PCC 2022 Sept/Oct Newsletter

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IN THIS ISSUE YourClub...……………….……………..…………....2 Manager'sMessage.….....….................……..3 Membership 46 PCCBuzz 7 Dining..............….…………….……………....….....8 ClubhouseEvents 9 10 GolfForeAll 11 GreensandGrounds....……………..……......12 McConnellGolfNews…....…............….…...13 Tennis 14 Fitness 15 ProvidencePlayhouse.........................16 17 Calendar 18 19 PROVIDENCE COUNTRY CLUB STAFF Rolf Eckert I reckert@providencecc.com General Manager Laura Bohling I lbohling@providencecc com Membership Director Kathy Kelly I kkelly@providencecc com Communications Director Scott Reisterer I sreisterer@providencecc com Club Accountant Kevin Reardon I kreardon@providencecc com Director of Golf Mark Scott I mscott@providencecc.com Golf Course Superintendent Beck Bond I bbond@providencecc com Director of Tennis Kymberly Reed I kreed@providencecc com Fitness Director Brandon Mullis I bmullis@providencecc com Executive Chef Jarett Goldberg I jgoldberg@providencecc com Food and Beverage Manager Jessica Keene I jkeene@providencecc.com Events Coordinator Kym Reed I kreed@providencecc com Activities Director Bryan Herrmann I bherrmann@providencecc com Director of Facilities Maintenance THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 2 YOUR CLUB PCCFRONTDESK I 704.846.8475 TOGO I 704.846.8475 DINNER I TuesdaySaturday I 5:00pm8:00pm PRESTON'SDININGROOM DINNER I TuesdayThursday I 5:00pm9:00pm DINNER I FridaySaturday I 5:00pm10:00pm TABLE16DININGROOM&LOUNGE DINNER I TuesdayThursday I 5:00pm9:00pm DINNER I FridaySaturday I 5:00pm10:00pm WESTPAVILION(*,**) Monday Wednesday I 12:00pm5:00pm Thursday I 12:00pm8:00pm FridaySaturday I 12:00pm9:00pm Sunday I 12:00pm6:00pm **(AdultsOnly)onFriday&SaturdayEveningsfrom8:00pmtoClose TURNHOUSE(*) MondayWednesday I 10:00am5:00pm Thursday I 10:00am8:00pm FridaySaturday I 9:30am8:00pm Sunday I 10:00am6:00pm POOL VisitourClub'sWebsite BEVERAGECART(*,**) Monday I Closed TuesdayWednesday I 10:00am5:00pm Thursday I 10:00am6:30pm FridaySunday I 9:00am5:00pm WEEKENDGRILLAVAILABLESEPTEMBER(*,**) SaturdaySunday I 12:00pm3:00pm *Hoursaresubjecttochange **WeatherPermitting CARDROOM Monday I Closed TuesdaySaturday I 11:00am8:00pm Sunday I 11:00am6:00pm GOLFSHOPANDFACILITIES I 704.846.6325 GolfShop I Tuesday Sunday I 7:30am5:30pm PracticeFacilities I TuesdaySaturday I 7:30am7:00pm Sunday I 7:30am6:30pm(cleanpickrange) TENNISSHOP I 704.846.9022 MondayThursday I 8:00am7:00pm Friday I 8:00am3:00pm SaturdaySunday I 9:00am3:00pm TennisCourtsOpenDaily I 8:00am10:00pm FITNESSCENTER I 704.846.1019 MondaySunday I 5:00am11:00pm

DearMembers, MyfirstcoupleofmonthshereatbeautifulProvidenceCountryClubhavebeenveryexciting.Ihavemetmany ofyouallaroundtheClub,thetenniscourts,theaquaticscenteraswellasthegolfcourseandclubhouse Itis my pleasure hearing from you and working with everybody to elevate all facilities and services we offer at PCC To improve the clubs’ services is one of our top priorities and therefore we are hiring desperately neededassociates.

Kevin and his entire team of Golf Professionals and cart staff are always here to help you with your swing or anything else you might need, from newappareltogolfballsorjustacarttorideovertotherangetopracticeyourswing.

in mentoring and

BrandonMullis,andtheentireculinaryteam Duringthetransitionperiod,Phillipwillbespendingtimehereat PCCaswellasatCCofAsheville PleasewelcomePhillipwhenyouseehimaroundtheClub MANAGER'S MESSAGE THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 3 REVANAWINEDINNER FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER23 I 6:00PM EarlyPricing,registerbyWednesday,September21:$125++perPerson Join us for a Five Course meal featuring Extraordinary Varietals from the renowned Revana Family Vineyards With estates in California's Napa Valley, Oregon's Willamette Valley and Argentina's Uco Valley, each wine conveys a distinct sense of time and place.

have created exceptionaldishestocomplementeachwinethattheyarebeingpairedwith Thiswillbeaneventyouwillnot wanttomiss! MonticelloVineyardNapaValleyRedWineLibrarySelection 54%CabernetFranc,35%Merlot,11%CabernetSauvignon MonticelloVineyardNapaValleyCabernetSauvignon 94%CabernetSauvignon,3%CabernetFranc,3%Merlot MonticelloVineyardNapaValleyChardonnay 100%EstateGrownChardonnay Exclusively for McConnell Golf Wine Club Members LIMITEDAVAILABILITY All wine club members will have first choice prior to it being released to the membership Minimum order of three bottles

Thanks to our entire Agronomy team, the golf course is in immaculate shape and I am sure that many of you have noticed the improvements made by Mark and his team by eliminating some bare spots as well as working on many landscaping projects to present the golf course and groundsinthebestpossibleway

I am thrilled to see so many of you enjoying spending time at the Club despite the humidity and heat Chef has released his new menu and all thedishesarewellreceivedandlikedbymanyofyou Wehavealotofeventsplannedforthecomingmonthsandencourageyoutojoinandnot miss out on those great happenings. Schools are back in session and life is more hectic again. Please keep in mind that we not only offer family dinners for take out but also a la carte orders for take out. Let us help you make your lives easier by ordering take out or better yet, join us in the restaurantareassoweevendothedishesforyou

However,youchoosetomakeuseofouramazingamenities,IsincerelywishyouthebestoftimeshereatPCC, ROLFECKERT GeneralManager

Phillip Loney has joined the team as the Assistant General Manager. Phillip has been with McConnell Golf since 2009 and has held many positions including Club Manager at Treyburn Country Club in Durham, Brook Valley Country Club in Greenville and recently at Country Club of Asheville Phillip is also part of the CorporateF&BTeamandbringsawealthofknowledgetoProvidenceCountryClub Hehasaversatileskillset a focus training as well as expertise in team building. Phillip will be instrumental in entire food & beverage program in conjunction with our Executive Chef, Owner Dr. Madaiah Revana believes Chef Brandon Mullis and his culinary team


enhancing and strengthening our

winemaking starts in the vineyard, that's why each varietal is so unique

Andy & Stacy Clay and children Davin, Fiona & Mason Michael Gaslin & Lia Spina and daughter Natalie Please Welcome Our New MEMBERSHIP It’s time to enjoy the cooler weather, outdoor dining at the Clubhouse, and plenty of great member events; so keep an eye on the PCC calendar! WishingyouallaHappyPumpkinSpiceSeason Warmregards, LAURABOHLING MembershipDirector FALLBREEZE,AUTUMNLEAVES: THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 4

Luke & Morgan McCloskey and daughter Grace Hani Mahgoub & Jennifer Little and son Rami MEMBERSHIP THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 5

Lauren & Chris Taylor and children Anna & David Raul Zamudio & Begona Estatuet and children Vasco & Mar BeauBrooks Craig&DanielleBrownanddaughtersLayla&Madison NickKolk MEMBERSHIP NOT PICTURED: THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 6

/ProvidenceCountryClub @pccgolf @providencecc kbardd24 Awesomedaywiththeboys Amonsoonstoppeduson17,so straighttothe19thhole!! Check out the latest snapshots from Providence Country Club! Keep sharing your experiences at PCC by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter pccactivitiescamp Bubbles,bubbles,whohasthebubbles? jenniferlandgraff Poolday@briandlandgraff#floatie#poolparty #countryclublife#providencecountryclub brookelynrileyphoto Ilovetakingprettypictures,thekindyouwanttoblowupto hangonyourwallandthekindthatmakeyoufeellikeyou’re Pinterestgoals.Butthese.There’saspecialplaceinmyheart forphotoslikethese PCCbuzz THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 7

MEMBERBIRTHDAYNIGHT EVERYTUESDAY I SEPTEMBERANDOCTOBER CalltheFrontDeskat704.846.8475tomakeyourreservation Ifit'syourbirthdayduringthemonthsofSeptemberandOctobercome to celebrate with us Members can enjoy one complimentary entrée and dessert on any of the Tuesday nights in your birthday month, makeyourreservationin Preston'sorTable16 CUISINETOGOCURBSIDE AVAILABLE:TUESDAY SATURDAY I 5:00pm 8:00pm Weappreciateyouandyourcontinuedsupport Veryoftentheclubhouse phonelinesbecomehighlycongestedandwedonotwanttomissyour call.Ifweareunabletoansweryourcall,pleaseleaveamessageinour FrontDeskGeneralMailboxandwewillcallyoubackASAP CalltheFront Desk at your earliest convenience from 10:00am 7:30pm to place your ToGo Order. We will have it ready to pick up at your desired date and time DINING THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 8 Champagne Brunch Sunday,September25 11:00am 2:00pm $26++perAdult,$12++perChild(4 11),3&UnderComplimentary MENU FruitSalad I AssortedDanishandMuffins Bacon I Sausage I BiscuitsandSausageGravy OmeletStation ShrimpCocktail I VegetableMedley I McConnellSalad MacaroniandCheese I RosemaryRoastedRedPotatoes PCCFriedChicken I CarvedSmokedTriTip SearedSalmonwithRoastedBrusselSproutsand LemonBeurreBlanc SundaeBar I AssortedDesserts Sunday,October30 11:00am 2:00pm $26++perAdult,$12++perChild(4 11),3&UnderComplimentary MENU FruitSalad I AssortedDanishandMuffins Bacon I Sausage OmeletStation WaffleswithWarmSyrupandPowderedSugar VegetableMedley I MacaroniandCheese McConnellSalad I AuGratinPotatoes I ShrimpCocktail GreekStyleRoastedChicken FriedCodwithRemoulade CarvedSmokedPorkLoin SundaeBar I AssortedDesserts

FAMILYOYSTERROAST SATURDAY,OCTOBER1 I 5:00PM 8:00PM EarlyPricing: $38++perAdult, $16++perChild(4 11), 3&UnderComplimen AwShucks!Don'tmissOut!Youwillwanttoenj y y offreshandroastedOysters The Low Country Boil and the Smoked 8WayChickenwillalsobeintheTreasureChestofdelighttoenjoy. AhoyMateys,seeyouthere! MENU: MixedGreens,BlueBerries,FetaCheese,Walnuts, ShavedRedOnion,ShreddedCarrots I McConnellVinaigrette BourbonPeachVinaigrette I CheddarGarlicBiscuits LemonThymeRoastedPotatoes I FreshVegetableMedley GrilledOysters I RawOysters I WildMushroomRagu Low Country Boil [Shrimp, Andouille Sausage, Corn, Red Potatoes, Old Bay Seasonings] I Smoked 8 Way Chicken I Alabama White Sauce I Cheesecake I MillionaireBrownies I CreamPuffs ENDOFSUMMERPARTY FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER2 I 6:00PM 10:00PM BUFFET I 6:00PM 8:30PM EarlyPricing:$35++perAdult,$15++perChild(411), 3andUnderComplimentary 48HoursCancellationPolicy ThisisaClubEvent,allfacilitiesareClosedtoNonparticipants TherewillbeNoAlaCarteDinnerServiceorToGoService Turnhousetoofferpackagedgoodsonly Relaxandenjoythesun,fun,andmusicastheSummerdrawstoanend. Kids you can have a blast on the front lawn with the awesome entertainment, while the adults enjoy the relaxing moments as the sun setsonPCC MENU: FruitSalad I MixedGreensSalad I PepperoniPizzas ChickenNuggets I PotatoWedges I SmokedChickenWings GrilledBurgers I HotDogs I PopcornShrimp I AssortedCookies Brownies CLUB EVENTS WEAREHEREFORALLOFYOUR CATERINGNEEDS Areyoureadyforacelebration? Whether you are planning a Wedding, Wedding Reception, Birthday, Retirement Dinner, Baby Shower, or Corporate Meeting, Jessicaisyourgotoplannerforallyourevent needs WHATBETTERTIMETO CELEBRATE! CONTACT: JessicaKeene jkeene@providencecc.com EventCoordinator THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 9

LAR ER28 I 6:00pm 9:00pm 8:00pm Wednesday, October 26: $30++ per Adult, $15++ 3&UnderComplimentary ationPolicy y event, parents must accompany their children event eringAlaCarteorTo GoServicethisevening. SpookyBoo fettandDreadfulDesserts!Don'tforget heGhoulsandGoblinswhoroamthenight! andy I DeadlyDirtCups I RevoltingRiceCrispyTreats wnies I GhoulieCupcakes I FreakyFruitSalad eeChocolateCake I MonstrousMcConnellSalad ots I Eyeball and Worm Pasta Salad [Spaghetti Pasta rellaBalls] I CreepyCrawlyChickenTenders aked Spaghetti I Morbid Meatloaf I Vile Vegetable Medley FAMILYCAMPOUT FRIDAY,OCTOBER7 EarlypricingregisterbyWednesday,October5: $25++perPerson Bringoutyoursleepingbagsandflashlights!It'stimetostayuplateand gocampingforanight!! TENTativeSchedule FRIDAY 6:00pm I Registration/Tentsetup 6:30pm I GamesBegin 7:00pm I GrillOut Burgers I HotDogs I Chips Dust I S'mores&MarshmallowRoast FollowedbyaMoviefeaturedonthefrontlawn SATURDAY 7:00am I Breakfast Fried Chicken Biscuits I Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuits I HomeFries I FreshFruit 7:00am10:00am I TentBreakdown CLUB EVENTS THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 10 BLOODDRIVE PCCPARKINGLOT I BIGREDBUS SATURDAY I OCTOBER1 I 10:00AM 3:00PM WHATISBLOOD? Blood is made up of four main components, red blood cells, platelets, plasma, and white blood cells Each whole blood donation has the potential to save up to three lives in need You will receive a Complimentary Wellness Checkup which includes blood pressure, pulse, temperature, iron count, and cholesterol screening As a THANK YOU, you will receive an Awesome Halloween T shirt and a $20 eGift Card ToscheduleanappointmentgoOnlinewiththelinkbelow SCHEDULE: https://donorportalonebloodorg/donate now/donation centers list select time?driveID=1260779

Wow, it’s been a hot and humid summer! We hope your rounds of golf were below the high daytime temperatures. I think it’s safe to say we’re all looking forward to a reprieve when it comes to the temperature

GOLF FORE ALL THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 11 September 5(Mon) LaborDayMember Member 15 17(Thurs Sat) TheCatesInvitational 30 Oct.1(Fri Sat) SeniorClubChampionship October 6(Thurs) FallGuestDay 21 22(Fri Sat) FallMember Member November 11(Fri) Help A HeroCharityClassic 19(Sat) TurkeyTrot December 3(Sat) SpenceTest

JuniorGolfparticipationisontheriseandit’sbeenfunseeingthegame growwithallthefamilieswhoareplayinggolftogetherOperation36has been extremely successful for Providence as we finished the month of July #1 in the world for usage Congratulations to all of you who participate and work on your game utilizing a fantastic approach to learningthegame.Asweheadtowardthebackofthegolfcalendarwe lookforwardtoTheCatesInvitational(Member Guest)thismonth.Mark Scott and his team will have the course in fantastic shape heading into our showcase event We hope everyone is well and the start of the schoolyearisgreatforall.

It’s no secret the best way to lower your score is by dialing in your short game As mentioned in the open, Operation36 has been a tremendous success here at the Club The purpose of Op36 is to learn the game from the hole back toward the teeing ground that you are most comfortable playing When you are struggling to shootlowerscores,focusonputting,chipping,andpitching Nearly allofuscangettogreensinregulation,Par3’sin1shot,Par4’sin2 shots, and Par 5’s in 3 shots, but not all of us make putts like the pros As you play your rounds of golf in September and October calculate your fairways hit, greens in regulation, and a number of putts per hole. You’ll quickly begin to understand why your scores remain where they are. Let our team help you devise a plan to reduce your handicap based on your stats Our Professional staff would be glad to review your scores/stats and offer a plan to help loweryourscores.


Allthebest, KEVINREARDON,PGA PGADirectorofGolf

Itishardtobelievethatit’salreadySeptember Timeflieswhenyou’rehavingfun

Aswestarttostepawayfromthesummermonths,tryingtokeepeverythingmaintainedduringpeakgrowth,wenowtransitionintoanewtimeof year and a new season for us. This time of year is just as critical if not more critical than all others. Lots of planning and careful time sensitive and temperature dependent decisions are made during the fall On top of dealing with leaf cleanup for the next four months, we will be carrying out some important processes such as raising the height of cut on greens/tees/fairways, Spring Dead Spot fungicide applications, pre emergence herbicide applications for winter annual weeds, course wide fertility, and overseeding. These things are all part of the plan between now and winterdormancy Thefunneverstops Everythingwedothistimeofyearhasanimpactonhowwesustainconditionsduringthewinter,andalsohowwetransitionOUTofdormancyin the spring All of these things were actually planned out in 2021 as part of the 2022 agronomic plan Over the next few months, we will be doing lots of reflecting about how things have gone so far this year and what may need to change for next year Good things, mistakes, financial adjustments, pesticide program, fertility schedule, and new maintenance strategies going forward, all will be taken into consideration for how we planfornextyear

One thing that we as staff always look forward to every year is The Cates Invitational. After a successful tournament last year with record setting greens speeds, I’m sure expectations will be high once again I have had the privilege of leading a very talented and ambitious staff this year Please be sure to thank the maintenance staff when you see them for a successful year here at Providence I don’t think I’ve ever seen the place better I sincerely hopethatyouhaveenjoyedthegolfcoursesofarthisyear

Seeyouonthecourse, MARKSCOTT GolfCourseSuperintendent



What more could a McConnell Golf member want than what was delivered during the 83rd annual Wyndham Championship at Sedgefield Country Club? Start with the prerequisite, a fitting and historic champion Despite a slow start out of the station, Thomas the Train got things rolling along at Sedgefield. Joohyung Kim, who adopted the American name “Tom” from his love of Thomas the Train as a boy, started the 2022 Wyndham with a dreaded “snowman” a 4 over par quadruple bogey on his very first hole of the tournament. Then he started rolling along, never stopping until he was back at the station holding the Sam Snead Cup following an eye opening, five shot victory over a pair of former PGA Tour Rookies of the Year, third round leader Sungjae Im and first round leader John Huh. The 20 year old Kim became the second youngest PGA Tour winner since World War II (Jordan Spieth was 19 years, 10 months when he won the 2013 John Deere Classic) and the first born in the 21st century. He was born in 2002 in Seoul, South Korea His father, Chang Ik, had been a professional golfer and is now a teaching pro The family moved around when he was young; their residences included China, Australia, the Philippines and Thailand To call Sunday at Sedgefield a special day for Kim would be an understatement His 8 under par 27 on the front nine tied for the second lowest nine hole score in PGA Tour history To top it off, the Wyndham’s youngest winner ever also clinched a place in the all important, season ending FedEx Cup Playoffs. Kim wasn’t the only Wyndham competitor who enjoyed their walk in the park on Sunday. Sedgefield member Alex Smalley and Wakefield member Chesson Hadley both secured their PGA Tour cards for next season by shooting scorching 64s Only Kim and Stephan Jaeger (62) fared better in the final round. Hadley finished tied for eighth place while Smalley finished tied for 13th to earn their share of the tournament’s $7 3 million purse

Smalley played the tournament wearing the initials “JW” on his cap to honor 50 year old Jeff Womack, a popular Sedgefield member who died unexpectedly a few weeks earlier. The lumber salesman was a married father of two daughters Smalley, who joined Sedgefield in 2020, had played golf with Womack several times “He just kind of lit up the room whenever he walked into one, just because he had a smile on his face," Smalley told PGA Tour.com’s Helen Ross. “He knew everybody and was very friendly ” Hadley has a long history with McConnell Golf. He played junior golf with John McConnell’s sons growing up in Raleigh McConnell Sr was on hand when Hadley won the ACC Championship at Old North State Club. Following that important victory, McConnell offered Hadley practice privileges at his company’s portfolio of courses to help him prepare for the eGolf Tour Then in 2012, McConnell secured an entry for Hadley into the Wyndham Championship. Two years later, Hadley was named the PGA Tour’s Rookie of the Year Good deeds like that are part of the reason CBS broadcaster Jim Nantz said “the great John McConnell” on the Saturday of tournament weekend, when McConnell presented Nick Faldo with a special plaque at Sedgefield’s Wall of Champions behind the ninth green as a tribute to Faldo and his legacy. In 1979, Faldo made his PGA Tour debut and competed in the Greater Greensboro Open, now known as the Wyndham Championship The five time major champion spent the last 16 years as a broadcast analyst. During the 2022 Wyndham weekend he celebrated his retirement from the CBS broadcast booth Last but certainly not least, former McConnell Golf Junior Scholarship recipient Blake McShea, who grew up in Zebulon and played college golf at UNCW, not only Monday qualified for the Wyndham, he fired a 5 under par 65 during Friday’s second round to find himself momentarily tied for seventh place He easily made the cut and eventually finished tied for 76th in his inaugural PGA Tour event


BECKBOND DirectorofTennis

CLINIC OPTIONS ADULTCARDIO MondayandFriday I 8:00am 9:00am Cost:$15perPerson Comejoinourprosandgetyourheartrateuptostartyourday!Thishour long clinic will have you running and gunning as you improve your strokesandgetgreatexercise!SIGN UPISREQUIRED!!! WOMENONWEDNESDAY'S EveryWednesday I 6:30pm 8:00pm Cost:$20perPerson Come on out for a fun evening of drills and competition after a long day at work or with the kids! This clinic will focus on hitting lots of balls, doublesstrategy,andshotplacement. INTERMEDIATELADIES' Tuesday I 6:30pm 8:00pm Friday I 9:00am 10:00am Cost:$23perPerson This clinic is ideal for our 30 ladies! This power hour and a half is designed for the intermediate player and combines live ball drill sessions with situational point play. It’s a perfect opportunity to hone yourskillsinbetweenmatches SIGNUPONLINEORBYEMAILINGBECK:bbond@providencecc.com EVENTS CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 1(THURS) I LADIESMEMBERGUEST 7(WED) I TRYPICKLEBALLEVENT OCTOBER 7(FRI) I MEN'SMEMBERGUEST We have clinics for all ages. See the Tennis Websiteforadditionalinformation MightyMites(RedBall,Ages47) Quickstart(OrangeBall,Ages710) TournamentPrep(Green/RegularBall,Ages10+) HighPerformance(RegularBall,Ages12+) JUNIORTENNISCLINIC MEN'SSATURDAYCLINIC3.5+/3.0 Saturday I 8:00am 9:00am I 9:00am 10:00am Cost:$15perPerson Comeoutandstartyourweekendontherightfoot Ourmen'sSaturday morning clinic offers an hour of doubles strategy, stroke development, andagreatworkout As the fall months approach and the weather cools down we are not cooling down in the tennis realm! With Ladies Interclub, USTA leagues, and junior team tennis in full swing our courts will be rocking. Along with that we look forward to multiple fun events such as our Try Tennis/Try Pickleball, our Ladies and Men’s Member Guests, and our Hired Gun. We look forward to a great fall packed full of fun events in both the tennis and pickleball arenas! Our continuedgoalistohavesomethingforeveryoneandkeepthesecourtsrocking Whetheryou arenewtothegame,oryou’reaseasonedveteranweplanonhavingoptionsforeverytennis playerattheclub Wehopetoseeyoualloutatthecourtsandifthereisanythingwecandoto makeyourtimeattheclubmoreenjoyable,pleasedonothesitatetoletusknow!


BEGINNERLADIES' Tuesday I 6:30pm 7:30pm Friday I 10:00am 11:00am Cost:$15perPerson Whether you’re new to tennis or haven’t picked up a racquet in years we havejusttheclinicforyou!Thisisyourchancetocomeoutandlearnthe gameofalifetime!Ourbeginnerclinicfocusesonthebasicsofthegame fromlearningthestrokes,tokeepingscore,andeventuallyhowtoholda rallywithfriends!

Thursday I 9:00am 10:30am Cost:$23perPerson Whether you're looking to fine tune your forehand or add some more powertoyourservecomeoutandparticipateinourstrokeoftheweek clinic. In this clinic we will be focusing on one particular stroke each week. After 45 minutes of technical drills we will add it to live ball and gametypedrills!


Octobe SUSANG.KOMENFOUNDATION ThemonthofOctobercollectingdonatio For the entire month of October, we will be having a FUNDRAISER to sendtotheSusanG KomenFoundationtohelpfightthediseasethat takessomanylives.Noamountistoosmall! Step-tember FITNESS THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 15 STEPCLASS Friday's September9,16,23,30 FORTEENS mber7,14,21,28 Otherliftingdaysavailableuponrequest Learnproperliftinghabitsearly Teens should start slowly with lighter weights, gradually progressing to heavier loads. They must be able to maintain good form and control during all repetitions This will ensure theyareusingaweighttheycanhandle GOLFSTRETCHANDACTIVERECOVERY Thursday's I September8,15,22,29 I 11:00am Trainer:NickChavis After a day packed with rounds of golf, do your muscles feel strained and overworked? Nick has a lot of stretching movements that will get you preparedbeforeandafteryournextroundofgolf. O c t o b e r i s h a l l o w - l e a n j o i n u s i f y o u d a r e ! BEASTWORKOUT Thursday's I October6,13,20,27 I 6:00pm ScaryStrengthConditioningwithNick PUMP KINWORKOUT Wednesday I October26 I 9:15am Join us for our Annual Pump kin Workout. Lift and throw Real Pumpkingforyourworkout Let'scarvethosemuscles,shallwe? Record your steps Form located at the fitness front desk Nick Chavis PCC Trainer Step Challenge, beat Nick for the Bragging Rights and PCC Swag STEP TEMBER PumpkinWorkout BreastCancerAwareness BeastWorkoutwithNick ComplimentaryWorkoutClasses HALLOW-LEAN October

CRAFTSNIGHTWITHANA FRIDAY I SEPTEMBER30 I 6:00PM 9:00PM Pricing:$25++perChild I $30++perChildDayofRegistration 48HoursCancellationPolicy Let'sseewhatwecancreate wewillhaveanawesomenightof crafts,yummyfood,andamovie PCCBirthdayParties Book your Birthday party with the Playhouse today! E mail Jessica Keene at jkeene@providencecccom for more details We have multiple birthday packages available with options like themed crafts and activities Thereisa10Childminimumforeachparty KIDSNIGHTOUT HARRYPOTTERNIGHT FRIDAY I SEPTEMBER23 I 6:00PM 9:00PM Pricing:$25++perChildI$30++perChildDayofRegistration 48HoursCancellationPolicy Magicisintheair JoinusforallthingsHarryPotter!Wewill have dinner, crafts, games, and lots of magical memories to round outtheevening! MENU:ChickenTenders I FrenchFries I FruitBowl AssortedCookies PROVIDENCE PLAYHOUSE THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 16 KIDSNIGHTOUT SUMMERCAMPREUNION FRIDAY I SEPTEMBER9 I 6:00PM 9:00PM Pricing:$25++perChild I $30++perChildDayofRegistration 48HoursCancellationPolicy WOW, the Summer flew by! Catch up with all of your fellow Summer Campersandenjoyanightofallofyourfavoritecampactivities Wewill havedinner,crafts,gamesandsomuchmore!

KIDS CATION MONDAY I SEPTEMBER26 I 9:00AM 3:00PM WEDNESDAY I OCTOBER5 I 9:00AM 3:00PM MONDAY I OCTOBER31 I 9:00AM 3:00PM Cost: $60++perChild(Member) $70++perChild(Guest) 48HoursCancellationPolicy Come hang out with your favorite Playhouse friends! The day will be funfilledwithexcitingactivities,games,andcrafts MENUS: September26 TurkeyWraps I HamWraps I Chips I MixedFruit AssortedCookies October5 ChickenTenders I HouseMadeChips I FruitPlatter AssortedCookies October31 TurkeyWraps I HamWraps I BagsofChips MixedFruit I AssortedCookies BABYSITTINGCERTIFICATIONCLASS SATURDAY I OCTOBER1 I 8:00AM 1:00PM Pricing:$150++perPerson(Ages11 16) 48HoursCancellationPolicy LunchandSnacksprovided DoyouhavetheskillstobeaBabysitter? Learnbabysittingbasics,ClassCertificationincludesCPR, AED,andBASICFIRSTAID PROVIDENCE PLAYHOUSE THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 17 KIDSNIGHTOUT FRIDAY I OCTOBER21 I 6:00PM 9:00PM Pricing:$25++perChild I $30++perChildDayofRegistration 48HoursCancellationPolicy There is a chill in the air and pumpkins everywhere It is that time of year to decorate a pumpkin, create and enjoy eating a caramel apple withyourPCCfriends Dinner,crafts,andamovie MovieFeature:It'stheGreatPumpkinCharlieBrown MENU:GrilledCheese I TaterTots I FruitBowl I AssortedCookies

Coolonthebakingsheetforabout10minutesandthenremovethemwithaspatulatoawirecoolingracktocoolfurther INGREDIENTS 4CupsAPFlour 2TSPBakingPowder 1TSPBakingSoda ⅛TSPSalt 1 Cup Unsalted Butter, roomtemperature SEPTEMBERCOOKIEOFTHEMONTH: PENNSYLVANIADUTCHSOFTSUGARCOOKIES BYGREGLYONS,EXECUTIVESOUSCHEFATWP


Preheat oven to 375˚F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large mixing bowl. Take whisk and stir until thoroughly combined. Place the butter and sugar in the bowl of standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment Cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, about three minutes Take the vanilla bean and using a sharp knife, scrape the seeds out of the pod into the batter Add the vanilla extract and then beat until combined Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula and add one egg. Beat until incorporated and scrape down the sides again. Repeat with the other two eggs, pausing to scrape down the sides between additions Add ⅓ of the flour mixture to the batter and beat until incorporated Scrape down the sides and add ⅓ of the buttermilk Repeat, alternating with the flour and buttermilk, ⅓ each, remembering to scrape down the sides between each addition Drop tablespoons of the dough about three inches apart from each other (the cookies will spread) Sprinkle the top of each mound of dough with granulated sugar. Bake until the cookies have spread, risen and turned lightly golden, about 13 to 15 minutes.

Growing up in a small Pennsylvania town, the Amish community, along with their culture and cuisine, was a major part of my childhood. My father, who owned a hardware store, always joked that the Amish put me through college, due to their loyalty to my father’s business and their affinity to only pay with cash This cookie

wasavailableateverybakeryIwenttoasachild 29TennisLadies122GolfThe158CatesInvitational-MemberGuest End2ofSummerParty 4 MemberLabor5DayMember--Golf COURSECLUBHOUSE6CLOSEDCLOSED TennisTryAppetizers&Wine7DownWednesdayChef'sChoicePickleballEvent K9idsNightOut Summer CampReunion 10 11 12 NightMember13Birthday Appetizers&Wine14DownWednesdayChef'sChoice GolfThe16CatesInvitational- GolfThe17CatesInvitational18 19 NightMember20Birthday Appetizers&Wine21DownWednesdayChef'sChoice PotterKidsRevana23WineDinnerNightOut-Harry 24 Champagne25Brunch Kids-cation26 NightMember27Birthday THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 18 Appetizers&Wine28DownWednesdayChef'sChoice CraftsChampionshipSenior30Club-GolfNightwithAna September 3 2CupsWhiteGranulatedSugar 1VanillaBean,splitlengthwise 1½TSPPureVanillaExtract 3LargeEggs 1CupButtermilk 2 or 3 tablespoons of regular GranulatedWhiteSugar

October 2 3 NightMember4Birthday Kids-cationAppetizers&Wine5DownWednesdayChef'sChoice Fall6GuestDay-Golf TennisMen'sFamily7CampoutMemberGuest Family8Campout 9 10 NightMember11Birthday ChoiceWednesday&Wine12DownChef'sAppetizers 13 Free14Play-Playhouse 16 15 17 NightMember18Birthday Appetizers&Wine19DownWednesdayChef'sChoice 20 GolfFallHarvestKids21NightOut-FallPartyMember-MemberNIghtMember25Birthday Spooktacular28 FamilyPCCCertificationBabysittingChampionshipSenior1Club-GolfClassBloodDriveOysterRoast THE PROVIDENCE PRESS PAGE 19 29 Champagne30Brunch Kids-cation31 Appetizers&Wine26DownWednesdayChef'sChoice 272423 GolfFall22Member-MemberOCTOBERISBREASTCANCERAWARENESSMONTH DonationswillbeacceptedduringthemonthofOctober. WewillhavedonationsslipsavailableattheFrontDeskandtheFitnessFrontDesk. Nodonationistoosmall,thankyou! OCTOBER IS NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, all McConnell Golf properties will be taking part in a fundraiser benefiting the Susan G Komen Foundation Last year, we raised over $24,000! BEAWARE.GETINVOLVED.SHOWSUPPORT. Visitwww.info komen.org/goto/MCGtomakeadonation. DINE: $1 from every Meyer Filet and MCG Salmon BLT Sandwich order in the month of October will go towards the Susan G Komen Foundation PARTICIPATE: Be on the lookout for other opportunities around the club that you can participate in to support the cause WALK OR RIDE: On Saturday, October 29 the nation will come together to walk the 2022 KOMEN MORE THAN PINK WALK WHERE YOU ARE. Don't want to walk? Book a tee time at any of our McConnell Golf owned properties on Saturday, October 29 and we will donate a $1 from everycartfee to the cause.




I have been at PCC for 2 months. My favoriterestaurantisFutoButa,there I enjoy an awesome bowl of Ramen Did I mention, my favorite food is Ramen? I am from Minnesota and I love all music. I would love to have dinner with Neil Peart because he inspiredmetoplaythedrumsandto accomplish my goals. Plus he is amazingandaninterestingguy.

I have been at PCC for 25 years I haveonedogandhernameisLucy. I enjoy going out to eat and my favorite dishes are seafood and steak My favorite sports team is the Ohio State Bengals. Fergal is a Golf Professional that I look up to. He inspires me everyday to be better and I enjoy listening to his stories, becauseheissogreatatit.

OCTOBERCOOKIEOFTHEMONTH: REDVELVETCAKECOOKIES BYRONGORDILS,EXECUTIVECHEFATSCC OctoberinNorthCarolinaseemstobetheidealweddingseason.This includesmywifeandI,whichiswhyIwantedtosharealittletreatfrom our wedding We passed around these delicious cookies on our weddingday Ihopeyouenjoy! INGREDIENTS ½CupVegetableOil ½TSPKosherSalt 2Eggs 11525OunceboxofRedVelvetCakeMix ¾CupWhiteChocolateChips

Place each ball about two inches apart on the baking sheet Note: The cookies will spread out considerably, so it's important to leave plenty of space. Bake in preheated oven for 10 12 minutes, just until the edges begin to brown slightly Allow the cookies to cool for 10 minutes on the baking sheet before removing them to a wire rack to finish cooling

Meet Yo Providence Country Club 6001 Providence Country Club Drive Charlotte, NC 28277 WILLCONWAY GOLFOPERATIONS

Preheat oven to 350°F In a medium sized bowl, whisk together oil, salt and eggs until well combined Add the cake mix and mix until fully combined, about two minutes. Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Line two rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. Portion out heaping tablespoons of dough and roll them in your hands to form round balls

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