Monday I Closed
Tuesday I 11:00am-7:00pm
Wednesday-Saturday I 11:00am-9:00pm Sunday I 10:30am-7:00pm
Monday I 12:00pm-7:00pm
Tuesday-Thursday I 10:00am-7:00pm
Friday-Saturday I 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday I 10:00am-7:00pm
Monday I 12:00pm-7:00pm (Snacksandbeveragesonly)
Tuesday-Sunday I 11:00am-7:00pm (Foodserviceendsat6:00pm)
Monday I 5:30am-4:30pm Tuesday I 5:30am-6:30pm
Wednesday-Friday I 5:30am-9:00pm Saturday | 7:00am-9:00pm Sunday I 7:00am-6:30pm
Monday I Closed Tuesday-Sunday I 7:30am-6:00pm
Monday I Closed Tuesday-Saturday I 7:30am-6:00pm Sunday I 7:30am-5:00pm
Monday I Closed
Tuesday-Sunday I 10:00am-5:00pm
Monday-Thursday* I 9:00am-6:30pm Friday* | 9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday I 9:00am-1:00pm Sunday I 12:00pm-4:00pm Courts open until 9:00pm *Closedforlunch1:00pm-2:00pm
Monday-Friday I 10:00am-5:00pm
Front Desk
Golf Shop
Member Services
Tennis Courts
Events & Catering
828 258 9183
828 398 2741
828 505 1621
AaronJames|GeneralManager ajames@ccofashevillecom
DebbiePonder|MembershipDirector dponder@ccofashevillecom
OliviaBlahowsky|Administrative& MemberServicesManager oblahowsky@ccofashevillecom
ChrisSmall|ClubhouseMaintenance csmall@ccofashevillecom
MichaelMonahan|ExecutiveChef chef@ccofashevillecom
BrittaniLucas|DirectorofCatering&Events britlucas@ccofashevillecom
SeanBaskette|GolfCourseSuperintendent sbaskette@ccofashevillecom
LukeLovell,PGA|DirectorofGolf llovell@ccofashevillecom
RossLally,PGA|HeadGolfProfessional rlally@ccofashevillecom
LandonTaylor|AssistantDirectorofTennis ltaylor@ccofashevillecom
DanielleBullock|DropandPlayManager dbullock@ccofashevillecom
GraysonCooper|PersonalTrainer gcooper@ccofashevillecom
MalyndaKerksick|PersonalTrainer mkerksick@ccofashevillecom
Never miss out on a club event, the latest McConnell Golf news or the chance to share your member experience Stay connected to Country Club of Asheville and McConnell Golf on social media and join the conversation today
@ccofasheville @ccofasheville @countryclubofasheville
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Premier play Precise designs Pure golf
What began as the historical preservation of Donald Ross’ last golf course design in Raleigh, NC, has blossomed into a portfolio of championship courses from the mountains to the coast Our “pure golf for the true golfer” motto transcends agronomy, sport and culinary disciplines it is a principle lived every day through exceptional facilities and service The “Pure Golf for the True Golfer” video encapsulates this principle, made in celebration of #NationalGolfDay.
@nextbestmen Congratulations, Patricia and Kevin!!
@ashevillemike Perfection! #generation
As we jump into the dog days of summer, the many cannon balls keep us cool. As each summer heats up, Country Club of Asheville plays host to many McConnell Golf members looking to escape the heat. We look forward to welcoming the members from our sister clubs, and showing off what makes this club and Western North Carolina so special As you travel this summer, we invite you to explore all that McConnell Golf has to offer
I am excited to announce we will be hosting our home swim meet on Saturday, July 13. While the pool will be closed for the morning, we invite you to come cheer on our NAVL Fins as they take on West Asheville and Brevard swim teams!
This fall, we will be hosting the McConnell Golf Ladies Tennis Weekend We invite our lady tennis players to take part in this fun weekend of clinics, round robins, and fun with ladies from other McConnell Golf properties Keep an eye out for registration announcements
This summer, we have taken significant steps to have the course play firmer We hope you enjoy the firmer playing conditions Help us keep your course in immaculate condition by replacing your divots and repairing your ball marks. Going into the summer months, please adhere to posted daily cart rules. We have been seeing evidence of after-hours activities around the golf course, especially on the back 9 holes. Keeping the course in excellent shape is a true partnership between the club and the membership and any help to keep it as such is always appreciated
Construction Updates:
We are currently on pace for an on-time completion of our exterior renovation project The siding, decking and new awning will be installed by the end of the month, reopening the Donald Ross Dining Deck in time for us to really enjoy the perfect summer weather and flow right into the fall.
As always, your feedback is always appreciated and we look forward to seeing you at CCA!
Aaron James General Manager
We would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new members to the McConnell Golf Family at the Country Club of Asheville.
Jim Cunningham & Mark Snapp; Part-Time Resident Golf: Jim is in real estate Mark is a pharmacist They are looking forward to enjoying golf and the full amenities the club offers and making new acquaintances. Jim and Mark are members of Coral Ridge Country Club, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Other interests include international travel, cooking, and entertaining We would like to thank Andy and Kathy Guerke for their sponsorship
Brittany & Patrick Duffy; Junior Executive: Brittany works in residential construction and real estate Patrick is a Lead Data Engineer for DraftKings They have two daughters; Bennett, 6, and Ada, 4 The Duffys are looking forward to enjoying the amenities of the club while expanding their social network. Other interests include travel, wine tastings, culinary experiences, mountain biking, camping and social events We would like to thank Rob Fisher for his sponsorship
Christopher Murphy & Kelly Leu; Resident Full Golf: Christopher is retired military Kelly is a physical therapist and manager of Fyzical Physical Therapy They have five children The family is looking forward to enjoying golf, pickleball, fitness and social Other interests include surfing, flyfishing and hiking. Community/charity passions: Veterans and Wounded Warrior.
David & Carol Fletcher; Part-Time Resident Golf: David is a retired CEO and Carol is a retired high school teacher They have two children, a daughter who is a consultant pediatrician in Sydney, Australia, and a son who is a stock market investor in St. Petersburg, Florida. After relocating from the UK over 40 years ago the family has lived in New York, California, and Florida The Fletcher’s are looking forward to enjoying the amenities of the club and to meeting new friends Other interests include hiking, gardening, and drinking single malt Scotch whisky.
Nathaniel & Alix Goodwin; Junior Golf: Nathaniel is a Physical Therapist with Movement for Life. Alix is a Nurse Anesthetist and grew up in the club They are looking forward to enjoying the amenities and social community of the club Other interests include: outdoor activities and sports We would like to thank her grandparents, Gerry and Nancy Kitch for their sponsorship
William & Sandra Stahlke; Part-Time Resident Golf: The Stahlke’s are retired and their primary residence is Miami, FL They are looking forward to enjoying the amenities of the club and meeting new friends Sandra an avid golfer, enjoys fitness and international travel She’s active in the Beacon of Hope, providing counseling to pregnant women, as well as supporting the Foundation for Fighting Blindness. Bill is an avid golfer who enjoys fitness, and a car collector passionate about racing his 911 GT3 at tracks in the southeast Bill is the President of the HOA for the high-rise condo building they live in Miami He supports the Foundation for Fighting Blindness Bill and Sandra have two sons William lives in Madrid, Spain. James lives in NYC. His wife, Rachel had their first child in May so they are now grandparents!
Henry & Colleen Slingerland; Junior Executive: Henry is the A.V.P. Senior Portfolio Implementation Specialist for Harris Associates. Colleen is the Senior Director of Operations for the ASPCA They love to play golf and tennis and are excited to make new friends after moving from Chicago earlier this year Other interests include: reading, music, watching tv/movies, and enjoying most outdoor activities with their dog, Sidney. Community/charity passions: Animal Welfare and support for developmentally challenged individuals.
Guille Henegar; Junior Golf: Guille is the Philanthropy Officer at Asheville School He is looking forward to enjoying the amenities of the club and meeting new friends. We would like to thank Kyle Robinson and Emily Knapp for their sponsorship. Note of interest: His uncle, Michael Thomas, is the General Manager at The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation
Ben Pantzis; Junior Executive: Ben is a Staff Software Engineer at flow life He has a daughter, Rose 4 Ben is looking forward to enjoying golf, fitness, tennis, pool and the social community Other interests include: jogging and hiking
Patrick & Jessica McGraw; Junior Sport: Patrick is an Account Executive at SAS Institute, and Jessica is a Cloud Services Manager at Amazon Web Services (AWS) They have two children – son, James (almost 4 years) and daughter, Isla (7 months) The McGraws are looking forward to enjoying the amenities of the club (pool, tennis and golf), and connecting with friends and other young families. Other interests include travel, cooking, hiking and enjoying the outdoors We would like to thank Chad Parries for his sponsorship
Ronald & Mary D’Alessandro; Resident Full Golf: Ron is a retired CEO of an international sign company They have two grown children, Mark and Theresa. The D’Alessandro’s are looking forward to enjoying the amenities of the club and meeting new friends. Ron is enjoying playing golf with the Flitcroft Men’s group Other interests include: travel to Europe, hang with friends, play guitar, and work on landscaping They are past members of Bull’s Bay Awendaw, SC We would like to thank Bruce Goforth for his sponsorship
Bruce & Bridget Abernethy; Part-Time Resident: Bruce is the President of Abernethy Law Group, specializing in estate planning and asset protection planning. For Bruce, moving to Asheville is like coming home having been born just down I-40 in Hickory. They both enjoy golf and look forward to meeting new friends and enjoying the amenities of the club Other interests include gardening, music, and working with local charities focusing on food and housing insecurity and youth support
Cort & Casey Radford; Junior Executive: Cort is the Head Football Coach for Asheville High School Casey is an Environmental Health Specialist for the Foothills Health District They have three children: daughter, Anna 8, sons, Charlie 5, and Riley, 2 months old The Radfords are looking forward to enjoying all the amenities of the club and making deeper connections in the community. Cort wants to turn golf from a “dad thing” to a “family thing " Other interests include family beach trips, football games, and watching their children play sports Community/charity passions: Very involved in the Asheville Youth community. We would like to thank Cort’s grandfather, Bruce Goforth for his sponsorship
Daniele & Phil Wikoff; Sport: Daniele is the Chief Scientific Officer at ToxStrategies. Phil is the Director of Quality for Thomas Scientific. They have two children: a son, Axel 13, and a daughter, Annie 12 The Wikoffs are looking forward to enjoying the amenities of the club, community, and staying physically active Other interests include cycling, basketball, and microbreweries Community/charity passions: Youth Organizations and Youth Sports. We would like to thank the following members for encouraging the Wikoffs to join: Knechtel’s, Secretarski’s, Parden's, and Amys
Have you heard? As a perk of being a McConnell Golf member, you get a complimentary dinner on the month of your birthday! We have two birthday nights each month, so if you have a birthday coming up, grab your family and friends and come celebrate here at the club Don’t forget that you can still get your birthdaydinnercurbsideifyoucannotmakeitinside!
Our Blues & Berries Dinner promises to be a night to remember! Dress in your best blue clothes & join us for an ALL BLUE party! Dinner will be inspired by seasonal and local berries, and we will beentertainedbyaBluesBand!Moreinformationwillbeprovided soon, so be sure to keep an eye out on your email for when you cansignup!
Schoolwillbebackinsessionbeforeweknowit!Asawaytoshow oursupporttoourAshevilleandWeavervillefamiliesinneed,CCA will be hosting a School Supply Drive. As we get closer to the school year, we will be providing a list of most needed items for studentsinthearea Wethankyouinadvanceforhelpingprovide suppliesforchildreninneed
LADIESDAYALERT!WewillbehostingaspecialLadiesEventthis August!OurLadiesSun&CitrusBrunchwillfeatureamimosabar, a brilliant brunch curated by our exemplary culinary team, and a beautiful setting for our Club Ladies to enjoy a fun brunch amongstfriends!Staytunedformoredetails!
Ages3-10| $15perchild
A night of solving a crime made up by our activities team Use the physical and written clues, plus your inferencing skills to work out 'whodunit!' Bring your detective hats and help us get to thebottomofthis!
Ages6-12| $15perchild
Calling all competitors to join the CCA activity team in a fun filled eveningofOlympicminigames Comereadytocompete!
Ages6-12| $15perchild
Become a director of a CCA Movie. Together, we will decide on a movieplotandpickcharacterstobringtolife!
Ages3-10| $15perchild
Build your best paper airplane for our flying competition Will your aircraft glide the farthest down our event lawn? Let's find out!
Ages: 3 years - 6 years
Registration will open up 3 days in advance on the online event calendar Child watch is free for the first 2 hours if you are staying on property AND participating in on-site activities such as golf, tennis, massage, pool, fitness, or dining. You also have the option of leaving the property and paying an hourly fee. Please provide a labeled water bottle for your child.
Cancellations/no-show fee of $16 if you have not given notice within 6 hours Unregistered drop-ins will be charged an hourly rate
Two time slots are available per day Monday-Friday 8:30 am-12:30 pm or 1:00 pm-4:00 pm.
Please email me with any questions at dbullock@ccofasheville com
I wanted to start this newsletter with a big thank you to everyone for the warm reception upon my arrival in April Country Club of Asheville is everything and more that I was expecting Amazing golf course, great membership, and dedicated staff not only in the Golf Course Maintenance department but throughout the club
We started out the summer season with the leveling and re-grassing of the driving range tee. In working with the golf shop staff and tweaks to our maintenance, we should be able to keep the grass-teeing surface open throughout the summer. As a plus, the new Bermuda grass tee will allow divots and wear and tear on the tee to recover much quicker. So, no more hunting around looking for a section of good turf.
With the summer season upon us, I would like to take a minute to pass along a few friendly reminders:
We always try to complete our “in-play” maintenance before golf, but in the event you come across a Golf Maintenance team member, please make sure they acknowledge you before playing your shot.
Course etiquette is especially important during the heat of the summer. Fixing ball marks will help prevent disease, decrease the amount of “new” poa annua, and most importantly provide a smooth surface for the golfers behind you. If you cannot find yours, you can always find one Replacing divots and topping with sand is similar to fixing ball marks and will maintain a healthy playing surface
Golf cart traffic has one of the biggest impacts on the health of the turf during the summer months Being cognizant of high-traffic areas, dry or wet areas, and riding with someone else will all be a great help in maintaining our golf course
We would like to wish everyone a happy Fourth of July and hope everyone has an enjoyable last two months of your summer. Always feel free to reach out to our Assistant Superintendent Hampton Haney or myself if you have questions, comments, or concerns.
Sean K Baskette Golf Course Superintendent
Advanced 9:30am-11:00am
Tiny Tots 3:00pm-4:00pm
Aces/Smashers 3:00pm-5:00pm
High Performance 8:30am-10:00am
Intermediate 10:00am-11:30am
Big Hitters 3:00pm-5:00pm
Advanced 9:30am-11:00am
Aces/Smashers 3:00pm-5:00pm
Cardio 8:30am-10:00am
Intermediate 10:00am-11:30am
Tiny Tots 3:00pm-4:00pm Hitters 4:00pm-5:00pm
Advanced 9:30am-11:00am
High Performance 1:30pm-3:00pm
Beginner 9:00am-10:30am
Intermediate/Advanced 10:30am-12:00pm
2:30pm-4:00pm TUESDAY*
6:00pm-7:30pm WEDNESDAY
6:00pm-7:30pm SATURDAY
*Competitive pickleball drop-in
Summer is upon us, and we are very excited! We have a summer full of camps for the kids four sports camps and two mini tennis camps The activities include tennis, pickleball, soccer, basketball, and ping pong, among other things There is a snack time around 11:00am and lunch at 12:15pm At 1:00pm, we all go up to the pool for the rest of camp. The other sports camp weeks will be July 8th, July 22nd, and August 5th. Our tennis Mini Camps will be the weeks of July 15th and July 29th and will run from 9:00 a m to 1:00 p m The kids will play tennis until 11:00am, have a snack, and then play more tennis until 12:15pm, which will be lunch time These camps are so fun and we are very excited to run them! Limited space is available, so if you are looking to get your kids into these camps, sign up as soon as possible.
We are in the process of elevating our programming and events Our summer clinic schedule will be changing with our junior clinics We are also looking to make some improvements to our outdoor shop to make it a better place to hang out and enjoy your time after playing tennis. We have installed an adult beverage cooler in the lower pro shop. Please let us know if you would like to enjoy an adult beverage, and we will gladly assist you
We are excited to be hosting our second annual McConnell Golf Ladies Tennis weekend, September 13-115. We will be hosting ladies from our sister properties for a weekend of clinics, round robins, and socializing. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from many of our McConnell Golf Tennis Pros and take part in friendly competition We look forward to showing off CCA’s beautiful mountain facility!
See you on the courts!
Leon Poplawski Director of Tennis
Thursday, July 4
Price: $30++
Members will get together for round robin tennis and enjoy beverages and snacks after play. There will be music, cornhole and childcare!
I am excited that your current massage therapist Stephanie has brought me in to help work on you and help you feel your best.
A little about my study, in 2015 I went to Costa Rica School of Massage therapy, where I was trained by teachers from all over the world. I have education on hot stones, cupping, and some Ayurvedic treatments. I have traveled to Hawaii to learn my favorite modality Lomi Lomi massage. This style is orthopedic in nature, focusing on the joints to free movement. Over the years, I have been a part of team at five star spas and wellness retreats. I enjoy working on ALL body types. Everyone deserves to feel their best. My goal when you are on the table is to help ease your tension and pain.
I will be available on Thursdays 11:00am – 4:00pm.
I look forward to sharing my skills with you. Summer Lynn
30 minutes - $45
60 minutes - $80
90 minutes - $100
120 minutes - $135
CBD- $10
Aromatherapy - $5
HotStones - $17
Yoga is the best, and we are so lucky to have a top-notch yoga teacher like Paula here at CCA! By: Pat Nossen
I have done yoga for years, and it helps with flexibility, strength, balance, and more. All of these are important to maintain for daily activities and sports especially as you age. I encourage you to try yoga consistently for at least 3 months to see how great you feel Who knows, it may help shave a few strokes off your golf game!
Yoga at CCA:
Tuesdays: 8:30am - Mat Yoga 9:45am - Chair Yoga
Thursdays: 8:30am - Mat Yoga 9:45am - Chair Yoga
For more Info:
Set yourself up for success in the fall We invite you to diversify your brand and connect with new audiences with the 2024 Fall/Winter edition of McConnell Golf, The Magazine! Promote your business in a best-in-class setting throughout our network of 16 properties spanning across four states. If you are interested in advertising or listing your business in our magazine, please contact your club’s membership director today.
The PGA TOUR returns to Sedgefield Country Club for the 2024 Wyndham Championship, marking the 85th edition of North Carolina’s oldest professional golf event We invite you to experience the excitement firsthand, with exclusive access for McConnell Golf members to four hospitality areas Enjoy the lively atmosphere at Slammin' Sammy's Pub, located in Sedgefield's clubhouse ballroom (entrance behind No. 9 green), or take in the action from open-air skyboxes on holes 15, 17, and 18. Both member charge and credit cards are accepted in all McConnell Golf hospitality areas. Stay tuned for updates regarding member ticketing information We look forward to seeing you in Greensboro!
Join other members throughout McConnell Golf at the Winston-Salem Open! Gates open at 1 PM with the last match ending late into the night We will have a McConnell Golf tailgate from 11:30 AM to 1 PM in the parking lot outside of the tennis facility Complimentary food and drinks will be provided Please contact your club’s tennis professional by August 5th to secure your tickets to this year’s event.
Down on the Farm - Mini Camp Sports Camp
Down on the Farm - Mini Camp Sports Camp
Member Birthday Night
Youth Camp Tennis Mini Camp
Art Youth Camp Tennis Mini Camp
FourthofJulyScramble 4thofJulyPoolParty TennisRoundRobin
DownontheFarm-Mini Camp SportsCamp
Art Youth Camp
Tennis Mini Camp
Member Birthday Night
DownontheFarm-Mini Camp SportsCamp Ladies’Day
ArtYouthCamp TennisMiniCamp MemberBirthdayNight LadiesDay DoggieDinner
Down on the Farm - Mini Camp Sports Camp
Art Youth Camp Tennis Mini Camp Couples Golf Six at 6:00pm Space - Mini Camp Sports Camp
- Mini Camp Sports Camp
- Mini Camp Sports Camp
‘N Wild Mini Camp Tennis Mini Camp
‘N Wild Mini Camp Tennis Mini Camp
‘N Wild Mini Camp
Tennis Mini Camp
Ron Gordils, Executive Chef at Sedgefield CC
1 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 large egg, room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup chopped peeled fresh peaches
- Mini Camp Sports Camp Space - Mini Camp Sports Camp Senior Club Championship Senior Club Championship
Preheat oven to 350°. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy, 5-7 minutes Beat in egg and extracts In another bowl, whisk flour, cinnamon, cream of tartar, baking soda, salt and nutmeg; gradually beat into creamed mixture. Stir in peaches.
1. Drop dough by tablespoonfuls 2 in. apart onto parchment-lined baking sheets. Bake until set, 14-16 minutes Cool on pans 2 minutes Remove to wire racks to cool completely Store in an airtight container 2.
Sports Camp Sports Camp Jr Golf Camp Sports Camp Jr Golf Camp Member Birthday Night
Under the Sea-Mini Camp Under the Sea-Mini Camp
Wet ‘N Wild Mini Camp Tennis Mini Camp Ladies Club Championship Wet ‘N Wild Mini Camp Tennis Mini Camp Ladies Club Championship
Sports Camp Jr Golf Camp Ladies Day
the Sea-Mini Camp Member Birthday Night Under the Sea-Mini Camp Ladies Day
Sports Camp Jr Golf Camp Blues & Berries Dinner
the Sea-Mini Camp Couples Golf Six at 6:00pm
Men’s Club Championship
Men’s Club Championship Champagne Brunch
Child Tournament
Member Birthday Night Ladies Day Ladies Sun & Citrus Brunch Ladies Day
Culinary Team at The Water’s Edge CC
1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup unsalted butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 oranges zested
1 cup dried cranberries, finely-chopped
1/2 cup apricots, finely-chopped
Combine flour, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg in bowl and mix together 1
Cream butter in a large bowl using electric blender until fluffy and lightened in color slightly. Add sugar and cream on medium speed until lightly fluffy, several more minutes. Mix in vanilla and orange zest Add flour mixture in 3 batches until just combined, kneading the last addition by hand, knead in cranberries and apricots
Divide dough in half and roll out into two long logs. Wrap each log in parchment paper and refrigerate until dough is chilled, at least four hours
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Line baking sheet with parchment paper. 4
Remove dough from refrigerator slice dough so that cookies are 1/3 inch thick.Place slices 1-inch apart on prepared baking sheet
Bake in oven for about 20-25 minutes Remove from sheet tray and place on rack to cool. 6
Christopher exhibits a great members-first attitude, and communicates well, even in times of high stress He is knowledgeable of the offerings in his department and makes every effort to maintain the highest standards Christopher is friendly and approachable, always willing to assist others if needed!