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Greens and Grounds
Golf Course Update
It is hard to believe that it’s already September. Time flies when you’re having fun. As we start to step away from the summer months, trying to keep everything maintained during peak growth, we now transition into a new time of year and a new season for us. This time of year is just as critical if not more critical than all others. Lots of planning and careful time-sensitive and temperature-dependent decisions are made during the fall. On top of dealing with leaf cleanup for the next four months, we will be carrying out some important processes such as raising the height of cut on greens/tees/fairways, Spring Dead Spot fungicide applications, pre-emergence herbicide applications for winter annual weeds, course-wide fertility, and overseeding. These things are all part of the plan between now and winter dormancy. The fun never stops. Everything we do this time of year has an impact on how we sustain conditions during the winter, and also how we transition OUT of dormancy in the spring. All of these things were actually planned out in 2021 as part of the 2022 agronomic plan. Over the next few months, we will be doing lots of reflecting about how things have gone so far this year and what may need to change for next year. Good things, mistakes, financial adjustments, pesticide program, fertility schedule, and new maintenance strategies going forward, all will be taken into consideration for how we plan for next year. One thing that we as staff always look forward to every year is The Cates Invitational. After a successful tournament last year with record-setting greens speeds, I’m sure expectations will be high once again. I have had the privilege of leading a very talented and ambitious staff this year. Please be sure to thank the maintenance staff when you see them for a successful year here at Providence. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the place better. I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed the golf course so far this year. See you on the course, MARK SCOTT Golf Course Superintendent