1 minute read

Wealth Creation Continues at a

Historically High Pace

Global wealth grew 13 percent last year, with forecasts anticipating robust growth through mid-decade.


As total wealth grows, the number of high- and ultra-high-net-worth individuals also climbs, reaching all-time highs. The millionaire cohort is expected to grow by 40 percent, to reach new highs of 87 million HNWI by 2026.

The United States, China, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India are experiencing the most growth in HNWI this year. Japan, France, Germany and Italy have experienced decline.

Global Personal Wealth

USD Trillions Estimate to 2026

2000 TO 2021 WITH ESTIMATE TO 2026

Total Wealth (USD trn) at smoothed exchange rates (2000-2021)

Source: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook. Forecast to 2026 by Affluent Consumer Research Company

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