Wednesday-SaturdayI5:00pm -9:00pm
GolfShopHoursI7:00am -6:00pm
Monday-Thursday I 8:00am -6:00pm Friday-SundayI8:00am -4:00pm
Monday-SundayI8:00am -8:00pm (untilNovember2nd)
Monday-ThursdayI8:00am-8:00pm Friday-SundayI8:00am-6:00pm
KeyFobHours:Monday-Sunday:5:00am -9:00pm
MichaelThomas mthomas@ccwakefieldplantationcom GeneralManager
MattMcConnell MembershipDirector
KaseyOlive MemberBilling/AccountsPayable
ToddJackson tjackson@ccwakefieldplantationcom ExecutiveChef
CourtneyTatum catering@ccwakefieldplantationcom DirectorofCatering&Events
RockyBrooks rbrooks@ccwakefieldplantationcom DirectorofGolf
NatalieClemens nclemens@ccwakefieldplantationcom CorporateDirectorofWellness&Activities
ToddLawrence tlawrence@ccwakefieldplantationcom DirectorofGolfCourseMaintenance
KyleThortsen kthortsen@ccwakefieldplantationcom CorporateDirectorofTennis
DeborahJohnson djohnson@ccwakefieldplantationcom Food&BeverageDirector
EricaPendergraft activities@ccwakefieldplantationcom ActivityDirector
JacobKnight jkight@ccwakefieldplantationcom OfficeAdministrator
MymindracesbacktothelastcoupledaysofSeptemberwhenHurricaneHeleneleftincludingthewesternpartof ourstate,withtotaldevastation.Liveswerelost,homes,carsandbusinessesweredestroyed.Oursisterclub,Country ClubofAsheville,sustainedsignificantdamageandheartbreak Fortunately,noonewasinjuredandwecanrebuild and replace whatever was lost Two of our other clubs, Musgrove Mill in Clinton, SC and Pete Dye River Course of Virginia Tech endured flooding, causing damage to the course. What happened in the days and weeks after the stormwastrulyamazing WeallralliedaroundourMcConnellGolffamilyandmemberswhoweregoingthroughan extremelydifficulttime Ourmemberswerecheckingonothermemberswhohavepropertyandfamilyinthewestern partofthestate.Itwaswonderfultoseeeveryoneunitedandworkingtogether.WithThanksgivingrightaroundthe corner,wehavesomuchtobegratefulfor
AsalwaysthankyouforyourcontinuedsupportoftheclubandMcConnellGolfWishingyouandyourfamiliestheverybestduringthisHoliday Season.
We are so excited to once again be assisting The Salvation Army by collecting donations for their Angel Tree Christmas program! Each year, our members go above and beyond to provide joyful Christmas mornings to children in need. We will have angels available for "adoption" in November. You can pick up an angel tag at the host stand at the main clubhouse or at the front desk of the Sports Club. Please be on the lookout in our Weekly Happenings emails for when the tags will become available. All donations will need to be dropped off no later than Monday, December 2nd. We thank you in advance for your help.
Ithasbeenanexciting2024with2moregreatmonthsleftfilledwithfunevents.Pleasemarkyour calendarsdown forourBourbon,Bushels&BBQEvent(11/2),KaraokeNight(11/9),ChiliCookOff(11/23),WinterWineExpo(12/5)& New Year’s Eve Adult Party (12/31) There is much more for everyone in the family such as Thanksgiving Buffet (11/28),BreakfastwithSanta(12/7),SantaBrunch(12/8),GingerBreadHouses(12/15)andPolarExpress(12/18& 12/19)forthekids.Tobetterserveyou,pleasemakeyourreservationsasearlyaspossible!
As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a welcoming and enjoyable private club atmosphere at The CountryClubatWakefieldPlantation,wewouldliketofriendlyremindyouthatteeshirts, undershirts,athletic/sweat shirts,sweatpants/suits,cutoffs,runningshorts,shortshorts,tennisattire, swimmingattire,haltertops,fishnettops, tanktops,flipflopsareNOTpermittedintheclubhouse.Jeansarepermittedbutmustbefreeofholes.Hatsmaybe
worn but must be facing forward Effective January 1st, 2025, we will be fully enforcing the dress code in our restaurant. For a more detailed understanding of our dress code and policies, you can review all of our documents on the membership page of the private website. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation
Thank you for being a valued member of our club We look forward to seeing you in your finest attire and sharing many memorable dining experiences with us.
Until then, please welcome our newest members!
Andrew & Rebecca Culham with child AJ
Sam & Courtney DiFranco with child Chole (pictured)
Brian & Mary Hancock
Lisa & Kenneth Klein
Kevin & Kerryann Moore with children Patrick & Theodore (pictured)
Aren & Chad Propst with children Thea & Knox (pictured)
Best regards,
Matt McConnell, MembershipDirector
Never miss out on a club event, the latest McConnell Golf news or the chance to share your member experience Stay connected to The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation and McConnell Golf on social media and join the conversation today
@ccwakefieldplantation @ccatwakefield @ccwakefieldplantation
Big thanks and great fun Senior Member Guest at
The Country Club at Wakefield Plantation
One of the best nights of the year. Pickleball exhibition with a Tarheel legend, tennis with the Raleigh Pro League and a concert on the courts with the Dizzy Melon Band. This one will be hard to top!
It is that time of year to get ready for the holidays! There will be a lot of activities going on around the Clubhouse Looking forward to some of our favorite events coming in November and December We kick things off with a great Bourbon & Bushels event. Can’t wait to hear what kind of talent our members have on ourkaraokenightwithDJSobel Don’t forget to come out for the chili cookoff and vote for the best chili made by our talented chefs and kitchen staff And lastly for November, The ThanksgivingBuffet.
December is pretty busy We will start off with our Winter Wine Expo followed by Santa Breakfast and Santa Brunch. Next comes Gingerbread house decorating and then 2 Polar Express nights with Santa Claus stopping by. We will finish up 2024 with New Year’s Eve dinner and get ready for 2025!
Also note the Breaker Bar and Grille is available to host any parties for you throughout the winter from birthdays, holiday parties or any other celebrations you might have The boat curtains will be down and the heaters on!
Please reach out with any question or concerns you have for Food and Beverage
Happy Holidays!
Deborah Johnson, Food&BeverageDirector
When: Saturday November 2nd I 6:00pm-9:30pm
Location: Main Club House, Outdoor Terraces
Ages: Adults Only
Fee: $62++ Per Person (Includes all you can eat food)
$22++ per person for Bourbon Tasting
It's that time again for our most popular event to start off our Fall Season here at Wakefield! We will have food stations featuring Oysters prepared in delicious ways, BBQ carve stations featuring all kinds of in-house smoked meats, and don't forget Tommy's picks of some of the best bourbons around for tasting! We will have the "Shannon Baker & Sometime Soon" Bluegrass band pickin' mountain music all night long!
*CANCELLATION POLICY: If you cancel less than 48 hours prior to the event or no show, you will be responsible for 50% of per person price
When:Saturday,November9thI7:00pm-11:00pmIAdultsOnly Where:MainClubHouse,WilliamsburgBanquetRoom Cost:Complimentary,MemberChargeFoodandBeverage
Putonyourdancingshoesandwarmupyourvocalsforafunnightof dancing and karaoke with DJ Sobel here at WP! We are excited to have a fun Saturday night with drinks, food, and a great party! Please RSVPbyWednesday,November6th
When:Thursday,November14th|6:30pm-8:30pm Where:MainClubHouse,ReserveRoom Cost:ToBeDetermined
JoinusforaneveningwithKylefromEmpireWineDistributingaswe discuss and learn about the different types of sparkling wines and champagnes. The evening will feature some delicious bubbly, accompaniedbylighthorsd'oeuvrepairings Spotswillbelimited,so besuretoreserveyourspotbyFriday,November8th!
*Join us for dinner in the plantation dining room before the tasting classbymakingyourreservationsonlineorcalling9193484374
*Cancellation Policy: If you cancel less than 48 hours prior to the event, or NO-SHOW you will be responsible for 50% of per person price
When:Saturday,November23rdI6:00pm-9:00pm Ages:AdultsOnlyILocation:MainClubhouse Fee:$30++perperson
Which chef will be the winner of the annual Chili Cook-off this year??!! Come out and join us for our always popular Chili cook-off put on by our amazing culinary team here at Wakefield! We will be serving up the best of the best in homemade chili, different fall food favorites, and trying some delicious seasonal beers and wines! Cost includes all you can eat and seasonal beer and wine tastings Member Charge Bar for all other alcoholic beverages This is an adult only event, so drop your kids off at the kids night out event with the activities team, and come on out to enjoy a fun evening of delicious foodanddrink!RSVPbyMondayNovember18th!
*Cancellation Policy: If you cancel less than 48 hours prior to the event, or NO-SHOW you will be responsible for 50% of per person price*
As 2024 begins to draw to a close, we’ve planned an exciting lineup of events to celebrate the festive holiday season with you at Wakefield!!! Join us Thursday, November 28th for our traditional, chef-prepared Thanksgiving buffet with all the trimmings! Reservations are required so please make yours through the Wakefield calendar online Everyone’s favorite time of the year here at Wakefield always includes our popular Santa Breakfast and Santa Brunch buffets taking place on December 7th and 8th. Come visit Santa and enjoy a delicious meal! Spots are limited, so be sure and make your reservations early! We will be hosting a candlelight NYE dinner on Tuesday, December 31st with a delicious meal prepared by our fabulous culinary team here at WP and live music to enjoy Reservations for this dinner will be available soon, you don’t want to miss it! Be sure and keep up with all other events going on during the holiday season via the online club events calendar. I’m looking forward to making my own memories with my family this holiday season Watching my nephews grow and their eyes light up with the magic of Christmas gives me so much joy I look forward to celebrating the wonderful season with you all here at Wakefield! As always, please contact me with all of your catering and event needs here at WP!
Foranyreservationsofmorethan12guests,pleasecall9193484374to checkforavailabilityandseating
Leavethemessandstresstous!Gatherfamilyandfriendsandjoinusas wecelebratethiswonderfulholidayatWakefieldfeaturingabountiful Thanksgivingfeastwithallthetrimmingspreparedbyourfabulous culinaryteam!Therewillbeaspreadforeveryonetoenjoy,andyouwill beabletohavethebestpartsofThanksgivingwithoutalltheprepand cleanup;justdeliciousfoodandfamily!Comeandcelebratewithusand givethanksonthisspecialholiday!Seatingwillbelimited,soplease makeyourreservationsbyFridayNovember22nd!
*CANCELLATIONPOLICY:Ifyoucancelyourreservationlessthan48 hourspriortotheeventornoshow,youwillberesponsiblefor50%ofper personprice
12/24ChristmasEve:AllFacilitiesClosingat2:00pm 12/25ChristmasDay:AllFacilitiesClosed
MainDining11:00am-2:00pm;NYEDinner5:30pm-9:00pm(reservationonly) Tavernfirstcome,firstserveseating,offeringTavernMenuonly11:00am-9:00pm NoTO-GOsorCurbsideavailableafter2:00pm
When: Thursday, December 5th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Williamsburg Room I Adults Only
Fee: $35++ Per Person ($30++ for WPWS members)
Warm up your winter with an exquisite evening at the Club's Sixth Annual Winter Wine Expo! Explore a curated selection of fine wines from renowned vineyards, perfect for the season Whether you're a wine enthusiast or just looking to sip and savor, this event offers tastings, expert pairings, and the opportunity to discover new favorites to gift or to enjoy at home! Enjoy the cozy, elegant atmosphere and mingle with fellow wine lovers at this exclusive event! Please make sure to RSVP by Sunday, November 30th! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Tommy at TKofler@ccwakefieldplantation com
*If you would like to join us for dinner this evening, please make separate dinner reservations in the dining room by calling 919.348.4374oronline.*
*CANCELLATION POLICY: If you cancel less than 48hours prior or no show to any club event, you will be responsible for 50% of per person price
November 13th & 27th I December 11th (We will be closed for the ChristmasHolidayon12/25)
Fee: $24.95++ per adult, $16.95++ per child 12-6 years of age, Free forchildren5andunder
Please call 919.348.4374 to make reservations, as seating is limited! Welookforwardtoseeingeveryonethere!
Where:MainClubHouse,Plantation&WilliamsburgRooms Cost:$7800++perperson
*Please Note: There will be no curbside a la carte orders available on theeveningsthatweofferWednesdayNightBuffet
When: Saturday, December 7th I 9:00am-12:00pm Seating's will be done every 30 minutes
Location: Main Clubhouse
Fee: Adults $28 95++ | Kids aged 6-12 $19 95++ | Kids 5 and under Free
*For any reservations of more than 12 guests, please call 919.348.4374 tocheckforavailabilityandseating
Celebrate the magic of the season with Breakfast with Santa at the Club! Bring the whole family to enjoy a festive morning filled with delicious breakfast favorites, holiday cheer, and a special visit from Santa Claus himself Kids can share their holiday wishes and snap a photo with Santa, while everyone delights in the warm, joyful atmosphere A perfect way to create cherished holiday memories! Be sure to make your reservations by Friday, November 29th as seating will be limited!
*CANCELLATION POLICY: If you cancel less than 48hours prior to event,orNO-SHOWyouwillberesponsiblefor50%ofperpersonprice
When: Sunday, December 8th I 10:30am-2:30pm
*Seating's will be every 30 minutes*
Location: Main Clubhouse
Fee: $44 95++ For Adults | $24 95++ for Children Ages 6-12 |Kids 5 & Under Free
*For any reservations of more than 12 guests, please call 919.348.4374 tocheckforavailabilityandseating
Join us for a delightful Brunch with Santa at the Club! Bring the family for a festive meal featuring a lavish brunch spread, holiday treats, and a special visit from Santa Claus Kids can share their wish lists, enjoy fun activities, and capture magical moments with Santa. It's a heartwarming way to celebrate the season and create lasting memories with loved ones! Be sure to make your reservations by Saturday, November 30th as seating will be limited!
*CANCELLATION POLICY: If you cancel less than 48hours prior to event,orNO-SHOWyouwillberesponsiblefor50%ofperpersonprice
Join us for an unforgettable New Year’s Eve dinner at the club! Celebrate with a delicious multi-course meal, fine wine and bubbly , and live entertainment in an elegant setting. Whether you're sharing the evening withlovedonesorthatspecialsomeone,ourbeautifullydecorateddining room and festive ambiance will make it a night to remember. Toast to the new year in the warmth and charm of the club as we ring in 2025 together! Reservations are limited, so be sure to secure your spot by December27th!
*Noreservationslargerthan10guestsforasinglepartywillbeavailableso thatweareabletoaccommodateourmembership
**CANCELLATIONPOLICY:Ifyoucancellessthan48hourspriortoevent, orNO-SHOWyouwillberesponsiblefor50%ofperpersonprice
“I enjoy making these cookies for friends and family during the holidaysseason ”-IrisAnderson
Sift together flour, baking soda, and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together melted butter, brown sugar, and sugar until blended The mixture will seem dry Beat in the vanilla and eggs until it becomes light and creamy Combine wet and dry ingredients along with chocolate chips, until well combined Cover with plastic wrap and chill for at least 1 hour When ready to bake, preheat oven to 325 Drop dough in 1/4 scoops full on to a nonstick cookie sheet, leaving 2 inches between cookies Bake approximately 15 to 18 minutes Centers will still seem undercooked Thecookieswillcontinuetobakeastheycool
“Every year, without fail, my grandma and I would gather in her cozy kitchen to make her famous white chocolate and cranberry cookies for Christmas It was our cherished tradition, the perfect mix of flour, sugar, and laughter As we measured, mixed, and baked, the kitchen would fill with the irresistible aroma of those festive treats The cookies weren't just delicious; they were a warm and comforting reminder of the love we had for one another.” - Kenric Hunt
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 large egg
1 tablespoon brandy
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup dried cranberries
3/4 cup white chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) Grease 2 cookie sheets Beat brown sugar, white sugar, and butter with an electric mixer in a large bowl until creamy Add egg and brandy and beat until incorporated. Combine flour and baking soda in a separate bowl. Stir flour mixture into the butter mixture until just combined. Fold in cranberries and white chocolate chips Drop batter by heaping spoonful onto the prepared cookie sheets Bake in the preheated oven for 8 to 10 minutes, switching racks halfway through; cookies will still appear slightly doughy. Remove from the oven and let cool briefly on the cookie sheets before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.
Hard to believe that 2024 is coming to a close Time flies by so fast and as we head into the holiday season let’s continue to keep those families effected by Hurricane Helene in our thoughts and prayers
We are very excited to help celebrate the holiday season through our many festive events! Santa stops by four times this year for our Santa Breakfast, Brunch and Polar Express events. We look forward to seeing the kids back in our themed
campsandkidnightouteventsandofcoursewecan’twaittoseeall the creativity you bring in our gingerbread decorating event! We lookforwardtoseeingyouthisfestiveseasonandIwanttowishyou andyourfamilyasafe,memorableandhappyholidayseason!
When: Saturday, November 2nd I 5:30pm-9:30pm
Ages: 5-10 I Location: Sports Club
Fee: $25 00 per child (includes dinner & snack)
Bring your favorite stuffed animal and join us for a night of cuddly fun!
We’ll do show and tell with our animals, Guess the Animal, stuffed toy relay race, and more! We’ll wind down the night with a movie feature while cuddled up on beanbags and blankets RSVP your child by Wednesday, October 30th
When: Monday, November 11th I 9:00am-3:00pm
Ages: 5-10 I Location: Sports Club
Fee: $60 00 per child (includes lunch & snack)
School’s out so it’s time to grab your favorite fall sweater and join us for a day of fun and adventure! We’ll go on a nature walk, have a picnic, and play capture the flag (just to name a few!). Since it is Veteran’s Day, we will also honor our service men and women by writing Thank You cards. RSVP your child by Wednesday, November 6th
When: Saturday, November 16th I 6:00pm-9:30pm
Ages: 10-15 I Location: Sports Club
Fee: $25.00 per child (includes dinner & snack)
Say “Ole!” to shorter days! Tweens, we invite you to come spend the evening with the WP Activities crew! We’ll play a game of Flag Football, open a fall piñata, complete a Thanksgiving craft, and more! And of course, there will be tacos!! RSVP your tween by Wednesday November 13th.
Give thanks for good friends and fun times! Grab your best friend and join the Activities crew for a kid-friendly “Friendsgiving”! We’ll sip on some cider, make friendship bracelets, and create caramel apple masterpieces! Reserve your child’s spot by Wednesday, November 20th
Time:9:00am-3:00pmIAges:5-10ILocation:SportsClub Fee:$60perchildperday(includeslunch&snack)
JointheWPActivitiescrewforsomeThanksgivingfun!It’llbetwodays fullofFallcrafts,danceparties,scavengerhunts,andmore ChefTodd Jackson will even be joining us to decorate some yummy cupcakes! RSVPforthisThanksgivingcampbyThursday,November21st.
Ages:6-12ILocation:SportsClub Fee:Complimentary
Let’s burn off those holiday calories and get our sweat on in a funfriendly flag football game!! We will be coming up with our team name and handshake followed by some good old fashion fun on a holiday weekend! After our hard work on the field, we will enjoy a refreshing snack!PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,November27th.
Throw on your ugliest Christmas sweater and join the Activities crew for a night of celebrating everyone’s favorite Christmas villain! We’ll go on a Whoville scavenger hunt, play Grinch Trivia, create our own holiday mocktail and so much more! We’ll also host a White Elephant gift exchange and wind down the night with a screening of Jim Carrey’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! We ask that each tween brings a wrapped gift valued at $10 or less RSVP yourtweenbyTuesday,December10th
When: Sunday, December 15th I 2:00pm-3:30pm
Ages: Everyone I Location: Main Clubhouse
Fee: $30 per house
Get into the holiday spirit with our Gingerbread House Decorating event at the Country Club! Bring the family for a fun and festive afternoon of creativity, where you can design and decorate your own gingerbread house with an assortment of colorful candies, icing, and holiday treats. This cheerful event is perfect for all ages and a great way to make sweet holiday memories together! All materials are provided! Please RSVP by Monday December 9th with the number of Houses you would like for your family in the comments.
When: Wednesday, December 18th & Thursday, December 19th
Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm I Ages: Family Event I Location: Clubhouse
Fee: $15 per family
Buffet Fee: $24 95++ For Adults, $16 95++ For Children 6 to 12, 5 and under free
Buffet will be available both nights and will be a different reservation
Please call 919 348 4374 to reserve your table, time and which night
We are very excited to be bringing back the Polar Express to Wakefield this holiday season, and this year Santa will be stopping by to join the fun! We will be offering two nights to make sure that everyone can get a spot! The train will pull up by the clubhouse and take you on a 10-12 minute ride to get you into the holiday spirit! With snow and a polar express ticket, this is the real deal! Reservations for the train will be in15 minute increments and are required.
If you would like to sign your family up, you will have to make a reservation with Natalie. Please indicate how many riders will be in your family, what time and what day you prefer. Please email Natalie by Friday, December 13th.
It’s a countdown to Christmas and what better way to celebrate than some festive fun with the Activities crew! Throw on your favorite Christmas gear and join us for a night full of Holly Jolly fun! We’ll decorate Christmas cookies, play Christmas movie trivia, and host a White Elephant gift exchange! We ask that each child brings a wrapped gift valued at $10 or less RSVP your child’s spot by Wednesday, December18th.
On Donner, on Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixen! Spend the week of Christmas with us as we compete in a number of Winter-themed games, write letters to Santa, and create craft masterpieces! Three full days of jingle bell rockin’ fun! RSVP your child for this Christmas camp by Wednesday,December18th
Start your 2025 off right by spending two days with the Activities crew! We’ll make our own Winter Wonderland, even if there’s no snow on the groundoutside.Createyourownsnowflakes,siponsomehotchocolate, and design your own snowman! RSVP for this blistery fun by Friday December27th
Ifyoucancelwithin24hoursoftheevent,youwillstillbecharged 50%oftheprice.Ifyouaresignedupandareano-show,youwillbe chargedfullprice.
Say farewell to 2024 and ring in the New Year with the Activities crew! Throw on a snazzy (or sparkly) outfit and join us for a night filled with dancing under the disco ball. We’ll complete a New Year’s craft, write our resolutions, and create our own mocktails to toast to 2025 at “midnight”. RSVP your child’s spot at this New Year festival byThursday,December26th
I hope this finds you healthy and happy. As we transition from fall to winter, several things can happen related to our physical fitness When the time changes and it gets darker earlier, our sleep cycle can be affected There is a strong correlation between physical activity and the quality of sleep Once our sleep becomes disrupted, our health and well-being suffers. According to a study by Pub Med "Regardless of the time of day, engaging in resistance training exercise did improve sleep quality" So basically, the more you move, the more physically tired your body will be and the better you will sleep If you haven’t already incorporated weight training, you might consider adding this to your exercise routine along with cardio vascular training and stretching. In addition many studies have shown that SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is reduced by increasing the amount of physical exercise you do on a daily basis Now, I will move on to diet In the summer, I crave salads They are refreshing and super healthy, but they can take so much time to prep with washing, chopping, and making dressings Instead, during the winter months, I find it much easier to cook and prepare meals
Slow cooker meals can be put together quickly and are ready for a warm meal in the evening In the winter, it's tempting to eat comfort foods andthat'sok.But,insteadofunhealthycream,pasta,andbread,whynottryrootveggiesandbeansforstarch,andlotsofcruciferousvegetable forprotein,vitaminC,folicacid,vitaminA,iron,calcium,copper,selenium,andzinc
Keepingitsimple,makesperfectsense Forexample,experimentwithaslowcooker Youcancombinebrothandaproteinofyourchoice,witha starchy veggie like carrots, and plenty of antioxidant rich foods like cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, etc. Add garlic and/or leeks or onions for more flavor (cutting back on sodium helps with the dryness of winter), and now you have a super nutritious and soothing meal that is healthy and energizing.Inaddition,addinghotteatoyourwinterwarmthisanotherwayofaddingextraantioxidantsforimmunity.
Winter is a time to reflect. It's a time to slow down a bit, maybe read a great book. Meditate a bit more or whatever taking care of yourself means toyou Thekeywordhereistotake"care"ofyourself
Asalways,Iamhereifyouneedme Justcall!
YourmostdedicatedTrainer, Heather 919-649-3007
Half Hour Training Rates (Cost per session)
1 Session I $44.00
10 Sessions I $38 50
25 Sessions I $33 00
Hour Training Rates (Cost per Session
1 Session I $70 00
10 Sessions I $65.00
25 Sessions I $60 00
To sign up, please contact Mark or Heather
Thanksgiving I Closed Christmas Eve I Closes at 1pm
Christmas Day I Closed
New Year’s Eve I Closes at 1pm
New Year’s Day I Closed
*Key fob access will be available from 5am-9pm daily
Working Out:
Soyou're“goingtothegym” Whatdoesthatactuallymean???Areyou“workingout”?Doyouhavea plan?Whatgoalsdoyouhave?Areyousureyoucandoitallonyourown???
Manypeoplestrugglewithgettingtothegymeverydayduetoourcomplexlifestyles-centeredaround careers,school,familylife,etc However,thosethatgettothegymmorethanmostgymmembers“work out”butdon'teverreachthegoalstheywishtosee.Here'sabreakdownofwhatitmeansto“workout” versusgoingtothegymwithaplanofprogressiontowardsyourfitnessgoals:
* Casual and unstructured: Often involves general physical activity without a specific goal or plan.
* Focus on general fitness: Aims to improve overall health and well-being
* May not involve a specific workout plan: Can be any form of physical activity, like walking, running, or swimming
* Less emphasis on progression: May not involve increasing intensity or duration over time.
* Primarily a recreational activity: Often done for enjoyment or stress relief
* Structured and goal-oriented: Involves a specific workout plan designed to achieve a particular goal, such as building muscle, losing weight, or improving performance
* Focus on specific outcomes: Targets specific muscle groups or skills.
* Involves a carefully designed workout plan: Includes exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods
* Emphasis on progression: Gradually increases intensity, duration, or resistance over time
* Often a competitive or performance-based activity: May be part of a sport or fitness competition.
In conclusion, while both working out and training involve physical activity, training is more structured and goal-oriented, while working out is often more casual and unstructured Training typically involves a specific workout plan designed to achieve a particular goal, while working out may be any form of physical activity done for enjoyment or general fitness. Seeking professional guidance in order to help you progress at a more steady and consistent pace is a necessary investment for those committed to improving overall health and fitness
Send Mark an email at mwhittington@ccwakefieldplantation com to schedule an initial session!
What better way to get in shape then with a few of your friends! Semi-private personal training combines the benefits of private training and group fitness classes. It offers individualized workouts, a stimulating environment, and the opportunity to build relationships with other members.
Pricing for 45 minute sessions
Group of 2: $40 per person
Group of 3: $38.50 per person
Group of 4: $30 per person
(910) 318-0715
Astheleaveschangeandwegearupforthecoolermonths,wehavesomeexcitingeventslinedupatthesportsclub that you won’t want to miss! Mark your calendars for two thrilling Member-Guest championships that promise fun, competition,andcamaraderie
PickleballMen'sandWomen'sClubChampionship Dates:November8-10IFormat:Member-Guest
Get ready for an exhilarating weekend of pickleball! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, this championshipisafantasticopportunitytoshowcaseyourskillsalongsidefriendsandfamily Thisyear’scompetition willbeaMember-Guest(youcanalsoplaywithamember)
Bracket Format if the signups allow it, if not we will do a round robin format Prizes for top teams
Social event Friday November 8th to kick off the tournament
Registration: Sign up by emailing the tennis shop or via our website by November 1st!
Dates: December 6-8 I Format: Member-Guest
As we wrap up the year, it’s time to bring your A-game to the court! Join us for our annual Tennis Club Championship featuring exciting matches in both Men's and Women's Doubles Invite your favorite partner or a guest to team up for this competitive weekend
Competitive matches in a friendly atmosphere Awards for winners
Social event Friday December 6th to kick off the tournament
Registration: Don’t miss out! Register by December 1st by emailing the tennis shop or through our website
Make sure to check your emails or the website for the schedules and more details about these events We’re looking forward to seeing all of you out on the courts, competing and having fun!
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our club staff Let’smakethesechampionshipsmemorable!
Many thanks, Davis Humphries, AssistantDirectorofTennis
One of the most enjoyable feats in the game of golf is a Hole-in-One Some golfers play for years and never accomplish this and some people have had numerous ONES! Those that have made numerous HIO’s…can still remember every detail of EVERY hole-in-one they ever made It is a feat so rare in a golfer’s career it deserves to be celebrated and rewarded!
We want to make certain that everyone FULLY enjoys this wonderful feat! So, we want introduce you to our Hole-InOne Club and insure existing members understand the policies regarding the HIO Club Additionally, we have made some slight modifications to the HIO Club to make it even more profitable for the player recording the HoleIn-One, so please pay attention to the italicized sections to understand the modifications
1EachmemberoftheHIOclubisbilled$5foreachHIOrecordedbyaHIOClubmember (Currentlywehave250+membersintheHIOClub)
4TheHIOmemberrecordingaHIOmay,athisorherdiscretion,openbartabusingHIOclubfundsatthebaroftheirchoice Thebartabwillnot openuntilthecelebratingmemberarrivesinthebartheychoose
·Previously,nolimitationsonthenumberofopenbarsexisted BecauseWakefieldhasmultiplebars,wearenowlimitingthebartabtothebar thememberiscelebratingin
5.UsingtheHIOfundstoopenabartabisatthesolediscretionofthecelebratingmember.Thecelebratingmemberalsodetermineshowlongthe barwillbeopenandwhoreceivesdrinks.Beveragesappliedtothetabmayeitherbeasinglebeer,wineofferedbytheglass,oracocktailnotto exceed$10.Anyotherselectionsmustbeapprovedbythecelebratingmember.
6Thebartabisopentoallmembersandguestsinthebarwiththecelebratingmember,ifthecelebratingmemberapproves Youdonothavetobea memberoftheHIOClubforsomebodytobuyyouadrink,butweinsistdrinksboughtwithHIOfundareconsumedinthebarwiththecelebrating member
·Previously,membersweretakinglibertieswiththecelebrationandjustgrabbingafreedrinkandeitherleftthebarorcontinuedtheirround. Thisnewmodificationinsiststhatmembersandguestsfinishthedrinkinthebarwiththecelebratingmember.Pleasekeepinmindthewhole premisebehindbuyingdrinksforaHoleInOneisthecelebration.Ifsomeoneiskindenoughtobuyyouadrinkincelebration,pleasebe courteousenoughtostayandcelebratewiththem.
Inclosing,wehopeeveryonewilljointhiscelebratedanduniqueclub IfyouarenotcurrentlyamemberoftheHIOclubandwouldliketojoinorif youareunsureifyouarecurrentlysignedupandhaveanyquestionsregardingtheHIOClub,pleasecontactDirectorofGolfRockyBrooksat rbrooks@ccwakefieldplantationcomorHeadGolfProfessionalPaulDickensatpdickens@ccwakefieldplantationcom
“I am very excited and privileged to be joining the Wakefield team I am a born and raised Raleigh native, while playing high school golf at Leesville Road High School from 2009-2013. After high school, I had the opportunity to continue my golf career with four years of college golf at Winthrop University from 2013-2017, receiving All-American honors in 2015 I played golf professionally from 20172021 on many different golf tours around North America with varying success. I have a wife of 6 years, and two beautiful 4 year old twin daughters I have been working in the golf business and teaching now for 3 years, and look forward to continuing my journey with this great club.”
Please join us in welcoming Zach to our staff!
Hot off the press! The second edition of our 2024 magazine lineup has arrived! This Fall/Winter edition features highlights from the 2024 Wyndham Championship, as well as stories from our members and employees, and updates on clubhouse interior projects We also invite you to share your member experiences for our upcoming 2025 publications. To submit your story idea, visit and complete the form, or email Faith Inman at Thank you for helping us make this publication a success!
As we recover from Hurricane Helene, we offer our heartfelt support to everyone affected by its devastation. If you would like to help out in some way, please consider donating to the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund, which supports disaster survivors, or Mountain Pet Rescue, which aids displaced animals You can make a donation to either of these worthy causes by visiting the links below
North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund: bit ly/ncdisasterrelieffund
Mountain Pet Rescue: bit ly/mountainpetrescue
Enjoy our “Best of ’24” sale with exclusive deals on this year’s top picks:
Peter Millar College Game Day Package
Discounted Stache 40oz "Stanley" Tumblers
Peter Millar x McConnell Golf Property Belt
Don’t miss our Black Friday Sale from Nov 27 - Dec 2 for even more great offers! To share the holiday spirit, 20% of all sales through mcconnellgolf shop will be donated to the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund through 2024. Merry Christmas & God bless! Keep an eye on your inbox for more details from