 51 Kawabe, Aiko, 7 Keene, Dottie, 23 Keene, Jen, 23 Keene, Lauren, 23 Kern, Christie, 28 Kersey, Shari Price, 31 Keyes, Joann, 47 Kha, Sharon, 20 Kidd, Mary, 33 King, Evelyn, 26, 28 Kirschner, Ann Lew, 44 Konopka, Ann Marie, 49 Koroly, Virginia, 35 Kozlowski, Yvonne, 25 Kreutzer, Jackie, 51 Krishnan, Nirmala, 28 Kuklis, Louise, 27
L Ladies of the Lake Quilters, 19 LaGana, Christine, 18, 21 Laipply, Sandy, 25 Lanning, Beverlee A., 43 Lary, Brenda, 16 Lau, Louise, 32 Lauck, Meg, 16 Lavender, Beverly, 2, 5 Laverty, Lenore, 3 Layman, Megan, 25 Lazaridis, Wilma, 29 Lees, Karen, 21 Lees, Meryl, 21 LeFevre, Kristi, 41 Levine, Joyce, 54 Levine, Wendi, 41 Lichtig, Barbara, 19
Licko, Marian, 25 Lish, Marlene, 24 Little, Nan, 43, 55 Loar, Vicki, 53 Longacher, Lisa, 8 Lopez, Victor, 40 LSVT Global, 20 Lucania, Lina, 52 Lukens, Pat, 10, 11 Lule, Peter Monday, 40
M Macke, Linda, 11 Magic, Margaret, 15 Mahan, Marilyn, 31 Mahan-Rowe, Holly, 31 Majeske, Cheryl, 4 Majidulla, Sleem, 14, 17 Mangiapane, Sue, 23, 53 Marino, Judy, 37 Marquet, Jennifer, 33 Marte, Christine, 27 Mason, Linda, 48 Massey, Annelies, 4 McCann, Claire, 47 McGraw, Diane, 33, 56 McMullin, Gert, 55 McMurtry, Kathleen, 6, 9 McNeil, Virginia, 40 McNew, Marlene, 42, 45 McPherson, Tammy, 45 Meehan, Patty, 40 Meenen, Carol, 32 Mellus-Whiting, Stacey, 25 Memmer, Lonnie, 47 Michigan Parkinson Foundation, 49 Miller, Bonnie, 47 Milton, Wanda, 4 Moll, Marilyn, 23 Monahan, Dianne, 30 Moore, Carol, 27
Morris, Denise, 31, 56 Morris, Patricia, 9 Moskowitz, Issy, 27 Moss-Racusin, Nancy, Ph.D., 30, 32 Mostransky, Michael, 53, 57 Moulton, Pamela, 5 Movers & Shakers (Inc.), 33 Muller, Ans, 3 Murphy, Beth, 26, 27, 56 Murphy, Debbie, 27 Murphy, Judy, 38, 40 Murray, Patricia D., 47 Murray, Susan, 3
N Nacogdoches PD Support Group, 22, 24 Nau, Jill, 49 Neapolitan, Jean, 48 Nielsen, Ruth, 43 Nisenfeld, Sandee, 47 Niska, 15, 57 NJ Chapter APDA, 25 Northamptonshire Support Group, 45 Northrop, Karen, 44 Novichihin, Irene, 12
O Ober, Martha, 20 O'Mara, Madeleine, 28 Oxford PD Support Group, 23
P Page, Susan, 15 Paige, Kathryn, 48 Pally, Carol, 53 Pally, Jack, 53 Palmer, Mary Lou, 25, 48 Palmini, Cathleen, 40, 57 Paolini, Alison, 4
Parkies Jammin, 7 Parkinson’s Action Network, 55 Parkinson's Disease Foundation, 5 Parkinson's New Zealand, 30, 32 Parkinson's Quilt Project Committee, 20 Parkinson’s UK, 55 Parkinson’s UK-Newcastle Branch, 4 Patlogan, Ila, 11 Patnoe, Jerry, 37 Patnoe, Sharon, 34, 37 Pauesick, Chyleen, 23 PCC Neurowriters, 8 PD Fdn. of the Heartland, 27 PDPlan4Life, 20 Peacock, Donna, 48 Pearce, Ruth, 38, 41, 56 Percy, Betty, 47 Petrites, Anna, 16 Petropoulos, Helga, 19 Peyton, Rebecca, 13 Pfeiffer, Gail, 24 Phelan Family, 52 Pigg, Linda, 28 Pigtails, Pirate Ships & Parkinson's, 33 Pillsbury, Rhoda, 45 Pinter, Margit, 49 Pisching, Barbara, 49 Pizarro, Miriam, 7, 13 Pope, Kim, 43 Portuguese PD Association, 39 Potenza, Harriett, 43 Poynter, Gail, 9 Prescott, Terrie, 41 Preston, Linda, 43 Preston, Nancy, 44 Pribyl, Anne, 36 Pryor, Charlene, 40 Puckett, Jeannette, 48
Pycha, Marguerite, 27, 49
Q Qureshi, Samina, 17
R Raes, Yvonne, 33 Rajan, Ambika, 31 Ramos, Loretta, 29 Ramsey, Janice, 48 Rancourt, Georgia, 12 Reardon-Noblet, Kathleen, 41 Reid, Deborah, 35 Reiter, Catherine, 22, 23, 51 Renfrow, Judie, 9 Rhea, Christine, 11 Rhoden, Dorothy, 35 Rice, William, 55 Roberts, Ann, 37 Robson, Lynda, 13 Rock Steady Boxing, 31 Rodeo Mom, 40 Rodman, Myrna, 16 Rodman, Stan, 36 Rodriguez, Catherine, 44 Rodriquenz, Nancy, 9 Rubin, Alan, 2, 4 Ruiter, Evie, 49 Runyan, Rosemary, 27 Rusk, Linda, 45 Russell, John, 19 Russell, Judy, 19 Rutledge, Melinda, 27 Ryan, Colleen, 48 Rykken, Cheryl, 11
S Saari, Davanna, 7 Samad, Ayesha, 17 Sampsell, Karen, 11 Sanger, Laura, 13
Sanner, Audrey Gray, 7, 9 Sawyer, Susan, 35 Schneider Jr., Larry, 2, 3, 7, 54 Schneider, Lois, 3 Schneider, Rachael, 51 Schneider, Trudy, 49 Schroder, Paul J., 54 Schwartz, Edith, 4 Schwinge, Virginia, 48, 51 Scott, Amy, 49 Scudera, Lisa, 35 Sechter, Judi, 12 Seward, Jill, 42, 45 Shade, Jeannine, 24 Shady Hill School Grade 2E, 30, 32 Shaikh, Tashi, 17, 57 Shareef, Shahla, 17 Sharrer, Mary Ann, 28 Shaternik, Lydia, 23 Sherrick, Patricia, 5, 8 Shinkle, Janet, 51 Shipton, Ancret, 55 Shoaib, Shahzadi, 14, 17 Sieck, Kay, 28 Simpson, Susan, 29 Siquig, Linda, 50, 51 Slutz, Sherry, 50, 53 Smith, Cislyn, 53 Smith, Eric, 4 Smith, Janice, 32 Smith, Karen, 24 Smith, Pamela, 9 Smith, Rachel, 31 Smith, Susan W., 35 Smyser, Diana, 5 Snyder, Charlene, 5 Snyder, Patricia, 28 Solari-Ruscoe, Carol, 19 Spencer, Linda, 9 Standish, Sharon, 3 Stark, Sharon, 9
Stefanetti, Lynne, 10, 11, 55 Steichen, Joanna, 5, 6, 7 Stein, Martha, 36 Stein, Robert, 36 Steinmann, Debra, 41 Stephens, Bernadette, 29 Stewart Family, The, 27, 57 Stocks, Paula, 31 Stone, Sharon, 7, 46, 48 Sulzberger, Elaine, 40, 55 Surmeier, Rebecca, 32 Swarbrick, Helen Alison, 47, 57 Swisk, Carol, 32 Szczepanski, Joan, 38, 41
T Tanner, Caroline, 45 Tanner, Dorothy, 45 Team Parkinson, 4 Teem, Penny, 21 Thomas, Brenda, 48 Thomson, Rita 55 Tilley, Melinda, 49 Titt, Peggy, 34, 35 Tomich, Michael, 31 Tomich, Ward, 31 Tragakis Family, 52 Traverse, Elizabeth Anne, 12 Tuero, Elena, 7, 13, 56 Tunis, Diane, 43 Turner, Caralyn, 9 Tyler, Erin, 35
U Urbina de Breen, Marlene, 33 Urquhart, Heather, 15
V Vaandrager, Kathryn, 54 Valley Golden Living Center, 13 Van Kessel, Jo Ann, 27, 56
Van Lenten, Marilyn, 24 Van Tassell, Curt, 54 Van Voorhis, Amy, 42, 43 Vanden Bosch, Terri, 54 Vanthul, Debra, 54 Vaughan, Karen, 53 Victor, Charlene, 16 Vietri Family, 52 Vietri, Linda, 52 Vis, Karen, 54 Vitcenda Cade, Kim, 4, 7, 53, 54, 55 Votaw, Melanie, 13
Woods, Gillian, 37 Woods, Sandy, 37 Woor, Lorna, 54
Y Yarnold, Patricia, 5 Young, Debra Lou, 49 Young, Patricia, 44 Yuen, Genevieve, 47
Z Zander, Sandra, 8 Zeba, Nilofar-Nighat, 17
W Wagner, Barbara, 19 Wales, MaryLou, 49 Walker, Tammy, 33 Warford, Pamela, 35 Weaver, Carolyn, 32 Webb, Linda, 7, 18, 20 Webb, Sally, 43 Weimer, Carolyn, 15 Wells, Jennifer, 28 Weyand, Mary, 16 Wheeler, Margaret, 41 White, Lorna, 21 Wiener, Marcia, 20 Willocks, Peggy, 7, 35, 53, 54 Wilson, Sheryl, 11 Wing, Susan, 43 Winter, Sherry, 35 Winters, Angela, 31 Winthrop, Audrey, 22, 24, 51 Wisconsin APDA Caregivers, 32 Wisconsin Chapter – APDA, 32 Wiseman, Janice, 13 Wittig, Linda, 15 Wong, Dorothy, 16 Wood, Nancy, 7 Wood, Patricia, 19 Woodard, Pamela, 33
Bring The Parkinson’s Quilt to Your Community In 2011, the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) will make sections of the Parkinson’s Quilt Project available for rent to communities all over the world. Displaying the Quilt offers a unique opportunity to raise awareness of Parkinson’s and educate others about the disease. Any individual, organization or company may apply to rent a section of the Quilt. Specific panels can be requested. Rental fees will vary. Most of the proceeds raised by these fees will support the maintenance of the project; any remaining funds will support PDF’s research efforts to explore the therapeutic value of creativity in Parkinson’s. For more information or to apply to rent sections of the Parkinson’s Quilt, visit www.pdf.org/en/quilt or email quilt@pdf.org.
© 2010 Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
Thimble Sponsor Anonymous
Friends of the Parkinson’s Quilt Project Biotechnology Industry Organization Broadridge Financial Solutions Focus On A Cure Foundation Frances Grandlund Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Schering Plough Sue Smith
Benefactors Conrad W. De Fiebre Thomas P. Racobaldo Ronald Rashid Toshiba Winters Brothers Recycling
Gifts in Kind American Airlines Avery Crayola FedEx Hewlett Packard- HP
Logitech Nikon Samsonite Luggage Toshiba Uncle Bob’s Self Storage
Fabric Donors A. Schneller Sons, Inc. ALB International Fabrics HS Company Pierre Frey
PDF would like to thank The Names Project Foundation - AIDS Memorial Quilt for their time and the advisory role they played in helping to launch the Parkinson’s Quilt Project.
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation 1359 Broadway, Suite 1509, New York, NY 10018 (212) 923-4700 / (800) 457-6676 | www.pdf.org