E- Scooter Pilot Project STUART HIMMEL
Staff Writer
Can you picture e-scooters waiting
The two leaders of the biggest
on sidewalks for commuters to hop
e-scooter companies in Canada, Bird
on and then drop off whenever and
and Lime, said they could work with
wherever they want? If your answer
specified parking spots downtown but
is no, you are not alone. This pilot
would require a lot of them. Lime’s
project does not appear to be part of
Chris Schafer, suggested a two zone
Toronto’s future unless changes are
system as ideal for Toronto with
riders in suburbs able to leave scooters at the sidewalk edge and
In the month of March, city experts
wherever convenient and in designat-
will reveal recommendations for
ed parking spots downtown or on the
e-scooter use during a 5 year
street or sidewalks if width permits.
provincially sanctioned project that
This allows for an organized program
will let municipalities create most of
that balances the convenience riders
the rules.
appreciate in other cities around the world. Bird Canada’s Stewart Lyons
Janet Lo, senior project manager,
is also advocating much the same as
gave a preview to Toronto Accessibili-
Lime’s Chris Schafer. Bird Canada,
ty Advisory Committee which
is currently working with a defined
entailed the “preferred” model would
parking system in Montreal with no
see riders pick up and drop off
issues but stated they would require
e-scooters only in designated spots.
lots of spots, maybe every 80-100
Two spots being considered include
meters. He also stated that restrict-
Bike Share Toronto Stations or on
ing the spots to Bike Share stations
street vehicle parking spots convert-
would be insufficient.
ed to scooter use by Toronto Parking
Councilor Kristyn Wong-Tam, chair of the
Authority (TPA). Lo is suggesting
At the meeting, Janet Lo heard from
accessibility advisory committee, was
that the high number of bike share
disability advocates who don’t want
surprised at the injury statistics collected from
stations (plans call for 625) make it
the e-scooters in Toronto at all.
July to mid-October during Calgary’s pilot
easy for people to walk and gain
“Scooters pose an immediate and
project. Hundreds of scooter related hospital
access to the e-scooter which would
serious danger to people with
visits included 33 that required ambulance
address the sidewalk clutter and
disabilities” stated David Lepofsky,
trips including at least one pedestrian.
obstruction issues. Lo will recom-
chair of Accessibility for Ontarians
Wong-Tam’s motion was passed unanimously
mend to councilors that TPA will
with disabilities. Lepofsky, who is
by committee members, urging council to
become the city’s umbrella agency
blind, said vehicles travelling at 24
reject calls to legalize e-scooter usage. She
for all e-scooter options noting its
km/h are dangerous to people like
stated that if e-scooters are legalized, rules
plan is to add 300 scooters as part of
him when they are moving and a
must be guided by public safety in consulta-
the pilot project.
tripping and obstruction hazard when
tion with people living with disabilities.
they are parked.