Tuesday I 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Wednesday-Friday I 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday I 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday I 12:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Tuesday-Sunday I 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
Tuesday-Sunday I 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
Wednesday I 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Monday I Shop Closed, Courts Open for Play
Tuesday-Friday | 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday I 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday I 1:00 pm - 4:00pm
Monday I 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tuesday-Saturday I 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday I 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Front Desk/Reception
Golf Shop Membership
Tennis Courts
Isaac Davis | General Manager idavis@wilsoncountryclub com
Jody Barnes | Controller/Office Manager jbarnes@wilsoncountryclub com
Ashley Bruce | Receptionist/Marketing
Will Tew I Executive Chef wtew@wilsoncountryclub com
Misty Mitchell | Dining Supervisor
Dylan Glover | Dining Supervisor
Craig Clemmer | Golf Course Superintendent
Reid Hill | Head Golf Professional rhill@wilsoncountryclub com
Kim Clark | Tennis Professional kclark@wilsoncountryclub com
Matt McConnell | Membership Director matt@mcconnellgolf com
The summer is going by fast and the return to school is just around the corner. July ended with very warm temperatures. While it is hard on our bodies it has been great for the golf course. Craig and his staff continue to work on providing the best course conditions possible. This has been evident in the many compliments recently received from our members, MCG network members and guests.
Reid and his staff have been busy cleaning and organizing for the fall golf season. Reid has been preordering his Fall merchandise and soon you will be seeing additional apparel available. When temperatures are excessive the golf staff will be providing bottled water on holes #6, #14 and the driving range. Please try and stay hydrated, we have had a few members fall ill from the excessive heat.
The pool is open and while the water is warm it is still refreshing on the warmer days. We will be keeping the pool open for swimming through Labor Day. After Labor Day the pool will be open during September for swimming on Friday afternoons through Sunday evenings. We do not plan on draining the water this year and are planning a few special pool events through the fall. These events will be announced once all details have been finalized. I can tell you that one evening in September we will have dinner at the pool with BINGO for the children and a social in October for adults.
Tennis activities have slowed down during the summer. Kim is continuing to plan opportunities for all levels of tennis. Next month you will see additional activities and socials planned. Some of the events include a tennis social and weather permitting dinner on the courts one evening with entertainment. Soon you will be seeing the new wind screens for the courts and other improvements.
While dining and banquets have been slower than other times of the year because of vacations, summer heat etc. we are staffed and open during normal published hours. As a reminder, next month upstairs dining will be closed. The entire upstairs of the clubhouse will be closed for renovations after Labor Day. When we reopen upstairs, we will be offering additional dining hours for lunch and dinner service in the beautiful new Club room and banquet facilities. If you have not sampled the new McConnel Signature wine, please do so. The two tastings we had last month were very well attended and all the comments were positive.
As I have mentioned in previous articles membership is key to the success of our Club. Please let either me or Matt McConnell know of anyone that may be a potential member and we will do all the work to introduce them to our club and the membership opportunities that are available. The more utilization we have, the more we can offer for everyone. I am excited about the changes that are taking place at the club. We hope you are as well. As always it is a pleasure to serve you. Please, if you have any questions about the operations, let me know.
At your service,
Isaac B. Davis Sr., CCM General ManagerWe are extremely excited to have Wilson Country Club officially apart of the McConnell Golf Network! I have received many notes from other McConnell Golf members about how they have already come visited your club and loved the golf course! It certainly is a special place that is just going to keep getting better
This is a unique time as we continue to transition Wilson Country Club under our McConnell Golf platforms Typically when we acquire a new property it is at the end of the year when the clubs are much quieter Adding Wilson Country Club June 1st has been very exciting but not as simple considering how busy this time of year is. Please stand by as we continue to get everyone up and running to enjoy their membership. Give us some time and I promise you will love McConnell Golf and what we offer!
Wilson Country Club Stock Holders can still rejoin for no initiation fee up until August 31st! If you know of a Stock Holder who has not rejoined the club yet, please remind them how time is running out to take advantage of this great opportunity!
If there is anything we can assist with please do not hesitate to email me directly at or call my office at 919-488-5205. Until then please welcome our newest members!
Matt McConnell Membership DirectorNotPictured:
Brooks&KellyFoglemanwithchildrenMaxwell,William& Charles
Cody & Jennifer Lawson with child Jaxon
Robin & Kathryn Mason
Michael Matthews with children Michael and Warren
Joseph Powell
Thomas & Cindy Rhodes with children Jack & Cooke
Buddy & Elizabeth Russell
Todd & Denise Stinagle with children Amoret, Nora & Payne
Ben & Hannah Tilley
Patrick & Ginger Williams
Steve & Elizabeth Whitt
We have the technology to fit you for golf clubs from several major club companies. Please stop by and ask one of our golf shop staff to schedule a fitting We look forward to assisting you! Don’t forget, we offer price matching on all of our clubs!
First Round Matches Begin: Tuesday, August 29
Want to find out what all the buzz is about pickleball and see if it is for you then attend this clinic for beginners Fundamentals and scoring will be covered. There is no charge for this clinic. Member sign wine and beer will be available with complimentary bar snacks Must have a minimumoffourandmaxof8participants.
Saturday round robin is every Saturday morning weather permitting starting at 9:30 am. This time will be through October 2023 No need to sign up, just show up and a doublesroundrobinwillbeorganized
A Tuesday morning doubles round robin will be held on Tuesdays for the month of July. Everyone is welcomed women and men. No need to sign up, just show up. Participation will determine continuation of this round robin on Tuesday mornings.
Guest fees for tennis and pickleball are $10 00 per guest A non-member can play as a tennis or pickleball guest one time per month.
Let’s review some basic WCC tennis regulations:
Proper tennis attire is required on both clay and hard courts No tank tops and cut out t-shirts for men
Please enter your court from the nearest gate
Smooth soled shoes are required for play on the clay courts.
No bikes and skateboards allowed on the hard courts. Please be courteous and leave your court as you entered it Throw trash in courtside receptacle
Please turn off all lights before you leave if playing at night
Court maintenance has priority on all courts.
Monday: Pro Shop closed, courts open for play
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Announcingfourpickleballcourtsopenforplay.Thepickleball courtsareoncourtsoneandtwoofthehardcourts Weareusing portablepickleballnets.Yourcooperationisexpectedand neededtokeepthesenetsinexcellentcondition.Pleasedonot movethepickleballnets
Pickleball 3 and Me: A little intimidated doing a private lesson alone. Book a private pickleball lesson and invite two of your friends to join you in the lesson I will be the fourth and we will explore pickleball doubles
Pickleball 4 and Me: Book a clinic with 4 people and I will supervise and teach pickleball doubles with the 4 participants
To book your lesson, call Kim Clark at 252-291-6199 or e-mail
were no major issues from a mechanical or weather standpoint I must say, for a relatively unseasoned crew, they all pulled together and pulled off a huge feat I could not be prouder of each one of them, including those that kept the normal maintenance side of things under control while the other 6 to 7 people concentrated on conquering nearly 34 acres aerified on a very tight schedule
The collars and aprons in front of the green were completed the following Monday and Thursday, with 9 holes being completed ahead of play each of those days The reason behind doing those the following week was that there was different equipment used to do the cleanup in those areas plus a bit more manual labor Both of those were not available the week prior so that is why I delayed completing the collars and aprons until the following week
I’m sure that some of you may have noticed that we have sprayed nutsedge and kyllinga around the greens as well as a separate application for the goosegrass We also spot sprayed for Virginia buttonweed and what little broadleaf weeds we had lingering around I must say that for the most part the course is very clean of weeds As in years past, the unsightliest issue we have is the goosegrass around the greens and I continue to try new things in achieving control It is the most difficult weed to control on this property by far
We have been working hard to maintain the course and clubhouse grounds and staying ahead of the bermudagrass that is growing very quickly The crew has also taken care of several small projects to help improve the overall quality of the course and clubhouse grounds Aerification for the greens is scheduled for August 28th and 29th, weather permitting
I hope to see you all around the course in the very near future!
NotableeventscomingupwillbeaPrimeRibBuffet andourLaborDaybuffetgrilloutbythepoolonSeptember4th Also,inSeptemberwewillheshuttingdowntheupstairs mainkitchenforrenovations.Moretofollowondatesandtimes.Grover'sGrillwillbeutilizedforservicesinthemeantime whiletherenovationishappening.Oncerenovationsarecomplete,wewillreopenthemaindiningareawithanewmenuand diningoptionsforupstairs Pleasefindallotherdates,times,andmenusbelowforfutureplanning Hopetoseeyouallsoon!
TakeAway ChickenMarsala Grover'sMenu
Lunch&EarlyDinner (6:30pm-Downstairs)
Lunch&EarlyDinner (6:30pm-Downstairs)
Lunch&EarlyDinner (6:30pm-Downstairs)
Lunch&EarlyDinner (6:30pm-Downstairs)
HamburgerSteak Grover'sMenu
WineDown Wednesday (Upstairs) Menu,Specials,andSaladBar
BurgerNight (Upstairs) (QuesadillaBurger),Menu, Specials andSaladBar
DinnerService (Downstairs) GroversMenu,Dinner Specials andSaladBar
DinnerService (Downstairs) Grover'sMenu Dinner Specials andSaladBar
TakeAway ChickenPotPie Grover'sMenu
WineDown Wednesday (Upstairs) Menu Specials andSaladBar
BurgerNight (Downstairs) (PattyMeltBurger) Menu Specials,andSaladBar
DinnerService (Downstairs) Grover'sMenu Dinner Specials andSaladBar
WineDown Wednesday (Upstairs)
DinnerMenu,Specals and SaladBar
BurgerNight (Downstairs) (BlackandBleu"Chicken Burger ) Menu Specials and SaladBar
DinnerService (Downstairs)
GroversMenu Dinner Specials,andSaladBar
DinnerService (Downstairs)
GroversMenu Dinner Specials,andSaladBar
DinnerService (Downstairs)
GroversMenu Dinner Specials,andSaladBar
TakeAway Meatloaf GroversMenu
WineDown Wednesday (Upstairs)
DinnerMenu Specias and SaladBar
WineDown Wednesday (Upstairs)
DinnerMenu Specias and SaladBar
BurgerNight (Downstairs) (TheSouthernerBurger), Menu Specials andSaladBar
DinnerService (Downstairs) GroversMenu,Dinner Specials andSaladBar
DinnerService (Downstairs)
GroversMenu,Dinner Specials andSaladBar
BurgerNight (Downstairs) (QuesadillaBurger) Menu Specials,andSaladBar
Monday, September 4 (Food from 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm)
Please Call the Front Office To Order Before the Cut Off Time of 3:00pm on Each Tuesday Pickup Time is From 5:00pm - 6:00pm
August 1
Chicken Marsala - $18
Lightly Fried Chicken Breast with Sauteed Mushrooms, Mashed Potatoes and Buttered Broccoli WCC Dinner Roll
August 8
Hamburger Steak - $18
Hamburger Steak with Onion Gravy, White Rice, and Seasoned Green Beans WCC Dinner Roll
August 15
Chicken Pot Pie - $17
Grilled and Diced Chicken Breast, Onions, Carrots, Celery, Peas, Potatoes, and Corn in a Creamy Chicken Broth and Topped with a Golden Brown Pie Crust
August 22
Meatloaf - $18
Seasoned Ground Beef Wrapped in Bacon, Slow Cooked, and Topped with a Semi-Sweet Ketchup and Served with Mac-n-Cheese, and Homestyle Baked Beans
August 29
Hibachi Tuna - $21
Tempura Fried Ahi Tuna Served with Fried Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables, and Yum-Yum and Stir Fry Sauce on the Side Spring Roll
Side Salads - $4
Side House or Caesar Salad
Grilled Cheese - $6.95
Toasted White Bread with White and Yellow American Cheese Served with Plain Chips or a Fruit Cup
Ribeye Raw Cuts
8oz: $17 10oz: $21 12oz: $25 25 14oz: $29 50
Apple Cobbler: $4 50 Strawberry Tall Cake: $4 50