Monday | Closed
Tuesday | 11:30am-5:00pm Food | 11:30am-6:00pm Bar
Wednesday-Saturday | 11:30am-8:00pm Food | 11:30am-9:00pm Bar
Sunday | 10:30am-5:00pm Food | 10:30am-6:00pm Bar
Monday | 5:30am-4:30pm
Tuesday | 5:30am-6:30pm
Wednesday-Friday | 5:30am-9:00pm
Saturday | 7:00am-9:00pm
Sunday | 7:00am-6:30pm
Tuesday-Sunday | 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday-Sunday | 8:30am-5:00pm
Monday | Closed
Tuesday-Sunday | 10:00am-5:00pm
Monday | 3:30pm-8:00pm
Tuesday | 8:30am-6:30pm
Wednesday-Thursday | 8:30am-7:30pm
Friday | 8:30am-12:30pm
Saturday | 8:30am-3:00pm
Monday-Friday | 10:00am-5:00pm
Front Desk
Golf Shop
Member Services
Tennis Courts
Events & Catering
828 398 2745
828 258 9183
828 258 9762
828 398 2741
828 505 1621

AaronJames|GeneralManager ajames@ccofasheville.com
DebbiePonder|MembershipDirector dponder@ccofashevillecom
OliviaBlahowsky|Administrative& MemberServicesManager oblahowsky@ccofashevillecom
LizDeKoyer|CommunicationsDirector edekoyer@ccofasheville.com
ChrisSmall|ClubhouseMaintenance csmall@ccofashevillecom
MichaelMonahan|ExecutiveChef chef@ccofashevillecom
DannyCairo|SousChef souschef@ccofasheville.com
VirginiaHitchcock|Food&BeverageDirector vhitchcock@ccofashevillecom
BrittaniLucas|DirectorofCatering&Events britlucas@ccofasheville.com
SeanBaskette|GolfCourseSuperintendent sbaskette@ccofashevillecom
LukeLovell,PGA|DirectorofGolf llovell@ccofashevillecom
RossLally,PGA|HeadGolfProfessional rlally@ccofasheville.com
LandonTaylor|DirectorofTennis&Pickleball ltaylor@ccofashevillecom
DanielleBullock|Drop&PlayManager dbullock@ccofashevillecom
DennisOwenby|PersonalTrainer dowenby@ccofashevillecom
GraysonCooper|PersonalTrainer gcooper@ccofashevillecom
PaulaHanke|PersonalTrainer phanke@ccofasheville.com
MalyndaKerksick|PersonalTrainer mkerksick@ccofashevillecom
Cover Photo: Comedy Night 2024
CCA buzz

@madeleinesmusicians Violin/piano for a luncheon today - grateful for
musicians! Happy Thanksgiving y'all!
@mcconnellgolf Four states, one membership ��
Dear Members,
2024 was truly a rollercoaster of a year, and I, for one, am eagerly looking forward to a smoother and more exciting 2025! Here’s a snapshot of the past year and some updates to look forward to in the new year:
Clubhouse and Course Updates
We are thrilled with the renovations to the Donald Ross Dining Deck With the added shade and space heaters, we’ve been able to extend our outdoor dining season and increase seating capacity
The year began with drainage improvements around the course, and Hurricane Helene brought significant updates with bunker renovations on holes 3 through 8.
Weather Highlights
The weather kept us on our toes throughout 2024
January brought heavy rainfall and flooding along Beaver Creek
June was the driest month on record, while July turned out to be the wettest
September saw the impact of Hurricane Helene, which delivered over 29 inches of rain in just 24 hours, resulting in a 500-year flood and winds reaching 120 mph.
November and December both brought early snowfalls to the region.
Club Events
2024 saw record participation in club events, with our holiday traditions hitting three-year highs It was a joy to celebrate and create memories with you and your loved ones
Embracing the New Year and New Possibilities
As we enter 2025, we stand on the brink of new opportunities and continued success. The year ahead will thrive through the partnership between our members and the club We look forward to being a part of your daily routines, providing a space where you can gather with friends and family, and creating moments that matter Your feedback is always welcomed and valued as we grow together
We want to express our sincerest gratitude for your ongoing support and enthusiasm. This membership community is truly special, and we’re excited to see what we can achieve together in 2025.
Here’s to a year of prosperity, connection, and success!
Warm regards,
Aaron James General Manager

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new members to the McConnell Golf family at the Country Club of Asheville.

Drs.Keith&AmyAqua-Part-TimeResidentGolf:Theyarebothphysicianswholookforwardtoplayinggolf,tennis,andpickleballwhile makingnewfriends

Doug&AlinaKale-ResidentFullGolf:DougistheChairmanofSydnic,LLC.TheyaremembersofCobblestoneGolfClubinBlythewood, SC Doug’sparentsweremembersofCCA,wherehefirstlearnedtoplaygolf,andhelooksforwardtoreturninghome TheKales’interestsin theclubincludegolf,fitness,andsocialamenities Theyalsoenjoytravelandfishing AspecialthankyoutoBradBlackburnforhis sponsorship.
Timothy&Dr.KathyLewis-ResidentFullGolf:TimothyistheRegionalDirectorforHarperGeneralContractors,andKathyisaphysician withAshevillePulmonary.Theyhave9-year-oldtwins,asonnamedLoganandadaughternamedOlivia.TheLewisfamily’sinterestsinthe clubincludegolf,thepool,socialamenities,andbuildingpersonalrelationshipswithlike-mindedprofessionals.Theirotherinterestsinclude familyactivities,mountainbiking,andcars TheyarepassionateaboutsupportingcommunityandcharitableorganizationssuchasABCCM andBrotherWolf AspecialthankyoutoTimEmoryforhissponsorship
Mike&MollyMetzger-ResidentFullGolf:Mikerecentlyretiredfromthetelecomindustry,andMollyistheExecutiveDirectoratAccenton Management Theyhavethreedaughters:Katie(24),Emily(23),andJulia(18) FormermembersofBlackOakCountryClubinNewJersey, theMezgers’interestsintheclubincludegolf,stayingactive,andmeetingnewfriends Theirotherinterestsincludehiking,biking,home projects,andgettingimmersedinagoodbook.AspecialthankyoutoBrettandCariKillianfortheirsponsorship.
Timothy&ShannieMitrovich-ResidentFullGolf:TimothyistheCEOofArtisanStudios,specializinginconsultingandtechnology,and ShannieistheCEOofSCCreative,wheresheworksasapastrychef.Theyhavetwodaughters,Lillian(9)andNaomi(7).TheMitrovich family’sinterestsintheclubincludegolf,tennis,thepool,socialevents,andprovidingasourceofentertainmentforpersonaland professionalout-of-townguests Timothyalsoenjoysflyingasaprivatepilot,playingthepiano,andskiing AspecialthankyoutoJenifer Boltonforhersponsorship
Drs Keith&AmyAqua
Timothy&Dr KathyLewis

Ross&ValerieSharp-JuniorExecutive:RossisaSalesEngineerwithZipHQ,andValerieisaGrowthEngineerwithServiceTitan Their interestsintheclubincludegolfandmeetingnewfriends Theyalsoenjoycycling,hiking,andtraveling AspecialthankyoutoMichael Williamsonforhissponsorship.
Paul&TracySinclair-ResidentFullGolf:TheSinclairsareformermembersofRivermontGolfClubinJohnsCreek,GA,andarecurrently buildinganewhomeinthearea Theyareeagertosettleinandtakefulladvantageofeverythingourcountryclubhastooffer Whetherit’s enjoyingthebeautifulgolfcourse,playingpickleball,orattendingoneofthemanysocialevents,theylookforwardtobecomingactive membersofourvibrantcommunity.Beyondsports,theSinclairshaveavarietyofinterests,includinghiking,music,fishing,andlawn bowling,andtheyareexcitedtoconnectwithfellowmemberswhosharesimilarpassions
Richard&SallySox-Part-TimeResidentGolf:RichisanattorneywithBassSoxMercerinTallahassee,Florida WhennotinAsheville,Rich andSallyresideinDestin,Florida.Theirinterestsintheclubincludegolf,fitness,socialevents,andmeetingnewfriends.Theyalsoenjoy cycling,pickleball,andhiking RichandSallyarepassionateaboutcommunityandcharitywork,volunteeringwithBillyGraham’sTheCove RetreatCenterandSamaritan’sPurseDisasterRelief WhileinAsheville,theyattendBiltmoreChurch Neel&KempWoollen-ResidentFullGolf:Theyarebothretiredandenjoygolf,fitness,andsocialactivitiesattheclub.Theirother interestsincludetravel,music,andsports.TheyarealsopassionateaboutsupportingtheGoJenGoFoundation,whichprovidesbreast cancersupportinCharlotte
Michael&CourtneyWilliamson-JuniorExecutive:Michaelworksinfinance,andCourtney,whoisinhealthcare,grewupintheclub Theyhavethreesons:Theo(4),Lachlan(2),andLouis(11months).TheWilliamsonfamilylooksforwardtoenjoyingalltheclub’samenities andmeetingnewfriends Theirotherinterestsincludetravel,hiking,andcamping Theyarepassionateaboutcommunityandcharitable efforts,particularlysustainableliving AspecialthankyoutoDr KennethKubitschek,Courtney’sfather,forhissponsorship

Sunday Funday just got even more extra special because of BRUNCH! We are thrilled to announce that our fabulous ChampagneBrunchwillbereturningstartingSunday,January5, 2025! Join us every Sunday for mimosa and food specials, concluding the month with our Grande Brunch Buffet on the last Sundayofeverymonth!Keepcalm&brunchon!

Wednesday,January8&15 | Wednesday,February12&19
Have you heard? As a perk of being a McConnell Golf member, you get a complimentary dinner on the month of your birthday! We have two birthday nights each month, one will be a la carte dining, and one will be an extraordinary buffet experience! So, if you have a birthday coming up, give us a call and plan to celebratewithusattheclub!Dine-inandadultsONLY.

WhatisEmpowHER?EmpowHERiswomanhood.EmpowHERis sisterhood. EmpowHER is equality. As women, it is easy to become overstimulated with all the directions we are pulled in EmpowHER offers freedom from the day-to-day and an opportunity to be amongst other women experiencing similar lifestyles.
Join us for our Inaugural Meeting! We will have wine, charcuterie, & camaraderie! Every quarter, CCA will be hosting an EmpowHER event voted on by group members! At each gatheringyoucanexpecttofindoptionsforthenextevent Your voice matters and we want your night away to be just thatYOURS!Seeyouthere!

$45++Dinner&Show* | $10ShowOnly* *48hourcancellationpolicyineffect AdultsOnly
It's the funniest night of the year again: Comedy Night! Featuring Mark Matusof of the Bob & Tom Radio Show, Holland American Cruises, and David Copperfield's TV Special - this is a night sure to entertain! Mark has opened for esteemed members of the Comedy Community such as Jeff Foxworthy, Drew Carey, and Bobcat Golthwaite! His material ranges from his immigrant family to the aggravations of modern life; from current events to the fragility of themaleego,anddon'tforgettheadditionoftheGodfathertheme! It'sanighttoremember-andwehopetoseeyouthere!


Saturday,January18 2:00pm-4:00pm|3:00pmPlunge
Thisyear'sPolarPlungewillbehostedinsupportofBreakthrough T1D This is an organization that is opening doors that were once closed byT1D (Type 1 Diabetes) diagnosis They lead the way to more effective solutions byconnecting the brightest minds to advancetreatments,influence policy, and improve access to care Bydrivinginnovationforward,BreakthroughT1Dwillmaketype1 diabetes a condition of the past.Instead of watching your favorite CCAstaffmemberstoplungethisyear,weareopeningituptoour MemberswhowanttoPlungeforaCause!Plungesign-upswillbe donation based. Visit the CCA Club Calendar to sign up and help us make a difference in the lives of so many families effected by T1D!

Price:$36++Adult | $18++Children(4-11)
Joinusforanightthewholefamilycanenjoy!Incelebrationofthe Chinese New Year, CCA will have featured menu options, and activities for the kids at our first Family Night of the year! So bring the whole family, enjoy some good food, and watch as your kids enjoytheexcitingprogrammingplannedbyMs Danielle!

What's a better way to spend a cold February Evening than with board games and comfort food? February Family Night will feature JUST THAT! Bring the whole family and enjoy a night of games, good food, and some heartwarming cocktails for Mom &

Join us for our inaugural Bar Programming event! Starting off st ith T ti & T i l i ht f t i B ll it B a c s to

Price:$130++percouple* | $70++perperson*
*48hourcancellationpolicyineffect AdultsOnly

This one's for the Lovebirds! Join us for a prix-fixed romantic dinner for 2 while enjoying the sweet sounds of a live Harpist Menu information to come We LOVE our membership, and can't wait to celebrate the season ofadorationwithyou!


Ages5-10| $15perchild
Are your kids Lego fanatics? Well, this is the night for them! Bring them out to the club for Lego building and socializing with friends whileyouenjoysomeadulttime

Ages4-10| $15perchild

Ages4-10| $15perchild
While you are enjoying your date night with your love at the club, drop the kiddos off with us for a fun Valentine’s Day Party fullofcrafts,games,treats,andsweets

Ages5-10| $15perchild
Crossword puzzles, wooden puzzles, and jigsaw puzzle competitions.Canyousolvethemall?

Ages: 3 years - 6 years

Registration will open up 3 days in advance on the online event calendar. Child watch is free for the first 2 hours if you are staying on the property AND participating in on-site activities such as golf, tennis, massage, pool, fitness, or dining You also have the option of leaving the property and paying an hourly fee There will be no monthly packages available at this time Please provide a labeled water bottle for your child.
Cancellations/no-show fee of $16 if you have not given notice within 6 hours. Unregistered drop-ins will be charged an hourly rate.
Two time slots are available per day Tuesday-Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm or 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Please email me with any questions at dbullock@ccofasheville com
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great conclusion to 2024. The year seemed to fly by, and with Hurricane Helene, it felt like the 2024 golf season ended too quickly The full 2025 golf calendar will be released soon, but I want to ensure everyone marks their calendars for the major golf events:
Men’s Member Guest Sign up & Lottery – Saturday, March 8
Men’s Member-Member – Saturday, May 31 - Sunday, June 1
Ladies’ Member-Member – Wednesday, June 11 - Thursday, June 12
Men’s Member Guest – Thursday, June 19 - Saturday, June 21
Senior Men’s Club Championship – Friday, July 25 - Saturday, June 26
Ladies’ Club Championship – Thursday, July 31 - Friday, August 1
Men’s Club Championship – Friday, August 1 - Sunday, August 3
Ladies’ Member-Guest – Friday, October 3 - Saturday, October 4
The 2025 golf calendar is packed with competitive and social events, including a couple of exciting new tournaments, such as the Junior Club Championship!
Traditionally, our golf season kicks off in March with Mandell’s Madness Tough Day Tournament. However, this year, we’re starting early with a brand-new event in February: the Ice Breaker Scramble. This 4-person captain’s choice tournament will take place on Saturday, February 15th, weather permitting. As long as the course is snow-free, we’ll play! Afterward, warm up indoors with hot chili and beverages. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks!
In addition to our busy tournament schedule, we’ll continue offering kids’ and ladies’ clinics, as well as spring and fall Operation 36 classes. Plus, we’re excited to host two weeks of kids' camp
Kids Camp Week One – July 8-11
Kids Camp Week Two – August 5-8
Weekly Ladies and Kids Clinics will begin in May Operation 36 schedule will be sent out as soon as those dates are scheduled
Prepare for the Upcoming Golf Season
ExcitingUpdatestotheOnlineTeeSheetReservation System
StartinginMarch,we’reintroducingasignificantchange tohowweekendteetimesarereserved.Beginningthen: WeekendTeeTimes(SaturdayandSunday):These willnolongerbescheduledoneweekinadvance. Instead,bothSaturdayandSundayteetimeswillopen forbookingonWednesdaymorningofthesameweek (threedaysinadvance).
AlignmentwithOtherMcConnellGolfClubs:This changeensuresconsistencywithteetimepolicies acrossallMcConnellproperties
We’llsendremindersaswegetclosertothestartdateof thisnewreservationpolicy
FillingTBDSpots:AllTBDsmustbefinalizedatleast twodaysbeforethescheduledteetime.
UnfilledTBDs:AnyunfilledTBDswillberemoved,and thosespotswillbeavailableforothermembersto book.
GuestTBDs:Pleaseprovidethenamesofallguests accompanyingyou.Thishelpsourstaffprepareto serveyourguestsandtrackguestplayonthecourse A reminder:eachguestislimitedtoplayingsixtimesper year.

Equipment Check: Winter is the perfect time to assess your gear Check your grips to ensure they’re in good condition and properly sized Visit the golf shop for assistance our professional staff is ready to help you gear up for a successful 2025 season! Golf Simulator: Stay on top of your game during the colder months with our golf simulator Whether you want to practice your swing or enjoy some fun gameplay, it’s a great way to keep your skills sharp Contact the golf shop staff to reserve your simulator time
for All Skill Levels
Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting, our professional staff - Luke, Ross, and Colton - are here to help you improve We offer both single lessons and discounted packages:
Package of 3 Lessons: $180
Package of 5 Lessons: $250
Lessons are a fantastic way to refine your skills and kick off the season strong!
Contact Us
Have questions about tournaments, tee times, or lessons? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the golf shop. Thank you, and we look forward to an incredible 2025 golf season!
Happy New Year from the entire Golf Course Management Team! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.
As we reflect on 2024, I think it's safe to say that the GCM Team is glad to put it in the rear-view mirror Nearly every month seemed to bring something out of the ordinary From record rainfalls in May and July to the hottest June on record, the year was capped off by Hurricane Helene in late September
In total, we lost over 200 trees and experienced significant damage due to flooding not only to the turf but also to bridges, culverts, streams, and cart paths. While we've made great progress since the storm, there’s still a lot of work ahead.
The next few months will be critical as we continue recovery efforts from Hurricane Helene, weather permitting We estimate laying nearly 40,000 square feet of sod in the rough and another 20,000 square feet in the fairways, with much of this work concentrated on holes #4 through #7 In addition to sod installation, we’ll be performing spot aerification, applying soil amendments, and seeding Our goal is to complete all major repairs to playable areas by mid-March.
Infrastructure repairs will also begin soon, with contractors addressing the bridge on #6, culverts on #10, #14, and #16, as well as damaged cart paths As these repairs progress, there may be temporary hole closures or altered tee locations to ensure recovery efforts aren’t disrupted We’ll keep the Golf Shop and Membership informed of any changes to regular play
We’re pleased with the success of the bunker restoration on holes #3 through #8 The project involved removing old sand, repairing drainage, adding new gravel, bunker liners, and sand. The new liners, made from Capillary Concrete (CapCon), allow water to drain while keeping the bunker sand in place. An added benefit is that the bunker faces and bottoms should dry more evenly, providing more consistent playing conditions throughout the season. While the bunkers may play differently as the sand compacts over the next few months, they should feel familiar by the time golf season ramps up
The winter months are also a great time for the GCM Team to focus on irrigation repairs, installing drainage, tree work, brush clearing, and some solid tine aeration and topdressing. It's a busy season as we prepare for a wonderful 2025!
Sean K. Baskette
Golf Course Superintendent Country Club of Asheville

Happy New Year!
We’re thrilled to welcome 2025 at the Country Club of Asheville Racquet Sports department a year brimming with growth, opportunities, and unforgettable moments. While the past year brought challenges, it also strengthened us, inspiring new offerings and enhancements to better serve you.
Staffed Hours & Facility Access
Our staffed hours indicate when an employee is on-site, though they may be assisting members on the courts during these times Facility access and play are not restricted to staffed hours. If you need access outside these hours, please contact Landon for assistance. We’re actively improving access systems to enhance convenience while maintaining safety. Staffed hours will expand as our team grows.
Updated Tennis & Pickleball Schedule
We’ve refreshed our schedule with new programs, adjusted times, and focused groupings for all members. Offerings are now categorized as Men’s, Ladies’, or Mixed for all genders and include level ratings: NTRP for tennis and DUPR for pickleball. If you’re unsure of your rating, guidance is available to help you find the perfect fit.
New Match Play Opportunities
To foster community and engagement, we’re introducing unguided Match Play events for tennis. These 4-player sessions offer a fun way to test your skills, practice lessons, and meet fellow players of similar abilities.
Revamped Junior Tennis Clinics
Our junior tennis clinics now align with the USTA QuickStart Tennis method, using age and skill-appropriate equipment to ensure a fun, active learning experience. Classes are categorized by ball color and age range. Before enrolling, please contact Landon to ensure your child is placed in the right class. Beginners may benefit from basic instruction prior to joining group sessions.
We’re excited to see you on the courts soon! Thank you for being part of our vibrant racquet sports community
Landon Taylor
Country Club of Asheville Tennis and Pickleball

Enjoy shortened doubles matches with rotations, giving you the chance to play with and against a variety of players Spotsarelimitedto16players,soregister early to secure your place! We can’t wait toseeyouonthecourt!
This tournament will be open to the public, welcoming the greater pickleball community from the surrounding area Multiple divisions will be available for all levels, offering a great opportunity for competitive players to test their skills and showcaseourwonderfulclub
Afamily-friendlyeveningofpickleballfun! Bring the whole family to play games, meet new friends, and enjoy delicious pizza


Navigating Grief in the Body

We’re happy to be back at CCA after Hurricane Helene and grateful to assist in relieving some life’s aches and pains. We’re all grieving the devastation to our beloved mountain communities, even if the damage to our own homes was minimal. Grief is different than depression because it’s a dynamic process, it isn’t a static state of being. It can interfere with our sense of purpose and disrupt our daily lives. It can show up in the form of body and head aches, loss of energy, poor sleep, tightness in the chest, and digestive issues. Grief can cause cognitive impairment, mood changes, and negative thoughts, each day looking different than the next. It’s natural to identify with one or all of these issues after experiencing profound loss like we have
How do we cope? If you see an animal experience trauma, the first thing that they do is shake it out We can learn from this behavior as grief lives in the body, not just the mind It’s important to be kind to ourselves as we heal Sharing, talking with others is one way to heal, keeping it in will prolong suffering. Keeping short term goals like committing to our exercise practices are integral right now. This is the time to take Paula’s yoga class, work grief out with breath and movements. Mindfulness goes a long way, particularly during recovery. Setting aside time to actively move through our feelings, letting ourselves cry, and journaling are healthy ways to process. Receive body work, drift away or stay mindful of tension being released, notice where it settles in the body, breathe and let it go.
Witnessing how we came together to support one another after the storm was truly beautiful Asheville has been and will always be a special place Now our community is in an exhaustion phase as we head into winter It’s okay to feel uninspired, know that it’s a process that will heal in time Grief is a part of life and everyone experiences it differently, it comes with ups and downs Make an effort to stick to daily routines, prioritize eating a healthy diet and getting some form of physical activity. Seek emotional support, give grace to yourself. Summer and I are here for you if you need us. We can achieve acceptance and move forward as we continue to hold space for our grief.
From my heart to yours, Stephanie



JoinusforaspecialFitnessEvent, withAJ,whereworkingoutan margaritascombineforcesfora fun&excitingevening!
JoinusforanotherspecialFitness Event,withAJ!Thistime, screwdriverstaketheleadwiththe workout!
with hanie
Book with Summer

Teaching yoga brings countless blessings: the meaningful relationships I build with students, the joy of seeing and hearing how they benefit physically, mentally, and emotionally, and the personal connection I maintain with the practice, which helps me stay centered and grounded in daily life
Especially after the holidays, yoga can be a wonderful way to cultivate awareness of the present moment and to deepen our appreciation for family and friends even when navigating challenging situations
If you're interested in trying a yoga class at CCA, I invite you to join us on Tuesday or Thursday mornings Feel free to reach out with any questions at phanke@ccofasheville com Thank you, CCA, for the privilege of teaching at the club since 2015!
Mat Yoga
Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30am-9:30am Chair Yoga
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:45am-10:45am


McConnell Golf properties will once again host Korn Ferry Tour events in consecutive weeks when the Visit Knoxville Open and UNC Health Championship showcase the game’s rising stars Visit Knoxville Open, which as been contested every season since the Korn Ferry Tour’s establishment in 1990, will run from May 22 - 25 at Holston Hills Country Club UNC Health Championship will take place at Raleigh Country Club for the third time from May 29 - June 1. Watch last year’s Korn Ferry Tour recap here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhrFFPg0qrk

We want to hear from you! Share your most memorable moments from the course, courts, or clubhouses across McConnell Golf for a chance to be featured in the upcoming Spring/Summer issue of McConnell Golf, The Magazine Whether it's a tournament triumph, family tradition, or unforgettable trip, your stories are what bring our magazine to life If you have an interesting story to share with us, contact Communications Director, Faith Inman at finman@mcconnellgolf.com for a chance to be featured in our next edition
Hitting your mailboxes in January, the 2025 McConnell Golf schedule booklet features all the information you need to get ready for the upcoming golf season From club tournament dates to pro shop hours and instructional lesson rates, you’ll have a compact guide right at your fingertips Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, stay in the loop with a calendar that will take the hassle out of planning your next golf adventure
Shop & Course
Brunch Buffet
Rebecca Keil, Executive Pastry Chef at Porters Neck Country Club
“From a young age, I fell in love with the sweet, buttery, chewy texture of Coconut Macaroons. The simplicity of the recipe combined with the complexity of the flavor, including the toasted coconut, makes this a small bite for anyone to enjoy I find it best in the winter months, sitting by a fire, enjoying a hot cup of cocoa, snuggled up in a blanket Happy New Year!” -
Rebecca Keil
14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
14 ounces shredded coconut
3 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon almond extract
Mix all ingredients together 1
Scoop out cookies and bake at 325 for about 12-14 minutes, till golden brown.
Once cooled, drizzle the cookies with melted dark chocolate, let the chocolate set, then serve

Champagne Brunch
Champagne Brunch
Member Birthday Night Member Birthday Night
Comedy Night Kids Club
FOTG: Polar Plunge Australian Open Round Robin
Mini Camp
Roller & Ritas Family Night: Chinese New Year
Kids Club
Super Bowl Wing Special
Kenric Hunt, Executive Chef at Brook Valley Country Club
1/2 cup (110g) unsalted butter, melted
1/2 cup (110g) dark brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup (100g) granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (or 2 tsp vanilla extract)
1 large egg + 1 egg yolk
1 cup + 1 tablespoon (150g) gluten-free all-purpose flour with xanthan
gum (I recommend this one)
1/2 cup (60g) oat flour* SEE NOTES
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (80g) bittersweet chocolate, chopped
1 cup (160g) semisweet chocolate chips + a handful more for sprinkling
Flaky sea salt for sprinkling

Whisk together the flour, oat flour, baking soda, and salt and set aside
Cream together the melted butter and sugars until it turns into a paste-like consistency (mix on mediumhigh speed with the paddle attachment for 3-5 minutes)
Mix in the vanilla and eggs until smooth. Scrape down the bowl and mix again.
Mix in the dry ingredients Once combined, fold in the chocolate
Use a large cookie scoop and scoop the cookie dough side by side on a small tray lined with wax paper You should have 15-16 cookies
Dot the tops with a few more chocolate chips and place in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Once chilled, bake at 375°F on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper (do not use a Silpat)
Bake 5-6 cookies at a time for 10-12 minutes. They should be lightly golden around the edges and puffed/doughy in the center
9 Sprinkle the tops with a little flaky sea salt and transfer to a cooling rack.
Right when you take them out of the oven, quickly push in the sides of the cookies using the inside curve of a fork (see picture in post). They’ll spread quite a bit, so pushing in the sides to form perfectly round cookies gives you wrinkly and crispy edges
Allow them to cool for about 15 minutes, then dig in! Yields 15-16 cookies
NOTES: Oat flour is preferred, but almond flour can also be used Add an additional tablespoon of the all-purpose gluten-free flour when using almond flour
Tasting & Tapas Pickleball & Pizza
Member Birthday Night Member Birthday Night
Valentine’s Dinner Kids Club Ice Breaker Scramble Mini Camp Mini day Camp Family Night: Board Games & Dinner
Screwdrivers & Stabilizers
Kids Club
Champagne Brunch Buffet
Champagne Brunch
Champagne Brunch
Champagne Brunch


Over the course of the year, Daniel lead with a “Yes”mentality Oftenbeingthego-topersonfor repairs around the clubhouse, Daniel’s knowledge and skill set has set the bar high for quality of work and hospitality for all staff “He trulylivestheWhatCanIDo?HowCanIHelp?” lifestyle
The Golf Course Maintenance team is well deserving for team of the year! They tirelessly battled the elements Mother Nature threw at them Working through snow, rain, and shine, this team has shown resilience in the face of tragedy and cohesion in the face of change. The GCM team, truly works to the betterment of CCA, its membership and staff.