4 minute read



Avoiding arrogance in your life & being more down to earth is the real secret to success in life. If you achieve something in life, most people become proud, which is unacceptable. Ironically, if you save yourself from being proud, you have accomplished something in your life & you have lived it. Naturally, if you get a decent job, succeed in business, or achieve popularity, that’s the real test of your life. Being in a high position or role doesn’t make you feel proud. Instead, it would help if you were responsible. If you have power with you, that’s the real test of your life and how you react.


The real test in life is how you react to power & your position of money & success. If there is a little bit of ME or MYSELF in you, only you can do this & nobody else can do this. That’s not your attitude. It’s your arrogance. Thus, there is very little difference between attitude & arrogance.

I can cook this food better; It’s ‘ME’ who can do something better. All this is full of sheer arrogance. If you have this ‘ME’ attitude inside of you, something which I have seen in 99% of people, it will create issues, as this is my observations & research.

It would be best if you minimized this ME or MYSELF from inside of you so that you can achieve success.


To succeed, people need to eliminate & even minimize the factor of ‘ME’ from inside their personalities. It’s the nature of most people, as they like to be praised, as praise & acknowledgements give them the energy they need from the inside. Most people who like to be praised get positive energy from that praise.

The way to eliminate this ‘ME’ from your personality is to stop it as soon as you get praised. You need to become more “down to earth” or learn how to become more practical and realistic. For this to happen, you have to make sacrifices. Naturally, sacrifice & the attitude of sacrifice always paves the way for success.


In your life, there are some key things that are needed for the sake of balancing yourself. A beggar on the road asking for money from everyone passing by can’t have that ‘ME’ inside him. Neither is it in someone who is living a hand-to-mouth life. A ‘ME’ is something that is created inside someone’s personality due to the power that God gives. As soon as you get the power, the money or the authority, you tend to hurt people. This is where you need to balance yourself.

The primary reaction you need to take now is in your own heart. Just decide to eliminate that thought & think that you have to benefit people and no one will get hurt by you. The way of thinking, or the perspective, needs to be different.

HALF-FILLED & HALF-EMPTY- ‘The Perspective That Matters:’

Take a glass of water & fill it halfway. It’s a Chinese psychology training that determines a person’s perspective & psychology. Some people would claim that the glass is half-filled. However, there will be others who might say that the glass is half-empty. Your perspective of life entirely depends upon you and the way you think.


If you share your powers with others, mingle with them and distribute them, your life will be better in the future. Your life will take on an entirely new direction. You shall start moving outside the attitude of selfishness. Once you start giving the benefit of the doubt to others, you will start thinking about how you can help others. I am not talking about starting a charitable foundation or funding one. However, you shall be able to give directions to others. At least you can tell people how to proceed in life! You can become a good guide.

People must take pride in being with a dynamic person like yourself and also feel good about their energy levels. This is a process that will extend your life going forward.

Suppose you go somewhere to buy a jacket at a store which is frequented by those looking for bargains. That same Jacket bought from a Montane brand shop is far more expensive. The best jacket for you is the one that shall keep your ego in check. Similarly, those who want success in life keep themselves lighter. The lighter you are, the more easily you shall rise above others. The best way to keep yourself lighter is to share moments of happiness with others around you.


Don’t be proud of yourself. The lighter you are, will allow you to avoid all kinds of bad thoughts & emotions. You will be able to progress quicker. This is similar to climbing a mountain. The lighter you are, the easier it is to climb higher. The more you are burdened with money and bad thoughts, the earlier your mission will end. Even your value for money will diminish.

Intelligent people should always keep themselves lightweight in the way they think. Take pride in what you do. Don’t worry about revenge or the arrogance of your money. Those are the people who will have better lives than others.

You will always enjoy these little tips if you keep following them.

You will feel good about yourself. These things, i.e. some little thoughts, can change your life.

All I am trying to do is tell you via this article that these are little things that can be life changers only if you follow them.

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