Kitchen-11:30am-4:00pm Lounge-11:30am-7:00pm
Cortne Hayes I membership@brookvalleycc com Member Services Director
Buckley Brockmann I bbrockmann@brookvalleycc com
Course Superintendent & Interim General Manager
Kenric Hunt I kenric hunt@brookvalleycc com Executive Chef
Mimi Engel | mengel@brookvalleycc com
Deena Dieckhaus | ddieckhaus@brookvalleycc com
Food & Beverage Manager / Events
Christopher Mabe | cmabe@brookvalleycc com
Director Travis Weber | tweber@brookvalleycc com
As the leaves begin to change colors and the crisp autumn breeze fills the air, I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest greetings and heartfelt thanks to each one of you
It's that time of year when we bid farewell to the summer season and welcome the enchanting season of fall here at BVCC Thank you for attending all our summer events From nights in the Lakeview Dining Room to hot summer days by the pool, it was wonderful seeing you all around the clubhouse.
As we transition into the fall season, I'm excited about the upcoming events and activities we have planned I look forward to seeing all of you around the clubhouse in the coming weeks Fall brings with it a unique charm, and there's no better place to enjoy it than right here at our BVCC, where friendship and community flourish year-round
Your presence and enthusiasm are what make our club so special Let's embrace the changing seasons together and make even more unforgettable memories
Cortne Hayes Member Services DirectorNotPictured:
Paul & Debra Tyndall
Kelly & Matthew Slate with their daughter Ella
McConnell Golf offers a Network Upgrade for our membership. For just $25 or $45, depending on your membership type, you can enjoy golf, pool, dining, and social activities at all McConnell Golf locations If you have any questions about the McConnell Golf Network Upgrade, contact Member Services Director, Cortne Hayes, at 252-751-1960 x 8013.
2023 MEMBERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: We offer a variety of different memberships to meet all your needs! Please share with your fellow neighbors, colleagues, family and friends the membership opportunities being offered at Brook Valley Country Club. All memberships are Family Memberships.
Clubhouse and Non-Resident Clubhouse providing access to clubhouse dining and social activities
Providesfullclubamenitiesaccesstopool, diningandsocialactivities
Full Golf, Non-Resident Full Golf, Corporate Full Golf, Junior Golf and Senior Golf providing full club amenities access to golf, pool, dining and social activities
Look who’s talking about Brook Valley CC! Please enjoy a few of our favorite social media mentions below – and keep sharing your experiences by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter
"Great, HOTT time today at the Pitt County Young Life Annual Golf Tournament We had the biggest turn out we have ever had."
hv3 foundation
"Congrats to our winners of this year’s @yocgolf Pro Junior, conducted by the HV3 Foundation and G Pro Tour "
"Super fun, low key 4th with this girl! Nothing beats a BVCC pool party!"
/brookvalleycc @brookvalleycc @brookvalleycc
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2023 | 6:00PM-10:00PM
Join us at Brook Valley for a smokin' hot karaoke night, where we'll be feeling the Blues in style! Get ready to sip on Blue Moon, while belting out your favorite tunes. Don't forget to rock your blue jeans and immerse yourself in the soulful sounds of the blues Let's make a night to remember!
Happy Birthday to our Members in September and October! Please join us for your complementary birthday meal and McConnell birthday brownie, redeemable for dine-in members only The a la carte menu is available in addition to the special birthday dinner features We look forward to celebrating with you!
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 | 6:00PM-9:00PM
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023 | 6:00PM-9:00PM
Bring your little ones to your home away from home here at the Club A supervised environment will be available downstairs including crafts, dinner and a movie. The KidZone is a fun place to hang out while our parents can enjoy an evening with dinner and drinks at BV The number of kids will be limited to 15 due to the size of the room. We do ask that all children are potty trained
Chef's Brisket is back on the menu for dinner in September and we look forward to hosting dinner for you, your family, and friends in the Lakeview Room, patio, or take out Don't forget to make your reservations as guaranteedseatingisonlyavailableforthosewhomakereservations The alacartemenuisavailablethisevening.
BrookValleycontinuestooffer to-go optionsaswellascurbsideorcomeinsideandpickupsoyoucanenjoyinthecomfortofyourownhome
The best way to guarantee your order being ready and available is to call the club The number is 252-751-1960 dial Ext 8033 when the auto attendantanswersthephone WehopeyoucontinuetoenjoythedeliciousfoodChefandhisstaffcreateforyou
Duringthistimeofyear,itissuchatreattocomeouttotheClubforawonderfuleveningout Inorderforourstafftoprovidepremiumservice andamplefoodpreparation,wekindlyaskthatyoucallaheadforreservationsnolaterthan3:00pmonthedayyouwishtodine.Pleaseadhere toourreservationdeadlineswhicharepostedonthewebsiteandinthenewsletter,sothatChefcanmeetproductorderingdeadlines Online reservationsmaybemadeupto24hoursinadvanceoryoumayemailDeenaDieckhausatddieckhaus@brookvalleycc.comorMimiEngelat Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupport!
Savor our delectable Fried Chicken to-go special! Select between an 8-piece or a hearty 14-piece combo, showcasing a delightful mix of flavorful white and dark meat Available sides and additional details in the upcoming Weekly Happenings Email Mimi Engel, with your order!
Chef's Prime Rib is back on the menu for dinner in October and we look forward to hosting dinner for you, your family, and friends in the Lakeview Room, patio, or take out Don't forget to make your reservations as guaranteed seating is only available for those who make reservations. The a la carte menu is available this evening
lli i h i di ' i f k ll ’ l ll i l
Duringthistimeofyear,itissuchatreattocomeouttotheClubforawonderfuleveningout Inorderforourstafftoprovidepremiumservice andamplefoodpreparation,wekindlyaskthatyoucallaheadforreservationsnolaterthan3:00pmonthedayyouwishtodine Pleaseadhere toourreservationdeadlineswhicharepostedonthewebsiteandinthenewsletter,sothatChefcanmeetproductorderingdeadlines Online reservationsmaybemadeupto24hoursinadvanceoryoumayemailDeenaDieckhausatddieckhaus@brookvalleycc.comorMimiEngelat mengel@brookvalleycccom Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupport!
TheGolfStaffhasbeenhardatworkintheoffseasoncreatinganexcellent calendarofeventsforourmembershipin2023Belowyoucanfindalistof themajoreventsforthisyear,alongwithmaintenancedatesandafewofthe largereventsourClubwillhostthisseason.CouplesGolfandLadiesNine& Winedateshavebeententlistedelsewhereinthisnewsletter.
September 14-16EllisMaplesInvitational(Member/Guest)
21 FinalMGAMen'sNight
October 7-8 MGAPurple&GoldTournament
29 MGAShoot-Out
November 16-18MCGRyderCup(HostedatTheReserve)
*Dates subject to change as other community and club activities are finalized
BrookValleywilllooktothree-peataschampsinthe2023Northeastern NCSeniorMGAInterclub!Comesupportyourclubbycompetingonthe BrookValleyTeamandhavesomegreatfunandcomraderyatthesame time.Theentryfeeforeacheventis$55andincludesgolf,rangeballs, lunch,andprizes AllmenintheGolfingClassage55andolderare eligibletoplay.Ifyouareinterestedinplayingorformoredetails, contactamemberoftheGolfShopStafforTeamCaptainsLeoCorbin andJeffGibson.
October17 Ironwood
IfyouareunfamiliarwithwhatOperation36isallabout,wehighly encourageyoutousethelinkbelowtowatchashortvideoabout the program Op36 has become one of the world’s most effective programsbasedonacombinationofinstruction,technology,and mostimportantlyplayinintroducingnewgolferstothegame The goalistoshoot36orbetterinaprogressivedevelopmentalmodel by making this goal more achievable as your skill level develops More details about our 2023 offerings will be announced as we officially launch our junior programs in the early spring. In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact a member of the Golf Shop stafffordetails. Q
Thisyear'sNine&WineEventswillbeginonMarch15witha"Putt andPour"eventonthemainputtinggreenatthebackpatio.Afun puttingcoursewillbesetupwithawinebaravailableforalltoenjoy Riley,Travis,andAustinwillbeavailabletoassistaswellas informallydiscussideasfortheupcoming2023season.
BrookValleyCountryClubisonceagainparticipatingintheEastCarolina LadiesGolfAssociation Commonlyreferredtobyitsmorepopulartitle, LadiesEasternLeague,participationisopentoallBrookValleyladiesin theGolfingClassthathaveahandicapindexof329orlower Eventsare heldthesecondThursdayofeachmonthandoffertheopportunitytonot onlyrepresentBrookValleybutalsotoplaymanyoftheothercoursesin theareaandmakesomegreatconnectionswithotherladygolfersatthe sametime Ifyouareinterestedinplayingorwouldlikemoredetails, contactamemberoftheGolfShopStafforLeagueRepresentativeJanis Humphrey
2023LadiesEasternLeagueRemainingEvents: October26 Wedgewood(Finals)
It has been an exciting summer on the golf course. We have had a great summer for growing bermuda grass. It has been very warm, sunny, and other than a short drought, we have had enough rain to keep everything green and growing.
The cart path project is nearly complete We have been working with a local landscaping contractor to fill in the edges of the new paths They have been delayed several times due to rain, but they are now nearly complete With their help, we will be sodding the larger areas We are looking forward to wrapping up the project and providing everyone with great golfing experience
Our next project will start this fall. Once the growth of grass begins to slow, we will have the man power to start more bunker renovations. We plan to start with the greenside bunker on hole 13. It holds water and is generally in disrepair. The fairway bunker on 13 will also be addressed. Even with the increased price of sand, we have been allocated enough funding to renovate the bunkers on several holes.
It is a pleasure to see so many of you out on the golf course All of the maintenance staff takes a lot of pride in our work It is very rewarding to see members enjoying the fruits of our labor We strive every day to make your golfing experience the best Greenville has to offer Get out there and play another round today!
Yours in turf,
Buckley Brockmann Golf Course Superintendent & Interim General ManagerCongratulations to The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation on their come from behind victory in the 2023 Women's Solheim Cup! They entered the final round trailing Treyburn Country Club by five points and played great to beat them by four points with Country Club of Asheville finishing third This is Wakefield's second Solheim Cup after winning this event in 20
Hitting your mailbox soon, be on the lookout in early October for the Fall/Winter edition of McConnell Golf, The Magazine From continuing to celebrate McConnell Golf's 20th Anniversary, to recapping another Wyndham Championship, this edition is shaping up to include many interesting stories from across our portfolio of clubs
Looking to defend their 2022 McConnell Golf Ryder Cup title, The Reserve Golf Club plays host to this year's event in Pawleys Island, South Carolina from November 16th through the 18th The inaugural McConnell Golf Ryder Cup event was played in 2008 at Musgrove Mill Golf Club between the four McConnell Golf clubs at that time Musgrove Mill, Raleigh Country Club, The Cardinal by Pete Dye, and Treyburn
This cookie is my great-grandmother’s fruit and nut cookie that my mother loved growing up It’s an “old school” recipe, which, probably came from her family My mother remembers her Pappy cracking and picking the walnuts, and her Gram would put the cookies in a lard can, covered with a cloth soaked in cheap win to keep them moist and to also keep my mother out of the cookies
Filled with pecans, candied fruits, and dates, these cookies can take on any add-ons you’d like, from red and green cherries or dates to chopped dried apricots, tart cherries, and/or currants
3/4 Cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter
2 Cups All-Purpose Flour, sifted
1/4 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp. Baking Soda dissolved in 1/4 C. warm water
1 Cup Pecans or Walnuts, chopped lightly
1 Cup Candied Cherries, red/green, chopped
1 Cup Candied Pineapple, chopped
1/2 Lb Raisins, regular or golden
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp Cloves
Zested Lemon and Juice of 1/2 Lemon
2 Tbsp Flour to dredge onto Fruit
Shot Glass of Wine
Put about 2 tablespoons of flour in a bowl and toss in the fruit and nuts
Place the sugar and butter in a large mixing bowl and cream with paddle attachment until light and fluffy Add the eggs and beat until well blended Add the dry ingredients to the creamed butter mixture, alternating with the baking soda mixture and wine until a moist dough has formed
Add the floured fruits and nuts into the batter and fold until well combined.
Drop the batter onto parchment paper lined baking sheets using a tablespoon or small cookie scoop Leave about 1 1/2 in of space between cookies
Bake in a 350F preheated oven for 12-15 minutes or until the bottoms are browned The cooking time will depend on the size of cookies
Let cool on a rack and store in an airtight container for up to one week, or longer if stored in a cold place
Yields approximately 48 cookies
Growing up around the Pennsylvania Dutch area, there was a lot of German style recipes that I got to try During the autumn time when pumpkins came into season there was a lot of pumpkin foods going around One place I worked at, my coworker would bring in two of my favorites; pumpkin rolls and pumpkin orange cookies I made sure to get both recipes from her before I moved down south Here is the cookie!
2 1/2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 Cup Butter
1 Cup Granulated Sugar
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Can 15oz Pumpkin
1 Large Egg
5 Tbsp Orange juice, divided
1/2 Cup Almonds, chopped
1 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar, sifted
Preheat convection oven to 350F
Combine flour, baking soda and salt in medium bowl
Combine butter, granulated sugar and brown sugar in large mixer bowl; beat until creamy Add pumpkin, egg, 2 tablespoons orange juice and 1 teaspoon orange zest; beat until combined. Gradually add flour mixture; beat until combined. Stir in almonds.
Drop dough by rounded teaspoons onto ungreased baking sheets
Bake for 12-14 minutes or until edges are set.
Remove to wire racks to cool completely
Combine powdered sugar, remaining 2-3 tablespoons orange juice and remaining 1/2 teaspoon orange zest in medium bowl until smooth. Spread each cookie with about 1/2 teaspoon glaze