PCC 2022 Nov/Dec Newsletter

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I 704.846.8475

TOGO I 704.846.8475

DINNER I TuesdaySaturday I 5:00pm8:00pm


DINNER I TuesdayThursday I 5:00pm9:00pm

DINNER I FridaySaturday I 5:00pm10:00pm


DINNER I TuesdayThursday I 5:00pm9:00pm

DINNER I FridaySaturday I 5:00pm10:00pm




Monday I Closed

TuesdayThursday I 10:00am4:00pm

FridaySunday I 9:30am5:00pm




MondayThursday I Closed

FridaySunday I 10:00am5:00pm




Monday I Closed

TuesdaySaturday I 11:00am8:00pm

Sunday I 11:00am6:00pm


GolfShop I Tuesday Sunday I 7:30am5:30pm

PracticeFacilities I TuesdaySaturday I 7:30am6:00pm Sunday I 7:30am5:30pm(cleanpickrange)

TENNISSHOP I 704.846.9022

MondayThursday I 8:00am7:00pm

Friday I 8:00am3:00pm

SaturdaySunday I 9:00am3:00pm

TennisCourtsOpenDaily I 8:00am10:00pm

FITNESSCENTER I 704.846.1019

MondaySunday I 5:00am11:00pm

Rolf Eckert I reckert@providencecc.com

Laura Bohling I lbohling@providencecc

Membership Director

Kathy Kelly I kkelly@providencecc

Communications Director

Scott Reisterer I sreisterer@providencecc

Club Accountant

Kevin Reardon I kreardon@providencecc

Director of Golf

Mark Scott I mscott@providencecc.com Golf Course Superintendent

Beck Bond I bbond@providencecc

Director of Tennis

Kymberly Reed I kreed@providencecc com Fitness Director

Brandon Mullis I bmullis@providencecc com Executive Chef

Jarett Goldberg I jgoldberg@providencecc com Food and Beverage Manager

Jessica Keene I jkeene@providencecc.com Events Coordinator

Kym Reed I kreed@providencecc com Activities Director

Bryan Herrmann I bherrmann@providencecc com Director of Facilities Maintenance

IN THIS ISSUE YourClub...……………….……………..…………....2 Manager'sMessage.….....….................……..3 Membership 45 PCCBuzz 6 Dining&Catering.…….……….…..……....….....7 ClubhouseEvents 8 9 GolfForeAll 10 GreensandGrounds....……………..……......11 McConnellGolfNews…....…............….…...12 Tennis 13 Fitness 14 15 ProvidencePlayhouse.........................16 17 Calendar 18 19 PROVIDENCE COUNTRY CLUB STAFF
General Manager



We had a fantastic pool season this year and we are already planning the 2023 pool season to be even better. Thank you very much for spending the summer with us at the pool and West Pavilion and we are looking forward to seeing you there again next summer Golf, fitness, pickleball, and our tennis facilities are alwaysavailableforyourenjoyment

With the holiday season around the corner, we would like to invite everybody to participate in the upcoming festivities like Santa's Brunch, our First Annual Christmas Ball, and New Year’s Eve Dinner at the Club, just to name a few. Please be reminded that reservations are always required for special events and are recommendedforalldinners Thishelpstheteamtobetterprepareandserveyou,yourfamily,andfriends

Are you still looking for that special gift? We have plenty of great gifts in the Tennis and Golf shop for the specialsomebodyinyourfamilyorforyourselves Comeoninandbrowsethenewwintercollection,youwill bepleased!

We value our local community, Providence and McConnell Golf support local charities throughout the year through our Foot Prints on the Green program With your help, we can make a huge impact on children's and families' lives during this holiday season. In November we will be collecting non perishable food for our Charlotte Loaves and Fishes We will have donation boxes at the front desk, and at all of our pro shops and fitness center In the past we have collected over 500 pounds,

see if we can exceed that this year We have not forgotten December,

will have our Angel Tree put up the day after Thanksgiving. The Angel Tree donations go to the Thompson's

Christmas magical for a family, or child inneed Mayyouandyourfamilybeblessedduringthisholidayseasonandthroughoutthisupcomingyear HappyHolidays, RolfEckert GeneralManager

of Charlotte.

Let's make
MANAGER'S MESSAGE THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 3 PCC'SFIRSTANNUALCHRISTMASBALL FRIDAY,DECEMBER 16 I 6:30PM 10:00PM EarlypricingbyTuesday,December13: $145++perPerson 48HoursCancellationPolicy This is a Club event, all facilities Closed to Non Participants We will not be offeringAlaCarteDinnerServiceorCurbsideTo GoOrders RSVPOnlineorbycallingtheFrontDeskat704.846.8475 TistheSeasonforaChristmasBall! Bells will ring and the snow will fall, come Celebrate the warmth of the seasonattheFirstAnnualChristmasBall. With music by Spank, an 80's classic band come solemnize the night with musicanddance. RegistertheChildrenforKidsNightOutwithextrahoursifneeded. This is our first formal affair, so dust off your tuxes and buy a new gown for Christmaswhichisjustafewdaysaway NEWYEAR'SEVEDINNER SATURDAY,DECEMBER 31 I 5:00PM 8:00PM EarlypricingbyThursday,December22: $49++perAdult, $18++perChild(4 11),3andUnderComplimentary 48HoursCancellationPolicy ThisisaClubevent,allfacilitiesClosedtoNon Participants. We will not be offering A la Carte Dinner Service or Curbside To Go Orders I RSVPOnlineorbycallingtheFrontDeskat7048468475 Celebrate the New Year with family and friends at the Club Complimentary glass of Champagne on arrival An extensive Italian Buffetwillroundouttheevening. MENU:PASSEDHORSD'OEUVRES TraditionalBruschetta I Caprese SkewersSTATIONS:SeafoodRisottoStation ArborioRice ParmesanCheeseShrimp I Lobster I Crab I ItalianSausageand LentilStewStation Cotechino,GreenLentils I CrustyBread BraccioleCarvingStation StuffedandBraisedFlankSteak ParmesanPolenta I Displayed ItalianMeat&CheeseDisplay AntipastoDisplay I CaponatawithCrustyBread I RawBar Desserts Struffoli I JordanAlmonds I ItalianCookies I Tiramisu
Patrick & Michelle Knorring
PleaseWelcomeOurNewMembers: MEMBERSHIP Thank you for choosing to make Providence Country Club a place where you gather with family and friends to create memories that will last a lifetime I hope you’ll join us for some of our most festive annual favorites including our GingerbreadHouseDecoratingParty,HolidayPartyandBrunchwithSanta. Mayyouandyourfamilyenjoythemagicoftheholidayseason. Warmregards, LAURABOHLING MembershipDirector “JOYISTHESIMPLESTFORMOFGRATITUDE” KARLBARTH: THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 4
Bishay & Kristi Faris and daughter Evangeline Chris & Nitra Word and daughter, Alaya Michael & Jennifer Shiffman and sons, Matthew & Owen
MEMBERSHIP THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 5 Chris&CarolineCampbellanddaughters,Libby&Paige Deborah&MarkHickmanandchildren,Kiara&Alexus Spencer&JamieWikeandsons,Davis,Miles&Beckett NOTPICTURED:
/ProvidenceCountryClub @pccgolf @providencecc lfletcher59 Wetookhomethecrystalfromat@hv3 golfand @bubbawallaceTheDriversForeChangegolftournament Check out the latest snapshots from Providence Country Club! Keep sharing your experiences at PCC by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter RechLaw,P.C. RechLawoutsupportingthe#OliviaStrongFoundationatthe #ProvidenceCountryClubforthe#CatesInvitational! winning shots nc #JustGoShoot#InstaGood#InstaPhoto#PicOfTheDay #PhotoOfTheDay#Photogram imageboutiqueshop ICongratulationsTaraandKapil Lookingbeautifulin champagnegoldLehengawithcoffeecolorhighlightsand zardozizariintricatework.Beautifulpicsby @funderudphotography PCCbuzz THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 6





If it's your birthday during the months of November and December come to celebrate with us Members can enjoy one complimentary entrée and dessert on any of the Tuesday nights in your birthday month,makeyourreservationin Preston'sorTable16.

CUISINETO GOCURBSIDE AVAILABLE:TUESDAY SATURDAY I 5:00pm 8:00pm Weappreciateyouandyourcontinuedsupport.Veryoftentheclubhouse phone lines become highly congested and we do not want to miss your call If we are unable to answer your call, please leave a message in our FrontDeskGeneralMailboxandwewillcallyoubackASAP CalltheFront Desk at your earliest convenience from 10:00am 7:30pm to place your To Go Order. We will have it ready to pick up at your desired date and time DINING & CATERING THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 8 WEAREHEREFORALLOFYOUR CATERINGNEEDS Areyoureadyforacelebration? Whether you are planning a Wedding, Wedding Reception, Birthday, Retirement Dinner, Baby Shower, or Corporate Meeting, Jessicaisyourgotoplannerforallyourevent needs. WHATBETTERTIMETO CELEBRATE! CONTACT: JessicaKeene jkeene@providencecccom EventCoordinator





Re heatThanksgivingDinnerTo Go Cost: $235++FullypreparedFeast Servesupto8people ComeswithRe heatInstructions AllOrdersmustbeplacebySaturday,November19 CancellationPolicyby5:00pmonSaturday,November19 CalltheFrontDeskat704.346.8475toplaceyourorder. MakeyourThanksgivingdayinthekitcheneasy EnjoyaHolidayFeast preparedbytheChef'satPCC
RoastedTurkey I OneQuartofGravy I ButteredGreenBeans TraditionalStuffing I WhippedPotatoes I SweetPotatoCasserole CranberrySauce I DinnerRolls I PumpkinPie I ApplePie
THURSDAY,NOVEMBER24 I 11:00AM 1:00PM RESERVATIONTIMES: 11:00AM,11:30AM,12:30PM&1:00PM Early Pricing: $48++ per Adult, $16++ per Child (4 11), 3 & Under Complimentary ReservationsRequired I 48HoursCancellationPolicy NoAlaCarteDinnerServiceorTo
ClubhouseClosedat4:00pm Slacks and Jackets preferred for Gentlemen over the age of 15 years I RSVPOnlineorbycallingtheFrontDeskat7048468475 Thanksgiving is a time to surround yourself with good food, good friendsandfamily JoinusattheClubforThanksgivingBrunch! MENU: Mixed Green Salad with Assorted Dressings I Superfood Salad with Craisins, Red Onion, Feta, Almonds, Honey Herb Vinaigrette I Carved TurkeyBreast I CranberrySauce I TurkeyGravy I CarvedPrimeRib AuJus I Horseradish Sauce I Glazed Ham with Brown Bourbon Glaze ShrimpCocktail I GreenBeanCasserole I SweetPotatoCasserole TraditionalStuffing I WhippedPotatoes I ButtermilkBiscuits PecanPie I ApplePie I PumpkinPie I IceCreamSundaeBar FAMILYBINGONIGHT SATURDAY,NOVEMBER26 I 6:00PM 8:30PM EarlyPricingEnds,Saturday,November19 $20++perAdult,$14++perChild(4 11),3&UnderComplimentary YourTicketincludes:Dinner,BINGOGamesandPrizes EnjoyaFamilyNightattheClubplayingBINGO! MENU: ChiliBar I Chili I Cheese I TortillaChips I Jalapenos I SourCream MixedGreensSalad I MeatloafwithTangyGlaze I WhippedPotatoes VegetableMedley I MacandCheese I ChickenFingers I TaterTots AssortedCookies I Brownies BLUES,BREWS&BBQ SATURDAY,NOVEMBER5 I 3:00PM 6:00PM $49++perPerson The air will be filled with the aromas of Chef Brandon's Smoking Hot BBQ, the sounds of the band House 11 and lets not forget the Beer tastings fromlocalbreweries STATIONSOFEVERYFLAVOR MEMPHIS I MemphisStyleSpareRibswithTangyTomatoSauce, CornbreadMuffins CAROLINAS I CarolinaPulledPorkwithNCVinegarSauce,orSCMustard Sauce,Coleslaw,SmokedHamHockCollards ALABAMA I Smoked Chicken with Sweet Lew's Alabama White Sauce, FriedGreenTomatoes,CajunRanch DESSERTSTATION I BananaPudding I PecanPieAlaMode





$40++perAdult,$20++perChild(4 11).3&UnderComplimentary SlacksandJacketspreferredforGentlemenovertheageof15years WewillnotbeofferingAlaCarteDiningorTo GoOrders. Tobetterserveyou,RSVPbycallingtheFrontDeskat7048468475

TakeanAnnualFamilyPhotowithSantafrom11:00am 1:30pm.

MENU: AssortedBreakfastPastries I SeasonalFruit I Sausage I Bacon I OmeletStation I MixedGreenSalad I RoastedSweetPotato and Brussel Sprout Salad I Carved Prime Rib I Au Jus I Horseradish Sauce I Rolls I Seared Salmon with Orzo Salad and Lemon Vinaigrette I ChickenBreastwithWholeGrainMustardCreamwithWildRicePilaf I AuGratinPotatoes I VegetableMedley ChickenFingers I MacandCheese I IceCreamSundaeBar I HolidayThemedDesserts CLUB EVENTS THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 9 FAMILYGINGERBREADDECORATINGPARTY SUNDAY,DECEMBER18 I 12:00PM 3:00PM COST:$79++PERFAMILY(IMMEDIATEFAMILYUPTOAPARTYOF5 ADDITIONALFAMILYMEMBERS:$8++PERADULT,$5++PERCHILD $23++FOREACHADDITIONALHOUSE ReservationsRequired I 48HoursCancellationPolicy DeadlineforReservationsis:Wednesday,December15 WewillnotbeofferingAlaCartDiningorTo GoOrders Tobetterserveyou,RSVPbycallingthefrontdeskat704.846.8475 The PCC Annual Family Gingerbread Decorating Party is here once again! Get into the holiday spirit with all of your Family and Friends by celebratingthisseasonaltradition! PCC will provide the house and candy for your decoration Please feel freetobringsomeofyourownsuppliesformhome. MENU: GrilledCheese I TomatoSoup I McConnellSalad I GrilledChicken FrenchFries I GingerbreadPeopletoDecorate

It’scrazytothinkwe’llbeturningthecalendarto2023beforeyouknow it As

approached 2022 many thought Golf would begin to slow downaswefeltasthoughwemayhavehitourpeak.Butwaitaminute, we’venotsloweddownonebit Tournamentparticipationwasatanall time high, Operation36 led the world in usage for multiple months, thanks to the students who utilized the app and worked hard on their game, and rounds of golf were near the pace set by 2020 and 2021. We’re

and will have it published

can do

finished with the 2023


move to 2023.


great from a

standpointpleaseletusknow Wedohavenewcartsonorderfor2023, deliveryisTBDbutwelookforwardtogettinganewfleet

Allthebest, KEV PGA

November 11(Fri)

December 3(Sat)

Golf calendar
no shortage of opportunities to play, compete, or practice as we
If there is anything our staff
to ensure your experience at
Club is
Help A HeroCharityClassic 19(Sat) TurkeyTrot
SpenceTest 2022PROVIDENCECOUNTRYCLUB TOURNAMENT&MAINTENANCESCHEDULE Thepracticefacilitiesarenowstockedwithchippingnetsonthefrontoftherange,thebackrangewithourwedgestation,aswellastheshort gamearea UsetheWintermonthstohoneinonyourshortshots Chippingandpitchingintothenetswillgreatlyincreaseyourtouch/feeland clubfacecontrolaroundthegreens Iliketostartwithanet5 10yardsinfrontofyou,hitshotsthatlandinthenet,andcontinuetoworkfurther back. Using this drill will help you find the center of the clubface more often and help you get a better idea of the types of shots you can hit around the green The length of your swing will change based on the type of shot you are trying to play We’ve seen with Operation36 how manygoodplayersbecomegreatwhenworkingclosertotheholeandworkingbackwards GOLF TIP: GOLF FORE ALL THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 10 FUN GOLF TIP: Ifyoufeellikeyouarestrugglingwithscoringtryplayingupateeortwoduringthecoldermonthsandputpressureonyourshortgame Guys, playingtheRedteescanbefun,seehowlowyoucango,andseehowvulnerableyourgameisasyougetclosetothehole.Setatargetscore andonceyoubeatitmovebackatee Dothisuntilyoureachallyourgoalsandseehowfastyourgameimproves

Thewintertimeisthoughttobethe“off season”orthe“slow”timeoftheyear,however,thatisnotthecaseatall Duringthewinter,wearejust as busy as any other time of year. The bermudagrass greens require special attention during the cold months, much like bentgrass greens require extra attention during the heat. Our greens thrive in the heat because bermudagrass is a warm season turfgrass. Our main goal is to keepthemalivethroughthewinter

Wintersurvivalofbermudagrassgreensrequiresextracare,input,andattention Itstartswitharaisedheightofcuttoactasextrainsulationora buffer from the cold We also focus on moisture and nutrient management to get us through the cold We are fortunate enough to be able to cover greens to maintain tolerable soil temperatures when the air temperatures drop drastically. Covering greens takes place when the temperature is 25 27 degrees Fahrenheit or lower Lastly, fungicides are used to protect plants from disease during their most vulnerable time period

One major piece of the puzzle for winter survival of greens is moisture Because the greens are not actively taking up water through the roots, we have to make sure the plants stay hydrated. Desiccation will occur if the plants dry out. We have to watch humidity levels, air temperature andsoiltemperature,windspeeds,andalsomonitorthemoistureinthetopthreeinchesofthegreensusingourmoisturemeters.Itisimportant towaterthegreensbeforeandaftercoversareused Wealsocontinuetousewettingagentsinthedormantseason Thesechemicalshelpwith penetration,holding,andmovingwaterintoandthroughoutthesubsurfaceofthegreens.

It is always important to never stop feeding the plants even though they might not be growing If we were to have a warm spell in the middle of winter, the plants would actually wake up from dormancy and use some of the nutrients that they have stored. We do not want the nutrient supplytoeverrunout,sowespoonfeedtheplantseitherfromfoliarsprays,orgranularapplicationssothattherearealwaysavailablenutrients

When the greens are dormant, the chlorophyll exits the leaves and nutrients are stored in the roots and stolons. This is why the rest of the golf course turns brown In order for the greens to remain green throughout the winter, we use pigments to give them their color Pigment is different than paint in that the pigment program is started while the plants are still actively growing. The plants actually take in the pigment, unlike paint which is just that, paint on top of the leaves. The pigment also helps with heat retention, much like wearing a black shirt in the middleofJuly

Seeyouonthecourse, MARKSCOTT



On behalf of the McConnell Golf and Providence Country Club family, we would like to extend a big thank you for your continued support. As in year’s past, we are asking you to join the holiday spirit and contribute to our Employee Holiday Fund Contributing to the fund is a thoughtful way to show your appreciation to our heroes our awesome staff members from the front of the house to the back of the house, and all those helping hands who work behind the scenes

While contributing to the fund is voluntary, adjustments to the fund received by November 30, 2022 will be reflected on your December statement. The contribution will then be distributed among our employees throughout all departments

McConnell Golf would like to take this opportunity to say ‘thank you’ for your support as we relaunched our online golf shop to the entire membership We’ve seen tremendous success and are excited to see what the new year holds.

As part of our thanks, McConnell Golf would like to extend an exclusive offer only available online and select golf shops across the portfolio. From November 7 December 23, select products from Holston Hills, Porters Neck, Raleigh and The Reserve will be available at 15 25% off Please visit www.mcconnellgolf.shop and look for the holiday banner. This includes deals on clubs, shoes and apparel just in time for the holidays We hope you and your loved ones have a happy and blessed holiday season For questions or more information about the online golf shop, please contact Kira Aiken, Director of Online Sales, at kaiken@providencecc com


Since 2008, Macy's has been teaming up with Make A Wish® to spark joy and create hope with their holiday letter writing campaign For every letter Santa receives from all McConnell Golf properties, Macy's will donate up to $1 million to Make A Wish and grant wishes for children with critical illnesses. Keep an eye out for more info in our Weekly Happenings emails!

Let your loved ones unwrap the gift of golf this holiday season! With pro shop and catering options, we are here to share some great items to enhance the game and delight your taste buds Look to us for everything from chef made healthy dishes to top of the line golf gear and McConnell Golf gift cards. Want to surprise your special someone with that perfect holiday getaway? McConnell Golf offers on site lodging for your convenience at Old North State Club on Badin Lake in New London, NC, Sedgefield Country Club in Greensboro, NC and Musgrove Mill Golf Club near Clinton, SC. Contact your club for details!

OUR HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE www.mcconnellgolf.shop

Withthefallmonthscomingtoanendandthewintermonthsquicklyapproachingitistimeto reflect on a great year of tennis From our Ladies Member/Guest, to our Halloween Round Robin,toallthingsPickleballandeverythinginbetweenitsurehasbeenaneventfulautumn!It has also been astounding with all of our League Tennis Play. With Interclub, Queen City, and USTA it has been awesome being able to watch everyone compete out at the courts! Our continuedgoalistohavesomethingforeveryoneandkeepthesecourtsrocking!Whetheryou arenewtothegame,oryou’reaseasonedveteranweplanonhavingoptionsforeverytennis playerattheclub!Wehopetoseeyoualloutatthecourtsandifthereisanythingwecandoto makeyourtimeattheclubmoreenjoyable,pleasedonothesitatetoletusknow!

BECKBOND DirectorofTennis




Monday I 8:00am 9:00am



clinic will have



EveryWednesday I 6:30pm 8:00pm


Come on out for a fun evening

or with the kids! This clinic will focus


Tuesday I 6:30pm 7:30pm

Friday I 10:00am 11:00am


after a long day

hitting lots


Whether you’re new to tennis or haven’t picked up a racquet in years we havejusttheclinicforyou!Thisisyourchancetocomeoutandlearnthe gameofalifetime!Ourbeginnerclinicfocusesonthebasicsofthegame fromlearningthestrokes,tokeepingscore,andeventuallyhowtoholda rallywithfriends!

We have clinics for all ages. See the Tennis Websiteforadditionalinformation








Tuesday I 6:30pm 8:00pm Friday I 9:00am 10:00am


This clinic is ideal for our 30 ladies! This power hour and a half is designed for the intermediate player and combines live ball drill sessions with situational point play. It’s a perfect opportunity to hone yourskillsinbetweenmatches


Thursday I 9:00am 10:30am


Whether you're looking to fine tune your forehand or add some more powertoyourservecomeoutandparticipateinourstrokeoftheweek clinic. In this clinic we will be focusing on one particular stroke each week. After 45 minutes of technical drills we will add it to live ball and gametypedrills!


Saturday I 8:00am 9:00am I 9:00am 10:00am


Comeoutandstartyourweekendontherightfoot Ourmen'sSaturday morning clinic offers an hour of doubles strategy, stroke development, andagreatworkout

and gunning as you improve your strokesandgetgreatexercise!SIGN UPISREQUIRED!!!
of drills and competition
at work
December November FITNESS THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 14 BRINGACAN,KICKYOURCAN! FORTHEENTIREMONTHOFNOVEMBER Bring in supplies for our local Loaves & Fishes food bank (cans) and Kick yoursonthetreadmillorwithayogaclass!Stopthatweightgainbeforethose holiday festivities begin! Also de stress by knowing you are doing good for yourfellowneighborsofCharlottebyfillingthefoodbanks FoodbasketswillbelocatedatthefitnessfrontdeskandthroughouttheClub TUESDAY,DECEMBER13 I11:30AM Cost: $25++perPerson RSVP: Online, Fitness Front Desk or by calling the Front Desk at 704.846.8475 Tis the Season for our Annual Fit mas Luncheon Enjoy a healthy lunch with yourfellowfitnessbuddythismonth! We will have a great time catching up, while enjoying trivia games, and singingsomefestiveholidaysongs. AnnualFit-masLuncheon
KIDSNIGHTOUT FRIDAY I NOVEMBER18 I 6:00PM 9:00PM Pricing:$25++perChild I $30++perChildDayofRegistration 48HoursCancellationPolicy Join your fellow friends in the Playhouse for some awesome crafts, activities,gamesandamovie MENU: Hamburger&CheeseburgerSliders I HouseMadeChips I Seasonal Fruit I AssortedCookies PCCBirthdayParties Book your Birthday party with the Playhouse today! E mail Aimee Reichert at areichert@providencecccom for more details We have multiple birthday packages available with options like themed crafts andactivities.Thereisa10Childminimumforeachparty. KIDS CATION TUESDAY I NOVEMBER8 I 9:00AM 3:00PM FRIDAY I NOVEMBER11 I 9:00AM 3:00PM Pricing:$60++perChild(Member),$70++perChild(Guest) Ages:K 5thGrade 48HoursCancellationPolicy When school is out, it's time to join your PCC Friends in the Playhouse for a day filled with FUN activities, games, crafts, and yummyfood. MENU: November8th ChickenTenders I FrenchFries I SeasonalFruit AssortedCookies November11th Pizza I SeasonalFruit I AssortedCookies PROVIDENCE PLAYHOUSE THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 16 THECHILDREN'SFALLHARVESTPARTY SATURDAY I NOVEMBER5 I 3:00PM 6:00PM Pricing:$25++perChild I $30++perChildDayofRegistration 48HoursCancellationPolicy Children, while the parents are enjoying the Blues, Brews, and BBQ join usinthePlayhouseforadayfulloffunFallActivities,Games,andenjoy someBBQaswell MENU: BBQSliders I HouseMadeChips I CaramelApples CookiestoDecorate
DROP N SHOP SATURDAY I DECEMBER10 I 10:00AM 3:00PM RegisterEarly LimitedSpotsAvailable $50++perChild I 48HoursCancellationPolicy ParentsfinishyourholidayshoppingwhileyourChildrenplaygames,docrafts, makeCookies,andhavelunchatthePlayhouse. SHHH,yourkidsmightalsobemakingagiftforyou! MENU: GrilledCheese I TaterTots I SeasonalFruit I AssortedCookies KIDS'NIGHTOUT FRIDAY,DECEMBER16 I 6:00PM 9:00PM Cost: $25++perChild I $30++perChildDayofRegistration (48HoursCancellationPolicy) TonightisthenighttobeSanta'sLittleHelpers WewillbemakingChristmasornamentandotherawesomecrafts ThePlayhousewillbefilledwithlots oflaughterandgamesaswecelebratetheChristmasSeason! MENU: HamburgerandCheeseburgerSliders I FrenchFries I SeasonalFruit I AssortedCookies PROVIDENCE PLAYHOUSE THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 17

In a small

for 20 30 minutes


into small

for a second time, ensuring the


cool for

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350˚F In a large mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar for 4 5 minutes until light and fluffy Scrape the sides of
bowl andaddtheeggsandvanilla.Creamfor1 2minuteslonger.Stirinflour,creamoftartar,bakingsoda,andsalt,justuntilcombined.
bowl, stir together sugar and cinnamon If time allows, wrap the dough and let refrigerate
balls until round and smooth Drop into the cinnamon sugar mixture and coat well Using a spoon, coat
cookieballsarecompletelycovered Tomakeflattersnickerdoodles,pressdowninthecenteroftheballbeforeplacingintheoven This helps to keep them from puffing up in the middle. Place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake for
11 minutes. Let
severalminutesonbakingsheetbeforeremovingfromthepan NOVEMBERCOOKIEOFTHEMONTH: THEBESTSNICKERDOODLECOOKIERECIPE BYBRUCEMCINTOSH,EXECUTIVECHEFATCCA This is my favorite cookie, soft and chewy Growing up in the small town of Chico California my sister Lois would make these fordessertwithfreshpickedraspberries.Whatawonderfultime inmylife... INGREDIENTS 1CupUnsaltedButter,softened 1½CupsSugar 2LargeEggs 2TSPVanilla 2¾CupFlour 1½TSPCreamofTartar ½TSPBakingSoda 1TSPSalt CINNAMON SUGARMIXTURE: ¼CupSugar 1½TablespoonsCinnamon 8 Kids-cation MemberBirthdayNight 15 MemberBirthdayNight 22 MemberBirthdayNight 1 MemberBirthdayNight 29 MemberBirthdayNight 2 WineDownWednesday& Chef'sChoiceAppetizers 4 5 TheChildren'sFall HarvestParty Blues,Brews, &BBQ 6 7 9 WineDownWednesday& Chef'sChoiceAppetizers 10 GolfShopChristmas Party(Golf) 11 Kids-cation HelpAHeroVeterans CharityClassic(Golf) 12 13 14 16 WineDownWednesday& Chef'sChoiceAppetizers 17 18 KidsNightOut TurkeyTournament (Tennis) 19 TurkeyTrot(Golf) *TurkeyTrotThanksgivingDinner To-Go(Deadlineto Order) TurkeyTournament (Tennis) 20 TurkeyTournament (Tennis) 21 23 *TurkeyTrotThanksgivingDinnerToGo(PickUpDay) WineDownWednesday& Chef'sChoiceAppetizers 24 ThanksgivingBrunch 25 CLUBHOUSECLOSED 26 FamilyBINGONight 27 THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 18 28 30 WineDownWednesday& Chef'sChoiceAppetizers November 3
December 13 AnnualFitmasLuncheon MemberBirthdayNight DIRECTIONS Mix butter and sugars until soft. Combine all of the dried item until combined. Add the egg and vanilla to the butter and the the dried items Mix until just combined Bake in the oven a 375˚F for 10 minutes DECEMBERCOOKIEOFTHEMONTH: CRANBERRYWHITECHOCOLATECHIP OATMEALCOOKIE BYJOHNCRAWFORD,EXECUTIVECHEFATRCC Thiscookieisperfectfortheholidaysandeasyenoughformy 4 year olddaughtertohelpmakewithme Asitturnsout,this herfavoritecookieandsheaskstomakeitwithmeeveryweek INGREDIENTS ½CupUnsaltedButter 1CupSugar ½CupBrownSugar 2LargeEggs ½tablespoonVanillaExtract 2CupsAPFlour 1TeaspoonBakingPowder ½TeaspoonBakingSoda ½CupWhiteChocolateChip 1CupDriedCranberries ½CupOats 2 3 SpenceTest(Golf) 4 Santa'sBrunch 5 6 MemberBirthdayNight 7 WineDownWednesday &Chef'sChoiceAppetizers 8 9 10 Drop-N-Shop 11 12 14 WineDownWednesday& Chef'sChoiceAppetizers 16 KidsNightOut UglyChristmas SweaterPickleball RoundRobin(Tennis) 15 17 18 FamilyGingerbread DecorationParty 19 20 MemberBirthdayNight 21 WineDownWednesday& Chef'sChoiceAppetizers 25 CLUBHOUSECLOSED 28 WineDownWednesday& Chef'sChoiceAppetizers 1 THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 19 29 30 3126 27 MemberBirthdayNight 24 CLUBHOUSECLOSED 2322

Providence Country Club

6001 Providence Country Club Drive Charlotte, NC 28277


StrengtheningChildren,FamiliesandCommunities PleasehavedonationsdroppedoffbySunday,December18th.

Make Christmas magical for a family in need We will be collecting new and unwrapped items for our Annual Angel Tree We will once again be supporting Thompson, a nonprofit organization founded in the Carolinas. They supply children and families with much needed items to make the holiday a joyful one, and it's all thanks to you! With your generosity we can make the holidays bright for the children andfamiliesinneed PleasedropoffalldonationsattheFrontDesk,andmayyouand yourfamilyhaveaBlessedHolidaySeason!

Welcome to the Team



I have been at PCC for 65 years I love my little girls, they are my world I love hanging out with them, cooking and playing with my dogs Pepper and Brisket. I enjoy vacationing with my family at Charleston. My passion is cooking, but its kind of funny, I really enjoy eating cold pizza I would truly love to have dinner with my Grandmother that has passed, she was anawesomecookandIwouldlovetogetallofherrecipes

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