Tuesday Kitchen-11:30am-4:00pm
Wednesday 11:30am-9:00pm
Thursday 11:30am-9:00pm
Friday 11:30am-9:00pm
Saturday 11:30am-7:00pm
Sunday 10:30am-7:00pm
GolfShop WeekdayI8:30am-5:30pm(6:30afterDST)
GolfCourse WeekdayI9:00am-DARK
PracticeFacility WeekdayI8:30am-5:00pm(6:30afterDST)
GolfShop WeekdayI8:00am-6:30pm
GolfCourse WeekdayI8:30am-DARK
PracticeFacility WeekdayI8:00am-6:30pm
Membership&Accounting252-751-1960Ext8013 EventsDirector
It is almost spring time and I am looking forward to warmerweather.Iamalsolookingforwardtoseeing moreofyouaroundtheclubhouse!
We hope you all will continue to come dine and enjoy the club and all that we have to offer. Chef is continuingtokeepthemenufreshforyouandyour family. Events for your family will continue through the year and we are always open to hearing your suggestions.
Let's welcome all of our new members with a friendly hello when you see them around the club Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns,orideas
CortneHayes MemberServicesDirectorMcConnell Golf offers a Network Upgrade for our membership. For just $25 or $45, depending on your membership type, you can enjoy golf, pool, dining, and social activities at all McConnell Golf locations. If you have any questions about the McConnell Golf Network Upgrade, contact Member Services Director, Cortne Hayes, at 252-751-1960 x 8013.
2023 MEMBERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: We offer a variety of different memberships to meet all your needs! Please share with your fellow neighbors, colleagues, family and friends the membership opportunities being offered at Brook Valley Country Club All memberships are Family Memberships
Clubhouse and Non-Resident Clubhouse providing access to clubhouse dining and social activities
Providesfullclubamenitiesaccesstopool, diningandsocialactivities
Full Golf, Non-Resident Full Golf, Corporate Full Golf, Junior Golf and Senior Golf providing full club amenities access to golf, pool, dining and social activities
Look who’s talking about Brook Valley CC! Please enjoy a few of our favorite social media mentions below – and keep sharing your experiences by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter
"The shower was lovely The bride to be was precious The flowers and cake- gorgeous. The whole day was perfect. Wishing Emily and Trey so much happiness."
Kinsey June
"2022 Great Gatsby Christmas party with Keller Williams was so much fun!"
Greenville Pitt County Chamber of Commerce
"Congratulations to Brook Valley Country Club for being named the 'Most Improved Golf Club of 2022' at the 2023 McConnell Golf Annual Symposium "
/brookvalleycc @brookvalleycc @brookvalleycc
her girls x5"Kristie Easter Wooten
Happy Birthday to our Members in March! Please join us for your complementary birthday meal and McConnell birthday brownie. The a la carte menu is available in addition to the special birthday dinner features We look forward to celebrating with you!
We would love to have your friends and family join in on the fun as we will have taco specials alongside our a la carte menu! Reservations are required as quantities are limited To make a reservation, please call the club, reserve through the app, or email Deena Dieckhaus at ddieckhaus@brookvalleycc com or Jennifer Baker at jbaker@brookvalleycc com
Join us at Brook Valley for a fun filled night of BINGO and a buffet! This event will be family friendly with adult and kid prizes! More information tocomeintheWeeklyHappenings!Wehopetoseeyouthere!
Mark your calendar and join us at Brook Valley for Friday night Date Night! Take advantage of our special - Buy one entrée, get the second 50% off A la carte menu will be available We will have live music on the Patio, weather permitting Reservations are expected and highly recommended. More details to come in theupcomingWeeklyHappenings!
BrookValleycontinuestooffer to-go optionsaswellascurbsideorcomeinsideandpickupsoyoucanenjoyinthecomfortofyourownhome.
The best way to guarantee your order being ready and available is to call the club. The number is 252-751-1960 dial Ext 8033 when the auto attendantanswersthephone.WehopeyoucontinuetoenjoythedeliciousfoodChefandhisstaffcreateforyou.
Join us in the Lakeview Room or Lounge this evening for Brisket Night! It's always one of the busiest here at Brook Valley - and you don't want to miss it! Reservations are a must as priority seating is guaranteed to those who havemadereservations Thealacartemenuwillbeavailablethisevening
Happy Easter to all of our Brook Valley Members! Please make your reservationsbyWednesdayApril5thfortheEasterBrunchBuffetatBVCC! Chefhasadeliciousmenuplanned
Chef'sFriedChickenisbackforaFridayNightTakeOutSpecial!Toordera to-gomeal,pleasecalltheclub,252-751-1960x8033oremailJennifer Bakeratjbaker@brookvalleycccomorDeenaDieckhausat ddieckhaus@brookvalleycccom
Chef's Prime Rib is back on the menu for dinner in April and we look forward to hosting dinner for you, your family, and friends in the Lakeview Room, patio, or take out Don't forget to make your reservations as guaranteedseatingisonlyavailableforthosewhomakereservations Thea lacartemenuisavailablethisevening
Duringthistimeofyear,itissuchatreattocomeouttotheClubforawonderfuleveningout Inorderforourstafftoprovidepremium serviceandamplefoodpreparation,wekindlyaskthatyoucallaheadforreservationsnolaterthan3:00pmonthedayyouwishtodine. Please adhere to our reservation deadlines which are posted on the website and in the newsletter, so that Chef can meet product ordering deadlines Online reservations may be made up to 24 hours in advance or you may email Jennifer Baker at jbaker@brookvalleycccomorDeenaDieckhausatddieckhaus@brookvalleycccom Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupport!
PleasejoinusatBrookValleyfortheannualFatherDaughterDance. ThethemeisRoyalBallandDJEricwillbehereallnight Therewill alsobeafacepaintingstationand AREALPRINCESS!A48-hour cancellationpolicyisineffectReservationsarerequired
Did someone say SLUMBER PARTY?! Come in your jammies and bring your sleeping bags in the Azalea Room for a fun movie night! We'll have popcorn with flavor add-ins including movie theater butter, cheddar cheese,andkettlecorn.
Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down Oxford Road! The Easter Bunny will be back at Brook Valley on Saturday, April 1 for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Bunny Lunch! This year we have plenty in store for our little ones In addition to the Easter Egg Hunt, we will have a PETTINGZOOforallthekidstoenjoy!Chefwillhaveaspeciallunchmenu forourkids Parentscanmakereservationsforlunchaswell!
Sip sip hooray - it's "wine o'clock" here at Brook Valley! Join us for a fabulous evening to enjoy a variety of wines and a four course meal put togetherbyChefandhisstaff Moredetailscomingsoon
Welcome to KidZone! Bring your little ones to your home away from home here at the Club A supervised environment will be available downstairs includingcrafts,dinnerandamovie TheKidZoneisafunplacetohangout while our parents can enjoy an evening with dinner and drinks at BV. The number of kids will be limited to 15 due to the size of the room. We do ask that all children are potty trained. If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Baker at jbaker@brookvalleycccom or Deena Dieckhaus at ddieckhaus@brookvalleycccom!
Can you believe we are 3 months away from the beginning of summer swim season? We will be having two informational meetings prior to our official kick-off in mid-May, so be on the look out for those in mid-April Great news that at this time Coach Emily and Coach Mac will be returning to coach this year We will still have opportunities for swimmers to volunteer at practices to gain knowledge about coaching swimming and working with others
Currently, we are looking for volunteers for our swim team committee. Here are the roles we are looking to fill:
Volunteer Coordinators: Creates and maintains a database, creates and maintains signups, reminds, encourages, and thanks parent(s) for volunteering Banquet and Awards: Coordinates and order Member-At-Large: Catch all and assist as needed
If interested please contact:
Carol Carson: carolcarson512@gmail com
Rebecca Houston : rebeccarwhouston@yahoo com
We still need timers, judges, and scorekeepers at our home events. Opportunities to sign up for these will be at the beginning of the season so you can plan accordingly
YoumayonlyregisteryourkidsforONECAMPatthistimetogiveall familiestheopportunitytoparticipate Eachcampwillbelimitedto20 juniors StartingMay1,ifallcampsarenotfull,parentsmayregistertheir kidsforanyopencamp.
Lookforfulldetailsofthe2023JuniorGolfprogramtobeannounced verysoon.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,concerns,orrequests-pleasedo nothesitatetocontactamemberoftheGolfShopstaff.Welookforward tomaking2023ourbestyearforJuniorGolfactivitiesyet!
Semester #1 March-April
Semester #2 May-June
Semester #3 July-August
Semester #4 September-October
Mondays, June-August
Ages: 10-18
Camp #1 June 20-23
Camp #2 July 18-21
Camp #3 August 15-18
Ages: 5-12
Look for full details of the 2023 Junior Golf Program to be announced very soon. If you have any questions, concerns, or requests – please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Golf Shop staff We look forward to making 2023 our best year for Junior Golf Activities yet!
IfyouareunfamiliarwithwhatOperation36isallabout,wehighly encourageyoutousethelinkbelowtowatchashortvideoabout the program Op36 has become one of the world’s most effective programsbasedonacombinationofinstruction,technology,and mostimportantlyplayinintroducingnewgolferstothegame The goalistoshoot36orbetterinaprogressivedevelopmentalmodel by making this goal more achievable as your skill level develops. More details about our 2023 offerings will be announced as we officially launch our junior programs in the early spring. In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact a member of the Golf Shop stafffordetails
https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=LV6UA4lLx Q
The 2023 MGA Season will kick off Thursday, March 16 with our MGA Annual Meeting to determine 2023 Officers and discuss activities for the new year. Our first Men’s Night event for the year will be Thursday, March 30 A new event will be held on Saturday, April 22 that will serve as a qualifier for the Scott Groot Match Play This new event will accommodate our ever-growing MGA Membership with prizes available in addition to qualifying for the field Look for other important dates on the 2023 Golf Schedule If you are interested in joining the BV MGA in 2023, a formal announcement will be sent out shortly after the Annual Meeting with the dues schedule for 2023
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a member of the Golf Shop staff, or a BV MGA Board Member We look forward to another exciting year of MGA Golf!
TheGolfStaffhasbeenhardatworkintheoffseasoncreatinganexcellent calendarofeventsforourmembershipin2023Belowyoucanfindalistof themajoreventsforthisyear,alongwithmaintenancedatesandafewof thelargereventsourClubwillhostthisseason CouplesGolfandLadies Nine&Winedateshavebeententlistedelsewhereinthisnewsletter
March 9
Thisyear'sNine&WineEventswillbeginonMarch15witha"Putt andPour"eventonthemainputtinggreenatthebackpatio.Afun puttingcoursewillbesetupwithawinebaravailableforalltoenjoy Riley,Travis,andAustinwillbeavailabletoassistaswellas informallydiscussideasfortheupcoming2023season
NortheasternNCSeniorMGAInterclub BrookValleywilllookto three-peataschamps!Comesupportyourclubbycompetingonthe BrookValleyTeamandhavesomegreatfunandcomraderyatthe sametime Theentryfeeforeacheventis$55andincludesgolf, rangeballs,lunch,andprizes.AllmenintheGolfingClass,age55 andolder,areeligibletoplay Ifyouareinterestedinplayingorfor moredetails,contactamemberoftheGolfShopStaffortheTeam Captains,LeoCorbinandJeffGibson
AprilTBA WalnutCreek
April25 BrookValley
May16 WashingtonY&CC
June20 CypressLanding
July27 WilsonCC
August14 GreenvilleCC
September7 BelmontLake
October17 Ironwood
BrookValleyCountryClubwillonceagainparticipateinEastCarolina LadiesGolfAssociationthisyear.Commonlyreferredtobyitsmore populartitle,LadiesEasternLeague,participationisopentoallBrook ValleyladiesintheGolfingClassthathaveahandicapindexof32.9or lower EventsareheldthesecondThursdayofeachmonthandofferthe opportunitytonotonlyrepresentBrookValleybutalsotoplaymanyof theothercoursesintheareaandmakesomegreatconnectionswith otherladygolfersatthesametime Ifyouareinterestedinplayingor wouldlikemoredetails,contactamemberoftheGolfShopStaffor LeagueRepresentative,JanisHumphrey
April12 BelmontLakes
May11 IronwoodG&CC
June8 WilsonCC
July13 BrookValley
August10 WalnutCreek
September10 LaneTree
October12 Wedgewood(Finals)
TheCarolinasGolfAssociationwillbeatBrookValleyCountryClubto discussthe2023USGARulesofGolf.Apresentationofthekey changesinthenewesteditionoftherulesofgolfwillbemade followedbyaQ&Asessiontohelpansweranyquestionsyoumight have.
If you haven’t heard, we have big news to share John McConnell has decided to repair our cart paths! He has allocated $350,000 to the project and we intend to use every penny That amount of money will not fund a completereplacement,butitwilleasilycovertheworstareasofourcurrent paths,andthensome
MichaelShoun,McConnellGolf’sVPanddirectorofagronomy,hasbeena bighelpinplanningthisproject.HeandIarestillintheplanningstage,so we do not have a definite start date. We have met with the asphalt contractor we intend to use. If everything works out we could begin repairingthepathsasearlyasJuly Thereareunderstandablymanydetails to consider A great deal of prep work will need to be completed between nowandanofficialstartdate
Beforewecanbegintherepairs,somethingmustbedoneabouttherootof the problem That is of course, the tree roots themselves If we don’t do anythingtoimpedegrowthandspreadoftheroots,allofourrepairswillbe renderedworthlessfairlyquickly.Tocombatthischallenge,wearegoingto dig a trench along both sides of the path, in areas we intend to repair. The trench will be 1.5 feet deep. This will remove any existing roots. To keep new roots from growing we will put a landscape fabric liner in the trench, before back filling it You may see this work start within the next couple of weeks Please be patient while we make progress We will do everything possible to keep from disrupting play during this process We do not plan tocloseanyholesduringthetrenchingphase
Whenthetrenchingphaseendsandaswemoveforward,whiletheasphalt crewisonsite,itmaybenecessarytocloseareasofthegolfcourse.Wewill keep you updated as plans solidify. The best news is that it is happening! Figuresmaychangeslightly,butitlookslikewewillbeabletoaccomplish the following: add a parking area for carts behind the driving range tee, reroutethepathnear10tee,enlargetheteardropturnonat13teeand12 Green,andreplaceover7,000linearfeetofcartpath The7,000+linearfeet will be at the existing width of 6 feet These areas will include, but not be limited to, 9 tee, 10 tee, and 13 tees If you look closely, white marks have been made on the path in many of the areas we plan to renovate Some highertrafficareasmaybewidened.
This cart path renovation is great news for golfers, especially when wet weather makes cart restrictions a necessity It may be even better news for the golf maintenance department Our reel mowers, used on greens, tees, andfairways,aresetusingagaugethatmeasuresheightofcutin1/100of aninch Despitethebesteffortsofourequipmentoperators,occasionallya reel will come into contact with a root bump on a cart path One small incident like this requires the operator to stop cutting grass and return the piece of equipment to our mechanic The height must be checked and adjusted as necessary. It does not take much contact to get at reel out of adjustment,butreelsarenottheonlyconcern.Everybumpwehitonacart path jars the entire piece of equipment. Bearings, bushings, hinges, and attachments all take a beating when a machine is run over rough terrain If we can transport equipment safely and efficiently, our entire operation becomesmoreefficientandeffective Cartpathrenovationdoesaworldof goodforallofus
Astheplanningprocesscontinues,wewillkeepyouupdated Wearevery excited to make your golfing experience better Thank you in advance for yourpatienceasprogressbegins.
BuckleyBrockmann GolfCourseSuperintendentThe ACC Women's Golf Championship returns to Sedgefield Country Club in 2023! The Reserve Golf Club hosted the tournament in 2022 This marks the ACC's 11th trip to Sedgefield for the tournament.
The UNC Health Championship is the Korn Ferry Tour’s only stop in North Carolina Additionally, both Korn Ferry events hosted at McConnell Golf will take place on courses designed by Donald Ross
The Korn Ferry Tour's Visit Knoxville Open will return to Holston Hills Country Club in 2023 Founded in 1927, Holston Hills Country Club enjoys a rich history on its classic Donald Ross golf course Featuring 18 holes of Bermuda grass fairways, it sits on 180 open acres of rolling hills adjoining the Holston River The golf course is consistently ranked among the country’s top 100 by Golf Magazine and within the top 100 classical golf courses by Golfweek Magazine. To find out more information about the tournament, go to
We are excited to welcome players and fans to our new tournament venue, Raleigh Country Club Designed in 1948 by the renowned architect, Donald Ross, this year’s tournament course will be a true test for the Korn Ferry Tour field offering both excitement and must-see golf for fans Information about volunteer committees can be found at unchealthchampionship com or by emailing Volunteer Coordinator, Cindy Hanson at
As a child, one of my best friend’s mothers would make these cookies for us I loved them and always ate my fair share. Then, I am sure, we drove her crazy and she would send us outside to play
3 Cups All-Purpose Flour
2 TSP Baking Powder
1 Scant TSP Baking Soda
1/2 TSP Ground Nutmeg
1/2 Pound Unsalted Butter
2 Large Eggs
1 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Milk
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
Colored Sugar or Cookie Decorations (optional)
Directions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and nutmeg
Cut the butter into the dry ingredients with a pastry blender until it resembles a coarse meal
In another bowl, beat the eggs Add sugar, milk and vanilla Beat well to dissolve the sugar Add to the dough and mix very well until smooth
Wrap dough in film wrap and refrigerate for at least 45 minutes or overnight
Preheat oven to 375°F
Roll out dough to about 2-inch thickness and cut into shapes with cookie cutter
Place on baking sheet and bake until lightly browned; 8 to 10 minutes
Senior Interclub Match
2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup Dark Cocoa Powder
1 TSP Baking Soda
1/4 TSP Salt
1 Cup Butter, at room temperature
1/2 Cup JIF Peanut Butter
1 1/2 Cups Granulated Sugar
2 Large Eggs
2 TSP Vanilla Extract
4oz Semi-Sweet Chocolate, melted
2/3 Cup Milk Chocolate Chips
2/3 Cup Peanut Butter Chips
In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt; set aside
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat butter, peanut butter and sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy, about 3-4 minutes Add eggs, one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed Add vanilla and beat until combined Reduce speed to low and add flour mixture, beat to combine. Add melted chocolate and beat until combined. Fold in milk chocolate chips and peanut butter chips.
Transfer the dough to a sheet of plastic wrap, wrap it up and refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper.
Roll a heaping tablespoon of dough into a 1½-inch ball and place it on the prepared baking sheet Repeat with the remaining dough, spacing the balls about 2 inches apart.