Tuesday Kitchen-11:30am-4:00pm
Wednesday 11:30am-9:00pm
Thursday 11:30am-9:00pm
Friday 11:30am-9:00pm
Saturday 11:30am-5:00pm
Sunday 10:30am-2:00pmBrunch;Lunchuntil4:45pm (BARBITESMENUAVAILABLESAT&SUNONLY3:00pm-8:00pm)
GolfCourse WeekdayI8:30am-6:30pm
GolfShop WeekdayI7:30am-6:30pm
GolfCourse WeekdayI8:30am-6:30pm
252-751-1960Ext8021 252-751-1965
Cortne Hayes | membership@brookvalleycc com Member Services Director
Buckley Brockmann | Golf Course Superintendent & General Manager
Kenric Hunt | Executive Chef
Kevin Cartwright | kcartwright@brookvalleycc com Clubhouse Manager
Denise Castagna-Ivey | fbmanager@brookvalleycc com Food & Beverage Manager
Christopher Mabe | Facilities Director
Dalton Rich | Director of Golf
Travis Weber | tweber@brookvalleycc com Head Golf Professional
Kelsey Casalaspro | kcasalaspro@brookvalleycc com Interim Events Coordinator
Summer is right around the corner The pool opens at the end of May and I hope to see many of you down there enjoying our newly-resurfaced pool The tennis and pickleball courts have been busy I’m glad everyone is enjoying them
Membership is growing We had 3 new families join us in March and 8 in April Please continue to tell your friends and family about the events we have and everything BVCC has to offer
Many of you stop by my office to chat about anything from the clubhouse to ideas you have to your personal lives, and I hope you continue to do so. I love chatting with you and knowing what you think about everything going on at BVCC. Your ideas and opinions are always welcome I’ll see you around the clubhouse.
Cortne Hayes Director of Member Services & HRNewMembers:
David & Paula Michael
Chris & Maggie Davis
Courtney & Mike Firtha
Greg & Tiffany Duke
Stephen & Lindsay Pugh
Danielle Morrin
Kyle Rohrmann
Amy & Blake Eason
Jordan & Jason Erwin
Chad & Sarah Brooks
Kori & Wyatt Whitley
McConnell Golf offers a Network Upgrade for our membership. For just $25 or $45, depending on your membership type, you can enjoy golf, pool, dining, and social activities at all McConnell Golf locations If you have any questions about the McConnell Golf Network Upgrade, contact Member Services Director, Cortne Hayes, at 252-751-1960 x 8013.
We offer a variety of different memberships to meet all your needs! Please share with your fellow neighbors, colleagues, family and friends the membership opportunities being offered at Brook Valley Country Club. All memberships are Family Memberships.
Never miss out on a club event, the latest McConnell Golf news or the chance to share your member experience Stay connected to Brook Valley Country Club and McConnell Golf on social media and join the conversation today
@brookvalleycc @brookvalleycc_ @brookvalleycc
From club drone flyovers to member interviews, and tournament and event recaps, you can stay up to date with the latest video content from the marketing team at McConnell Golf Subscribe to our YouTube channel and be a part of a growing audience with nearly 40,000 views (and counting) on record Visit YouTube com/McConnellGolf and subscribe to our channel today!
Showered our bestie girl today! T-minus 63 days until we’re in the Bahamas celebrating our favorites Cheers to the future Wilson’s!
The highly anticipated 2024 class of NC’s premier golf courses has been unveiled by the NC Golf Panel Each of McConnell Golf’s NC courses has earned coveted placements on either the esteemed Top 100 list or the Regional Rankings list for 2024
SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2024 I 10:30AM-2:00PM
Bring your favorite ladies to BVCC to enjoy a Mother’s Day brunch Chef has created a menu sure to delight your tastebuds. Please make reservations online! Happy Mother’s Day!
WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 2024 | 6:00PM-9:00PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2024 | 6:00PM-9:00PM
A special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our members in May & June Come to BVCC and dine with us! Please register for this night because it’s always busy Look for more information in your Weekly Happenings
MONDAY, MAY 27, 2024 | 10:00AM
Join us on Memorial Day for a fun-filled pool party! We will have food down by the pool and we hope to see you there!
Join us for chef’s special brisket! We always serve this with delicious sides and house made pickles! Be on the lookout for more details in yourWeeklyHappenings
Candles, good food, and good company? Say less This night is sure to be fun. Look for details in your Weekly Happenings!
Join us on the golf course for adult beverages and a fun round of golf More details to come in the Weekly Happenings!
Steak Out dinner for Dad’s! Sure to be a hit! Please look for more details in the Weekly Happenings!
Chef is at it again with his prime rib! Join us for dine-in or take out!
Brook Valley continues to offer to-go options, as well as curbside or indoor pickup, so you can enjoy it in the comfort of your own home The best way to guarantee your order being ready and available is to call the club The number is 252-751-1960; dial Ext 8033 when the auto attendantanswersthephone WehopeyoucontinuetoenjoythedeliciousfoodChefandhisstaffcreateforyou
Duringthistimeofyear,itissuchatreattocomeouttotheclubforawonderfuleveningout.Inorderforourstafftoprovidepremiumservice andamplefoodpreparation,wekindlyaskthatyoucallaheadforreservationsnolaterthan3:00pmonthedayyouwishtodine Pleaseadhere toourreservationdeadlineswhicharepostedonthewebsiteandinthenewsletter,sothatChefcanmeetproductorderingdeadlines Online reservations may be made up to 24 hours in advance, or you may email Denise Castagna-Ivey or Kevin!
Dear Members,
Spring is upon us, and some of our annual events and leagues are already under way!
Major events in May and June include our club championships and two new events this year, the MGA 6/6/6 Shootout and Bottles & Birdies We are excited to bring these new golf events to the calendar this year!
We have seen an uptick in action on the golf course over the last few weeks as our Ladies Golf Association, Men’s Golf Association, and Ladies Nine & Wine events have all gotten underway. For those who were looking to knock off a little rust, we began our Operation 36 programs in April. Be on the lookout for updates on those programs, as they will be continuing throughout the year. Information on our kids' camps has also been sent out Our first camp is June 11–14!
The golf shop is filled with new apparel from Johnnie-O, FootJoy, and Antigua We are excited to introduce another new line of apparel in May Harlestons is an up-and-coming menswear company based out of Charleston, NC. Harlestons is making its way across the Carolinas, and its next stop will be the Brook Valley Golf Shop!
All of our club events are now located on the club calendar within the Brook Valley website Additional information for events will be available as registrations are sent out You will see that our Men’s Member-Guest is scheduled for August 22–24 Registration and event information for this event will be sent in early May.
If you have any golf-related questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or my staff!
We look forward to seeing you and your families enjoying your time at the club!
“Success in this game depends less on strength of body than strength of mind and character.” Arnold Palmer
Dalton Rich
Director ofGolf
May-June Golf Schedule
May 15th – Ladies Nine & Wine
May 18th – MGA 6/6/6 Shootout
May 31st – Callaway Fitting Day (12:00pm-4:00pm)
June 1-2 – Club Championships
June 3-6 – Golf Course Aerification (Golf Operations Closed)
June 11-14 – Kids Camp #1
June 15th – Father’s Day 9-Hole Scramble
June 19th – Ladies Nine & Wine
June 22nd – Bottles & Birdies
June 25-27 – CGA NC Junior Girls Championship (Limited Practice Facility & Tee Time Availability)
MGA Men’s Nights
May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th
June 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th
LGA Play Days
May 11th and 25th
June 8th and 22nd
Northeastern Senior Interclub’s
May 2nd – at Belmont Lake Golf Club
May 30th – at Walnut Creek
June 18th – at Cypress Landing Golf Course
This spring has been beautiful. We have had some delightful weather in which to work and play. It has been unusually dry for this time of year, but the course has not seemed to suffer for it.
Most of the golf course has started turning green, but we are still not in the growing season There are several tee boxes, fairways, and areas of rough that don’t see as much sunlight as the rest of the course These areas will be the last to begin growing vigorously Despite our best efforts with cultural practices, irrigation, and fertilizer, grass just won’t grow without sunlight The good news is that as we approach the summer months, the path of the sun begins to change in our favor It won’t be long, and we will be doing our best to stay ahead of the growth in all of the manicured turf on the course
If you have been out on the course, hopefully you have noticed progress on several of the bunkers we have renovated As we get into the growing season, time will be limited to continue work on bunkers.We still plan to add sand to several bunkers in need.
One other thing you might notice on the course, even if you don’t play golf, is some of the pruning or trimming of hedges. The hedges spelling out BVCC, near the tee box on 18, were starting to become overgrown. It was time to cut them back and re-shape them. You may notice some of the hedges are brown in color. The bushes seem to be healthy, and we expect them to fully recover and look green and vibrant soon.
Our major aerification is scheduled for June 1st through the 6th. The club will be closed to play for those days while we aerate greens, surrounds, tee boxes, and fairways. This is a necessary evil of turf maintenance, and we appreciate the time you give us to make it happen. The time will not be wasted, and our efforts will only improve your golf course.
Until next time, the entire course maintenance team looks forward to seeing you on the course!
Buckley Brockmann Golf Course SuperintendentSit back, relax, and enjoy the scenery of McConnell Golf! The Spring/Summer 2024 edition of McConnell Golf, The Magazine is out now, featuring our travel stories from members at various properties, collegiate partnerships, member-submitted photos, and more Since its inception in 2008, McConnell Golf has printed over 30 editions of this publication If you have an interesting story to share with us, contact Faith Inman at finman@mcconnellgolf com for a chance to be featured in our next edition.
The Korn Ferry Tour makes the trip to Tennessee for the longstanding Visit Knoxville Open at Holston Hills Country Club. The Visit Knoxville Open is one of four remaining original Korn Ferry Tour events from the tour’s inception back in 1990 Past tournament champions include recent PGA TOUR winners Peter Malnati (2013) and Stephan Jaeger (2021) For tournament and volunteer information, visit
To review your member profile and ensure your contact information is accurate, go to the ‘My Club’ dropdown on your club’s private website. If you have issues updating your profile or need further assistance, please email our Communications Director, Faith Inman, at using the subject line McConnell Golf Member Profile
The City of Oaks and Raleigh Country Club is proud to host the Korn Ferry Tour’s only stop in North Carolina and is the second leg of backto-back Korn Ferry Tour events at McConnell Golf properties. Last year’s tournament ended in an exciting playoff with Jorge FernándezValdés securing his first win on the tour For tournament and volunteer information, visit
When I first moved to Knoxville in September of 2016, I was introduced to the “best cookies ever,” as some members explained to me They were from Ham & Goody’s Bakery in Knoxville I have found this recipe to be a close substitute for when you can’t make it to the Bakery. But, for me, these cookies just scream “Spring in Knoxville.”
2 lemons
1 cup (2 sticks) unsaltened butter, softened
1 cup white granulated sugar
1 large egg
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon milk (if needed)
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar Birthday Night
Glaze: 6 teaspoons of reserved lemon juice
Rinse lemons, dry, roll firmly against counter. Zest lemons, being careful to not get the pith. Reserve zest in a small bowl. Juice lemons and reserve juice in small bowl
Preheat to 350F and line 2-3 large baking sheets with parchment paper
Cream butter with sugar for 1 minute until just combined, but don’t beat too much air into the mixture.
Add egg and 2 teaspoons of the lemon juice and mix until combined
In a clean bowl, stir flour, baking soda, salt, and lemon zest together. Add dry ingredients to butter mixture in 4-5 additions, mixing until a few flour streaks remain
Add 1 teaspoon of milk if dough appears chalky or dry
Turn dough onto a floured work surface and roll out to 1/4 inch thickness Use a 2-inch round cookie
This is a simple, yet delicious cookie This is one of my favorite cookies growing up as a kid. My aunt would make these for me every year at Christmas time and it never seemed like Christmas until I got my cookies. It is still a cherished memory to me to this day. Ah, the simple pleasures of life.
1/4 cup butter
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup Hershey’s cocoa
1/2 cup evaporated milk
3 cups quick 1-minute oats
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup peanut butter
Bring butter, sugar, cocoa, and evaporated milk to a boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat.