Tuesday I 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Wednesday-Friday I 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday I 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday I 12:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Tuesday-Sunday I 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
Tuesday-Sunday I 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
Closed for renovations for the month of September
The reopening date TBD, please stay tuned for more information
Monday I Shop Closed, Courts Open for Play
Tuesday-Friday | 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday I 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday I 1:00 pm - 4:00pm
Tuesday-Saturday I 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday I 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Front Desk/Reception
Golf Shop
Tennis Courts
Isaac Davis | General Manager idavis@wilsoncountryclub com
Jody Barnes | Controller/Office Manager jbarnes@wilsoncountryclub com
Ashley Bruce | Receptionist/Marketing
Will Tew I Executive Chef wtew@wilsoncountryclub com
Misty Mitchell | Dining Supervisor
Dylan Glover | Dining Supervisor
Craig Clemmer | Golf Course Superintendent
Reid Hill | Head Golf Professional rhill@wilsoncountryclub com
Kim Clark | Tennis Professional kclark@wilsoncountryclub com
Matt McConnell | Membership Director matt@mcconnellgolf com
Look who’s talking about Wilson Country! Please enjoy a few of our favorite mentions below and keep sharing your experiences by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter
Golf course date night! We even walked! #stadiemfamilyfun #mcconellgolf #wilsoncountryclub
Another beautiful Friday out here!
It is an exciting time at WCC. Renovations are underway upstairs. During this time on some days, it may not be feasible to get access to the office area. We will come to you downstairs if you need to see us. Also, we are relocating Wine Down Wednesday to Grovers during this time. On the weeks affected, we are adding a second Take-away meal. We will be offering Take-away Tuesdays and Take-away Thursdays during the renovations. We anticipate reopening in the first week of October and we will be doing so first with a celebration opening. Chef Will and the Corporate Food & Beverage team have completed a new menu for the club. This menu will start the first week in September. Once the menu is published, we will email you and let you know it has been posted on the website. You can stay informed by reading the Weekly Happenings it has all the events for the week and where they are taking place. This will be very helpful during the renovations. You will receive weekly updates as to the progress of the renovations.
I will be offering a 25% discount on the McConnell Signature wines that we have in stock during the renovations. The comments from the previous tasting were very positive. If you have not tried them and would like to, we are more than happy to accommodate you with a sample tasting. Just ask your server or floor supervisor. You may also purchase the wine to take home with you or to use as a gift.
August was hot and for the most part dry. Craig and his staff have done a great job maintaining the course while dealing with what Mother Nature provided. This has been evident in the many compliments from members and guests as to course conditions. As cooler nights start to filter in, and the grass mowing is reduced Craig will begin some of the planned fall tasks. The new windscreens have arrived and should be installed prior to Labor Day. Racquet sports are starting up for the fall. If you have not played pickleball or want to learn please contact Kim. This sport is very popular throughout the country and is less demanding physically than tennis. It is truly a fun game for all ages.
Membership growth is key to the success of any club, this is true for WCC as well. The more usage that the club has, the more we can offer. When we reopen the upstairs, we will be serving dinner Wednesday- Friday, lunch will be served Sunday and Tuesday - Friday. Lunch on Saturdays will be in Grovers. Grovers will also be open for lunch daily from 11-3 to accommodate the golfers. All cooking meals will be prepared in the main kitchen upstairs.
The staff is excited about the changes that are taking place at the club We hope you are as well As always it is a pleasure to serve you Please, if you have any questions about the operations, let me know
At your service,
Isaac B Davis Sr , CCM General Manager Wilson Country ClubSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 I 4 PM (shotgun)
Format: Holes 1-6 Two-person Better Ball Holes 7-12 Person Texas Scramble
All teams will be pre-flighted by the age of the child Sign-upDeadlineFriday,September22|12PM
Price: $25
Format: 36-Hole Individual stroke play
October 7 | 9 AM Tee order will be Championship division, Open Division, Seniors, Legends, and Ladies
October 8 | 10 AM Tee order will be the Legends Ladies division, Seniors, Open division, and Champion division
Price: $20
Format: Stroke Play
All teams will be pre-flighted by the age of the child Sign-upDeadlineFriday,October13|12PM
Format: November 11 Two-Man Better Ball
November 12 Two-Man Texas Scramble
Flighting: All teams will be pre-flighted by their total handicap indices The 14-club rule will be in effect
- CONGRATULATIONSCongratstoourveryownBarbaraBiddleandHaywood Edmundsonfortheirhole-in-1on#3!
We have the technology to fit you for golf clubs from several major club companies. Please stop by and ask one of our golf shop staff to schedule a fitting. We look forward to assisting you! Don’t forget, we offer price matching on all of our clubs!
Call Head Golf Professional, Reid Hill at (252) 291-3815 ext 230 to schedule your lesson today
September 24 Club Parent-Child
October 7 & 8 Club Championship 14 & 15 Junior Club Championship
November 11 & 12 Fall Member Member
TIME: 6 - 7 PM
Want to find out what all the buzz is about pickleball and see if it is for you then attend this clinic for beginners Fundamentals and scoring will be covered. There is no charge for this clinic. Member sign wine and beer will be available with complimentary bar snacks. Must have a minimum of four and max of 8 participants. Sign-up deadline is September 20 | 12 PM & October 19 | 12 PM
Saturday round robin is every Saturday morning weather permitting starting at 9:30 am. This time will be through October 2023 No need to sign up, just show up and a doublesroundrobinwillbeorganized
A Tuesday morning doubles round robin will be held on Tuesdays for the month of Setember & October Everyone is welcomed women and men No need to sign up, just show up. Participation will determine continuation of this round robin on Tuesday mornings.
Guest fees for tennis and pickleball are $10 00 per guest A non-member can play as a tennis or pickleball guest one time per month.
Let’s review some basic WCC tennis regulations:
Proper tennis attire is required on both clay and hard courts No tank tops and cut out t-shirts for men
Please enter your court from the nearest gate Smooth soled shoes are required for play on the clay courts.
No bikes and skateboards allowed on the hard courts. Please be courteous and leave your court as you entered it Throw trash in courtside receptacle
Please turn off all lights before you leave if playing at night
Court maintenance has priority on all courts.
Monday: Pro Shop closed, courts open for play
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Thepickleballcourtsareoncourtsoneandtwoofthehard courts Weareusingportablepickleballnets Yourcooperationis expectedandneededtokeepthesenetsinexcellentcondition. Pleasedonotmovethepickleballnets.
Pickleball 3 and Me: A little intimidated doing a private lesson alone. Book a private pickleball lesson and invite two of your friends to join you in the lesson I will be the fourth and we will explore pickleball doubles
Pickleball 4 and Me: Book a clinic with 4 people and I will supervise and teach pickleball doubles with the 4 participants
To book your lesson, call Kim Clark at 252-291-6199 or e-mail
SEPTEMBER.....6 | 13 | 20 | 27
OCTOBER..........4 | 11 | 18 | 25
4 - 6 PM
SEPTEMBER.....7 | 14 | 21 | 28
OCTOBER..........5 | 12 | 19 | 26
4 - 5 PM
Focus on the beginning steps for golf and tennis including proper technique, etiquette, and play Abby Loding and Kim Clark will be with juniors both hours of the academy, one hour of tennis and one hour of golf. A light snack will be provided between tennis and golf instruction
The emphasis is on FUN! Focus on movement, eye-hand coordination, and games The instructor will be Kim Clark WCC head tennis professional
Abby Loding, WCC assistant junior golf professional, and on the Barton women's golf team, and Kim Clark, USPTA and PTR certified and WCC head tennis professional
252.291.6199 Wilson Country Club
e a e supp y e d up e a d e d d a e o cu bac o a ays, ees, a d oug u e dd e o ugus . a s really saying something considering that in more recent summers we had to cut back in June and July. We are behind in annual rainfall, but we have been able to get rainfall events in a timely manner to help get us through until the next rain. Yet again, we fought a battle with goosegrass this summer. I tried a newer pre-emergent that was labeled to control goosegrass and I had heard some good things about it. It became clear that it did not work like it should have so I tried 2 different methods of post-emergent control. I had some success with the first application but did not get complete control. As I draft this article, it is early to make a call on whether the second application was any better. Goosegrass is a hard weed to control when you have a vast area that is infested with it up against bentgrass greens as the more effective chemicals tend to run in the soil on slopes towards the greens. In more recent years, it has been determined that the more effective treatments are those that are watered in and then taken up through the root to kill the plant. This is largely because goosegrass becomes hardened off (almost resistant to herbicide intake through the leaf) so quickly after being able to readily see the plant. In other words, by the time you can easily spot the plant, it’s almost too late to treat it successfully with a foliar application. The other benefit of watering the chemicals in would be that there is less foliar damage to the Bermuda grass.
We aerified greens on August 28th and 29th and this will be the last aerification on the greens for the year. It is a crucial practice that must be done a minimum of 2 times a year so that the organic matter content is kept in control and care for the long-term health of the plant. As always, we appreciate your understanding while the process is completed, and the greens heal.
August was brutal on the remaining staff, especially as some left to return to college and we went back to attempting to produce the same product with fewer people Trying to hire full-time people has been challenging so I have ended up hiring part-time people just to be able to maintain to a reasonable standard Please be sure to thank the maintenance staff as you see them working Gratitude goes a long way!
I hope to see each of you around the course soon!
Craig Clemmer Wilson Country Club SuperintendentIt’s almost time to talk about fall, cooler weather, and all the holiday events on the way. Let me first mention again that the upstairs main dining and club area will be closed for renovations, and we will utilize Grover’s Grill in the meantime for services during the month of September. Once renovations are complete, we will reopen the main dining area with a new menu and dining options upstairs. We will have our annual Labor Day Grill Out on September 4th. We are also planning an additional take-out each week in September on Tuesdays and Thursdays to allow for more options for dining during the Club Update. Once completed come out and enjoy our big reopening celebration tentatively scheduled for October 6th. This is an exciting time for WCC and more details will follow. All the wonderful updates on the way are sure to make the membership happy and we look forward to serving you in the new atmosphere!
Time to Fall back and enjoy the milder temperatures. By now we should be putting the final touches in the upstairs dining room and as a reminder, we will have our Grand Re-Opening celebration tentatively scheduled on October 13th. Get your reservations in and come enjoy the new atmosphere, menu, and decor. Other notable functions will be October 14th (NCSU vs. Duke) Party, October 27th Kids Party by the Pool, and October 29th Brunch Buffet. We hope you all come out and enjoy all the new items here at the club and please find all other dates, times, and menus below for future planning. Hope to see you all soon!
Monday, September 4 (Food from 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm)
place I worked at, my coworker would bring in two of my favorites: pumpkin rolls and pumpkin orange cookies I made sure to get both recipes from her before I moved down south Here is the cookie!
View the recipe at https://bit ly/oct-pumpkinorange
Please Call the Front Office To Order Before the Cut Off Time of 3:00pm on Each Tuesday Pickup Time is From 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday the 7th
Grilled Salmon Filet - $26
6oz Grilled Salmon Filet Served with Stir Fry Sauce on the Side, Apricot and Toasted Almond Pilaf, Sauteed Asparagus with Onion and Roasted Red Peppers and Served with a WCC Dinner Roll
Tuesday the 12th
Chicken Alfredo - $17
(8oz) Grilled and Diced Chicken Breast, Onions, Broccoli, Garlic, and Penne Tossed in a House Made Alfredo Sauce and Served with Garlic Bread
Thursday the 14th
Beef Chimichangas - $17
(1 Large) Mexican Seasoned Ground Beef, Onions, Garlic, and Sauce Wrapped in a Flour Tortilla and Served with Salsa, Sour Cream, Shredded Lettuce, Diced Tomatoes, Cheese Sauce, and Enchilada Sauce on the Side and Served with Tortilla Chips
Tuesday the 19th Cold Plate - $16
Chicken Salad, Pimento Cheese, Rolled Ham, Boiled Eggs, on a Bed of Iceberg Lettuce, Sliced Tomatoes and Dill Pickle Slices with Lemon Wedges and Served with Crackers
Thursday the 21st
Marinated Hawaiian Pork Kabobs - $18
(2 Large) Cubed, Marinated and Grilled Hawaiian Pork Kabobs with Onions, Peppers, and Pineapple Served Atop Roasted Red Potatoes and Haricot Verts and Served with a Sweet Potato Biscuit
Tuesday the 26th
Chicken Cacciatore - $18
(2) Boneless Chicken Thighs Slow Simmered with Onions, Peppers, Garlic, Diced Tomatoes, Olives, and Spinach in a Seasoned Tomato and Chicken Broth with White Rice and Served with a Biscuit
Thursday the 28th
Shrimp A La Vodka - $21
(8) Sauteed Shrimp Tossed with A La Vodka Sauce, Onions, Garlic, Spinach, and Tomatoes Topped with Parmesan Cheese and Served with Garlic Bread
Side Salads - $4
Side House or Caesar Salad
Personal Pan Pizza - $6.95
Personal Sized Pepperoni Pizza Served with Plain Chips or a Fruit Cup Ribeye Raw Cuts (8oz: $17) (10oz: $21) (12oz: $25.25) (14oz: $29.50)
Lemon Blueberry Cookie - $3 Cheesecake - $5
Please Call the Front Office To Order Before the Cut Off Time of 3:00pm on Each Tuesday Pickup Time is From 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday the 3rd
Chicken Parmesan - $19
Lightly Breaded and Fried Chicken Breast Topped with House Made Marinara, Mozzarella Cheese, and Sauteed Spinach Over Linguini Noodles
Garlic Bread
Tuesday the 10th
Beef Stew - $26
Slow Roasted Angus Top Round of Beef with Yukon Gold Potatoes, Celery, Carrots, Onion and Seasonings Biscuit
Tuesday the 17th
Smoked Pork Burnt Ends - $18
Top Shoulder Pork Butt Burnt Ends Tossed in BBQ Sauce and Served with Sweet Potato Biscuits
Tuesday the 24th
Shepherd’s Pie - $17
Seasoned Ground Beef with Sauteed Onions, Carrots, and Peas, Layered with Mashed Potatoes, and Melted Mixed Cheese Biscuit
Tuesday the 31st
Margarita Marinated Sword Fish - $19
Sword Fish that’s Been Marinated in Tequila, Lime Juice, and Fresh Chopped Garlic and Herbs, Then Grilled and Served Atop White Rice and Sauteed Asparagus with Roasted Red Peppers and Onions
Hush Puppies
Side Salads - $4
Side House or Caesar Salad
Turkey and Ham Roll Up - $6.95
Shaved Turkey and Ham with American Cheese Rolled Up in a Flour Tortilla Toasted and Served with Plain Chips or a Fruit Cup
Ribeye Raw Cuts: (8oz: $17) (10oz: $21) (12oz: $25 25) (14oz: $29 50)
Pumpkin Pie: $4 50 Banana Chocolate Swirl Cake: $7
Congratulations to The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation on their come from behind victory in the 2023 Women's Solheim Cup! They entered the final round trailing Treyburn Country Club by five points and played great to beat them by four points with Country Club of Asheville finishing third This is Wakefield's second Solheim Cup after winning this event in 20
Hitting your mailbox soon, be on the lookout in early October for the Fall/Winter edition of McConnell Golf, The Magazine From continuing to celebrate McConnell Golf's 20th Anniversary, to recapping another Wyndham Championship, this edition is shaping up to include many interesting stories from across our portfolio of clubs
Looking to defend their 2022 McConnell Golf Ryder Cup title, The Reserve Golf Club plays host to this year's event in Pawleys Island, South Carolina from November 16th through the 18th The inaugural McConnell Golf Ryder Cup event was played in 2008 at Musgrove Mill Golf Club between the four McConnell Golf clubs at that time Musgrove Mill, Raleigh Country Club, The Cardinal by Pete Dye, and Treyburn
WineDown *Grover’sOnly*
BurgerNight *Grover’sOnly*
GolfTennis Academy
WineDown *Grover’sOnly*
BurgerNight *Grover’sOnly*
BurgerNight *Grover’sOnly*
TakeAway ShrimpALaVodka GroversMenu
WineDown *Grover’sOnly*
BurgerNight *Grover’sOnly*