MAY&JUNEHOURS(SubjecttoChanges) Monday CLOSED Tuesday Kitchen-11:30am-4:00pm Lounge-11:30am-7:00pm
11:30am-9:00pm Thursday 11:30am-9:00pm Friday 11:30am-9:00pm Saturday 11:30am-7:00pm Sunday 10:30am-7:00pm
Summerisrightaroundthecorner.Iamlooking forward to all of the events we will have at BrookValleyCountryClub
Icannotwaittoseeallofyouattheclubhouse whiletheweatherstartsgettingwarmer Please come out and enjoy our patios and all of the food and beverages we have to offer Chef continuestokeepthemenufreshforyouand yourfamily Eventsforyourfamilywillcontinue through the year and we are always open to hearingyoursuggestions.
Let's welcome all of our new members with a friendly hello when you see them around the club Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas I am always available by phone or email and my door is alwaysopen!
Alejandra & Carlos Anciano and their daughters Paola and Camila
Robert Stagner and family
Wes & Aimee Barnes and their daughters Virginia and Lillian
Erica & Jay Morris and their daughters Kathryn and Cara
Rebecca & Tommy Wade and their children Kerrigan and Owen
2023 MEMBERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: We offer a variety of different memberships to meet all your needs! Please share with your fellow neighbors, colleagues, family and friends the membership opportunities being offered at Brook Valley Country Club. All memberships are Family Memberships
Clubhouse and Non-Resident Clubhouse providing access to clubhouse dining and social activities
Providesfullclubamenitiesaccesstopool, diningandsocialactivities
Full Golf, Non-Resident Full Golf, Corporate Full Golf, Junior Golf and Senior Golf providing full club amenities access to golf, pool, dining and social activities
Look who’s talking about Brook Valley CC! Please enjoy a few of our favorite social media mentions below – and keep sharing your experiences by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter
"Tonight was an absolute wonderful time at BVCC with L Diana Schipper and David Delicious prime rib, wonderful wine, great company!"
"We celebrated Lori & Marshall as they tied the knot at BVCC in Greenville on a gorgeous Saturday to kick off our spring wedding season "
"After suspended play on Monday evening the East Carolina men's golf team posted a second-round score of 289 (1-over) and a shot a final round 293 (5-over) to claim the 2023 ECU Intercollegiate presented by Dogwood Bank "
Brook Valley's Cinco de Mayo inspired menu is here for Small Plate Friday! We can't wait for you to join us this evening!
We will have a special performance by Jessica Hudson and Quincy Jones on the patio, weather permitting
Happy Birthday to our Members in May! Please join us for your complementary birthday meal and McConnell birthday brownie. The a la carte menu is available in addition to the special birthday dinner features. We look forward to celebrating with you!
SUNDAY, MAY 14 I 11:00am-2:30pm
Happy Mother's Day! We hope you will join us with your family and friends for a delicious lunch buffet!
Reservations are required by Wednesday, May 10 at 12:00pm
Saddle up, put your boots on, and mosey on over to Brook Valley for Hoedown Karaoke! DJ Captain Morgan will be back playing the hits to get us all in the singing mood So whether you want to sing a little, dance a little, or just listen to music-comejoinusandhavesomefun!
BrookValleycontinuestooffer to-go optionsaswellascurbsideorcomeinsideandpickupsoyoucanenjoyinthecomfortofyourownhome
The best way to guarantee your order being ready and available is to call the club The number is 252-751-1960 dial Ext 8033 when the auto attendantanswersthephone WehopeyoucontinuetoenjoythedeliciousfoodChefandhisstaffcreateforyou
Duringthistimeofyear,itissuchatreattocomeouttotheClubforawonderfuleveningout Inorderforourstafftoprovidepremiumservice andamplefoodpreparation,wekindlyaskthatyoucallaheadforreservationsnolaterthan3:00pmonthedayyouwishtodine.Pleaseadhere toourreservationdeadlineswhicharepostedonthewebsiteandinthenewsletter,sothatChefcanmeetproductorderingdeadlines Online reservationsmaybemadeupto24hoursinadvanceoryoumayemailJenniferBakeratjbaker@brookvalleycc.comorDeenaDieckhausat Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupport!
We would love to have your friends and family join in on the fun as we will have fish specials alongside our a la carte menu! Reservations are required as quantities are limited To make a reservation, please call the club, reserve through the mobile app, or email Deena Dieckhaus at or Jennifer Baker at
ComeandjoinusonMemorialDayattheBrookValleyPool WewillhaveDj Ericplayingtunes,theKonaIceTrucktoprovidesweettreats,andadouble laneslideforthekidstoenjoy Wewillhavefielddayactivitiesinplacefor thewholefamilytoenjoy
Chef's Prime Rib is back on the menu for dinner in April and we look forward to hosting dinner for you, your family, and friends in the Lakeview Room, patio, or take out Don't forget to make your reservations as guaranteed seating is only available for those who make reservations. The a la carte menu is available this evening
Happy Father's Day! This Friday, we will have a DJ and a big water slide Chef's staffwillbeonthegrillmakingdeliciousfoodforyouall Comejoinusatthepool forafunday!
Welcome to KidZone! Bring your little ones to your home away from home here at the Club A supervised environment will be available downstairs including crafts, dinner and a movie The KidZone is a fun place to hang out while our parents can enjoy an evening with dinner and drinks at BV The number of kids will be limited to 15 due to the size of the room We do ask that all children are potty trained If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Baker at or Deena Dieckhausat!
Can you believe we are less than a month away from the beginning of summer swim season? Great news that at this time Coach Emily and Coach Mac will be returning to coach this year We will still have opportunities for swimmers to volunteer at practices to gain knowledge about coaching swimming and working with others
Currently, we are looking for volunteers for our swim team committee. Here are the roles we are looking to fill: Volunteer Coordinators: Creates and maintains a database, creates and maintains signups, reminds, encourages, and thanks parent(s) for volunteering
Banquet and Awards: Coordinates and order Member-At-Large: Catch all and assist as needed
If interested please contact:
Carol Carson: carolcarson512@gmail com
Rebecca Houston : rebeccarwhouston@yahoo com
We still need timers, judges, and scorekeepers at our home events. Opportunities to sign up for these will be at the beginning of the season so you can plan accordingly.
Let the SPLASHING and FUN begin because pool season is HERE! We will open the pool at 10:30 am on Saturday, May 27th. The pool will be open seven days a week from 10:30am - 8:00pm with only three Tuesdays closing early for us to host the BV Barracuda Swim Meets
A pool announcement will be sent out closer to the pool opening, but a few reminders that NO GLASS is allowed on the pool deck Mondays the cabana and clubhouse are closed, so please come prepared with snacks and drinks. Floats are allowed with the permission of the on-duty lifeguards. Last, but not least, we hope to offer lap swim again this summer, a few mornings a week.
Please keep an eye out in the weekly happenings for more information on the pool opening!
BrookValleywillhostthreeSummerFunKidsCampsthissummer Juniors willparticipateindailyactivitiesinvolvedaroundGolf,Activities, Swimming,andArts&Crafts.SummerCampsofferagreatopportunityto participateinawidevarietyofactivitiesattheclub,allundertheguidance oftheclub’sstaff Adailyscheduleofactivitieswillbecreatedtobefun andeducationalinanenvironmentwhererelationshipscanbemadethat willlastalifetime
Remaining Semesters:
Semester #2 May-June
Semester #3 July-August
Semester #4 September-October
Mondays, June-August
Ages: 10-18
Camp #1 June 20-23
Camp #2 July 18-21
Camp #3 August 15-18
Ages: 5-12
Look for full details of the 2023 Junior Golf Program to be announced very soon. If you have any questions, concerns, or requests – please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Golf Shop staff We look forward to making 2023 our best year for Junior Golf Activities yet!
IfyouareunfamiliarwithwhatOperation36isallabout,wehighly encourageyoutousethelinkbelowtowatchashortvideoabout the program. Op36 has become one of the world’s most effective programsbasedonacombinationofinstruction,technology,and mostimportantlyplayinintroducingnewgolferstothegame The goalistoshoot36orbetterinaprogressivedevelopmentalmodel by making this goal more achievable as your skill level develops More details about our 2023 offerings will be announced as we officially launch our junior programs in the early spring In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact a member of the Golf Shop stafffordetails.
https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=LV6UA4lLx Q
The 2023 MGA Season is off to a fantastic start! As always, our weekly Men’s Night events are the most popular aspect of being an MGA Member, not only for golf but for socializing with friends and colleagues after play The MGA Scott Groot Match Play will begin in May with Art Graepel going for a fifth consecutive title. The “Race-tothe-Finish” Points Series is underway and results are tracked online our Golf Genius software Be sure to visit the MGA Event portal for up to the minute points series standings, as well as results from all Men’s Night and other MGA events this season If you are interested in joining the MGA, dues for this year will once again be $35 and will be payable through the Golf Shop. Once you play in your first event of the season, MGA Dues will be charged to your account We look forward to another exciting year of MGA Golf!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a member of the Golf Shop staff, or a BV MGA Board Member We look forward to another exciting year of MGA Golf!
President – Wade Stanley
Vice President – Ross Ringler
Treasurer – Rob Burleson
TheGolfStaffhasbeenhardatworkintheoffseasoncreatinganexcellent calendarofeventsforourmembershipin2023Belowyoucanfindalistofthe majoreventsforthisyear,alongwithmaintenancedatesandafewofthelarger eventsourClubwillhostthisseasonCouplesGolfandLadiesNine&Winedates havebeententlistedelsewhereinthisnewsletter May
Monday Mornings starting in June l Match Schedule TBA
Fee: $75 Includes all matches, team shirt & cap, and lunch at each match
The Junior Interclub season is just around the corner! Juniors will travel to area clubs throughout the summer to participate in weekly matches. The format for each match is individual stroke play and juniors should be able to play 9 holes and keep score. Teams and individuals will have the opportunity to earn recognition for their season and to advance to the League Finals
Junior Interclub is open to boys and girls, ages 10-18 If you have a junior under the age of 10 and you are feel they are ready for this program, check with the Golf Shop Staff for approval
*Full Golf Members are eligible Mondays, June-August
Ages: 10-18
BrookValleywilllooktothree-peataschampsinthe2023Northeastern NCSeniorMGAInterclub!Comesupportyourclubbycompetingonthe BrookValleyTeamandhavesomegreatfunandcomraderyatthesame time.Theentryfeeforeacheventis$55andincludesgolf,rangeballs, lunch,andprizes AllmenintheGolfingClassage55andolderare eligibletoplay Ifyouareinterestedinplayingorformoredetails, contactamemberoftheGolfShopStafforTeamCaptainsLeoCorbin andJeffGibson
May16 WashingtonY&CC
June20 CypressLanding
July27 WilsonCC
August14 GreenvilleCC
September7 BelmontLake
October17 Ironwood
Thisyear'sNine&WineEventswillbeginonMarch15witha"Putt andPour"eventonthemainputtinggreenatthebackpatio Afun puttingcoursewillbesetupwithawinebaravailableforalltoenjoy. Riley,Travis,andAustinwillbeavailabletoassistaswellas informallydiscussideasfortheupcoming2023season
BrookValleyCountryClubisonceagainparticipatingintheEastCarolina LadiesGolfAssociation Commonlyreferredtobyitsmorepopulartitle, LadiesEasternLeague,participationisopentoallBrookValleyladiesin theGolfingClassthathaveahandicapindexof329orlower Eventsare heldthesecondThursdayofeachmonthandoffertheopportunitytonot onlyrepresentBrookValleybutalsotoplaymanyoftheothercoursesin theareaandmakesomegreatconnectionswithotherladygolfersatthe sametime.Ifyouareinterestedinplayingorwouldlikemoredetails, contactamemberoftheGolfShopStafforLeagueRepresentativeJanis Humphrey.
May11 IronwoodG&CC
Saturday-Sunday, May 20-21 l 9:00am Shotgun Each Day
It's our first major event of the season, the 2023 TWO MAN SPRING SCRAMBLE! Teams will play a different scramble format each day. A "Patio Party" will be held on Saturday after play for players and significant others.
ENTRY FEE: $200 per player includes tournament entry, breakfast, snacks on the course, awards ceremony with lunch and prizes, as well as a Patio Party on Saturday! Select beer, wine, and liquor open bar included both during play, awards, and the Patio Party
PATIO PARTY: All contestants and significant others will be invited to attend a Patio Party on Saturday, May 20th after play on Saturday. The event will be held on the back patio and lawn from 4:00 to 7:00pm! Select beer, wine, and specialty drinks will be included along with music and fun!!
FORMAT: The format for Round One will be MODIFIED PINEHURST SCRAMBLE Each Player will hit a tee shot and then hit their partner’s ball for their second shot From that point they will select the best ball to play from and play alternate shot until the ball is holed The format for Round Two will be a true CAPTAIN'S CHOICE SCRAMBLE Each player will hit a tee shot and select the best ball to play from each shot until the ball is holed.
FLIGHT WINNERS: Flights will be created based off of total team handicap index as May 14th. Gift certificates will be awarded in each flight with the number of flights and places recognized based off of the final field size An optional $200 per team "Buy-In" will be available Pay-outs from the "Buy-In" will be given after BOTH Saturday and Sunday's rounds! 1st and 2nd place will be paid out in each flight The 2023 Spring Scramble Champions will be the lowest net score from any flight!!
*Brook Valley Golfing Class Members are eligible to play in the 2023 Spring Scramble Tournament.
Saturday-Sunday, June 10-11
Come test your skills against both the course and the competition by participating in this year’s Club Championship All handicap levels are encouraged to participate, both Gross and Net Winners will be recognized!
Men’s Club Champion – Jack West Ladies Club Champion – Meghan Heinchon Senior Club Champion – Allan Hinds
MEN’S CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP FORMAT: 36 Hole Individual Stroke Play. The field will be broken down into “divisions” based on the Tees played. All contestants may choose to play from either the BLACK Tees, BLUE Tees, GOLD Tees, or WHITE TEES. You may elect to play from whichever Tee you are most comfortable playing from
The OVERALL MEN’S CLUB CHAMPION must play from the Black Tees. The SENIOR CLUB CHAMPION must be 65 years of age or older but may elect to play from ANY Tee Participants in the Blue, Gold, and White Tee Divisions will have a maximum score of Gross Triple Bogey
LADIES CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP FORMAT: 36 Hole Individual Stableford Points. A max score is in place. All contestants will play from the RED Tees. Flights will be created based upon participation.
ENTRY FEE: $75 includes golf, awards, and lunch after play each round
*Members within the Brook Valley Golfing Class are eligible to participate in the 2023 Club Championship.
There are many ways to describe a golf course in the spring. The terms “a work in progress”, “turf interrupted”, and “to be continued” come to mind. I recently had a colleague describe his course a “13 year old awkward kid with braces”.Having had a daughter of my own, in her early teens, with braces, this metaphor hit home for me My daughter has grown into a lovely 15 year old young lady, with beautiful straight teeth Fortunately most children only have to go through that type of transition once The golf course seems to do it every spring The fairways, tees, and greens all turn green They are green, but not quite lush and beautiful, and the rough just doesn’t seem to know what to do Some areas of the rough turn green while others still look dormant Different varieties of Bermuda grass around the course become evident as they all come out of dormancy at different levels of vigor All analogies and metaphors aside, it is my least favorite time of year on the course. Some areas look great while others simply struggle. The good news is everything starts to come together toward the end of May and the first part of June. When night time temperatures stay around 60°F and daytime temps hit 80°F or higher is when our course truly comes to life.
We were fortunate to have adequate rainfall toward the end of April and the first part of May The rain helped the course grow and green up Proper fertilization, and aerification has helped as well We will be sodding a few areas around the greens, but fortunately not nearly as much as we first thought when assessing in early April The biggest challenge with our collars is traffic in the winter If we roll the greens frequently, to keep the greens smooth and fast as possible, the areas where we stop and turn with the roller tend to show damage in the spring It is a vicious cycle If everything works as planned we should be looking great by the end of May
Spring/summer annuals are coming soon! Look for some updates in the landscaped areas around the clubhouse. Several of the greens have new irrigation heads already installed and more are on the way. The cart path project is still scheduled for July, and we plan to do more bunker work this fall. We have laid the groundwork for a beautiful summer at the Valley and a great golfing season. Remember to stay hydrated as it gets warmer Get out there and enjoy our beautiful golf course!
The Korn Ferry Tour's Visit Knoxville Open will return to Holston Hills Country Club in 2023. Founded in 1927, Holston Hills Country Club enjoys a rich history on its classic Donald Ross golf course Featuring 18 holes of Bermuda grass fairways, it sits on 180 open acres of rolling hills adjoining the Holston River. The golf course is consistently ranked among the country’s top 100 by Golf Magazine and within the top 100 classical golf courses by Golfweek Magazine Tickets are on sale now at
The Korn Ferry Tour's only stop in North Carolina, don’t miss your chance to watch the next wave of PGA Tour superstars as they compete on the renowned Ross course at Raleigh Country Club Designed in 1948 by the legendary architect, Donald Ross, this year’s tournament course will be a true test for the Korn Ferry Tour field, offering both excitement and must-see golf for fans Tickets are on sale now at unchealthchampionship com
this link ( and complete the form, or email Faith Inman at Thank you for helping us celebrate 20 years of building clubs of the future! SAVE
This cookie was one of our family's favorites Grandma would always serve these cookies after dinner, crispy on the outside with cinnamon and sugar and a warm fluffy center
1/4 Cup Shortening
1/4 Cup Salted Butter, softened
3/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
1 1/3 Cups All-Purpose Flour, sifted
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Cream of Tartar
1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
1/8 Tsp. Sea Salt
Cinnamon Sugar Coating:
2 Tbsp Granulated Sugar
1 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
Preheat oven to 375°F
In a small bowl, mix together 2 teaspoons sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon Set aside
Sift flour into a medium bowl Add cinnamon, cream of tartar, baking soda & salt and stir to combine Set aside
Cream together butter, shortening and sugar in the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or hand mixer) Add egg and vanilla and beat again until smooth Add dry ingredients and stir until combined
Use a 2 tablespoon cookie scoop to measure dough, then roll into balls
Roll each dough ball in the cinnamon sugar mixture until it's evenly coated
Place cookies on a baking sheet, either ungreased or lined with parchment paper.
Bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes until puffed and mostly set, but still soft
Remove from oven and transfer to a wire cooling rack to cool.
Throughout my culinary career, two chefs that I've always admired and looked up to are Mildred "Mama Dip" Council, Founder of Mama Dip's Kitchen in Chapel Hill and Walter Royal, Executive Chef at the Angus Barn in Raleigh I love sharing their recipes with members at Old North State Club There is no coincidence that if you come to the lake for Steakhouse Night that you will notice Chef Royal's Chocolate Chess Pie is also on the menu Mama Dip's Souther Desserts has been featured on dessert menus and member events here at ONSC Chef Council's Congo Square recipe is the newest addition to the Cookie and Dessert Bar Menu I hope you enjoy!
6 oz Butter, melted
2 1/4 Cups Brown Suga r
3 Eggs, beaten
2 3/4 Cups All Purpose Flour
2 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
1/2 Tsp. Salt
1 Cup Chocolate Chips
1 Cup Pecans, toasted
Preheat oven to 325°F Butter and flour a half hotel pan
Mix melted butter and brown sugar until smooth. Add beaten eggs to butter and sugar mixture. In a separate bowl, mix all purpose flour, salt, and baking powder together and add into bowl of wet ingredients
When the ingredients are blended together, fold in chocolate and toasted pecans.
Pour into prepared half hotel pan
Place in preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes.
Let cool and cut into 2 dozen bars