
Michael Thomas mthomas@ccwakefieldplantation.com
General Manager
Matt McConnell matt@mcconnellgolf com
Membership Director
Kasey Olive kolive@mcconnellgolf.com
Member Billing/Accounts Payable
Todd Jackson tjackson@ccwakefieldplantation com
Executive Chef
Courtney Tatum catering@ccwakefieldplantation com
Director of Catering & Events
Rocky Brooks rbrooks@ccwakefieldplantation com
Director of Golf
Natalie Clemens nclemens@ccwakefieldplantation com
Corporate Director of Wellness & Activities
Todd Lawrence tlawrence@ccwakefieldplantation com
Director of Golf Course Maintenance
Kyle Thortsen kthortsen@ccwakefieldplantation com
Corporate Director of Tennis
Deborah Johnson djohnson@ccwakefieldplantation com
Food & Beverage Director
Erica Pendergraft activities@ccwakefieldplantation com
Activity Director

HardtobelieveitisJulyalready!EvenhardertobelievethatonJuly15,theclubofficiallywillhavebeeninexistence fortwenty-fouryears.Whilewehaveseenmanychangesovertheyears,threestaffmembershaveseenthemall.All three happen to work on our golf course maintenance team They are golf course superintendent Todd Lawrence, alongwithRoyTapiaandAndyWatt Iwouldliketothankthemfortheiryearsofserviceanddedicationtotheclub
As we head into year twenty-five, who would have thought we would have nine hundred and forty-two families on our membership roster We are fortunate to have such a wonderful membership who not only support the club but supportourstaffaswell.Thisshowsaswehaverelativelylowturnover. Wecannotthankyouenough!
Asaresult,thebathroomswillbedownforatleastfourweeksataminimumWhilethisisgoingon,thelockerroombathroomswillbetheonly onesavailableThisprojectislongoverandweapologizefortheinconvenience

WP buzz

Never miss out on a club event, the latest McConnell Golf news or the chance to share your member experience. Stay connected to The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation and McConnell Golf on social media and join the conversation today.

@ccwakefieldplantation @ccatwakefield @ccwakefieldplantation

“PURE GOLF FOR THE TRUE GOLFER” Watch now on Youtube.com/McConnellGolf
Premier play. Precise designs. Pure golf.
What began as the historical preservation of Donald Ross’ last golf course design in Raleigh, NC, has blossomed into a portfolio of championship courses from the mountains to the coast Our “pure golf for the true golfer” motto transcends agronomy, sport and culinary disciplines it is a principle lived every day through exceptional facilities and service The “Pure Golf for the True Golfer” video encapsulates this principle, made in celebration of #NationalGolfDay

@savanahchristensongolf Practice practice practice

@tdeller20 2024 Member Guest in the books! See ya next year @j slowly

I would like to start by saying congratulations to Morgan Griffin She has accepted the position as Assistant Food and Beverage Manager here at the main clubhouse. We are excited to see what she will bring to the table! Wow, I can’t believe it is already July! We have had a busy first two months of summer around the main clubhouse and the sports club with two member/guest golf tournaments, swim team meets, kids summer camps, birthday pool parties, wine tastings andlivemusicpoolside.
Now,let’sgetreadyforJulyandAugust...startingwithour4thof Julycelebration!ChefToddandhisteamwillhavegreatfoodforyou andNataliealwayshasgreatentertainmentandgamesplanned. WehavelivemusicscheduledforJuly12th,July26th,August9th andAugust23rd.WednesdayNightbuffetsaresetforJuly10th,July 24th,August14thandAugust28th.Lookfortoseeingyouandyour familiesonthesenights!
My name is Morgan Griffin; I am the newest Assistant Manager of our Food & Beverage Department Currently I am attending The University of Western Carolina virtually as I remain working here at Wakefield. I will graduate in June of 2026 with a degree in Hospitality Management along with a minor inBusiness.Ihaveastrongpassionfortaking care of others, which is the best part of my job Ilookforwardtoseeingwheremycareer atMcConnellGolftakesme!
July&August2024WednesdayNightFamilyBuffets July10th&July24thIAugust14th&August28th
Fee: $24.95++ per adult, $16.95++ per child 12-6 years of age, Free for children5andunder
Please call 919.348.4374 to make reservations, as seating is limited! We lookforwardtoseeingeveryonethere!
*Please Note: There will be no curbside a la carte orders available on the eveningsthatweofferWednesdayNightBuffet

When:ThursdayJuly18th,6:30pm-8:00pm WhereMiddleTerrace
It is getting hot outside and we are still enjoying good wine Caleigh Sanford will be here to introduce herself to our membership with a fantastic summer lineup Mark your calendars to be here for this tastingandmakesuretomakereservationstostayfordinner.
When: Saturday July 20th, 5:30pm-9:00pm
Where: Plantation Main Dining Room
Cost: Complimentary, Member Charge Food and Beverage
Come out and enjoy live music with dinner on a Saturday Night at Wakefield! Please call 919 348 4374 to make your reservation, as spaces will be limited! We look forward to seeing you for dinner!


As the summer sun warms up here in the south, Wakefield is gearing up for a vibrant season filled with fun events and activities for all of our members! Whether you’re looking to relax by the pool and enjoy a delicious cocktail from Mary at the Breaker Bar & Grille or socialize and enjoy our live music nights at both the sports club and the main club house, we have something special planned for everyone in the months ofJulyandAugusthereatWakefield!As
always, our huge 4th of July Pool Party will take place down at the sports club on Thursday July 4th with tons of activities for both the kiddosandtheadults,soyoudon’twanttomissit!Nataliehassomany options this summer for kids camps at the sports club, so get them signed up before they get full! We will be hosting live music during dinner at the Main Club House on Saturday July 20th and Saturday August 24th, so make your dinner reservations now by calling 919.348.4374. I’ll confess I am feeling somewhat melancholy this July asthe31stofthemonthwillbeoneyearsincemysweetfatherlosthis battle with cancer I think of him every day, and will continue to honor him, work hard, and make him proud as always. Again, I have so appreciated all the kind words of love and encouragement from the membership over the past year while learning to navigate this loss My nephews, Trace and Teddy, are growing like weeds and have hit so many milestones over the past few months! Teddy turned one back in Aprilandhasofficiallystartedwalking,whichissofuntosee!Tracehas thebestpersonalityandhasstartedswimlessonsashejustlovesgoing tothepoolandsplashingaround!IsolovebeingtheirAuntieCocoand watchingthemgrow!HereatWakefield,wearededicatedtoproviding our membership with memorable experiences, so we look forward to seeingyouatoureventsandmakingthissummeranunforgettableone! As always, reach out anytime with all of your catering and event needs hereatWakefield!

When: Friday, July 12th I 5:00pm-7:00pm
Mixing soaring harmonies with inventive acoustic jams, My Cousin Skinny brings energy, spontaneity, and a great repertoire of songs to their live performances Putting their own spin on covers from a variety of eras and genres, they hop from Outkast to The Police to Daft Punk to Phish to The Avett Brothers without skipping a beat. We hope to see you there!
When: Friday, July 26th I 5:00pm-7:00pm
EG Peters is a classic rock/pop/soul singer/guitarist from North Carolina EG has fronted his own popular show band for over a decade He prides himself on knowing hundreds of songs from a wide variety of genres. He offers a popular Jimmy Buffett show The locals know him best for his great sing-a-longs. Grab a cocktail and sing-a-long with EG!
When: August 9th I 5:00pm-7:00pm
Based out of North Carolina, Ray Martin (RayMartinMusic) has over 20 years of experience as a working musician Starting out in the early to mid-90’s as singer/songwriter, Ray was fortunate enough to tour across the U S His cover songs range from country to pop to rock from classic timeless songs to today’s hits and each performance has a unique set list Ray unique arrangements offer something new and exciting for all!
When: August 30th I 5:00pm-7:00pm

When: Saturday August 24th , 5:30pm-9:00pm
Where: Plantation Main Dining Room
Cost: Complimentary, Member Charge Food and Beverage
Come out and enjoy live music with dinner on a Saturday Night at Wakefield!
Please call 919.348.4374 to make your reservation, as spaces will be limited! We look forward to seeing you for dinner!
Zach Burrus is a popular Triangle area acoustic guitarist. He primarily plays Pop hits, but he also has a versatile set list consisting of Soft Rock hits in addition to favorite by Jack Johnson & Jimmy Buffett as well as Classic Rock to Country, 90s to R&B, and more so everyone can enjoy! He is a Triangle favorite

Experience the essence of summer with this Peach Cobbler Cookie. Picture golden rays kissing your skin as you savor the warmth of juicy peaches mingling with sweet, crumbly perfection. Indulge in a seasonal delight that captures the lazy, hazy days of summertime in every delicious bite.
1 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 large egg, room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup chopped peeled fresh peaches
Preheat oven to 350° In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy, 5-7 minutes Beat in egg and extracts In another bowl, whisk flour, cinnamon, cream of tartar, baking soda, salt and nutmeg; gradually beat into creamed mixture Stir in peaches Drop dough by tablespoonfuls 2 in apart onto parchment-lined baking sheets Bake until set, 14-16 minutes Cool on pans 2 minutes Remove to wire racks to cool completely Store in an airtight container

Buttery, melt-in-your-mouth shortbread is complemented with the tartness of cranberry and bright notes of citrus. Enjoy a recipe that's easy to prepare and yields a crumbly cookie that can be enjoyed year-round.
1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup unsalted butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 oranges zested
1 cup dried cranberries, finely-chopped
1/2 cup apricots, finely-chopped
Combine flour, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg in bowl and mix together Cream butter in a large bowl using electric blender until fluffy and lightened in color slightly Add sugar and cream on medium speed until lightly fluffy, several more minutes Mix in vanilla and orange zest Add flour mixture in 3 batches until just combined, kneading the last addition by hand, knead in cranberries and apricots Divide dough in half and roll out into two long logs Wrap each log in parchment paper and refrigerate until dough is chilled, at least four hours Preheat oven to 350 degrees Line baking sheet with parchment paper Remove dough from refrigerator slice dough so that cookies are 1/3 inch thick Place slices 1-inch apart on prepared baking sheet Bake in oven for about 20-25 minutes Remove from sheet tray and place on rack to cool

Summer is in full swing with birthday parties, swim meets, camps and Sunday fundays! It has been so great having everyone poolside for all the fun in the sun, and we have so much more to celebrate!!
We kick off the month with our July 4th pool party where we will have our wonderful DJ, inflatable water slide, crafts, a delicious buffet and so much more! We continue the summer with live music, movie nights, music bingo, and so much more!
Don’tforgettokeepthatwellnessroutineontrackbytakingoneof ourmanycomplimentarygroupfitnessclasses,orbysigningupwith apartneroroneonontrainingwithoneofourtalentedandcertified personaltrainers
Welookforwardtoamemorablesecondhalfofthesummerseason andifyouneedanythingpleasedonothesitatetoreachout.

When:Thursday,July4thI12:00pm-3:00pm Ages:EveryoneILocation:Pool
Buffet Fee: $18++for adults, $12++ per child 12 years to 5 years, Kids under5free
*TheBreakerBar&Grillewillonlybeavailablefordrinks,snackandice creamduringthebuffetservice
Lets celebrate this amazing country with a great cookout and a fun party poolside!! We will have a rockin DJ, crafts, games, an inflatable waterslide and, of course, our King of Wakefield competition!! In addition to all the fun, enjoy another delicious cookout buffet. When you register, please RSVP with the total number of adults and children that would like to enjoy the buffet We will give you a wrist band upon entering if you are signed up for the buffet We hope to see you poolsideforamemorable,andfestiveday!!
*Club Event Cancellation Policy: If you cancel less than 48 hours prior to to the event, or no show to any WP club event, you will be charged50%oftheperpersonprice.
When:Sunday,July7thI2:00pm-3:00pm Ages:5-10ILocation:FrontLawn Fee:$5.00perchild
Join the activities team as we build our own leis followed by a limbo contest and try our luck in a re-lei race!! We may even see who has the besthuladance!!TakeabreakfromthepoolandjoinusforaHawaiian themedhour!PleaseRSVPbyThursday,July4th
Ages:5-10ILocation:Poolside Fee:$25perchild(includesdinnerandsnack)
We’rethrowingitbacktothe90'sandearly2000'swiththisNickelodeon Kid’s Night Out! We’ll visit the worlds of Spongebob, the Fairy Oddparents, Rugrats and other popular Nickelodeon cartoons Of course,noNickelodeonnightwouldbecompletewithoutalittleslimein the mix! Reserve your spot for this throwback extravaganza by Tuesday, July9th

Let’strythisagainandhopefullywewillhavebetterweather!! Thisisthe only time you will be able to bring a small-to-medium float into the pool. After the pool closes at 8pm, the lap pool will stay open for you to enjoy watching a movie under the stars with your fancy float! Please RSVP by Thursday,July18th
Ages:5-10ILocation:FrontLawn Fee:Complimentary
Join the activities team for an afternoon of balloon-blowing fun! We will play a variety of balloon themed games like Keepy Uppy, balloon stomp and balloon volleyball Cool down after with a refreshing treat! Please RSVPbyThursday,July18th

Ages:10-15ILocation:SportsClub Fee:$30perchild(includesdinner&snack)
Let’stakeabreakfromtheheatandenjoyanightoffuninthegame truck!Wewillkickoffthenightwithdinnerfollowedbyvideogamesin an air-conditioned limo-style truck equipped with six HI-Definition screensinsideandtwomoreinandoutside“shadowbox”units They havethebestgameconsolesandplentyofwirelesscontrollersforPS5 consoles, XBOX Series X, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii, and Wii U Gameplaywillbefrom7-9pm,andafterwardswewillenjoyasnack beforecallingitanight!PleaseRSVPbyTuesday,July30th.
When:Sunday,August4thI2:00pm-3:00pm Ages:5-10ILocation:FrontLawn
Stop by the Breaker Bar & Grille for a refreshing treat poolside! You will get to pick from a variety of flavors and we may even be able to make a specialonefortheadults!PleaseRSVPbyTuesday,July30th.

Grab your friends and join us poolside as we host the biggest splash contest!! We will have three judges ready to score you and the highest and biggest splash will take home a prize!! Please RSVP by Thursday, August15th

When: Saturday August 17th | 5:00pm-8:00pm
Where: Sports Club, Breaker Bar & Grille
Cost: Complimentary to Membership
*Food & beverage by member charge
Music Bingo is a fun-filled and fast-paced take on traditional bingo! Players are given a bingo card where traditional bingo numbers have been replaced with song names, music titles, or both! Your host DJ plays 10-15-second clips of music, and you mark off spots on your bingo card
Play for as little or as long as you like. Rounds typically last 10-15 minutes Music Bingo is FREE! No Team Needed! Enjoy a tasty treat, snack, or cocktail during the event from the Breaker Bar & Grille! Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 14th.
Ages: Everyone I Location: Poolside
Fee: Drinks & Food by Member Charge
The state of Florida has declared August 30th, as Jimmy Buffett Day! And even though we are not in the sunshine state, we are going to honor this fun-loving, talented and beach-themed musician right here at Wakefield! We are going to have alimited“Buffett”themedmenu,
Mary is going to create her delicious beach-themed cocktails and margaritas and we are going to all dress the part in our parrot head attire! We are going to have a contest---the best dressed Jimmy Buffett and Parrot Head outfit will win a prize! This will be from 4-8pm and the live music will be joining in on the fun from 5-7pm It will be a great night to celebrate and honor Jimmy Buffett! Please RSVP by Monday,August26th
This is the only time you will be able to bring a small-to-medium float into the pool After the pool closes at 8pm the lap pool will stay open for you to enjoy watching a movie under the stars with your fancy float!PleaseRSVPbyThursday,August29th.
Ifyoucancelwithin24hoursoftheevent,youwillstillbecharged 50% of the price. If you are signed up and are a no-show, you will bechargedfullprice
We are heading to the farm for this fun-filled animal-loving week of camp! Not only will we be learning all about farm animals, but we are going to venture into the wilderness of the Amazon, go on a safari hunt, and learn so much about all the wonderful species that live on this beautiful Earth! So, grab your hat and your overalls, and let’s go on a wild animal adventure ride! Please RSVP by Wednesday, July 3rd.
We are taking a trip to the big blue ocean this week as we explore the wonders of the sea and sand! We will be creating our own fish tank, playing musical towels, playing beachball volleyball, and testing our limbo skills at the Friday Luau party! Please RSVP by Wednesday, July 10th.
Join us as we explore the magical world of Fairy Tales! We will go on ahunttofindCinderella’sglassslipper,followthebreadcrumbsof HanselandGreteltothecandyshopbeforetheyseeus,haveatea partywithourfriendsfromAliceinWonderland,andsomuchmore! PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July17th
Who likes to sing, dance, and play instruments? If you answered yes to any of those, this camp is for you! We will be participating in all games and activities based around music! We will create our own instrument, learn about different genres of music, and dance the day away with a variety of dancing games! So grab your dancing shoes andRSVPbyWednesday,July24th.
The summer Olympics are here, and what better way to celebrate than having our own Olympic games right here at WP? We will create our own Olympic flag and compete in a variety of sports, including soccer, balloon volleyball, long jump, and so much more! By the end of the week, we will award our winners with some medals at the awardsceremony!PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July31st
Enjoy the best of both worlds as we venture into the life of a pirate and the glam of being a princess We will be making our own crowns and pirate swords, going on treasure hunts, and dancing away at the ball to our favorite classic songs! Get ready for a fun-filled week, and RSVPbyWednesday,August7th
During this mystery week, each day has a different theme! Monday will beDinoDay,TuesdaywillbeFiestaDay,WednesdaywillbeWetn’Wild, Thursday will be game day, and Friday will be a surprise! It will be a perfect variety to end the camp season!! Please RSVP by Wednesday, August14th.
All of our camps (both age groups) are from 9:00am-3:00pm We will be sending you a reminder with the camp agenda, what to bring, the camp menu and other important information a week before each camp. We ask that you register your child at least a week before each camp To register your child, you may do so online at www.ccwakefieldplantation.com or through the McConnell Golf App. Camp is $270 for members and $320 for guests. Guests are only allowed to attend camp if the camp is not already full Campers may also attend on certain days only for a rate of $65 per day for members and $75 for non-members. There is a 20% sibling discount for members only with two or more children if they attend the entire week There is not a sibling discount for day rates Each day will be filled with indoor and outdoor activities, swimming, crafts, lunch, snacks and much more!
This summer we will be providing after hour camp care This will be available from 3:00pm-5:00pm There will be a charge of $10 00 per hour per child and $5.00 per child per 1/2 hour. This is only available for children who are signed up for that camp We ask that you please let us know ahead of time if your child needs after hour care so that we can plan accordingly.
If you cancel within 24 hours of the event, you will still be charged 50% of the price If you are a no-show for camp, you will be charged the entire fee

You and your STEAM Team will join characters Daniel, Joy, Kimani, and Davinci on their Sharktooth Island adventures, from bridgebuilding to pirate ship exploration to mixing up spectacular slime seas You’ll dive into the fascinating world of SHARKS and tackle an ocean full of shark-inspired challenges! Don't miss out on this FINtastic experience! STEM activities will be from 12 to 3 pm Swimming, lunch, and a few games will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July3rd
This week, we are diving into all things artistic! From live theater to improv to arts and crafts, this is one week where you can let your creativity and imagination soar! We will create our own movie, learn some tips and tricks on how to improve, and may even get some specialvisitorsthisweek!PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July17th.
Each week, one child from the activity camps will receive the camper of the week award! This award is decided by the camp counselors and presented by Natalie or Erica each week on the last day. This child will get a crown, a certificate, and get a special treat! For the first two camps, below are camp winners!! Great job, and we can’t wait to awardmorewinnersthissummer!!

LEGO®Master,Ichooseyou!!IntheracetobecrownedtheU PokémonChampion,weneedyourhelp!Learntobuildyour Pokémon,level-upbyteachingthemspecialmoves,evolvet morepowerfulversions,andcomeface-to-facewiththecurr championinanepicbattleforthetitle LearnfromourPlay-W Pokémon Masters, so you can make it to the top! The LEG will be from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, morning session wi swimming,gamesandlunch.PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,J
As the Summer Olympics kick off in Paris, we are host Olympic games right here at WP. Create your own team and colors, and participate in a variety of sports such a relays, flag football, soccer, and even some new and games that are only held at the Wakefield Olympics! Enj ceremony on Friday as we announce the winning team! byWednesday,July31st
Fee: $250 (for the 9am-12pm portion) 9:00am-3:00pm: $350 per child (includes lunch, s activities)
Join us for one full week that combines golf, swimming! Each morning, you will meet in the game sports club, and on Monday and Wednesday, you will with tennis; on Tuesday and Thursday, you will start golf; and, on Friday, it will be a morning of Wet n' inside and outside of the pool! This one is sure to fill u RSVP by Wednesday, August 9th.

July 8-12 I July 22-26 I August 5-9
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm (Tennis only)
12:00pm-3:00pm (Lunch & Swim)
Fee: $270 per week per child I $320 for non-members (tennis only) Additional $120 fee for members I $150 fee for non-members for afternoon portion.
The Tennis Tots camp is primarily focused on the kids learning the basics of the fun sports of tennis and pickleball There will be hand eye coordination, foot work, and mechanic drills as well as lots of games and goofy activities The tennis/pickleball portion of the camp will be from 9:00 a m to 12 p m If your camper would like to stay longer, we will have an extended camp option that runs from 12pm-3pm which includes lunch, swimming, and activities Camps will not be prorated For more information, please reach out to the tennis shop.
*There will not be a day price option for the full day
July 8-12 I July 22-26 I August 5-9
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm (Tennis only) 12:00pm-3:00pm (Lunch & Swim)
Fee: $270 per week per child I $320 for non-members (tennis only)
Additional $120 fee for members I $150 fee for non-members for afternoon portion
The Junior Tennis Camp is primarily focused on the kids becoming match-play-ready The camps will include drills that focus on footwork, mechanics, and live play, leading up to fun tennis and pickleball competitions and goofy games each day. Fridays will be Match Play Day, where they will apply what they have learned from the week playing against fellow campers The tennis/pickleball portion of the camp will be from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. If your camper would like to stay longer, we will have an extended camp option that runs from 12 p m to 3 p m and includes lunch, swimming, and other activities. Camps will not be prorated. For more information, please reach out to the tennis shop
*There will not be a day price option for the full day
July 16-19
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm I Fee: $215
The FUNdamental Golf Camp is geared for juniors age 7–12 and welcomes golfers of all levels of experience and skill! This four-day experience will help your junior improve all aspects of his or her game, including driving, irons, chipping, pitching, bunkers, rules, etiquette, and an introduction to our Elite Operation 36 Program During the camp, the instructors will encourage your junior to set goals while also understanding the commitment it takes to see improvement. We will incorporate some fun games and popsicles! Each junior will receive a FUNdamental Golf Guide Folder, a tool designed to help them track their progress through the week, and a WP Junior Golf water bottle.
July 30-August 1 I Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Fee: $325 (Lunch included)
The Wakefield Plantation Operation 36 Elite Camp is a progressive three-day experience that will focus on all aspects of your junior’s game through one-on-one instruction as well as group activities, competitions, and on-course testing Each junior will receive an Operation 36 login in order to track your child’s progress throughout the camp. Each junior will be able to utilize JC video swing analysis, showing their progress from the beginning to the completion of camp This program is a tremendous addition to Wakefield and is one your child can utilize throughout the year.
To register your child, please visit the Wakefield website at www.ccwakefieldplantation.com or the McConnell Golf app and for any questions, please contact Paul Dickens at pdickens@ccwakefieldplantation.com
Toregisteryourchild,youmaydoso onlineatwww.ccwakefieldplantation.comorthroughthe McConnell Golf App. For any tennis camp questions, please email tennis@ccwakefieldplantationcom


The tsunamis have had an amazing season so far and are 2-2 in the dual meets. They have one more meet at the end of June - The Championship Meet at Triangle Aquatics in Cary We are very proud of all our swimmers and want to say a special thanks to all of our parents, volunteers and coaches for another successful season! Go Tsunamis!
May 25 - August 25: 10:00am-8pm (daily)
August 26 - 30: 4:00pm-8:00pm
August 31 - September 2: 10:00am-8pm
September 3 - 6: 4:00pm-8pm
Starting September 7 (weekends only): 10:00am-8pm

I can't say that semi-private sessions are *more* effective than one-on-one sessions. Both can be excellent ways to reach your fitness goals, depending on your individual needs and preferences However, here are three potential advantages of semi-private training:
Cost: Semi-private sessions are generally more affordable than one-on-one sessions, making personal training more accessible to a wider range of people This can be especially beneficial if you are on a tight budget but still want the guidance and support of a trainer.
Camaraderie: Training with a small group can foster a sense of camaraderie and motivation You can learn from and encourage each other, making the experience more enjoyable and helping you stay committed to your goals.
3 Accountability: Knowing that others are depending on you to show up and work hard can provide an extra layer of accountability. This can be especially helpful if you tend to skip workouts or slack off on your own
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist Personal Trainer/Nutrition Coach (910)318-0715 | mwhittington@ccwakefieldplantation com

Group of 2: $40 per person
Group of 3: $38 50 per person
Group of 4: $30 per person
I would like to invite you to attend a yoga class designed to lift your spirits, energize your body, calm your mind, and expand your range of movement I understand that some people might feel shy or intimidated aboutattendingaclass I’vefeltthatwaymyself.Yogaisawonderfulwaytodevelopyourrangeofmotion, challengeyourperspective,learndifferentbreathingtechniquestoinvigorateorcalmyourmindandbody,or simplytakesometimeforyourselftositquietlyonyourmat
In our busy lives, why not take a moment to center yourself and breathe? The camaraderie among class membersbefore,during,andaftereachsessionisincrediblyuplifting.
There are a variety of yoga classes available, tailored to different physical limitations, self-confidence levels, andmentalstates
My goal is to provide a pleasant experience tailored to your needs You are welcome to ask other club members to attend with you, whether theyarefamily,inviteyourgolfing,tennis,orpickleballfriends perhapstheycouldalsobenefitfromsomeyogatime
Feelfreetoreachoutifyouhaveanyquestionsorneedhelpchoosingaclass.Ilookforwardtosharingthisjourneywithyou! -GregKearns
Tuesdaysat5:30pm:GentleSunsetYoga:This yoga class will be comprised of poses that encompass deep stretches, twists, and balance. All levels are encouraged to attend Directions are given to help individuals reach their edge of the strength, flexibility or mindful movement Life canbestressful,butthisclassisorientedtoallowpeopletoenjoytheirbody,relaxandreleaseallwhileenjoyinganoccasionallaugh.
Thursdays at 5:30pm: Athletic Strength & Focus: This is a class that strings together a series of Yoga moves to first improve strength, followed by flexibility and course mental focus The class objectives can change weekly I always encourage the attendees to challenge themselves at all stages of the class Requirements for the class: Sense of humor, dedication to finish and willingness to push themselves to the edge.Don’tforgetsomewater!
Saturdays,at9:00am:Slow-PacedYoga:Let’sgettogetherandenjoyamorningyogasessionoutdoors.Thisclasswillbeawayofawakening your mind, breath and body Allowing your mind to focus, your body to stretch, and your breath to flow Stretch, flex and strengthen gently All levels are encouraged to attend. This session will be comprised of sequencing simplistic poses that allow members to enjoy some muchneededtimeontheiryogamat *Pleasebringamatandwaterbottle
Saturdays at 10am: FlexFlow Aqua: Dive into a refreshing aquatic journey with our FlexFlow class! Designed to enhance flexibility and mobility, this 45 minute session incorporates repetitive movements in the water, promoting fluidity and grace Let the soothing embrace of water and synchronized breathwork guide you towards a centered focus, amplifying the mind-body connection. This class offers a delightful blend of relaxation and invigoration Join us for an immersive experience where every movement harmonizes with the rhythm of the water, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized. No advanced swimming or yoga experience needed

Wehopethisfindsyouwellandenjoyingthesummerseason.Aswemoveintotheheightofourtennisandpickleball activities, we are excited to share with you the upcoming events and highlights at our club We have a range of activitiesplannedtosuitalllevelsandinterests,fromsocialmixerstocompetitivetournaments.Below,pleasefindthe detailedinformationaboutourkeyeventsandsomeexcitingnewsfromtheworldoftennis
JoinusforaneveningoffriendlycompetitionandcamaraderieatourMixedDoublesSocial Thiseventisawonderful opportunitytomeetfellowmembersandenjoyafun,relaxedatmosphere Theeventwillbeginat6:30PMfollowed byrefreshmentsandlightsnacks PleasesignupontheWakefieldCalendar!
Couple’s Pickle and Putt – August 10th
Our third and final Couple’s Pickle and Putt will be held the second weekend of August This event features Round Robin Pickleball matches followed by 9 holes of Captains Choice on the 9-Hole Sports Club Course This event is always a fun way to enjoy a Saturday summer morning with your husband or wife playing some pickleball and golf. Register for this even on the Wakefield Calendar.
USTA Adult Doubles Tournament - August 16-18th
We are proud to host the USTA Adult Doubles Tournament this August This event will feature some of the best local talent and promises to be an exciting weekend of high-level tennis. Match times will come out as the brackets start to fill in; there will be Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles Registration will be on the USTA website as well as more information about what to expect Spectators are welcome, and we encourage members to come and support out players
Ladies Try Tennis Event – August 21
Ladies of the club, if you’ve ever been curious about tennis or looking to improve your skills from those high school days, this event is for you! Our Ladies Try Tennis event will be held from 6:30-7:30PM and is designed for beginners and those new to the sport Our professional instructors will guide you through the basics, ensuring a fun and informative experience Please register on the Wakefield Calendar
Tennis Highlights: Wimbledon and the US Open
This year’s Wimbledon, held from July 1st to July 14th, promises thrilling matches as the world’s top players compete on the historic grass courts of the All England Club We encourage all members to follow the tournament and share in the excitement of this prestigious event Looking ahead, the US Open will take place from August 26th to September 8th at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York. As the final Grand Slam of the year, the US Open is known for its electrifying atmosphere and high-stakes matches
We are thrilled to offer these events and activities and look forward to seeing you on the courts. Your participation and enthusiasm help make our club a vibrant and welcoming community. Should you have any questions or need further information about our events please do not hesitate contact the shop or myself
Thank you for your continued support and involvement. Here’s to a fantastic summer of tennis and pickleball.
Many thanks, Davis Humphries, Assistant Director of Tennis


Every player that has ever played the game has chunked or skulled a chip shot or a pitch shot Yes, even Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus!!
Let’s make it simple.
-Rocky Brooks

1. 90% of your weight should be on your front foot with your feet no more than 4”-8” apart. The width of your stance increases as the shot gets longer
2 Place the ball slightly forward in your stance DO NOT PUT THE BALL IN THE BACK OF YOUR STANCE!!!
3 Create a long straight line between the shaft of the club and your front arm (left arm for right-handed golfers)
1 Simply rotate your chest and arms back to the desired length of your backswing but keep your weight on your front side Basically, rotate around your front leg. The length of your backswing dictates the length of the shot. Short shot = short swing and longer shot = longer swing. The amount of effort does NOT change We let the momentum move the club faster
2 In your takeaway/backswing there is no need to hinge of break your wrists Just rotate!
3.Downswing–keepingthelongstraightlinefromyourleftarm andtheclubshaftintact simplyrotatethroughimpactintoyour followthrough

4.Tohitshotshigher…usemoreloft(Sandwedge).DONOTTRY TOLIFTIT.Simplybrushtheballofftheground.Tohititlower… useyourpitchingwedgeoryour8ironFormorehelpwithyour shortgame,contactmeatrbrooks@ccwakefieldplantation.com

Parent -Junior
Saturday, July 20th
2:00 shotgun – 9 holes
Modified Alternate Shot
CongratulationstoourOverallChampionsinourrecent TuscaroraInvitational
MattWarren(right)andhisguest,JohnPridgen MAYTUSCARORACHAMPIONS

ChadNielsen(right)andhisdadScottNielsen JUNETUSCARORACHAMPIONS
Thankyoutoalloftheparticipants!Wesincerelyhope everyoneenjoyedthemselves.
Teams will be flighted based on age of child
Sports Club members are eligible to participate
Entry Fee - $75 includes lunch before play and personalized trophies from Signs by the Sea
Men’s Senior Club Championship
Saturday, July 27th and Sunday July 28th
Format: 36 Hole Individual Stroke Play (Flighted by handicap)
Entries Close: Wednesday, July 24 at 5:00 PM
Starting Times: Tee times begin at 7:30
Eligibility: Male members over the age of 49.
Senior Championship – White Tees
Super Senior (Age 60 and above) – Green Tees
Entry Fee: $75 per person includes lunch each day, tournament trophies and golf shop credit
Boys and Girls Junior Club Championship
Saturday, August 3rd and Sunday, August 4th
Individual Stroke Play
Tees and number of holes played will be based on age groups
Starting Times begin each day at 12:00
Sports Club members are eligible to participate
Parents are encouraged to caddy or ride with juniors
Entry Fee: $25 includes drinks and snacks during play each day
Men’s Club Championship
Saturday, August 17th – Sunday, August 18th
36 Hole Individual Stoke Play
Starting Times: begin each day at 7:30
Flighted based Handicaps
Tees: Blue Tees
Entry Fee - $75 includes lunch each day, trophies, and golf shop credit
Trophies will be awarded to the Overall Gross Champion and Overall Net Champion
Flight winners will receive golf shop credit.
Ladies Club Championship
Saturday, August 17th – Sunday, August 18th
36 Hole Individual Stoke Play
Starting Times: begin each day at 7:30
Flighted based Handicaps
Tees: Red Tees
Entry Fee - $75 includes lunch each day, trophies, and golf shop credit
Trophies will be awarded to the Overall Gross Champion and Overall Net Champion
Flight winners will receive golf shop credit
Greens Aerification
Monday, August 19th & Tuesday, August 20th
The golf course and practice putting green will be closed both days. The Golf Shop will be open on Tuesday from 8:00 – 5:00

Set yourself up for success in the fall. We invite you to diversify your brand and connect with new audiences with the 2024 Fall/Winter edition of McConnell Golf, The Magazine! Promote your business in a best-in-class setting throughout our network of 16 properties spanning across four states If you are interested in advertising or listing your business in our magazine, please contact your club’s membership director today


The PGA TOUR returns to Sedgefield Country Club for the 2024 Wyndham Championship, marking the 85th edition of North Carolina’s oldest professional golf event. We invite you to experience the excitement firsthand, with exclusive access for McConnell Golf members to four hospitality areas Enjoy the lively atmosphere at Slammin' Sammy's Pub, located in Sedgefield's clubhouse ballroom (entrance behind No 9 green), or take in the action from open-air skyboxes on holes 15, 17, and 18 Both member charge and credit cards are accepted in all McConnell Golf hospitality areas Stay tuned for updates regarding member ticketing information We look forward to seeing you in Greensboro!
Join other members throughout McConnell Golf at the Winston-Salem Open! Gates open at 1 PM with the last match ending late into the night. We will have a McConnell Golf tailgate from 11:30 AM to 1 PM in the parking lot outside of the tennis facility Complimentary food and drinks will be provided Please contact your club’s tennis professional by August 5th to secure your tickets to this year’s event
BarnyardPalooza(3-5) StemShark(6-11) TennisCamp
SurfN’Sand(3-5) PerformingArts(6-11)
Fairytale(3-5) TennisCamp
Moovin&Groovin(3-5) PokemonLego(6-11))
BarnyardPalooza(3-5) StemShark(6-11) TennisCamp
SurfN’Sand(3-5) PerformingArts(6-11) GolfCamp
Fairytale(3-5) TennisCamp
Moovin&Groovin(3-5) PokemonLego(6-11))
BarnyardPalooza(3-5) StemShark(6-11) TennisCamp FamilyNightBuffet
SurfN’Sand(3-5) PerformingArts(6-11) GolfCamp MixedDoubles
Fairytale(3-5) TennisCamp FamilyNightBuffet
Moovin&Groovin(3-5) PokemonLego(6-11))
BarnyardPalooza(3-5) StemShark(6-11) TennisCamp
SurfN’Sand(3-5) PerformingArts(6-11) GolfCamp WineTasting
Fairytale(3-5) TennisCamp
BarnyardPalooza(3-5) StemShark(6-11) TennisCamp LiveMusic
SurfN’Sand(3-5) PerformingArts(6-11) GolfCamp
Fairytale(3-5) TennisCamp LiveMusic
Flickn’Float ParentChildTournament
SundayFunday SundayFunday
Men’sSeniorClub Championship
Men’sSeniorClub Championship
SportsTopia(6-11) Tennis
Princess&Pirates(3-5) Tennis golf&swim(6-11)
SportsFusion(3-5) SportsTopia(6-11) Tennis
SportsFusion(3-5) SportsTopia(6-11) Tennis
Princess&Pirates(3-5) Tennis golf&swim(6-11)
Princess&Pirates(3-5) Tennis golf&swim(6-11)
Moovin&Groovin(3-5) PokemonLego(6-11))
Moovin&Groovin(3-5) PokemonLego(6-11))
SportsFusion(3-5) SportsTopia(6-11) Tennis
SportsFusion(3-5) SportsTopia(6-11) Tennis
TweenKidsNightOut? LiveMusic
Princess&Pirates(3-5) Tennis golf&swim(6-11)
Princess&Pirates(3-5) Tennis golf&swim(6-11) USTAAdultDoubles Tournament
Boys&GirlsClub Championship
LiveMusic JimmyBuffetDay
MusicBingo SundayFunday SundayFunday
Boys&GirlsClub Championship
Mens&LadiesClub Championship USTAAdultDoubles Tournament Men's&LadiesClub Championship