Study for FREE* Financing your Access course may be a lot easier than you think. Unlike a year 0 or Foundation degree at University, you could study an Access course for free. For 2023 our Access to Higher Education Diploma fees are set between £3,000£4,000 per course. If you do not already hold a full Level 3 qualification (such as two A Levels or a Level 3 BTEC Diploma) and are aged between 19-23, your course will be FREE! If you are aged 19-23 and you already have a full Level 3 qualification or you are aged 24 or over on the start date of your course you will have to pay for your fees or you can apply for an Advanced Learner Loan, which will be written off when you complete your degree.
Advanced Learner Loan If you are aged 19 or over at the start of your course you can apply online for an Advanced Learner Loan to cover your tuition fee through Student Finance England. The loan is designed to pay for part of, or the full cost of tuition. You’ll only have to start making repayments after you complete your course and only if you are earning over £27,295 per year. *Once you complete your Access to HE Diploma and go on to complete your degree, your Advanced Learner Loan will be written off and your Access course will be FREE!
Our team can support you to complete your application for this. Find out more and apply on our website!