Leading Your Team
Into A Post Pandemic World Syed mANSOOR Naqvi
Leading your team into a Post Pandemic world is itself a huge
significant example which many companies have adopted to
challenge after a long break Post COVID-19. Even in the
avoid the pandemic.
midst of what’s happening many sectors are still not fully opened and needs opening up with a radical change manage-
Apart from safety they are working for the assurance of
ment strategy.
security as well which is another key and primary concern. Many companies have made sure that employees keep on
According to Kotler’s model of Change management there
working on payrolls for as long as it is possible. Alternatively,
are some key measures that as a leader one needs to exhibit
some companies have increased pay for front line and core
while ensuring change strategies. These includes Creating
workers. Many companies have established employee relief
urgency, forming a powerful coalition, creating a vision for
funds for the sake of addressing change on an urgent basis.
change, communicating the vision, removing obstacles,
Flexibility is also evident by senior executives and Board of
creating short-term wins, Building on the change, and
Directors who have cut down their salaries.
anchoring the change in the corporate culture. In this model for change management most of the factors are easily
A huge question is how are leaders able to address their
applicable in the Post pandemic comeback.
workers higher level needs during the pandemic. Leading with vision and leading with a kind of singular force is the hour of
However, there is a huge role that the leaders will have to
the needs for leaders. The type of leaders that are most
play to make sure that the change management strategies
needed in times of Pandemic are the ones with a strong
take place effectively. Communicating and creating the vision
analytical and a focused mind. Having a positive approach
for change is one of the most important while the corporate
and a vision for change while demonstrating vulnerability and
sector is opening up again after a long break due to the
empathy. A combination of a science based approach with a
Pandemic COVID-19. Building on the change and anchoring
human touch is what is needed to undergo leadership
the change are rest of the two measures that will definitely
challenges effectively.
help in implementing the change in the corporate culture and environment.
HUMAN NEEDS IN THE RE-OPENING PHASE: As many companies in Canada are planning to re-open in the
opening up phase. They are bound to take some key steps in
This is the phase during which companies have sought to
form of precautionary measures and key implications. While
ensure their workers physical safety. Companies have in
preparing for the next phase the spectrum needs to be broad
addition to the measures also implemented work from home
for their employees and their needs. This is apart from just
measures. As well as sanitized essential areas and shifted
creating a physically safe workplace to other mandatory
operating models. Contactless delivery is yet another
measures. As an example the companies are considering the