Robert Lambert | Club Manager
RLambert@watersedgecountryclub com
Ed Currin | PGA Director of Golf ECurrin@watersedgecountryclub com 540-576-3343
Casey Hodges | Assistant Golf Pro hodges@watersedgecountryclub com 540-576-3343
Jodi Gourley | Assistant Club Manager 540-576-1556
Ruth Rice | Member Services Director 540-524-9075
Jeff Snyder | Golf Course Superintendent JSnyder@watersedgecountryclub com 540-576-3734
Kristina Wray | Equestrian Center Manager
barn@watersedgecountryclub com 540-576-2714
Donald Huston | Assistant Golf Course Superintendent
dhuston@watersedgecountryclub com 540-576-3734
John Guthmann | Head Tennis Pro tennis@watersedgecountryclub com 434-927-5039
John Hanek | Executive Chef 540-576-1556
Monday | Closed
Tuesday | 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cortney Herndon | Personal Fitness Trainer cortney herndon@spectrummed com
Chase Scarce | Physical Therapy Assistant chase scarce@spectrummed com
Tuesday - Sunday | 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday - Thursday | 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday - Saturday | 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sunday | 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday | 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Wednesday – Saturday | 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM*
*Dinner take out orders need to be placed by 5:30 PM & picked up by 6:00 PM; pizzas available until 8:00 PM
Sunday | 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Call (540)-576-1556 to place your order
Access through the club
See above club hours
App Access Hours
5:30 AM- 9:00 PM
Daily | 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Monday | Closed Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday & Thursday | Range 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Clubhouse: (540)576-1556
Golf Pro Shop: (540)576-3343
Member Services (540)524-9075
Equestrian Center: (540)576-2714
Personal Trainer: (540)493-7388
AEP: (800)-277-2177
For power outages
VDOT: (800)-367-7623
For downed trees blocking state-maintained roads
Welcome to September! This was a very interesting summer with hot & dry weather early and all the rain in late July and early August September and October will bring us more comfortable temperatures as summer comes to an end The Fall is traditionally considered by many a great time of the year to play golf The cooler temperatures produce great course conditions, low humidity, and changing foliage All golfers should make sure to take advantage of this weather and play as many rounds as possible over the next few months Our superintendent will be aerifying greens September 3rd and 4th This is necessary to ensure healthy grass for the 2025 season Please be patient through this process
The Cool Branch fundraising golf event is coming up in October Please give Ruth Rice a call if you would like more information Our men ’ s and ladies closing events are coming up in October, for information please contact the Golf Shop
We just finished up a great member-member tournament, with the largest field we ’ ve had in many years Everyone had a wonderful time Congratulations to Jeff George & Joe Millehan our 2024 MemberMember champions
Reservations are recommended for lunch and dinner
Monday | Closed
Tuesday | 11:00am - 3:00pm
Wednesday - Thursday | 11:00am - 8:00pm
Take-out orders need to be placed by 5:30pm & picked up by 6:00pm; pizzas available until 8:00pm
Friday & Saturday | 11:00am - 9:00pm
Take-out orders need to be placed by 5:30pm & picked up by 6:00pm; pizzas available until 8:00pm
Sunday | 11:00am - 3:00pm
The club had many great events this summer and we will not be slowing down going into September We have scheduled our wine dinner on October 23rd & 24th, please check our weekly happenings for details We will continue to have Footloose Friday, Birthday Night, Meet Your Neighbor, and added Thursday Night Trivia
The cooler temperatures also mean football season is back! Join us for College Game Day Specials every Saturday in September and October Gather your starting lineup and grab some of Chef John’s hard-hitting nachos and $1 50 wing specials
We had a great turnout for our Employee Appreciation Day at the pool I would like to thank our staff for their hard work all summer Many of our summer staff have returned to school, and we wish them the best I am grateful for our core staff like Brittany, Jasmine, Ivy, and Savana They do a tremendous job!
Summer is winding down at The Water's Edge It has been a busy season but the best is yet to come We still have lots of great events on tap and the weather promises to cool off The leaves will soon be changing providing us with lots of magnificent colors and scenery! Once again we will host the Cool Branch Fire and Rescue Squad Benefit Tournament Thursday night will be a cocktail party and silent auction The golf tournament will be Friday Cool Branch Fire and Rescue is such a vital part of our community and we at the Water's Edge Country Club appreciate everyone's support for this fun event
We would like to remind everyone that private carts are not allowed on the course or cart paths at any time. Also, walking on the course or cart paths is only allowed for those playing golf.
Please remember while playing golf to always fix your divots in the fairways and repair your ball marks on the greens!
Tuesday - Sunday: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Monday: Closed
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday | 8:00am - 6:00pm Sunday & Thursday| Range 8:00am- 4:30pm
Clinics Tuesdays at 9:00am
Days Thursdays at 8:30am
1st (Gross) - Evelyn Vaden / Karen Grimm
1st (Net) - Diana Clements / Stephani Nucci
Hi/Low winners
“Low Gross”
Victoria Rosenberg & Linda Simpson
Seems like 2024 is FLYING by We’ve had a few rain outs this year and make-up dates Our Hi/Low winners were “Low Gross” Linda Simpson and Victoria Rosenberg, “Low Net” Barbara Beck and Diane John Our “flood-out” date for Jr / Sr was actually played on August 1st and the winners were Low Gross: Karen Grimm & Evelyn Vaden Low Net : Diana Clements and Stephanie Nucci
Club Championship for ALL levels played : Club Championship August 24th & 25th : Sr Club Championship August 24th & 25th : Super Sr Club Championship Played August 24th
Hi/Low winners
“Low Net”
Barbara Beck & Diane John
Please sign up to PLAY.
JR/SR winners
“Low Gross”
Evelyn Vaden & Karen Grimm
No walking is permitted by nongolfers on the golf course during golf hours (7:00am - 7:00pm)
No private golf carts allowed on the cart paths or on the golf course at any time
No walking or playing on the golf course on Mondays when the club is closed
Range balls are to be hit on the driving range only; they are not to be played on the course
JR/SR winners
“Low Gross”
Diana Clements & Stephanie Nucci
Flight 1
Flight 2:
1st Ron Willard II/Trey Willard (above)
1st Scott Wintrode/John Tennant (above)
2nd Chris Hanson/Kevin Hudson
Flight 3:
1st Adam Jones/Chris Willis (above)
2nd Chris Englert/Scott Englert
Round 1 (Friday)
#2 - Charlie Allen
#7 - James Payne
#11 - Randy Agee
#15 - Mark Teets
Round 2 (Saturday)
#2 - Barry Diller
#7 - Jim Garner
#11 - Brendan Boughton
#15 - Lee Cassada
“Summer blues” are certainly in full swing for golf course managers Hazy, hot, and 8-week drought The month of June we received 18” of rain We were pulling 3 hoses a day trying to keep up with dry areas throughout the course The turf was stressed to say the least and then we got clobbered with 8” of rain in 10 days The grass got long, and the property sat in a “Petrie dish” for an extended period We got on top of our spray program as quickly as we could but not without some grass loss The majority was poanna, which isn’t a bad thing, but has resulted in some unsightliness We also started cart path only after 1:00 due to cart tracking in the fairways
Greens, tees and green surrounds have held up nicely and the geo fencing has helped tremendously. We were able to punch the greens prior to the rainfall which helped them breath. Heights have also been raised on greens a little to help with survival through the summer. We will seed any thin areas needed. Just waiting for the weather to break a bit for better survival. The course gets a little softer as we get later into the season. Multiple factors contribute to this. Without adequate rainfall, turf likes about an inch a week, it’s difficult to get the water deep. I do believe our investments in more wetting agents have helped and we will continue if not enhance these practices. Our goal is to be the best, and we will continue to strive to get there!!
Cool season turf divots can survive when replaced Please replace them and step down If only a portion is in tack, replace that and sand the balance Too many are just being sanded and many are no ’ t being smoothed with foot This dulls our mower blades and can be avoided Ball marks should be fixed and one other If all practiced this, we wouldn’t have any issues Please be courteous to your fellow golfers Private carts, bikes, skateboards, and walking are not permitted on the course at any time (including Mondays) Please make your guests and children aware of these rules
Fall Aerification Dates: September 3rd & 4th
Please remember to repair your ball marks and divots, and rake the bunkers after use These small actions go a long way in keeping our course in top condition
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or the maintenance team
We look forward to seeing you out on the course!
Please make use of the trash bins located throughout the course Keeping the course clean is a shared responsibility, and we appreciate your help in maintaining its beauty
Hi everybody! We hope you guys are ready for the fall season The horses, as well as ourselves, are excited for cooler temperatures and the beautiful color change in scenery We have had a great attendance rate for horse camps, trail rides, and lessons this year! We appreciate all of the support we have received from each and every one of you! It has been a joy to see our regulars along with meeting new faces
As fall approaches us and our busy season dies down we are amping up for our continued plans for making the most out of the equestrian center Our goal for the year end is to have new and improved riding trails equipped with obstacles fit for our more advanced riders along with intermediate obstacles for our beginners This along with many other projects and improvements are in the works We plan to work hard to suit needs and meet expectations in order to be our best for the upcoming year
In conclusion I would like to share that our dearest friend “Henry”, a boarded horse owned by Dave and Jane Sarver crossed the rainbow bridge this past August He was 32 years old which in human years is 112 Many of you may remember him as the horse that hung his tongue out because he lacked enough teeth to hold it into his mouth, the horse that had the kindest eyes, the sweetest demeanor and one who would always nicker when he thought you had treats My staff and I express our most sincere condolences to Dave, Jane, and their family He will truly be missed by all who knew him and loved him
“Somewhere, somewhere in times own space, there must be some sweet pastured space where creeks sing on, and tall trees grow. Some paradise where horses go. For by the love that guides my pen, I know great horses live again.” -Stanley Harrison
Barn hours will remain Monday-Sunday 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM through fall and winter months If you are wanting to book a ride please call the barn at 540576-2714 or email us at barn@watersedgecountryclub com
We look forward to seeing you!
Notary services are available at the sales office. Call me to set up an appointment. You will need to present identification such as a picture ID, driver’s license, passport, etc.
Quarterly food minimums are available.
Class I and V are $250 per quarter. ClassII, III and VI are $175 per quarter
Social members are allowed to golf twice a year with another golf member
The McConnell travel policy has changed. Class I and II members are allowed to play other McConnell Golf properties fifteen (15) times per calendar year for a cart fee only with no more than three (3) of those times at any one property.
Be sure to update your birthday under your profile, so that you can take advantage of the complimentary dinner during your birth month. This information is not seen by other members.
Guest policy reminder - Members are allowed to bring the same guest six (6) times per calendar year.
Golf & Dining Attire – proper attire is required for all members. Proper attire shall mean the following:
Men: Shirts with collar and sleeves and slacks or Bermuda shorts of mid- thigh length are considered appropriate attire. Shirt tails are always to be tucked in on the golf course,
practice facility, and clubhouse. Being shirtless on the premises is not permitted. Tank tops, tee shirts, mesh shirts, sweatpants, warm-up suits, blue jeans, swimwear, short shorts, cut- offs, gym-shorts or other athletic shorts are not permitted.
Ladies: Dresses, skirts, slacks, mid-length shorts, collared shirts and blouses are considered appropriate attire. Halter tops, tee shirts, cut-offs, sweatpants, warm-up suits, swim wear, tennis dresses, short-shorts or other athletic wear is not permitted.
Hats, Golf Caps, and Visors shall be worn in the forward-facing position at all times while on the golf course and practice facility. Hats, Golf Caps, and Visors shall be removed whenever inside the clubhouse.
Golf Shoes: Appropriate golf shoes are required for all golfers. Shoes with metal spikes are prohibited. Golfers must wear shoes with soft spikes. Football, soccer or other knobby spike shoes are not allowed. Tennis shoes or other soft sole shoes are subject to the approval of the golf professional on duty.
This dress code is mandatory for all players. Improperly dressed golfers shall be asked to change before playing. If you are in doubt concerning your attire, please check with the golf professional on duty.
Appropriate attire must always be worn in a tasteful manner on Club premises.
Class V membership
Class IV Young Executive membership
Class I Golf membership
Be sure to welcome our new members when you see them at the club and in the community
Invitational Membership: We are still offering a limited number of invitational memberships for non-property owners The initiation fee is $40,000 Please share with your friends!
Invitational/Legacy Membership: Members who sell their property can now remain members after the sale Please call me for details
Young Executive Membership - Member's young adult children who are no longer dependents can now have their own membership This membership classification is based upon the primary member’s account being active and in good standing No initiation fee is required with the Young Executive membership under the parents membership Dues structure would be discounted as follows: Under 30: 60% off annual dues, 30 -34 years old: 40% off annual dues, 35-40 years old: 20% off annual dues Call me at 540-524-9075 or email at RRicewatersedgecountryclub com with any questions, or to discuss further
The summer is winding down but the good news is that tennis and pickleball will continue throughout the fall After that, it will only be a few short months until 2025 play begins!
Tennis: Our final 2024 mixed doubles “Champagne, Strawberries and Crème” event, celebrating the U S Open, will take place on Monday, Sept 2nd from 9AM - 12PM on tennis courts 1, 2, and 3 For all mixed doubles events, you don’t need a partner to play
Due to the increased popularity of tennis at Water’s Edge a few changes have been made to the “drop-in” open play M-W-F mixed doubles format Other than special events, only tennis court 1 will be reserved from 9AM-11AM Tennis courts 2 and 3 can be reserved in advance by
any members during those hours To reserve a court, download the McConnell app on your Smartphone or log-in to the McConnell website Pickleball: Come join us for regular play on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8:30AM - 10:30AM As with tennis, pickleball courts are available for reservation at other times on a first-come, first-served basis Please remember to place the nets next to the fence between the courts when done playing so that they are protected from wind damage
If you need a tennis racquet or pickleball paddle, there are extras for both adults and children in the tennis shop Please return all borrowed equipment as soon as you are done playing
Be sure to check Weekly Happenings for any updates regarding special pickleball and tennis events For either private lessons or racquet restringing, contact me at: 434-927-5039
The Paxton app provides members with access to the gym from 5:30 AM to 9:00 pm, seven days a week To sign up for the app, please contact Jodi Gourley at the email address listed below Please provide your name and individual email address We need one email address per person jgourley@watersedgecountryclub com
Come join us for YOGA
Monday: Hatha yoga. 8:45 am Chair yoga 10 am Both in ballroom.
Wednesday & Friday classes are zoom only.
All yoga classes are no charge, and all participants are required to be fully COVID vaccinated. Classes taught by Linda Aron, a certified and experienced yoga teacher.
BookyourPhysicaltherapyorpersonaltraining appointmenttodayandstartyourjourneytoapain-free andactivelifestyle!
PhysicalTherapyevaluationI$200.00 (includesevaluationandanyofthefollowinginterventions deemednecessary-dryneedling,exercise,manualtherapy, equipmentforexercise).
PhysicalTherapyFollowupvisitsI$165.00 (includesexercise,manualtherapy,equipmentsuchas thera-bandforexercise,anddryneedlingifnecessary)
45-minutepersonaltrainingsessionfor4-5people:$2500/perperson($200 regardlessofattendanceisfortheweeklyfitnessclasses)
CortneyhasaDoctorateinPhysicalTherapyfromtheMedicalCollegeofVirginiaandhas practicedfortwentyyearsinDanville,VA,inanoutpatientorthopedicclinic.Shehas treatedpostoperative,neurologic,generalorthopedicconditions,andsports-related injuriesatSpectrumMedicalforsixteenyears.Shehasadditionalcertificationsindry needling,manualtherapy,theFunctionalMovementScreen,SkilledFunctionalMovement Assessment,andTPIforassessmentofgolfers Sheisalsoacertifiedpersonaltrainer Cortneyisinterestedinhelpingindividualswithinjuryprevention,andthisisoftendone withpre-screeningandinterventionwithcorrectivepatterns Ifmovementdysfunctionis capturedsoonenough,poormovementmechanicscanbeaddressedtopreventinjuries thatwouldrestrictone’sactivitylevel EmailCortneytobookyourappointments!
Chase Scarce is a physical therapy assistant He has an undergraduate degree in Health Sciences from Jefferson College of Health Sciences where he also received his PTA degree in 2018. He then graduated from Liberty University with his master's degree in healthcare administration in 2021. Chase is certified in the Functional Movement Screen, Skilled Functional Movement Assessment, and is a certified personal trainer. He also has assisted in starting Spectrum'swellnessprogramwherehespendstimescreening,correctingmovementpatterns, and implementing exercise programs for athletes, teams, and individuals He enjoys being activeandhasaspecialinterestinsportsandfitness
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH | 6:00 - 9:00 PM
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11TH | 6:00 - 9:00 PM
All members are invited to our most popular social event This is a great chance to get to “Meet Your Neighbor” Stay and dine with us afterwards, be sure to make reservations early This event begins at 6:00pm with cocktails in the Eastroom Lounge Light hors d’oeuvres will be provided Enjoy a delicious buffet beginning at 6:30 pm by Chef John Hanek and his culinary staff Be sure to make your reservations early
Be sure to make your reservations early Reservations can be made online, through the McConnell Golf app, or by calling the club at 540-576-1556
Monday - Closed Tuesday | 11 AM – 3 PM
Wednesday–Thursday 11 AM – 8 PM
Dinner take out orders need to be placed by 5:30pm & picked up by 6:00pm; pizzas available until 8:00pm Friday - Saturday | 11 AM - 9 PM Dinner take out orders need to be placed by 5:30pm & picked up by 6:00pm; pizzas available until 8:00pm Sunday | 11 AM - 3 PM
Come join us for Footloose Friday! Kick up your heels and enjoy live music and your favorite cocktails Please note that we will not be reserving bar seating this evening & do not plan to serve food in the bar. Please make reservations if you plan to join us for dinner
- $1,800: Hole Sponsor I One Team Entry
- $1,300 - 4 Man team
Live & Silent auction | Thursday October 3rd
Featuring Heavy Hors d’oeuvres - Cost will be billed to member’s account Cash, check or charge for nonmembers. Come early to look at all of the auction items. Silent auction to end when live auction starts.
Friday October 4th I Tournament at The Water's County Club
4 Man Team - $1,300
Check in: 11:30 am I Lunch at noon I Start Time: 1:00pm Prizes awarded to 1st, 2nd Gross and 1st & 2nd Net Prize
We are reaching out to seek your support for a cause that is close to our hearts. We are putting together packaged baskets filled with various items for the silent auction To make this initiative a success, we are requesting donations to help us with putting these baskets together. Your generosity will go a long way in making a meaningful impact for the fundraiser. Whether you donate a complete packaged basket or items that we can combine to make a packaged basket, everything is appreciated. We are also looking for other items that can be used for the live or silent auction We are currently looking for vacation homes that can be auctioned off, dinners, game tickets, services, jewelry, artwork, etc. We are always open to new ideas to help make this year more exciting while raising money!
Items can be dropped off at the sales office or with Kim Cassada.
Please make checks payable to:
Cool Branch Vol Rescue Squad c/o TWE 1825 Water's Edge Drive Penhook, VA
Rescue Squad now has a paid 24/7 crew!
Concrete drive paved in-front of the Fire Department Life-saving boats Wetsuits
Not a Golfer? You can still help with donating
items, volunteer to help during the auction & tournament, and monetary donations are welcomed
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17TH | 5:00 - 8:00PM
Join us for Pasta Night and enjoy a variety of buffet selections with build your own salad, Chef attended pasta station and our sweet treats table.
Any member with a birthday in September or October is invited to enjoy Water’s Edge Pastabilities as our guest! The complimentary dinner will only be awarded to the member who is celebrating his/her birthday that particular month.
Please make sure your birthday (including the year) appears on your profile to qualify for complimentary dinner
Reservations are required and can be made online, through the McConnell Golf app or by calling the club at
or our wine tasting dinner will be held or our wine tasting dinner will be held on on 23rd & 24th. 23rd & 24th Seating will be limited to 30 Seating will be limited to 30 per night. Be sure to make your per night. Be sure to make your ons early Reservations can be made ons early. can be made hrough the McConnell Golf app, or by hrough the McConnell Golf app, or by e club at 540-576-1556 e club at 540-576-1556
eck our weekly happenings for details. eck our weekly happenings for details
Event Highlights: Event Highlights:
�� Date: October 19th
�� Date: October 19th
�� Time: 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
�� Time: 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
�� Location: Lower Parking lot at the club �� Location: Lower Parking lot at the club
Car Show: Featuring vintage beauties, muscle cars, custom rides, Car Show: Featuring vintage beauties, muscle cars, custom rides, and more! and more!
Chili Cookout: Taste mouth-watering chili recipes and vote for Chili Cookout: Taste mouth-watering chili recipes and vote for your favorite! your favorite!
Live Music: Live Music: Local band to keep the energy high. Local band to keep the energy high.
Donations accepted for the Franklin County Humane Society: Donations accepted for the Franklin County Humane Society: canned dog, cat & kitten food, litter and monetary donations canned dog, cat & kitten food, litter and monetary donations
Animals available for adoption will be present during the event Animals available for adoption will be present during the event
Don’t miss out on this exciting community event! Whether you ’ re a car enthusiast, a chili lover, Don’t miss out on this exciting community event! Whether you ’ re a car enthusiast, a chili lover, dog lover or just looking for a good time, there’s something for everyone. dog lover or just looking for a good time, there’s something for everyone.
Saturday, August 31st - Cookout - Live music with Big Matt & The Time Machine
Sunday, September 1st - Ice Cream Social @ Equestrian Center 2:00 - 4:00pm
Monday, September 2nd - Club & Course are open, Mixed Doubles Event (9am)
September 3rd & 4th - Course & Clubhouse Closed
Friday, September 6th - Anna LaPrad
Friday, October 25th - Addie Levy
Thursday, September 12th
Thursday, October 31st
Friday, September 20th
Friday, October 11th
Thursday, September 26th
Thursday, October 17th
Auction: Thursday October 3rd
Tournament: Friday October 4th
Saturday, October 19th - Noon to 3:00 pm
Wednesday, October 23rd | 6:00pm
Thursday, October 24th | 6:00pm
Gentle/Chair Yoga monday at 8:45 am & 10:00 am
Juan Rodriguez was voted Employee of the Month for July 2024. Juan started working at The Water's Edge in 2008 through a temporary service and later was hired for seasonal work. He has dual citizenship and works here April through November each year. He is very reliable and always flexible with his schedule. Juan has two children a son and a daughter In his spare time, he enjoys fishing and gardening
Jocelyn Sanchez was voted Employee of the Month for August 2024. Josaline lives in Rocky Mount and joined our wait staff team in June 2018. She worked at The Water’s Edge while attending college where she received a construction engineering degree. She is a proud dog owner, enjoys taking pictures, DIY projects and kayaking Jocelyn previously worked at Lake Scapes and still helps out on her days off
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our dear colleague, Vickie Zimmerman She was a cherished member of The Water's Edge family for over two decades, and was instrumental in enhancing our community's health and wellness With her expertise in physical therapy and keen understanding of the human body, Vickie enriched countless lives through her leadership in exercise classes, personalized workouts, and specialized training for golfers. Vickie will be greatly missed by everyone who had the privilege of working with her
g s family and friends during this difficult time. We hope they find comfort in the memories of the wonderful person she was and her legacy will live on in the many lives she touched
Cup and Chaucer Book Club
Happy readers since 1995
If you are interested in joining the group or have any questions, please email Jennifer DiMare at
Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30 AM except for January, February, July and August.
Currently at full capacity of 16 but if interested, please text to be put on the waiting list.
Contact: Susan Henry 540-834-8322
henryduo2@hotmail com
Designing Your Own Fall
Planter/Basket, Plus cut your own fresh flowers.
Southern Blooms, 1338 Listening Hill Rd, Penhook
OCT 11-13
Smith Mountain Lake Charity Home Tour
Go alone or with friends, Book your own tour
Come out and play to challenge yourself and others with strategy and skill while having lots of fun!
Come try your hand at a classic Puzzle game that provides hours of entertainment MAHJONG
Fall Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece Arrangement Workshop – Make your own - Cathy Green
Holiday Williamsburg Tree Centerpiece Using Fruits and Greens Workshop - Make your own - Cathy Green
STEP into Christmas Rocky Mount House Tours; Go alone or with friends, More info on tickets forthcoming
2 sticks (1 cup) unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 small bags of Lipton Iced Tea
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Add dry ingredients to a large bowl and mix Cut open the teabag(s) and add in Combine thoroughly Set aside 1
In a stand mixture with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar Mix until light and fluffy 2
Add the vanilla and mix.
4. Form the dough into a circular log Cover with wax paper
Slowly add the dry ingredients from the large bowl into your stand mixture with the paddle going. It will be dry and crumbly at first, but then it will moisten and come together Mix until just combined and do not overbeat
5 Chill in the fridge for a minimum of 30 minutes, preferably an hour. You can chill for up to 24 hours.
6. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 350F°. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Slice the tea biscuits log into 1/4 inch cookies and place on your cookie sheet
8 Bake for 15 - 20 minutes and remove from the oven Leave for a few minutes and move to a cookie rack to let cool completely
Note: if your cookie dough seems dry and is getting caught on the stand mixer attachment, you can bring it out of the bowl and hand mix it Sometimes, that's just easier! Yields 24 cookies
3 cups King Arthur Gluten-Free Measure for Measure Flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon table salt
16 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
2 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoonalmond extract
1 large egg
*Adding cream cheese will yield a puffy, cake-like cookie; for flatter/crunchier cookies, leave it out.
3/4 cup granulated sugar
“Recent years have brought on the need for GF ideas for members to enjoy. This is a recipe that I came across that fills the need. Enjoy.” - James Patterson
Preheat the oven to 375°F Lightly grease two baking sheets, or line with parchment 1
In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside. 2.
In a large bowl, beat together the butter, sugar, and cream cheese (if you're using it) until light and fluffy 3
Beat in the vanilla and almond extracts, and the egg; scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl. 4. Add the flour mixture, and mix at low to medium speed until the mixture is evenly moistened 5
Place the 3/4 cup (149g) sugar in a large plastic bag, or in a shallow pan Scoop the dough by tablespoonfuls into the sugar, rolling them in the pan or gently shaking them in the bag to coat them with the sugar.
Place on the prepared baking sheets, leaving 2" between them Using a flat-bottomed glass, flatten the cookies to about 1/4" thick 7
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes 10 minutes for softer cookies, 12 minutes for crunchier. The edges of the cookies will just barely begin to brown 8.
Remove from the oven and cool on the pan for 5 minutes, before transferring to a rack to finish cooling completely 9.
Never miss out on a club event, the latest McConnell Golf news or the chance to share your member experience Stay connected to The Water’s Edge Country Club and McConnell Golf on social media and join the conversation today @thewatersedgecountryclub @thewatersedgecc
Keep an eye on your mailbox in mid-October for the Fall/Winter edition of McConnell Golf, The Magazine This issue promises to be a must-read, with highlights including a recap of the Wyndham Championship and engaging member spotlights Expect a collection of compelling stories from across our entire portfolio of clubs.
Congratulations to Old North State Club on winning the 12th Annual McConnell Golf Solheim Cup! Entering Sunday's final round 3 points behind, they made an incredible comeback to defeat the defending champions from The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation by just 1.2 points the closest finish in the event's history. This marks Old North State Club's second title, with their first win in 2016 With seven teams finishing within 4 5 points, every stroke truly mattered in this competition
Sedgefield Country Club aims to defend its Ryder Cup title at this year's event, held at The Reserve Golf Club in Pawleys Island, South Carolina, from November 6th through the 9th Last year's title marked Sedgefield Country Club's first Ryder Cup victory, with The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation and the Country Club of Asheville finishing second and third, respectively.