On Tuesday the 5th of September, we are hosting an employee appreciation day Our staff will have the opportunity to golf, play Pickleball, Tennis, and relax at the pool In addition, we will have PT’s Grill Food Truck on hand from 1PM3PM to serve our staff
If you’re in the neighborhood on Tuesday and would like to order Lunch from the PT’s Grill Food Truck, grab your wallet, purse, or cash and swing over to the Tennis Center and order directly from the Truck! We appreciate your continued support for the Club, the Staff, and allowing them to be a member for the day
Jason Seehafer General Manager, Porters Neck Country ClubAfter Labor Day, the Family Pool changes to a ‘weekend only’ schedule However, this year, we are offering a weekday ‘Swim At YourOwn Risk’ option
Beginning Sept 6th, the family pool will be available for adult swim only from 10am-4pm on Monday-Friday.
A “swim at your own risk” waiver will need to be signed at the front desk to keep on file. You will not need to sign the waiver each time you use the pool
Fridays: 3:00 – 7:00 PM Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 AM –7:00 PM
The bar and food will be available during the weekend (Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday)
The Golf Course will be open for Regular Play. Labor Day Pool Party, at the Family Pool from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The Family Pool will open at 10:00 AM.
Porters will not be open for regular dining but will have Turn Window and Bar service til 4PM.
Clubhouse members are invited to join us at the Family Pool for the Labor Day Pool Party.
The Sport Center will be Paxton App Access Only. See page 30 for the Group Exercise Schedule for Monday.
The Clubhouse, Golf Course, and Family Pool will be closed. This is a McConnell Golf policy that provides the staff with a day off, after working during a holiday.
TJ & Bri
Young Executive Sport - Golf Waiting
Mason, Caleb & Madison
Young Executive Sport
Ayden, Ella & Madison
Young Executive Sport
Scott, Jane, & Colin
Young Executive Sport - Golf Waiting
McConnell National Resident
Grant & Hayes
Clubhouse - Golf Waiting
The Summer I Turned Pretty is an American coming-of-age romantic drama television series created by author Jenny Han for Amazon Prime Video, and is based on her novel trilogy of the same name. Lola Tung (Belly) stars as a teenager involved in a love triangle with two brothers played by Christopher Briney (Conrad) and Gavin Casalegno (Jeremiah). Production on the series began in 2021. Several episodes for season 2 were filmed at Porters Neck Country Club. Filming locations at Porters Neck CC include the ballroom which was used for the prom scene. The driving range set the scene for an overnight stay on the golf course. Finally, the Ladies Locker Room was turned into their Employee Locker Room. The majority of the scenes that feature Porters Neck are in episodes 3 and 4 of season 2.
Porters Neck members, Jacob and Braxton Garner, are pictured here with professional golfer, Matt Kuchar, at the 2023 Wyndham Championship. They Wyndham is held at our McConnell Golf sister property, Sedgefield Country Club is Greensboro, NC.
Tim Hall and Max Travis were presented with the American Heart Association Heartsaver Hero Award by the Porters Neck Men’s Golf Association The award was given to them in honor of their life saving efforts for Porters Neck team member, Bob Schrader, when he suffered a major heart attack at work in early July. Tim and Max, who performed life-saving CPR on Bob, are valued members of our golf course team.
Congratulations to Crew Donovan! Crew (pictured middle) placed second in the Drive, Chip, Putt Championship at the First Tee for ages 7 - 9 Way to go, Crew!!
BOB UPDATE! We were absolutely thrilled to have a visit from Bob Schrader and his wife, Kerri, during the month of August. Bob, the PNCC's Head Mechanic for the past 19 years, has been recovering from a major heart attack that occurred in early July while he was at work. Porters Neck members have graciously donated over $16,000 to Bob's Go Fund Me which we set up in order to assist him and Kerri with the extensive medical bills that his insurance won't cover.
As you can see, Bob is itching to get back to work! Have no fear, we did NOT let him actually push the mower. Bless his heart, he couldn't help himself!
THE TRADITION CONTINUES! We are proud to announce for the 3rd consecutive year, members of Porters Neck Country Club and the Porters Neck Plantation community will continue to host 200 Marines & Sailors in our community on Thanksgiving Day (November 23rd) from Camp Lejeune for "Operation Semper Gratus". Camp Lejeune is very grateful to Porters Neck for hosting this Thanksgiving Day tradition for our Marines and Sailors. In 2022, we had over 200 volunteers from the club and the community involved in this program. A huge "Thank you" to every volunteer who has assisted in making this event so successful.
What a wonderful opportunity and honor for our community to thank our service men and women for their service by setting extra seats at our Thanksgiving tables and provide special meals for those Marines & Sailors who cannot be with their loved ones on this uniquely American holiday. We are hoping we will have at least 100 of the 200 Marines & Sailors experience Thanksgiving in Porters Neck host homes Those Marines & Sailors not hosted in homes will also experience a delicious Thanksgiving dinner by Chef JP and the culinary team at Porters Neck Country Club, via a $50 donation per Service Member, on this special day
If you would like to participate, please contact “Operation Semper Gratus” coordinators, and PNCC members, Noreen & Bob Buss no later than November 1st. (Sooner is greatly appreciated.)
Noreen and Bob will be coordinating all families who would like to host Service Members in their homes, gift card donations and cookie donations Their contact information is NLbuss1@aol com | Cell: 561-531-1924
PNCC members wishing to sponsor a Marine or Sailor for Thanksgiving dinner at the club, may do so via the PNCC website calendar The fee to sponsor a Marine or Sailor for Thanksgiving Dinner is $50 per Service Member The amount donated will be charged to your member account Members are welcome to sponsor multiple Service Members, if so desired
PNCC's Executive Assistant, Lynne Mitchell, will gladly assist any member in registering their donation online Her contact information is admin@portersneckcountryclub com | 910-6868180
There are other ways to get involved if you cannot host a Service Member in your home or at PNCC.
We are also collecting donations of $20 gift cards (VISA, Walmart, Target, Dick’s Sporting Goods) and homemade cookies for the goodie box each Service Member will take back to Camp Lejeune at the end of their Thanksgiving Day with us in our community Each goodie box will include a gift card and a letter from our community thanking them for their service to our country The goodie boxes will be assembled on November 21st by Porters Neck bakers at the home of Noreen & Bob Buss We will need donations of 240 dozen delicious, homemade cookies delivered to their home on Monday, November 20th (728 Wild Dunes Circle) Cookie trays will also be delivered to our local fire station locations on November 21st If donating gift cards, please drop them off at The Buss's home by no later than November 1st
We encourage all Porters Neck members, residents, and families to greet our Marines & Sailors when they arrive by buses as well as for their send off Arrival time is expected between 12 noon and 12:30PM Departure time is expected between 5:00 and 5:30 PM Please bring American flags for arrival and departure The location is the front circle of the PNCC Clubhouse
Please note that every dollar donated goes directly to the purchase of gift cards and for the Service Member’s dinner at PNCC All other expenses for this event are covered by donors
Everyone is welcome to pass this information along to other PN friends Lets’ make “Operation Semper Gratus” a momentous success for our Marines & Sailors and for our community What a wonderful way for our community to give back to those who give SO much Thank you!
Earlier this summer, Porters Neck member Martha Armstrong stopped by and shared a fascinating story that involves her mother Jean, past U S Presidents and her childhood friend, acclaimed actress, Kathy Bates Maybe you ’ ve heard of her? The daughter of a Methodist preacher, Jean Patty Armstrong (pictured left) would not only mix up the words to hymns but she would sometimes misunderstand what her dad said during his sermons For example, any time he would say, "The cross I bear”, she thought he was saying, “The cross-eyed bear” She had a lot of questions about ‘the cross-eyed bear’and after some clarification, she came up with a wonderful idea that would begin at home and eventually travel the globe.
She started making little bears, which would eventually be called ‘Gladly Ambassadors’, for her children when they were having a hard time or facing a difficulty. It wasn ’ t long before Jean’s family and friends started to notice the bears and began asking if they could get one for their children. ‘Gladly The Cross-Eyed Bear” was born. Gladly was created to give folks who were dealing with unfriendly cross-eyed bears, a bit of joy and comfort and a sympathetic ear to talk to about those issues or problems causing them one too many "crosses to bear"
Gladly Ambassadors are shipped to those in need anywhere in the world. Ranging from 1 to 18 inches, the Gladly bears are often made for specific hardships. Gladly Ambassadors now reside in all 50 states in the US; 6 Canadian provinces; and almost 40 foreign countries and they are always made and shipped, FREE OF CHARGE Last year, they sent out 1,200 They saw an increase in requests during the pandemic They are a source of solace for children and adults A senior recipient will often use it for memory care They often send them to places where children experience trauma 150 were sent to the children of Ukraine Anywhere someone needs a hug Gladly’s have been sent to President George Bush, President Barack Obama, President Jimmy Carter, and Senator John McCain Another recipient is Martha’s childhood buddy from camp, actress Kathy Bates
Recently, Martha Armstrong visited the membership office at Porters Neck with several bears She had specific instructions for one special bear It was wearing a white sweater with red trim In the center was a heart, only part of it was missing She told me to save this bear until I met with someone who was missing a piece of their heart Several weeks later, I learned that a dear friend had suddenly lost her long-time companion, a maltese named Barney For years, we would see Barney enjoying car rides in the sunshine with his mom and see pictures of his latest haircut from Paws and Claws Like so many of us with pets, we can attest to the fact that they are so much more than that The sweet bear that Martha had asked for me to save for a special person, was special indeed Gladly’s mission is to give a hug to anyone who needs it and that is exactly what it did for Barney’s mom For more information, please visit gladlythecross-eyedbear org
Friday,September29th-Sunday, October 1st at Porters Neck CountryClub
Sponsorships and player registrations are NOW OPEN with new benefit levels to help supporters stand out to our players at:
If you are interested in sponsoring in other ways, including an Angel Makeover with your family, friends, or team, please let us know! Visit welcomehomeangel com for more information.
Men's/Women's Doubles 6 0,7 0, 8 0, Open Mixed Doubles 7 0, Open $60 per player includes tournament t-shirt, Friday dinner and Saturday lunch
Our fundraising goal this year is $60,000 - an amount we are confident our generous sponsors, Porters Neck neighbors and Wilmington tennis community, will help us achieve This year's event will also feature a VIP sponsor party on Thursday, September 28 Based on 2022 attendance, and early registrations for 2023, we expect the event to sell out quickly! See you in September!
Last October, the Wilmington tennis community led by players from Porters Neck Country Club turned out in force to support our efforts to raise over $60,000 to benefit Make A Wish Eastern NC for children with life changing medical diagnoses Over the course of three days, attendees at the 2nd Annual Swing For The Stars Tennis Tournament enjoyed premier-level amenities for players and spectators alike, including a DJ, club activities like bocce and pickleball, plus food and beverages options from our award winning F&B staff
Porters Neck Country Club and Swing For The Stars are set to do it again this year, with our 3rd Annual Swing For The Stars Tennis Tournament scheduled to take place September 29 - October 1, 2023 While our mission to help children with critical illness remains the same, we would like to take an opportunity to share the success of this event with other local non-profits who serve similar missions We are thrilled to announce that this year's tournament will benefit the Wilmington chapter of Welcome Home Angel
Why Welcome Home Angel? Founded in Wilmington in 2007, Welcome Home Angel's hyper-local mission serves families and children in Southeastern NC, providing joy and relief through customized space transformations for children with special healthcare needs From aesthetic sensory rooms to wheelchairaccessible bathrooms, WHA's impact allows caregivers to provide safer care in their own home, where children can focus on being a kid instead of their diagnosis With design teams comprised of volunteers, therapists, interior designers, and contractors, each room is customized to the child's needs
Thank you to Greg Lyons, Executive Sous Chef at Wakefield Plantation for sharing this cookie recipe with us! This is what he had to say "This cookie is my great-grandmother’s fruit and nut cookie that my mother loved growing up It’s an “old school” recipe, which, probably came from her family My mother remembers her Pappy cracking and picking the walnuts, and remembers that her Gram would put the cookies in a lard can, covered with a cloth soaked in cheap wine to keep the cookies moist, and also to keep my mother out of the cookies, because the lard cans were too hard to open Filled with pecans, candied fruits, and dates, these cookies can take on any add-ons you'd like, from red and green cherries or dates to chopped dried apricots, tart cherries, and/or currants " Yields Approximately 48 count
3/4 Cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter
2 Cups All-Purpose Flour, sifted
1/4 TSP Salt
1 TSP Baking Soda, dissolved in 1/4 Cup Warm Water
1 Cup Pecans or Walnuts, chopped lightly
1 Cup Candied Cherries, red and/or green, chopped
1 Cup Candied Pineapple, chopped
1/2 LB Raisins, regular or golden
1/2 TSP Cinnamon
1/4 TSP Cloves
Zested Lemon and Juice of 1/2 Lemon
2 TBSP Flour to dredge onto Fruit
Shot Glass of Wine
Put about 2 tablespoons of flour in a bowl and toss in the fruit and nuts
Place the sugar and butter in a large mixing bowl and cream with paddle attachment until light and fluffy Add the eggs and beat until well blended Add the dry ingredients to the creamed butter mixture, alternating with the baking soda mixture and wine until a moist dough has formed
Add the floured fruits and nuts into the batter and fold until well combined.
Drop the batter onto parchment paper lined baking sheets using a tablespoon or small cookie scoop. Leave about 1½ inches of space between cookies
Bake in a 350°F preheated oven for 12-15 minutes or until the bottoms are browned The cooking time will depend on the size of the cookies
Let cool on a rack and store in an airtight container for up to one week, or longer if stored in a cold place
Porters Neck Members are invited to join us for a Wine Tasting with Debra Keys from 3 Keys Wines in the PNCC Ballroom Selected wines will be available for wine-to-go purchases at discounted rates
This event is Complimentary for PNCC Wine Club Members The cost is $15 Per Person for Non-Wine Club Members Registration is required and must be made online or by calling 686-8180 Cancellation is Required 72 hours prior this event Thank you for your consideration in making this event a success Future wine tastings are also listed below
October 4th – Lauren Dixon (Winebow Fine Wine and Spirits)
November 1st – Chris Menker (Advintage)
December 20th – Heather Parsons (Freedom Beverage)
Reservations are not required for lunch but they are preferred for dinner.
Tuesday | 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Wednesday & Thursday | 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday & Saturday | 11:00 AM - 8:30 PM
Sunday | 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Turn Window | Tuesday - Sunday | 10 AM - 4 PM
This month, we are 'tackling hunger'! A portion of the proceeds from wine sales will be donated to a local food bank Enjoy Chef curated small plates paired with Three Hand Selected Wines from Touton Wines Reservations for Grape Expectations will open online 45 days prior to each event You will be able to book your seats at your convenience once the booking window opens Our team is unable to make reservations outside of the online booking window
The cost is $55++ Wine Club Members / $65 ++ Non-Wine Club Members Includes a bottle of wine to take home 72-hour cancellation policy
October 21st: Tackling Hunger: We will invite you, our Sales Reps to join us that evening as we sample Wines-“Still and Bubbly – Red and White”, along with a Food Bazaar
November 11th: Wine & Holiday Bazaar!
December 7th: Holiday Game Night
Join us in September when we will be exploring the wines from our state! Enjoy Three Chef Curated Small Plates Paired with Three Hand Selected Wines
Grape Expectations Reservation Policies
Reservations for Grape Expectations will open online 45 days prior to each event. You will be able to book your seats at your convenience once the booking window opens. Our team is unable to make reservations outside of the online booking window.
Cost & Registration
$55++ Wine Club Members / $65 ++ Non-Wine Club Members. Includes a bottle of wine to take home. 72-hour cancellation policy.
$1 50 off Every Glass purchased at the Club/Pool including Club Events (i e Trivia Night)
15% off Every Bottled purchased at the Club/Pool including Club Events (i e Family Luau)
Waived Corkage Fee for any bottles brought into the Club ($15 value)
Ability to store up to 6 bottles on site
Discounted Rate on Wine Pairing Dinners
Free Wine Tastings (Occasionally)
Wine fees will be prorated throughout the year if joining after January but will not be refunded if canceled during the year
James Patterson:
$180 00 / Family Membership
$120 00 / Single Membership
10:00 AM: The Family Pool opens at 10:00 AM The Family Pool gate will be locked until 9:55 AM
11AM - 4PM - Inflatable Waterslides & DJ
12PM - 3PM: Buffet Cookout at the pool
1:00 PM: Cardboard Boat Regatta Be sure to register for that separately!
Burger Bar, Hot Dogs, Mojo Chicken
Bacon/Smoked Gouda Mac n Cheese
Pesto Potatoes
Green Bean and Fennel Salad
Greek Pasta Salad
Corn on the Cob
Watermelon Slices
Assorted Sweets
Adults: $27++ | Children 6-15: $14++ | Children 5 and Under Free Register online or by calling Porters at 9610-686-8145
1:15 PM: All participants should have their boat on the pool deck to get ready for judging
1:30 PM: Judging begins for creativity We are unable to judge for creativity if you arrive late
1:30 PM: Regatta Begins After Judging
The cost to participate is $5.00 registration fee per boat. Please register online or call Jen 910-686-8180 x128. Deadline to register is noon on September 2nd. Questions? Contact Jen at
Prizes will be awarded to most creative boat and fastest boat. There will be one fastest boat prize for ages 18+ and one for 17 and under.
Join us for some zany fun and comic chaos at our annual meet-up with the Sanderson sisters Bring your pillows, blankets and low back chairs and meet us on the grassy area near the bag drop to enjoy the hit movie Hocus Pocus Beverages and Concessions available for purchase
The cost is $7 per person ages 3+ | Children under 3 are free The cost includes complimentary popcorn and marshmallow roasting There is a minimum of 20 people in order for us to host this event Deadline to register or cancel is noon on October 12TH No shows and those who cancel after the deadline will be charged
MONDAY, OCTOBER 16TH | 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Join
three original National Estuarine Research Reserves dedicated by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration and the Division of Coastal Management in 1985
The cost is $60 per person if renting a kayak or $40 per person if providing your own kayak Register online or by calling Jen Hancock @ 910-686-8161 xt 128 Min 6 ppl / Max 10 ppl The deadline to cancel & register - Thursday, prior to the trip
We will be closed for ALL MEMBER DINING during the Men's Member - Guest which takes place Thursday, September 14thSaturday, September 16th This includes take-out as well We thank you in advance for your understanding
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8TH | 2:00 - 3:30 PM
AGES: Everyone!
LOCATION: Porters Neck Family Pool
FEE: A donation for Paws Place Dog Rescue
Bring your friendly dog and let them enjoy a day at the PNCC Family pool! The pups will have a chance to jump in the pool, play with the other pups or snack on a tasty treat! The entry fee is to bring one item to donate to Paws Place Dog Rescue Click here for their wish list Deadline to register is noon on October 6th
Please note that if you get in the pool it is swim at your own risk and the pool is not 100% cleaned once the pups get in We also ask that you keep an eye on your dogs and please only bring dogs that are friendly and enjoy being around other pups and people
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22ND | 3PM - 5PM Save the Date for this family-favorite event which includes inflatable bouncers, hayrides, marshmallow roasting a magic show and SO much more!
Look for more information to be announced shortly Until then, save the date!
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH | 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Join us as we explore Masonboro Island Reserve! Masonboro Island has more than 5500 acres of natural barrier islands habitat, estuary habitats explore. Masonboro is a pristine coastal island that is only accessible by boat and offers adventures a fantastic opportunity this natural barrier island and estuary Come dressed for fun, sun and adventure along the beaches of Masonboro Island
The cost is $60 per person if renting a kayak or $40 per person if providing your own kayak Register online or by calling Jen Hancock @ 910-686-8161 xt 128 Min 6 ppl / Max 10 ppl The deadline to cancel & register - Thursday, prior to the trip
All of the lovely ladies of Porters Neck Country Club are invited to join us for an evening of Cocktails, Dessert and Bunco!
6:30 PM: Cocktail Half Hour
7:00 PM: Bunco!!
Please make your reservations online
TUESDAY $1 Off Domestic Beers
WEDNESDAY $2 Of Featured Glasses of Wine
THURSDAY $1 Off Craft Beers
FRIDAY $5 House Liquor, $5 House Wines
SATURDAY $2 Off Specialty Cocktails
SUNDAY $5 Bloody Mary's & Mimosas
EVERY SUNDAY | 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Enjoy a Sunday Breakfast Buffet from 11AM-2PM A limited A La Carte Menu from the Kitchen will also be available from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Scrambled Eggs
Porters Breakfast Potatoes
Applewood Bacon & Sage Sausage
Buttermilk Pancakes and Maple Syrup
Toast Station with Butter & Jams
Assorted Breakfast Pastries
Sliced Fruit & Berries
Adults: $14 95 | Children 12 & Under: $7 95 Reservations can be made through the Porters Dining Dashboard or by calling 910-686-8145
Our featured speaker this month is Mr Pait Skipper from Cape Fear Jewelry & Antiques Wilmington is blessed to have a fine jeweler that offers the epitome of elegance and sophistication in consignment With a decade-long legacy, Cape Fear Jewelry is the premier destination for discerning collectors seeking timeless treasures. Pait's carefully curated collection showcases exquisite jewelry, antiques, and objects d'art, chosen for exceptional craftsmanship and beauty Visiting his showroom is truly a feast for the eyes and wallet! Ladies On the Loose is a social club that is open to all PNCC ladies
Please select one of the following plated options:
Option 1: Shrimp Quesadilla with Black Bean
Vegetarian Chili
Option 2: 1/2 Chicken Cordon Bleu Hoagie and 5
Cheese Mac-n-Cheese
Chef’s Choice Dessert
The cost for this event is $25 per person includes coffee, tea, tax & gratuity. Reservations are required and can be made online. All Cancellations MUST be made 48 hours before the luncheon
Our first meeting is Sept 20 in the PNCC Ballroom Our Speaker this month is Barbara Sullivan, Author of: Climate Change Gardening for the South & Garden Perennials for the Coastal South Social and refreshments at 9:30 am followed by and program at 10 am. Registration is not required.
Join the Porters Neck Home & Garden Club! Annual dues $25 (cash or check) Monthly meeting topics alternate between garden and home Follow us on Facebook! Membership is open to PNCC members If you are interested in joining the Home & Garden Club, email us at
The Home & Garden Club is open to all PNCC Members!
All Porters Neck members are invited to join us for pasta night in the ballroom with buffet and action stations
The cost is $29.95 for Adults, $15.95 for Ages 13-18, and $9 95 Children 12 & Under Online reservations required and can be made online via the website calendar. 72 Hour
Cancellation Policy Strictly Enforced
Are you celebrating a birthday?
Any member with a September birthday is invited to enjoy Porters Pastabilities as our guest! The complimentary dinner will only be awarded to the member who is celebrating his/her birthday that particular month.
McConnell House Salad
Caesar Salad Station
Garlic bread
Herb Roasted Potatoes
Eggplant Rollatini
Rosemary Chicken with Garlic EVOO
Salmon Piccata
Assorted Desserts
September 4th: Labor Day, Course Open for Regular Play
September 5th: Course Closed
September 7th: Ladies Interclub at PN
September 14th - 16th: Men's Member - Guest, Course Closed
September 17th: Trade in Day
September 22nd: Couples 9 & Dine
September 23rd: Callaway Fitting Day, 12PM - 4PM
September 27th: Ping Fitting Day, 10AM - 2PM
October 4th: Cobra Fitting Day
October 10th: Pink Ribbon Golf & Fundraiser
October 14th & 15th: Club Championship Weekend!
Tuesday - Sunday: 7:30 AM - 6:30PM
Monday – Closed Tuesday – Saturday 7am – Dusk
Sunday – 7 am – 1 Hour Before Dusk
Monday: Closed Tuesday – Sunday: 7:30am – 5:00pm
Men’s Club Championship
36 holes Individual Stroke Play
All Play from Blue Tees
Men’s 36 Hole Net Club Championship
3 Flights, White Tee, White Hybrid and Green Tee Flights. Players play from normal tees. 10 of you last 20 scores must be from that tee
The 1 Low Net score from the 3 flights will be the 2023 Men’s Net Champion
Ladies Fall Handicap
Formerly Ladies Club Championship
36 Holes for 18 Holers, 18 holes for 9 Holers
Net and Gross winners in each flight
Low Gross for both 9 and 18 will be declared Club Champions
Players may sign up online or with the Pro Shop Men competing in Net Championship please notate which tee you are playing
The Porters Neck 2022 Men's Member - Guest is scheduled for September 14th - 16th
Practice Round (Shotgun)
Breakfast Sandwiches on Carts
Box Lunches & Tee Gifts in Ballroom
Match 1 Shotgun
Putting & CTP Contests at Practice Area STAG NIGHT: Appetizers, Cocktails & Cookout at Practice Area
8:30 - 9:45
2:00 6:30 -
Breakfast Buffet in Ballroom
Match 2 Shotgun
Lunch Buffet in Ballroom
Match 3 Shotgun
Gala at the Club with Live Music
Attire is Coastal Cocktail: Fun Cocktail / Party dresses for Ladies, Jacket but No Tie for Gentlemen
Breakfast Buffet in Ballroom
Match 4 Shotgun
Lunch Buffet in Ballroom
Match 5 Shotgun Cocktails & Appetizers on Patio
Flight Winner Shootout (Holes 6-9)
Awards Ceremony on 9th Green Party & Awards
Join us on Friday, September 22nd for Couples Golf at PNCC. The Format will be 4 person teams. 1 Net ball from the Ladies plus 1 Net from the Men followed by a dinner. The cost is $85 Per Couple and includes: Golf, Prize Fund, and Dinner
Chopped Wedge Salads
Gourmet Grill Out(Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken) – Gourmet Fixings
Shoestring Fries | Tater Tot Casserole
Pasta Salad
Cobbler and Ice Cream
Come and join us for our First Annual Ladies Golf Invitational! We have a full day of golf, food and fun planned for our members and guests! This will be a 2 person team format Sign up individually or with a partner The Pro Shop will create the pairings
TAC-A-Rita is the theme!
FORMAT: Shotgun Start / Scoring: 1 Low net
9:00 AM: Coffee, Juice, Champagne. Grab and Go Breakfast
10:00. Shotgun Start: **At the turn from the start: Beverage Station with Wine, Beer, Sodas, Water Chicken Salad Wraps, Vegetable and Quinoa Wraps Chips, Snacks
Full-Service Bar: Beer, Wine, Liquor and our signature Margarita!
Gourmet Southwest Taco Bar: Corn and Flour Tortillas, Chimmichurri Steak, Poblano Roasted Chicken, and Mesquite Smoked Salmon
Prizes & Short Game Contests: Compete for prizes in the short game area: putting, chipping and specialty shot! Announcements of winners. Pro Shop credit and/or gift cards!
The cost is $110 for Members | $125 for Guests | Members may begin signing up for this event by notifying the Pro Shop Call or stop by to be added to the list Members have first priority to bring guests but please let us know as soon as possible!
TAILGATE THEMED DINNERThank you to everyone for participating in our Thursday league days To see results, prize money, and current points standings please visit the golf genius WGL Portal You can find this in the Golf section of the website, under Porters Neck
Open to Everyone! Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to join. Ladies, Men's, and Mixed Divisions.
4 Person Teams
Captain's Choice, 18 Holes
All Women start on Yellow Tees
All Men start on Green Tees
18 Hole Ladies, Top Ten
1 Mary Westbrook, 31pts
T2 Christina Haugen, 25pts
T2 Deborrah Wilson, 25pts
T4 Becki Buzzard, 19pts
T4 Nancy Fisher, 19pts
T6 Ruth Daly, 18pts
T6 Ethel Koropatnick, 18pts
T6 Cheryl Wolf, 18pts
T9 Phyllis Salatino, 17pts
T9 Maria Sawyer,17pts
T9 Kay Recht,17pts
9 Hole Ladies, Top Ten
1 Pam Fuller, 41pts
2 Susan James, 33pts
3 Mary Ellen Simonetti, 28pts
T4 Nancy Burgess, 25pts
T4 Shannon Sandlin, 25pts
T7 Patty Screen, 19pts
T7 Nancy Beauchemin, 19pts
9 Rebecca Villari, 18pts
10 Barbara Horwath, 17pts
The standings change weekly and can be found on Golf Genius.
Lunch and Awards Immediately Following Golf Raffles and 50/50 Drawing
$30 Donation to NHRMC** and $60 fee, which includes golf, cart fee, prizes & lunch. Register online or in the Pro Shop.
**Make donation check payable to NHRMC Foundation and drop off at Pro Shop at sign in on day of tournament
This is a reminder that we are beyond the mid-point of the 2023 MGA Cup Competition The MGA Cup Program and Playoff format are described in detail on the PNCC website, and on the Golf Genius website
From the PNCC home page, go to the Golf pull-down menu, open Porters Neck MGA and scroll down to 2023 MGA CUP FORMAT
From Golf Genius, open 2023 MGA/Member Portal, then go to Home and scroll down to 2023 MGA CUP FORMAT
Here are some main points to keep in mind:
There are a number of competitive events in which members can earn points that count toward qualifying for the MGA Cup Playoffs in addition to Wednesday MGA days The last chance to earn points will be the Two-Man Dogfight on November 4th and 5th The MGA Cup Playoff will take place on November 11th and 12th Twenty four golfers with the highest point totals will participate in the playoff No substitutions will be made in the event someone is not available If you are in this group but can only play one day, do it! You can still move up in the standings if you have a good day (think Viktor Hovland)! If you are in the top 24 members competing for the MGA Cup, or aspire to be, plan ahead! Identify those future events that you can participate in and put them on your calendar Adjust vacation schedules, if feasible Remember, there is a lot of movement in the last few weeks before the deadline
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sign up in advance and get a free tumbler! Not only will you get pro shop credit for your clubs- but if you sign up in advance at you ’ ll also get a free tumbler.
The team from Next Round is coming out on Sunday September 17th from 10 to 4. They will appraise your clubs- they're offering credit for men's, women's, and kid's clubs, as well as bags in good condition. Can't make the event? You can sign up at the link above and drop off your clubs at the pro shop in advance- Next Round will send you a quote (and leave you a tumbler)
Division Winners make it to the playoffs (Based on registered teams)
Divisions will be chosen at random this year
Prizes for best team name, best team spirit, best team picture & best team outfit/costume.
Our staff will make a schedule for all the matches before the league starts
You will play one match a week
Teams must complete their match during the week they are scheduled to play
If unable to play your match on the week scheduled you will have until December 3rd to complete a makeup match, if not completed it will be considered a draw.
Teams can consist of 4-8 players (maximum of 4 players can play per round)
Teams must report their scores to
Each match will be best of 2 out of 3 rounds, each round is first to 10 points, win by 2 points
No lobbing
Bocce Balls are located inside the sport center
You must reserve your own courts online under (court sports)
Rules will be sent to everyone with the schedule
If you have any questions, please email or call Rafa.
Registration deadline is September 24th.
Come join PNCC tennis intramural league! It’s a fun and friendly way to stay competitive and meet new friends
When: Wednesdays (11:00am)
Start/End Date: October 11th- December 6th
Registration Deadline: September 24th
Register online or email Rafa (tennisdirector@portersneckcountryclub com)
Held annually at PNCC, this tournament is a fundraiser for the UNCW tennis program Men's collegiate tennis players from across the country participate in this event If you would like more information about hosting a player, making a donation or becoming a sponsor, please contact Porters Neck member, Yona Bar-Zeev at 910-352-1993 or via email at barzeevy@gmail com
All clinics are $25 and registration is required Register online via the club calendar or by calling 686-8161 New to tennis? Join Rafa for an orientation! Contact the Tennis office at 686-8161
Men's 3 0 / 3 5 Clinic: 8:30 - 9:30 AM: Emphasis on doubles strategy and positioning Minimum 2 players required
Ladies 3 0 / 3 5 Clinic: 9:30 - 10:30 AM: Cancellation policy: Must cancel 12 hours prior to the start of clinic No shows will be charged Fee: $25
Ladies Intermediate Clinic (3.0, 3.5): 9:30 - 10:30 AM:
This clinic will focus on technique and form while implementing doubles strategy and positioning Must cancel 12 hours prior to start of the clinic or you will be charged Fee: $25 No shows will be charged
Tennis Cardio Clinic: 8:00 - 9:15 AM: Open to all players! Burn some calories while you get plenty of reps! This clinic is intended to get you moving and hitting a ton of balls! Cardio Tennis is a great way to burn calories, improve your conditioning, and footwork around the tennis court. Enjoy high energy music while running games and drills to keep your heart rate up.
Rafael Toro | Tennis & Pickleball Director tennisdirector@portersneckcountryclub com
Montana Wiggs | Head Tennis / Pickleball Professional
MONDAY - SATURDAY | 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Open Play means that all players, of any skill level, are invited to play Members can register for open pickleball via the club calendar When attending open pickleball it is recommended that winning teams split up after they play If waiting to play, all players should place their paddles on the paddle holders in order to determine who is next to play. This will allow for a fair order of play and same playing experience for everyone.
THURSDAYS | 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Come join a fun night of competitive fun pickleball. This is for advanced players only, must be able to hold your own. Please register for this event online via the calendar.
MONDAYS (BIWEEKLY) | 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Learn the fundamental strokes and strategies of pickle ball through instruction, drills, and practice play! This Clinic is for beginners and will focus on rules, scoring, technique and proper positioning Registration is required and be done online via the club calendar or by calling 686-8161 Clinic fees are $15 per player per clinic
WEDNESDAYS | 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Join the women of PNCC as we get together for evening Pickleball play! The women's pickleball group will meet every Wednesday
TUESDAYS | 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Join the men of PNCC as we get together for evening Pickleball play! The men's pickleball group will meet every Tuesday Please register for this event online via the calendar so we can know who is coming
The Pickleball Intercommunity League is BACK!!! Don't miss your opportunity to test your skills versus other clubs and communities. League play will run from September 11th through November 17th. PNCC will host 4 leagues ranging from Beginner Social League, Intermediate, Upper intermediate and Advance Open. Placement on each team will be guided by each individual’s DUPR rating This year everyone must have a minimum of 30 games recorded in their DUPR ranking For information on how to sign up to get a DUPR ranking, members should visit www my DUPR com
There will be four leagues all Age 55+
2 5 BEGINNER SOCIAL LEAGUE: requires you to register for a DUPR account Play will be every other Monday
3 0-3 49 INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE: requires a DUPR rating with a minimum of 30 scores. Play will be Wednesdays.
3.5-3.99 UPPER INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE: requires a DUPR rating with a minimum of 30 scores. Play will be Thursdays.
4 0+ ADVANCED OPEN LEAGUE: requires you to register for a DUPR account Play will be every other Monday
The pickleball machine is a great way to improve your game, you can work on a variety of shots and try to master the game of pickleball The price is $10 The hours are as follows:
8:00am-6:00pm Weekdays | 8:00am-5:00pm Weekends
1 5 hour max reservation time Court B only
Donations are by appointment only For appointments please contact Jen Hancock at 910-686-8161 xt 128 or by e-mail at activities@ portersneckcountryclub com
The Paxton app provides members with access to the gym from 4:00 AM to Midnight, seven days a week To sign up for the app, please contact Lynne Mitchell at the email address listed below. Pleased provide your name and individual email address We need one email address per person
Enjoy a restful Sunday with slow movement, breath alignment and intentional connection to your body at the end of a busy week. We will flow with gentle movements and restorative poses and take time in each to really come into our bodies through each individual pose. Classes may include forms of meditation, yogic teachings or even personal reflection activities You will leave class feeling rested as well as rejuvenated $4 per Class | Monthly Package: $48
Staff is available at the front desk from 7:30- 1:30 Monday – Saturday and from 8:00- 12:00 on Sundays 7 AM - 5 PM
4AM- 7AM | 5PM - 12AM
4AM - 7AM | 1:30 PM - 12AM
Come in for an hour-long restorative flow that will be relaxing and teach you ways to use restorative yoga breathwork and meditation The flow will consist of low lighting, soy candles, essential oils, and a relaxing playlist Restorative yoga is a passive, meditative form of yoga that allows you to focus on your breath while releasing tension in your body Unlike other forms of yoga, restorative yoga requires you to hold asanas or poses for an extended length of time, typically 5 minutes or more. Register on the PNCC club calendar. $4 per Class
Sports center is key access ONLY
8AM Aqua Fit Deep & Shallow- Canceled
9AM Zumba- Jackie
10AM TRX- Canceled
11AM Pilates- Canceled
3PM Seated, Strength and Stretch- Laura
4PM Stretch- Laura
Beginning Monday, September 11th, aqua classes will be moving to 12:00 Monday- Friday. See full schedule for details.
Saturdays will remain at 9AM till Saturday, Sept 23rd.
APRIL 1ST - OCTOBER 31ST | 5:00 AM - 8:00 PM*
Paxton app required for access before 7:00 AM and after 5:00 PM Closing time may be adjusted later in the season as sunset gets earlier
Guest fees ($5 ea ) apply for all guests except for grandchildren and house guests with a valid house guest pass
As a reminder, the Lap Pool is for members (and guests*) ages 17 and up Members between the ages of 14-16 are permitted to use the lap pool as an extension of the sports center after going through a scheduled orientation with Jen or Allison.
After Labor Day, the Family Pool changes to a ‘weekend only’ schedule. However, this year, we are offering a weekday ‘Swim At YourOwn Risk’option.
Weekday Swim at Your Own Risk
Beginning Sept 6th, the family pool will be available for adult swim only from 10am-4pm on Monday-Friday
A “swim at your own risk” waiver will need to be signed at the front desk to keep on file
You will not need to sign the waiver each time you use the pool
The weekend hours at the pool will be:
Fridays: 3:00 – 7:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
The bar and food will be available during the weekend. (Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday.
S e p t e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 P o r t e r s N e c k C o u n t r y C l u b A Q U A F I
A Q U A F I T N E S S E Q U I P M E N T S c h e d u l e i s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e b a s e d o n w e a t h e r a n d a t t e n d a n c e .
N o o d l e s : T h e r e a r e a l i m i t e d n u m b e r o f n o o d l e s a v a i l a b l e f o r a s u m m e r r e n t a l f o r $ 1 0 . 0 0 . T h i s w i l l b e t h e r e g u l a r d e n s i t y s t r i p e n o o d l e .
P l e a s e e m a i l A l l i s o n i f y o u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n r e n t i n g o n e .
S h o e s : S u p p o r t i v e a n d p r o t e c t i v e w a t e r s h o e s a r e r e c o m m e n d e d f o r s h a l l o w w a t e r c l a s s e s .
W a t e r B e l t : A b u o y a n t b e l t i s n e e d e d f o r d e e p w a t e r , P N C C h a s 3 t o l e n d o u t I t i s r e c o m m e n d e d t o g e t y o u r o w n i f y o u c o m e t o c l a s s r e g u l a r l y .
S e p t e m b e r , 2 0 2 3 P o r t e r s N e c k C o u n t r y C l u b
* * * C L A S S U P D A T E S * * *
N e w o N E W S U N D A Y S L O W F L O W Y O G A s t a r t i n g S e p t e m b e r 1 0 t h ! ! ! R e s t o r a t i v e Y o g a t a u g h t b y M a n d y o n W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 6 t h a n d 2 0 t h a t 5 : 3 0 P M F a l l A q u a F i t s c h e d u l e b e g i n s S e p t e m b e r 1 1 t h
Mondays & Wednesdays| 5PM- 7PM | |
Rate: $25 per player: The Junior Tennis Academy is designed for competitive tennis players The program focuses on developing players to maximize their potential It is a high intensity training regiment aimed to improve the player's fitness, technique, point play, mental strategy and overall game
Tuesdays| 4:30 - 6PM | Ages 8-13 | Rate: $20 per player: This program's focus is to develop players to start competitive match play. We emphasize an overall introduction to rules, scoring and etiquette. The clinics highlight stroke/technique development, repetitive stroke production while improving rallying skills in preparation for USTA, league and school matches.
Wednesdays| 4- 4:45PM | Ages: 4-7 |
Rate: $12 per player: This clinic introduces children to tennis We focus on developing hand-eye coordination, agility, balance and proper tennis technique in a fun and positive environment
Open to members & grandchildren ages 4+. Lego club is an opportunity to get creative and free build anything you choose with Lego or build one of our Lego kits. Deadline to register is 4 PM the day prior. The cost is $10 per child. Minimum -3 participants | Maximum - 12 participants Register online or by calling Jen Hancock @ 686-8161, Xt 128 No-shows will be charged
Join us in the Juniors Activity Room as we craft accessories for our dolls and hang out with friends Register online or by calling Jen Hancock @ 686-8161 xt 128 Deadline to register is 4 PM the day prior Max – 12 participants & Min – 3 participants Cost $10 per child No-shows will be charged
PNCC juniors are invited to join us for a fun night of dinner & fun activities at the family pool!
Drop Off at the Family Pool Pick Up in the Jr Room
Ages 5 & up Non swimmers should have a PFD, (personal flotation device)
Please bring a towel and a change of clothes in case your child gets cold, we will end the event in the Jr Activities Room
Juniors are required to stay with PNCC staff during event unless signed out by an authorized adult
The cost is $25 for 1 child, $45 for 2 siblings, $65 for 3 siblings. (no shows & late cancellations will be charged).
Registration is required limited to 20 juniors. (min. 6) Please register online or by calling Jen Hancock @ 686-8161 xt. 128. Deadline to register is noon on September 13th
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22ND | 3:00 - 7:00 PM
3:00 - 5:00:
Fun and games on the back lawn of the clubhouse
5:00 - 6:00:
Buffet in the Ballroom
5:45 - 6:45;
Magic Show with No Sleeves Magic!
Activities Include
Inflatable Bouncers
Bonfire & Roasting Marshmallows
Ghoulish games
Cake Walk
Crafts, Candy & More
Family Hayrides
Magic Show
Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Porters Dining Hours
Tuesday: 11 AM - 3 PM
Wednesday & Thursday: 11 AM – 8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 11 AM – 8:30 PM
Sunday: 11 AM - 3 PM
Tuesday - Sunday | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 11 AM – 3 PM
Wednesday – Saturday: 11 AM – 7:30 PM
Sunday: 11 AM - 3 PM
Call 910 686 8145 to place your order
LAP POOL: 5:00 AM - 8:00 PM, 7
FAMILY POOL: Opens May 19th
Gym Hours 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM
Tuesday - Sunday: 7:30am – 6:30 PM
Monday – Closed
Tuesday – Sunday: 7:30am – 5:00pm
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Saturday 7am – Dusk
Sunday: 7 am – 1 Hour Before Dusk
Club Phone Numbers
Clubhouse: 686-8180
Porters: 686-8145
Golf Pro Shop: 686-1177
Sports Center: 686-8161
Tennis Court Condition Line: 686-8163
Jason Seehafer | General Manager 686-8180 ext. 104
Mandy Shuffler | Membership, Marketing & Communications membership@portersneckcountryclub com 686-8180 ext 102
Terrie McElwain | Assistant Controller arap@portersneckcountryclub com 686-8180 ext 103
Lynne Mitchell | Executive Assistant admin@portersneckcountryclub com 686-8180
James 'JP' Patterson | Director of Food & Beverage 686-8180 ext. 105
Pete Meriam | PNCC Executive Chef chef@portersneckcountryclub com
Tad Balio | PNCC Executive SousChef chef@portersneckcountryclub com
Allan Cure | Service Director 686-8145
Justine Serrano | Banquet Service Manager 686-8145
Robert Loper | PGA Head Golf Professional headpro@portersneckcountryclub com 686-1177
Dana Kovich | Assistant Golf Professional danakovich@gmail com
Jordan Tennent | Assistant Golf Professional & Jr Golf assistgolfpro@portersneckcountryclub com
Chris Parham | Golf Course Superintendent superintendent@portersneckcountryclub com
Jennifer Hancock | Social & Activities Director 686-8161
Rafael Toro | Tennis & Pickleball Director tennisdirector@portersneckcountryclub com 686-8161
Montana Wiggs | Head Tennis / Pickleball Professional tennispro@portersneckcountryclub com
Allison Evans | Wellness Director 686-8161