MAY&JUNEHOURSOFOPERATION (PlantationRoom,Tavern&Terrace)
Monday-ThursdayI8:00am-6:00pm Friday-SundayI8:00am-4:00pm
Michael Thomas
General Manager
Matt McConnell
Membership Director
Kasey Olive
Member Billing/Accounts Payable
Todd Jackson tjackson@ccwakefieldplantation com
Executive Chef
Courtney Tatum catering@ccwakefieldplantation com
Director of Catering & Events
Adam McLaughlin amclaughlin@ccwakefieldplantation com
Director of Golf
Natalie Clemens nclemens@ccwakefieldplantation com
Corporate Director of Wellness & Activities
Todd Lawrence tlawrence@ccwakefieldplantation com
Director of Golf Course Maintenance
Kyle Thortsen kthortsen@ccwakefieldplantation com
Corporate Director of Tennis
Deborah Johnson
I was fortunate enough to attend this year’s Masters for the Monday practice round While walking the course, I saw the regular players like Tiger, Rory and Fred Couples to name a few I happened to be on the first tee when Taylor Moore who played in The Rex Hospital Open at WP teed off Next, I ran into J T Poston who also played in a few RHO’s Later that week, while back at home, I was thinking about the last twenty years of the tournaments that I was involved with at WP One thing I came across was the results from the 2014 RHO While Byron Smith won, Harold Varnerfinished2nd.TonyFinaufinished4thandMaxHomaandJustinThomasfinishedtiedfor11th.Varner,Finau, HomaandThomasaresomeofthebiggestnamesingolfandwehadtheopportunitytoseethembeforetheymade a name for themselves. They all played in this years Masters. While you might not know who they are now, plan on checkingoutthefuturestarsofthePGATOURatanewlocationatRaleighCountryClub,June1-4
Iwouldliketothankourentiremembershipfortheirsupportofthiseventoverthelasttwentyyearswhileitwasheld attheclub
Although the tournament is moving, May is still one of the busiest months of the year. We start with Mother’s Day followed by Men’s Member Guest,thestartofswimteam,poolopeningandcloseitoutwithourMemorialDaycelebrationatthepool Lotoffuntimesahead
MichaelThomas,GeneralManagerIn the USGA Rules of Golf under the etiquette section there is a section titled Repair of Divots, Ball-Marks and DamagebyShoesanditstates:
“Players should carefully repair any divot holes made by them and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball (whether or not made by the player himself). On completion of the hole by all players in the group, damagetotheputtinggreencausedbygolfshoesshouldberepaired”
It is every player’s obligation to help take care of the golf courses they play Repairing ball marks and taking care in how we walk on the greens is the number one way that golfers can help keep the greens they play on smooth and healthy Whenwemakeaballmarkweshouldallbeexcitedbecauseitmeanswehitthegreen Nowwehavetofind that ball mark and fix it And if we have time and we are not holding others up in the fairway, we should find and fix onemore.StudiesfromtheGolfCourseSuperintendentsAssociationofAmerica,(GCSAA)haveshownthatittakesa player5secondstofixafreshballmark Afreshlyrepairedballmarkwillhealin24hourswhereasaballmarkleftunrepairedforonehourwilltake 15 days before the ugly scar has satisfactorily healed. It also shows that a ball mark not fixed properly will take just as long to heal as one that hasn’tbeenfixedatall
It’s every golfer’s obligation to the game to learn how to properly fix a ball mark. It’s important for the health of the greens, and for smooth rolling putts It also shows respect for our fellow golfers that we are trying to leave the putting surface as smooth as we found it Always remember this whenrepairingballmarks–pushyourballmarksbacktowardthecenter;donotliftortwistharshly.
I am pleased to announce we have reached our max capacity to join Full Golf at The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation! This could not have been achieved without your support which we cannot thank you enough for Even though an official waitlist has started to join Full Golf, we still have room to join our Sports Club or Clubhouse memberships Please let me know if you have a friend, neighbor or colleague who may be interested in joining the club or if there is anything else we can assist with for you
Brady Eckard & Jenny Betzweiser
Daniel & Lauren Grossman with children Dane and Landon
Sean Holmes
Justin & Chantry Hurt with children Lilliane, Hudson and Nolan
Craig & Meredith Letendre with children William and James
Cynthia & John Markham with children Emily, Samantha and Katherine
Chris & Meredith McCombs with children Harper, Evelyn and Josie
Ryan & Miranda Overbeck with children Hudson and Cooper
Matt & Shea Raydo with children Sloane & Leyton
Ryan & Amanda Ridge with children Owen and Connor
Dawn Croissant & Barry Seneri with children Kameryn, Kayden, Lia, Finn and Bradyon
Mark & Rebecca Steffens with children Cohen and Ross
Andrew Weissel
Look who’s talking aboutour club! Please enjoy a few of our favoritesocial mediamentions below – and keep sharing your experiences by taggingCountry Club atWakefield Plantationon Facebook, Twitter and Instagramfor a chance to be featured in the next newsletter
Such a fun morning with my girl at the Mother/Daughter Brunch.
What an honor it was to capture this special night for Kaitlyn! From her special dance with dad to her sweet shoe ceremony and speech, she was glowing all night!
Back to tennis!
Brunch with the Disney characters! So much fun
@CCatWakefield @CCWakefieldPlantation
Breaker Bar and Grille is ready for summer!!! We had a very busy March and April with Kid’s Night Out, March Madness, Birthday Parties, and with Taco Tuesday’s and Trivia nights startingbackup
Looking forward to our May events. Starting with a Cinco De Mayo party, Mom’s day by the pool we will have a Bloody Mary and Mimosa bar with some food specials, Taco Tuesday’s, Trivia every Thursday in May, Flick and Float,MemorialDaycookoutwithlots
of fun and games for the whole family. In June we will have two Live MusicNightsandFamilyMusicBingoNight
We have a new grille menu and with daily specials including a different “pizza of the day” We are also offering a grab and go cooler that will have salads, wraps and other healthier food options for those of you whoareongo
Maryhasanewdrinkmenuwithgreatnewdrinksalongwithallofyour favoriteones.
Pleaseletmyselforanyofourstaffknowifthereisanythingthatwecan dotomakeyoursummeragreatone.
Cinco de Mayo is always a fun day to enjoy delicious Mexican food and Margaritas, so come on over to our Cinco de Mayo Party this year at the Sports Club and enjoy the sounds of the “Sensory Expressions” Caribbean Band! The Sensory Expressions Band is an impressive group of professional musicians who together create a classic and eclectic smooth sound featuring the steel drums, Saxophone & Guitar! We will be featuring some delicious Mexican Fare prepared by our always amazing culinary team, as well as some delicious themed cocktail features! Please RSVPonlinebyMondayMay1stasspotsarelimited!
When:EveryTuesdayinMayfrom4:00pm-8:00pm Location:BreakerBarandGrille
Taco Tuesday is back!!! All You Can Eat!!! Every Tuesday we will offer twochoicesofmeats,chickenorseafood(alwaystacobeef)withallthe trimmings, including chips, salsa and cheese queso Don’t forget to try one of Mary’s Spicy Margaritas along with other drink specials of the day
When:EveryThursdayinMaybeginningat7:00pm Location:BreakerBarandGrille
Get your teams together and get ready to go head to head for Trivia night. We will be giving away nightly prizes for the winning team and a grand prize for the team that has the most points on the last week of Trivia!
Ladies we are opening the pool early just for you! This day is dedicated to all the Mom's and hardworking ladies out there! This is a day where youcanunwindandrelaxwithoutthekids,husbandsorlaptops Enjoya deliciouslunchpoolsideinpeaceandquietasyousiponsomespecialty cocktails!! We will feature a Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar for all the Mom’s toEnjoy!PleaseRSVPbyMondayMay8th!
Let’s get the summer fun started here at Wakefield! We are kicking off the start of the good weather season here at Wakefield with a fun Cinco de Mayo themed party at the Sports Club with a great live band and delicious Mexican fare food, so don’t forget to RSVP by May 1st! In addition, we will get the pool season started with our annual Memorial Day Pool Party at Sports Club on Monday, May 29th, so don’t forget to sign up online! This time of year we are normally gearing up for the Korn Ferry Tour’s REX Hospital Open golf tournament here at Wakefield, however
after 20 years the newly named “UNC Health Championship” will take place at our local sister property Raleigh Country Club this year We hopetoseeeveryoneoveratRCCthisyearJune1stthroughJune4th to enjoy watching the tournament I always look forward to this time of year as well as we get ready for our annual Tuscarora Men’s Member guest golf tournament and all its festivities. This year we added a secondmemberguestasthedemandisthatmuchthatwecouldn’tsay no! All the staff is really looking forward to making them both a huge successagainthisyear.AsalwaysTommyhassomegreatwinetastings uphissleeveandevenawinedinnerwithCopperCanewinescoming up on June 15th! Reserve your seat online as spots for this will be limited! As you all know by now, my friend and colleague Trey Yoder hasmovedovertoRCCastheirnewAssistantClubManager!Weallof course miss Trey dearly here at Wakefield, but are so proud of him for this promotion and his accomplishment! I am also so happy to announcethatmybrotherandhiswifewelcomedtheirsecondlittleboy totheirfamilybackinApril!Weareallsmittenwiththenewadditionto the family and Trace just loves his new baby brother! I look forward to seeingeveryoneatallofourupcomingclubeventshereatWakefieldin the coming months As always please contact me with all of your banquetandcateringneeds!
Joseph Wagner is a fifth generation Napa Valley winemaker with a dedicatedpassionforthebusiness Hisrootsinwinemakingbeganatan early age, with the Wagner family being the founders of highly acclaimed Caymus, his passion and natural talent for winemaking quickly became apparent early He started his own award-winning single vineyard Pinot Noir label, Belle Glos. Later, Joe formed Copper Cane Wine & Provisions, with the goal of focusing on innovations that have always captured his interest, and to find new ways to offer the highest quality products that satisfy consumers’ appetites for genuine craftsmanship. We are excited to have Chef Todd and his culinary team create a one of a kind pairing menu with Copper Cane wines Seating is limited for this traditional style wine dinner. Make plans to spend your eveningwithus!
As anticipated, we will be hosting Mother's Day Brunch for the celebration of family and all of the special women who make life possible! During this day we will have a brunch buffet with a delicious spread of breakfast and lunch items, plenty of fantastic options to dine from with the best part being Mom doesn't have to cook! Reservations begin at 10:30 am and go to 2:00 pm with seatings every 30 minutes. For this year we will have the Wakefield Events Calendar set up for your holiday buffet reservations! Once logged in and viewing the online calendar, click the event link for WP on 5/14/23 for Mother’s Day! You will see 2 options for each reservation time; one for parties of 6 or less, the other for parties of 7 to 12 Register for your desired time and let us know in the comment section of your reservation any requests including high chair or booster seat needs Seats are limited so once a time slot fills up, you may search for another open time to registerfororsignupforthewaitlist
This year we are celebrating our Dad's and all that they do for us with a delicious Lunch Buffet here at Wakefield! Reservations begin at 11:30 am and go to 2:00 pm with seatings every 30 minutes. For this year we will have the Wakefield Events Calendar set up for your holiday buffet reservations! Once logged in and viewing the online event calendar, click the event link for WP on 6/18/23 for Father’s Day! You will see 2 options for each reservation time; one for parties of 6 or less, the other for parties of 7 to 12 Register for your desired time and let us know in the comment section of your reservation any requests including high chair or booster seat needs. Seats are limited so once a time slot fills up, you may search for another open time to register for or sign up for the waitlist.
This cookie was one of our family’s favorites. Grandma would always serve these cookies after dinner, crispy on the outside with cinnamon and sugar and a warm fluffy center
1/4 Cup Shortening
1/4 Cup Salted Butter, softened
3/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 TSP Pure Vanilla Extract
1 1/3 Cups All-Purpose Flour, sifted
1/4 TSP Cinnamon
1 TSP Cream of Tartar
1/2 TSP Baking Soda
1/8 TSP Sea Salt
2 TBSP Granulated Sugar
1½ TSP Cinnamon
Preheat oven to 375°F In a small bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons sugar and 1½ teaspoon cinnamon Set aside Sift flour into a medium bowl. Add cinnamon, cream of tartar, baking soda & salt and stir to combine Set aside Cream together butter, shortening and sugar in the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or with a hand mixer) Add egg and vanilla and beat again until smooth. Add dry ingredients and stir until combined. Use a 2 tablespoon cookie scoop to measure dough, then roll into balls. Roll each dough ball in the cinnamon sugar mixture until it’s evenly coated Place cookies on a baking sheet, either ungreased or lined with parchment paper Bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes until puffed and mostly set, but still soft. Remove from oven and transfer to a wire cooling rack to cool.
Throughout my culinary career two chefs that I’ve always admired andlookeduptoareMildred“MamaDip”Council,FounderofMama Dip’sKitcheninChapelHillandWalterRoyal,ExecutiveChefatthe AngusBarninRaleigh Ilovesharingtheirrecipeswithmembersat OldNorthStateClub Thereisnocoincidencethatifyoucometothe lakeforSteakhouseNightthatyouwillnoticeChefRoyal’sChocolate Chess Pie is also on the menu Mama Dip’s Southern Desserts has beenfeaturedondessertmenusandmembereventshereatONSC. ChefCouncil’sCongoSquareRecipeisthenewthenewestaddition totheCookieandDessertBarMenu Ihopeyouenjoy
Preheatovento325°F.Butterandflourahalfhotelpan.Mixmelted butterandbrownsugaruntilsmooth Addbeateneggstobutterand sugar mixture. In a separate bowl mix all-purpose flour, salt, and bakingpowdertogetherandaddintobowlofwetingredients When theingredientsareblendedtogetherfoldinchocolateandtoasted pecans Pourintopreparedhalfhotelpan Placeinpreheatedoven andbakefor30minutes Letcoolandcutinto2dozenbars
Summer is here and the pool season will begin in just a few weeks! We are so looking forward to seeing all of you in summer camps, enjoying a refreshing cocktail at the Breaker Bar or just lounging poolside soaking in the sun! We have a fun-filled summer full of activities for all ages and we look forward to making many memories thisseason!
Swim team will start on May 15th and it is not too late to sign up! Please reach out to Nick or myselfifyouhaveanyquestions.GoTsunamis!
Therearestillsomespacesleftinoursummercamps!Wehavea varietyofgreatthemesthatwillkeepthekidsbusyallweeklong!So don'twaitandgetthemsigneduptoday!
GreglooksfowardtosomepoolsideYogacomingupwiththenicer weatherahead,Heatherwlllbebackpoolsideforherenergeticwater aerobicclassesandDavidbeofferingagolfspecialthisMaythatyou willdefinitelywanttotakeadvantageof
Ilookforwardtoseeingyoualloutandaboutpoolsideandlet'shavea fantasticWakefieldsummer!
Star Wars is a classic and continues to be a popular series for all generations to enjoy. Come join the Sports Club's Master Jedi team as they teach you to build your own lightsabers, participate in a Jedi obstacle training course, practice your target training to destroy the deathstarandsomuchmore!PleaseRSVPbyTuesday,May2nd
Calling all tweens! Let's kick off the summer with an after hour glow in the dark pool party! Grab your friends, your suits and get ready for a night of swimming under the stars. We will have a variety of pizzas for you to try at our pizza buffet, glow sticks galore, and plenty of fun, challenging poolside games to kick off the summer season! Please RSVPbyTuesday,May16th
Ages:Everyone ILocation:Poolside
We are kicking off Memorial Day weekend with a movie under the stars! This is the only time you will be able to bring a small to medium sized raft into the pool The movie will be named at a later date and rafts will be allowed into the lap pool only starting at 8pm! We hope to seeyouthere!
It is our biggest pool party of the year and this year we are kicking the summer off with a theme - a Loco Moco Luau Party! So grab your leis and join us as we dance around our rocking DJ, enjoy a trip down the inflatable water slide and test our creativity out at the craft table! This year we will also have an inflatable strictly for the 6 & under kids on the front lawn! This is the place to be on this hot summer day so don't miss outandmakesuretoRSVPbyWednesday,May24th
*The reservations will be for Members only through May 22nd. If we still havespaceafterthe22nd,wewillopenitupformemberstosignuptheir guests
Cost: $18++ for Adults, $12++ Per Child 12 years to 5 Years, Kids under 5Free
Join us for another delicious cookout during our Annual Memorial Day Pool Party! Please RSVP with the total number of adults and children thatwouldliketoenjoythecookoutstylebuffet Wewillgiveyouawrist band upon entering if you have RSVP's for the Lunch Buffet! We look forward to seeing everyone and to celebrating the kickoff off of the Wakefieldpoolseason!!!
Come & Enjoy Live Music by done by the “My Cousin Skinny Duo” poolside on a beautiful summer Friday evening! My Cousin Skinny is a dynamic acoustic duo who play all your favorite Classic Rock hits The BreakerBar&Grillewillbeopenservingdeliciousfoodandtastydrinks for you to enjoy! Come relax with us by the Pool and listen to great live music!Welookforwardtoseeingyouthere!
Ages:5-10ILocation:SportsClubFrontLawn Fee:Complimentary
Try your luck at a brand new sport! Join the Activities Team as we combine two fantastic sports - Volleyball and Soccer! This fast paced game will keep you on your feet! After we burn some calories we will all cool down with a refreshing popsicle! Please RSVPbyThursday,June1st.
Music Bingo is a fun filled and fast paced take on traditional bingo! Players are given a bingo card where traditional bingo numbers have been replaced with song names, music titles or both! Your host DJ plays 10-15-second clips of music and you mark off spots on your bingo card Play for as little or as long as you like Rounds typically last 10-15 minutes Music Bingo is FREE! No Team Needed! Enjoy a tasty treat, snack or a cocktail during the event from the Breaker Bar & Grille! Please RSVP by Tuesday,June13th
Fee: Ice Cream Sundae’s $5.00++ I Spiked or Regular Milkshakes $700to$1000++
Take a break from the hot sun and enjoy a delicious Sundae that you create! We will have all the toppings for you to create your masterpiece!Fortheadults,wewillbeoffering"spiked"orregular milkshakesforyoutoenjoy!PleaseRSVPbyThursday,June14th
When: Friday,June23rdI5:00pm-7:00pm
Come & Enjoy Live Music done by the “Carson Mac Duo” poolside on a beautiful summer Friday evening! The Carson Mac duo is a high energy duo They play a wide variety of Pop/Rock hits Their enthusiasm is contagious! As a multiinstrumentalist/singer/songwriter, Carson captivates his audiences with his stylish crossovers, taking inspiration from accomplished guitarists like Keith Urban, Joe Bonamassa, and Tommy Emmanuel, while drawing upon dynamic vocalists such as Steve Perry, The Weeknd, and Bruno Mars Although it may be difficult to label Carson’s inventive compositions, he does not fail to deliver catchy melodies, groovy rhythms, and intricate musical arrangements while entertaining the crowd. The Breaker Bar & Grille will be open serving delicious food and tasty drinks for you to enjoy! Come relax with us by the Pool and listen to great live music!Welookforwardtoseeingyouthere!
When: Saturday,June24thI6:30pm-9:30pm
Ages:10-15 ILocation:SportsClub
Grab your friends and join us for a night of laughs, memories and great photos! After a delicious dinner we will divide into teams and each team will have an activity leader with each group as their team photographer. You will have 45 minutes to take as many photos from the provided list that you can take. You may have to find certain items, build a pyramid, or even come up with the best Instagram caption This will be a tween team event you will not want to miss! Please RSVP by Tuesday, June 20th
Allofourcamps(bothagegroups)arefrom9:00am-3:00pm.We willbesendingyouareminderwiththecampagenda,whattobring,the campmenuandotherimportantinformationaweekbeforeeachcamp Weaskthatyouregisteryourchildatleastaweekbeforeeachcamp.To register your child you may do so online at wwwccwakefieldplantationcom or through the McConnell Golf App Campis$250formembersand$300forguests Guestsareonlyallowed toattendcampifthecampisnotalreadyfull.Campersmayalsoattend oncertaindaysonlyforarateof$60 Thereisa20%siblingdiscountfor membersonlywithtwoormoremorechildreniftheyattendtheentire week Thereisnotasiblingdiscountfordayrates Eachdaywillbefilled withindoorandoutdooractivities,swimming,crafts,lunch,snacksand muchmore!
Thissummerwewillbeprovidingafterhourcampcare Thiswill beavailablefrom3:00pm-5:00pm.Therewillbeachargeof$10.00per hourperchildand$5.00perchildper1/2hour.Thisisonlyavailablefor childrenwhoaresignedupforthatcamp Weaskthatyoupleaseletus knowaheadoftimeifyourchildneedsafterhourcaresothatwecan planaccordingly.
Ifyoucancelwithin24hoursoftheeventyouwillstillbecharged 50%oftheprice
Let's kick of the summer camp season with our favorite game characters - Mario & Luigi! Join the fun, as we race carts, face a haunted mansion, save Princess Peach from Bowser and so much more!Thiswillbefun-filledweektokickoffthesummer!PleaseRSVP byWednesday,May31st
Let's combine our two favorite things Pirates and Princesses!! We will enjoyafestiveteaparty,challengeourselvesonatreasurehunt,create tiarasorpiratehatsandmayevengetaspecialvisitfromsomereallife characters! So are you the pirate, princess or both?! RSVP by Wednesday,June7thtofindout!
Scoobyandhisgangneedourhelpinsolvingthemysteryofthe disappearingsnacks!Wewillgoonmysteryhuntseveryday,makeour own Scooby snacks, design a mystery machine, and so much more! GrabyourdetectivehatandRSVPbyWednesday,June14th!
Grabyourcowboyhatandlet'stakearideonthewildside!Thisweek we are going to explore the wild west by learning all about what it takes to live on the ranch! We will be racing horses, making our own wantedsigns,competeinaballoonstampede,lassotossandsomuch more! Ride em up Cowboys & Cowgirls and RSVP by Wednesday, June21st!
itiseveryone'sfavoritecampoftheyearandwhataperfectwaytokick of a July camp then getting soaked! Grab your suits, load up on the sunscreen and get ready for full week of water balloons, slip n' slide, poolcontests,watercraftsandsomuchmore!Signupearlyasthisone alwaysfillsup!PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July5th.
Joinusunderthebigtopasweexplorethewondersandexcitementof thecircus!Wewilltestyourluckinsomefun,traditionalcarnivalgames, testourbalanceonthetightrope,bringouttheparachuteandsomuch more!PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July12th
It is everyone's favorite childhood board game and we are bringing it to life for this fun-filled candy week! We will venture through the chocolate mountain, the cupcake commons, ice cream slopes as we get challenged along the way with different games, activities and crafts!Wewillmakeittothetopbytheendoftheweek?!PleaseRSVP byWednesday,July19thtofindout!
JointheadventuresofLilo&StichasweexplorespacetoHawaii, searchingfortheremainingsiblingsofourlittlebluealienStich We willbemoonwalking,huladancing,makingflowerleisandsomuch more!PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July26th
Bringonthepink,aswefocusaweekonthisfun,flashybird-the Flamingo!Wewillbemakingourownfunkyflamingoflipflops,trying ourluckatflaminggolf,goingonapinktreasurehuntandsomuch more!PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,August2nd
Lights,camera,action!WearebringingourBroadwayfavoritesto camp!Eachdaywewillfocusonanewshowthatwillbefilledwith activities,craftsandgamesfromthatparticularshow FromtheLion KindtoAladdin,thisisonemusicalweeknottomiss!PleaseRSVPby Wednesday,August9th.
Join the activities team as we journey through our years of hosting camps and pick our favorite days! Each day will be a different theme based on our most popular camps from years past! You won't know which fun, creative day we are going to have until that morning! So bringyourexcitement,yourpositivespiritandlet'senjoyamemorable last week of summer camp together! Please RSVP by Wednesday, August16th
Your ship has sunk and you are now stranded on a deserted island!! Wewillhavetoworktogetherasateamtosurvive!Getcreativeasyou write a message in a bottle, find certain palms to help you build a shelter, learn how make your own food and as a team we will eventually build a boat to help us get back home! Please RSVP by Wednesday,June7th.
Thereissomethingstrangehappeningatthesportsclubandweas detectiveshavetofigureitout!Asweplaysomehelpfulgamessuchas mafia, heads up, seven up, and making magnifying glasses we will have to discuss and figure out what crime is happening at our favorite summer hangout! Is it your Director of Tennis, Kyle, your Membership Director Matt, or one of your activity leaders?! Help us solve the mysteryandRSVPbyWednesday,June14th
It is time to venture into the exotic world of Wonderland Join the activitiesteamaswehelpAliceescapethiscrazyworldanddefeatthe Red Queen There will be dance offs, treasure hunts, battles against the Jabberwocky, and end with a Mad Hatter Tea Party! Please RSVP byWednesday,June21st.
Thereisnostayingdrythisweekduringourfavoritewetn'wildcamp! Wewillhavebiggest/smallestjumpcompetitions,divingcompetitions onwhocanfindthemostpennies,slidingdowntheslipn'slideandso muchmore!Grabthegoggles,yoursuitandRSVPbyWednesday,July 5thbeforethiscampfillsup!
Engineeringexperience Venturethroughthegalaxyinyourcustom gauntletfightertorescueBabyYoda,buildgrapplinghookstopull ourselvestosafetyorrescueanallyfromthetreacherousSarlaccPit. Allow our Play-Well instructor to help get you ready to complete multiplemissionsalloverthegalaxy PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July 12th.
Wearebringingbackapopularcampthisyearwithatwist!This weekitisallaboutthekitchenandforsomeusthebestpartofthe meal-desserts!Wewilllearnaboutfoodanddessertsfromallover the world and work with our F&B team to create our own masterpiece! Sograbthechefhat,yourapronandlet'sgetcooking!PleaseRSVPby Wednesday,July19th
WearebringingHollywoodtoWakefieldaswehostacampfilledwith movies,glitzandglamor!DesignyouveryownHollywoodstar,geta chancetobecomethemoviecriticandgiveyourownreviewandeven actoutafewfamousscenesfromthebestmoviesoutthere!Youmay even win your very own Oscar! Pleaser RSVP by Wednesday, July 26th
Joinusforonefullweekthatcombinesgolf,tennisandswim!Each morningyouwillmeetinthegameroomatthesportsclubandon MondayandWednesdayyouwillstartthedaywithtennis,onTuesday andThursdayyouwillstartthedaywithGolfandonFridaywillbea morningofWetn'Wildgamesinsideandoutsideofthepool!Thisone issuretofillupsopleaseRSVPbyWednesday,August9th
Each day of this fun-filled week will be a different theme. You won't knowthethemeofthedayuntilthatmorning!Willwere-visitthewetn' wild week, travel through time, or venture into the Safari for the day? Whoknows,butbringanopenmind,apositiveattitudeandgetready to have a memorable day with your activities team! Please RSVP by Wednesday,August16th
Areyoulookingtoincreaseflexibility?Adda few yards to your golf swing, lowering your risk of injury? If you said yes to any of these questions,itistimetosignupaGolfFitness Specialist today! Contact David for more informationortosignup!
When:Saturday,May13th 10:00am-3:00pm
Wearelookingforwardtoanother day of saving lives! Our goal for thisblooddriveistocollect27
Special for new sign ups only *+2 free sessions* buying 10 or more sessions units Inorderforustoreachthatgoal,wewillneedatleast36 appointments! All blood donors will also receive $30 in rewards.(TBCrewardpointsawardedindonorportal.Redeem for eGift card(s) To register and sign up for the blood drive scantheQRcode andtypeinthecode57WAK Thankyoufor helpingussavelives!
Ihopeyouarefindingthewarmerweatherandthefestivitiesitoffersfunandexciting.Soonwewillbestarting pool classes and I hope to see you there. I also teach several Yoga classes along with a Bootcamp style and a Circuitclassaswell.Pleasecometrythesefunclassesastheyareappropriateforanylevel.Alongwithbeinga PersonalTrainerIalsoteachPrivateYogasessions.PleaseletmeknowifIcanhelpyouwitheitheroneorboth! IthoughtImightmentionsomeremindersaboutsafelyworkingoutinthesummer.Astheweathergetswarmer remember to add some extra water to your workouts to stay hydrated. Adding some electrolytes might be a good idea, also. Enjoy water-rich foods such as watermelon, crisp lettuce, grapefruit, broccoli and tomatoes. Wear light, sweat-wicking clothing and don't forget your sunscreen. A wide-brimmed hat is helpful along with UV-blockingsunglasses.
Another great thing to add in the warm months is a cold shower before your workout! It might surprise you to see the benefits such as weight lossandbetterhearthealth.
And remember, your body cools itself by sweating, but cooling down is harder in humid weather because perspiration doesn't evaporate as quicklyfromyourskin.Ifyounoticethatyouarenotsweatingeventhoughyouareworkingouthard,seekshadeandcooldown.
Wakefield Plantation is offering its 2023 summer swim league for members only The program will help swimmers of all ages and abilities, from the novice 6 and under to the advanced 15 andover
Each year nearly 100 children from The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation participate on the swim team It is a fun and enjoyable experience for them, where they improve their swimmingskills,learnaboutteamspirit,andsocializewiththeir friends If you are new to the Wakefield Plantation Tsunami’s, andwouldliketogetsomemoreinformationabouttheseason please email Natalie To register for swim team please visit the website:wwwtpcwakefieldswimcom Practices begin May 15, sopleasemakesureyouregisternolaterthanMay10th!
We are excited to be offering the Tiny Tsunami team this summer! This program is designed for those aged 4 to 6 who arenotconfidentswimmersandareclosetobeingapartofour swim team, can swim but cannot make the full length to compete or may not know how to swim all strokes This is a developmental,perfectwaytointroduceyouryoungchildtoa competitive swim environment At the end of the year our tiny tsunamiswillcompeteintheirveryownmeetagainsttheother teams in our swim league on Friday, June 24th at Raleigh CountryClub
WewillhaveanevaluationsessiononMonday,May15thfrom 4:00pm-5:00pminwhichourcoacheswilldecidewhetherTiny Tsunamis is right for your child, they are better suited to the main Tsunamis or you would be better to pursue private lessons instead After our evaluation, we want to ensure your childwillgettherightamountofcoachingintheirtime Wewill have2timesavailableonafirst-comefirst-servebasisforthese classes:4:00–4:30pm and4:30–5:00pm
Tiny Tsunamis will take place every Monday, and Wednesday startingWednesdayMay17ththroughtoJune21st.Eachclass willhaveamaximumratioof1coachto7childrenatmost.
if you have any questions about our Tiny Tsunamis or would liketoregisterpleaseemailNatalie.
Hieveryone,mynameisTaylorFalk,andI amsuperexcitedtobeaCo-HeadCoachfor Tsunami’s this season! I have been swimmingsinceIwas10andIcannotthink ofabetterwaytospendmysummerthanin thepoolIwillbea2023graduateofECU withplanstoattendgraduateschoolinthe
fall During my time in college, I was a member and President of ECU Club Swimming, Go Pirates! During my free time I enjoy hiking and camping and have recently been learning how to rappel canyons (if you’re interested in national parks, I’m your girl!). I can’t wait to meet youallandseewhattheTsunami’scando!
MynameisEthanCockman,I'mtwentyyears old,I'vebeenswimmingsinceIwasfour yearsold,andIhavecoachedvariousteams aroundtheRaleighareasince2018Ihave swamforteamssuchastheGreenwayClub Racers,YOTA,andMOR.Inadditiontomy personal swimming career, I coached Greenway Club and YOTA and had a wonderful time getting to give my experiences in the world of swimmingbacktothecommunity SwimmingandCoachingarehuge passions of mine, and I am extremely excited to start my journey with theTsunamis!
MynameisPatrickJosephHealy,andI'dlike togreettheWakefieldfamiliesAlittletoknow aboutmeisthatIamasenioratWakefield HighSchoolandIamalsoaPepiinstructorat Brassfield,AbbottsCreek,andWakefield Elementary School. I enjoy creating connections,teaching,anddemonstrating sportsmanshiptotheyouthAssomemay
know I have been a part of the swim team for many years as a swimmer and the previous year as an assistant coach. Swimming has been a sport I've participated in starting from a young age and have always found it exciting and hope the same for others. I'm excited to have the opportunity to serve as an assistant coach for the upcoming season, and I'm looking forward to meeting the team. Let’s go Tsunamis!
1.Useofthepoolisfortheexclusiveuseofthemembers,their families,guestsasdefinedwiththeRules&Regulations.
2.Useofthepoolatanytimeisattheswimmer’sownrisk.Anyinjuries oraccidentsshouldbereportedtotheattendantorlifeguard immediately.
3.Everyonewishingtousethepoolfacilitiesmustfirstregisterand presenttheirmembershipcardbeforeenteringthepool.Members mustregistertheirguestsandareresponsibleforthepaymentofany appropriatechargesastheclubmydeterminefromtimetotime.The guestfeeis$5perpersonperday.Thesamelocalguestcancomesix timesperpoolseason.
4.Children12yearsandyoungermustbeaccompaniedandsupervised byanadultatalltimes.
5.Childrenwhocannotswimmustbeaccompaniedbyaparentor guardianatalltimes.
6.Childrenwearingdiapersotherthanswimdiapersarenotpermitted inthepool.
9.Bottles,glassobjects,drinkingglassesandsharpobjectsarenot permittedinthepoolarea.Trashshouldbeplacedintheproper receptacleslocatedthroughoutthepoolarea.
10.Allswimmersmustwearbonafideswimmingattire.Cut-off’s, dungareesandBermudashortsarenotconsideredappropriate swimwear.Propernon-swimwearorcover-upsarerequiredatall timesintheclubhouse.
11.Animals,bicycles,skateboards,andcoolersarenotpermittedinthe poolareas.
12.Lifesavingandpoolcleaningequipmentshouldbeusedonlyforthe purposesintended.
13.Running,andhazardousactivitiesarenotpermittedinthepool areas.Pushing,dunkinganddangerousgamesareprohibited.
14.Certainballplayingispermitted.Smallsoftballsandbeachballsare permitted.Tennisballsandfootballsarenotpermitted.Thestaffand lifeguardswillhavethediscretiontomonitortheballplayingbased onthesafetyandwellbeingofourmembersandguests
15.Allpersonsusingpoolfurniturearerequiredtocoverthefurniture withatowelwhenusingsuntanoilsandlotions,astheuseofthese oilsandlotionscouldstainordamagethefurniture.
16.Thepoolbathhousehaschangingroomswithshowerfacilities.The clubisnotresponsibleforlostordamagepersonalpropertyleftin thechangingrooms.
17.Smallinnertubes,noodles,waterwingsarepermitted.Largefloats areneverallowedpoolside.
18.Thepoolmanagementstaffhastheauthoritytoexpelfromthepool areasanyonewhodoesnotfollowthepoolRules&Regulationsor whoseconductisotherwiseunbecomingofamember.
19.Admissiontopersonshavinganinfectiousdiseaseorsufferingfroma cough,coldorcoldsores,orwearingbandages,mayberefusedby appropriatecluborpoolmanagementpersonnel.
20.Personswholeavethepoolareaforover30minutesmustrelinquish loungesandchairsbyremovingalltowelsandpersonalbelongings. Savingchairsforpersonsabsentfromthepoolareaisnotallowed.
23.Smokingandvapingisnotpermittedonthepooldeck,smokersmust beinthedesignatedareasonly
3.Eyeglassesmustbesecurelyaffixedtoriderswithhead bands.
4.Onlyonerideronthewaterslideatonetime.Singleriders only.
6.Swimwearwithexposedzippers,buckles,rivetsormetal ornamentationsarenotpermitted.
7.Slidemustberiddenfeetfirst,lyingonyourbackorina sittingposition.Situptogoslower,liedowntogofaster.
8.Ridersmustwaitforattendantsstartsignalbeforeentering thewaterslide
11.Attheendoftheslide,obeyallinstructionsbysplashpool attendantandexitquickly.
Adults18andovermayswiminthepoolstartingat7:00am. Theymustsignanewwaiverthisyearatthefrontdeskofthe SportsClubduringoperatinghours.Pleasenotethatonceyou leavetheSportsClubtogotothepool,accessbackintothe facilitywillnotbeavailableuntil7:30amwhenthefrontdesk staffmemberarrives.Werecommendyoualwaysswimwitha friendand/orbuddyastherewillbenolifeguardsondutyuntil thepoolopensat10am.WewillbeginAdultSwimthisseason onMonday,May15th.
StartingAugust28ththepoolwillbeopenduringtheweekday from 4:00pm-8:00pm and on the weekends from 10:00am8:00pm
The pollen is over and the weather is perfect! This spring the tennis program has grown at a tremendous rate With theadditionofanew2.5team,anewjunior12uteam,andanothersuccessfulTry-Tennisevent,tennisparticipationis at the highest level that I have seen in my 9 years here at The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation. While I am very excitedaboutthegrowthoftennis,Icannotevenbegintodescribemyexcitementforwhat’stocomeforpickleball!
Yes the wait is finally over, It is time to play some pickleball Our four court facility will open in early May and will be one of the nicest layouts for playing and viewing in the triangle Just like tennis all players must reserve a court using the online court reservation system. Reservations can be made by clicking the drop down menu under the tennis tab onthewebsite.Thecourtscanbereservedasearlyas8amandwithourLEDlighting,playcancontinuewellintothe evening with the lights shutting off at 10pm. Like tennis, members are welcome to bring guests, all guests MUST be accompaniedbyamemberandlistedinthenotesectionofthereservationorbecheckedinatthetennisshop.Ifyou need help reserving a court please stop by the tennis shop and we will be happy to show you how the reservation systemworks.
Now for the fun part, in the coming months “Pickleball Paul” the clubs lead pickleball instructor will be implementing socials, open play, tournaments and league offerings for the membership to enjoy. To be added to the pickleball information list please email,youdon’twanttomissoutonthefun!
Assummerisrightaroundthecornerdon’tforgettoregisterthekidsfortennisandpickleballcamps!Thisyearwewillhavefiveweeksofcampand eachdaythecamperswillgettotakepartinbothtennisandpickleballplayandinstruction Withbothsportsbeingofferedinonecamptherewillbe non-stop fun and of course we will end the week with water balloon Fridays! You can register your kids by visiting the club event calendar or by calling/emailingthetennisproshop
June 12th-16th I June 26th-30th I July 10th-14th I July 24th-28th I August 7th-11th I Ages 4-7
TIME: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - $250 per week per child
9:00 am - 3:00 pm - $350 per week per child (includes lunch, swimming, and activities)
*Max 25 for afternoon session
The Tennis Tots camp is primarily focused on the kids learning the basics of the fun sports of tennis. There will be hand eye coordination, foot work and mechanic drills as well as lots of games and goofy activities The tennis/pickleball portion of the camp will be from 9am12pm If your camper would like to stay longer, we will have an extended camp option that runs from 12pm-3pm which includes lunch, swimming and activities.
*There will not be a day price option for the full day
June 12th-16th I June 26th-30th I July 10th-14th I July 24th-28th I August 7th-11th I Ages 8-13
TIME: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - $250 per week per child
9:00 am - 3:00 pm - $350 per week per child (includes lunch, swimming, and activities)
*Non-Member attendance will be $300 for 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and $400 to include lunch and activities from 12:00 - 3:00 pm
*Max 25 for afternoon session
The Junior Tennis Camp is primarily focused on the kids becoming match play ready. The camps will include drills that focus on footwork, mechanics and live play leading up to fun tennis/pickleball competitions and goofy games each day. Fridays will be Match Play Day where they will apply what they have learned from the week playing against fellow campers The tennis/pickleball portion of the camp will be from 9am-12pm. If your camper would like to stay longer, we will have an extended camp option that runs from 12 pm-3 pm which includes lunch, swimming
To register your child please visit the Wakefield website at www ccwakefieldplantation com or the McConnell Golf app and for any questions please contact Corey Oliphant at coliphant@ccwakefieldplantation com
The 2023 golf season is in full swing, with the course in full color and greens in peak season condition This spring will be different than in the past for our club as it will be the first time since the club’s inception that we will not host the Korn Ferry PGA Tour Event Although many of us will miss hosting the event, having our course available for the membership during Memorial Day and the following week will be a huge positive. I hope our members will continue supportingtheeventatRaleighCountryClubonJune1st-4th
Wakefield Plantation will host two Tuscarora Men’s Member-Guest this year. The two events are currently at max capacity, with 60 teams in each tournament I appreciate the membership’s support and look forward to creating two memorableexperiencesfortheparticipatingmembersandtheirguests.
The golf shop is fully stocked with an excellent selection of new apparel from the premier golf clothing vendors This hasalsobeenaninnovativeyearforthemajorgolfclubmanufacturers Thegolfshopisstockedwithhardgoods,and wehaveadeepselectionoffittingclubsforourmemberstotryout Ifyouareinthemarketfornewclubs,scheduleaclub-fittingsessionwithoneof ourgolfprofessionals
I look forward to seeing everyone on the golf course this summer As always, if I can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out! My doorisalwaysopen!
May 12th - Couples Golf
May 18th -20th - Men's Tuscarora Member-Guest
June 2nd - Couples Golf
June 8th -June 10th - Men's Tuscarora Member-Guest
June 12th-15th - Green/Fairway/Tee Aerification
TheFUNdamentalGolfCampisgearedforjuniorsage5-9and welcomesgolfersofalllevelsofexperienceandskill!Thisfour-day experiencewillhelpyourjuniortoimproveallaspectsofhisorhergame, includingdriving,irons,chipping,pitching,bunkers,rules,etiquette,andan introductiontoourEliteOperation36ProgramDuringthecamp,the instructorswillencourageyourjuniortosetgoalswhilealsounderstanding thecommitmentittakesinordertoseeimprovementWewillincorporate somefungamesandpopsicles!EachjuniorwillreceiveaFUNdamentalGolf GuideFolder,atooldesignedtohelpthemtracktheirprogressthroughthe weekandaWPJuniorGolfwaterbottle
TheWakefieldPlantationOperation36EliteCampisaprogressivethree-day experiencewhichwillfocusonallaspectsofyourjunior’sgamethrough one-on-oneinstructionaswellasgroupactivities,competitionsandon coursetestingEachjuniorwillreceiveanOperation36Logininorderto trackyourchild’sprogressthroughoutthecampEachjuniorwillbeableto utilizeJCvideoswinganalysis,showingtheirprogressfromthebeginningto thecompletionofcampThisprogramisatremendousadditiontoWakefield andisoneyourchildcanutilizethroughouttheyear
ToregisteryourchildpleasevisittheWakefieldwebsiteat wwwccwakefieldplantationcomortheMcConnellGolfappandforan questionspleasecontactAdamMcLaughlinat amclaughlin@ccwakefieldplantationcom
this link ( and complete the form, or email Faith Inman at Thank you for helping us celebrate 20 years of building clubs of the future!
The Korn Ferry Tour's Visit Knoxville Open will return to Holston Hills Country Club in 2023. Founded in 1927, Holston Hills Country Club enjoys a rich history on its classic Donald Ross golf course Featuring 18 holes of Bermuda grass fairways, it sits on 180 open acres of rolling hills adjoining the Holston River. The golf course is consistently ranked among the country’s top 100 by Golf Magazine and within the top 100 classical golf courses by Golfweek Magazine Tickets are on sale now at
The Korn Ferry Tour's only stop in North Carolina, don’t miss your chance to watch the next wave of PGA Tour superstars as they compete on the renowned Ross course at Raleigh Country Club Designed in 1948 by the legendary architect, Donald Ross, this year’s tournament course will be a true test for the Korn Ferry Tour field, offering both excitement and must-see golf for fans Tickets are on sale now at unchealthchampionship com
Home Swim Meet
Soccer/Volley Sunday Funday
Princess&PirateCamp SailSevenSeasCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp
Father's Day Brunch Sundaes on Sunday
ScoobyDooCamp MysteryCamp
Princess&PirateCamp SailSevenSeasCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp HomeSwimMeet
Princess&PirateCamp SailSevenSeasCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp
Princess&PirateCamp SailSevenSeasCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp WineDinner
Princess&PirateCamp SailSevenSeasCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp
Family Music Bingo Poolside
ScoobyDooCamp MysteryCamp GolfCamp
ScoobyDooCamp MysteryCamp GolfCamp
ScoobyDooCamp MysteryCamp GolfCamp
ScoobyDooCamp MysteryCamp GolfCamp LiveMusicPoolside
Tween Photos Hunt
RanchCamp AliceAdventuresCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp
RanchCamp AliceAdventuresCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp
RanchCamp AliceAdventuresCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp
RanchCamp AliceAdventuresCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp
RanchCamp AliceAdventuresCamp Tennis&PickleballCamp
The CC at Wakefield Plantation
2201 Wakefield Plantation Drive
Raleigh, NC 27614
WhilePaulina’sprimarilyjobisasaserveratthesportsclub,shealso mightbeseenservinginthemaindiningroomandevenatRCCwhen neededIfsheisnotservinginoneoftheseareas,shemaybeseen helpingoutwithourkid’sprogramshereatWPThankyouPaulinafor beingsuchagreatteamplayer
Jacobworkedwithourgolfoutsideoperationsteambeforemovinginside asourGolfShopManagerHiscustomerserviceskillsandattentionto detailareamazingHeworkswellwiththeotherdepartmentsandmakes everyonefeelathomeThankyouJacobforallyoudoforus