MCP 2017-2018 AIESEC for Argentina
This booklet includes: ▪ MCP 16.17 letter ▪ Application process & timeline ▪ MCP living conditions & JDs ▪ Candidates´ profile ▪ Application Questionnaire & checklist
Dear applicant: Congratulations! If you are reading this message, you really want to make the world a better place, with better leaders that take better decisions on daily-basis. You are about to bet for a full-life experience stronger than any other experience you have lived in AIESEC so far. That’s why I hope you have the right motivations, because this is not going to be easy. Not at all. The decision you are reflecting on right now will impact thousands of lives in all the countries where AIESEC is present. The decision you are reflecting on will determine what path AIESEC in Argentina is going to take. The decision you are reflecting on will change your life for ever. You will get to know your most incredible strengths and your worst weaknesses. You will get to know Argentina in such a deep way you will recognize yourself as part of an everlasting solution that calls you everyday to take action. You will get to know who you really are, and what AIESEC for Argentina is willing and ready for. If you are reading this message and you think you are brave enough to fight for the world you want to live in, and you are humble enough to get up everyday looking yourself in the mirror with the conviction that the change starts with you, so you are on the right page. This year we are going to grow 100%, being relevant and sustainable. The next step is up to you. Wish you all the success in this leadership journey. I have your back.
¡Éxitos! Imanol Martinez Peralta (Ima) MCP 2016-2017
National Compendium on MCP: JD & election process In our National Compendium, BOOK VI, you can find all the information regarding: voting process, minimum of the process, MCP JD and more! Please check it out!
Application Process Level Application Package
Official candidates release
Interview with external
Q&A with externals
Date / DDL
Nov 22nd → Dec 12th
Prepare the candidates & review knowledge and visions.
Find instructions on the next pages. The application must be sent complete and in time to be an official candidate.
Communicate the official candidates to the National Plenary.
Announcement to be done through official channels (MC Fan page & Newsletter).
Assess candidate profile and minimum competences.
Interview to be made by an external, MCP and an alumnus. The output will be sent to the Assembly.
Dec 13
21st –> 22nd Dec /// 12th – 13th Jan (will depend on the externals 'availability).
Lead Co
Analyze current trends that are shaping Argentina and the world, in terms of economy, politics, and society.
This space will be led by an external or alumnus. It will be held in front of the plenary and broadcasted online.
Lead Co
Live questions asked by the National Plenary.
Plenary will be divided in different groups through which the candidates will rotate.
Lead Co
Presentations to the plenary: Introduction (5´), Content (15´) and Final Presentation (5´) .
Further indications will be given once the Conference Agenda is finished.
MCP 17-18 of AIESEC for Argentina Announcement
Lead Co
Get to know our next president!
Official communication of Assembly Result.
Q&A with Plenary.
The Application- First step The Application Package with all the items mentioned below must be sent to & in a ZIP/RAR file with ALL the files in PDF format. No CCs or BCCs are allowed. Name: MCP_Application_1718_Name_LC/MC (eg.: MCP_Application_1718_JuanPerez_AĂąatuyaCity).
Applications will be only received until 12th of December 23.59 (GMT-3). Confirmation of reception will be made within 24hs. No applications will be accepted after the DDL regardless of the reason. Therefore you are strongly encouraged to send your application over 24hs before the DDL so that you receive confirmation within the DDL. In case an application is submitted within the DDL but is incomplete or does not follow completely the guidelines of this booklet, the process with the applicant will continue. However, such application will be considered only upon acceptance of the Assembly during LEADCO. If the Assembly does not accept the application, it will be disregarded and the candidate will not participate of the process in LEADCO. In case you have any doubts regarding the process please contact Imanol Martinez at
MCP life 1.
Living conditions: the MC House is located at the beatiful Buenos Aires (Argentina´s capital city), in a very nice neighbourhood called Palermo. Address: Julián Alvarez 1320. The house is big enough for 14+ young persons.
MC office: the national office of AIESEC for Argentina is located in downtown Buenos Aires, 40 minutes away from MC House by Subte (metro). The office has required infrastructure, nevertheless the MCP is required to bring her/his own laptop.
Salary: the monthly salary is 350 USD but it may vary upwards depending on the budget. It is paid in local currency (ARS) with the official rate. For further information please check: Salary is enough for a normal living in Buenos Aires if the person measures his/her expenses.
Cost covered: international representation, hosting, national conferences´ fees and travel expenses for coaching visits.
Candidates´ profile Qualities:
• Self-aware.
• Communication and presentation skills.
• Solution oriented.
• Long term vision. • Leadership and team management skills.
• World citizen.
• Management & decision making skills.
• Empowering others.
• Resilience. • Personal effectiveness.
Functional knowledge required: • AIESEC Way & AIESEC 2020. • AIESEC Structures and processes. • National and international compendium.
Member Committee President – Job Description General description: • • •
Reports to: National Assembly. Time frame: 1st August 2017 – 31st July 2018 Workload: 40 hours (full time) and almost full-life. Be ready.
Responsibilities: • Goals achievement in all the products (GV, GT, GE) and NPS. • Legal & financial sustainability. • Delivery of Team Standards. • Representation and management of: BoP, Supervisory Group, regional and global network.
MCP Functions Member Committee Executive Board Management: –Manage a clear and effective MC Team. –Planning process and proper follow up –Ensure synergy between MC members –Ensure development of every MC member –Build and implement management tools of tracking activities and MoS –Delivery of Team Standards.
National network management: –Ensure national communication with LCPs and their engagement in national direction and dialogues. –Consultancy in management and experience issues. –Update network with all global, regional and national strategies, considerable changes, and any other important information.
Governance and accountability: –Achieve organizational goal ensuring the number and standards of GV, GT, GE experiences delivered. –Keep constant communication and direction to all members. –Assure the delivery of national services. –Reporting towards national plenary and Supervisory Group.
Representation of AIESEC for Argentina: –Represent AIESEC in Argentina in media as needed. –Represent AIESEC in Argentina in networking events and be actively looking for contacts in order to grow through collaboration. –Represent AIESEC in Argentina in the global plenary. –Keep relationship with key stakeholders of AIESEC in Argentina (companies, alumni, students, government, etc.)
Application Package – Use it also as a check list! #
Application Questionnaire
1 page for cover and MAX 12 for content. No micro fonts, please (minimum size 11). PDF.
Answer all the questions. Parts: personal, Org. understanding, 17-18 Promise & Evolutions. The lay out is up to you. It must be in English.
Entity of your current role: MC if you are MCVP, LC if you are LCEB. External: completely unrelated to AIESEC. 3. Former leader. 4. Someone you led.
Four (4) Endorsement Letters
Blank paper challenge
1 page. PDF.
Feel free to express your self and the motivations behind the step you are taking.
Executive Summary
1 page. PDF.
Concise summary of your proposal for Argentina. Must be in English.
1 page. PDF.
Who is the person behind this application? What powerful experiences and persons have shaped you? (Must be in English).
LDA Assessment
Self-assessment in LDM qualities. PDF.
Follow the annex.
Video link (YouTube) in one page (PDF). Make sure the video is fully uploaded once you send the package. Max: 5 minutes.
Present your proposal to all the members of AIESEC in Argentina. Language: English or Spanish.
1 page. PDF.
Mention all the sources of your information: meetings, AIESEC data, interviews you had, external sources, etc.
2 pages max. PDF.
All the letters must be signed and have contact details to collect further information if needed. No need to be in English.
Please, make sure you include AIESEC and external experience relevant to the role with concrete results and dates. Must be in english.
Application Questionnaire Part 1 | Personal information & purpose. 1.
Introduction: Name & surname, most recent role in AIESEC, e-mail address, Skype ID, cellphone number, place & date of birth, studies.
Who are you? Where are you heading? Why are you running for president of AIESEC for Argentina?
What kind of leaders does Argentina need? Why do you represent this leadership?
List your top 3 personal strengths and weaknesses. How these influence you as a leader and how will they affect your term as MCP?
Values: what are your top 3 personal values? How do they influence your decisions? Also, list 3 companies/places/sectors you will never work for, and tell us why.
Part 2 | Organizational understanding: 1.
What trends are shaping Argentina that demonstrate the need of the leaders we develop?
Globally, what trends are shaping our world that show us the relevance of our youth leadership movement?
AIESEC 2020 Road Map: what has been achieved until now in Argentina and what are the next moves and challenges ahead? Take into consideration the global plan.
List the most important contributions that MCEB Rainmakers, MCEB Wave, MCEB Strive, MCEB Pumas and MCEB Titanium have made to AIESEC in Argentina over the last years. What is going to be your contribution as MCP?
Please, make a SWOT Analysis (with minimum 3 bullet-points per element) of AIESEC for Argentina today. Make explicit those points that you are going to focus on, and those that are not going to be a priority for your term.
Application Questionnaire Part 3 | Your promise 1.
What do you envision for the year 17-18? How do you plan to fulfill your promise? Take into consideration (but not limit yourself to): @XP MoS, drivers, strategies, main evolutions and changes, cultural development and behaviors, OD Model, timelines, focus, etc. You can also include a draft of a possible structure if you want. Make clear how the drivers are connected to the entity needs and vision.
Assess the main risks of AIESEC for Argentina and design a simple Risk Management Plan.
List the opportunities that the Americas present (both internally and externally to AIESEC) that you could capitalize on to achieve your dreams for 17-18.
Explain in percentages how you would divide your time into the four different MCP functions and what would be your main focuses of work for each one of them.
What is the leadership you believe is needed to lead AIESEC for Argentina in the 17|18 term and that will characterize your team?
Part 4 | Evolutions: what concrete evolutions do you propose in terms of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
HR? F&M? Product development? OD? PD? MCP Role?
Reality can´t see what a humble and brave leader can see.
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For any question, feel free to contact: Imanol Martinez – MCP 16.17 | Mercedes Talavera – Governance Sub Committee Chair | Sean Ashe - Supervisory Group Chair | María Emilia Saley – MCP 15.16 | Guillerme Segantini – MCP 14.15 | Lucía Taboada – MCP Arg & Uy 13.14 | Fernando Kamachi – MCP SCON 12.13 |
AIESEC for Argentina is amazing. Be yourself and give your best! Congratulations and good luck! It´s really difficult. And it´s the best to be an MCP!