Instead Of A Lifestyle Issue DIGITAL MEDIA MARKETING MB Enterprises
Obesity is a big issue especially faced in the North American
diabetes awareness on a global level, heart diseases and
region due to the obese environments, fatty foods, busy & fast
other obesity related diseases and illnesses. The motive of
routines and uncontrolled diets. In Canada it has been seen
the study ACTION similar to its name significance means
as an alarming indicator for future health issues, problems
taking immediate actions for health issues, getting remedies
that relates to being overweight and lack of maintenance of a
for obesity problems and finally the best treatments and
proper lifestyle. However, most health and fitness researchers
diagnosis. Once people are self-motivated, they can easily
and diet experts believe that it’s a chronic disease instead of
encounter their obesity problems with a deeper understand-
being a lifestyle issue.
ings of their lifestyle. Why lifestyle matters? A very common question amongst people living in an obese environment. It
According to a survey conducted in Canada, more than
relates to everyday eating habits, regular exercising i.e. gym
one-quarter of Canadians are obese. It’s because of their
activity or increasing the fitness levels. A busy lifestyle at work
eating and dining habits, and furthermore, obesity is consid-
means obesity can come because of eating habits and can
ered as a complex, multifactorial and a progressive chronic
be controlled through regular exercises, walking and medita-
disease. A huge amount i.e. 63% also believes that people
tion activity.
with obesity issues can manage their weights through their mindset and regular mental and physical exertions.
A NEED FOR GREATER EMPLOYER SUPPORT: Employers in Canada need to treat obesity as a chronic
Motivation is the key in reducing the levels of obesity and how
disease and move it out of the lifestyle category. A report
fast can an obese person get closer to his/her original fitness
based on a survey of 2000 people with obesity, 395
levels. A huge 72% of health care providers believe that
health-care providers and 150 employers. Hence, the thing
people with obesity are not motivated enough to manage
that is highly needed is an access to other treatment options
their own weights. However this report was conducted by
i.e. for effective weight management, e.g. paying for the
ACTION i.e. Awareness, Care, and Treatment in Obesity
medications, and additionally paying for psychology for obese
Management Study. The motive of this study is to create
people, research, support and health-care, and diet care
awareness on a global scale, treatments and a complete
management of Obesity with timelines. In the first and foremost instance moving it to the category of HOW MOTIVATION CAN CREATE SELF-AWARENESS:
chronic diseases will definitely have a psychological impact
‘Motivation’, a word very commonly and significantly used in
on the mentality of most obese people. Hence, that will
creating self-awareness in weight loss treatments. Either you
definitely help them in breaking any mental barriers and
can motivate yourself or an awareness can be created
effectively using the employer’s support in combatting issues
through awareness programs similar to that of the study
of obesity.
called ‘ACTION’. Preference in walking to their workplaces, cycling or immediThis is through specialists that are linked with creating
ately going for an exercise from their workplace. A greater